LVII - The Manor and Borough of Leeds, 1425-1662: An Edition of Documents
edited by Joan W. Kirby

John Le Patourel, F.B.A. xi
Preface to the edition xvii
Abbreviations xxi
Introduction xxiii
  The Structure of the Manor, Manorial Records, Administration and Officials xxiii
  The Manorial Lands xxxix
  The Tenants and their Holdings xlvii
  The Expansion of the Town lx
  The Documents lxx
  Editorial Method lxxvi


Part One

Financial Records of the Manor of Leeds: Ministers' Accounts and Surveys


1 The Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1438 - Michaelmas 1439 3
2 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1462 - Michaelmas 1463 8
3 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1483 - Michaelmas 1484 14
4 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1499 - Michaelmas 1500 23
5 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1536 - Michaelmas 1537 33
6 The Survey of 2 Edward VI (1548) 38
7 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1558 - Michaelmas 1559 47
8 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1569 - Michaelmas 1570 51
9 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1579 - Michaelmas 1580 55
10 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1581 - Michaelmas 1582 62
11 Extracts from the Reeve's Account, Michaelmas 1609 - Michaelmas 1610 66
12 The Survey of 9 James I (1612) 72
13 The Survey of 4 Charles I (1628) 155
14 Abstract of the Indenture of Conveyance of the Manor of Leeds from Trustees for the City of London to William Skelton and other, 6 May 1629 206

Part Two

Ordinances and Constitutions for Regulating Trade within the Borough of Leeds, 1629-62

15 Ordinances for Ordering and Governing the Trade Within the Borough 1629-30 211
16 Ordinances for Making of the Clothworkers of the Borough into a Guild or Fraternity, 1630 219
17 Ordinances for Making of the Mercers, Grocers, Salters, and others into a Guild or Fraternity, 1662 231
I Chronology of the Dispute between the Inhabitants of the Manor of Leeds-Kirkgate-cum-Holbeck and the Farmers and Occupiers of the Leeds Corn-Mill 1597-1619 243
II Receipts, Expenses and Liveries, 1438-1610 250
III Receipts from Individual Sources, 1400-1610 252
IV Arrears 255
V Perquisites of the Courts 256
VI Landholding in Leeds: 1425 Rental 258
VII Biographical Notes 266


I Costs of Repairs and Maintenance xxxviii
II Tenants and Tenures in Leeds, 1341-43 and 1425 xlviii
III Families in Leeds, 1341-1425 li
IV Leeds Tenants: Survival of Surnames, 1342-1612 lix

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