Miscellany Volume 13 [Second Series]

Thoresby Society Publication - Miscellany 2003

This year our Miscellany publication is devoted to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with particular reference to Leeds and the West Riding.

The Journals of Sarah Mayo Parkes, 1815 and 1818 edited by Pauline Litton have never before been published and thus make a valuable new contribution to the understanding of life in early nineteenth-century Leeds and the West Riding.

William Potts of Leeds, Clockmaker by Michael Potts examines the growth of the clockmaking firm which ultimately became an icon of Victorian Leeds.

Percy Alfred Scholes [1877-1958]: Music Critic, Educator and Encyclopaedist by Peter Morrish gives an extensive analysis of the life of the Leeds man who widely fostered musical appreciation and knowledge.

The Leeds Elections of 1834 and 1835: a Psephological Analysis by Jim Morgan investigates the reasons behind the Tory revival of 1832-35 by presenting a detailed breakdown of voting patterns in the town.

ISSN 0082-4232

ISBN 0 900 741 61 9

The Journals of Sarah Mayo Parkes, 1815 and 1818. P.Litton 1
William Potts of Leeds, Clockmaker. M.S.Potts 25
Percy Alfred Scholes (1877 – 1958): music critic, educator and encyclopaedist. P.S.Morrish 46
The Leeds Elections of 1834 and 1835: a psephological analysis. J.Morgan 73

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