Registers of the Chapels of St John, Holy Trinity, Headingley, Bramley, Beeston, Chapel Allerton and Farnley, all in the Parish of Leeds, from 1763 to 1812, and in some cases later years
By G D Lumb


The Registers in this volume have been printed from carefullyexamined copies of the original Registers at the different Chapels. In some cases the Chapels do not possess their original Registers, and the omissions have been supplied from the transcripts at the Leeds Parish Church. For instance, St. John’s Register commences in 1774, Chapel Allerton in 1787, and Farnley in 1795.

Miss Hargrave kindly assisted the Editor during his severe illness by checking the portion of the Chapel Allerton Register in the third Part, and seeing it through the Press. Headingley and Holy Trinity were partly printed from a copy made by the late Mr. Henry Wilson, after comparison with the original. In the fourth Part the consent of the Vicar of Chapel Allerton and the Rector of Farnley was obtained to copy and check the Registers in their possession. For Chapel Allerton a Clerk’s Burial Register, commencing 1764, has been used, and a list of corrections has been printed at the end of this Volume.

The thanks of the Society and of the Editor are due to the following for kindly allowing the Registers to be copied and printed, and for the facilities given for transcription: The Rev. D’Arcy S. Rudd, Vicar of St. John’s; the Rev. J.2. Roberts, Vicar of Holy Trinity; the Rev. Canon Malden, Vicar of Headingley; the Rev. P.Wolde, Vicar of Bramley; the Rev. Wm. Nutley, Vicar of Beeston; the Rev. George Atkinson, Rector of Farnley. Thanks are also due to Mr. Brumwell, the Registrar of the Leeds Parish Church, for producing the books in his custody. Mr. Jesse Andrews Myers has again undertaken the arduous task of preparing the Indices of surnames and places, and the special thanks of the Society are due to him for this.



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