The Thoresby Society Publications 1891-
Series 2 - Volume 3- 1993
The Charity School, the Church and the Corporation: aspects of educational provision for the poor in eighteenth-century Leeds, by Carole P. Johnston. | 1 |
Waggonways and staiths: the impact of the Middleton Colliery on the township of Hunslet, c. 1750-1850, by Barbara C. May. | 38 |
Becoming a city: Leeds, 1893, by Arthur Elton. | 67 |
Sir George Cockburn, 1848-1927, by Arthur Elton. | 81 |
Obituaries: Stanley H. Burton, MA (1914-1991). | 105 |
Amy G. Foster, BA (1905-1991). | 106 |