

[Anderson 1977]
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Baker, T. H., Record of the Seasons Unpublished manuscript held by the Met. Office Archives.

[Bradley 1982]
Bradley, L., An enquiry into seasonality in Baptisms, marriages and Burials, Part 3. Burial Seasonality in Population Studies from Parish Registers. ed. Michael Drake. Open University, 1982

[Beresford 1988]
Beresford, Maurice, East End, West End. Thoresby Society, 1988

[Beresford 1967]
Beresford, M. W., Prosperity Street and Others: and essay in visible urban history. in Leeds and its Region, editors M. W. Beresford and G. R. J. Jones.. Leeds Local Executive Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1967

[Buchan 1797]
Buchan, William. D. D. , Domestic Medicine 15th Edition. London: A. Strahan and J. Cadell Jun. and W.Davies and J.Balfour and W. Creech, Edinburgh, 1797

[Burt and Grady 1994]
Burt, Steven and Grady, Kevin, The Illustrated History of Leeds. Breedon Books, 1994

[Eden 1928]
Eden, F. M., The State of the Poor. abridged and edited by A. G. L. Rogers, George Routledge and Sons, Ltd., 1928

[Forster 1969]
Forster, Gordon C .F., The beginnings of an Industrial City: Leeds 1690-1840. in The University of Leeds Review, Volume 12 No. 1, May 1969

[Heap and Brears 1993]
Heap, Ann and Brears, Peter, Leeds Describ'd: Eyewitness Accounts of Leeds 1534-1905. Breedon Books Publishing Company, 1993

[Lamb 1972]
Lamb, H. H., Climate: Present, Past and Future Volume 1. Methuen, 1972

[Lamb 1982]
Lamb, H. H., Climate, history and the modern world. Methuen, 1982

[Manley 1946]
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[Manley 1974]
Manley, Gordon, Central England temperatures: monthly means 1659 to 1973. in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 100 No. 423, 1974

[Met. Office 1998]
Met Office England and Wales Rainfall (Met Office Series)

[Met. Office 1998b]
Met Office Monthly Central England Temperatures ~ME161A.TXT

[Mitchell 1962]
Mitchell, B.R., with Deane, Phyllis, Abstract of British Historical Records. Cambridge University Press, 1962

[Morgan 1980]
Morgan, C. J., Demographic change, 1771-1911. in A history of modern Leeds, edited by Derek Fraser, Manchester University Press, 1980

[Motherby 1775]
Motherby, G., A New Medical Dictionary of General Repository of Physic, London: J. Johnson, MDCCLXXV

[Robinson 1855]
Robinson, F. K., A Glossary of Yorkshire Words and Phrases. London: John Russel Smith, 1855

[Rogers and Smith 1991]
Rogers, Colin D. and Smith, John H., Local family history in England 1538 - 1914. Manchester University Press, 1991

[Schofield 1982]
Schofield, Roger., "Crisis" Mortality in Population Studies from Parish Registers. ed. Michael Drake. Open University, 1982

[Shrewsbury 1970]
Shrewsbury, J. F. D., A history of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, 1970

[Thoresby 1917]
Thoresby Society, Leeds Parish Registers 1757 -1776 Volume XXV Part 1, 1917

[Thoresby 1923]
Thoresby Society, The Registers of the Parish Church of Leeds, Baptisms and Burials 1757 to 1776, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Books, transcribed by James Singleton, 1923

[Wales-Smith 1971]
Wales-Smith, R. G., Monthly and annual totals of rainfall representative of Kew, Surrey from 1697 to 1970. The Meteorological Magazine, Vol. 199 No. 1193, December, 1971

[Wilson 1971]
Wilson, R.G., Gentlemen Merchants. Manchester University Press, 1971.

[Wrigley and Schofield, 1981]
Wrigley, E. A. and Schofield, R. S., The Population History of England 1541 - 1871. Edward Arnold, 1981

General Reading

[Barker and Drake 1982]
Barker, Theo and Drake, Michael, Population and Society in Britain 1850-1980. Batsford, 1982

[Beresford and Jones 1967]
Beresford, M. W. and Jones, G. R. J., Leeds and its Region. Leeds Local Executive Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1967

[Burt and Grady ?]
Burt, Steven and Grady, Kevin, War, Plague and Trade. Wrigley Printers, Leeds, no publication date shown

[Burt and Grady 1987]
Burt, Steven and Grady, Kevin, The Merchants Golden Age Leeds 1700-1790. Essay Printing (Leeds) Ltd, 1987

[Fraser 1980]
Fraser, Derek, editor A history of modern Leeds, Manchester University Press, 1980

[Drake 1982]
Drake, Michael, Population Studies from Parish Registers. Open University, 1982

[Edwards 1993]
Edwards, Peter, Rural Life: guide to local records. Batsford, 1993

[Hey 1987]
Hey David, Family and Local History in England. Longman, 1987

[Hulme and Barrow ]
Hulme, Mike and Barrow, Elaine, editors Climates of the British Isles. Routledge, 1997

[Lamb, 1977]
Lamb, H. H., Climatic history and the future. Methuen, 1977

[Manley 1952]
Manley, Gordon, Climate and the British Scene. Collins, 1952

[Manley 1972]
Manley, Gordon, Climate and the British Scene. Collins, 1972

[Rimmer 1961]
Rimmer, W. G., William Hey of Leeds. Leeds Phil. and Lit. Society, Volume IX Part VII, 1961

[Stephens 1981]
Stephens, W. B., Sources for English Local History. Cambridge University Press, 1981

[Stephens 1981]
Stephens, W. B., Sources for the history of population and their uses. University of Leeds Institute of Education, 1971

[Stratton and Brown 1978]
Stratton, J. M., and Houghton Brown, J., Agricultural Records A.D. 220-1977. edited by Ralph Whitlock. John Baker, 1978

[Turner 1982]
Turner, Derek, "Crisis" Mortality in Nine Sussex Parishes in Population Studies from Parish Registers. ed. Michael Drake. Open University, 1982


[Baines 1821]
Surveyed by Charles Fowler in 1821 and published in the Yorkshire Directory 1821

[Baines and Newsome 1834]
Map of the Borough of Leeds and amended version in Heap and Brears [1993 p10/11]

[Beresford 1815]
Reference map in Beresford [1988] Central Leeds in 1815

[Cossins 1726]
John Cossins' Plan of Leeds, 1726 as seen in Burt and Grady [1994 p56/57]

[Jefferys 1770]
Jefferys' Plan of Leeds, 1770 as seen in Burt and Grady [1994 p58]


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