Place of Death, Leeds Parish Register 1764-1772
Place of Death
Of the 3,641 burials recorded in the Leeds Parish Register from January 1764 to December 1772 only 12 do not have a place of residence recorded. These appear to be mainly children but include 'Samuel.... a stranger' and 'James Penitent A boatman'.
The main problems with the locations mentioned are the variety of ways in which each place can be spelled and trying to work out exactly where each place was actually situated. Where were High Causey, High Causway or High Cawsey? these have all been taken to be variations of the same place.
When a person lived 'beyond Bridge' which bridge were they talking about? Near the church has been taken to mean St. Peters, since that is the parish register being studied.
Table D-1 lists all the locations recorded in alphabetical order while Table 2, in the main text, has sorted them so that we can see exactly where most people died. In both these tables March Lane and Marsh Lane have been left as two separate places, although they are the same in reality. Spellings for other places have been standardised, normally on the most common spelling.
The approach taken to place of death was similar to that for cause of death. Annual tables were produced with totals of burials in each location, 1764 in Table D-2, 1765 in Table D-3, 1766 in Table D-4, 1767 in Table D-5, 1768 in Table D-6, 1769 in Table D-7, 1770 in Table D-8, 1771 in Table D-9 and 1772 in Table D-10.
The same few locations produce the most burials each year, though some years seem to draw from a far wider catchment area than others.
A map was drawn containing elements from Jefferys' map of 1770, Cossins' plan from 1726 and the Baines and Newsome map of 1834, to be used as a basis for determining how the deaths were distributed. The Baines map of 1821 was also used. Additional information was found on the Baines and Newsome 1834 map which was annotated with the boundaries of the manor of Leeds [Heap and Brears 1993 p10-11] Droney Laith was finally found in Beresford [1988 p131]
Unfortunately the resulting map still only covers the central area and is very crude but does at least give an indication of the spread of deaths. The vagueness of the places named does not help though. Large blocks, that appear to be densely housed, are unnamed and unmentioned. As with the cause of death we have been given a tantalising glimpse of the times without having enough information to be satisfied.
The first map to have deaths marked on it was for the total of smallpox deaths. The most obvious point to be drawn from this map, Figure D-1, is that, if Jeffreys' shading does indicate how built up an area was, the areas of Quarry Hill, March Lane and Bank must have been very densely packed to have so many cases with so little housing shown. Bank has been identified from later mentions as being the area between the bottom of Richmond Hill and the river [Burt and Grady 1994 p96] but is not shown on the town maps of the time, although it can be seen marked on the road and rail map in Beresford [1988 p21] Could it be because it was already an area that Leeds preferred not to acknowledge? Bank is, however, not only on the map in Beresford but we also get the information that there are 366 families, containing 1411 people, living at Bank and Far Bank. [Beresford 1988 p 106] However it is possible that the roads called Bank and Blackbank are just off the boundaries of the map.
Figure D-2 plots the totals of burials from January 1764 to December 1772 on to the same map. Again the same questions and problems arise, the more information is collated and used the more information is needed to satisfy the user. It was decided not to plot any more maps until a better base map could be derived.
The final analysis performed was to extract tables of deaths caused by the more common disorders with totals by the location of death. These tables, for Consumption Table D-11, Fevers Table D-12, Fitts Table D-13, Old Age Table D-14, Smallpox Table D-15 and Wearing Table D-16, are sorted so that the most frequently named locations come at the beginning of the table. Again Kirkgate, Bank, Vicar Lane, Marsh Lane, Quarry Hill, Meadow Lane, Mabgate and Briggate all vie for the most burials, except that the Workhouse tops the table for 'Old Age'. See Appendix E for the explanation.
It was unfortunate that the detailed breakdown of burials did not go as far as 1775 so that the figures could have been compared to the census breakdown in Beresford [1988 p106-107] but it is possible to compare these groupings with our last year of study 1772. [Table D-17]
It can be seen here that Kirkgate stands out as being the unhealthiest area to live, having over 4% of its population buried as against the general level of 2.34%. However it should be remembered that the burials are all at St. Peters, which is in Kirkgate, and that these burials are only approximately two thirds of the total burials each year. This is most likely the reason for the preponderance of burials being from the Kirkgate area.
The burials from our study have been split into the areas used by the town enumeration as closely as possible. The breakdown can be seen in Table D-18.
The main finding from these quick analyses is that much more work needs to be done on this very fascinating subject. It is quite possible that it has been done in the intervening 20 years so please let me know if you come across it.
Deaths by location for the years January 1764 - December 1772
Table D-1
Soldiers | 23 | Gledhow | 1 | Marsh Lane | 205 | Park Lane | 22 |
Unknown | 12 | Great Woodhouse | 8 | Marsh Lane head | 1 | Pudsey | 2 |
Acomb | 1 | Guildersom | 1 | Meadow Lane | 135 | Quarry Hill | 173 |
Armley | 1 | Headingley | 1 | Mill Garth | 3 | Ridge | 1 |
Back Shambles | 81 | Headrow | 90 | Mill Hill | 100 | Rockley hall | 4 |
Back St Johns's Church | 1 | High Causey | 10 | Minister St John's | 1 | Rockley hall Yard | 2 |
Bank | 307 | High Causway | 1 | Mr Harrison's Hospital | 1 | Scholes | 1 |
Black Bank | 17 | Hillhouse Bank | 4 | Mr Potter's Hospital | 1 | Seacroft | 2 |
Boar Lane | 34 | Hilltop | 1 | Near New Church | 1 | Shambles | 39 |
Bowman Lane | 38 | Holbeck | 15 | Near North Bar | 1 | Shipscar | 2 |
Bridge | 8 | Hospital | 2 | Near North bar | 5 | Shipscar Hall | 1 |
Bridge End | 1 | Hunslet | 2 | Near Timble Bridge | 5 | Simpson Fold | 11 |
Briggate | 191 | Hunslet Lane | 67 | Near Woodhouse bar | 1 | Steander | 1 |
Burley | 1 | Hunslet hall | 1 | Near the Bridge | 4 | Stender | 4 |
Burley Bar | 9 | Infirmary | 7 | Near the Church | 91 | Swinegate | 34 |
Burmantofts | 11 | Jacobs Well | 2 | Near the Cross | 31 | Tenters | 64 |
Buslinthorp | 3 | Kirk | 1 | Near the Workhouse | 1 | Thorp Hall | 1 |
Call Lane | 117 | Kirkgate | 501 | Nether Green | 1 | Timble Bridge | 70 |
Calls | 43 | Knostrop | 16 | Nether Mills | 1 | Vicar Lane | 158 |
Calverley | 1 | Lands | 5 | New Chapel | 2 | Wade Lane | 6 |
Chapel Allerton | 2 | Lands Lane | 3 | New Chapel lane | 1 | Waitgate | 1 |
Chapel Lane | 7 | Leylands | 2 | New Hospital | 1 | Warehouse hill | 1 |
Church Yard | 4 | Little Woodhouse | 8 | New Street | 3 | Waterhall | 9 |
Clothhall | 1 | Locks | 5 | North Bar | 26 | Westfield Gate | 2 |
Cripplegate | 5 | Lorry Bank | 6 | North Hall | 4 | Woodhouse | 100 |
Cross | 2 | Lower Headrow | 15 | Northall Bridge | 16 | Woodhouse Bar | 12 |
Cross Green | 7 | Lower Woodhouse | 1 | Old Mills | 1 | Woodhouse Car | 3 |
Cross Parish | 2 | Lydgate | 17 | Osmanthorp | 3 | Woodhouse Lane | 2 |
Dewsbury | 1 | Mabgate | 135 | Oulton | 1 | Workhouse | 350 |
Droney Laith | 2 | March Lane | 9 | Parish of Wakefield | 1 | beyond Bridge | 45 |
1764 - Locations
Table D-2
Unknown | 2 | Meadow Lane | 14 |
Back Shambles | 2 | Mill Hill | 10 |
Bank | 31 | Near North bar | 1 |
Boar Lane | 3 | Near the Church | 13 |
Bowman Lane | 5 | Near the Cross | 2 |
Briggate | 21 | North Bar | 5 |
Burley | 3 | Northall Bridge | 1 |
Burmantofts | 1 | Park Lane | 2 |
Buslinthorp | 1 | Quarry Hill | 12 |
Call Lane | 13 | Shambles | 4 |
Calls | 5 | Stender | 1 |
Cripplegate | 1 | Swinegate | 1 |
Cross | 2 | Tenters | 6 |
Headrow | 7 | Timble Bridge | 4 |
High Causway | 1 | Vicar Lane | 24 |
Holbeck | 1 | Waitgate | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 4 | Waterhall | 2 |
Kirkgate | 42 | Woodhouse | 10 |
Lower Headrow | 2 | Woodhouse Bar | 6 |
Mabgate | 17 | Workhouse | 23 |
Marsh Lane | 21 | beyond Bridge | 12 |
1765 - Locations
Table D-3
Unknown | 2 | Meadow Lane | 20 |
Back Shambles | 4 | Mill Garth | 1 |
Bank | 35 | Mill Hill | 14 |
Black Bank | 2 | Near North bar | 1 |
Boar Lane | 2 | Near Timble Bridge | 1 |
Bowman Lane | 1 | Near the Church | 8 |
Bridge | 2 | Near the Cross | 4 |
Briggate | 16 | Nether Mills | 1 |
Burmantofts | 3 | Northall Bridge | 5 |
Buslinthorp | 1 | Old Mills | 1 |
Call Lane | 7 | Osmanthorp | 1 |
Calls | 5 | Park Lane | 2 |
Chapel Lane | 1 | Quarry Hill | 21 |
Church Yard | 1 | Ridge | 1 |
Cripplegate | 1 | Sergt in ye Militia | 1 |
Cross Green | 3 | Shambles | 4 |
Headrow | 4 | Simpson Fold | 1 |
Hilltop | 1 | Stender | 1 |
Holbeck | 3 | Swinegate | 3 |
Hospital | 1 | Tenters | 10 |
Hunslet Lane | 3 | Timble Bridge | 1 |
Kirkgate | 51 | Vicar Lane | 11 |
Knostrop | 1 | Waterhall | 1 |
Little Woodhouse | 1 | Woodhouse | 7 |
Locks | 1 | Woodhouse Bar | 1 |
Lower Headrow | 4 | Woodhouse Car | 1 |
Lydgate | 2 | Workhouse | 26 |
Mabgate | 11 | beyond Bridge | 7 |
Marsh Lane | 22 |
1766 - Locations
Table D-4
Acomb | 1 | Mabgate | 13 |
Armley | 1 | Marsh Lane | 23 |
Back Shambles | 10 | Marsh Lane head | 1 |
Bank | 22 | Meadow Lane | 11 |
Black Bank | 3 | Mill Hill | 17 |
Boar Lane | 2 | Near North bar | 1 |
Bowman Lane | 4 | Near Woodhouse bar | 1 |
Briggate | 21 | Near the Church | 12 |
Burley Bar | 3 | Near the Cross | 3 |
Burmantofts | 1 | North Bar | 6 |
Buslinthorp | 1 | Northall Bridge | 3 |
Call Lane | 9 | Osmanthorp | 1 |
Calls | 3 | Parish of Wakefield | 1 |
Chapel Allerton | 1 | Park Lane | 3 |
Clothhall | 1 | Pudsey | 1 |
Cripplegate | 1 | Quarry Hill | 17 |
Droney Laith | 1 | Rockley hall | 2 |
Great Woodhouse | 1 | Rockley hall Yard | 1 |
Headrow | 7 | Shambles | 6 |
High Causey | 2 | Shipscar | 1 |
Holbeck | 1 | Stender | 1 |
Hunslet | 1 | Swinegate | 5 |
Hunslet Lane | 14 | Tenters | 9 |
Kirkgate | 49 | Timble Bridge | 4 |
Knostrop | 2 | Vicar Lane | 9 |
Lands | 1 | Woodhouse | 9 |
Little Woodhouse | 1 | Woodhouse Bar | 2 |
Locks | 1 | Workhouse | 52 |
Lower Headrow | 3 | a Militia | 1 |
Lydgate | 1 | beyond Bridge | 9 |
1767 - Locations
Table D-5
Unknown | 3 | Lydgate | 4 |
Back Shambles | 9 | Mabgate | 19 |
Bank | 48 | Marsh Lane | 32 |
Black Bank | 1 | Meadow Lane | 15 |
Boar Lane | 3 | Mill Hill | 11 |
Bowman Lane | 4 | Mr Harrison's Hospital | 1 |
Bridge | 1 | Near New Church | 1 |
Briggate | 23 | Near North Bar | 1 |
Burley Bar | 1 | Near Timble Bridge | 3 |
Burmantofts | 2 | Near the Church | 18 |
Call Lane | 16 | Near the Cross | 3 |
Calls | 8 | Near the Workhouse | 1 |
Church Yard | 1 | New Street | 1 |
Cripplegate | 1 | North Hall | 1 |
Cross Green | 1 | Northall Bridge | 2 |
Great Woodhouse | 2 | Park Lane | 3 |
Headrow | 12 | Quarry Hill | 24 |
High Cawsey | 2 | Shambles | 3 |
Holbeck | 1 | Shipscar Hall | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 8 | Swinegate | 2 |
Kirkgate | 84 | Tenters | 8 |
Knostrop | 3 | Timble Bridge | 17 |
Lands | 2 | Vicar Lane | 20 |
Leylands | 1 | Waterhall | 4 |
Little Woodhouse | 1 | Woodhouse | 14 |
Lorry Bank | 2 | Workhouse | 61 |
Lower Headrow | 1 | beyond Bridge | 7 |
1768 - Locations
Table D-6
Unknown | 1 | March Lane | 22 |
Back Shambles | 12 | Meadow Lane | 12 |
Bank | 60 | Mill Hill | 7 |
Black Bank | 1 | Near the Church | 10 |
Boar Lane | 4 | Near the Cross | 2 |
Bowman Lane | 4 | New Chapel | 1 |
Bridge | 2 | North Bar | 3 |
Briggate | 22 | Northall Bridge | 2 |
Burmantofts | 1 | Oulton | 1 |
Call Lane | 10 | Pudsey | 1 |
Calls | 6 | Quarry Hill | 29 |
Chapel Lane | 2 | Rockley hall | 1 |
Cripplegate | 1 | Rockley hall Yard | 1 |
Cross Parish | 1 | Shambles | 5 |
Great Woodhouse | 1 | Simpson Fold | 1 |
Guildersom | 1 | Swinegate | 5 |
Headrow | 19 | Tenters | 7 |
High Causey | 2 | Timble Bridge | 10 |
Hillhouse Bank | 1 | Vicar Lane | 24 |
Holbeck | 2 | Wade Lane | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 9 | Waterhall | 2 |
Kirkgate | 69 | Woodhouse | 11 |
Knostrop | 1 | Woodhouse Lane | 2 |
Lands | 1 | Workhouse | 32 |
Little Woodhouse | 2 | a Militia | 1 |
Mabgate | 16 | beyond Bridge | 3 |
1769 - Locations
Table D-7
Back Shambles | 7 | Locks | 1 |
Back St Johns's Church | 1 | Lorry Bank | 3 |
Bank | 25 | Lower Headrow | 2 |
Black Bank | 3 | Lydgate | 1 |
Boar Lane | 3 | Mabgate | 16 |
Bowman Lane | 3 | Marsh Lane | 19 |
Briggate | 17 | Meadow Lane | 11 |
Burley Bar | 2 | Mill Hill | 11 |
Call Lane | 14 | Near the Church | 7 |
Calls | 3 | Near the Cross | 5 |
Chapel Allerton | 1 | New Chapel | 1 |
Cross Green | 1 | New Street | 1 |
Gledhow | 1 | North Bar | 2 |
Great Woodhouse | 1 | Quarry Hill | 15 |
Headrow | 10 | Rockley hall | 1 |
Holbeck | 3 | Shambles | 5 |
Hunslet | 1 | Simpson Fold | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 12 | Swinegate | 2 |
Hunslet hall | 1 | Tenters | 3 |
Kirk | 1 | Timble Bridge | 6 |
Kirkgate | 46 | Vicar Lane | 16 |
Knostrop | 1 | Wade Lane | 3 |
Lands | 1 | Warehouse hill | 1 |
Lands Lane | 1 | Woodhouse | 8 |
Leylands | 1 | Workhouse | 34 |
Little Woodhouse | 3 | beyond Bridge | 2 |
1770 - Locations
Table D-8
Unknown | 2 | Mill Hill | 13 |
Back Shambles | 16 | St John's | 1 |
Bank | 28 | Near North bar | 1 |
Black Bank | 2 | Near the Bridge | 1 |
Boar Lane | 6 | Near the Church | 11 |
Bowman Lane | 4 | Near the Cross | 4 |
Bridge | 1 | New Chapel lane | 1 |
Briggate | 32 | North Bar | 5 |
Call Lane | 20 | Northall Bridge | 1 |
Calls | 4 | Park Lane | 3 |
Calverley | 1 | Quarry Hill | 15 |
Chapel Lane | 2 | Shambles | 3 |
Cross Green | 1 | Shipscar | 1 |
Headingley | 1 | Simpson Fold | 1 |
Headrow | 12 | Soldier | 5 |
High Causey | 3 | Stender | 2 |
Hunslet Lane | 7 | Swinegate | 6 |
Infirmary | 1 | Tenters | 10 |
Kirkgate | 58 | Timble Bridge | 10 |
Knostrop | 5 | Vicar Lane | 24 |
Lands Lane | 1 | Woodhouse | 18 |
Lower Headrow | 1 | Woodhouse Bar | 1 |
Lydgate | 5 | Woodhouse Car | 1 |
Mabgate | 15 | Workhouse | 36 |
Marsh Lane | 23 | beyond Bridge | 2 |
Meadow Lane | 22 |
1771 - Locations
Table D-9
Unknown | 1 | Lorry Bank | 1 |
A Comedian | 1 | Lower Headrow | 2 |
Back Shambles | 9 | Lydgate | 1 |
Bank | 26 | Mabgate | 12 |
Black Bank | 3 | Marsh Lane | 26 |
Boar Lane | 5 | Meadow Lane | 16 |
Bowman Lane | 7 | Mill Hill | 11 |
Briggate | 21 | Mr Potter's Hospital | 1 |
Burley Bar | 1 | Near the Church | 7 |
Burmantofts | 1 | Near the Cross | 6 |
Call Lane | 15 | North Bar | 2 |
Calls | 6 | Park Lane | 3 |
Chapel Lane | 2 | Quarry Hill | 20 |
Church Yard | 1 | Seacroft | 2 |
Droney Laith | 1 | Shambles | 4 |
Soldier | 1 | Soldier | 10 |
Great Woodhouse | 1 | Swinegate | 7 |
Headrow | 10 | Tenters | 3 |
High Causey | 1 | Thorp Hall | 1 |
Hillhouse Bank | 1 | Timble Bridge | 10 |
Holbeck | 2 | Vicar Lane | 14 |
Hunslet Lane | 6 | Wade Lane | 1 |
Infirmary | 3 | Woodhouse | 13 |
Jacobs Well | 1 | Workhouse | 44 |
Kirkgate | 49 | beyond Bridge | 1 |
Knostrop | 1 | ||
Lands Lane | 1 |
1772 - Locations
Table D-10
Back Shambles | 12 | Meadow Lane | 14 |
Bank | 32 | Mill Garth | 2 |
Black Bank | 2 | Mill Hill | 6 |
Boar Lane | 6 | Near the Bridge | 3 |
Bowman Lane | 6 | Near the Church | 5 |
Bridge | 2 | Near the Cross | 2 |
Bridge End | 1 | Nether Green | 1 |
Briggate | 18 | New Hospital | 1 |
Burmantofts | 2 | New Street | 1 |
Call Lane | 13 | North Bar | 4 |
Calls | 3 | North Hall | 3 |
Church Yard | 1 | Northall Bridge | 2 |
Cross Green | 1 | Osmanthorp | 1 |
Cross Parish | 1 | Park Lane | 6 |
Dewsbury | 1 | Quarry Hill | 20 |
Great Woodhouse | 2 | Scholes | 1 |
Headrow | 9 | Shambles | 5 |
Hillhouse Bank | 2 | Simpson Fold | 7 |
Holbeck | 2 | Soldier | 4 |
Hospital | 1 | Swinegate | 3 |
Hunslet Lane | 4 | Tenters | 8 |
Infirmary | 3 | Timble Bridge | 9 |
Jacobs Well | 1 | Vicar Lane | 16 |
Kirkgate | 53 | Wade Lane | 1 |
Knostrop | 2 | Westfield Gate | 2 |
Locks | 2 | Woodhouse | 10 |
Lower Woodhouse | 1 | Woodhouse Bar | 2 |
Lydgate | 3 | Woodhouse Car | 1 |
Mabgate | 16 | Workhouse | 42 |
Marsh Lane | 26 | beyond Bridge | 2 |
Deaths from consumption January 1764 - December 1772
Table D-11
Kirkgate | 71 | Woodhouse Bar | 3 |
Bank | 61 | Calls | 3 |
Quarry Hill | 28 | Knostrop | 3 |
Meadow Lane | 24 | Near the Cross | 3 |
Briggate | 23 | Near North bar | 2 |
Marsh Lane | 23 | Pudsey | 2 |
Mabgate | 22 | Stender | 2 |
Workhouse | 20 | Simpson Fold | 2 |
Headrow | 19 | Hunslet | 1 |
Woodhouse | 19 | Near Woodhouse bar | 1 |
Call Lane | 17 | Parish of Wakefield | 1 |
Mill Hill | 17 | Rockley hall | 1 |
Vicar Lane | 17 | Chapel Allerton | 1 |
Near the Church | 14 | Nether Mills | 1 |
Back Shambles | 14 | Bridge | 1 |
Tenters | 12 | Steander | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 11 | Great Woodhouse | 1 |
beyond Bridge | 10 | Guildersom | 1 |
Shambles | 8 | Chapel Lane | 1 |
Swinegate | 8 | Burley Bar | 1 |
North Bar | 7 | Drummer 37th Reg | 1 |
Bowman Lane | 7 | Wade Lane | 1 |
Boar Lane | 6 | Waterhall | 1 |
Park Lane | 6 | Westfield Gate | 1 |
Timble Bridge | 5 | March Lane | 1 |
Lower Headrow | 5 | Burmantofts | 1 |
Black Bank | 4 | Woodhouse Lane | 1 |
Northall Bridge | 3 | Lorry Bank | 1 |
Little Woodhouse | 3 | a Militia | 1 |
Cross Green | 3 | Lands Lane | 1 |
Lydgate | 3 |
Deaths from Fever January 1764 - December 1772
Table D-12
Kirkgate | 50 | Lorry Bank | 4 |
Bank | 26 | Near the Cross | 3 |
Vicar Lane | 24 | Boar Lane | 3 |
Marsh Lane | 19 | Unknown | 2 |
Mabgate | 18 | Lydgate | 2 |
Briggate | 15 | Mill Garth | 2 |
Quarry Hill | 13 | North Bar | 2 |
Call Lane | 13 | Park Lane | 2 |
Meadow Lane | 12 | Waterhall | 2 |
Back Shambles | 12 | Near North bar | 1 |
Headrow | 11 | Rockley hall | 1 |
Workhouse | 10 | Northall Bridge | 1 |
Woodhouse | 9 | Little Woodhouse | 1 |
Tenters | 9 | Simpson Fold | 1 |
Mill Hill | 9 | Jacobs Well | 1 |
Shambles | 7 | Hilltop | 1 |
Near the Church | 7 | North Hall | 1 |
beyond Bridge | 7 | Cripplegate | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 6 | Cross Green | 1 |
Bowman Lane | 6 | Clothhall | 1 |
Calls | 5 | Woodhouse Bar | 1 |
Timble Bridge | 5 | Burmantofts | 1 |
Swinegate | 4 | Soldier | 1 |
Knostrop | 4 | Bridge | 1 |
Deaths from Fitts January 1764 - December 1772
Table D-13
Kirkgate | 96 | Lydgate | 2 |
Bank | 64 | North Hall | 2 |
Marsh Lane | 37 | Shambles | 2 |
Briggate | 33 | Burley Bar | 2 |
Vicar Lane | 30 | Northall Bridge | 2 |
Quarry Hill | 25 | Hunslet Lane | 2 |
Mabgate | 22 | Swinegate | 2 |
Meadow Lane | 20 | Unknown | 2 |
Mill Hill | 16 | Knostrop | 2 |
Near the Church | 15 | Hunslet hall | 1 |
Timble Bridge | 14 | Holbeck | 1 |
Headrow | 13 | North Bar | 1 |
Call Lane | 13 | Jacobs Well | 1 |
Woodhouse | 12 | Black Bank | 1 |
Back Shambles | 11 | Near the Workhouse | 1 |
Tenters | 7 | Little Woodhouse | 1 |
Calls | 7 | Rockley hall Yard | 1 |
Workhouse | 6 | Old Mills | 1 |
Park Lane | 5 | Shipscar | 1 |
Boar Lane | 5 | Simpson Fold | 1 |
Soldiers & family | 5 | Stender | 1 |
Bowman Lane | 4 | Kirk | 1 |
Burmantofts | 4 | Great Woodhouse | 1 |
Lower Headrow | 4 | Gledhow | 1 |
beyond Bridge | 4 | Lorry Bank | 1 |
Near the Cross | 3 | Wade Lane | 1 |
Locks | 3 | Leylands | 1 |
High Causey | 2 | Cross | 1 |
Osmanthorp | 2 | Woodhouse Bar | 1 |
Chapel Lane | 2 | High Causway | 1 |
Woodhouse Car | 2 | Cripplegate | 1 |
Waterhall | 2 | Ridge | 1 |
Deaths from 'Old Age' January 1764 - December 1772
Table D-14
Workhouse | 60 | Lydgate | 3 |
Kirkgate | 48 | Shambles | 3 |
Marsh Lane | 18 | Bowman Lane | 3 |
Meadow Lane | 17 | Buslinthorp | 2 |
Briggate | 16 | Near Timble Bridge | 2 |
Mill Hill | 16 | Simpson Fold | 2 |
Vicar Lane | 14 | Hospital | 2 |
Hunslet Lane | 14 | Burley Bar | 2 |
Quarry Hill | 13 | New Street | 1 |
Timble Bridge | 10 | Church Yard | 1 |
Woodhouse | 10 | Cross Green | 1 |
Near the Church | 10 | Calls | 1 |
Mabgate | 10 | March Lane | 1 |
Bank | 9 | Near North bar | 1 |
Headrow | 9 | Seacroft | 1 |
Call Lane | 9 | Little Woodhouse | 1 |
Back Shambles | 7 | Rockley hall | 1 |
Holbeck | 6 | Knostrop | 1 |
Near the Cross | 5 | Black Bank | 1 |
North Bar | 5 | Burley | 1 |
Northall Bridge | 5 | Bridge | 1 |
beyond Bridge | 4 | Hunslet | 1 |
Boar Lane | 4 | New Hospital | 1 |
Swinegate | 4 | Woodhouse Bar | 1 |
Tenters | 4 | Woodhouse Lane | 1 |
Lands | 4 | Back St Johns's Church | 1 |
Wade Lane | 3 | Mr Harrison's Hospital | 1 |
Deaths from Smallpox January 1764 - December 1772
Table D-15
Kirkgate | 41 | Chapel Lane | 2 |
Bank | 33 | Woodhouse Bar | 2 |
Briggate | 23 | Park Lane | 2 |
Marsh Lane | 22 | Bridge | 2 |
Quarry Hill | 22 | Workhouse | 2 |
Mabgate | 14 | beyond Bridge | 2 |
Vicar Lane | 13 | Boar Lane | 2 |
Meadow Lane | 11 | Waterhall | 2 |
Call Lane | 11 | Burmantofts | 2 |
Timble Bridge | 8 | Swinegate | 2 |
Near the Church | 8 | Lower Headrow | 1 |
Mill Hill | 6 | Hillhouse Bank | 1 |
Shambles | 6 | unknown | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 6 | High Causey | 1 |
Tenters | 5 | March Lane | 1 |
Woodhouse | 5 | Rockley hall | 1 |
Back Shambles | 4 | Lands Lane | 1 |
Near the Cross | 4 | Little Woodhouse | 1 |
Headrow | 3 | Church Yard | 1 |
Burley Bar | 3 | North Bar | 1 |
Bowman Lane | 3 | Near Timble Bridge | 1 |
Black Bank | 3 | Calls | 1 |
Lydgate | 2 |
Deaths from 'Wearing' January 1764 - December 1772
Table D-16
Kirkgate | 31 | Great Woodhouse | 2 |
Bank | 30 | Bowman Lane | 1 |
Quarry Hill | 16 | Knostrop | 1 |
Meadow Lane | 13 | Mill Hill | 1 |
Briggate | 12 | Nether Green | 1 |
Mabgate | 12 | Park Lane | 1 |
Back Shambles | 11 | High Causey | 1 |
Marsh Lane | 10 | Unknown | 1 |
Woodhouse | 8 | Near the Cross | 1 |
Headrow | 7 | Simpson Fold | 1 |
Workhouse | 5 | Lower Woodhouse | 1 |
Vicar Lane | 5 | Soldiers & family | 1 |
Swinegate | 5 | Droney Laith | 1 |
Call Lane | 4 | Cross Green | 1 |
Timble Bridge | 4 | Cross | 1 |
Near the Church | 4 | Warehouse hill | 1 |
Tenters | 4 | Waterhall | 1 |
Hunslet Lane | 3 | Calls | 1 |
Boar Lane | 3 | Woodhouse Bar | 1 |
Near the Bridge | 3 | Bridge | 1 |
Shambles | 3 | beyond Bridge | 1 |
Holbeck | 2 |
Comparison of burials in 1772 with the population figures from the 1775 enumeration
Table D-17
Burials in 1772 | People in 1775 | % of pop | % of burials | % of population buried | |
High town | 49 | 3387 | 19.78 | 12.22 | 1.45 |
Kirkgate | 142 | 3476 | 20.30 | 35.41 | 4.09 |
Mill Hill | 28 | 1399 | 8.17 | 6.98 | 2.00 |
south | 43 | 1824 | 10.65 | 10.72 | 2.36 |
east | 66 | 2545 | 14.86 | 16.46 | 2.59 |
north east | 44 | 2406 | 14.05 | 10.97 | 1.83 |
north west | 29 | 2084 | 12.17 | 7.23 | 1.39 |
401 | 17121 | 100 | 100 | 2.34 |
Burials in 1772 put into the wards used in the 1775 town enumeration
Table D-18
High town | Briggate | 18 | east | Hillhouse Bank | 2 |
Shambles | 5 | Bank | 32 | ||
Cross Parish | 1 | Black Bank | 2 | ||
Headrow | 9 | Cross Green | 1 | ||
New Street | 1 | Knostrop | 2 | ||
Back Shambles | 12 | Osmanthorp | 1 | ||
Near the Cross | 2 | Marsh Lane | 26 | ||
Jacobs Well | 1 | 66 | |||
49 | |||||
Kirkgate | Near the Church | 5 | north east | Quarry Hill | 20 |
Kirkgate | 53 | Mabgate | 16 | ||
Call Lane | 13 | Burmantofts | 2 | ||
Calls | 3 | Mill Garth | 2 | ||
Vicar Lane | 16 | Soldier | 4 | ||
Workhouse | 42 | 44 | |||
Church Yard | 1 | ||||
Timble Bridge | 9 | ||||
142 | |||||
Mill Hill | Boar Lane | 6 | north west | Park Lane | 6 |
Mill Hill | 6 | Woodhouse | 10 | ||
Swinegate | 3 | Woodhouse Bar | 2 | ||
Tenters | 8 | Woodhouse Car | 1 | ||
Infirmary | 3 | Lower Woodhouse | 1 | ||
New Hospital | 1 | Lydgate | 3 | ||
Hospital | 1 | Great Woodhouse | 2 | ||
28 | Wade Lane | 1 | |||
North Hall | 3 | ||||
south | Meadow Lane | 14 | 29 | ||
Hunslet Lane | 4 | ||||
Bowman Lane | 6 | ||||
Simpson Fold | 7 | ||||
Bridge | 2 | ||||
Bridge End | 1 | ||||
beyond Bridge | 2 | ||||
Near the Bridge | 3 | ||||
Holbeck | 2 | ||||
Locks | 2 | ||||
43 |
Additionally - brought in from the body of the essay - Measles by location
1766 | Cripplegate | 1 |
1766 | Mill Hill | 1 |
1767 | Bank | 11 |
1767 | Bowman Lane | 1 |
1767 | Bridge | 1 |
1767 | Briggate | 3 |
1767 | Call Lane | 3 |
1767 | Headrow | 1 |
1767 | Hunslet Lane | 1 |
1767 | Kirkgate | 11 |
1767 | Mabgate | 2 |
1767 | Mill Hill | 2 |
1767 | Near the Church | 1 |
1767 | Quarry Hill | 2 |
1767 | Shambles | 1 |
1767 | Timble Bridge | 3 |
1767 | Vicar Lane | 2 |
1767 | Waterhall | 1 |
1767 | Workhouse | 1 |
1767 | beyond Bridge | 1 |
1772 | Kirkgate | 1 |
1772 | Vicar Lane | 1 |
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