The Thoresby Society Manuscript Catalogue
This catalogue is a substantially expanded version of the Society’s earlier MS catalogue, which was listed on the National Archive Discovery database. This new catalogue provides a fuller description of items in the collection, with more detail of names, places and dates, and with the addition of some recent accessions.
The contents are organised by MS Box number, listed below. Some MS Boxes contain a variety of different items or collections, all of which are separately numbered under the main MS Box number (shown in bold), and may themselves contain a further sequence of numbers or letters for individual items.
As the catalogue is not ordered by topic or date, you will need to explore the whole catalogue to locate references, eg to a particular name or place. This can be done by using the Ctrl-F function in Windows or Command-F on a Mac then using the up and down arrows provided to move through the occurrences.
If you already know the MS Box reference for the item you are interested in, or if you prefer to explore the contents box by box, clicking on the Box number listed below will take you straight through to that Box. You will then need to scroll down to find the exact reference.
To quote a reference number for any item, please include the MS Box number where the item is located as well as any further item numbers: you may need to scroll back to find these details.
MS Box II.
MS Box IV.
MS Box V.
MS Box VI.
MS Box IX.
MS Box X.
MS Box XI.
MS Box XIX [Sketchbooks]
MS Box XX.
MS Box XXI.(Gillespie)
MS Box XXII.(Robinson – tramways)
MS Box XXIII.(Wilby)
MS Box XXIV.(Carr Bridge Farm, Cookridge)
MS Box XXV (Lloyd)
MS Box XXVI. (1)
MS Box XXVI (2)
MS Box SA 1-12.
MS Boxes SD 1-17, 19-33
MS Boxes SD I – VIII and IX – XXIX
MS Box SC 1-37
MS Box SB 1, 2, 3.
Additional Items
MS Box I
MS Box I. 1
Kirkstall Abbey: a collection of documents belonging to Edmund Wilson (the Society’s founder and first President) relating to the auction of Kirkstall Abbey and Abbey House by the Cardigan estate in December 1888, his contract to purchase the property, and the subsequent intervention by Colonel J. T. North, who bought the Abbey and then gave it to the Borough of Leeds.
Notes (by Edmund Wilson? n.d.) on the requirement for payment of the purchase price of the Abbey/Abbey House in instalments, to avoid the payment of interest. It seems the money had to be all paid by July 1889(?). Mention of draft conveyance etc. (I.1.e)
Draft deed of acknowledgement, Countess of Cardigan to Col. North, finally approved by Lady C’s solicitors Oct 1890 (agreement to sell).(I.1.e)
Opinions and Requisitions regarding title (mortgages etc) 18 Jan 1889. – Purchaser’s solicitors. + 2nd copy. (I.1.e)
Note of receipts for rent of Abbey House, fields and cottages...£368.8.0 (marked received from Mr. J. T.Butler 24 Feb 1886) (I.1.e)
MS list of deeds abstracted (1866-88). (I.1.e)
Rough sketch plan of Abbey and land (11 acres), pasted onto blue paper. (I.1.e)
Epitome of Title, 10 Jan 1889 – property leased to Executors of J.O.Butler, and sublet to J.B.Winder ‘authorised to charge 2d each’. Completion was due on 25 March, purchase moneys to be paid to court. (I.1.e)
Schedule of Deeds re purchase – explains sequence of events. (I.1.e)
Draft deed of gift, Jan 1889. (I.1.e)
Draft Power of Attorney (n.d.). (I.1.e)
Notes dated 25 Jan 1889 re the lease to J.O. Butler dated 1875 (21 years from 1872 @ £280 pa) and covenants (excludes Abbey). Noted that Mr Butler ‘has now let the Abbey for 2 years’ but that Abbey House will be empty from 2 Feb 1889; best rent offered was £80 pa. Butler was asking £350 for his lease and £50 for fixtures. With cutting from Leeds Mercury dated 3 Sep 1887, pasted on election slip, re Abbey House ‘To Let’.(I.1.e)
Draft Form of Subscription to a Syndicate for the purchase of Kirkstall Abbey and Abbey House, dated 15 Dec 1888. Gives account of the events which led Edmund Wilson to enter into a contract on 14 Dec 1888 to purchase the Abbey and Abbey House from Lady Cardigan for £13500, to prevent them from falling into private hands as pleasure ground. It was now proposed to form a syndicate to take up the Contract and the subscribers would be asked to determine whether the whole property or any part of it should be offered to the Corporation of Leeds and if so upon what terms. (I.1.e)
Aug 1889, Two Instructions to Counsel on supplementary Abstract of Title and draft conveyance (solicitors for Puchaser). (I.1.e)
10 Feb 1890, Summons by High Court of Chancery to Edmund Wilson to appear in court to pay the balance of the purchase price - deposit already paid. (I.1.e)
Draft Conveyance: Countess of Cardigan to Col. North, Mar 1889, amended, with notes, together with Form of Conveyance for Recreation Ground. (I.1.e)
Printed and illustrated booklet: Further Particulars of Sale for Kirkstall Abbey, to be auctioned on 12 Dec 1888, includes long historical account (based on Wardell), with separate plan. (I.1.c)
Abstract of Title of the Countess of Cardigan, 1888 (I.1.a)
Supplemental Abstract of Deeds 1889. (I.1.b)
Lease of Abbey House and Abbey and Lands, Cardigan Trustees to John O. Butler, 15.Aug 1875. (I.1.j)
Draft Requisitions on Title, 1889. (I.1.f)
Draft Conveyance of Abbey and Abbey House: Countess of Cardigan to Col. J.T.North, originally dated Nov 1889, changed to 28 Nov 1890. (I.1.i)
Draft Deed of Gift: Col. North to the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Leeds, 1 Dec 1890. (I.1.h)
Draft Deed of Acknowledgement, Lady Cardigan to Col. North, 28 Nov 1890. (I.1.g)
Printed circular letter dated 30 Apr 1856 from ‘the Lessees’ of the Abbey about a scheme to issue tickets at £1.1.0 each to enable families to visit the Abbey for one year from 1 May. ‘Considerable improvements have already been made in the interior of the Abbey and the Lessees intend to continue improving...apply personally to Mr James Depledge, Abbey Keeper’. List of subscribers. (I.1.l)
Five items of correspondence Aug – Oct 1882 between Edmund Wilson and others, relating to a scheme by Edmund Wilson to agree an arrangement with Lady Cardigan and Mr Butler, the lessee of Abbey House, to charge fees for entry to the Abbey, which would enable a custodian to be employed and some repairs carried out. (I.1.l)
Copy letter from Edmund Wilson to ‘Harding’ (probably T.W.) regarding a letter from Col. North re Abbey House, with one illegible letter. (Items 24-26 in separate blue envelope, addressed to Edmund Wilson Esquire, postmarked Leeds Au 29, 82, I.1.l))
Six copies of Chancery Court Orders relating to Edmund Wilson’s purchase of Lots 70, 71 and 72. (I.1.k)
Memoranda of Completion of Purchase: Lady Cardigan to Col. North and Leeds Corporation (Account). (I.1.k)
Account, Colonel North with the Countess of Cardigan. (I.1.k)
Account, Colonel North with Edmund Wilson (NB: EW, who had signed contract and paid deposit, continued as contracted purchaser until final conveyance; cheque for £10,000 from Col North was paid into court as purchase price. Questions of interest, and outstanding rents needed to be calculated). (I.1.k)
Note dated 23 Oct 1885, presumably by Edmund Wilson, re possible surrender of lease by Mr Butler – refers to ‘my proposal to take over the lease’ and view that this would be favourably received by owner. Some negotiation evidently had taken place with Cardigan agent (recently changed). (I.1.k)
Affidavit to Court of Chancery from Edmund Wilson, filed 7 Feb 1890 (disputing charge of interest on outstanding purchase price – delay said to be on vendors’ part over requisitions, etc). (I.1.k)
Order by Court of Chancery for payment of balance of purchase money (no interest). (I.1.k)
Instructions (draft?) to Counsel (1889) to advise on requisitions and settle conveyance. (Proposal to convey direct to Col. North, then deed of gift.) (I.1.k)
Envelope containing 12 sheets of paper with newscuttings pasted on them, dated from October to December 1888, together with one loose cutting. (I.1.d)
MS Box I. 2
Large collection of materials for A History of the Parish of Barwick-in-Elmet in the County of York, Publications of the Thoresby Society XVII (1908), by the rector, Rev. F.S.Colman.
Various correspondence (Amanda J.E.Arrowsmith (Bodleian Library) to Canon Wood; John Peile, Christ’s College, Cambridge; R.F.Scott, St John’s College, Cambridge; Aleyn Lyell Reade, Liverpool; R.E.Ricketts, Crambe, Yorkshire; Edmund Godfrey, Fulmodeston, Norfolk; G.D.Lumb. William Brigg, solicitor, London (+ Bridges pedigree); Walter G.F.Phillimore, Campden Hill, London; Robert Jenner, Newark-on-Trent; R.E.G.Kirk, Lonsdale Chambers, London; A.S.Ellis, Westminster; W.T.Lancaster, Leeds; Charles C.Hodges, Hexham)
Various hand-written notes on families (including some pedigrees): Denison; Bridges; Gascoigne; Ellis; and places: Potterton, Becca, Kiddall, Scholes, Parlington, Barnbow, Lasingcroft
Many hand-written extracts from printed works and from MSS.
Some plans: Potterton; Tan House and Yard, Potterton; Manor Garth, Potterton; Wendel Hill and Hall Tower Hill (printed for book, 2 copies).
Flyer for book (6 copies).
MS Box I. 3
Barwick-in-Elmet: Note books of the Rev F.S.Colman for his book A History of the Parish of Barwick-in-Elmet in the County of York, PThS XVII (1908).
1 quarto-sized, hard-cover exercise book, marbled-paper cover: ‘Book A / Parish and
Church of Barwick-in-Elmet / Notes on Records’ [+ enclosures].
1 black, folio-sized, hard-cover exercise book: ‘Book C’ [+ enclosures].
1 black, folio-sized, hard-cover exercise book: ‘Book E / Abstracts and Extracts from
a Book of Transcripts at Parlington / Box 13, Bdle D / Also abstracts of original
deeds, wills &c.’ [+ enclosures].
2 black quarto-sized exercise books: ‘Book F / Various Notes & Extracts relating to
Barwick &c.’ and ‘Book G’, ‘Parlington MSS’.3 small notebooks bound in purple
American cloth labelled: [1.] ‘Barwick Records Revision Notes’; [2.] ‘Barwick
Records II’; [3.] ‘Earthworks’ (containing one or two rough sketches and an
Envelope with three rubbings of ‘Ancient Shafts at Barwick-in-Elmet; letters to
Colman from John Bilson and Charles C.Hodges, 1906; photograph of Kippax
Church, and sketch-plan of Kippax Church. The photograph and flyer mentioned
in Hodges’ letter are not present.
MS Box I. 4
Documents (PRO certified copies dated 1891) relating to the case of Thomas Jackson (plaintiff) an infant, his mother Anna Jackson acting on his behalf v Robert Hitch (Dean of St Peter’s York), John Preston and Thomas Foster (defendants), Duchy of Lancaster, 1673-1675. Case concerned the alteration of an ancient watercourse via Swine Beck and Thistle Ditch to feed Flay Crow Mill to the detriment of Pit Fall Mill. There is reference also to the King’s Mills. The copy documents were apparently acquired as evidence in the case of Appleton v Leeds Corporation, 1891, a Chancery case disputing the Corporation’s water rights in part of the river affecting Flay Crow Mill.
Decrees and Orders (Duchy of Lancaster) Vol.39 - commission to named people for examination of witnesses, 24 Jun 1673
As above, commission to be awarded for examination of witnesses, 10 Feb 1673/4
As above, commissioners William Marwood Helder, Thomas Pulleyne, Thomas Dixon and Robert Hardisty appointed to for examine witnesses, 23 Feb 1673/4
As above, amendment to complaint 2 Jul 1674
As above, amendments to names etc, 8 Jul1674
As above, authority for commissioners to examine witnesses, 13 Jul 1674
As above, payment of costs, 6 Nov 1674
As above, publication of depositions, 6 Nov 1674
As above, commission for further examination of witnesses, 28 Nov 1674
As above, commission to examine witnesses, 4 Dec 1674
As above, order for publication of depositions, 12 Feb 1674/5
As above, notice of hearing on 29 June, 9 Jun 1675
As above, enquiry re possible influence on witness, 3 Feb 1675/6
As above, determination of date of final hearing, 12 Feb 1675/6
Instructions to commissioners to take evidence (typed) 5 Dec 1674
Depositions, Duchy of Lancaster, Bundle 146: interrogations to be asked of witnesses on behalf of the defendants. Commissioners directed by the Duchy of Lancaster to conduct the interrogations are named as: Thomas Dixon, Robert Hardistie, Thomas Pulleine, and George Jackson. (nd)
Depositions, Duchy of Lancaster, Bundle 146: answers to questions from witnesses on behalf of defendants. Additional note at end: ‘brought in 5 Nov 1674 by Henry Atkinson who received it from Thomas Pulleine in the presence of the other commissioners.’
Depositions, Duchy of Lancaster, Bundle 146: further depositions of witnesses on behalf of defendants, taken 15 Jan 1675
Depositions, Duchy of Lancaster, Bundle 146: interrogations to be asked of witnesses on behalf of the plaintiff (typed, nd)
Depositions, Duchy of Lancaster, Bundle 146: answers to interrogations from witnesses on behalf of the plaintiff (typed, nd)
Extract from 10ft to 1 mile OS map with areas coloured in (linen-backed). Marked ‘(Z) .Appleton v Leeds Corporation Mr Harrington QC’
MS Box I. 5
A collection of papers belonging to Edmund Wilson, mainly relating to his work on the history of Leeds Grammar School and the publication of its admission books 1820-1900 (PThS XIV) but with other miscellaneous documents.
MS Notes of Lecture on Old Leeds, 1889, by Edmund Wilson (35 quarto pages, folded).
(1) MS Notes on Old Leeds, for a lecture (apparently) by Edmund Wilson on 11 Feb 1896 (10 folio pages, folded).
(2) Page headed ‘Slides to be used for Mr Wilson’s paper on Old Leeds March 11th 1896’
(3) Letter of 9 Feb 1896 from E.K.Clark about arrangements for showing slides at the lecture.
(Papers transferred.)
Copy of Will and Probate of (Sir) William Sheaffelde (Sheffield) dated 6 Jul 1552, proved 20 May1553 (8 folio sheets and title page), with typed copy of Will (4 sheets on large paper). Will refers to establishment of a School in Leeds. Copy printed in TS XIV p.xxiv.
Bills, notes (including a notebook) and correspondence relating to Edmund Wilson’s edition of the Leeds Grammar School Admission Books (printed in TS XIV).
1. Extract from the Leeds Grammar School Admission Book (notebook 16 x 9.5cm, blue paper cover).
2. MS notes on Leeds Grammar School dated 12 Nov 1907 (2 folio sheets).
3. Memorandum from Spink & Thackray, 71 Boar Lane, Leeds to Edmund Wilson, dated 4 May 1900 + 7 sample coloured bindings.
4. Cutting from the Yorkshire Post of 10 Jun 1908 with a review of the publication ‘Leeds Grammar School Admission Books 1820-1900’, edited and with notes by Edmund Wilson.
5. Memorandum from John Whitehead & Son, printers, to Edmund Wilson, dated 14 Feb 1908, annotated in red on the back.
6. Estimate from John Whitehead & Son to Edmund Wilson dated 25 Mar 1905 for printing additional books, subject to the consent of the Thoresby Society. Annotated in red on the back.
7. Copy letter from A.F.Leach of the Charity Commission, London, to Edmund Wilson dated 8 Nov 1907 re Leeds Grammar School (2 flimsy folio sheets + backing sheet)
8. Letter from A.F.Leach of the Charity Commission, London, to Edmund Wilson dated 12 Nov 1907 re the foundation of Leeds Grammar School (2 small MS sheets , folded, annotated in pencil).
9. MS notes headed ‘Leeds Grammar School, ex Torre MS’, dated 20 Jul 1906 (1 folio sheet, folded).
10. MS list headed ‘Leeds Grammar School – Pupils entered from 1890-1900’ (2 folio sheets, folded). Marked LGS, Mr Wynne Edwards, 12 Sep 1906.
11. Letter from Vincent Thompson Jnr to Edmund Wilson dated 27 Dec 1893 with Notice of LGS Old Boys’ Dinner on 4 Jan 1894 (2 sheets, folded).
12. Letter from Vincent Thompson Jnr. to Edmund Wilson dated 31 Dec 1893 re LGS Old Boys’ Dinner. (1 sheet, folded).
13. Letter from Vincent Thompson Jnr. to Edmund Wilson dated 11 Jan 1894 re LGS Old Boys’ Dinner and proposed History of Leeds Grammar School by R.V.Taylor (1 quarto sheet, folded).
14. Letter from R.V.Taylor to Edmund Wilson dated 1 Jan 1894 re History of Leeds Grammar School (1 sheet, folded).
15. Letter from W.H.Keeling, Bradford, to Edmund Wilson dated 3 Jan 1894 (1 sheet, folded).
16. Letter from W. & T. Gaines, Printers, Bankfield Works, Burley, to Edmund Wilson dated 3 Dec 1907 re negative of Grammar School (1 sheet, folded, annotated on back).
17. Memorandum by Edmund Wilson regarding Thoresby Society agreement to payment for illustration (nd) (1 sheet, folded)
18. MS list of former pupils of Leeds Grammar School (2 large blue sheets, folded).
19. Letter from Arthur Hudson, Minster Yard, York, to Edmund Wilson dated 15 Oct 1907 re William Sheafield’s Will 1553 (1 sheet, folded).
20. Three letters from Vincent Thompson Jnr to Edmund Wilson (pinned together) dated 4 Aug 1895, 23 Oct 1895, and 6 Jan 1896 re the Leeds Grammar School Register, together with a printed notice dated 25 Jan1895 inviting subscription to the publication of the Register. (4 sheets)
21. Three bills (pinned together) from Jowitt & Sowry, Albion Street, Leeds, addressed to Edmund Wilson, dated 9 April.1907, 28 Mar 1907, and 16 Apr 1907, for stationery etc.
22. Seven bills (pinned together) from Jowitt & Sowry, Albion Street, Leeds, Laycock & Sons, Cross Bank Street, Leeds, and Beck & Inchbold, Oriel Press, Basinghall Street, Leeds, to Edmund Wilson, dated from July to September 1903, for various items of stationery.
23. Invoice, Eyre & Spottiswood, London, dated 9 Nov 1906.
24. Copy estimate (MS), marked LGS, from Spink & Thackray, dated 2 Jan 1906, for 300 books plus overprints for Edmund Wilson (2 sheets, folded)
25. Letter from F.Collins, Lyme Regis, to Edmund Wilson (typed), marked LGS, dated 18 Oct 1907 re Sheffield will (1 quarto sheet folded).
26. Letter from C. Coghlan, W.Yorkshire Volunteer Artillery HQ, Fenton Street, Leeds, to Edmund Wilson dated 13 Sep 1907 suggesting possible contacts re Leeds Grammar School. (1 sheet folded)
Papers belonging to Edmund Wilson relating to the history of Leeds Grammar School (in brown envelope).
1. Memorandum as to the Old Grammar School, dated 19 May 1898 (4 quarto sheets headed The Thoresby Society, folded).
2. Notes headed ‘The Old Grammar School’ apparently for a lecture or article on the history of the old Grammar School building, North Street, under threat of demolition. (8 sheets, folded).
MS Notes dated 1884 on Leeds Charities, headed ‘Abstract of an old MS document lent to me by Mr John Stansfield of Leeds, 1883’. (21 blue quarto sheets, folded)
Copy of a Bill of Health dated 6 Dec 1770 signed by William Dawson, Mayor of Leeds, relating to a pack of various textiles sent to Hamburg by Thomas Hills of Leeds, Merchant.
Papers relating to a portrait of Thomas Gent, the Yorkshire historian and printer.
1. A note on the original portrait in oil (blue quarto sheet, folded).
2. Copy letter from Hepper & Sons, Leeds, to Edmund Wilson dated 6 Jan 1897 regarding the portrait (blue quarto sheet, folded).
3. Letter from George R. Sitwell, Scarborough, dated 12 Oct 1897 (cream notepaper).
4. Letter from George R. Sitwell, Scarborough, dated 13 Oct 1897 (cream notepaper).
Memorandum regarding Leeds Castle (Kent) from Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, 1807 (blue quarto sheet, folded).
MS extracts from a Memorandum Book of an ‘Old Leeds Merchant’, later printed in PThS Miscellanea XXIV (6 notebook pages).
MS Box I. 6
Bramley: items from Benjamin Wilson’s collection.
I. 6 (a)
Envelope with letter from John Wilson (son of Benjamin Wilson Jnr.) to G. D. Lumb re pamphlet on Bramley old church. ‘T. H. May’,‘Litho press’, ‘Dr Gott’, ‘Leeds printer named Falkener’ mentioned.
I. 6 (b)
Two pieces of paper stuck to single sheet with the names, in some cases the signatures, of people promising to pay towards the cost of erecting a new church at Bramley. Includes Joseph Rogerson, Mrs Holmes, Richard Nickols, Abraham Farrar, Simeon Musgrave. 59 names in all. Thought to be c.1833.
I. 6 (c)
Single sheet with list of donations ‘toward enlarging and repairing the Body of this Church, with an additional Gallery on the South Side, and fencing off the Footpath and Burial Ground’, 1834. Includes Earl of Cardigan, Joseph Rogerson, Richard Nickols, Abraham Farrar, Simeon Musgrave, but not Mrs Holmes. 103 names in all. ‘List of Donations / Bramley Church’ on reverse.
[Britannia watermark]
I. 6 (d)
Letters to Benjamin Wilson Jnr. and various notes:
1. From Simeon Rayner, Pudsey, re Faber tomb; 23 Apr 1878.
2. From R. Mosley, Rotherham, re Francis Bovil, vicar of Rotherham, 1870-81; 2 Jan 1860.
3. From R. Mosley, Rotherham, re John Bovile vicar of Rotherham, 1690-97; 18 Aug 1862.
4. From R. V. Taylor, Edlington Rectory nr. Rotherham, re Faber family, 15 Jun 1877.
5. Note on Bramley Chapel with list of curates [n.d.].
6. Note on Thomas Faber, vicar of Calverley in 1771 died 1821 [n.d.].
7. Note re Faber from C. H. Spurgeon [n.d.].
8. Transcript of Adam de Reynville charter, addressed to Mr B. Wilson, Junr. [n.d.].
9. Translation of 8. above.
10. Pencil note on Faber family [n.d.]
11. From Samuel Margerison, Calverley, re Faber family, 3 Aug 1877.
12. 3 pieces of paper (one printed) re Faber family (George Stanley Faber), originally pinned together [n.d.]
13. Pencil note re Bramley Church inscription in front of gallery: 1732, 1834, 1848. On reverse, crossed through in blue pencil, a note from John W. Wood; mentions Mr Stansfeld and a soirée [n.d.]
14. Extracts from Liber Regis (presumably Bacon/Ecton referred to later, see 23. below) re Leeds, Armley, Bramley, Farnley in Leeds [n.d.]
15. Extracts from Hunter, South Yorkshire, re Bovil family.
16. Extracts from 15th Report of the Church Commissioners re various charities, 1709-1823; 2 pages.
17. Extracts from various works re Bramley and Bovil.
18. From J. T. Naylor re failed visit to British Museum; 6 Nov 1874.
19. From Samuel Margerison, Calverley, re Faber inscription at Calverley (cf. 1. above); 29 Mar 1878.
20. Cutting from Pudsey and Stanningley News Friday 12 Feb [n.d.] with latter from Wilson requesting information on Faber family.
21. Note on Faber family.
22. Printed ground plan of Bramley church with names of pewholders in 1731.
23. 2 extracts re charities: one from Bacon/Ecton Liber Regis vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum, and the other from An Account of Public Charities.
I. 6 (e)
1. Booklet with incomplete list of Bramley churchwardens; B. Wilson.
2. Booklet with list of Bramley Overseers of the Poor, 1685-6 and 1690-1865; B. Wilson.
3. Booklet with extracts from the Bramley Vestry Books etc., 1818-27; B. Wilson.
4. Booklet with extracts from Bramley Vestry Books 1827-32; B. Wilson.
5. Booklet with extracts from various ‘Old Records in Bramley Chapel’; B. Wilson.
6. Booklet with what appear to be transcripts of two sermons by Dr Hook (one given in Bramley Church, 25 May 1843, the second 24 Apr ?1844); pencil overwritten in ink. Also two newspaper cuttings about Dr Hook and a drawing of ?him signed ‘Yours faithfully / W. F. Hook’.
7. Booklet with copy of the Chapelwardens of Bramley Accounts, 1729-32; B. Wilson
8. Booklet ‘Extracts and References to works relating to the Church and Township of Bramley’; Benjamin Wilson.
I. 6 (f)
1. Exercise book: ‘Bramley: Ancient and Modern, ranging from ye Domesday Book to the “Bramley Almanac”, 1086-1856’ [only reaches 1729.]; Benjamin Wilson, Junr.
2. Exercise book: ‘Old Buildings &c. in Bramley’ [from William Waite]; B.W. Junr.
3. Exercise book: ‘Extracts from and copies of Documents relating to the Church & Township of Bramley’; B.W. Junr.
4. Exercise book: ‘Notable Events in the History of Bramley, 1700-1850’; B.W. Junr.
MS Box I. 7
I. 7 (a)
!748: Appointment of Joseph Wood and Richard Horner as assessors of Window Duty for Bramley. Assessment to be brought to the house of Thomas Moxon, innholder, on 9 July. Signed William Fenton, Mayor, Thomas Sawer, George Dover, Henry Atkinson. [Printed pro-forma + hand-written entries.] [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1.]
I. 7 (b)
Two medical prescriptions in brown envelope; one for Dame Wood of Bramley from George Neale dated 21 Mar 1666; the other unaddressed and undated in a seventeenth-century hand.
I. 7 (c)
[Item missing]
I. 7 (d)
1. Letter to Mr Thomas Pettie, Blake Street, York, from Samuell Dawson, Bramley, 2 May [no year], re case between Christopher Broadbelt and his ‘Cosine wood’.
2a. Letter to Mrs Elizabeth Wood, Bramley, from Thomas Pettie.14 Nov 1648 re case involving Broadbelt, Dickinson and his wife and Marie Wood. Sam. Dawson also mentioned.
2b. Note of payment of 12/- by ‘widow wood’ for her case in King’s Bench. 3 Oct 1648. (Mr Pettie at Boston also mentioned.) [2a and b previously pinned together.]
I. 7 (e)
Two accounts for expenditure on Bramley Chapel (? Churchwardens’), one dated 24 May 1725, the other undated but probably close in date as many of the names coincide.
I. 7 (f)
An acquittance by John Johnson of Woodlesford acknowledging payment of legacy of Agnes Slater by William Dawson, John Wood and William Greene of Bramley; 1 May 1615. [1 folded seal.]
I. 7 (g)
An acquittance by John Biccarge (carpenter) and his son, Robert, of Rodwell acknowledging payment of legacy of Agnes Slater by WD, JW and WG (as I. 7 (f)); 18 Sep 1614. + transcription by G.E. Kirk. [2 folded seals now unfolded and missing.]
I. 7 (h)
An acquittance by Henry Johnson of Lofthouse, yeoman, acknowledging payment of legacy of Agnes Slater by WD, JW and WG (as I. 7 (f)); 1 Nov 1614. + transcription by G.E. Kirk [1 folded seal.]
I. 7 (i)
Acknowledement of debt of £6.00 by Michael Banckes of Leeds to William Steavenson/ Stephenson of Leeds, clothier; witness, Isabell Rawden; 3 Feb 1647. [watermark: handled pot.]
I. 7 (j)
Bond for a debt of £64 between Thomas Crawshaw of Gipton, gent., and William Mitley of Leeds, yeoman, debtors, and William Millington of Holme-on-Spalding-Moor; witnesses: John Coope, ?Nathaniel Halleley, John Midgley; 21 Aug 1654. On reverse the condition of the bond: money to be repaid by Lammas (1 Aug) 1655; and receipt for £22 from William Mitley, 7 Aug ?1655. [vellum; probably sealed and seal cut off.]
I. 7 (k)
Articles of agreement between Jonathan Snowden, William Roberts, George Carter, the Chwdns & Ovsrs of Poor of Calverley and Farsley, and Joshua Wood and Samuel Barker, those of Bramley, re the future sharing of the Calverley workhouse from 1 May 1786 for fifteen years; witnesses: John Hardaker, Edward Walton, James Mann; JPs: James Kenion and Arthur Ikin; dated 1 Feb 1786. 3 duty stamps: 1/6d, 1s, and 3½d.; folded seals in bottom right corner.] [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1.]
I. 7 (l)
Eight Church Rate lists for Bramley, 1729, 1748, 1749, 1751, ?1752, 1787, 1793, 1794.
1. Mr Horner, churchwarden; assessors: Joseph Wood, Joseph Atkinson, John Wood, William Dannbrough, Daniel Farrar. [1 large sheet of paper, folded lengthwise; watermarked.]
2. Dated 20 Apr 1748; assessors: Richard Horner, Joseph Wood, Joshua Pitts, Henry Gamble, Joshua Burton, George Spence. [sewn booklet of 7 leaves and a stub.]
3. Dated 1 May 1749; assessors: Joseph Wood, G. Greene, Edward Briggs, Thomas Brethrick, John Lister, Julius Mortimr [sic], Joseph Barker. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves.]
4. Dated 1 May 1751; assessors: Joseph Wood, Richard Horner, John Lister, William Turner, John Marshall, John Musgrave, John Wood. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves.]
5. Dated 26 Apr ?1752; assessors: Joshua Wood, Joshua Burton, Thomas Clough, Simeon Musgrave. [very neat sewn booklet of 16 leaves – last quarter missing – written lengthwise.]
6. Dated 3 May 1787; assessors: Thomas Rogerson, Joshua Wood, Richard Waite, Jonas Turner, Samuel Lister, John Burton; ‘Confirmed by Peter Haddon, Vicar’. [neat sewn booklet of 16 leaves, cardboard-bound, written lengthwise.]
7. Dated 18 Apr 1793; assessors: Joshua Wood, Joseph Musgrave, John Lister, William Spence, Simeon Musgrave; confirmed as 6. above. [neat sewn booklet of 18 leaves, written lengthwise; considerable additions at beginning and end written normally; small scrap of paper with list of names between leaves 4 and 5.]
8. Dated 23 May 1794; assessors: Simeon Musgrave, John Vickers, Thomas Rogerson, William Farrar, Richard Waite, Edward Wilson. [neat sewn booklet of 24 leaves, bound in marbled card; assessment ends on leaf 15; many rough lists and assessments elsewhere.]
I. 7 (m) Miscellaneous Bramley documents of various dates
1a. 11 Feb 1710; hay modus for 1710 due to the Earl of Burlington. Received from Abraham Musgrave, constable; collector Thomas Howgill; + separate receipt from Howgill. [2 items;W]
b. Feb 1722/3; the same for 1723. Received from Abraham Musgrave; collector, Thomas Howgill; + 5 Mar 1722/3; separate receipt from Howgill. [2 items; W]
c. 21 Feb 1722/3; the order to Abr. Musgrave from Tho. Howgill to collect the hay modus and present it at Mr Jackman’s house on 5 Mar 1723; + list defaulters.
d. 25 Feb 1722/3; list of payments for the hay modus of 1723 from the tenants of the Earl of Cardigan. Assessed by: Edward Smith, Abraham [mark] Dixon, Thomas Brethricke, Abraham Burne, Daniell Parker.
2. 22 Mar 1691. Part of a statement of a fine; date occurs in annotation by Benjamin Killingbeck. Besides Killingbeck, the names of Rosse, Lister and Gamble appear. [W]
3. Printed advertisement for ‘B. Wilson / Grocer and Druggist, / Bramley’. Used as a folder for Agnes Slater documents (I. 7 (f) above). [W]
4. [n.d.]. 2 small pieces of an account with list of names and assessments [2 items; W]
5. [n.d.] 2 large pieces of an account with lists of names and assessments; one section headed ‘Town’s money’; no date and no assessors. [2 items; W]
6. [n.d.]. Account of moneys owed to Elizabeth Peart and Richard Whitehead, apparently written on an account for cloth bought or sold,
7. 20 Mar 1683 [?OS]. Part of an account of money distributed to the poor.
8. [n.d.]. Slip of paper with brief list of moneys owed or paid
9. [n.d.]. List of names with tally marks against them – strip.
10. [n.d.]. List of names and assessments; no heading, no date. [part only of second page.]
11. [n.d.]. Small sheet with only one entry and longer one with names and assessments; no heading or date. [2 items originally pinned together with note (by Benjamin Wilson?): ‘Fragments only – no date or headings’.]
12. [n.d.]. Part of another assessment with list of names and amounts.
13. 29 Mar [16]93 [?OS]. Scrap of paper: a statement of payment to William Ellis, ovrsr. of poor; signed Joseph Middlebrooke and Joshua Wood. [W]
14. 29 Dec [16]95. Probably list of payments to poor, by ovrsrs James Cawthra and Christopher Clarke. [W]
15. [n.d.]. List of roads in Pudsey with lengths and breadths. [W]
16. 7 May to 10 Jan [no year].Mainly a list of payments to Mary and Martha Setel,but also road making.
17. [n.d.]. ‘Bramley neglects In Someing to Comanday worke’ – list of names, days and amounts.
18. 17 Oct 1826. Printed pro-forma removal order to the Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Hunslet to take John Speight, Hannah his wife and William, Sarah and Samuel their children to the same of Bramley, their place of legal settlement; signed Thomas Beckett and Thomas Tennant. Note on back to the effect that Hannah is too sick to move, and T. Beckett and Charles Brown temporarily suspend order until she is fit to be moved. Bramley to recompense Hunslet for the cost. [1 folded seal]
19. [n.d.]. ‘A note of certaine goodes which Sir Thomas Danby leuyed for his Rentes’. List follows. Also a fuller list of goods distrained from Richard Musgrave and John Smith, William Stevenson and Matthew Carter. [2 items; W]
20. 4 Jan 1808. A promise-to-pay note from John Whitwah to Thomas Rogerson, chapel dues for Bramley; witnesses G.Greene and Samuel Barker. Several official stamps and embossings. Receipted on reverse, 4 Jan 1808. [W]
21. 24 [no month, no year]. Half of ?an acceptance of responsibility by Bramley for Thomas Settle, Sarah, his wife, and John, their son; witnesses John Marchel and Abraham Dixon. [W]
22. An attestation giving no information whatsoever except the names of the JPs, William Milner and George Dover.
23. 1 Nov 1723. Receipt from Joseph Fenton to John Wood and Edward Smith for money paid by William Farrer to three sisters, ‘alis Hannah & ann’; witness: Robert Smith.
24a. 1 Dec 1708. Receipt from Anne Wood to John Wood for money left her by her father, John Wood, when she reached 21 years; signed by Abra: Rhodes and Ann Rhodes; witnessed by Jonas Thornton.
b. 7 Jan 1713/14. Receipt from Dorothy Ansley (née Wood) to John Wood for money left to her by her father, John Wood, when she reached 20 years; signed by Joseph Ansley and Dorothy; witnessed by Jonas Thornton. [a & b together W]
25. [n.d., but in the reign of one of the Georges.]. Half an indenture between John Wood and John Hainsworth regarding property in Bramley. [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1.]
I. 7 (n) Assessments for poor relief and payments of charitable bequests, Bramley, 1687-1759.
1. 12 Jan 1714 for ‘three tribble Month’; assessed by: John Greene, Joseph Middlebrooke, John Wood, William Jackson, James Senior, Edward Smith; confirmed by: Solomon Pollard, Edmund Barker. [2 pages; walletted.]
2. 6 Aug 1714 for ‘two Triple Months’; assessed by: John Greene, John Wood, William Jackson, Thomas Peart; no confirmation. [2 pages; walletted.]
3. 29 July 1725 for ‘four triple months’; assessed by Samuel Exley, John Greene, John Wood, Edward Smith, Abram Musgrave, Thomas Brethricke, chapel-warden, Joseph Wilson, overseer, Timothy Dickinson; ‘Confirmated’ by J. Barstow, Mayor, James Kitchingman. [2 pages; walletted]
Charitable bequests:
4. 25 Oct 1687; ‘Tow yeares of interest’ on John Morley’s bequest distributed; + list of beneficiaries; signed: John Wood, snr., John Greene, John Brearley.
23 Dec 1687; ‘Tow yeares Interest’ on Morley bequest distributed; signed: John Greene, John Brearley; + list. [2 pages; walletted]
5. 1 Jun 1688; distribution of interest on John Morley’s bequest; William Bankes, John Soteill, ‘Ouseer seeres / of poore’; + list.
6. 29 March 1693; receipt for 29/- to John Wood from William Ellis, ovrsr. of pr., for part interest on J. Morley’s bequest; witnessed: Joseph Middlebrooke, Joshua Wood, John Greene.
7. 21 Dec 1696; ‘Dole money paid by John Wood’; signed by mark: Peter Turner, Joseph Turner;+ a brief list. [small sheet.]
8. 22 Dec 1697; ‘Mony appointed by the last will of Mr John Morley of Bramley to be distributed to the poore of Bramley was distributed as followeth by John Wood Trustee for the same & Joshua Wood & Jonas Thornton Overeseeres of the poore’; signed by Joshua Wood and JonasThornton; + list.
21 Dec 1698; ‘Moneys Appointed by the Will of mr John Morley & Agnes Slater Wid: was distributed as followeth’; + list.
21 Dec 1699; ‘Mr John Morley interest money distributed by John Wood’ and Widow Slater’s by Joseph Middlebrooke; + list.
21 Dec 1700; as above; + list.
9. 20 Dec 1701; interest on Mr John Morley’s £10 distributed by John Wood and interest on Mrs Agnes Slater’s £20 distributed by Joseph Middlebrooke.
20 Dec 1702; as above.
22 Dec 1703; as above.
21 Dec 1704; as above but J.M. not mentioned.
21 Dec 1705; ‘Dole money’ paid out by John Wood and Joseph Middlebrooke.
20 Dec 1706; payments by J.W. and J.M.
22 Dec 1707; ‘Dole money’ paid out by J.W. and J.M.
10. 22 Dec 1708; ‘Dole money’ as above.
22 Dec 1709; ‘Dole money’ as above.
22 Dec 1710; ‘Dole money’ as above’; ‘mor given 1711’
22 Dec 1712; ‘Dole money’ as above.
11. 21 Dec 1713; ‘Dole money’ as above.
22 Dec 1714; ‘Dole money’ as above; Thomas Chapman, overseer.
21 Dec 1715; ‘Dole money’ as above; Timothy Peart, overseer.
21 Dec 1716; ‘Dole money’ as above; James Senior, overseer.
21 Dec 1717; ‘Dole money’ as above.; James Hall, overseer.
22 Dec 1718; ‘Dole money’ as above
21 Dec 1719; ‘Dole money’ paid out by J.W. and Mr Middlebrook; Edward Smith,
22 Dec 1720; ‘Dole money’ paid out by J.W. and J.M.; John Burton, overseer.
12. 22 Dec 1721; Mr Morley’s ‘Dole money’ paid out by ? and Mr Middlebrooke.
22 Dec 1722; Mr Morley’s ‘Dole money’ paid out by ? and ‘Mis Slater dole money’ paid out the same day by Mr M.
1723; ‘The interest of Mr Morley Mony’ paid out by John Wood and ‘The interest of Mrs Slater Money’ paid out by ?.
1724; Int. on Mr M.’s money paid out by ? and int. on Mrs S.’s money paid out by ?.
21 Dec 1725; Int. on Mr.M.’s paid out by John Wood and int. on Mrs S.’s paid out by ?.; ‘Paid by me Tho: Brethricke, Church Warden’.
21 Dec 1726; Int on Mr M.’s paid out by J.W. and int. on Mrs. S.’s by Mrs Middlebrooke; ‘disburst By us Tho Brethricke, Abraham Musgrave’.
13. [21 Dec] 1727 – ‘St Tho.s Day’; ‘Mr Morleys and agnes slater Charity money’; distributed by John Turner and Tho Brethricke.
[21 Dec] 1728, as above; Mr M.’s and A.S.’s Charity money, distributed by Richard Horner, ‘Churchwarding’, and Richard Whitehead, overseer.
[21 Dec] 1729, as above; Mr M.’s and A.S.’s Ch. m., distributed by Daniel Farrar and Joshua Binns.
[21 Dec 1730] – top of account missing.
[21 Dec] 1731 – ‘St Tho.s day’; Mr M.’s and A.S.’s and ‘10s of Sr. Water Calverlay money’.
[21 Dec] 1732, as above; Mr M.’s and A.S.’s money – list of names but no amounts.
14. 22 Dec 1729; Sir Walter Calverley’s money paid out by Daniel Farrar and John Binns.
25 May 1730; as above but no distributors named.
5 May 1731; as above.
5 June 1732; as above.
15. 21 Dec 1733; Slater, Morley and Calverley ‘Charity’ distributed.
16. 21 Dec 1734; Slater Charity distributed.
17. 25 Dec 1738; Slater, Morley, Calverley and Clough Charity distributed. [+ list]
[NB Most of the accounts between 18. and 36 are small booklets, here marked ‘B’]
18. 21 Dec 1746; Morley, Slater and Clough money distributed. [+ list; B]
No day 1747; list only.
19. 25 Mar 1748; Green and collection money distributed. [+ list; B]
25 Mar 1749; as above. [+ list]
20. 25 Dec 1748; Morley, Slater and Clough money distributed. [+ list; B]
21. 25 Dec 1749; Morley, Slater and Clough money distributed [+ list; B]
22. 25 Mar 1750; Green, gift of Sir Walter Blacket and collection money distributed. [+ list; B format, but 1 page only]
23. 2 Jul 1750; Blacket money distributed. [+ list; B]
24. 25 Mar 1753; Green and collection money distributed. [+ list; B]
25. ‘Xtmas’ 1753; Morley, Slater, Blacket and Clough money distributed. [+ list; B]
26. 25 Mar 1754; Green, Wigfall and collection money distributed. [+ list; B]
27. 25 Dec 1754; ‘Cliff’, Morley, Slater and Blacket money distributed. [+ list; B]
28. 25 Mar 1755; money left in Benjamin Green’s and Mr Wigfall’s wills, and money collected, distributed. [+ list]
29. 25 Mar 1756; Greene, Wigfall, Blackett money and money collected, distributed [+ list]
30. ‘Xtmas’ 1756; Morley and Slater money and money given by ‘Mr Alderman Micklethwait’ distributed. [+ list; B]
31. ‘Lady Day’ 1757; ‘Ld Cardigan’, Green, Wigfall and collection money distributed. [+ list; B]
32. ‘Xrtmas’ 1757; Morley and Slater money distributed. [+ list; B]
8 Jan 1758; ‘Butcher’s money’ distributed by John Musgrave and Cuthbert Metcalf. [+ list]
33. ‘Lady Day’ 1758; Greene, Wigfall and collection money distributed. [+ list; B]
34. 21 Dec 1758; Slater, Morley, Clough and ‘The Rev. Mr. Thomas’ money distrib.. [+ list; B]
25 Mar 1759; Greene, Wigfall, Thomas and collection money distributed. [+ list; B]
35. 21 Dec 1760; Slater, Morley, Clough and Spurr money distributed. [+ list; B]
36. 21 Dec 1761; as above [+ list; B]
37. 21 Dec 1769; as above [+ list]
38. ?St Mar[garet’s] day, 1733; ‘John Clough’s money £2’ distributed to the poor of Bramley; list of names and amounts.
39. No date, no overseer; miscellaneous list of payments made in relation to poor of Bramley
40. n.d.; Benj. Green and Calverley money and money collected, distributed.
Miscellaneous legal:
41. 3 Feb 1725; account (?from Thomas Taylor) for various legal/scribal jobs re marriage of Hannah Wood and Thomas Banks. [small sheet.]
I. 7 (o) [items marked W are separately walletted, JW are joined with others in a single wallet]
1. 1694; ‘Disbursments for the hiwayes’; account and list of names [narrow sheet; W]
2. 9 Oct 1706 ; order confirming an apportioning of financial responsibility between Armley and Bramley for repairing bridges in borough of Leeds; Thomas Kitchingman, mayor. [W]
3. 1 Jan 1707; account of surveyors of highways for Bramley; John Greene, John Wood, Abraham Musgrave [folded sheet] [JW]
4. 7 Oct 1707; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by: John Greene, Jos. Middlebrooke, John Wood, Abraham Musgrave. [W]
5. Aug 1708; ‘Thomas Pearts disbirsmts.’ on highway repairs in Bramley [narrow sheet; W]
6. 2 Aug 1714; order to surveyors of highways of Bramley, John Wood and Abraham Musgrave, to take and sell possessions of those failing to perform highway service (list); from E. Barstow, William Cookson. [2 papered seals; W]
7. 6 Aug 1714; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by John Greene, Wm. Jackson, Tho. Peart, Thomas Chapman. [W]
8. 15 Oct 1716; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley, assessed by: John Greene, Tho. Peart, Abraham Musgrave, John Wood, Timothy Peart, Tho. Brothricke. Money owed to Rich. Smith. [W]
9. 21 Nov 1716; order to the Bramley surveyors, William Wigfall and Richard Smith, to take and sell possessions of those failing to pay highway dues: James Senior, Walter Farra, Richard Whithead, Abraham Dixon, John Marshall, ? Bywater, William Dixon, Joshua Burley; from Edmund Bankes. [papered seal] [JW]
10 . 28 Nov 1716; summons for highway surveyors of Wortley, Farnley and Bramley; Edw. Iveson, mayor. [papered seal] [JW]
11. 1716; list of names with a few amounts attached but mostly tally marks; ‘John Wigfall, Richard Smith surveyors 1716’ [W]
12 . 1720; account re highway repairs in Bramley [sum on back; W]
13. 15 Nov 1723; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by: John Greene, John Wood senior, Richard Smith, Tho. Peart, Thomas Chapman. [W]
14. 1723; account re highway repairs in ‘Brambley’ [small, narrow sheet; W]
15. 6 Aug 1725; account of Thomas Chapman and John Close, highways surveyors, Bramley. [JW]
16. 6 Aug 1725; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by: Tho. Brethricke, Sam. Exley, John Greene, Abraham Musgrave, Richard Fenton, Thomas Chapman, John Close; confirmed by: William Milner, John Pollard. [W]
17. 14 Sep 1726; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by Sam. Exley, Tho. Brethricke, Joseph Wood, Abraham Musgrave, Richard Fenton, John Bankes, Joshua Burton; confirmed by William Cookson, mayor, Thomas Brearey. [W]
18. 11 Dec 1727; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by: Sam. Exley, John Wood, Ricd Horner, John Turner, Joseph Wood; confirmed by: Sol. Pollard, mayor, Thomas Brearey. [W]
19. 1728; account re highway repairs in Bramley. [JW]
20. 10 Oct 1729; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by: Ricd. Horner, John Hargreve, John Musgrave, Thomas Chapman, John Banks. Confirmed by: Jno. Blayds, mayor, Tho. Pease. [W]
21. 8 Oct 1730; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley; assessed by: Ricd. Horner, John Wood, John Wood, John Banks, John Musgrave; confirmed by: Geo. Dover, William Milner.
22. 19 Sep 1735; assessment re highways in Bramley; assessed by G. Greene, Jo. Wood, Jno. Carter, Joseph Atkinson, Wm. Darnbrough [booklet with no cover; W]
23. [1739-40]; half of a sheet of assessments; assessed by Richard Horner, Joseph Wood; confirmation, dated 31 May 1740, by: Henry Atkinson, mayor, William Cookson, George Dover, Edward Kenion. [W]
24. 1741; ‘Money disbursed in Repairing the Highroads’, Bramley [originally folded sheet; W]
25. 11 Nov 1748; assessment re highway repairs in Bramley (2d per £); assessed by: Joseph Wood, John Banks, Julius Mortimer, Jos. Turner, Joshua Pitts, John Hall, John Wood [booklet with no cover; W]
26. 25 Sep 1751; ‘Lay’ to re-imburse Joshua Wood highways surveyor for Bramley (2d per £); assessed by: Joseph Wood, John Musgrave, Anthony Bretherick, Joshua Pitts, John Parker, William Nichols, Joshua Wood [booklet with no cover] [W]
27. 22 Nov 1753; ‘Lay’ to re-imburse John Musgrave and John Burton, highways surveyors for Bramley (6d per £); assessed by: Joseph Wood, Ricd. Horner, William Nickols, Julius Mortimer, George Becrofte, John Hutton [rough-covered booklet] [W]
28. 3 Nov 1755; ‘Lay’ to re-imburse Joseph Wood and John Musgrave, h.s. for Bramley (6d per £); Assessed by: G. Greene, Richard Horner, Ben. Oldfield, Saml. Barker, Samuel Farrer, John Wood, Joseph Wood, John Musgrave [rough-covered booklet; on front: Highway Rate 1755; on inside cover: ‘For Mr Cuthbert / Metcalfe att / Bramley near / Ledes’.] [W]
29. 11 Jan 1755; printed notice re appointment, etc. of surveyors of highways; signed by John Brooke, mayor, Ed. Kenion, Henry Atkinson. [folio sheet; W back-to-back with 9 Jan 1762] [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1]
30. 9 Jan 1762; printed notice re appointment, etc. of surveyors of highways; signed by John Blaydes, E. Kenion, John Firth. [folio sheet; W back-to-back with 11 Jan 1755] [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1]
31. n.d.; expenses re highways: ‘when we Sed. hiways…’ [sum on back] [JW]
32. n.d.; expenses re highways: ‘pad at meuring the Hiwaes …’ [JW]
33. n.d.; expenses re highways: ‘… the 13 Charges with Robert …’ [first lines very faint; W]
I. 7 (p) Land Tax Assessments
1. 1735. Beginning of list of tax payers. [Quarter sheet]
2. 1739. Assessors: John Greene, Joseph Wood; Collectors: Stephen Jackson, John Ross; Confirmed by Wm. Cookson, Mayor, Geo. Dover, John Douglas, Wm. Fenton, John Brooke. [Folio sheet folded vertically, almost in half]
3. 1740. List of names only. [Three-quarter sheet only, so collectors, assessors, etc. missing]
4. 1741. Assessors: G. Greene, John Wood; Collectors: G. Greene, John Wood; Confirmed, 16 May 1741, by Ric. Wilson, Recorder, Wm. Cookson, Geo. Dover, Wm. Fenton, John Brooke, Henry Atkinson.
I. 7 (q) Assessments for Repairs to Leeds Parish Church & Bramley Chapel
1. 28 Mar 1701. Assessors: Joshua Wood, John Greene, Jonas Thornton, Joshua Wood Jun., Abram Musgrave. [Folio sheet folded vertically]
2. 18 Mar 1702. Assessors: Jonas Thornton, John Wood, John Greene, Richard Smith, Benjamin Vevers. [Folio sheet folded vertically but almost in two pieces.]
3. 25 Mar 1704. Assessors: Willm. Wigfall, John Greene, Jonas Thornton, John Wood, Jonat. Wood. [Folio sheet folded vertically but now in two pieces.]
4. 18 Mar 1724/5. [On reverse] Assessors: John Wood, Rich. Horner, Ricd. [mark] Oldfield, John Greene, William Turner. [Folio sheet foded vertically now in two pieces.]
MS Box I. 8
Bramley: a collection of documents of the seventeenth to nineteenth century relating to the township of Bramley, including settlement orders, constables’ accounts, apprentice papers, assessments for land tax, hearth tax etc., accounts of the overseers of the poor. Most of the material was from the collection of Alan Dobson.
I. 8
Order signed by William Hey, mayor of Leeds and JP, to the constables of Leeds in general and James Arrundell in particular, re Rebecca Coulson, with child by James Eastwood of Pudsey, clothier, for the apprehension of Eastwood; dated 15 July 1788.
[Application made by James Varley, one of the overseers of the poor in Bramley.]
Endorsed by John Beckett, JP, 15 Jul 1788. [printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; in el-velope]
I. 8 (a) Assessments for relief of the poor:
(1) 2 Oct 1690 [first page only] (47 entries); assessors missing; sum on back.
(2) [1693] [part only] (29 entries); assessors: Joseph Wood, John Greene, Christopher Lupton, Joshua Wood Jnr.; ‘confirmed by me Thomas Dixon Major’, ‘Wm. Calverley’ below.
(3) 4 Jan 1698 (72 entries); assessors: Jonas Thornton, John Greene, Joshua Wood Jnr., Joshua Wood Snr, Abraham Musgrave.
(4) 12 Aug 1698 (71 entries); assessors: John Greene, Jonas Thornton, Jonathan Wood, Abraham Musgrave.
(5) 24 Sep 1704 (70 entries); assessors: John Greene, Jonas Thornton, John Wood, Abraham Musgrave; sum on back of first page, ‘Poor Assesm.1/1704’ on back of second.
(6) 24 Sep 1704 (51 entries); assessors missing; ‘Poor 1704’ on back. [Same list as first page of (e) with minor variations].
(7) 8 Jan 1706 (75 entries); assessors: Mr Wigfall, Mr Green, John Wood, Thomas Peart; ‘Poor 1706’ on back of first page.
(8) 14 Jan 1707 (76 entries); assessors: Jonas Thornton, Joseph Lepton, Jos: Middlebrooke, Thomas Peart; ‘Poor 1707’ on back of second page.
(9) 27 Jun 1709 (78 entries); assessors: John Greene, Jonas Thornton, Abraham Musgrave, William Wigfall; ‘Poor Sessmt/1709’ on back of second page.
(10) [‘1709/10’ added in blue pencil] (76 entries); assessors: John Greene, Jonas Thornton, Thomas Peart, Abraham Musgrave; ‘Confirmed by us / Henry Iveson / Edmd: Barker’; ‘Poor Assesmt(?)tld’ on back of first page.
(11) [‘1712’ added in blue pencil] (78 entries); assessors: John Wood, Thomas Peart, John Bankes, Edward Smith; ‘John Turner 1712(?)/ William Whitelocke(?) on back of first page.
(12) 29 Jan 1712/3 (79 entries); assessors: John Greene, Jonas Thornton; Thomas Peart, Abraham Musgrave; ‘Wm Jackson’ at head of first page, ‘John Rose’ on back of first page, ‘Poor 1712’ on back of second.
(13) 1713 (80 entries); assessors: Jonas Thornton, John Wood, Abraham Musgrave, Thomas Peart, Benjamin Greene, John Bankes; sums on back of first page, ‘Poor Sess 1713’ on back of second.
(14) 2 Aug 1716 (76 entries); assessors: Thomas Peart, Edward Smith(?), Thomas Chapman, Timothy Peart (on back of first page); lower edges of both pages seriously tattered.
(15) 16 Aug 1717 (76 entries); assessors: John Greene, Edward Smith, Thomas Peart, Thomas Brothricke, John Chapman, John Bankes (‘timothy peart’ written in margin above; on back of first page); ‘Poor Assesmt/ 1717’ on back of second page; pin, which held the two pages together and which looks 18thc, removed.
(16) 1 Aug 1718 (84 entries); assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Edward Smith, Abraham Musgrave.
(17) 20 Feb 1720 (88 entries); assessors: Joseph Middlebrooke, John Wood Senr, Abraham Musgrave, Thomas Peart.
(18) 15 Jul 1720 (88 entries); assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Edward Smith, Abraham Musgrave, Thomas Chapman, Thomas Peart, John Bankes; ‘Received of John Wood of town / accounts – 9s 4d / also of Edward Smith – 19s 8d’ on back of first page.
(19) 14 Aug 1723 (95 entries); assessors: Abraham Musgrave, John Wood, Joseph Wilson, Thomas Chapman.
(20) 12 Jan 1726 (97 entries); assessors: John Wood, Thomas Brothricke Chappillwarden, Abraham Musgrave, Thomas Chapman, Timothy Dickinson; ‘Poor 1726’ on back of second page.
(21) 7 Sep 1726 (97 entries); assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Richard Horner, Thomas Brothricke Chappill Warden, Joseph Willson, Joseph Wood; ‘Poor 1726’ on back of second page.
(22) 5 Mar 1728 (98 entries); assessors: Richard Horner, John Wood, John Atkinson, John Musgrave; ‘Poor Assessm.t / 1728’ on back.
(23) 24 Aug 1728 (96 entries); assessors: Samuel Exley, Joseph Wilson, William Darnborough, John Turner, Richard Oldfield, Confirmed by us Thomas Pease, Thomas Brearey; ‘Poor 1728’ on back of second page.
(24) 30 Jan 1729 (107 entries); assessors: John Greene, Richard horner, John Banks, Thomas Chapman, John Musgrave, William Durnborough.
(25) 10 Mar 1731/2 (109 entries); assessors: John Greene, Joseph Wood, Richard Horner, John Hargreve, John Hall, William Darnborough; ‘Poor 1731’ on back of second page.
I. 8(b) Constables’ Accounts, etc
(1) Oct 1692, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts. [vertically folded sheet.]
(2) 22 Oct 1701, Constable’s accounts, William Turner. [long narrow single sheet.]
(3) 28 Feb 1705, ‘A Constable Lay’. [vertically folded sheet; no constable or assessors named.]
(4) 1705-6, ‘Disburst by William Bankes. [vertically folded narrow sheet; on attached slip:‘Constable of Bramley / 1705-6’.]
(5) 21 Oct 1708, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts. [vertically folded broad sheet.]
(6) 10 Jan 1708, ‘A Constable Lay’ unnamed; assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Jonathan Wood, Thomas Peart, William Wilson. [vertically folded sheet, now in 2 pieces.]
(7) 24 Jun 1709, ‘A duble Constable Laye’; assessors: John Greene, William Wigfall, John Wood, Jonathan Wood, Abraham Musgrave. [vertically folded sheet.]
(8) 1710, Constable’s accounts, Christopher Clarke. [long vertical single sheet.]
(9) 18 Jan 1711, ‘A constable Lay’; assessors: John Greene, Joseph Middlebrooke, Edward Smith, Jonas Thornton, Thomas Peart, Abraham Musgrave. 19 August. [2 long vertical single sheets – perhaps once joined?]
(10) ? Jul 1712, ‘A Constable Lay’ unnamed; assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Thomas Peart, John Bankes, Edward Smith. [vertically folded broad sheet.]
(11) 1712, ‘disburst by Joseph Bins Constable for the year 1712’. [single sheet.]
(12) 3 Oct 1712, Constable’s a/c, unnamed. [vertically folded sheet, half of second page missing.]
(13) 27 Oct 1714, Constable’s a/c, unnamed. [[long vertical single sheet.]
(14) 1715, Constable’s a/c; on reverse: ‘Tho: Bretherick Const.ble / Accompts for ye years 1715 & 1716. [vertically folded sheet.]
(15) 29 Dec 1715 ‘A Constable Lay’ unnamed; assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Edward Smith, Abraham Musgrave. [vertically folded sheet, now in 4 parts.]
(16) 27 Jul 1716 ‘A Constable Lay’ unnamed; assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Edward Smith, Abraham Musgrave. [vertically folded sheet.]
(17) 1718, ‘The desbursment off the Constable of Bramley / for ye year one thousand seven hundred and / Eighteen’; unnamed; single sheet. [long vertical single sheet.]
(18) 1719, ‘The Disbursment pf the Constable of Bramley T / for ye year of one thousand seven hundred & nineteen’; unnamed. [vertically folded broad sheet – half of second page missing.]
(19) 21 May 1719, ‘A Constable Lay’; assessors: John Greene, John Wood, Thomas Peart, Eli Burton, Daniell Parker, Joseph Bywater. [vertically folded sheet, badly torn.]
(20) ‘An acount of the Money disbursed by the constable of / Bramley for the year 1726 & 1727’. [vertically folded broad sheet.]
(21) 19 Feb 1729 ‘A Lay made to reimburse / John Bins Constable for the Town of Bramley’; assessors: Joseph Wood, William Durnbrough, John Wood, Daniel Farrar, John Chapman, Josher? Willson. [vertically folded sheet with long strip of paper sewn into fold.]
(22) 28 Jul 1733 ‘A Lay....John penny halfpenny pound’; assessors: G. Greene, Richard Horner, Joseph Wood, Timothy Peart. [vertically folded sheet.]
(23) 27 Apr 1734 ‘A Lay ...John Marshall...three halfpence per pound’; assessors: Richard Horner, Joseph Wood, Joseph Atkinson, Charles Turner, John Chapman. [vertically folded sheet, now in 2 parts.]
(24) 4 Jun 1739 ‘A Lay ...Matthew Parker...two pence per pound’; assessors: Joseph Wood, Richard Horner, Edward Briggs, John Carter, Joseph Atkinson, Lawrance Dickenson, William Darnbrough. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves; no cover.]
(25) 9 Oct 1740 – 7 Oct 1741 and 13 )ct 1741 – 13 Oct 1742 Constable’s accounts, ?Jacob Hailey. [sewn booklet of 4 leaves, part of last page missing; grey rough paper cover.]
(26) 19 Aug 1741 ‘A lay made to Reimburse Jacob Haily / Constable of the Town of Bramley being / being Threepence per pound’. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves; no cover.]
(27) 22 Jul 1742 ‘A Lay...Jacob Haily Constable...1 penny Per Pound’. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves; grey rough paper cover.]
(28) 26 Aug 1743 ‘A Lay...Jacob Haily Constable...2d Per Pound’. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves; grey rough paper cover.]
(29) 21 Aug 1751 ‘A Lay...Jacob Haley Constable...2d per pound’. [sewn booklet of 7 leaves (fol.7 cut out); no cover]
(30) 1752 ‘A Lay...William Hardaker Constable... 3 pence per Pound’. [sewn booklet of 7 leaves (fol.7 cut out); grey rough paper cover.]
(31) 21 Sep 1753 ‘A Lay...John Hutton Constable...3 pence per Pound’. [sewn booklet of 7 leaves (fol.7 missing); no cover.]
(32) 20 Sep 1754 ‘A Lay...Richard Burton Constable...Two pence per Pound’. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves (part of fol.8 cut off); no cover.]
(33) Undated, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts [sewn booklet of 7 leaves (fol.8 missing); grey rough paper cover.].
(34) Undated, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts; ?assessors: Joshua Wood, Jonas Thornton, John Wood, Abram Musgrave. [vertically folded sheet, top missing and lower part of page 2.]
(35) Undated, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts. [single sheet.]
(36) Undated, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts. [single sheet.].
(37) Undated, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts. [single sheet.].
(38) Undated, untitled and unnamed Constable’s accounts. [single sheet.]
(39) 31 Dec [no year] ‘A Constable Lay’; assessors: Joseph Middlebrooke, John Wood, Joshua Wood, William Peart, Richard Smith. [vertically folded sheet.]
(40) 1750, Land Tax assessment for Bramley. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves; no cover.]
(41) [n.d.] ‘A Coppy of the Tyth Lay of Bramley [?] Lord Francis Brutenall tennant’. [vertically folded sheet; lower half of second sheet torn and secured with a pin.]
(42) 7 Jun 1631. Receipt for ten pounds, fine paid by jervase Smith of West Melton, parish of Wath, county of York, as a composition for not attending Charles I’s coronation and receiving the order of knighthood; but fees apparently still outstanding. On reverse is a quittance of all fines and another for all fees, both dated from York, 10 Jul 1632.
I. 8(c)
(1) Jun-Oct 1699 ‘Paid to poore of Bramley In June:th 99 [Overseer of the Poor a/c, and ‘by Bill’; large folded sheet; ‘1699’ in pencil at top left]
(2) 1 Oct 1704-Apr 1705 ‘A bill of Christopher Clarke disbursements to ye poor’ [single large sheet]
(3) 1 Nov 1707 ‘Since ye first of November 1707 DisBursed for Six Monthly / Towards ye Relief of ye Poor Inhabitants of Bramley. // By Jos. Dickinson / Overseer’ [single small sheet, written horizontally]
(4) 1 May 1711 ‘May the first 1711 A bill of the disbursments to the poor of Bramley’ [with tally marks; small single sheet; on reverse: ‘To Mr Jno: Bankes’]
(5) 1 May – Oct 1711 ‘May ye first 1711 A bill of ye disbursements to / the Poor of Bramley by // { John Banks [folded sheet; in blue crayon on reverse: ‘Overseers a/c’s / 1711’]
(6) 1711 ‘The Dessbursmentes of Abraham Hall Overseer of the poor of Bramley 1711’ [large folded sheet; in blue crayon on reverse: ‘Overseers Accounts / 1711’]
(7) 19 Jun 1713 – Aug 1713 ‘An accompt of what Mony I Laid / out instead of Richard Roome’ [small single sheet]
(8) 19 May – 11 Oct 1713 ‘May 19th – 1713 paid to mary stainforth [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single large sheet]
(9) Nov 1716 – Apr 1717 ‘pade to the pore’; on reverse: ‘Jno Parker & James Sener(?) / Accompts for ye year 1716 Oversers Pore’
(10) Apr – Sep 1718 ‘John Wood disburst in six months As followeth’ [single large sheet]
(11) 1 May 1719 ‘May the 1st 1719 Disporsment for the poor / of Bramley’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; long sheet folded]
(12) May – Oct 1720 ‘an account of what is paid to the poor / of Bramley by John Burton in the / year 1720’ [large single sheet folded; scorch mark or iron mould has eaten a hole on the fold]
(13) 1 Nov 1723 ‘November 1st 1723’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; runs to Apr 1724; single large sheet]
(14) 10 May 1724 ‘Mayth 10 1724 paid by bill’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c/; runs to October; consists of two separate lists for same time period]
(15) Nov 1724 – Apr 1725 ‘The Disbursment of Timo Dickinson / Overse of ye poor of Bramley for ye / Latter half of the year 1724 as / followeth for november’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; booklet of 5 pages + ‘turks head’ pin]
(16) 1 May 1727 ‘May ye 1st 1727’; on reverse:’ Richard Oldfield overseer for ye Poor / in ye year 1727 His accts. made / The 15th day of may 1728’ [single sheet]
(17) 12 Nov 1727 – 1 Feb 1728 ‘The By bill’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single sheet; blue crayon: ‘Overseers a/c 1727’]
(18) 1 May 1728 ‘May the 1 1728 Richard Whitehead the Ovrseer peaid to The poor / be month for 6 months / November ye I peaid to ye poor be month’ [runs to 28 Apr 1729] [long folded sheet]
(19) 1 May 1729 ‘Since the first day of May 1729 Disbursed for the Releif of the Poor of Bramley Six Months by John Banks Overseer’ [single large sheet with small rectangular piece pinned to it with ‘turk’s head’ pin; on reverse in blue crayon: Overseers Accounts / 1729]
(20) 1 Nov 1729 – 2 mar 1730 ‘November 1 1729 What pad ^be^by for the pore’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single folded sheet]
(21) 30 Oct 1731, Jan and Feb [?1732] ‘October ye 30 1731’ [Overseers of the Poor a/c; single sheet; text starts on second page; ‘Overseers’ a/cs / 1731’ in blue crayon on reverse]
(22) 1 May/Aug/Oct 1743 ‘May ye 1 1743 Account / what is paid to the poor of Bramley’ [Overseers of the Poor Account; small booklet, 7 pages, 1sr detached] [+ ‘turk’s head’ pin]
(23) 5 May – Oct 1744 ‘May ye 5 : d : 1744’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single large folded sheet containing two lists of payment for the same period; on reverse in blue crayon: Overseers accounts / 1744]
(24) [n.d.] ‘Will: Snowden’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single large sheet, folded twice] [‘blue pencil’ has guessed 1731]
(25) 2 Jan [n.d.] – 22 Apr [n.d.] ‘2 January faby Roase’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single small sheet]
(26) 2 Nov [n.d.] – 26 Dec [n.d.] ‘?Town Bill’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single small sheet]
(27) [n.d.] ‘pade to Hannah Watterworth’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single small sheet]
(28) [n.d.] ‘margret Bins’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single large sheet]
(29) [n.d.] ‘The By Bill May’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single small sheet]
(30) May – Oct [n.d.] ‘pade to the pore may the first’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; folded small sheet, begins on second page]
(31) 1 Nov [n.d.] ‘A by bill for the ^poor^ of Bramley’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; large folded sheet, begins on second page]
(32) Oct – Mar [n.d.] ‘October Paid to poore Hue Watterworth’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; large folded sheet, begins on inner page]
(33) May [n.d.] ‘May / paid to Mary Haw [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single long narrow sheet]
(34) [n.d.] ‘An account of ye ^money^ laid out for ye Relief / of the Poor’ [single small sheet]
(35) [n.d.] ‘pade to Hannah Watherworth’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single small sheet]
(36) May – Oct [n.d.] ‘May Widd Kittching’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single large sheet]
(37) [n.d.] ‘Mary Wilkisson’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; single large sheet, written horizontally; appears to have been used as a wrapper]
(38) [n.d.] ‘For ye Warrant’ [Overseer of the Poor a/c; large folded sheet]
(39) 3 Mar 1665 Warrant for the arrest of John Walker of Bramley, labourer.
I. 8 (d)
(1) 14 Apr 1666. Order to Constable of Bramley to make known the holding of a ‘Great Court or turne with veiw of franke pledge Court leete And Court baron of our soueraigne Lady the queene Mother’ at Joseph Greene’s house at Wiskitt Hill on 26 [or ‘27’] Apr 1666; signed by Joseph Greene. [single small sheet]
(2) 27 May 1666. Order to all Bailiffs and Constables in the West Riding to arrest Samuell Shiers of Bramley. Signed: Walter Calverley; notice that the order has been carried out to be given to John Illingworth of Farsley. [single sheet; 1 very clear seal: bordure of 6 owls, blank central shield, crest and mantling.]
(3) 25 Jul 1666. Order to Constable of Bramley to carry out sentence on William Naylor, Henry Dicconson, Walter Stephenson, John Wilson for keeping a Common Ale House without licence – 20s fine each or whipping. Signed: ‘Dan: Foxcroft / major’. [single sheet; black seal: 3 erased deer/greyhound heads around a chevron; endorsed: ‘To / John Wood Constable of / Bramley / these’.]
(4) 6 Mar 1801. Order to Constable of Bramley to summon Ovrsr. of Pr. to explain refusal to give assistance to James Dowgill, Nancy, his wife, and George, William and John, their children. Signed: W. Fawkes. [printed pro-forma (No.63); papered seal; sums on reverse.]
(5) 16 Nov 1801. Order to Constable of Bramley to raise £24 16s 10½d as Bramley’s part of an estreat. Signed: John Wright, Serjeant at Mace. [printed pro-forma; papered seal; sums on reverse.]
I. 8 (e)
(1) 14 Mar [1666 (or 1643)]. Order to Sergeant at Mace and Constables of Borough of Leeds to apprehend Jane Jackson. No signature. [small sheet, upper left corner (more than an ⅛) missing.]
(2) Nov 1799-Mar 1801. Expense and receipt account of H. Wilkinson for Township of Bramley. On reverse, 3 separate lists of names, and later pencil annotation: ‘Overseers Papers’ and ‘Affiliation & Receival Orders / ? ‘. [single sheet; watermark: JL / 1797.]
(3) 16 Apr 1666. Receipt for Hearth Tax from Constable of Bramley, signed Edward Copley. [slip of paper.]
(4) 10 Mar 1665/6. Order to Constable of Bramley and Armley for collection of Hearth Tax to be paid at the house of Ralph Worden in Halifax. Signed: Joshua Greathead. [half sheet.]
(5) 20 Jun 1665. Order to John Wood & Christopher Broadbelt, subcollectors for Bramley and Armley of £9 1s 8d as Royal Aid. Signed: Peter Sunderland. [small piece of paper; on reverse: ‘Bramley cum Armley’.]
(6) 25 Nov 1665. Order to John Wood & Christopher Broadbelt, subcollectors for Bramley and Armley of £9 1s 8d as Royal Aid, to be paid at the house of Jane Kitching, widow, in Bradford. Signed: Peter Sunderland. [slip of paper; on reverse: ‘Bramley cum Armley’.]
(7) 30 Apr [16]89. Order to the Constable of Bramley and Armley for collection of £9 1s 10½d as Royal Aid. Signed: Jo: Cresley (or Gresley).
(8) 10 Oct 1689. Order to John Wood, John Jackson, Henry Moore & Richard Areton to produce lists of all land, persons, property assessable for taxes. Signed: Tho: Horton & Sim: Sterne. [folded sheet; sums on reverse.]
(9) 23 Feb 1808. Order to Constables and other Officers of the Borough of Leeds to bring John Dickinson before a JP for failing to provide for his family, on the evidence of James Oddie one of the Ovrsrs. of the Pr. Signed: Edward Markland & William Cookson. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
(10) 1 Dec 1807. (a) Order to the Constable of Yeadon to summon the Ovrsrs. of the Pr. to explain refusal to give assistance to Mary Wilson, wife of a soldier, and her child. Signed: W. Fawkes. [small printed pro-forma; 1 wafer seal.]
(b) Order as above but fuller in setting out case. Signed: W. Fawkes. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; date altered from ‘thirtieth . . Nov’ to ‘first . . Dec’; 1 wafer seal.]
(11) 22 Nov 1808. Order to Constable of Bramley & Chief Constable of the Borough to distrain the goods of Charles Dickinson for failure to fulfil his obligations to his apprentice Charles Harrendale. Signed: Thomas Tennant & Benjamin Gott. [large single sheet; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ‘Summons — 3 .. 0 / Service — 0 .. 0 / Warrant — 2 .. 0 / Service — 0 .. 0’; watermark: crowned cartouche with ? within.]
(12) 11 Sep 1779. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Joseph Moon, his wife, and Edward, his son, by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of the Pr. of Aberford to the same of Bramham. Original was signed by J. Goodricke & Rd. Tompson & attested by T. Wilde, Parish Clerk; this copy made on 2 Nov 1807 attested by Joseph Moon. [large single sheet.]
(13) [n.d.] Undated statement of case re parish responsibility for an apprentice, Joshua Atkinson, between Bramley and Pudsey. Signed John Skelton, attorney at law for the Appellants,& Samuel Hailstone, attorney for the Respondents. [folded sheet. On reverse: (a) addressed to: J.P.Heywood Esq. / Wakefield; (b) pencil scribbles perhaps related to case; (c) remains of seal.]
(14) 2 Dec 1797. Letter from L. or C. Hepkenson of Holmfirth to Mr Barker Ovrsr. of the Pr, at Bramley asking for confirmation of move of children of Joseph Coulson to Pudsey for fear of an appeal by Pudsey. [single sheet, folded as letter; signs of seal, address and part of ?Huddersfield postal stamp on reverse.]
(15) 9 Oct 1665. Summons to the Constable of Bramley cum Armley for trained bands under Capt. W. Batte to a muster at Hartshead. Signed: Wm. Batte. [small piece of paper; on reverse: Bramley cum Armley.]
(16) 13 Oct 1665. Summons to the Constable of Bramley cum Armley for officers and soldiers in Sir George Saville’s regiment to a muster at Hartshead. Signed: Tho: Wilkinson. [small piece of paper; on reverse: Bramley cum Armley.]
(17) 6 Jul 1666. Summons to Constable of Bramley cum Armley for trained soldiers to a muster at Birstall. Signed: Wm. Batte. [small piece of paper; on reverse: Bramley cum Armley.
(18) 20 Jul 1666. Summons to Constable of Bramley cum Armley for all men between fifteen and sixty to a muster at Wakefield, and provide a full list of all arms. Signed Thos: Wilkinson. [small sheet of paper; on reverse: Bramley cum Armley.]
(19) 10 Mar 1808. Letter from Thos. Bolland to the Constable of Bramley re absent militia substitute, James Berry of Idle. List of balloted men and their substitutes included. [single sheet; on reverse: ‘To / The Constable / of Bramley / Leeds’; postmarked: LEEDS.]
(20) 17 Oct 1665. Order to Constable of Bramley to check licences of all Innholders etc. Signed: Dan: Foxcroft, major, & Marma: Hicke. [small sheet of paper; 3 seals: 2 with Leeds fleece, 1 with shield, lion passant between 3 fleur-de-lys, helmet and mantling.]
(21) 8 Jan 1665. Order to the Sergeant at Mace and the Constable of Bramley to bring Henry Appleby before the mayor. Signed: Dan: Foxcroft, major, & Marma: Hicke. [folded single sheet; 2 seals: Leeds fleece & very damaged coat of arms; on reverse: Jos: or Jo: Wood these are to certify yt yt Henry / Appleby hath bounde himselfe over with ?? / sufficient sureties to appeare at ye next ?? / Sessions’.]
(22) [n.d.] Bill from Township of Yeadon to Township of Bramley for poor relief for ‘William Wilson wife & one child’, 10 Dec 1806 – 29 Aug 1807, and for Sarah Greaves. ?Signed: Thos. Dennon. [small sheet of paper.]
(23) 15 Dec [n.y.]. Bill from Ovrsrs of Pr. of Shipley to the same of Bramley for pay for Betty, wife of Joshua Denby serving as substitute, between 17 Aug 1807 and 21 Dec 1807. Signed: Wm. Booth, Overseer. [small sheet of paper; on reverse: ‘Dr. Mr. Rogerson’.]
(24) [n.d.] Bill from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Ovenden to the same of Bramley for pay for wife and child of James Denton serving as substitute, between 15 Dec 1807 and 29 Mar 1808. Annotated: ‘Setteled ?C. Snowden’. [printed pro-forma slip; sums on reverse.]
(25) [n.d.] Bill from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Ovenden to the same of Bramley for pay for wife and child of James Denton serving as substitute, between 29 Mar and 3 May 1808. Annotated:’Settd. Apl. 28th 1808 Abram. Hodgson’. [printed pro-forma slip.]
(26) [n.d.] Ovrsr. of Thorner [altered from ‘Thornhill’] and the same of Bramley for pay to Widow Blackburn and four children, to 29 Apr 1808. Annotated: ‘Recd. Per me, John Nichols’.
(27) [n.d.] Bill from Ovrsrs. of Pr. for Bramley to the same of Beeston, payments for the family of Samuel Rhodes, between 6 Feb and 30 Apr 1808. Annotated: ‘1808 May 2d Settled C. Clarke.’. [slip of paper; on reverse: Robt. Sharketton or Shackelton ? ?]
(28) [n.d.] Bill from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Hunslet to the same of Bramley, for pay for wife of Isaac Ambler serving as substitute, between 7 Jun 1807 and 22 Nov 1807. Approved by John Brooke, JP, 15 Apr 1808; settled 19 Apr 1808. [slip of paper; on reverse: Bramley.]
(29) [n.d.] Bill from Ovrsr. of Bowling to the same of Bramley for relief of Jery Ackroyd, between 19 Nov 1808 and 3 Mar 1809. Signed: Benjm. Gummersall, paid by J.Oddie, 8 Mar 1808 (should be 1809?). [slip of paper]
(30) 13 Mar 1705. Order to Constable of Bramley cum Armley to collect 8s. 9p. for repair of bridges etc. in the wapentake and make payment in Sowerby Bridge on 21 Mar. Signed: R. Wainehouse. [slip of paper; on reverse: ‘Bramley / cum / Armley /
8: 9’.]
(31) 17 Jun 1706. Order to Constable of Bramley cum Armley to collect £1 6s 6¾d for repair of bridges etc. in the wapentake and 4s 2d for the master of the House of Correction, and make payment at William Mortimer’s, Innkeeper, Bradford on 27 Jun. Signed: Edwd Wainehouse. [slip of paper; on reverse: ‘Bramley / cum / Armley / 1: 10: 8¾’.]
(32) 15 Sep 1706. Order to Constable of Bramley cum Armley to collect 18s 4½d for repair of bridges etc. in the wapentake and make payment at Jeffery Chadwick’s in Halifax on 25 Sep. Signed: Edwd Wainehouse. [slip of paper; on reverse: ‘Bramley cum Armley’.]
(33) 19 Mar 1743. Order to Constable of Bramley cum Armley to collect £2 2s 8d for repair of Riding Bridges, Treasurer and vagrants, Master of House of Correction and poor prisoners in York Castle, and make payment at Timothy Stocks in Horton on 30 Mar 1743. Signed: Gilbert Brooksbank. [slip of paper; on reverse: Recd. the Contents / Gilbert Broooksbank.]
(34) 3 Sep 1744. Order to Constable of Bramley cum Armley to collect £1 10s 5¼d for Riding Bridges, Treasurer and vagrants, Master of House of Correction and poor prisoners in York Castle, and make payment at Timothy Stocks in Horton on 26 Sep 1744. Signed: Gilbert Brooksbank. [slip of paper.]
(35) 21 Oct 1827. Printed letter from Robert Parker, solicitor, of Bury, Lancs., re re-newing attempts to amend Poor Law legislation. [large, folded, printed sheet.]
(36) 9 Oct – 18 Oct [n.y.] Constable of Bramley, William Hainsworth’s accounts for one year. [single sheet folded lengthways.]
(37) 31 Aug 1727. Bramley Constable’s lay – John Burton. On reverse: ‘Laid by us / Sam: Exley / John Greene / Tho Brethricke Chappillwarden / John Turner’. [large single sheet, folded lengthways.]
(38) 13 Oct 1742 – 20 Sep 1743. ‘Jacob Haileys Account’, Bramley. [single sheet; on reverse: (a) All Assesments and Accounts, (b) Constables Accounts 1742 (in blue pencil).]
(39) 27 Oct 1807. Sworn statement of Benjamin Stringer of Barwick in Elmett, tailor, once apprentice of Joseph Moon of Bramham, tailor, re place of legal settlement. [small sheet of paper.]
(40) 19 Feb 1808. Sworn statement of Jacob Suttel. labourer, of Bramley, re his place of legal settlement. Born in Pateley but from 15 years onwards served in 9 different places for a year or so as a migrant labourer. Arrived in Bramley and married. Sworn before Edward Markland & John Blayds. [single sheet, printed pro-forma.]
(41) 1 Mar 1808. Sworn statement of John Dobson, labourer, of Bramley, re his place of legal settlement. Itinerant labourer now in Bramley. Born bastard in Castle Canock, served his term as parish apprentice with Sir James Lowther. Sworn before Edward Markland and Thomas Tennant. Annotation on reverse: ‘1808 March 3d – A Copy of the written Examination sent off – J. Oddie’. [single sheet, printed pro-forma.]
(42) 26 Mar 1808. Sworn statement of Henry Rider, gunner in Royal Horse Artillery, re his place of legal settlement. Born bastard in Bramley, served John Bentley, a clothier first of Bramley later of Headingley, bought himself off and enlisted. Soldier ever since. Sworn before Edward Markland & Benjamin Gott. [single sheet, printed pro-forma.]
(43) 17 Jun 1808. Sworn statement of Jacob Suthill [same person as Jacob Suttel above] re his place of legal settlement. Relates only to his employment with William Clark of Horsforth. Sworn before Edward Markland & Thomas Tennant. Annotation at foot: Martha – John Jane & Elizth. [single sheet, printed pro-forma.]
(44) 30 Oct 1801. Judgment re responsibility for bastard child of Hannah Barker of Bramley. William Dickinson, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: William Cookson & Edward Markland. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ’30. October 1801. Served a true Copy on William Dickinson. William Duffield’.]
(45) 6 May 1788. Order to Constables of Leeds and especially James Arrundall to bring Stephen Wainwright, said by Esther Craven of Bramley to be father of her unborn bastard child, before JP. Request from Ovrsr. of Pr., Richard Whaite. Signed: William Hey, Mayor. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘Old Warrants’.]
(46) 2 Oct 1788. Order to Constables of Leeds and especially James Arandale to bring Joseph Bennett, said by Sarah Brown of Bramley to be father of her unborn bastard child, before JP. Request from Ovrsr. of Pr., Richard Waite. Signed: William Hey, Mayor. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
(47) 24 Dec 1799. Order to Constables of Leeds to bring Joseph Peart, said by Mary Atha of Bramley to be father of her unborn bastard child, before JP. Request from Ovrsr. of Pr., Henry Wilkinson. Signed: William Cookson. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
(48) 9 Mar 1801. Order to Constables of Leeds to bring Samuel Gaunt, said by Hannah Ryley of Bramley to be father of her unborn bastard child, before a JP. Request from Ovrsr. of Pr., Henry Wilkinson. Signed: Edward Markland. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘West Riding of Yorkshire I do hereby authorize the within Warrant to be executed in the said Riding. John Dixon.’
(49) 14 Oct 1803. Order to Constables of Leeds to bring William Sykes of Holbeck, said by Mary Carlton of Armley to be father of her unborn bastard child, before a JP. Request from Ovrsr. of Pr. of Bramley, John Hudson. Signed: Thomas Ikin, Mayor. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse, an order to Constables of Lancashire to put warrant into effect, 2 Dec 1803, signed Thomas Drake.]
(50) 26 Jul 1805. Order to Constables of Leeds to bring James Dufton, said by Hannah Ryley of Bramley to be father of her unborn bastard child, before a JP. Request from Ovrsr. of Pr., James Marsden. Signed: John Brooke. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘James Marsden overseer of Bramley Pad Mr ?? 2 6’.]
(51) 13 Nov 17[9]5. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Mary Hargreave of Bramley. Charles Robinson, clothmaker, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: Wm Sheepshanks, Mayor, & Edward Markland. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ‘13 Day of Novr 1795 / served a Copy ^of this order^ By mee / John Fish’.]
(52) 20 Jul 1790. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Martha Bailey of Bramley. Jonathan Taylor of Wighton, husbandman, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: Edward Markland, Mayor, & John Blayds. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ’20 Day of July 1790 / Served a Copey of this / order By mee John Fish’.]
(53) 21 Oct 1794. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Mary Dickinson of Bramley. John Wareing of Wortley, clothmaker, reputed father. Case brought by Ovsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: John Blayds & Edward Markland. [single sheet. printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ‘21 Day of october 1794 / Served a Copey of this / order By mee John Fish’.]
(54) 17 Jan 1794. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Susannah Windum of Bramley. Henry Beanland of Bramley, labourer, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: Alexander Turner, Mayor, & Richard Ramsden Bramley. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 wafered seals; on reverse: (a) ‘17 January 1794 Served a true / Copy Jno.?Shelton’, (b) various sums, one without result 13. 0, & ‘Commitment / Robt Harison / is to pay ^this^ 13.0 / by Premise - / Robt Harrison / ? the Content by / me Thos Thos Rogerson / 29 Mar 94’.]
(55) 25 Sep 1795. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Hannah Stead of Bramley. James Ross, late of Bramley but now of Leeds, clothmaker, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: John Blayds & Edward Markland. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ’25 Day of September ^1795^ / served a Copey of this / order by Mee John Fish’.]
(56) 3 Jun 1796. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Morella Stott of Bramley. Thomas Hargreaves of Bramley, clothmaker, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: Wm Sheepshanks, Mayor, & Edward Markland. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ‘3 Day of June 1796 / served a Copey of this / order By Mee John Fish’.]
(57) 10 Oct 1797. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Mary Dambrough of Bramley. William Rhodes of Armley, clothmaker, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: John Blayds & Edward Markland. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ‘10th Octr 1797 / Personally served J. Shelton.’.]
(58) 8 Aug 1797. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Sarah Ross of Bramley.. Joshua Chadwick of Bramley, mason, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: Henry Hall, Mayor, & Richard Ramsden Bramley. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ‘8 Day of Augst 1797 / served a Copey of this / order By Mee John Fish’ and ‘in Arrear / John Chadwick £2. 12 / Josa Wood . 14 / £3 : 6’.]
(59) 11 Dec 1787. Judgement re responsibility for bastard child of Susannah Windum of Bramley. William Lumby of Bramley, clothier, reputed father. Case brought by Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: William Hey, Mayor, & Arth. Ikin. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse: ‘1787 / 11 Decmr served a Copey By / John Fish’.]
(60) 2 Jan 1727. Coroner’s order to the Constable of Bramley to find 3 men to sit on inquest into death of Rowland Cookson; he and them to appear at 10am on Wed. 3 Jan at the house of Thomas Lambert, the Red Hart in Armley. Signed: Edward Brogdon, Coroner. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; 1 black seal: shield with chevron with charges, rose with leaves below chevron, unidentified charges above.]
(61) 29 Dec 1801. Removal order to Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Beeston to remove James Howgate, Mary, his wife, and Ann and John, their children, from Beeston to Bramley, their place of legal settlement. Signed: William Cookson & Benjamin Gott. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; on reverse, printed pro-formas re special circumstances.]
(62) 1 Apr 1808. Failure to fulfil apprenticeship indenture. Order to George Eddison, clothier, of Bramley to appear before JPs for failing to take on Thomas Thackwray as apprentice on 31 Mar 1808, as agreed with Thomas Rogerson and James Oddie. Signed: Edward Markland & Thomas Tennant. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
(63) 19 Mar 1808. Removal order to Chwrdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Halifax to remove Hannah Mann and Elizabeth, her daughter, from Halifax to Bramley, their place of legal settlement. Signed: Thomas Norton & Joseph Priestley. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 wafered seals; on reverse: (a) ‘Dr. 19 .. 6 .. 7½ / Jonathan Illingworth / Master of Halifax / Workhouse’, (b) printed pro-formas re inability to travel because of sickness.]
(64) 7 Jun 1808. Removal order to Chwrdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley to remove Jacob Suthill, Martha, his wife, and John, Jane and Elizabeth their children, from Bramley to Horsforth, their place of legal settlement. Signed: Edward Markland & Thomas Tennant. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
(65) 26 Aug 1673 / 16 Oct 1677 / 15 ?Mar 1678. Account of Richard Robinson, ?substitute militia man, for three separate times. Halifax, Leeds and Bramley mentioned. [small sheet of paper.]
(66) 15 Mar 1808. Bill for militia substitute from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Leeds to the same of Bramley re family of Joseph Servant. Signed: Thomas Tennant. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; numbered ‘209’.]
(67) 15 Mar 1808. Bill for militia substitute from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Leeds to the same of Bramley re family of Benjamin Ratcliffe. Signed: Thomas Tennant. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; numbered ‘172’.]
(68) 15 Mar 1808. Bill for militia substitute from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Leeds to the same of Bramley re family of George Preston. Signed: Thomas Tennant. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; numbered ‘166’.]
(69) 15 Mar 1808. Bill for militia substitute from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Leeds to the same of Bramley re family of John Rider. Signed: Thomas Tennant. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; numbered ‘175’.]
(70) 15 Mar 1808. Bill for militia substitute from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Leeds to the same of Bramley re family of James Hargreaves. Signed: William Cookson. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; numbered ‘106’; on reverse: (in ink) ‘Bramley / 19 : 5 : 6 / 6 : 10 : 0 / 12 : 15 : 6 / John Musgrave’; (in pencil) ’12 - 7 - 0 / 8 : 6 / 12 - 15 – 6’.]
(71) 15 Mar 1808. Bill for militia substitute from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Leeds to the same of Bramley re family of John Holder. Signed: William Cookson. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; numbered ‘94’.]
(72) 15 Mar 1808. Bill for militia substitute from Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Leeds to the same of Bramley re family of William Wood. Signed: Thomas Tennant. [small sheet, printed pro-forma; numbered ‘240’.]
(73) 12 May 1805. Order to Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Yeadon to pay Mary Wilson, wife of a serving soldier, 3/- a week. William Wilson, her husband, a substitute for Jeremiah Guant [sic] of Bramley. Also permission given for her and child to reside in Brompton upon Swale rather than Yeadon to obtain work. Signed: W. Fawkes. [single sheet; 1 wafered seal; on reverse: ‘Mary Wilson Commences in / Pay at 3s per Week from the / 23 Day of May1805’.] Attached is note dated 12 May 1805, signed: ‘Wm. Earle, Major 2d West York’, certifying that William Wilson is serving as a sub for Jeremiah Guant of Bramley in Second West York Militia. [printed pro-forma slip; on reverse: ‘Mary one Child’.]
(74) 12 Nov 1807. Order from General Quarter Session of the Peace for West Riding for Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley to reimburse Treasurer of County of West Riding for money paid to County of Cumberland to support family of substitute militia man, Samuel Park, 1 Apr to 30 Sep 1807. Signed: Wybergh. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; on reverse: Bramley.]
(75) 7 Sep 1807. Notice of substitute militia men for Bramley who have enlisted in regular army: John Pearson, Joseph Servant, William Wilson, John Rhodes, John Mortimer. Signed: Thomas Bolland, Subdivision Clerk for Leeds. [single sheet; on reverse: ‘To / The Overseers of the Poor / of / Bramley
(75) 6 Oct 1807. Slightly shorter repeat of previous notice, also from Thomas Bolland. [single sheet; on reverse: ‘To / The Overseers of the Poor / of / Bramley’, and multiplication sum 34 x 3 = 102 + 5 – 2 (ie £5 2s).]
(76) 18 Nov 1807. Notice of another substitute militia man enlisting: Isaac Ambler. Signed: Thomas Bolland. Annotated: ‘Mr Odey you must Let Hunslit Overser Now / to Stop the Pay Witch thay are Paving / for the a Bove Isack M Ambler / L Musgrave / NB Wrote to the Overseer, Hunslett / Nov 21st.– 1807 / Jas. Oddie’. [single sheet; on reverse: ‘To / The Overseers of the Poor / of Bramley / near / Leeds –‘, sealing wax and postmarks.]
(77) 1 Dec 1807. Notice of another substitute militia man enlisting: Benjamin Ratcliff. Signed: Thomas Bolland. [folded single sheet; on reverse: ‘To / The Overseers of the Poor / of / Bramley’
(78) 14 Dec 1807. Notice of appointment of Isaac Ambler as Corporal. Signed: Thomas Bolland. [folded single sheet; on reverse: (a) ‘The Overseers of the Poor / of / Bramley’, (b) ‘ Overseer’s / Accts. for 1807 / & 1808. / Militia Orders / for 1805. 7 & 8’
I. 8 (f)
[n.d.] Statements, with counsel’s opinion, of lands of Jervase Smith in Bramley. A deed of ’29 Aprill 24 Caroli’ is referred to. If this is Charles I, it would be 1648, 9 months before his execution, if it is Charles II then it is 1672. The latter seems more likely. [large folded sheet; on reverse: ‘Sundries’.] Date confirmed as 1648 (2018: J. Williamson).
27 Apr 1676. Marriage licence for John Wood of Bramley and Mary Farrah of Calverley. Latin. [folded sheet, printed pro-forma.]
[n.d.] Memorandum re loads of stone. [slip of paper.]
14 Sep 1672. Acknowledgement to the Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley that the whole township of Bramley would bear responsibility for Robert Prentis and Susana, his wife, should they become a charge on the township. Signed: Edward ?Vickers, Richard Atkenson, Lanslett Miers, John Houldsworth, Thomas Chapmonde, William Browne, Leonard Robinsonn, Mathew Wise, John Briggs, Thomas Penson, Thomas Warton, Thomas Atkinson, John ?laband, Anthony ?ec?er, William Atkinson, Christopher Wise, Richard Taylor, William Roberts, Gorrg Armitag, Richard Atkinson, Thomas Fearnley. [folded sheet, ¾ of second page missing; on reverse: Robt. Prentice.]
19 Feb – 19 Mar 1800. Bill for Ovrsr., Bramley, from A.J. Waiblinger, surgeon. Annotated: ‘Recd. in full’. [small sheet of paper; on reverse: (a) sum, (b) ‘Coper Bug or Shelf . . . (13 word note).]
29 Sep 1767. Apprenticeship indenture between Joseph Jowett, Eli Burton and Joseph Bentley, Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, Samuel Holmes, ‘a poor child’, and Thomas Lupton. Signed: Thomas Lupton. Witnesses: David Hick, junr. & Philip Coultman. Allowed by: John Firth & Joshua Dixon, JPs. [large folded sheet, stamped ‘Seven Pence Quire’; 1 square-papered seal; on reverse: ‘Holmes to Lupton’.]
6 Aug 1709. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Timothy Dickinson, his wife and children by Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Farnley to the same of Bramley. Witnesses: John Walker, John Ellwand & William Benson. Allowed by: William Milner & Caleb Ashworth, JPs. [single sheet; 4 seals (1 small): each of larger ones bears a wreath but other charges not identifiable; on reverse: ‘Timothy Dickinson Certificate’.]
29 Mar 1738. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Jonathan Ross and his wife by Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Calverley to the Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: Richard Snowden, Chwdn., Abraham Nichols & William Clarkson, Ovrsrs.. Witnesses: Joshua Ross & Adam Storey. Allowed by: W. Calverley & W. Horton, JPs. [single sheet; 4 seals, all bust in oval frame; on reverse: Jonathan Rosse Certificate.]
7 Nov 1743. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Samuel Burton and Elizabeth, his wife, by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Idle to the same of Bramley. Signed by: John Atkinson & William Thornton, Chwdns., Jonathan Booth & Samuell Jowett, Ovrsrs.. Witnesses: William Stead & Samuel Burton. Allowed by: W. Calverley & H. Ibbetson, JPs. [single sheet, lower left corner missing; 4 seals: charge a running ?antelope.]
8 Nov 1744. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Joseph Dean, Grace, his wife, and John, their son, by Chwdn. and Ovrsr. of Pr. of Rawden to Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed by: Richard Hardaker, Chwdn. & Joshua Whittam, Ovrsr.. Witnesses: Joseph Grimshaw & Abraham Grimshaw. Allowed by: W. Calverley & Henry Wickham, JPs. [single sheet; 2 seals: elephant and castle; on reverse: ‘Certificates’.]
6 Aug 1713. Examination re place of legal settlement of Peter Flather, clothier; apprentice to James Walker, clothier of Calverley, who moved to Farsley. Peter Flather’s mark and signed: John Atkinson. [single sheet; on reverse: ‘Peter Flather / Information’.]
2 Apr 1801. Removal order ‘To George Hendsfield a Constable in the City of London, and also to all Constables and other Officers of the Peace whom it may concern, and to the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Bramley ...’ to remove Hannah Arnold, ‘Wandering abroad & begging’, from London to Bramley, her last place of legal settlement.. Signed: Nathaniel Newnham [large folded printed pro-forma; 1 square-papered seal; some annotations showing her removal route.]
18 Jan 1702. Acknowledgement of responsibility for John Hainworth, his wife and 3 children by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bingley to the same of Bramley. Signed: Matthew Kighley & John Iveson, Chwdns., Daniel Peth (or Pell) & Thomas Maude, Ovrsrs.. Witnesses: John Wilkinson & John Fairbanke. Allowed by: Robert Herrand & Walter Calverley, JPs. [folded single sheet; 4 seals: lion passant on 2 at least; on reverse: ‘John Hainworth’.]
15 Oct 1704. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Richard Naylor, his wife and family by Chwdn. and Ovrsr. of Pr. of Tong to the same of Bramley. Signed: James Margerison & John Gumersall. Witnesses: John Margerison & Ger. Browne. Allowed by: G. Tempest & Francis Lindley. [folded single sheet; 2 seals: lion rampant.]
16 Nov 1797. Letter to accompany list of persons allowed to wear hair powder. Signed: Lucas Nicholson, Town Clerk of Leeds. [folded single sheet; on reverse: ‘To the Overseers of Bramley’ and some sums.]
15 Feb [n.y.] Letter informing Walter Spencer Stanhope of decision of inhabitants of Bramley that his landholding in Bramley made him liable to take a ‘Poor Apprentice’. [small sheet of paper, presumably a copy of the letter sent.]
1786 & 1787. Expense account for Valuation & Regulation at Bramley. List of bills and various annotations. [small sheet of paper; on reverse: ‘An account of all the bills / Concerning the Regulation / in the township of Bramley’.]
5 - 28 Mar & 27 Jun 1787. Account headed ‘Mr Holden To / R. Thompson’ – almost entirely subsistence for him and horse. Annotated: ‘Ostler & Chamber made / not paid / Decbr. 5th 1787 this / Acct Setteld R:T / John Burton’. Further small sum at foot. [long narrow sheet; on reverse: 5 Dec 1787 paid / Mr Robert Thompson / £3 .. 7 .. 11½ / By me John Burton.]
15 Mar 1704. Acknowledgement of responsibility for William Holmes and ‘his Haeirst ^it is his wife^’ by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of ‘Easingwould’ to whom it may concern. Signed: Edward Taylor, John Smith, Thomas Oastler & John Williamson. ?Witnesses: Richard Bland & Thomas Driffeild, Chwdns. Allowed by: Thomas Crofts & W. Wakefeild, JPs. Attached to it by seals is part of a letter from William Holmes to his wife relating to a court case, or cases. [small square sheets; 4 seals (damaged); on reverse of letter: ‘This ffor Elizabeth / Holmes in / Easingwould’.]
22 Jun 1744. Bill from Lancelot Myers to inhabitants of Bramley for legal & scribal work. [small square sheet; on reverse: ‘June 2d. 1744 Received of Joseph Hardaker Three pounds One shilling / and five ^pence^ which together with Eighteen shillings and four pence received / of Mr. Joseph Wood and Mr John Wood is in full of the within written / Bill / Lancelot Myers’.]
20 Feb 1710. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Joseph Brigg, his wife and family by Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Northowram to the same of Bramley. Signed: Timothy Netherwood, Chwdn., Robert Booth & John Crowther. Witnesses: Joseph Crowther, Jeremiah Baxter, Timothy Oldfield. Allowed by: W. Calverley & Francis Lindley, [JPs]. [small single sheet; 3 seals: 2 with bird, 1 with initials RB (Robert Booth); on reverse: ‘Joseph Brigg’.]
30 Jun 1698. Removal order to Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Gildersome to remove John Watterworth, his wife and family from Gildersome to Bramley, his place of legal settlement. Signed: Benjamin Wade & John Stanhope [JPs]. [small square sheet; 2 seals both with coats of arms, presumably of Wade and Stanhope.]
14 May 1736. Bill from Lancelot Myers for legal services. Annotated: ‘Received of Joseph Barker, Junr. Ten pounds in / full of all Demands from the Town of Bramley / by me / Lancelot Myers / N.B. Armley paid / the remainder.’ [large sheet folded vertically; on reverse: ‘Lanc. Myers Bill & Receipt’.]
25 May 1758. Apprenticeship indenture between George Greene, Jonathan Turner & Joseph Burton, Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, Joshua Burton, clothier, of Bramley, re John Popple, ‘a poor Child’. Signed: G.Greene, Jonathan Turner & Joseph Burton. Witnesses: John Long & Timothy Peart. Allowed by: W. Wade, Mayor, & John Firth, JPs. Annotated with addition to conditions. [ large single sheet, ‘Seven Pence Quire’ stamped at top; 3 square-papered seals; on reverse: (a) ‘John Popple / to / Joshua Burton / 1758’, and (b) ‘This is to Certify that I / Joshua Burton have agreed / that the said John Popple shall / be loose at the Age of Twenty Years. / Witness / Joseph Burton / James Holdsworth’.]
16 Apr 1690. Acknowledgement of responsibility for John Mortimer, his wife or children by Chwdn., Ovrsrs. of Pr. and Freeholders of Armley to ‘Inhabitants of Bramley’. Signed: Christopher Moore, James Snowdon, Thomas Moore, John Willson, Joseph ?Graty, William Jackson. [single sheet, folded in thirds vertically.]
20 May 1800. Order to Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bowling to answer complaint by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley re Betty Buckle and her infant bastard child, Hannah Buckle, born in Bowling now living in Bramley. Signed: Benjamin Gott, Mayor, & Henry Hall, JPs. [single sheet; 2 papered seals; on reverse: Old Warrants.]
14 Nov 1747. Acknowledgement of responsibility for William Hargrave, Rachel, his wife, and children by Chwdn. and Ovrsr. of Pr. of Wortley to Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: John Burnel, Chwdn. & James Walker, Ovrsr. of Pr. Witness: Christopher Heppler. Allowed by: William Fenton, Mayor, & Robert Smithson. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 square- papered seals.]
22 Dec 1713. Removal order to Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley and Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Pudsey to remove and receive Peter Flather from Bramley to Pudsey, his place of legal settlement. Signed: William Milner & John Atkinson, JPs. [single sheet; 2 square-papered seals.]
22 Apr 1742. Acknowledgement of responsibility for John Lobley, Jane, his wife, and John and Martha, his children, by Chapelwardens and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Pudsey to Chplwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: John Moss & William Farrer, Chplwdns., John Beamond & William Moss, Ovrsrs. Witnesses: John Knowstubb (or ‘–stubbes’) & Thomas Hutchinson. Allowed by: W. Calverley & R.G. Sawrey (or ‘Sawsey’), JPs. [single sheet; 4 seals: ?bird, ?urn; on reverse: ‘John Lobleys Certificate’.]
14 Jan 1714 [Anne 12]. Qualification of order re Peter Flather should he become chargeable: Bramley to pay one-third and Pudsey two-thirds. Signed by clerk, G. Chelbon. [single sheet.]
25 Feb 1705 [Anne 4, so 1706]. Bastardy order, whereby Joseph Musgrave, the acknowledged father, binds himself by a bond of £100 to maintain the child of Anne Clarkson for seven years and to free Joseph Middlebrooke of Wither and Richard Smith of Bramley, chapelwardens of Bramley, and their successors from responsibility for it. Signed: Joseph Musgrave. Witnesses: John Graham & ?John Pollard. [folded single sheet – ‘Sealed & delivered & writt / upon double six penny - / stampt paper ...’; seal: bird between branches; on reverse: Old Indentures & Bonds.]
13 Mar – 28 May 1787. Account for ‘Mr Howden &ca Expences att Rowland Myers’. [single sheet; on reverse: (a) ‘Recd. the Contents Pr. me / Rowley Myers’, (b) ‘Regulation / of Bramley Bills’, (c) ‘Rowland Myers Bill / paid By me / John Burton £1 .. 11 .. 1’, (d) various sums.]
3 Jan 1788. Receipt from William Holden for £21 ‘for Business done respecting the regulation of the Assessments within the Township of Bramley’. [slip of paper with embossed stamp receipt; on reverse: Mr Holdin / Recipt for / Regulation’.]
Apr 1787. Bill for Mr Holden etc. for ‘Eating &c’ from Joseph Naylor, Roundabout House. Paid by John Burton. [slip of paper; on reverse: Joseph Naylors Bill / Paid By me / John Burton £0 .. 6 .. 3’.]
7 – 14 Mar 1787. Bill from Samuel Lister for ‘Eating’ etc. at the regulation. Paid by John Burton, 28 Nov 1787. [slip of paper; on reverse: (a) ‘Regulation / Mr. Holden & / Benjn. Oldfield’; (b) ‘Sam,ll Lister Bill / Paid By me / John Burton £0 . 10 . 2’; (c) some sums.]
11 Nov 1744. Receipt from John Booth for 7/6d received from Joseph Hardaker for half year’s rent. Signed (with mark) by John Booth. ‘Samuel Hillam’ written at foot.
[slip of paper.]
29 Nov 1787. Bill for 5/- for dinners for ‘Mr Howdin and Samuel Barker’, and ‘Mr Howdin and Benjamin Holdfield’. Annotated at foot: ‘Recd of Jno Burton / the Contents in full / by me — Robert X Myers / his ...’. [slip of paper; on reverse: Robert Myers Bill / Regulation / Paid By me{ £ s d / John Burton { 0 . 5 . 0’.]
21 Aug 1709. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Bryan Mitchell, his wife and children by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr of Wakefield to Ovrsr. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed: Samuel Richardson & Thomas Kitt, Chwdns., and William Charnock, Ovrsr. Witnesses: John Brooke & ?Laurence Cockell. Allowed by: Richard Witton & John Atkinson, JPs. [folded large sheet; 3 seals: crowned AR.]
17 Nov 1767. Apprenticeship indenture between Joseph Jowett, Eli Burton & Joseph Bently, Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, Joseph Atkinson, ‘a poor Child’, and Walter Farrar, clothier. Signed: Walter Farrar, No witnesses. Allowed by: Luke Sechwell, Mayor, & Joshua Dixon. [large folded sheet, printed pro-forma; ‘Seven Pence Quire’ stamped at top left; 1 square-papered seal; on reverse of first page: ‘Atkinson to ffarrer’.]
21 Jan 1788. Bond for £40 on transfer of Bramley township apprentice, John Webster, from Joseph Pickard to John Waterhouse, cordwainer; forfeit should Pickard ever make claim on apprentice in future. [slip of paper; on reverse: ‘Witness to the [w]ithin / Note / Thomas Rogerson / Joshua Wood’]
31 Mar 1792. Record of agreement to transfer an apprentice, Joseph Poppelwell, from William Becroft, ‘Conwinder’ [?cordwainer] of Yeadon to Thomas Blake of Bramley for 50/- to be paid to George Child; original indenture dated 1 Apr 1737 and for term of seven years. Witnesses: William Bayley & Abraham Pickerd. [single sheet, one quarter missing and replacement sewn in.]
4 Apr 1650 [altered from 1648]. ‘I have receyved of Henrie Marton from his sister ?neal eight / cancelled bonds an ?? & an accounte & her lettres of adminstracion / in her cawse with Broadbelt & vs towardes charges / Thomas Pettie’ [slip of paper.]
1 Mar 1768. Apprenticeship indenture between Eli Burton and Joseph Jowett ‘the greater part of the Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, , and Timothy Pea[r]t’, [no occupation given], re Hannah Craven, ‘a poor Child’. Not signed by Peart or witnesses. Allowed by: Luke Sechwell, Mayor, & Joshua Dixon, JPs. [large folded single sheet; stamped ‘Seven Pence Quire’ in top left; 1 square-papered seal; on reverse: ‘Craven to Peart’.]
24 Dec 1705. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Mary Brooke and her 3 children by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Whitchurch and Colton to the same of Bramley. Signed: Roger Jackson, Chwdn. & Samuell Brook, Ovrsr. Witnesses: Benjamin Hutton & John Hardwicke. Allowed by: William Nevile & Benjamin Wade, JPs. [single sheet; 2 seals: label and 2 winged beasts rampant visible; on reverse: ‘Marey Broke’.]
1701. Acknowledgement of responsibility for Richard Warde or Wade and family of Calverley by Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Pudsey to the same of Bramley. Signed, all by mark: Richard Sugden, Peter Turner, Thomas ?Elrit, John Lumby, Joseph Naylor. Allowed by: Benjamin Wade & ?. Blythman, JPs. [large single sheet; 3 seals too damaged to be read.]
26 Sep 1672. Bond of £40 between Robert Prentis, John Elwand and William Atkinson on the one part, and Thomas Dixon, Mayor. on the other, removing responsibility from parish of Leeds and especially Bramley for Robert Prentis, his wife and children should they become chargeable to the parish; forfeit £40 if fail to honour agreement. Signed: Robert Prentis (mark), John Elwand, William Atkinson. Delivered to: Samuell Wilkinson, Ovrsr. of Pr. Witnesses: Robert Baynes, William ?Netlorman (mark), Thomas Swindell. [single sheet; 3 seals: standing bird; on reverse: (a) Robert Prentice. (b) ‘this Bond is to saufe the / toune Harmles from / Charge of Robert / Printes ‘.]
6 Jul 1715. Bond of £10 between Joseph Middlebrooke and Timothy Peart, Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, on behalf of the Lord of the Manor and the township, and John Musgrave, allowing him to build a house on the waste near Whitecote Hill provided that he brings in no outsider to live there; forfeit £10 for contravening agreement. Signed: John Musgrave; witnesses: John Greene & Benjamin Greene. [large folded sheet; ‘Eight Pence Quire’ stamp at top left and 3 embossed stamps for 6d each; 1 square-papered seal.; on reverse: ‘John Musgrave Bond / to Toune’.]
20 Dec 1757. Removal order to Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley to remove Jane Dixon , widow, from Bramley to Potter Newton, her place of legal settlement. Signed: Richard Wilson, Recorder, & Henry Atkinson, JPs. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 square-papered seals.]
30 Jan 1761. Removal order to Chwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley to remove George Myers and Rowland, Ann and Susanna, his children, from Bramley to Armley their place of legal settlement. Signed: E. Kenion & Henry Atkinson, JPs. [single sheet, printed pro-forma; 2 square-papered seals.]
16 Jan 1724/1737/1770 [‘Georgii ... decimo’, which George?]. Quashing by Quarter Sessions at Wakefield of order of 21 Dec last to remove John Walton and Judith, his wife, from Calverley cum Farsley to Bramley, upon appeal by Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. Signed W. Wickham, clerk to the court. [small sheet, half in Latin.]
11 Apr 1741. Bond of £50 between John Wood, Chplwdn., Edward Briggs & Anthony Bretherick, Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, on behalf of the township, and Joshua Chapman, the latter accepting paternity and responsibility for Hannah Ward’s (or Horner’s) bastard child; forfeit £50 if agreement not honoured. Signed: Joshua Chapman. Witnesses: G.Greene & Joseph Wood. [large folded sheet, with ‘Eight Pence Quire’ stamped at top left and 3 embossed stamps for sixpence each; 1 seal: ? coat of arms; on reverse: ‘Joshua Chapman’s Bond / 1741’.]
12 May 1783. Agreement between John Beecroft & Samuel Barker, Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley and William, Thomas, George & Timothy Myers, re Widow Lister’s cottage. The former rent the cottage, now occupied by Betty Craven, from Widow Lister for 1 guinea a year, but agree to let the Myers’s rent the cottage for 1 guinea paid to the Ovrsrs. to put their mother, Ellen Myers, in. If Ellen Myers moves out then the Myers’s shall pay the full half year’s rent up to the following May day or Martinmas, whichever is appropriate. Ovrsrs. to give 6 months notice if they require possession of the cottage; Myers’s to pay 2/6d a week if they fail to move out. Signed: William Myers (mark), Thomas, George, Timothy Myers; John Beecroft & Samuel Barker; witness: R. Bownas. [single sheet; on reverse: ‘A GreeMent / for Wid. Myrs / Rent’.]
1 May 1781. Agreement dated 1 May 1781 between Bramley and Calverley re Calverley Workhouse and the poor of Calverley and Bramley to extend for sixteen years instead of five years from the given date. Signed: Jonathan Snowden, William Robarts, John Hall, George Carter, Joshua Wood, Samuel Barker. [large folded sheet; on reverse: ‘Calverley & Bramley / Workhouse Agrement’, and in pencil:’Old Leases &c’.]
15 Apr 1743. Acknowledgement of responsibility for John Wither, tailor, Mercy, his wife, & Hannah, his daughter, by Chplwdn. and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Chapel Allerton to the same of Bramley. Signed: Joseph Rinder, Thomas Scrutton, Israel Borrow. Witnesses: Francis & Samuel Prat (mark). Allowed by: John Watts, Mayor, & Thomas Sawer. [original (restored) and photocopy; printed pro-forma; 3 ?square-papered seals; on reverse of photocopy: (a) at top: ‘anything for you, {that} from your Engered son / and daughter T M Withers / London Janry 1 1742/3’; (b) middle left: ‘Mr John Withers to be / left at the Black Bull / uper head Row / Leeds Yorkshire’.]
I. 8 (g)
1 Mar 1692. Assessment for Royal Aid ‘for Carrying on a Vigorous Warr against ffrance’. List of Bramley persons and amounts due. Assessed: Joseph Wood & Joseph Middlebrooke. Confirmed: Walter Calverley, John Rookes & Gilbert Rigby. [single sheet folded vertically; 3 seals: 1, a shield with 3 standing birds around a fesse, crest & mantling; on reverse: Assessments
26 Mar 1695. Assessment for Royal Aid ‘for Carrying on the war against ffraunce with Vigour’. List of Bramley persons and amounts due. [long narrow sheet, probably only half of original; on reverse: ‘ 1695’.]
7 Jun 1698. Royal grant for disbanding forces. List of Bramley persons and amounts due. Assessed: Joseph Middlebrooke & John Greene. Collectors: Leonard Dixon & William Myres. [Confirmed]: William Milner, Mayor, J.M.Blythman & William Massie. [ single sheet folded vertically, now in two separate pages – the lower part of the second page missing.]
1704. Assessment for Land Tax ‘for Carrying on ye war against ffrance and Spaine’. List of Bramley persons and amounts due. Assessed: John Musgrave & Abraham Dixon. [single sheet folded vertically, now in two separate pages held together by turks-head pin (pin removed, 21.01.10); on reverse of page 2: further lists and amounts.]
1708. Assessment for Land Tax. List of Bramley persons and amounts due. Assessed: Jonathan Wood & Thomas Peart. Collectors: Abraham Hall & John Burton. Confirmed: William Milner, John Dodgson, Caleb Askwith, James Kitchingman, J. Barstow. [single sheet folded vertically; on reverse: ‘Land Tax 1708’
4/5 May 1732. [?1752 � J. Williamson] Assessment for Land Tax. List of Bramley persons and amounts due. Assessed: John Wood & Jonathan Turner. Collectors: Thomas Rider & William Walton. Confirmed: Henry Hall, Mayor, Henry Atkinson & John Firth. [rough-paper covered booklet of 8 leaves; on cover in blue pencil: Land Tax 1732; 3 square-papered seals.]
1742. Assessment for Land Tax. On reverse: ‘June 22d. 1742 Confirmed by us. John Snowden, Mayor, William Coulson, Thomas Sawer, George Dover, Edward Kenion, John Douglas, Henry Atkinson. [long narrow sheet, probably only half of original.]
12 Apr 1746. Assessment for Land Tax. On cover: ‘Churchwarden’s / Overseer’s Surveyor’s / & Constables Accnt.’ List of Bramley persons and amounts due. Assessors: William Turner & William Nichols. Collectors: John Hall & Anthony Bretherick. Confirmed: Timothy Smith, Mayor, Thomas Sawer, William Fenton, Henry Atkinson. [rough-paper covered booklet of 4 leaves; 5 square-papered seals.]
19 May 1753. Assessment for Land Tax. List of Bramley persons and amounts due. Assessors: Joseph Wood & John Mu[s]grave. Collectors: Joshua Burton & John Darnbrough. Confirmed 22 May 1753: Thomas Micklethwait, Mayor, Richard Wilson, Recorder, Henry Atkinson, Robert Smithson. [rough-paper covered booklet of 6 leaves; 4 square-papered seals; on cover in blue pencil: ‘Land Tax / 1753’.]
I. 8 (h)
23 Apr 1757. Order for Land Assessment of £64. 12s for Bramley to George Green & Joseph Wood, assessors. Signed: Richard Wilson, Recorder, Henry Atkinson & John Firth. [large printed pro-forma; 3 square-papered seals; on reverse: ‘Order for Assessment of Land Tax, 1757’ (in blue pencil).]
21 Apr 1759. Order for Land Assessment of £64. 12s for Bramley to George Green & Joseph Wood, assessors. Signed: Richard Wilson, Recorder, E. Kenion & Henry Atkinson. [large printed pro-forma; 3 square-papered seals; on reverse: ‘Bramley’ (in ink), ‘Indentures of Apprenticeship’ (in ink, deleted), ‘Order for Land Tax assessmen’, 1759’ (in blue pencil)].
3 May 1763. Order for Land Tax Assessment of £34. 12s for Bramley to Joseph Wood & John Musgrave, assessors. Signed: William Wilson, Mayor, Thomas Medhurst & John Firth. [large printed pro-forma; 3 square-papered seals; on reverse: ‘Bramley’ (in ink) and ‘Order for Land Tax assessment, 1763’ (in blue pencil).
12 May 1767. Order for Land Tax Assessment of £48. 9s for Bramley to Joseph Wood & William Nicholls, assessors. Signed: James Kenion, Mayor, John Firth & Samuel Harper. [large printed pro-forma; 3 square-papered seals; on reverse: much scribbled calculation and ‘Order for Land Tax Assessment 1767’.]
8 May 1769. Order for Land Tax Assessment of £48. 9s for Bramley to Joseph Wood & William Nichols, assessors. Signed: E. Gray, Mayor, Joshua Dixon & William Hutchinson. [large printed pro-forma; 3 papered seals; on reverse: ‘Bramley Land Tax’ (in ink); ‘Order for Land Tax Assessment, 1769’ (in blue pencil).]
I. 8 (i)
5 Oct 1799. Enclosure award of John Bainbridge, assessor, re lands left to the Poor of Bramley. Addressed to the Curate, Churchwarden and Ovrsrs of Pr. of Bramley. [large printed pro-forma; on reverse: ‘The Award Belonging the Land Left to the Poor of Bramley’, and in pencil, ‘October 5th 1799.]
5 Oct 1799. Enclosure award of John Bainbridge, assessor, re a cottage and waste ground in Stanningley; rent to provide teaching for poor girls in knitting, sewing and reading. Addressed to the Curate, Churchwarden and Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley. [large print pro-forma; on reverse: ‘The Award Belonging to A Cottage and Waste Ground at Staningley’; and in pencil, ‘October 5th 1799’.]
I. 8 (j)
3 Sep 1668. Receipt for payment ‘for his Majestie’: 8½d from William Barber received by Jonathan Neth?es. [slip of paper; part of sum on reverse.]
after 1672. ‘Leeds Towne alone fould in Mr Armitage year 1671 was — £2 18s 8½d / kirkgate — £0 17s 10¾d / Maine Ryding — £1 18s 3½d / Hunslett cum Holbecke — £1 3s 5¾d / Bramley 6s 7½d Armley 5s 6d Holt £0 12s 1½d / this was in Mr Dixons year 1672 and was Indeavoured to have been Altered but was settled by the Court According to this note by Mr Hicke Mr Adkinson Mr Armitage Mr Duffield Mr Headley & Al’. On reverse: ‘Leeds Towne al one fould in Mr Armitage year 1671 was’. [slip of paper.]
3 Jun 1689. Receipt for an Aid: £9. 1s. 10½d. from Collectors of Bramley cum Armley, John Wood & Thomas Robinson, first quarter’s payment, received by John Buxton, Deputy Receiver. [printed pro-forma slip.]
18 Jan 1698. Receipt for Bridge Money: £1. 16s. 4½d from Bramley cum Armley for building Churwell Bridge and repairing Wike Bridge and others, and 2s. clerk’s fee received by C. Morris. [small piece of paper.]
20 Jun 1704. Receipt for Land Tax: £16. 3s. from Collectors of Bramley, first quarter’s payment, received by Christopher Conder, Deputy Receiver. [printed pro-forma slip.]
27 Jun 1706. Receipt for Bridge Money: £1. 6s. 6¾d from Constable of Bramley cum Armley, and 4s. 2d. for Master of House of Correction’s salary, received by Edward Wainehouse. [slip of paper; on reverse: ‘Bramley / cum / Armley / 1 : 10 : 8¾d
25 Sep 1706. Receipt for Bridge Money: 15s. 7½d. and for Shepley Bridge: 2s. 9d. from Constable of Bramley cum Armley received by Edward Wainehouse. [slip of paper; sum on reverse].]
17 Sep 1728. Receipt for proportion of Bridge Money: £1. 6s. 6d. from Richard Fenton received by Edward Brogdon. [slip of paper; sum on reverse.]
26 Aug 1744. Receipt for ‘half year Month (or ‘Mouth’) pay . . . due to Her’: £1. 4s. from Jo. Hardacker received by John Kendall. On reverse: 26 Aug 1744. Note re Isabella Snowden’s state of health from Thomas Holms, Ovrsr. of Pr. [slip of paper.]
28 Jun 1790. Receipt for Hay Modus: 9s. ½d from inhabitants of Bramley to Duke of Devonshire received by James Collins. [slip of paper.]
I. 8 (k)
7 Jul 1737. Assessment for Bramley poor relief ‘for four triple Months’. Assessors: G. Greene, Richard Horner, Joseph Wood, William Darnbrough, Joshua Chapman. Confirmed: John Brooke, Mayor, & William Fenton. [sewn (also pinned with a single pin) booklet of 6 leaves; no cover.]
17 Jan 1739/40. Assessment for Bramley poor relief ‘four Tripple Months’. Assessors: G. Greene, Joseph Wood, Joseph Atkinson, Jeremy Cooper, John Hall, William Darnbrough, John Musgrave, George Spence. Confirmed by: Thomas Sawer, John Brooke. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves; no cover.]
26 May 1740. Bramley: ‘A Lay for the Church & Chappel’, ‘three half pence per pound each’. Assessors: J. Greene, John Musgrave, G. Greene, Edward Briggs, John Hall, Lawrance Dickson, John Dickinson, John Wood, ‘Chappell Warden’. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves, part of last leaf torn away; no cover.]
22 Jul 1741. Assessment for Bramley poor relief ‘for four tripple Months’. Assessors: George Spence, ‘oversear of the pore’, Richard Horner, John Wood, Joseph Wood, William Turner, John Hall, Jeremy Cooper, Joseph Atkinson. Confirmed by: Edward Kenion & William Fenton. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves, lower half of first page missing; no cover.]
22 Jul 1742. Assessment for Bramley poor relief ‘five tripple Months’. Assessors: Joseph Wood, Richard Horner, John Wood, John Banks, William Turner, John Musgrave, Edward Briggs. Confirmed by: John Snowden, Mayor, 7 Henry Atkinson. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves.]
28 Jul 1743. Assessment for Bramley poor relief ‘five Tripple Months’. Assessors: G. Greene, Joseph Wood, John Wood, George Spence, Jeremy Cooper, Lawrance Dickenson. Confirmed by: Robert Smithson, Mayor, & Henry Atkinson.
9 Aug 1769. Assessment to reimburse Joseph Parker, Ovrsr. of Pr. of Bramley, ‘9 months’. Assessors: William Walton, ‘Chappelwarden’, Joseph Parker, William Midgley. Confirmed by: Joshua Dixon & Luke Sechwell. [sewn booklet of 12 leaves; no cover.]
14 Feb 1776. Assessment to reimburse William Barker, Ovrsr. of Pr. of Bramley, ‘seventeen Months’. Assessors: Walter Farrar, Chapel Warden, William Barker & Richard Mirfield, Ovrsrs. of Pr., Simeon Musgrave, Williams Nickols, Joshua Wood2, Joseph Wood, Samuel Lister, John Beecroft. Confirmed by: John Beckett & John Blayds. [sewn booklet of 12 leaves; no cover.]
4 Mar 1778. Assessment for Bramley poor relief, ‘fourteen Months’. Assessors: Eli Burton, Chapelwarden, Samuel Wood & Joshua Wood, Ovrsrs., Simeon Musgrave, Benjamin Oldfield, John Musgrave, John Vickers, William Wilson, John Dixon. Confirmed by: John Blayds & John Calverley. [sewn booklet of 16 leaves; no cover.]
24 Feb 1779. Assessment for Bramley poor relief, ‘seventeen Months and a half’. Assessors: Eli Burton, ‘Chapil warden’, ?John ?Swain & Joseph Ross, Ovrsrs. of Pr., William Hardaker, William Nichols, Benjamin Oldfield, William Wilson, Joseph Atha, Joseph Wood, John Watterhouse, Jacon Haley, William Barker, Joshua Wood, Samuel Wood. Confirmed by: [Gamaliel Llo]yd, Mayor, John Micklethwait & Arthur Ikin. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves, 2 missing at back and upper quarter of present last page cut away; no cover.]
24 Aug 1780. Assessment for Bramley poor relief, ‘sixteen and half Months’. Assessors: John Vickers, John Waite & Thomas Bretherick, Ovrsrs. of Pr., Benjamin Oldfield, Isaac Naylor, William Nickols, Lawrence Dickinson, William Farrar, Benjamin Gaunt, Samuel Wood. Confirmed by: J. Micklethwait, Mayor, & James Kenion. [ sewn (and pinned with a single pin) booklet of ?7 leaves, falling in half along vertical fold; grey rough paper cover.]
16 Aug 1781. Assessment for Bramley poor relief, ‘Eighteen Months’. Assessors: Joshua Wood, Chapelwarden, Samuel Lister & Joseph Wood, Ovsrsr. Of Pr., John Wood, Thomas Bretherick, William Nickols, Lawrence Dickenson, Benjamin Oldfield, John Waite, Samuel Marshall. Confirmed by: Thomas Cole, Mayor, & William Hutchinson. [sewn booklet of 6 leaves, lower corner of first leaf missing (+ text); no cover.]
15 Aug 1783. Assessment for Bramley poor relief, ‘thirty six months’. Assessors:
Joshua Wood, John Beecroft, Samuel Barker, William Farrar, William Nickols, John Waite, William Midgley, Benjamin Oldfield, Samuel Wood, John Hall, James Jackson, Simeon Musgrave. Confirmed by: Arthur Ikin, Mayor, & John Calverley.
[sewn booklet of 6 leaves, falling in half along horizontal fold; pale grey, rough paper cover, much annotated.]
I. 8 (l) Apprenticeship indentures
5 Feb 1821. Apprenticeship indenture between Thomas Wade, Henry Pawson & John Barber, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and John Midgley, joiner, of Bramley, re Thomas Gaunt, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: John Midgley; William Hey, mayor, & George Banks. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘Thos. Gaunt / Jno. Midgley’.]
+ confirmation by William Hey & George Banks, JPs, of the above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
11 May 1821. Apprenticeship indenture between Thomas Wade, Peter Tattersall & Joseph Rogerson, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. for Bramley, and Samuel Habbott, tailor, of Bramley, re William Kershaw, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Samuel Habbott (by mark); William Hey, mayor, & John Wilson. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by William Hey & John Wilson, JPs, of the above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; both docs. in el-velope.]
19 June 1821. Apprenticeship indenture between John Waddington, Joseph Rogerson & Peter Tattersall, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. for Bramley, and John Wood, clothier, of Bramley, re Thomas Waterhouse, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: John Wood; William Hey, mayor, & Henry Hall. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: Thos. Waterhouse / John Wood.’.]
+ confirmation by William Hey & Henry Hall, JPs, of the above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
21 Aug 1821. Apprenticeship indenture between John Waddington, Joseph Rogerson & Peter Tattersall, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Samuel Beverley, clothier, of Wortley, re Hannah Gatehouse, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: John Waddington, Joseph Rogerson & Peter Tattersall; William Hey, mayor, & Christopher Beckett. Witnessed: Robert Barr. [large printed pro-forma; 3 papered seals; on reverse: Hannah Gatehouse / Saml. Beverley Wortley’.]
+ confirmation by William Hey & Christopher Beckett, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
21 Aug 1821. Duplicate of above, + confirmation, but with only the signatures of William Hey and Christopher Beckett. [on reverse: Hanh. Gatehouse / to / Saml. Beverley Wortley.]
5 Nov 1822. Apprenticeship indenture between John Waddington, John Rogerson & Joseph Barker, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. for Bramley, and John Clarkson, clothier, of Bramley, re William Waterhouse, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: John Clarkson; John Waddington, chplwdn, & Joseph Barker, ovrsr.; Benjamin Sadler, mayor, & Henry Hall. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Benjamin Sadler & Henry Hall, JPs, of the above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; both docs. in el-velope.]
19 Nov 1822. Apprenticeship indenture between John Waddington, John Rogerson & Joseph Barker, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Joseph Lister, clothier, of Bramley, re Joseph Parkin, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Joseph Lister; Benjamin Sadler, mayor, & Charles Brown. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Benjamin Sadler & Charles Brown, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
19 Nov 1822. Duplicate of above with note on reverse from Joseph Lister, dated 30 Oct 1824, signing over the indentures to Bramley township.
4 Mar 1823. Apprenticeship indenture between John Waddington, John Rogerson & Joseph Barker, Chwdns. & Ovsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Benjamin Hanson, maltster, of Bramley, re Thomas Scott, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Benjamin Hanson; Benjamin Sadler, mayor, & John Hill. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Benjamin Sadler & John Hill, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
25 Mar 1823. Apprenticeship indenture between John Waddington, John Rogerson & Joseph Barker, Chwdns. & Ovsrsr. of Pr. of Bramley, and James Spence, gentleman, of Bramley, re Elizabeth Walton, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: James Spence; Benjamin Sadler, mayor, & B.Gott. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Benjamin Sadler & B.Gott, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
8 Apr 1823. Apprenticeship indenture between John Waddington, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and George Botton, linen draper, of Bramley, re Hannah Gatehouse, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Benjamin Sadler, mayor, & Thomas Tennant. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Benjamin Sadler & Thomas Tennant, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
10 Jun 1823. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Walter Farrer, tanner, of Calverley (but owning land in Bramley), re Thomas Brayshaw, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Walter S. Farrar; Benjamin Sadler , mayor, & William Hey. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘Walter Farrar Farsley’.]
+ confirmation by Benjamin Sadler & William Hey, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
8 Jul 1823. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Thomas Peart, clothier, of Bramley, re Sarah Harrison, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Thomas Peart; Benjamin Sadler, mayor, & Christopher Beckett. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘Thos. Peart’.]
+ confirmation of above, unsigned, undated. [small printed pro-forma; no seals.]
16 Sep 1823. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Robert Darnbrough, tailor, of Bramley, re William Stead, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Robert Darnbrough; Benjamin Sadler, mayor, & John Brooke. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Benjamin Sadler & John Brooke, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
11 Nov 1823. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs.
6 Jan 1824. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Benjamin Dalby of Horton in Bradford parish but with property in Bramley, re John Bulmer, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Benjamin Dalby; Thomas Tennant & George Banks. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse a confirmation of the indenture, dated 9 Mar 1824, by Benjamin Dealtry & John Blayds, junr., and announcement that the Ovrsrs. of Pr of Horton have been called in to meet the two JPs. Evidence from William Hepworth, Vestry Clerk of Bramley.]
+ confirmation by Thomas Tennant & George Banks of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
3 Feb 1824. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Henry Jennings, woolstapler, of Bramley re John Arrundale, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Henry Jennings; Thomas Tennant & Christopher Beckett. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘Henry Jennings’.]
+ confirmation by Thomas Tennant & Christopher Beckett, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
24 Feb 1824. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave & Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and William Harrison, cordwainer, of Bramley, re Elizabeth Waterhouse, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: William Harrison; Thomas Tennant, mayor, & John Blayds. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘William Harrison’.]
9 Mar 1824. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, Samuel Musgrave and Samuel Musgrave, Chwdns. and Ovrsrs. of the Pr. for Bramley, and John Walker, clothier, of Bramley, re Thomas Worsnop, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: John Walker; Thomas Tennant, mayor, & John Brooke. Witnessed: ‘William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse: ‘John Walker’.]
+ confirmation by Thomas Tennant & John Brooke, JPs, of the above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; both docs. in el-velope]
14 Dec 1824. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, William Waite & Simeon Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and Joseph Wood, scribbling miller, of Bramley, re Joseph Perkins, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: Charles Brown & B.Gott. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal; on reverse a note dated 1 Mar 1825 indicating that Joseph Wood was not a resident of Bramley ‘merely a lodger with his mother there’, and the indenture was cancelled.]
+ confirmation by Charles Brown & B.Gott ,JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
15 Mar 1825. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, William Waite & Simion Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. for Bramley, and John Rogers, iron founder, of Bramley, re Joseph Perkins, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: John Rodgers, Charles Brown & Thomas Tennant. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Charles Brown & Thomas Tennant, JPs, of the above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals; both docs in el-velope.]
22 Mar 1825. Apprenticeship indenture between Peter Tattersall, William Waite & Simeon Musgrave, Chwdns. & Ovrsrs. of Pr. of Bramley, and William Joy, tailor, of Bramley , re William Dickinson, ‘a Poor Child’. Signed: William Joy; Charles Browne & John Brooke. Witnessed: William Hepworth. [large printed pro-forma; 1 papered seal.]
+ confirmation by Charles Browne & John Brooke, JPs, of above, same date. [small printed pro-forma; 2 papered seals.]
I. 8(m) Assessments for relief of the poor:
19 Feb 1745/6. (‘’five triple months’) Assessors: Edward Briggs, G.Greene, Joseph Wood, Richard Horner, John Wood, Jonathan Turner, Matthew Parker. Confirmed by: Timothy Smith, mayor, & Thomas Micklethwait. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves; no cover.]
18 Aug 1748. (‘four months’) Assessors: Richard Horner, William Turner, Henry Gamble, Julius Mortimar, Joshua Pitts, Jonathan Turner, Timothy Peart. Confirmed by: William Fenton, mayor, Edward Kenion, Henry Atkinson. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves; no cover.]
23 Feb 1748/9. (‘five months’) Assessors: Richard Horner, Joseph Wood, Edward Briggs, Henry Gamble, Lawrance Dickenson, Julius Mortimar, Jo: Horner, John Marshall. Confirmed by: Henry Scott, mayor. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves; no cover.]
27 Apr 1752. (‘2 treble months’) Assessors: Joseph Wood, William Nickols, Richard Horner, Anthony Bretherick, Julius Mortimar, Edward Briggs, William Parker, Joseph Hardaker, John Wood. [sewn booklet of 8 leaves; no cover.]
4 Oct 1753. (‘Seven treble Months’) Assessors: G.Greene, ‘Chapple Warden’, Joseph Wood, William Nickols, Anthony Bretherick, John Burton, George Becroft. Confimed by: Henry Ibbetson, mayor, & Edward Kenion. [sewn booklet of 9 leaves (9 stuck to inner cover); rough grey paper inner cover (inscribed ‘Geo. Beecroft / 1753’, and ‘Poor Rate’ in blue crayon) and leather outer cover.]
19 Feb 1784. (‘Twelve Months or 24 half months’) Assessors: Joshua Wood, ‘Chapel Warden’, John Pollard, John Vickers, Benjamin Oldfield, James Varley, William Wilson, Samuel Barker & John Beecroft, ‘Overseers of the poor’. Confirmed by: William Cookson, mayor, & Jeremiah Dixon [sewn booklet of 20 leaves (17 stub only); sketches of land areas on pp.31-3; marbled card cover with Newtonian maths on inside and ‘Poor Rate / 1784’ in blue crayon on front.]
17 Feb 1785. (‘Eleven Months’) Assessors: Joshua Wood, Samuel Barker, Robert Bownas, John Lister, Benjamin Oldfield, William Lister, James Varley. Confirmed by: Jeremiah Dixon, mayor, & William Cookson. [pinned booklet of 12 leaves; cover has been removed; ‘Poor / 1785’ in blue crayon on front.]
19 Aug 1785. (‘Twelve Months’) Assessors: Joshua Wood, Joshua Burton junr., Benjamin Oldfield, Simeon Musgrave, William Wilson, John Myers, John Waite, Samuel Barker, overseer. Confirmed by: Jeremiah Dixon, mayor, & John Beckett.
[pinned booklet of 10 leaves; cover has been removed; ‘1785’ in blue crayon on front.]
16 Feb 1786. (‘Fifteen Months’) Assessors: Joshua Wood, ‘Chapelwarden’, Samuel Barker, ‘Overseer’, Benjamin Oldfield, William Farrar, Samuel Marshall, John Beecroft, Benjamin Gaunt, James Jackson, Joseph Haley, John Waite, Jacob Haley, John Turner, William Wilson, James Varley, Richard Waite. Confirmed by: John Calverley, mayor, & Arthur Ikin. [sewn booklet of 18 leaves; no cover; ‘1786’ in blue crayon on front.]
27 Sep 1786. (‘Four Months’) [sewn booklet originally of 20 leaves but 6 leaves have been removed at end resulting in considerable loss of text; first two leaves pinned to third; ‘1786’ in blue crayon on front.]
[1787]. Assessors: Thomas Rogerson, ‘Chappelwarden’, Jonas Turner & John Burton, ‘overseers’, Joshua Wood, Benjamin Oldfield, G.Greene, Richard Waite, Samuel Lister. Confirmed by: William Hey, mayor, & Arthur Ikin. [sewn booklet originally of 26 leaves, but front has lost 1 leaf and back 11 leaves and part of another; ‘Poor / 1787’ in blue crayon on front.]
5 Mar 1789. (‘Fourteen Months at one Penny in the Pound’) Assessors: . . .[Richard Wa]ite, [Benjamin Old]field, . . . [William Wil]son, [Joshua Bur]ton . . . Assessed by: Ed[ward Markland?] . . . [sewn booklet perhaps originally of 24 leaves but now in a very dilapidated state; ‘1789’ in blue crayon on front.]
[1789]. Assessors: Joshua Wood, ‘Chapelwarden’, William Nichols, ‘Overseer’, John Lister, Richard Waite, Benjamin Oldfield, Samuel Barker, William Wilson, Thomas Rogerson, John Beecroft, Joshua Burton, Thomas Clough. Confirmed by: John Blayds & Edward Markham. [sewn booklet originally of 16 leaves but 1 & 16, 15, 14, now missing; cover removed; ‘1789’ in blue crayon on front.]
MS Box I. 9
(a) A collection of transcriptions relating to Barwick in Elmet; 8 loose sheets.
Constable’s Accounts of Richard Lumb for 1735; allowed by William Burland, Matthew Watson, Robert Knapton & Thomas Whiteheade (by sign)
Overseer of the Poor’s Accounts of Richard Lumb for 1737; allowed by Henry Felton, Rector, John Bean, William Hebdin, Matthew Watson, William Abbot, Francis Holmes, Robert Knapton.
Overseer of the Highways’s Accounts of Samuel Lumb for 1740; allowed by Richard Haist, John Wood, Thomas Bean; Robert Doughty, Constable.
Churchwarden’s Accounts of Richard Lumb for 1741; allowed by William Harper, Rector, Benjamin Haist, John Wood.
Overseer of the Poor’s Accounts of Samuel Lumb for 1741; allowed by William Harper, Rector, Richard Haist, Stephen Vevers, Richard Varley.
Churchwarden’s Accounts of Richard Lumb for 1742; allowed by William Harper, Rector, Richard Haist, William Eamonson, William Abbot.
Constable’s Accounts of William Lumb for 1743; allowed by William Harper, Rector, John Wood, John Taite, Thomas Bean.
Overseer of the Poor’s Accounts of William Lumb for 1747; allowed by William Harvey, James Scholefield, Benjamin Haist, John Taite.
(b) A foolscap notebook with lists of Surveyors of Highways 1750-1813 Churchwardens 1750-99, Overseers of the Poor 1750-99 and Constables 1750-98; Churchwardens’, Overseers’, Surveyors’ Accounts between 1751 and 1795, all from Barwick in Elmet.
Extracts form Churchwardens’ Accounts from Whitkirk, 1653-6.
MS Box I. 10
MS article/notes for a lecture, not dated but probably c 1910 (17 pages) on ‘John Hopkinson, the Genealogist’ by J.W.Scott. John Hopkinson (1611-1681) was born in Lofthouse and was Deputy Clerk of the Peace for the West Riding. He accompanied Sir William Dugdale on his last visitation of Yorkshire in 1665.
MS Box I. 11
Notebook containing a Thesis for M.A. by Margaret A. Hornsey, 48 Leopold Street, Leeds, entitled ‘John Harrison and his Times’. Undated. Mainly typed, with pencil corrections and alterations, 72 pages + 35 pages in Appendix. (Printed, with omissions, in PThS XXXIII).
MS Box I. 12
MS document (blue paper, 6 pages) said to be in the handwriting of Col. Edmund Wilson, addressed ‘Dear Sir’, and headed ‘Leeds as it was 300 years ago’. Subject concerns the proposal to publish the ‘Survey of the Manor of Leeds in the Tenth Year of the Reign of James I’. Not dated. Possibly draft letter to newspaper(?).
MS Box I. 13
Notebook entitled ‘‘The War of the Roses’ by John Wager, Wetherby. The Thoresby Society, 1910’. MS, 145 pages.
MS Box I. 14
A buff paper folder with the heading ‘A collection of papers found in the roof of a house at Hartley Hill, Leeds, where the New Public Dispensary now stands’. The papers, most of which are torn, stained and in places illegible, date from 1690-93 and all appear to relate to the business of Leeds Alderman John Preston (d.1710) a cloth merchant who was Mayor of Leeds in 1691. He had connections with London, Ireland, and the Netherlands. The contents are:
1. 1690 Letter to Mr John Preston, dated 24 Apr 1690, signed Gerrard Sidgwick; addressed on reverse ‘for Mr John Preston/ Living in Leeds in the /County of Yorkshire. Post Paid 2d.’
Letter concerns payment of a sum of £15 due to the writer from Mr Percival Thompson, and the payment in Leeds of a sum to Mr Samuel Harper at ‘Widdow Chipins’. William Maud is also mentioned.
2. 1692 Letter headed London 29 Mar 1692, addressed ‘Sir’ (no name or address). Refers to letters received, and son’s presence ‘to whom I dayly gave acct of what past in our businesse’. Mention of Cork and Dublin, insurance office, salvage in ’Hans Knack’. Other names: Mr Schwartz; Simond Richardson; Mr Nisbett; Mr Bischoff. Signed ‘Your Worshipp’s most faithful humble servant’, Henry Hoyle.
3. 1693 Letter (torn and stained) headed London 4 July 1693 addressed on reverse to Alderman John Preston, Merchant, signed John Oriot and George Behrens. The letter apparently concerns payment of an account for £40, and includes references to ships for Rotterdam and Amsterdam, and Hull. Other names mentioned are Jacob Radhe, Richard Hey, Mr Lars Bratt. Concludes: ‘when occasion presents ... shall recommend you ... friends that deal in Woollen manufactories of your ... place and wherein we can doe you any Service here please... to dispose freely of’.
The next page (largely torn away on left) is headed ‘John Preston his account 1693’. On the right there are references to Mr Francis Dobbet at Rotterdam; Mr Jacob Gabay(?); Mr Peter Grene; Mr Jacob Radhe; Mr Wm. Cowper; Mr Richard Hey.
4. 1691 Double folded sheet (written on one side only) headed ‘Alderman Preston: Bill 1691’. Accounts mainly for pieces of Buckram amounting to £20.6s.3d.
5. 1693 Sheet headed ‘Dt. Alderman Preston, March 7 1693, for Cash.’ Contains a list of payments, with dates, personal names, amounts. Names are: Mr. John; Joshua Dawson; Thomas Atkinson. Total £519.
6. 1693 Large sheet headed ‘Bought of Thomas Hardwicke July 17th 1693’. Dates in lefthand column continue from August to December. Contains a list of various items of cloth: pieces of Buckram (including broad buckram and yellow buckram) and scores of Canvis [canvas], in one case with comment ‘very meane not soe good as Crocus’. Additional names: Robt. Turner; Sheard ‘his man’; Jos Dawson.
On reverse: ‘Tho: Hardwick Note July 17th 1693’
7. 1693 Large sheet headed ‘Alderman Preston Dr. February 4th 1693. Dates in left column run from February to January. A list of items of cloth, including striped Persian (by the yard); painted calico; striped ticking; huckaback (‘hugabake’); narrow blue linen; striped muslin. Total £53.10s.1d; later totalled with following account: £121.6s.8d
On reverse: ‘Alderman Preston Dr. July 17th 1693’. Dates in left column run from July to December. List of items of cloth with prices per item: pieces of buckram, scores of canvas, striped wool, ‘yellows’, hemp, fine muslin, crocus. Total: £67.16s.7d.
[housed in Outsize Documents Folder 1]
8. n.d. Large sheet (undated, torn) headed ‘Overcharged in Mr Hardwicke’s Note’. On reverse: ‘Mr Tho. Hardwick Noates’. Contains list with entries dated between February 25 and December (no year) of specified quantities of cloth (buckram, canvas, ticking, hemp, wolsey, ‘crocuss’, ‘musling’), prices per item and the corresponding amounts paid, with some comments on quality etc. References to ‘Mother’, also involved in buying.
9. n.d. Sheet of paper (tattered, stained), not dated, with entries in different hands, headed ‘William Bacon to Mr John Preston’. Accounts and calculations regarding cloth, including silk and tape. A note on one side signed John Preston, and a note on the reverse signed Bacon. (Note: John Preston’s wife was Elizabeth Bacon.)
MS Box I. 15
Collection of documents with heading: ‘Papers relating to Methley’.
(1) Folded paper, headed on the reverse side: ‘Schedule and Rentall of the Chantry Lands in Methley Feb. 23 1546’. On principal side, a heading on the left reads ‘The Deanery of Pontefract/ the Chantrie of our Lady in the parish church of Methley.’ Description of lands, tenants and rents. Names include: William Wynterborne, Robt. Layborne, William Burton, Richard Oswald, Thomas Copeland. [housed in Outsize Documents Folder 1]
(2) Constables’ Accounts for the years 1705, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, detailed below:
(a) The Accompts of Geo: Haist Jun., Constable for the Year 1705. On reverse is written: ‘Commonly commendations attend honest diligence/ better be unmannerly than troublesome’.
(b) Accounts of Jer: Ball Constable for the Year 1706. Marked ‘Examined and Allowed’ by Wm Vevers (?), Tho: Little, Geo: Haist, Rich: Vevers, Tho: Massey, Wm Walton.
(c) Accounts of Rich: Vevers for the year 1707. Examined by Will: Vevers, Tho: Little, Phin: Daniel, George Haiste, William Collett (?), Tho: Massey.
(d) (on the reverse of the 1707 accounts)Accounts of Rich: Garbitson for the year 1708. No information about examiners.
(e) Accounts of Saml. Wright for the year 1709. Examined by Wm Vevers, Phin: Daniel, Jno: Brook, Rich: Vevers, Jer: Ball, Jno: Ball, Wm Walton.
(3) Two MS sheets, subtitled Bundles 1, 2 and 3, listing deeds dated from 1588 to 1626 relating to land transactions in the manor of Methley from various named people all to John Savile Esquire (up to 1603) then to Sir Henry Savile, Bart. The people named are: Tho: Wick; John and Robert Nalson; John Hanson and Robert Ward; Thomas Duffyn; John Flower Jun.; John Whitwood; William Whitemore; John Wilkinson; Thomas Wilkinson; William Knowles; Peter Gearing; William Burton; James Myles Nunns; Richard Dobson; Anthony Howden; Nicholas and Isaac Howden; Peter Dearing.
(4) Pre-printed letter/notice from the Charity Commission, Ryder Street, London SW, dated 16 November 1910, re the submission of accounts for the following charities:
Clerk’s Garth; Dinford House Rentcharge; Water Haig Rentcharge; Poor’s Money; and Charities of unknown Donor; Roberts. Addressed to the Trustees of the above-named charities.
(5) Large-size printed notice, folded in two (double pages with 4 sides, three printed), addressed to James Simonds and John Wilson of the Township of Methley, from the Commissioners appointed for the carrying out of three acts of parliament passed in 1785, regarding duties (taxes) on shops, and on male and female servants; and the transfer of duties on coaches, waggons, and horses to the Commissioners for Taxes. The notice appoints the two addressees as ‘Presentors and Assessors’ for the collection of these taxes and sets out the oaths they are to swear. Precise details are given of the rates payable upon shops; of the tax payable for each of the many specified categories of servants; and of the taxes payable on coaches, waggons and horses. The assessors are required to present their assessments at the White Hart Inn in Wakefield on 28 October next. The notice is dated 23 Sep 1785, and signed M. Bacon; D. Maude; and L.A. Tottenham.
On the reverse are the letters A R M P and the heading October 1785/ New Duties Abstract, together with a list of names, some crossed out – apparently a circulation list. The names are: Richd: Hall; Dan: Loake; Benj: Clarebro’; Tho: Flother; Tho: Higgins; Wm: Calvert; H? Bulmer; Wm: Pulleine, Jun.; Richard Scatchard; Geo: Teal; Richd: Atkinson; Jno: Atkinson; Jno: Frickley; Josh: Snaithwaite; Josh: Frickley.
(6) Printed Order headed ‘West Riding of Yorkshire – to wit, To the Constables, Headboroughs, and Tything-Men within the Division of Agbrigg in the said Riding’. The Order is dated 12 September 1800 and signed W. Wood and Wm Dawson. It requires a public meeting to be called on 22 September for the appointment of Surveyors of the Highways, and sets out the procedure to be followed. Those appointed, the constables etc and the current Surveyors are summoned to appear before the Justices of the Peace on 24 October at the White Hart Inn, Wakefield.
(7) Small piece of parchment headed Leeds and dated May 28th (78) [1778].certifying from the Parish Register that Joseph Turner of Kirkgate had a child born on 24th July and baptised 1 August named Mary, in the year 1658. Signed John Smith.
(8) Small sheet dated 31 Jan. 1797, headed Methley Militia Substitutes, listing names, occupations, place of residence and marital status of 10 men: George Moulson, Thomas Senior, Mark Spencer, Thomas Bonner, William Willis, Joseph Swallow, Samuel Wilkinson, John Higgins, Barnard Hartley, Thomas Bell. On reverse, same date and heading: Militia Men Hired.
(9) Small sheet headed ‘Draft of Notice for raising a Supplementary Militia Man / July 24 1798’, with signature Ja:.Simmonds, Methley, 22 Jul 1798. Notice on reverse, headed ‘A Person to serve in the Supplementary Militia being wanted for this Parish and the Deputy Lieutenant having ordered a Ballot for raising a Man accordingly’. Invites those liable to serve to appear at the house of Joseph Blakeley the next evening. Dated Methley, 22 Jul 1798.
(10) Notice dated Methley 1 Feb 1801, regarding a meeting to be held at the house of Joseph Blakeley for owners of pews and sittings in Methley Church who wanted to exchange.
(11) Notice dated 10 May 1801 of a Vestry meeting called by the Churchwardens of Methley Church to discuss the recasting of one of the bells, the repairing of the ceiling of the Church and other matters concerning the Church.
(12) Notice regarding the Methley Inclosure, dated 6 Jun 1790, stating that the Award has been lodged in the Parish Church for inspection. On reverse, ‘Notice of Methley Award published’, with date.
(13) Accounts dated 2 Feb1797, headed ‘Supplementary Militia – Disbursements by Jas: Simonds’, listing payments made, subscriptions received, and the consequent amount due from the Parish. On reverse: ‘J.S. payments on hiring. Substitutes to serve in the Supplementary Militia, Jany. 31 1797, with other papers relating thereto’.
(14) Sheet headed ‘Agreement for hiring Substitutes, under the Supplementary Militia Act’, dated 5 Dec, 1796. Written on one side is a standard form of words for listing the inhabitants who have paid sums of money for the hiring of Substitutes and recording the receipt of the money. The other side is headed ‘Rose and Crown, Methley’, dated 5 Dec 1796, and lists people who have paid their share: Peter Wilson; William Waide; John Smirthwaite; Josh: Braime.
(15) Sheet headed on one side ‘Draft of Notice touching raising Cavalry’, dated 4 Dec 1796. The other side is headed ‘Act of Parliament for raising Cavalry’ and is a heavily amended draft notice of a meeting to be held at the house of J. Blakeley for all liable inhabitants to give an account of their horses and men under the terms of the Act.
(16) Small sheet headed on one side ‘Copy of Notice for an Association for Local Defence’, dated 13 May 1798, with added calculations. On the other side is a Notice calling all persons willing to enter into an Association for the local Defence of the Town and Neighbourhood to a Vestry meeting to enrol for that purpose. Dated Methley, 13 May 1798.
(17) Account of amounts due to the Poor of Methley from Sir Edward Smith, from 1779 to 1792. On one half of the reverse, the heading ‘Methley Benefactions / Payments due from Sir Edward Smith to the Poor’, and on the other half a further heading ‘Methley Church/ from the Benefaction Board’ and a list of payments, together with details of money paid out of property. Names are: Tryon; Henry Savile; Wm: Smeaton; Wm: Leach; John Smith; Thomas Day.
(18) [Copy of] a Receipt for a sum of £11 10s from Sir Edward Smith, payable to the poor of Methley under the terms of a benefaction left originally by Charles Robinson, deriving from Fleet Mills and Rothwell Mills, now sold to the proprietors of the Aire and Calder Navigation. Dated 3 Aug 1790 and signed by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Methley [not named in this copy]. Marked on reverse ‘Duplicate of receipt for Sir Edward Smith – from Methley Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor’, dated 21 Dec 1792.
MS Box I. 16
MS extracts from the YAS Record Series on Yorkshire families: Ledes, Pigot, Falkingham (7 pages). [Probably made by Edmund Wilson]
MS Box I. 17
Correspondence and MS notes dated 1900 between C.C.Falkingham in Paris and Edmund Wilson, Thoresby Society, Leeds, regarding the pedigree of the Falkingham and Pigot families.
MS Box I. 18
MS transcript (Latin/English) of Commission appointed by Queen Elizabeth to take evidence in a suit between the tenants of Leeds Kirkgate and John Lyndley and others, def. 42.Eliz. (1599) re property in Leeds held of the Duchy of Lancaster (Exchequer Special Commissions No. 2803). (14 foolscap sheets, folded)
MS Box I. 19
Large sheet folded to make 4 sides, headed ‘General Abstract of the Progress of the Work of the Edystone Light-house’. Divided into columns headed Date (1756-1759); Activity/Stage of Work; Time upon the Rock; Number of Pieces of Stone. Includes summary of materials used; stores (food etc) provided for the lighthouse staff; information on the height of the lighthouse at different points. In a brown envelope, marked ‘from Mr Turner’, Solicitor. N.d. [housed in Outsize Documents Folder 1]
MS Box I. 20
(1) Printed Supplemental Abstract of Title of John William Archer to land on the SE side of Roundhay Road, with traced map. Dated 4 Feb 1889.
(2) Schedule of Title Deeds and Writings relating to an Estate on the East side of Savile Street, the property of John Beacock, mortgaged to Thomas Scholefield. Dated 1839. Other names: Thomas Pridgin Teale and Abraham Horsfall.
(3) Schedule of Title Deeds and Writings relating to premises in Claremont Place, the property of William Pattinson, mortgaged to Thomas Scholefield. Dated 8 Nov 1837. Other names: James Bischoff; Thomas Kaye; James Sigston; John Crosby; Benjamin Russell.
(4) Schedule of Title Deeds relating to premises in Claremont Place, the property of William Pattinson, now mortgaged to Thomas Kaye.
MS Box I. 21
Photostat copy (2 sheets) of a letter written in May 1709 by E. Haviland, which includes a copy of a satire by Daniel Defoe entitled ‘Parson Plaxton of Barwick in the County of York turn’d inside out’, together with Plaxton’s own verses in reply. The letter had been sold to Henry Huntington, New York, in 1920, and G.D.Lumb the Thoresby Society Treasurer had contacted an academic, Prof. T.W.Edmondson, at New York University asking if the Society could have a copy and permission to print it.
Three items of correspondence: an acknowledgement from T.W.Edmondson to G.D.Lumb dated 19 Feb 1920; and two letters to G.D.Lumb dated 19 Jun and 7 Jul 1920 from the Librarian of the Henry Huntington Library providing a copy of the letter and giving permission to print. Also a cutting from the TLS dated 19 Feb 1920 concerning the sale of the letter.
MS Box I. 22
(1) Document dated 4 Nov 1774, being the appointment of William Gott, Gentleman, as Lieutenant in the Militia Regiment of Foot commanded by Sir George Savile. Signed and sealed: Rockingham
(2) Document dated 25 Sep 1777 appointing William Gott, Gentleman, as Captain of a Company of Militia, with conditions of service and duties, signed and sealed: Rockingham, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotularum of the West Riding of York. On reverse: ‘Captain Gott’s Commission’.
(3) Memorial dated 9 Nov 1844 regarding the election of William Gott to serve as Collector of Land and Assessed Taxes for Leeds; his refusal to act; and the imposition of a fine, commuted to £10. Signed and sealed: Chas.G.Maclea and Anthony Titley, Commissioners.
(4) Letter to William Gott from T.P.Teale dated Leeds, 21 Nov 1851, regarding a sketch (said to be enclosed but not present) of Ralph Thoresby’s house in Kirkgate which Teale’s father owned and lived in for some years.
(Items 1-3 are in a brown envelope addressed to Mrs Gott, Weetwood Lane, Headingley)
MS Box I. 23
(1) Receipt signed Geo. Rawson, Leeds, dated 4 Jul 1825, for £115 from William Gott for half year’s rent of a ‘house,’ with note of suggestion that this would be for Denison Hall, occupied by William Gott from 1821 to c 1858.
(2) Agreement signed by John Gott, Leeds 11 May 1826, regarding the extension of the lease from Mrs Ogden of the house for a further 7 years, and proposed alterations and repairs. Pencil note on reverse suggesting that this refers to the Park Square house occupied by John Gott after his marriage to M.A.Brooke.
Both items in a brown envelope addressed to Alderman Gott, JP, Weetwood Garth, Headingley.
MS Box I. 24
Typed extract from 1716 Archbishop’s Returns relating to endowments in Holbeck, with covering letter from R J Wood, Holbeck Vicarage, dated 25 Jan 1922, to G D Lumb. (Subsequently printed in PThS Miscellanea XXVI, p162.)
MS Box I. 25
MS notes of a lecture on ‘The Influence of Religious Belief on Sacred Architecture’ given to the Leeds and Yorkshire Archaeological Society on 14 Jan 1884 by the Rev. Charles Hargrove, Minister of Mill Hiill Chapel (13 pages of ruled paper, folded), with covering letter from his daughter Hilda E. Hargrove, dated 5 Feb 1919.
MS Box I. 26
Typed verses (humorous) on the Parish Church, addressed in pencil on the top to Mrs Frank Gott, with covering letter dated 14 Feb 1892 from T. Pridgin Teale, North Grange, Headingley, to ‘Dear Beryl’, together with phot of Edwin Moore, Registrar of Leeds Parish Church.
MS Box I. 27
MS Notes (heavily amended) of lecture by J. Hambley Rows, MB, CM, on ‘Leeds Place Names’, marked Written 3 Aug 1902, Revised 10 Oct 1905.
MS Box I. 28
MS copy of the Will of Ralph Thoresby, with Codicil, dated 1725, written on Thoresby Society paper (6 pages).
MS Box I. 29
Parcel wrapped in brown paper headed ‘Collections relating to the History of Bramhope, Presented by J. Mainwairing Baines, May 1946’.
Album containing the 6 inch OS 1909 sheet CLXXXVII SE (Bramhope); MS Pedigree of the Dyneley family; various extracts from documents/books relating to Bramhope history.
A leaflet on the new Creskeld Lane and Bramhope Hall housing estates being built by JH and P Crowther, Builders, with accompanying booklet ‘The Gateway to Health and Happiness’.
Correspondence (4 letters) from 1946 regarding the gift of the album first to the Brotherton Library then to the Thoresby Society from J. Mainwairing Baines.
MS Box I. 30
Small collection of papers relating to the Wrigglesworth family, 1931-40, originals and photocopies.
Full list in box.
[Keywords: World War II; Wrigglesworth; Oulton; A. Procter, draper; Pearl Assurance; Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society; William Moorhouse; Laundry.]
MS Box I. 31
Leather-bound book, containing a transcript by G E Kirk of the Swillington Town’s Book, made in 1930-31, containing:
Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1747-1789
Accounts of the Constables, 1749-1789
Accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, 1749-1780
Accounts of the Surveyors of the Highways, 1750-1789
Names of the ‘Persons within this Parish who have Certificates taken 28 Mar, 1758’
Names of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor, 1730-1856
Names of the Surveyors of the Highway, 1730-1856
Names of the Constables, 1748-1764; 1764-1843
Richard Lumb’s Account, Swillington Festivities, 12 Aug 1814 (Return of Peace)
Subscriptions for the purchase of the organ (belonging to the late Richard Green of Leventhorpe) for Swillington Church, 1808.
Mode of Overseers for Relief to Poor 1814, as agreed at the General Annual Meeting of the Principal Inhabitants, Nov 1814.
Vestry Resolution re repair of lane between Little Preston and Allerton Bywater, 5 Mar 1807
Highway Assessment, 9 December 1742 – names and amounts.
Assessment of Land Tax, Sir W. Lowther, Bart. (n.d.)
Report of Meeting re repair of church roof, 28 Apr 1806.
Report of Vestry Meeting and Summons to Mr Clay, Overseer of the Poor, following the Vestry meeting, dated 24 Dec 1791.
Receipt for money received from Surveyors of the Highways, 1 Jul 1754.
List of Freeholders, Swillington, Sep 1782.
Memorandum 23 Jan 1754 re 3 certificates issued by the Churchwardens and Overseers.
Record of Meeting of Inhabitants 13 Apr 1820 re Select Vestry to carry out provisions for management of the Poor, and appointment of Assistant Overseer.
Select Vestry for 1823
Forfeitures of Committee Men, 1844
Assessment for the Highways 1758, Swillington and Prestons.
Population of Swillington, 1801, 1811, 1821.
MS Box I. 32
Bramley-related material.
1. Small black notebook with loose pages from another one enclosed:
(a) Extracts from Bramley Vestry Books 1818-27
(b) Miscellaneous extracts from Bramley records (early 19th century)
2. Green patterned notebook with list of shareholders for proposed Public Hall in Bramley.
3. Red patterned notebook: ‘Remarks on Valuation of Property in Bramley’, 1850-63
4. Nomination for ?Parochial Church Council, Bramley, for A.Brooks; pencil notes on back; n.d.
5. Cuttings from Pudsey ? re Bramley and Kirkstall Forge [in envelope].
6. Parcel containing:
(a) 11 Nov 1697. Obligation to accept arbitration by John Kitching of Bramley on the one side and John Wood and Joshua Wood jun. on the other; signed by John Kitching (+ seal) and witnessed by William Heild & Edward Brooks.
(b) Letter re public hall in Bramley from Samuel Joy to Richard Wilson; n.d.
(c) 8 May 1628; Cicyllye Walker of Kirkgate, Bradford, widow, releases ‘John Wood thelder’ of Bramley, carpenter, from all debts, claims etc. she or her heirs may have against him. Signed Cicillye Walker (mark); witnessed John Vickars (mark) & John Horsley.
(d) 10 Jul 1667. Indenture between John Wood of Bramley and Henry Dickinson of Bramley re a little stable and garden next to a ‘swine coate’. Signed (+ seal) by Henrie Dickinson; witnessed by Francis Bovill, Hugh Waterworth (mark) & Anthony Brethericke (mark) [large sheet of paper]
(e) 7 Dec 1693. Receipt for 9d in payment of rent due to ‘Lord Brudenell’ from ‘Joshuah Wood’; received by Thomas Brooke. [small slip of paper]
(f) 1263. Acknowledgement of money paid by Adam son of ‘?Norais de Bramelaye’ to William, son of William Cokeman for 2 acres of land in Bramley; witnesses: Richard de la Haye, John de Alta Ripa, Ralph Heden, Thomas Campe, Robert son of Peter, Robert Cokeman, and others. [small slip of vellum; seal missing]
(g) 15 Dec 1663. Obligation from Matthew Smith of Billingley, Yorks., to Michael Middlebrook of Bramley; signed by Matthew Smith; witnessed by John Barker, Thomas Cosen (mark) & Peter ?Aleroke/?Alecoke. [Latin on one side, English on the other; suspended seal.]
(h) 9 Jun 1710. Receipt from Robert Hopkinson to John Wood for 8d due to the Earl of Cardigan.[small slip of paper]
(i) Empty envelope which perhaps once contained what is transcribed on a slip of paper, an agreement of 1292 re land in Bramley.
(j) 23 Jul 1669. Indenture between John Wood of Bramley and Samuel Musgrave of Bramley re the Quarrell Closes, let by JW to SM for £7. 15s a year for nine years. Signed (+ seal) by Samuell Musgrave; witnessed by Francis Bovill & Mary B(?)ouill. [large sheet of paper] [housed in Outsize Documents Folder 1]
7. Hard cover exercise book with summaries of Constables’, Chapelwardens’, etc. Accounts1767-
1816 and miscellaneous transcriptions from Bramley records.
8. Cover of red exercise book containing transcript of Bramley tithe award.
9. Bramley Church, Schedule of Benefactions and Investments, 1948. [single sheet]
10. Notes on early history of Bramley. [2 small sheets]
11. Paper bag of transcripts of medieval ?Kirkstall deeds relating to Farnley,Headingley, Ripon, Woodkirk.
12. Collection of papers, mainly transcripts of entries in printed books relating to Bramley (including Heywood’s diary), but also a lecture on the history of the township, extensive notes, and a transcript of the Bramley Enclosure Award of 1799. [NB Letter from Kirk to Dobson listing what Bramley material the Thoresby Society already owned.]
MS Box I. 33
Bramley-related material
(a) Black ‘MSS’ exercise book containing copies by Benjamin Wilson of material related to Bramley.
1. copy of Wm Waite’s notes on Bramley (original in 31D.4).
2. Extracts from Dr Fawcett’s Life of Oliver Heywood, 1809
3. Extracts from the Accounts of the Overseers, Chapelwarden, Constable, &c … 1684 to 1814
4. Extracts from and Copies of Documents relating to the Church and Township of Bramley
5. Terriers1744 and 1817
6. Bramley Chapel
7. Constable and Overseers Accounts 1783-1819
8. Extracts from Ducatus and Loidis and Elmete
9. Extracts from “Memoir of Elkanah Wales”
10. Particulars respecting Bramley Old Hall
11. May Day at Bramley, 1829
12. Public Characters in Bramley
13. Extracts from Terriers, 1784 and 1809
(b) Black ‘MSS’ exercise book also containing Benjamin Wilson’s notes:
1. Copy of the Accounts of the Chapelwardens of Bramley, 1729-1732
2. Extract from Langdale’s Topography of Yorkshire page 243, Allen’s History of the County of York and Butler’s Lives of the Saints
3. Baptist Chapel, Bramley
4. Extracts from the Old Records in the Bramley Chapel
5. Supplement to ‘Our Village’ 1800-18[30]
(c) Green marbled exercise book:
1. Extracts from the Vestry Books of Bramley, various dates between 1820 and 1857
2. List of Overseers of Bramley, 1685-6, 1689-1865
(d) Black stiff-covered exercise book:
1. Lecture on Bramley history
2. Excerpts from the Bramley Town Book, 1684-[1766]
[Items (e) – (i) in separate parcel]
(e) Bramley Almanac for 1857; oil-cloth-bound. Notes at back by David Newton, an advertiser.
(f) Bramley Almanacs for 1859-1862; leather-bound. Offertory collections list, notes on deaths in Bramley, recipes for ailments, ward election results, noted at back and front.
(g) Bramley Almanacs for 1863 and 1864, separate [2 items]
(h) Bramley Almanacs for 1865-1874; leather-bound. Notes of Bramley deaths, ward election results, etc at end and beginning.
(i) Bramley Almanacs for 1856-1866; half-calf/cloth-bound. Broadsheet almanac for 1855 bound in. ‘John Wilson / Bramley’ – bookplate.
[Item (j) in separate envelope]
(j) A collection of press cuttings relating to Thomas Kirk’s estate at Cookridge, a letter and a Bramley Almanac for 1888 sent from America and connected with the Verity family.
(k) [Separate item] War memorial list from Bramley Conservative Club.
MS Box I. 34
Bramley-related material
(a) 6 sepia photographs: 1 of a group and 5 of ?an art exhibition.
(b) Poem on Joseph and Abraham, Bramley characters [1 sheet]
(c) 10 receipts for money received from the executors of Mrs Samuel (Margaret) Lister: Richard Booth, R. Stead, Henry Stead (mark), William Stead (mark), Ann Dodsworth, Mary Bucktrout (mark), Hannah Smith, Thomas Sharrow, John Lister, R. Lippard.
(d) Small notebook, blue tartan, labelled ‘Memoir of the late Benjamin Wilson of Bramley; Born 1769, Died 1844’.
(e) 18 Jul 1775. Apprenticeship indenture between Walter Farrer, Richard Mirfield and William Barker, Chchwdn and Ovsrs of the Pr of Bramley, John Shires, ‘aged 10 years’, and William Hardacre, cooper. Signed: Walter Farrar, Richard Mirfield (mark), William Barker. Witnesses: Philip Coultman, Richard Richardson Junr. Allowed by: John Blayds, mayor, Sam Davenport. [3 papered seals. On reverse: ‘Wm Hardacre to Jo. Simpson} Indre of Apprenticˀ.] [housed in Outsize Documents Folder 1]
(f) Burgess Roll. Bramley Ward. 1857. Chairman’s Copy. Printed booklet of 79 pages; annotated.
(g) Page from the Yorkshire Weekly Post, Saturday, October 2, 1920 with article: ‘Bramley, Old and New’ by Harwood Brierley.
(h) Samuel Joy, ‘A Sermon Preached at the Closing of St Margaret, Bramley on Sunday, September 8th, 1861’, 1862.
(i) The Bramley Parish Magazine, Dec 1872, 2nd ed. rev. [Single sheet, folded but uncut.]
(j) Patriotic Fund Subscriptions, printed list for Bramley Ward, Jan 1855. ‘Mr Jno. Wilson’ on back. [Small single sheet]
(k) Bramley Brunswick Wesleyan Schools Art Exhibition and Scientific Conversazione programmes for 1st to 5th, 8th and closing day; April 14 to 23 but no year given. [7 single sheets; in white envelope]
(l) Newspaper cutting re ‘Yorkshire Parish Registers / The Birthplace of Chippendale’. [n.d.]
(m) Booklet, buff cover, ‘Extracts & References respecting the Abbeys Churches, &c. &c. in the time of Henry the Eighth. / First Curates of Bramley / Proposed “Church Extension” in 1650’. [On back of booklet: ‘School Manuscripts / Sold by B.Wilson, National Society’s Depot, Bramley.’]
(n) Kirkstall Abbey Indexed: Historical Ground Plan. Enclosed is letter from A.W.Franks to Alan Dobson, dated 7.1.57. [In envelope addressed to A.Dobson, Esqre]
(o) Extracts from minutes, notes, and Assessed Taxes notice relating to property in Bramley, 1861-71, centring on Benjamin Wilson’s property. [1 printed form and 4 handwritten sheets; in buff envelope]
(p) Faded photo of shop exterior, ?in Town Street, Bramley.
(q) Print of a sketch of St Peter’s Church, Bramley, by J. Adams.
(r) Poor Relief papers [in buff envelope]:
1. Dark red leather booklet with list of subscriptions for 1837.
2. Treasurer’s Account for 1837 [Single large sheet]
3. Extract from Leeds Mercury, April 9th 1862, ‘Bramley Poor Relief Fund’.
4. Summary of funds available between 1837-43.
5. List of subscriptions received [no date]
6. Receipted bill for poor rates, Benjamin Wilson Junr., Dec 1860.
(s) Municipal Election papers, 1859 & 1870 [in buff envelope]:
1. Hand-made poster by Benjamin Wilson promoting the interests of Messrs Lee & Lupton, Oct 1870.
2. Printed circular from B. Wilson promoting Lee & Lupton, Sep 1879.
3. Voting slip signed Robert Laycock, for Joseph Winn and Robert Coxon, Nov 1859.
4. List of Canvassing Books, Bramley, no date. [Single sheet]
(t) Improvements to Water Supply in Bramley.
1. Brown-paper-covered booklet: ‘Water Accts. Subscriptions for Town well Improvements, 1826’ .
2. Paper account balancing expenses against subscriptions for improvements.
3. ‘Calculations of Comparative Value’ of certain properties (cf. (o) above). [Single folded sheet with marbled backing]
4. 4 notes relating to the improvements to the water supply at Stocks Hill. [4 small paper sheets]
(u) Marbled-paper, stiff-covered exercise book labelled : ‘Art Exhibition, Bramley, near Leeds, July 9th, until August 1st, 1872.’ Contains a Season Ticket (Benjamin Wilson), handbills, newspaper cuttings, Parish Magazine with Accounts for the exhibition. At the end of the volume are various newspaper cuttings relating to Bramley.
MS Box I. 35
Bramley-related material
1. Brown-paper parcel labelled: ‘Dobson – History of Bramley, 1974 [Draft]’ consisting of 329 typed pages of vaying size + 6 pages (also of varying size) on Thomas Rogerson, all in a blue folder. At front, a note from G.Woledge, and a calculation of number of pages required if it were to be printed.
2. Orange folder, labelled ‘Correspondence’ containing letters and notes:
(a) Letter (undated) from David Johnson, [Record Office, House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW] re ‘sheriff’s tourn’.
(b) Letter (undated) from David Johnson, Record Office, etc. re ‘selion’ and ‘sheriff’s tourn’.
(c) Card from G.E.K[irk], 8 Jan 1951, re arrangements for a Dobson lecture.
(d) Notes re monks with Bramley connections, displaced from Kirkstall Abbey at the Dissolution: Anthony Jackson, Thomas Pepper, Leonard Windresse.
3. Dark-green ring-binder containing a series of lists. An undated typed list in the front of the folder has assumed that they are lists of documents in the Bramley Parish Chest. [The general description in the box (by M.C. 1995) advises checking ‘the list available at the Leeds District Archives’ – what is now West Yorkshire Archives, Leeds.]
4. Buff folder containing 19 hand-written pages of a lecture (or lectures) on Kirkstall Abbey; 23 hand-written pages on Sir Thomas Fairfax; I typescript page – grant by William Fayld (1534); and 1 hand-written page of extracts from Whitaker’s Loidis and Elmete.
5. Buff folder enclosing smaller green folder containing: (a) a collection of note-cards on Cistercians (1 card), Bolton Priory (11 cards), Kirkstall (11 cards), Skipton church (1 card), Hubberholme (1 printed card), Burnsall church (1 card), Ilkley crosses (2 cards), Ilkley Museum (1 card), and 1 blank and 2 cards on trees in winter; (b) hand-written pages of notes: a family tree of ‘The Green Family of Horsforth and Bramley’; 14 (foolscap) + 3 (notepad) notes on Horsforth.
6. Bundle of books: (a) R.A.Talbot, The Glebe Lands of Bramley, 1709-1949, St Peter’s Church, Bramley, [1949]; (b) E.T.Carr (ed.), “The Lands of Bram”: an Historical Survey of the Growth and Development of Bramley, Yorkshire, from 1037-1937, [1937] – 2 copies, one belonging to Alan Dobson; (c) E.T.Carr (ed.), “Industry in Bramley”: a Survey of the Growth and Development of the Industries of the old Township of Bramley, Leeds, 1938 – Dobson’s copy; (d) Souvenir Programme, Bramley Coronation Celebrations, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, May 12 1937; (e) A.Laurence, Histories of Various Old Horsforth Families, [duplicated typescript]; (f) R.A.Talbot, A History of Bramley Chapel in the 17th Century, 1951 [carbon copy of typescript] – Dobson’s copy.
7. Envelope containing handwritten booklet: ‘Proposed Public Hall at Bramley: List of Shareholders’; notice of proposal attached to inside front cover, and a letter dated 21 Nov 1859 fromRichard Nickolls to R.Wilson is enclosed in booklet.
8. Typed list of contents of the box by M.C. dated 1995.
MS Box I. 36 [housed separately]
(a) Transcription of the Leeds Parish Church registers:
Burials, Jan 1777 - Nov 1786
Marriages 7 May 1769 – 8 Jun 1789
(b) Bramley St Peter’s: Old Yard Monument Survey
MS Box I. 37
William Martin letters, 1780-85
In May 2010 the Thoresby Society Library received a group of 15 eighteenth-century letters donated by Mrs Diana Carpenter of Lewes, East Sussex. The letters had no connection with her family but were discovered by her late father, Balfour Lawrence, a dentist in the firm of Taylor & Lawrence of 11 Bridge Street, Leeds. Mr Lawrence was at this address from the 1940s to 1960s and the letters were discovered during redecoration, lodged behind a wall partition.
The letters are all addressed to a Mr WILLIAM MARTIN at the Navigation Warehouse, Wakefield. Some relate to problems regarding the movement of goods on the canal.
14 Dec 1780 from Leeds by THOMAS WILKINSON enquiring about a situation for his brother. Other names mentioned: Dr KERSHAW, George BAXTER.
6 Feb 1782 from Halifax by RICHARD ROYDS querying the need to oppose an application by the Proprietors of the Staffordshire Canals for an Act of Parliament to improve the Navigation of the river Trent. He accepts this would result in the loss of Manchester trade to the Calder & Hebble canal but cannot see any reasonable objection which would justify the expense of sending representatives to London.
1 Feb 1783 from Sheffield by WILLIAM BOOTH with a gift of cutlery and other goods. Other names: Mr WILLEY, Mr BARLOW (? A cutler).
10 May 1783 from London by JOSIAH JESSOP quoting prices and details of ladies’ watches.
29 Sep 1783 from Harrogate by MATTHEW THACKRAY (seemingly an hotel proprietor) arranging rooms for the season and telling Mr Martin those who had already booked: Mr & Miss WILLSON, Mr MANISTER, Mr WALFORD, Mrs WILDE & family, Mr WRIGHT, Major SOWERBY, Mrs AMCOTTS etc.
1 Apr 1784 from Hull by FRANCIS TAYLOR concerning the death of a Mr BURTON, clearly well-known to both men, and his concerns about Mr Burton’s ‘graceless son’.
9 Oct 1784 from Howden by MR SPOFFORTH re Bp Soil Inclosure. (?)
8 Mar 1785 from Sowerby Wharf by THOMAS WALPOLE re complaints about damaged and stolen goods. Names: William WOOD senior, Wm BRAMHAM, LIVESEY HARGREAVE & Co, Messrs TIPPING & WALKER, J WRIGGLESWORTH,
20 Aug 1785 from Leeds by WILSON, BUCKETT, CALVERLEY & LODGE re a bond unpaid by a Mr COTTON and asking Mr Martin if he supported giving the debtor extra time.
23 Aug 1785 from Leeds by WILLIAM BOOTH re dispute over transport costs. Names: Joseph SMITH, Mrs HARDCASTLE of Otley, Mr LOWTHER, Messrs SHEEPSHANKS & Co, Mr WINTERINGHAM, Mr & Mrs WOOD.
6 Sep 1785 from Sowerby Wharf by THOMAS WALPOLE re a load of indigo for Mr Jo. EDWARDS damaged by Wm SHAY. Asks for Mr HOLDSWORTH to be consulted. Also a consignment of hemp for George BIRKS at Rochdale delivered by Wm COCKER in a damaged condition (this letter failed to arrive before his next .)
8 Sep 1785 from Sowerby Wharf by THOMAS WALPOLE with details of Mr EDWARDS’ damaged cargo of indigo, now at the Dyer’s in Halifax.
2 Oct 1785 from Sowerby Wharf by THOMAS WALPOLE still about the indigo cargo. Other names: LEACH & Co. Mr DIXON, Mr WILKINSON,
25 Dec 1785 from Sowerby Wharf by THOMAS WALPOLE re appointment of a Mr PLACE. Firm of TAYLOR & FOSTER mentioned and MARKHAM replacing FOSTER. Many complaints re late deliveries of cargoes.
24 Apr 1786 (?1780) from Potter Grange by THOMAS MOULD re rent for a house at Rawcliffe which Mr Martin appeared to own. Names: Mr COUPLAIN at Howden, Mr BIRT.
MS Box II. 1
Leather-bound volume, entitled on the spine: Thomas Holliday, Wheelwright, Coopers Court, Bowman Lane, Leeds, 1822. The volume, c380 pages, is written apparently in one hand, mainly in ink but with some pages in pencil and some blank. It covers the period from 1805 to 1834, though there is a short end-note dated 1848 regarding the trustees of his will. The volume has an alphabetical index, but the order and organisation of the numerous entries is not always evident and the page numbering is inconsistent.
Thomas Holliday was a master wheelwright, and this book contains his detailed notes on the running of his business between 1805 and 1834, including financial accounts and commercial agreements; his relationship with his apprentices and workmen, individually and in general; and his thoughts on the ongoing political situation regarding trade unions and strikes, as well as other sundry matters of interest to him. Many of his notes on his contractual and personal relationships with his workmen and their union activity date from the period in 1823/24 when the Combination Acts were first repealed and then revised, and reveal his anxieties and sense of vulnerability, which continued into the early 1830s.
Records suggest that Thomas Holliday was born in 1776 in Beeston. According to his own account, after 21 years as apprentice and journeyman he set up his own business in 1805, initially in partnership with John Richardson as Holliday and Richardson, Wheelwrights, Blacksmiths and Patent Arms Manufacturers, Wilkes’ Place, Hunslet Lane. His home was nearby in Cooper’s Court, Bowman Lane. The partnership was dissolved around 1822: this is perhaps the date when he began to compile this book. He then ran the business himself, transferring his workshop to Waterloo Street, Hunslet, while he moved his home to Trafalgar Street, off North Street. In the 1830s he took his son John into the business, and John took over the business completely in 1839. If the identification is correct, Thomas Holliday died in 1850, aged 74.
Entries in the book include:
Table of work undertaken, 1805-34: cart bodies, wagon bodies, wherry gantries, wheels of different widths and sizes; arms (axles) common, patent, and turned. [p25]
Shop rules for his workmen, dated 8 May 1827: detailing working hours and breaks; basis for wages; length of notice. [p27-31]
List of wagons etc and wheels made for named individuals/firms, with prices charged; names include Bowers of Hunslet, Musgrave of Bramley, but also customers outside Leeds, in Easingwold, York, Darlington, Halifax. [p37-70]
Comments (1833) on sawyers and their work; demarcation between sawyers and wheelwrights; rules for employment and wages of sawyers in his employ – no extras like ‘Yewel-log or Christmas Cheer’. [p75-78]
Comments (1833) on the turning-out of the wheelwrights; his fear of attack and coping strategy. Account of the leaflet issued by the Wheelwrights’ and Blacksmiths’ Society. His proposed terms of work. [p80-89]
Copy of the Rules and Orders for members of the Friendly Burial Institution of Sawyers (1824). His fears about the ‘Luddite’ sawyers, and how masters should deal with the danger and threat they create. [p93-4]
Various business agreements from 1823 with Deacon Harrison & Co Carriers regarding the hire of wagons and mileage payments for journeys Leeds to London, Wakefield to Leicester. Summary of earnings, 1827-28. [p98-101]
Notes (1823) on agreements made with workmen James Ingle, Richard Brown, George Scarr, Benjamin Horner. [p102-105]
Record (1827) of his workmen turning out. Account of discussion with his workman Benjamin Horner. [p122-135]
Thoughts on land available in the town. [p141]
Account (1824) of dealings with a workman called Reacher (or possibly Peacher).[p145]
Notes (1833) on preparations for strike of workmen: other men he could employ. [p148-151]
Notes on various customers and materials used; wherries let out on hire and daily charge; prices charged by creditors; price of wood, iron etc. Apprenticeship rates.[p154-177]
Accounts of stock in trade 1822-1828 (after departure of his partner Richardson), including wagons on mileage. [p180-203]
Analysis (1826 and again in 1834) of time taken for various jobs and tools required; work of John Thorp, Benjamin Horner. [p217]
Copy of apprenticeship indenture. Agreements made with apprentices and workmen: Samuel Wise, Indle (?), Richard Brown, George Scarr, Robert Lancaster, Matthew Wilson, William Hilyard, James Hargreaves. [p230-3]
Agreement with Hartley Bowling & Rayner re mileage for wagons to Manchester, with various other agreements and accounts. [p237- ]
Note of his various books used to record his business [p261]
Note on Rothwell Haig Coal Pits [p264]
Notes on apprenticeship of Jonathan Atkinson of Methley. [p266-8]
Notes on workmen (strikers) James Fleming and Joshua Beaumont, wheelwrights, and their working methods. [p270-275]
Notes on apprentice William Hilyard, who took him to court in 1827 for keeping back wages owed to him. [p279-283]
Accounts (extracted from Day ledgers) of stocks and balances 1805-1834 – shows steady growth of business. [p284-8]
Summary (1827) of his career to date: apprentice and journeyman 21 years; master for 21 years; ‘ill-used since June 1822 by workmen…turning out against me’, demanding more wages, shorter working hours, more privileges. His principles for managing apprenticeships. [p301]
Summary of work undertaken (wood/iron) 1805-1828 [p310-312]
List of debtors/creditors/payments made, 1828 [p314, 322]
Accounts of mileage with Hartley Crawford & Pickersgill, 1808-28 [p326-8]
The final pages contain various unlabelled plans apparently for a workshop with a courtyard of small houses. There is a final note re a change of trustee in his will.
MS Box II items 2-15
Most of these items are historical notes and transcriptions of records relating to Leeds and the West Riding made by Mr G.D.Lumb over many years. After his death on 13 August 1939, they were donated to the Society in 1941 by his widow Mrs G.D.Lumb.
George Denison Lumb FSA (1858-1939), a solicitor with a practice in Albion Street, Leeds, was a keen antiquarian and a mainstay of the Thoresby Society for almost 50 years. He joined the Society in its first year, 1889. From 1891 to 1939 he edited the Society’s publications, and concurrently from 1891 to 1908 he was joint Hon. Secretary, and from 1905 to 1925 Hon. Treasurer.
He made over 35 contributions to the Thoresby Society’s publications, both original studies based on his own research and major transcriptions of records. His painstaking work in transcribing records – eg parish registers and wills - which would otherwise have been difficult to access helped to establish the Society’s publications as a major resource for students of Leeds history. As editor he also encouraged others to contribute and fostered their research. As secretary and treasurer he built up the Society’s membership, established financial stability, negotiated the purchase of premises for the Society, and nursed its library by encouraging donations, inducing other libraries to subscribe, and arranging for other historical societies to exchange publications.
In addition to his Thoresby Society publications he published privately a volume of records relating to Barwick-in-Elmet. He was an active member of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, serving as a member of the Council, and in 1899 helped to establish the Yorkshire Parish Registers Society, of which he was Hon. Secretary for 20 years.
An obituary on behalf of the Thoresby Society was published in PThS XXXVII Pt.2 (1945)
MS II. 2 Large bound volume of MS notes, mainly extracts from parish registers and other sources, with numerous family pedigrees, compiled by G.D.Lumb. Includes copy of schedule of deeds relating to ‘Wall Flatts’ and other land between Quarry Hill and Marsh Lane; abstract of title of Thomas James and Joseph Morley to an estate at Osmondthorpe, 1729-1895; notes on deeds relating to Armley.
MS II. 3 Large notebook with MS copies of various records and documents, compiled by G.D. Lumb.
MS II. 4 Large notebook containing MS abstracts of wills proved at York of members of various Yorkshire families, 15th to 18th centuries, compiled by G.D.Lumb.
MS II. 5 Brown bound notebook, with label ‘Lists of Pedigrees in the Sykes MSS in Leeds Public Library’, with MS copies and extracts made by G.D.Lumb.
MS II. 6 Small black notebook with label ‘Extracts from Printed Records of various dates relating to Leeds and neighbourhood in the handwriting of G.D.Lumb’. Mainly MS extracts from State Papers, Patent Rolls etc; includes notes of records relating to Swillington, Methley, Barwick-in-Elmet, Kippax, Parlington, Aberford; pedigree of the Gascoigne family of Barnbow.
MS II. 7 Small tan-coloured notebook labelled ‘Various Extracts from Cal. Domestic State Papers (17th Century) and Cal. Patent Rolls (14th Century) re Yorkshire Places’ with MS notes by G.D.Lumb.
MS II. 8 Small dark-coloured notebook [in poor condition] with label ‘Gascoigne Family Pedigree’ with MS notes by G.D.Lumb.
MS II. 9 Large paper folder (13.5 in x 11 in.) headed on front ‘William Wheater/ Leeds Directory of 1797 / with Notes by’ and on reverse ‘Daily News 1892’. Inside the folder, the pages consist of sheets from various 1892 newspapers cut to size with pasted-in slips: some are printed newspaper cuttings containing lists of names (presumably from the 1797 Directory) with additional comments and information (presumably by WW); other slips are in handwriting and contain additional notes on particular individuals. [It seems likely that this folder was also part of G.D.Lumb’s collection, as he will have known William Wheater, an engineer who was a fellow member of the Society in 1889, an antiquarian and prolific writer, who died in ?1911.]
MS II. 10 Seven small sheets of writing paper (= 13 pages and a title page) containing MS extracts from the Calendar of Patent and Close Rolls, 13th and 14th centuries, relating to West Riding places, compiled by G.D.Lumb. (In re-used brown envelope.)
MS II. 11 Three folded sheets of paper containing (1) MS extracts from Mayhall’s Annals of Yorkshire for the year 1766, relating to Leeds; (2) MS extracts from Kearsley’s Pocket Ledger of Mr Thomas Barstow, 1783, relating to Leeds. Compiled by G.D.Lumb. (In re-used brown envelope.)
MS II. 12 Bundle of MS notes on the Bland and other families compiled by G.D.Lumb, together with a letter to GDL from Thos. Key of Kendal dated 17 Jan 1909 and two letters to GDL from C. Elston of Harrogate dated 25 Sep and 3 Oct 1922 regarding his connection with the Horsfield family. (In re-used brown envelope.)
MS II. 13 Bundle of MS notes (in various hands, on a variety of paper) containing lists of Leeds streets, extracted from maps and directories from 1715 to 1822. (In re-used brown envelope.)
MS II. 14 Bundle of MS notes on genealogy compiled by G.D.Lumb, headed ‘Notes from a Collection of Pedigrees of the Gentry of the West Riding of Yorkshire, transcribed from a MS in the Library in York Minster originally written by Robert Nalson’. Includes notes on the Shan family of Methley; extracts from the Swillington Parish Registers; notes on the Hall family; and the family tree of the Robinson family of Kirby Thore, 17th-19th century.
Two letters to GDL (1) from G.E.Weddall of Thornton House, Gilberdike, dated 5 Jul 1910, (2) from E.W.Crossley of Dean House, Triangle, dated 20 Nov 1909, both with genealogical queries. (All the above in re-used brown envelope.)
In separate wallet: Torn and damaged section of an Indenture between John Nalson of Kippax and John Mitchell of Horbury relating to Stanwood Wells or Stone Wells and land in Horbury, dated 8 Oct 1783; signed by Mitchell, with signature by Nalson pencilled in; witnesses John Littlewood and Jon: Hudson (?)
G.D.Lumb published an article on the Nalson family of Altofts and Methley in PThS XXIV (p368).
MS II. 15 Bundle of MS notes and correspondence (mainly from owners of Miers silhouettes) relating to John Miers, the artist and profilist/silhouettist (1756-1821) who was born and worked in Leeds before moving to London. Included is a catalogue of the sale of a collection of Silhouette Portraits (1917), annotated with buyers (one being ‘Brotherton’) and prices. This material was collected by G.D.Lumb for his articles on Miers published in PThS XXIV (p 345) and PThS XXXIII (p 154).
MS II. 16 Material mainly related to the Bi-Centenary Service for Ralph Thoresby, 18 Oct 1925:
1. Order of Service (x2); 2. Bishop of Knaresborough’s sermon (ms) with letter; 3. Vicar of Leeds article on RT (ts); 4. Correspondence and list of acceptances for the service; address by the Bishop of Knaresborough as President of the Thoresby Society, and note by Hamilton Thompson on Clerical Strikes (PThS XXVIII, p.226)
MS Box II. 17 MS transcription of the Fundacio Abbatthie de Kyrkestall. Printed in PThS IV. In re-used envelope.
MS Box II. 18 Black note book, 227 x180mm. Translations of the Rothwell, Kippax and Scholes entries in the Parlington MS ‘Coppie of the Coucher’ by W. T. Lancaster F. S. A. (d. 1920). For Rothwell and Scholes sections see PThS XXIV and PThS XXVIII.
MS Box II. 19 Alphabeticised book (192 x 150mm) reputedly Griffith Wright’s Catalogue of his Library, bought at the Bertie Markland sale c.1874 and presented to the Society by H.L.Ingle. Markland was a solicitor in Leeds The book is bound in a blank copy of a pro-forma: ‘An Account of Stamp’d Parchment and Paper …’, now mottled and grubby.. Enclosures: 2 letters from E,J, Rhodes dated 16 Sep 1909 and 29 Sep 1909, note on Wright family, and donation letter from H.L.Ingle dated 4 Mar 1936.
MS Box II. 20 A “British Lion” Exercise Book 224 x 162mm. ‘Notes in Barwick-in-Elmet Register not printed’ – in the handwriting of G.D. Lumb. Numerous pages at beginning and end have been removed and everything has been crossed through in pencil apparently after checking by Lumb.
MS Box II. 21 MS notes on Temple Newsam and the Knight Templars of Temple Newsam by Alf Mattison in re-used envelope – including a note on how to get there and how much it costs. Also an account (pencil) of the visit of the Prince of Wales to Leeds in 1868.
MS Box II. 23 Galley proofs of ‘Extracts from the Leeds Intelligencer, 1791-1795’, printed in PThS XLIV in re-used envelope. Pencil note on envelope says: ‘Mr Kirk/ MS Book A returned herewith. You may care to keep the enclosed proofs with it until next time (1950 or so!) as they are unused(?) as a part of the publication.’
MS Box II. 24 Thick Sheepskin Bound Book (small): Diary & Letter Book of Rev A. J. Brameld, c1846-1865 (pres. By Paul Pulleyn. 1945 – letter of 12 Jul 1945). The first part is a diary of AJB's life when he was Curate of Hunslet, and the second part contains copies of his correspondence, including his bidding for the New Wortley Church of which he was Vicar, and letters to Dr Hook. Some letters relate to the running of the church school.
AJB married Elizabeth Masterman (?) Pullan (godmother of the donor) and some of the letters are in her handwriting.
MS Box II. 25 Parcel containing two stiff-covered note books, 8 x 6.5 inches: copy of Dodsworth's Notes on the Skyrack Wapentake, a transcript from Harleian MS 802 (partly printed in PThS Misc. II)
MS Box II. 26 12 stiff note books, 8x6½in. Coucher Book of Kirkstall Abbey (Duchy of Lancaster Records), transcribed c.1891 by Henry Whitwam. Also some MS Sheets (copies of documents re Kirkstall Abbey) in the writing of W. T. Lancaster – see PThS Vol.VIII.
MS Box II. 27 (a) Red leather bound book (10.25 x 8 in.) entitled on cover 'Valuation of the Township of Methley 1809', listing owners, occupiers, particulars, contents and annual value of property in the township of Methley. Annotations inside cover dated 19 May 1817(?). Includes a letter addressed to Mr Joseph Taylor, Farmer, Methley near Leeds 15 Dec 1840 from Exchange Buildings, Wakefield (sig. illegible). Also a certificate confirming that Joseph Taylor has been exempted from service in the Local Militia on payment of a fine of £10, dated 10 Jul 1809, signed Benj. Clarkson, Subdivision Clerk, addressed to Deputy Lieutenant W Wood.
MS Box II. 27 (b) Vellum bound MS notebook (8 x 6.25 in.) inscribed 'A Valuation of the Township of Methley taken by Messrs Wordsworth and Warner in the year 1809'
MS Box II. 27 (c) Dark red leather bound book (10 x 5 in.) inscribed on cover 'Poor rate laid February 1853' with printed title page and declaration completed by Thomas Illingworth and Thomas Dear, Churchwardens, Robert Smirthwaite, Samuel Charlesworth and John Bland, Overseers of the Poor for the Parish of Methley.
MS Box II. 28 Small metal case labelled 'Admission of the Revd Rich. Bainbrigge to the Vicarage of Harewood', containing seven tightly folded documents in vellum, some with waxed seals, confirming the admission of Richard Bainbrigge as Vicar of Harewood in 1754. [?Conservation required]
MS Box II. 29 Small black stiff-covered notebook inscribed G. D. Lumb, 65 Albion St. Leeds – 'Churchyard Inscriptions, St. John's, Briggate, Leeds – Pt 3 Printed in PThS Miscellanea xxxiii pp 360 (foot)-426', presented by Mrs G. D. Lumb, 1940. MS in pencil/ink. Date at end 23/7/07.
MS Box II. 30 Small black stiff-covered notebook inscribed G. D. Lumb, Leeds 'Tombstone Inscriptions in Chapeltown Churchyard 1895', with note in pencil Featherstone, Swillington, Felkirk, S. Ardsley, Woodkirk, Aberford. MS in ink.
MS Box II. 30 a Parcel containing G. A. Ascough's papers relating to Chapel Allerton (manuscript, typescript, newspaper cuttings etc.)
MS Box II. 31 Dark red and gold leather folder containing 3 items:
(a) Street Directory of Leeds for 1790, ‘Collected from the Universal British Directory by W. Wheater and Transcribed for the Society by Wm Shackleton, Sept. 1889’. MS in ink.
(b) Brown paper folder headed 'Morley and Skyrack Musters 1569'. Contains a letter from B P Scattergood of Scattergood & Johnson, 7 and 9 Cookridge Street, Leeds, dated 23 May 1923, addressed to G. D. Lumb, enclosing a typescript of Leeds Muster Rolls which he had had made when in London. There is a typescript of 15 pages, identified as the Muster Rolls for the Wapentake of Morley and Skyrack for 1569.
(c) Six sheets of squared paper, on the front sheet headed 'Instructions to the Constable of Mill Hill, Leeds, temp. Charles I, Transcribed from the original document in the possession of Jame Midgeley Esq of Leeds, Solicitor, by William Shackleton, for the use of Section H. October 1889'. The inner sheets have two handwritten pages, listing 17 instructions to the Constable of Mill Hill, signed by Thomas Leigh.
MS Box II. 32 Not present.
MS Box II. 33 Transcript in MS of the Parish Registers of Whitkirk Vol. I (1603-1655/6), transcribed by William Brigg, B.A., July 1890. Foolscap lined paper.
MS Box II. 34 Paper folder headed Yorkshire Place-names – 'Calverley Charters'. Extracted by S. Denison. A and B only: names are given with modern spelling and old forms of spelling. With additional smaller sheet in different handwriting for Yarm, York and Yorkshire.
MS Box II. 35 Large paper folder listing visitors with autograph signatures at the Wurtzburg Exhibition, May 1904: an exhibition in the Society's rooms of objects lent by J.H.Wurtzburg, member and Vice President (d. 1905) of 2 De Grey Road, Leeds. Separate package containing visiting cards. [for transcription]
MS Box II. 36 Extract from the Enclosure Award by Francis Raynes of Stone Hill Co Nottingham Commissioner to Susannah Gill, Ruth Sissons and Richard Sissons of of land in Garforth under the enclosure award 31 Mar 1815.
MS Box II. 37 Not present.
MS Box II. 38 Doubled paper sheet listing the names and occupations of ‘not less than 300 men to assist the Civil Powers in preserving the Peace of the Town and neighbourhood of Leeds’. No date (possibly early 19th century) [for later transcription.] Notes in the handwriting of E. Kitson Clark on Cowthorpe Church, Wighill Church, Walton Church, Walton Old Hall and part of a letter from Dr Richard W Hiley of Wighill Vicarage. MS on folded foolscap lined paper.No date.
MS Box II 39 Extracts from ‘Catalogue of ancient deeds, vol 1 1890’: dates: 15 Nov 23 Hen.VIII, 18 Nov 22 Hen VIII, Mich.6 Edw III.
Notes on some minor religious houses of the West Riding: Burley in Wharfedale, Belton in Axholme, Esholt, Guiseley, Hawkesworth, Idle, Otley, Yeadon, Woodkirk.
MS Box II. 40 A collection of data relating to William Boyne, FSA, Antiquary and Numismatist, 1814 – 1893, used for G.D. Lumb's article in PThS vol. XXXIII; also many leters from Boyne to John Dixon (d.1896); photograph of Boyne (reproduced in PThS VolXXXIII; pencil notes of a lecture by Boyne given at Leeds Philosophical Hall 1 Dec 1848, on the subject of “Numismatology or the study of ancient coins” ; a brief life of Boyne with detailed description of the stained glass windows in his house in Far Headingley; correspondence between G.D. Lumb and various people;- etc
40a Photocopied MS Paper on William Boyne and Dr G.C. Williamson by Harold J. Good FRNS and letters from Harold J. Good to Mrs G.C.F.Forster, Librarian of the Thoresby Society 1960 – 2002
MS Box II. 41 Brown envelope containing miscellaneous items in MS. Bill of Isaac Blackborne, Apothecary Leeds, 31 Aug 1669; Dr Knight's receipt for a consumption, n.d.; valuation of land in the occupation of Widow Hoyland of Methley, n.d.; accounts and specification (R.D.Chantrell) for work done for Wm. Hargrave Esq to a warehouse in Albion Street, 7 Feb 1823; Certificate of Baptism – Joseph, son of John and Anne Acomb, Marston [Long Marston] 8 Feb 1834; vellum strip command to appear at Assizes York Castle 14 June 7 Geo IV (1826); Graveley to Ackroyd. Queries on abstract of title 1849.
MS Box II. 42 Report sheets of Ministry of Food 1919 presented to the Thoresby Society [to show the ‘unnecessary expenditure of money on officialism’ during the Great War].and 2 Ration Books of Hilda Margaret Lumb one dated 14 Jun 1919.
MS Box II. 43 Wills of the Mawde family 1509 to 1638; Leeds & district fines Edw.III (1327) to Richard III (1485).
MS Box II. 44 Miscellaneous notes and correspondence: letter from R P. Lee Booker about Roman Road work 9 Jan 1896; letters from F.S. Coleman, The Rectory Barwick-in-Elmet, 3 Jul 1900, 26 Jun 1901;G.W.Waddington to A.C.Price Esq 27 Aug?? 1890; postcard to C.D. Hardcastle Esq from E.K. Clark 27 Jul [18]95; letter to Mr Lumb from A.V.Ellis with family trees (descendants) of Thomas Asquith of York and Thomas Lee of Leeds (b.1685); very faded letter to C.D. Hardcastle including newspaper cuttings;notes and place name listings, including Calverley Charters;letter 8 May 1894; Small envelope marked in pencil “for Mr Lumb” containing notes on small slips of paper; small envelope marked on reverse AIREDALE FOUNDRY LEEDS, contents listed in pencil on front: various notes, newspaper cuttings; Lumb correspondence.
MS Box II. 45 Calverley church: some pencil and pen & ink notes chiefly relating to monuments and benefactions; query by John Dixon of Leeds, mid C19.
MS Box II. 46 Two MSS in the handwriting of Miss Emily Hargrave (d. 1934): copy of letter from R. Thoresby to his wife (1723); copy of letter from R Thoresby to his eldest son (1708); ‘The Thoresby Library’ (Library of Thoresby Soc.) in doggerel.
MS Box II. 47 Great Exhibition (London) 1851: goods sent for exhibition by Pease, Heaton & Co Leeds as manufacturers, with printed circulars.
MS Box II. 48 Prospectus of the Leeds and Yorkshire Building Society, 1847.
MS Box II. 49 References to Leeds in the Public Records Office, temp. Elizabeth I, Charles I, Charles II, Commonwealth; letter about these dated 10 viii 1896.
MS Box II. 50 Notes on chantries in Leeds prior to the reign of Edward VI, Apr 1902.
MS Box II. 51 Sherwood's Yard Estate, Briggate Leeds, 1878:valuation and account to the trustees (2 foolscap sheets).
MS Box II. 52 Leeds Cemetery: list of shareholders, n.d.
MS Box II. 53 “Whig & Tory”: extract from Oliver Heywood's Diary, giving account of origin of these terms.
MS Box II. 54 List of Yorkshire MSS in Leeds Public Reference Library (June 1911).
MS Box II. 55 Extract from a journal written by Rev Joseph Ismay – Visit to Leeds and Harewood, 1767.
MS Box II. 56 Templethorpe Excavations, 1903.
MS Box II. 57 ‘John William Inchbold, Painter & Poet 1830’ – 1888 biographical notes. (typescript).
MS Box II. 58 Copy (typescript) Letters patent of armorial bearings for the City of Leeds (1921).
MS Box II. 59 Thirteen notebooks of varying sizes containing MS extracts from the Leeds Mercury (from 1727 onwards) and the Leeds Intelligencer (from 1755 onwards) made by G. D. Lumb, all or some? subsequently printed by the Society in a series from PThS Vol. XXII. One notebook includes transcripts of wills and administrations of the Eamonson family of Seacroft and Roundhay, and a sketch of their pedigree.
MS Box II. 60 MS copy of the sermon by Rev. Rowland John Wood preached in Leeds Parish Church on 16 Oct 1949 in the year of the Diamond Jubilee of the Thoresby Society.
MS Box II. 61 Three documents:
(1) Letter from Edward Teale to the Revd. Dr Hook presenting a Bible and Book of Common Prayer for the use of the Parish Church. n.d.
(2) Letter from J B Maule (d. 20 Oct 1889) dated 1 Jan 1870 addressed to Dr Woodford presenting a piece of Communion Plate to Leeds Parish Church.
(3)Receipted bill dated 1868 from Middleton & Son to Edward Lancaster for handling the purchase of four cottages at Hunslet from Mr Blackburn.
MS Box II. 62 Typed list of documents relating to the Leeds General Cemetery held at the University of Leeds. (Gift of M. W. Beresford, 1963)
MS Box II. 63 Typed list of names on graves in Woodhouse Cemetery whose occupations are given; compiled from 1960 by G. de Normanville.
MS Box II. 64 Photocopy of Population Return for Leeds, 1775 (BM P5708176, Add. Mss 33770)
MS Box II. 65 Notes on the history of the Aire and Calder Navigation, from a lecture delivered to the Thoresby Society by Robert Unwin, 16 Nov 1968.
MS Box II. 66 Leaflet by Peter Brears on the history of Outwood, Wakefield. n.d.
MS Box II. 67 Two £5 banknotes issued 1891 by Messrs. William Brown & Co. Leeds (later Lloyds Bank, Park Row).
MS Box II. 68 Letter, newspaper cuttings and photographs regarding descendants of Thomas Richard Senior of Woodhouse, Leeds, b. 1847. Gift of Sam. P. Senior of Easton, Connecticut, 1970.
MS Box II. 69 Notes on the life of Percy Robinson, artist and architect of Leeds, 1868-1950.
MS Box II. 70 Autobiography of Robert Spurr of Bramley (1801-1869), dated 1867 – photocopy and typescript, with offprint of note in PThS Miscellany Vol. 16, Part I.
MS Box II. 71 Typescript of article by Stephen Anning on William Hey FRS, the father of Leeds surgery, with two photographs, submitted for publication in the journal 'Medical History', gift of the author in 1975.
MS Box II. 73 Typescripts of articles by Stephen Anning on Joseph Prince Garlick, Victorian Leeds Surgeon, and Samuel Smith FRCS, together with two photographs, submitted for possible publication in 1979, the gift of the author.
MS Box II. 74 Typescript list of the members of the Leeds Conversation Club 1849-1944, made by E. Kitson Clark for his memoir on the Club.
MS Box II. 75 Typescript of lecture delivered by Sylvia Thomas 19 February 1981 on the archives of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society.
MS Box II. 76 Typescript of article 'A West Riding childhood' by J. A. Harrison, published by author 1967 – memories of Calverley area.
MS Box III, items 1-4
This is a collection of manuscript and typescript notes compiled by their several authors, with a heavy bias towards genealogy. Many of them are not about the Leeds area.
MS Box III. 1
A large folder containing a voluminous collection of notes and gleanings concerning the history of Warwickshire and area.
MS Box III. 2
A set of exercise books comprising notes and transcripts made by the unknown author:
a. Ms copies of feet of fines and other medieval/early modern deeds relating mainly to Yorkshire. A few Guiseley baptisms.
b. Notes taken from J H Round “Studies in Peerage & Family History”.
c. Pedigrees of miscellaneous families extracted from Patent Rolls etc.
d. Typed index to articles in “The Genealogist”.
e. Miscellaneous pedigrees, some of local families.
f. Largely incomprehensible rough notes.
MS Box III. 3
Typescripts of genealogical material collected by W. B. Turner, a member of the Society in the early 20C who lived at 37 Sholebroke Place. They include indexes to “Genealogist” articles, abstracts, lists of contents, a list of Leeds wills published by the Thoresby Society, and a typescript of an article on “Monuments in Otley Church”, written by the Rev Lowe in 1926.
MS Box III. 4
Very rough notes on a miscellany of matters of interest at one time to Mr Turner.
MS Box III. 5
A box file, which looks as if it might have contained Mr Turner's repository of items awaiting filing or disposal. It includes, for example, some material on Scottish heraldry, a small black notebook apparently containing records of fields hoed in 1913, a flyer for the “National Ancient Monuments Review”, a notebook used to make rough notes for onward transcription, some comic postcards on a genealogical theme, some genealogical notes etc, including reference to the Barker family of Otley, and newspaper cuttings.
MS Box III. 6
A large parcel containing the pedigrees of numerous families which are listed in a separate envelope.
MS Box III. 7
A large parcel containing typescripts of heraldic notes mostly from “The Genealogist” and “The Reliquary” magazines. A separate envelope lists these.
MS Box III. 8
Typescripts of notes on various Wharfedale settlements, apparently drawn largely from Speight's “Upper Wharfedale”.
MS Box III. 9
Further heraldic notes from secondary sources.
MS Box III. 10
Miscellaneous genealogy.
MS Box III. 11
Brass rubbing and photographs of coats of arms.
MS Box III. 12
Parcel: Four Minute Books – “Female Servants Home” &c., 1863-1902; also a bundle of printed Annual Reports of the same.
This collection consists of committee minute books and annual reports of the Leeds Female Servants' Home. The Home was constituted in December 1863, opened in February 1864 and continued in operation until 1902. Its objectives were twofold. Primarily, the Home aimed to provide safe and respectable accommodation for female servants who were out of place either because of a change of employment or illness or domestic trouble, in order to protect them from the moral hazards thought to be associated with private lodging houses. In addition, the Home maintained a register of servants seeking employment, which could be consulted by subscribing members of the Home or by others in return for a small fee. The Home was not purely charitable: charges were levied for the accommodation and for listing of names in the servants' register. Local church leaders were heavily involved in the establishment of the Home, and its initial equipment depended on charitable donation from town worthies. After the initial involvement of menfolk, the Home soon came to be run by a committee of ladies, with day-to-day management in the hands of a salaried matron. The Home's premises were at 21 St Alban Street (or St Albans Street in some maps – a street off Wade Lane near Brunswick Chapel) until the early 1880s and then at 35 Great George Street.
The Committee of the Home left the collection to the Thoresby Society on its dissolution. It consists of the following items:
Four black bound quarto Minute Books in manuscript, recording the decisions of the committee and additional information such as statistics about the numbers of applicants housed or applying to join the register. Some copies of annual reports are inserted, and certainly for the early years, the minutes contain the full text of the annual report. The books are an unbroken series covering the whole life of the Home. (4 items)
Copies of the 37 annual reports of the Home except for numbers 1, 4, 14, 19, 22, 23, 24, 29 and 30, and including duplicates of numbers 5, 8, 10, 12, 17, 33, 35 and 36. The reports are small documents consisting of the names of the current committee, a summary of the Home's activity in the last year, copies of the rules of the establishment, lists of donors and subscribers (often with their address or area of residence) and summary financial accounts. Two of the missing reports (numbers 14 and 19) are interleaved in the minute books, and the text of the earlier ones at least (including numbers 1 and 4) is written down there. (36 items)
The Home also kept copies of the servants' register, but a minute just before the dissolution indicates that these were sold or destroyed.
MS Box III. 13
Transcripts on quarto sheets, of Leeds & District Wills, Probate Acts, etc., copied by the late Robert Beilby Cook, of York
These are copies of wills made between the end of the 14th and middle of the 15th century by various people living in the Leeds area. They were transcribed by Mr Cook on behalf of the Thoresby Society, in pencil or crayon. Most are in Latin, but some are in English. There are references to fees paid for the copying work. The texts were published in PThS Miscellanies volumes XXII and XXIV (first series), although it is not known whether every transcribed document was published.
MS Box III. 14
Early 19th century poems and memoranda in a small black bound quarto notebook.
These are transcriptions of poems on a variety of subjects with no special reference to the Leeds area. It is unclear whether these are original compositions or copies of the work of others, although it seems likely that most are copies. Also, recipes for blacking and a set of curious biblical statistics, such as the numbers of chapters, verses, words and letters(!) included in each testament, and the number of occurrences of the word “and”. This information was copied from an issue of the Ladies Magazine in 1814 by Thomas Moon of Stokesley, whose name also appears elsewhere in the document. He is the most likely compiler of the document.
MS Box III. 15
Hunslet West End Watch and Ward Committee Minute Book 1833
This book describes the establishment and proceedings of this Watch Committee between 30 May and 15 Jul 1833, lists the inaugural subscriptions paid by members, and gives watch duty rosters up to 5 Aug. An insert at the front indicates that the book was acquired by E. Kitson Clark in 1907, although it belongs to Messrs Oakes of Hunslet. Mr Kitson Clark had lent the book to a colleague, but wanted it back.
The organisation was set up at a meeting in the Punch Bowl Inn in order to form “a gratuitous watch for the West End of Hunslet”. 56 people put themselves forward as watch volunteers, including some women. This initial meeting decided that nightly patrols consisting of 4 people working in pairs would operate from 11 pm until 4 am. The watches would be equipped with “spring rattles”, dark lanterns and staffs. The rattles were to be used with discretion, and no hours would be called to avoid disturbing residents. The area of operation was defined, but in terms of residents' names rather than actual addresses.
Almost immediately, on 8 June, a suggestion was made that patrols be reduced to two for the summer season, although this does not appear to have been acted upon until 15 July. At the same time – and perhaps a little late - delegates were nominated to call on the Magistrates of Leeds to “ascertain what are the duties of a watchman” and to find out if the magistrates' protection could be claimed without watchmen being formally sworn in.
The very next day, there was an incident. Watchmen had called at a house where the householder had turned out his family. The householder knocked down one of the watchmen and was then joined by two young men who abused and threatened the watchmen with a chisel. An altercation followed which disturbed the neighbourhood. The Watch Committee resolved to summon the miscreants to appear before them. Formal summonses were issued, threatening the miscreants with referral to the magistrates if they refused to comply. In the event two of them appeared and apologised for their behaviour. The third young man stayed away, but the Committee decided they could not proceed against him without his partners in crime whom they had just let off. So instead he was sent a further admonitory note warning him inter alia that “without repentance you will soon be condemned before an infinitely higher tribunal than any upon earth”.
MS Box III. 16
Extracts from Assize Rolls (Hen III), De Banco Rolls (Edw. I), and Coram Rege Rolls (Edw. II), relating to Leeds.
The stated texts are transcribed on the right hand pages of a stiff notebook, in rather faint pencil or crayon. The texts are in medieval Latin. There are some translation notes and queries on the left hand pages, but not a full translation. The author of the transcription is unknown.
MS Box III. 17
List of Persons to whom Notice of the Dissolution of Partnership of the firm of Wilks, Shepard & Jennins, of Leeds, as regards John Shepard, was sent -1845.
An alphabetical list of names with town of residence to whom the notice was sent on 19 July 1845. Names are ticked – presumably to indicate that mailing has taken place – or in a few cases crossed out. There appear to be just over one thousand names. The notice itself is not present, and there is no information about the nature of the business to which it relates.
MS Box III. 18
Labourers’ Benefit Lodge – later “Son’s of Truth” Lodge (Leeds) Minute Book, 1891-1912.
The Minute Book runs from April 1891 to February 1912 when the assets of the lodge were distributed to the remaining members, the lodge having ceased operations in December 1910. It is primarily a record of actions and decisions with little circumstantial detail. Much of it reports the appointment of officers – the Noble Grand Master and Vice Grand Master (usually abbreviated as “NG” and “VG” in the minutes), the Tyler, and the Grand Masters' left and right supporters. These posts changed hands with great frequency. Other minutes refer to applications for membership, decisions about the payment of benefit, sanctions arising from rule infringements or false claims, the appointment of doctors to certify sickness, the disposition of the lodge's funds and social events.
There is no specific material on the function of the lodge, its rules (although there were over 40 of these), the scale of subscriptions and of benefits, the number of members, nor where the lodge was located. However, it is apparent that its prime purpose was to provide sickness and death benefits for its members and their dependants in the era before there was any state provision of this kind. As a welfare agency, it is clear from passing references in the minutes that validation of claims was occasionally an issue – hence the importance of the advice of the lodge's doctor.
Although the Minute Book only begins in 1891, it appears from a reference to installing a board to record the names of members who had died, that the lodge had existed since at least 1879. The name change from Labourers' Benefit to Sons of Truth lodge seems to have occurred in about 1902.
The lodge's affairs seem to have run without great drama until the early 1900s, when “serious defalcations”were discovered in the accounts. A sum of around £30 seems to have disappeared, whether due to malice or incompetence is not clear (although it may be significant that the period in which the loss occurred coincides with a time when the minutes were particularly disorderly, perhaps indicative of administrative turmoil). Either way, in 1907 the secretary and two colleagues were expelled from the lodge.
Although some at least of the missing funds were recovered, it may be that this affair was the beginning of the end for the lodge. In 1908 members were asked for additional subscriptions to restore the lodge's financial footing, but two years later, in August 1910, the minutes suddenly record the setting up of a committee to consider terms on which the lodge could be wound up. Things then moved very rapidly, and all benefit payments ceased on 3 December 1910. The lodge's funds of £430 were then withdrawn from the bank and a scheme for distributing them to qualifying members was devised, with the approval of the register of Friendly Societies. The distribution was completed in February 1912, and the final entry in the minute book indicates that there were around 40 beneficiaries.
The minutes are recorded in a quarto notebook, and are written in many hands, reflecting the considerable turnover of officers.
MS III. 19 Honour of Pontefract records: names of villages; court fees.
MS Box III. 20
Forty-nine 19th century letters to and from Leeds Worthies.
This is a random collection of mainly brief letters to and from gentlemen of Leeds, written at various times between about 1800 and 1867. Neither the donor, nor the reason why these letters should have been gathered together, is known. Correspondents include Geoffrey Wailes of Low Hall, George Walker of Killingbeck Lodge, J P Shaw, Michael Sadler, J Nixon of Ilkley, J Collinson, George Beecroft MP, and a group of surgeons or medical men – T P Teale, John Metcalfe Smith, W R Cass and S Hare. One of the main recipients is Mr John Hogg, who was in business in Holbeck, but received letters about social issues, barometers, geology and books. The subject matter on the whole seems unremarkable, much of it concerning relatively humdrum private matters, but there are a few passing references to public affairs, such as the rights of the Poor or Patent Laws. Perhaps the most interesting letter is one about the Poor Law from James Hogg of Kettering to his nephew John Hogg dated 27 Jan 1830.
This letter gives a useful insight into attitudes to poor relief on the eve of the 1834 Amendment Act. James is involved in administering the poor law in his locality, and advances views on the subject apparently in response to an earlier discussion with John. He gives figures to show that in Kettering the cost of poor relief was over twice that of land and property taxes in 1829 and argues that this is impoverishing those on whom the burden falls and discouraging them from taking on labour. The work done by those on poor relief James considers to be either unproductive or not useful. He suggests three remedies for the situation: providing three acre plots for under-employed men and their families at reasonable rent to enable them to provide for their own needs; tightening up on poor law administration, so that it focuses on relieving the old, sick and disabled as intended by the original Elizabethan Act; and emigration, as advocated by Francis Bacon.
MS Box III. 21. Copy of Lecture delivered by Wm. Boyne at Leeds Philosophical Hall, 1 Dec 1848. (Pres. By Rev. F. C. Stott, 1940). Transferred to MS Box II, 40.
MS Box III. 22
Notes on the medieval history of Saxton, near Selby.
Two pages of handwritten notes compiled by W T Lancaster according to a label, sometime in the first two decades of the 20th century. They appear to be incomplete, as the second page ends mid sentence.
MS Box III. 23
Extracts from Leeds Ringers Book, 1746-1781
These are type-written transcripts of manuscripts sewn in at the end of the Leeds Ringers Book 1746-1781. They deal with rivalries between Leeds, Wakefield and Sheffield bell-ringers concerning the duration and quality of changes rung on the old and new sets of bells in Wakefield. There are scurrilous poems, exchanges of insults, and a challenge to a bell-ringing contest (declined) to determine primacy. The seventh item listed on the front of the typescript is not present.
MS Box III. 24
Various copies of the records, some relating to Oakwell and the Batt family, etc., in the handwriting of W. T. Lancaster (d. 1920); also a letter to Mr Lancaster from S. J. Chadwick, dated Lyndhurst, Dewsbury, 23 May, 1917, relating to Crownest Park, Dewsbury and its former owners.
There is nothing useful to add to this description.
MS Box III. 24A
Research notes and transcripts assembled by Geoffrey Woledge for his pamphlet “Oakwell Hall : A Short History” published in 1978. They were donated in 2007 by Michael Collinson, who had helped with the preparation of the pamphlet. The greater part of the collection consists of Mr Woledge's notes on scrap paper, but there are also some copies of documents (although these are available elsewhere). As Mr Collinson remarks in a covering letter, the notes are likely to be hard to use effectively.
Most of the material is in quarto buff envelopes labelled by subject matter or period. The original documents include copies of the 1607 Inquisition Post Mortem of John Bott, the 1618 Court of Wards and Liveries valuation of the property of R Bott, and the 1655 will of William Horton – all of these associated with the Oakwell estate. There are also typescripts relating to the progress of research relating to the estate boundaries, and lists of relevant documents in the County Archives at Wakefield, the Thoresby Society and elsewhere. A photocopy of part of an unidentified Oakwell guide is also present.
MS Box III. 25
Papers of the Leeds City Transport Employees Recreation Club, Arts and Handicraft Section.
This bulky parcel looks to contain the complete files of the Club, covering the period 1936 to 1940. During this time, the Club held three exhibitions of members' work, but its activities were suspended in 1940 because of the war, and a meeting in 1946 to consider re-establishing the Club was not successful. The Club was wound up and its files were presented to the Society by Ernest Robinson in September 1946.
The bequest consists of seven buff folders, of which six are labelled, and a clutch of loose papers, together with a tube containing posters. Briefly, the contents of each item are as follows:
Miscellaneous A collection including Club rules, Club stationery, programmes for the 1937 and 1938 exhibitions, a list of art & craft books available in the City Library, and a special Art & Handicrafts issue of “The Tramwayman”, the Transport Department's house magazine.
Exhibition Entry Forms for the three exhibitions, listing the exhibits together with the exhibitors' names, addresses and occupations.
Typed Minute Books covering the Club's proceedings between 4 March 1937 and 15 April 1946.
Unlabelled miscellany, including lists of exhibitors, details about preparation for exhibitions, reports on the 1937 and 1938 exhibitions, materials relating to the founding of the Club, notes of AGMs, and manuscripts of the “Tramwayman” articles.
Correspondence file.
Financial statements and receipts, including a black bound notebook containing monthly financial summaries, two small receipt books, insurance contracts, and assorted bills and receipts.
Unlabelled file containing further correspondence.
Loose collection of more correspondence.
Tube with posters advertising one of the exhibitions and an AGM.
MS Box III. 26
A substantial packet containing what appears to be a complete record of the operating costs of a small part of the property portfolio of the Leeds Industrial Dwelling Company in the years 1891 and 1892. The Company was an improving residential landlord with which Edmund Wilson, a founding member of the Thoresby Society, was involved. The company had been founded in 1866 and had built an unsuccessful block of tenement flats at Shannon Street, before turning its attention to acquiring and managing traditional terrace housing. According to Wilson, by the end of the 19C, the company had 1000 properties.These documents are invoices and taxation demands incurred in maintaining the Company's property portfolio. In broad terms, the documents fall into three groups:
1. Tradesmen's bills for undertaking property repair and maintenance work. These often incorporate detailed costings of the work undertaken, specifying and differentiating between labour time and costs and material costs. They are likely to make it possible to derive authoritative costings for certain types of domestic services at this time, as well as offering insight into the character of the Company's stewardship of its estate. Several different firms of joiners, builders, bricklayers, and plumbers were employed and the properties on which work was carried out can usually be identified.
2. Tax demands and receipts for the Poor rate, income tax and house duty, gas and water rates. These again identify specific properties, and summary schedules prepared for some of the demands appear to give the rental income of the liable properties.
3.Miscellaneous expenses such as insurance premiums, interests on loans, surveyor fees for the preparation of repair schedules, and professional fees for the purchase of additional properties (these often specify the freehold price paid for them).
MS Box III. 27
An autograph book presented in 1929 by John Wilson of Filey. The autographs are cut from official documents signed by mayors and other post holders in the period 1777-1855. Among the signatories are people such as Joseph Fountaine, William Hey, Edward Marshland, etc.
MS Box III. 28a.
Manuscript transcript of item 28b below.
MS Box III. 28b.
Typescript of the proceedings in the case of Lindley vs. Falkingham in 1560. These concerned a dispute over a corn mill erected on Shipcar or Shepskare (presumably Sheepscar) beck, which centred on the issue of whether the mill was in the manor of Leeds or Northhall. The text is mainly in English but there is some Latin.
MS Box III. 29
Typescript of Walter Braithwaite's paper on the archaeological investigations at Temple Thorpe Farm, Templenewsam. The paper was read to the Thoresby Society and published in PThS first Series Vol XV.
MS Box III. 30
A parchment note mainly about a stained glass window in Osmondthorpe Hall, seen by the unknown author in the mid 18C. Includes a very rough pencil sketch.
MS Box III. 31
Notes on the history of Holbeck church and parish, made by the Rev R J Wood 1921-24. These comprise:
A typed list of incumbents of the church and information about them and a request to the Thoresby Society to fill in gaps or help resolve queries.
A two-page typed resumé of a case brought before the Consistory Court of York in Jan 1752 by Joseph Jowett, warden of the church, against Martin Browne of Cad Beeston for non-payment of an assessment levied in order to effect repairs to the church. There is some direct quotation and the source is specified.
Typed list of the names of those who were liable for the assessment 1750, and sums levied – produced in evidence for the court case.
Typed copy of churchwarden's accounts for 1749, also presented at court.
MS Box III. 32
A 29 pp typed essay on the early history (to end of 17C largely) of Farnley in west Leeds, by Walter Carter, who was a schoolmaster. Undated, but probably early 20C.
MS Box III. 33
Two page typescript of notes on Holy Trinity Church, Rothwell, prepared by H S Chorley for a visit by the Thoresby Society in June 1904.
MS Box III. 34
A letter from W Wright, solicitor, enclosing manuscript notes on heraldry in Holy Trinity Church, prepared for the same visit.
MS Box III. 35
Manuscript copy of the inscription on the memorial to Charles, Viscount Irwin and Frances, Viscountess Irwin erected by their daughter, Isabella, in Whitkirk Church, probably shortly after the Viscountess's death in 1807.
MS Box III. 36
Short manuscript notes on the pedigree etc of the Dennison family of Leeds, given by Mrs G D Lumb in 1941. They include a photograph of Sir William Dennison (1804-71) in 1866, when he was Governor of Madras. Also, photographs of the exterior and an internal staircase of a house identified as belonging to Nathaniel Dennison, situated on North Street at the bottom of Hartley Hill. However, no Nathaniel Dennison appears to be mentioned in the family pedigrees.
MS Box III. 37
Manuscript copy in legal hand and form of the will of Richard Clayton the Elder, clothier and wool stapler, of Blackman Lane, Leeds, dated 29 May 1801. On the back, his children are listed.
MS Box III. 38
1904 manuscript correspondence from Dr J H Witham of Boston Spa concerning a small stone mortar (as in pestle and) dug up in Collingham vicarage garden and at the date of writing preserved in Collingham church. A photograph is supplied. Also three very faint photos of carving in Newton Kyme church.
MS Box III. 39
A single-sided pencilled note of some 17C entries from Woodkirk church parish register.
MS Box III. 40
A few items about the Leeds Old Club (formally the “Leeds New Subscription Rooms”) following the publication of a newspaper article by Edmund Wilson. One is a letter from A T Wade (Jun 1909) responding to the article with reminiscences about the club. A similar letter from Edward Hick dated Jul 1909 is a reply to a request for information from Wilson. Three or four letters about subscriptions and meetings of the club (1879-82) complete the collection.
MS Box III. 41
Four unconnected items:
A letter from Matthew Hervitt(?) of Beeston to Mrs Wood dated 6 Apr 1822. The letter undertakes to pay Mrs Wood an annuity of £30 a year for the rest of her life, in return for the proceeds (£600) of the sale of land at Hough End, Bramley made over to Mr Hervitt by Mrs Wood.
An undated, unattributed MS poem entitled “The Sapling”.
A copy of the burial certificate of Ann Walker of Beeston Royds, who was buried at Armley Chapel in Jan 1830.
A much amended/annotated and incomplete draft of the will of Thomas Ward of Leeds, dated 4 Feb 1530. He left some of his money for the upkeep of designated highways.
MS Box III. 42
Copy of St Margaret's Church Horsforth Parish magazine for June 1942, containing an article written in 1877 by the Rev W. H. B. Stocker about Robert Johnson, an orphan who worked in mines in Horsforth and later Newcastle and overcame early disadvantages to lead a worthy Christian life.
MS Box III. 43
Random collection of a score or more tradesmen's receipts, invoices etc from c1825-1850.
MS Box III. 44
Quarto MS bound in grey soft cover marked on the outside “Borough of Leeds General List of Voters 1817”, and inside headed “List of freeholders resident in the Borough of Leeds in the last election for Register who then voted”. The meat of the document is an alphabetical list of names, with a column headed “Residence then”, and a third column headed “How accounted for now – as dead – parted with the freehold – left the town – or for whom promised to vote”. These latter two columns are partly annotated with the intended information. The names “Scott” and “Hawksworth” which sometimes appear are presumably the names of candidates. This appears to be some sort of canvassing return, but the precise purpose and the election to which it related are not clear from the document itself.
MS Box III. 45
Manuscript listing names and short addresses of Proprietory members of Leeds Philosophical Hall, September 1822.
MS Box III. 46
Mrs Elizabeth Biggins' receipts from a dozen or so tradesmen for work carried out 1785-6.
MS Box III. 47
(a) Schedules of assets and liabilities associated with a petition to the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, by William Mason, a slubber in the spinning industry, of Armley and later Holbeck in Leeds in 1833. As a result of claims by creditors, Mason had been arrested on 14 July 1833 and committed to York Castle Prison. His case was due to be heard on 29 October, and in preparation for that he had on 29 September deposited the present document with the Court. The document is a formal legal document sworn before a solicitor which summarises information about his income, assets, outgoings and liabilities. It includes a statement of income and expenditure since 1825, a valuation of his furniture, a more detailed schedule of financial dealings since July 1832, and information about Mason's creditors and debtors, and, where he was disputing a claim, his reasons for doing so.
(b) Mortgage document, dated 16 Sep 1826, between William Mason of Armley, clothier and member of the Armley Commercial Building Society, and Wilson Lister, joiner, John Hustler, stone mason, & John Carr, cloth dresser, meeting at the house of Thomas Wade (‘known by the sign of the Union Cross in Armley’); signed by W.M., W.L., J.H & J.C.; witnessed by William Ward & John Parker. Property located on what had been ‘the Commons and waste land called Armley Moor’.
MS Box III. 48
A miscellaneous collection of business/family letters and papers saved by two or three generations of the Banks family from the 1730s to 1845. John Banks was a cloth dresser with premises on Briggate, and James – possibly his son - seems to have moved to York later in the 18C. John had a daughter, Martha with whom he corresponded; she married an army chaplain named Joseph Cowper. Other people whose connection with the family is unclear also figure. The family had property interests which were the occasion for much of the correspondence.
The material is very heterogeneous and allusive, but can be very roughly grouped in the following way:
The earliest document is the will of Theophila Linley, dated 1737. She leaves one shilling to each of her four children and her goods to her son in law. Her relation to the Banks is unclear, but the name Theophila recurs.
Letters about money and sometimes domestic matters dating from 1756-1768:
9 Jul 1756. Joseph Cowper to Miss Banks of Briggate (Martha?) undertaking to marry her when he returns from Harrogate and enclosing a poem (not present).
3 Nov 1756. C Banks to his sister, concerning a trip to the Channel Isles.
22 Dec 1756. John Banks to Mrs Cowper in Preston advising that the Navigation had been re-let for 14 years at the enhanced rate of £6000, from Martinmas 1758, to Messrs Ibbetson and Birt, and that this would result in increased income. The Navigation is not identified.
10 Feb 1757. John Banks to Mrs Cowper, referring to a naval engagement in the war with the French, in which Banks' son had served. 150 of the 167 men on board the British vessel had perished.
2 Jan 1760. John Banks to Mrs Cowper in Preston concerning the Navigation income and other financial matters.
25 Dec 1760. John Banks to Mrs Cowper setting out the background to the Navigation asset, which had been inherited.
3 Jul 1760. A legal document signed by Elizabeth Bombey acknowledging receipt of a legacy under the will of Matthew Bombey. It is not clear who the Bombeys were.
5 Jan 1765. Application in legal form by Martha Cowper for a widow's pension, following the death of her husband, the army chaplain Joseph Cowper.
1765. John Clarke to Mrs Cowper lodging in Briggate, regarding remittances.
11 Mar 1766. Similar letter.
10 Dec 1766. Lydia Sharples to Mrs Cowper regarding payment of the Navigation and Hunslet rents.
15 Jun 1768. Mary Gibson of Dublin to Mrs Cowper regarding representations made to John Clarke about remittances due.
4 Oct 1768. Mary Gibson to Mrs Cowper regarding remittances.
A collection of receipts for payment of annuities, legacies, professional fees etc. Several dated 1800-1809 refer to payments of £5 received half yearly by Sarah Bywater from Sally Banks.
Various legal documents:
2 Jul 1752. legal opinion sought by John Banks about whether he had the right to turn out leaseholders from property he had acquired without being aware of the existence of the lease.
3 Jan 1760. An “appraisment” of the household goods of the late John Banks. It lists and values the contents of each room in his house.
27 Nov 1761. Agreement re will and some subsequent ‘Notes’ of Joseph Cowper deceased between Elizabeth Scott, widow, of Dublin, and Martha Cowper, widow of Joseph Cowper and Henry Sharples, brother-in-law of Joseph. [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1]
18 Sep 1845. “A short sketch of the case betwixt Mr James Banks and Mr William Rooke drawn up by his only surviving child Theophila Banks”. The case dates from 20 Jan 1781 and is a complicated matter of liability for substantial loans taken out to finance joint business ventures.
1786. Formal legal charge in the case of James Banks vs. Thomas Knight and John Hotham. The defendants were to answer charges that in 1781 they had trespassed on closes owned by Banks and damaged crops, and had also entered into a messuage owned by Banks and denied him access and enjoyment. Banks was claiming £500 damages for these offences.
Correspondence arising from the 1786 case:
2 Jul 1787. Edward Armitage Brooks to James Banks requesting advance payment for his lawyers.
1 Nov 1787. The same – further funds requested. The defendants refusing to come to terms.
14 Dec 1787. Business and social letter.
MS Box III. 49
Collection of documents relating to property in Hunslet belonging to Richard and William Wilson.
MS Box III. 49(a)
Pass book issued by the West Riding Loan and Investment Society, 21 Waterloo Road, Hunslet, Leeds (est. 1848) for Mr. Benjamin Lacy: two entries dated March and May 1876.
MS Box III. 50
Original marriage licence of John Clark and Jane Davis of Broughton in the parish of Preston, Lancashire, dated 13 Jun 1758.
MS Box III. 51
Official copy, made by the Deputy Registrar of the Episcopal Registry of Chester in 1754, of the Bishop's licence granted to William Woods on 27 Sep 1678 to serve the cure of Broughton, Lancashire.
MS Box III. 52
Small bound notebook by John Dixon of Leeds, containing ms. but undated notes on Weston church in Otley, with transcriptions of monumental inscriptions, illustrations of coats of arms etc. Also one transcription from a monument in Leathley church. Presented by Rev Stott of Scarborough in 1940.
MS Box III. 53
Apparently a manuscript extract from a work entitled “A method of reading the inscriptions … of the neolithic, bronze and other early ages and termed variously Rock sculptures, Pictographs, Petrolyphs, Cup & Ring marks etc” by Enri M. S. O'Hanluain of Blackrock, Dublin. Evidently sent to many historical societies, because it is accompanied by a letter advertising for sale the complete work.
MS Box III. 54
Also presented by the Rev Stott, this is a collection of manuscript poems by John Dixon, composed in the 1850s. Also a copy of an account of a trip to Chapel-le-Dale.
MS Box III. 55
About 30 letters, mainly from Libraries and Museums, responding to queries in 1917 by H W Thompson of Sholebroke Place, Leeds, about the whereabouts of a Chartulary of Bolton Priory. At a cursory glance, the replies were negative. (A transcript probably of the Chartulary in question was published by the YAS in 2009).
MS Box III. 56
A certificate dated 10 July 1706 from the Burgesses of Leeds to the Churchwarden and Overseer of the Poor in Oulton appearing to state that the upholsterer Henry Orrell and his wife Joanna had been deemed eligible for poor relief by the Leeds officials, and asking that this be recognised in Oulton or any other parish where they might reside.
MS BOX III. 57-58
One of two boxes containing the manuscript transcriptions and notes collected by W Barwell Turner of Sholebroke Place, Leeds, mainly in the 1890s and 1900s. Turner was an old school antiquarian with an obsessive interest in heraldry, coats of arms and the genealogy of old families, and an insatiable appetite for copying out material relating to these interests. Little if any of his material is original – he was a transcriber par excellence, often from sources which were already secondary – but it is conceivable that somewhere in his gleanings there is information that might be of value to later students. The problem is that his material is neither searchable nor indexed and in many cases not even organised in any readily discernible fashion, making it very difficult to use effectively. It may be that its chief interest lies not in the intrinsic value of the material, but as a rather fine example of the preoccupations, activities and procedures of an amateur historian of the time.
MS Box III. 57a & 57b
Two foolscap manuscripts in black folders of “British Blazon – A Glossary of terms used in British Armorie”. The manuscript runs to 514 pages, at which point it terminates after the entry on “king-of-arms”.
MS Box III. 58
A companion volume, labelled “Rough Notes”. It includes much matter on armorial subjects, material about the Order of St John of Jerusalem and newspaper cuttings. Two envelopes are accurately marked “notes and scraps”.
MS BOX III. 59-66
A second box of Turner material, this time consisting of 16 quarto bound black volumes on the usual subjects. Five of the volumes which had been tied together had stuck and have now been separated with some damage to the covers (August 2011). Briefly, the contents of each volume are:
Item 59. 5 volumes of notes armorial and genealogical, coats of arms, pedigrees, some of which have been transcribed from a work by Walter John Weston, curate of Parkwood, Warwicks. By W. B Turner
Item 60. 3 similar volumes of pedigrees etc. By W. B Turner
Item 61. Holderness pedigrees.
Item 62. 3 volumes of mainly Yorkshire genealogies.
Item 63. Heraldic notes from published sources, including the YAS.
Item 64. Extracts from printed sources on the Knights Templar.
Item 65. Illustrative notes on heraldic crosses etc occurring in British armory.
Item 66. Yorkshire heraldic devices; list of monumental effigies in Yorkshire churches.
*MS III 57 A; 57 B; 58; 59; 65: [These items were catalogued twice, by two different cataloguers: both entries have been retained as they offer different information and descriptions.]
Collection of documents belonging to WILLIAM BARWELL TURNER (1845-1917).
William Barwell Turner was born in Birmingham 9 Jun 1845. From 1877-1884 he was Manager of the Brunswick Brewery, Leeds, and thereafter went into private practice as a brewing consultant and analytical chemist until his health broke down in 1891. In his later years he had to have a leg amputated and was confined to the house.
Through his studies he became an expert in the Desmidieae (algae), and was elected a Fellow of the Chemical Society (FCS) and of the Royal Microscopical Society (FRMS). He contributed to various learned publications on algae and published a book on 'Fresh Water Algae of East India' in 1892. He was President of the Leeds Naturalists' Club in 1881, and was described as a guiding spirit in their microscopical section. He was on the editorial board of the Leeds-based journal 'The Naturalist'. Leeds University (Special Collections) has a collection of his slides and notes in their William Barwell Turner collection (GB 0206 MS218).
An appreciation of William Barwell Turner was published in the Yorkshire Weekly Post on 19 May 1917 just after his death (copy in MS III 57A).
He had a particular interest in heraldry and genealogy, and the papers in the possession of the Society all relate to this interest. When he died, his son, William Briggs Barwell Turner (1877/8-1931), inherited his collection of notes and records, and continued to add to them from his own research. He was a member of the Thoresby Society Council, and contributed three articles on heraldic matters to the Society's publications: 'The Arms of Leeds', PThS Vol.XXVI, 'The Washington Shield at Selby Abbey', XXVIII; 'Notes on an Armorial Window at Adel Church', XXVIII. When he died in 1931 his relatives donated his collection of records on this subject, together with his father's papers, to the Society.
MS Box III. 57A
Black cloth folder, containing 346 sheets of lined paper with handwritten entries. The front page has the title: BRITISH BLAZON / A GLOSSARY / OF / TERMS / USED / IN BRITISH ARMORIE. The pages are numbered, and written on one side only, with some blanks. There are some additional notes pasted in, some sketches and some letters illuminated in colour. The entries are in alphabetical order and run from A to C.
MS Box III. 57B
Black cloth folder, containing 514 sheets of lined paper, being a continuation of the work contained in MS III 57A, running in alphabetical order from D to J and K, the later entries in the form of notes, with many cross-references.
MS Box III. 58
A collection of miscellaneous notes, cuttings, drawings etc:
Brown envelope (re-used, printed 'The Naturalist', addressed to W. Barwell Turner, 37 Sholebrook Place, Leeds, dated 1902) with MS heading 'Miscellaneous Notes and Scraps'
The envelope contains 20 miscellaneous pieces of paper, with notes on heraldic terms and family names, together with paper strips and templates for drawing coats of arms. Two autographs are present, pasted onto scraps of paper: R.C.French and Tennyson.
Brown envelope (printed 'From the Printer to the University, University Press, Oxford'), addressed to the Secretary, Thoresby Society, 16 Queen's Square. Contents:
44 small notes/scraps of paper with handwritten notes on the genealogy of various families, their pedigrees, coats of arms etc.
9 handwritten extracts from books and other sources on genealogical/heraldic topics.
(c)Copy of letter to WBB from William Walsham, Bishop of Wakefield, dated 21 Jul 1897, apparently in reply to a letter from WBB regarding the Bishop's coat of arms.
(d) Cutting from the Yorkshire Weekly Post 6 February 1904 headed 'The Priestley Centenary', giving an account of a lecture by C.S.Bedford on Joseph Priestley's life and works.
Cutting from the Daily Malta Chronicle (pasted on card) dated (in ink) 23 Feb 1897, on Sir Walter Scott in Malta. Note in ink on bottom 'W. Barwell Turner/ from the Author, 6 March 1897’.
Copy of printed article (3 pages) on 'The Great Siege of Malta, 1565' by the Rev. W.K.R.Bedford, marked 'For private circulation only – Confidential'. Relates to a lecture delivered on 10 Jun 1897.
MS pedigree headed A. GUINES (in red).
Four letters (in one envelope) to WBB on heraldic matters from Sir James Balfour Paul, Lord Lyon, Scotland;
(i)dated 24 Jan 1910, thanking him for the 'delightful coat of arms' (no address);
(ii) dated 7 Feb 1910, addressed from the Court of the Lord Lyon, HM Register House, Edinburgh;
(iii) dated 13 Apr 1910, addressed from Sir James Paul as Editor of 'The Scots Peerage', 30 Heriot Row, Edinburgh;
(iv) dated 15 Oct addressed from the Court of the Lord Lyon, as above.
Page of MS notes headed 'Easingwold Register, YPS56, mainly concerned with the pedigree of Kitchingman.
Double folded sheet of lined paper with MS notes headed 'Oglethorpe of Oglethorpe', apparently copied from Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, in The Genealogist, (NS) XX, 172-5, with another copy of the same information written in pencil (4 sheets)
Typed sheet headed 'Descent of Maria Janetta (Nelthorpe) Duchess of St Albans’ (2 copies)
Two typed sheets headed 'Awnby of Sherwood', copied from Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, The Genealogist (NS) Vol.XV, 84-86.
Printed page from 'The Queen, The Ladies' Newspaper' dated 27 April 1907, headed 'The Shakespeare Festival Celebrations'; includes information on coats of arms of various families and livery companies.
Three typed pages, headed 'Sykes family of Yorkshire' copied from 'Annals of a Clerical Family' by John Venn, London, 1902.
Four double-sided MS sheets (joined) headed 'Figures for Plates' including outline drawings of the layout for various coats of arms.
Sheet of MS notes with red cross across, apparently draft pedigree for Bagnall family.
Sheet of MS notes headed 'Cl. Cunula, Muller'.
Leaflet for the Liverpool London & Globe Insurance Co. Ltd with pencil notes on the back.
Foolscap Notebook, bound in black, front page with MS title 'Rough Notes / W. Barwell Turner'. Contents:
(1) Notes on the Knights of St John, including drawings (pasted onto brown paper) of the insignia for the year 1867, and the statutes, officers and members of the ‘Langue of England’.
(2) Roll of members and associates of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in England, 1877, with regulations (marked for the private use of members).
(3) List of officers of the Order 1877-79.
(4) Bibliography for the Order.
(5) Notes copied from ‘Records of the Parish of Whitkirk’, Leeds 1892.
(6) Drawings of crosses and coats of arms (pasted onto brown paper) from Leeds and Whitkirk.
(7) Further memoranda on the Knights of St John.
(8) Copy (in black and red ink, annotated) of ‘The Conqueror’s Roll’ of 1066 from the church of Dives in Normandy, by M. Leopold Delisle.
(9) Page headed ‘Investiture of Canadian Volunteer Officers as Companions of St Michael and St George, 1870’.
(10) Two pages headed ‘Funeral of the Earl of Derby (austis) 1574’.
(11) Page headed ‘“Baronets” to wit’, with a newspaper cutting inserted headed ‘Scoundrels we have known’ by R E Francillon (nd).
(12) Page (in different hand), a copy of the Royal Proclamation relating to John Lord/ Viscount of Beaumont.
(13) Two letters (inserted into book) , dated 2 and 13 July 1895, between James Dallas of the Devon and Exeter Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, and W. Barwell Turner re the coats of arms in a C16/17 manuscript.
(14) Two pages headed ‘Coats from a MScr. At Exeter, c 1600’, with 19 hand-drawn and coloured coats of arms pasted in, and accompanying notes.
(15) Page of notes headed ‘? Duke of Ancaster’
(16) Page of notes headed ‘The Most Noble and Right Honourable John West, Baron de la Warr’ / Edward, 8th Earl of Shrewsbury / George Brudenell, Earl of Cardigan/ Sir William Turner, Alderman and Sheriff of London – with pedigrees.
(17) Two pages on the creation of Barons.
(18) Two pages of notes on various historical personages.
(19) Series of 16 hand-drawn and coloured reproductions of various coats of arms, with copies of the relevant letters patent from the College of Arms, including the seals.
(20) Letter dated 2 Dec 1893 (inserted into book) from W. Denison Roebuck to WBT re the misuse of a coat of arms by J A Harvie-Brown.
(21) Pedigree for Gray of London.
(22) Six pages of notes copied from ‘Haines’s Brasses’, 1848.
(23) Two pages of notes copied from ‘Papworth & Morant’, 1874.
18. Cutting from ‘TODAY’ dated 15 June 1897 headed ‘Astor Arms and Ancestors’ (1 page, double-sided).
19. Five scraps of paper with pen/pencil notes on people/places, apparently copied from various books.
20. Foolscap sheet with notes on French names.
21. Sheet headed ‘Notes on arms of the See of Llandaff’ (in pen, in two hands).
22. Newscuttings (8 pages, pasted on card) mainly from ‘The Saturday Review’: no. I dated 7 Nov 1896 (in ink), headed ‘The Snobbery of It’. Pages 2 and 3 contain article II in the series, dated 14 Nov 1896, with an additional cutting from The Leeds Mercury pasted in, dated 24 Dec 1896. Remaining pages contain articles III, IV and V (Nov 1896). The final page is a cutting.from ‘The Sketch’ 17 February 1897, headed ‘How a Peerage is made’.
23. Two loose cuttings from ‘The Saturday Review’ 7 Jan 1905 headed ‘Arms and Assumption’, with pressed leaf.
24. Loose cutting from ‘The Saturday Review’ 8 Aug 1903 reviewing several family history books.
25. Loose cutting from ‘TODAY’ 11 May 1899 headed ‘Arms and the Man’.
26. Series of eight cuttings from ‘TODAY’ (pasted onto thick paper) headed ‘Arms and the Man’, by ‘Veritas’, dated between 11 Mar 1899 and 4 May 1899.
MS Box III. 59
Five black notebooks, numbered a, b, c, d, e, with the heading ‘Notes Genealogical and Armorial’, copied from various sources by W. Barwell Turner, and dated from 1898 to 1907. Handwritten notes, with collections of tracings of armorial figures and devices, some coloured.
MS Box III. 65
Black notebook with heading on inner page ‘Illustrative Notes on the Heraldic Crosses and other Ordinaries etc, occurring in the British Armory’. Initials WBT, Mar 1891. Contains handwritten notes on different forms of heraldic crosses etc (black/blue/red ink) with some small drawings. Separate folded double sheet inserted at the end with notes in black/blue/red ink, in columns headed Plain/Pale/Feu/Bar/Bend. *
MS Box III. 67
Three printed charts of the pedigree of the Denison family of Wakefield, Methley and Leeds, from the early 17C to the turn of the 20C. Two run to 1899, while the third extends the pedigree to 1906.[Transferred to 33LD3]
MS Box IV. 1
“The Yorkshire Library”, by William Boyne, FSA (London 1869).
Two leather bound folio volumes, the original manuscript of Mr Boyne's catalogue, 150 copies of which were published privately. One of these is in the Society's Library. The manuscript had been presented by the author to John Stansfeld of Leeds in 1882. The first volume lists topographical works in 5 sections relating to the County generally, the city of York and the three Ridings. The second volume likewise has 5 sections, covering works partly related to the county, with miscellaneous and poetry; political and other tracts from the Civil War period; memoirs and biographies; spas (spelt “spaws” in the original), geology and botany; and maps, plans, plates and portraits. Each entry gives standard information such as a synopsis of the content, publisher and publication date, tables of content, dedicatees etc, and sometimes some comment about the author or the quality of the work. The longhand writing is very legible, but it is difficult to see what is to be gained from using the manuscript instead of the printed text, although a note in the manuscript says that some more recent publications have been added and there is allusion to a few sources which were not included in the published text.
MS Box IV. 2
GILL, Thomas. A Leeds printing record book 1790-1797. NB attributed to T Gill.
This is a printer's account book attributed to Thomas Gill and said to have been owned by Griffith Wright. The source of these attributions is not stated; they do not appear to be based on internal evidence. The document is a foolscap book with a front cover that has become detached and no back cover; the internal binding has also decayed, as a result of which the contents are in three or four bits. It records the owner's accounts with various clients in the period 1790-1797, but also includes a short section of accounts from a different source (see below).
The book begins with an alphabetic index of clients' names cross referenced to the later numbered pages on which transactions are recorded, but this schema is soon abandoned, and the book becomes an unindexed but roughly chronological sequence of clients' accounts. A number of clients' names recur later in the book, so that transactions over the full seven years of the accounts can be assembled; other business is shorter term.
For each client there is a list of orders undertaken, including dates, brief descriptions of the order, and the value; various annotations record the payment of accounts. The clients include hoteliers, shopkeepers, auctioneers and attorneys, and they purchase stationery of many kinds – bills, business cards, receipt books, tickets, circulars, legal documents etc. - as well as paper. The data establish the cost of particular types of stationery, and could possibly be used to get an idea of the “advertising budgets” of some of the regular customers.
Towards the end of the book are inserted seven pages from a different set of accounts. These consist of 3 pages of index on the lines of the short-lived one referred to above and 4 pages of actual accounts. From dates that appear in the text, these relate to 1748-52, and appear to concern legal commissions.
MS Box IV. 3
List of inhabitants of Leeds aged 21 and upwards recording their opinion “that the Commons House of Parliament of Gt. Britain, as at present constituted, does not fairly and fully represent the People of the United Kingdom, and therefore that a Reform in the constitution of that House is indispensably necessary”.
A bound foolscap memorandum book containing an undated (but presumably early 19C) list of the names and occupations of nearly 3000 supporters of the proposition.
MS Box IV. 4 (Located in SD VIII)
Wm Cookson Esq. / Mayor of Leeds 1712'. A later more positive Society note says: 'William Cookson's Collections concerning Pious Uses. This is the volume which has most to say about Cookson's municipal responsibilities as Mayor and member of the Pious Uses Committee. The table of contents gives an idea of its range of interest.' Attached to the first leaf is an alphabetical list of contents, and the same is true of the final leaf. In the middle of the book is a note: 'Verte librum' ('turn the book')
MS Box IV. 5
TORRE, Vellum-bound book, 12x7¾in. Domestic Account Book of James Torre (d. 1699) and his family, c. 1672-1719 – relates partly to Lincolnshire, but after 1699 to Yorkshire.
This book is in two parts. The first part begins at the front of the book and consists of a day by day record of receipts and payments from Oct 1672 to about May 1683, at which point it carries on in a more summary form and apparently intermittently until around 1695. After the Nov 1685 entries, a list of the author's library is inserted. This section concludes with a witnessed memorandum dated 13 Jul 1708, which records a property transaction between Anna Torre and John Ringross, both of Snydall (Normanton area).
The second part begins the other way up (like some modern catalogues) from the back of the book. This covers a period from August 1699 to 1719 and does not seem to be strictly chronological. It seems to consist mainly of receipts, many of which have more of a commercial than domestic flavour. Rental payments, sales of coal and charcoal and building materials seem to bulk large. Witnessed texts of rental agreements etc occasionally appear, often involving Anna Torre.
A huge number of transactions are recorded, in writing that is often hard to decipher; closer study would be needed to determine what value could be extracted from the source.
MS Box IV. 6
A lawyer's book of precedents, concerned with actions at common law. Large vellum volume inscribed “W Scatcherd April 29 '69” (taken to be 1869) on the first page. The cases are loosely arranged under heads, such as general promises, promissory notes, slander, bills of exchange, trespass and assault. The cases seem to be mainly London based. 268 pages are numbered, and many of these are double-sided, although some are blank. The pages are often densely written up in various hands, many of them of poor legibility. It is difficult to determine what interest the volume might have except by embarking on transcription, which would be exceptionally arduous.
MS Box IV. 7
Yorkshire deeds – an unidentified lawyer's book of precedents, vellum bound volume of about foolscap size, in fragile condition. The cases are mainly concerned with property – wills, mortgages, conveyances etc. Many relate to Yorkshire and to the mid 18C. The pages were numbered by the originator, and have been re-numbered in blue crayon by a later researcher who has attempted a rudimentary index. This index is an alphabetical list of names on loose sheets inserted in the volume, with cross references to the blue number series. Some of the numbered pages seem to be missing, or possibly out of order. The volume contains around 270 pages, and like the previous item, it would be difficult to ascertain its value without enormous effort.
MS Box IV. 8
A leather bound half foolscap cash book headed on the third inside page “R(ichard) Groves Day Book Lotherton 1826”. It was donated in 1899 by his daughter, Alice Groves. The book is a rather rich compendium of accounts, farming practices, property transactions, gardening information, servants' and harvesters' wages and memoranda of various kinds, especially recipes and matters related to the Methodist church. Although described as Richard Groves' book, it appears to contain some records relating to Joseph Groves, another family member. Certain pages appear to have been cut out.
The book contains entries running from 1826 to the early 1870s, all written legibly in black ink. The arrangement of the entries shuttles back and forwards chronologically and thematically. It looks as if particular entries have been started with space set aside for their continuation, and when the available space has been used up, the record continues in a later section of the book. Conversely, space is sometimes not fully used and in this case variously dated memoranda are often inserted in the gaps. In the central part of the book, there are many blank pages between sections.
The inside cover and first three sides – including the title page – are filled with memoranda, including, at the top of the cover, details of a couple of generations of the Garlick family of Castleford, into which Groves possibly married?
After the title page – headed as above – the first pages consist of dated and itemised records of expenses with the occasional receipt, alternating with records of the servicing of livestock. The accounts refer mainly to the purchase of animal feedstuffs, although transactions involving stones and the payment of taxes are also occasionally mentioned; in 1832, the purchase of a threshing machine is noted. The livestock records give the dates on which cows, ewes and sows were covered by bulls, rams and hogs, but make no reference to the outcome of these events. Both accounts and stock rearing records end in the early 1830s.
Interleaved with them, however, are other sections. In 1835, there are brief gardening notes, giving dates of planting and cultural details. Another section covers taxes paid between 1835 and 1855. From 1847, there is some information about the names and wages paid to female servants – these seem to suggest that the women were sold clothing, the cost of which was deducted from their wages. The memoranda inserted in blank spaces include a “receipt for a calf in a lax”, various kitchen recipes, notes on a society called the ‘New Connexion’ and mileages on the Scarborough-York railway line. Brewing records begin in 1847.
A particular feature of the book which begins in this section is a regular account of the purchase, fattening costs and meat yield of pigs. It appears that from 1845 single pigs were bought at roughly six monthly intervals, the time it took to get them ready for slaughter. The purchase price of each animal and a detailed record of the nature and cost of animal feed are supplied, together with the weight of the animal at slaughter, and the number of pork pies that were produced from it. Pie production seems to have been the main use of the meat (although bacon and ham are also occasionally mentioned) and precise details are also given of the recipe used each time to prepare the pies. It seems likely that the pies were for home consumption (and the pig rearing something of a hobby), because by this time wholesale farming appears to have ceased.
After this first block of text there are several blank pages followed by some desultory memoranda about applications for chapel sittings in 1857, a draft notice of intention to quit a lease in 1870 and hiring in 1871.
Further blanks are followed by more memoranda, among other things dealing with rhubarb wine records, chapel attendance and preachers, 1857 gardening notes, the scale of pensions for “worn out” Methodist ministers, and recipes for brewing malt wine, beginning in the 1850s. There is also a list of names of which the purpose is unclear.
After some more blanks, the record becomes more systematic again. Three new elements appear. Firstly there are records relating to the receipt of rents, running from about 1843 to 1870. Coupled with the absence of farming records in this period, these seem to suggest that the Groves may have become landlords rather than practising farmers by this time. This is reinforced by the second main component of the records which concern the purchase and subsequent management of property in Rothwell in about 1843. This appears to have involved substantial borrowing and selective sales and sub-lettings subsequently. The property involved seems to have included houses, a shop, a malt kiln and the Black Bull inn. The malt kiln probably explains the appearance of the brewing records referred to earlier.
Towards the end of this section, farming records re-appear, relating to the period 1827-32. A heading suggests that these may have been the records not of Richard but of Joseph Groves. They cover servant and harvester hirings, the cost of feedstuff, some stonework, and a record of barley crops in 1831.
Finally, inside the back cover, are some more memoranda, including some field names and dimensions, the value of sittings at the chapel and the capacity of certain barrels and bottles available for purchase.
MS Box IV. 9
The household accounts of Nathaniel Sharp, 1798-1806, a bound half foolscap volume purchased at the sale of Sharp's daughter's effects in 1889.
On the first two pages are entries recording the names and wages of servants, and also a reference to the tax liability on the Sharps' house, which was in St Peter's Square, Leeds.
There then follows a minutely detailed account of the daily household expenditure. This covers food and kitchen supplies, wages and also taxes, but not larger household items such as furniture and haberdashery. Individual grocery items are specified (joints of meat, sugar, dairy products, fruit and vegetables etc), and in many cases quantities and costs per pound or other weight are given. Each month's spending is sub-totalled and then end of year summaries are provided for 1798-1801. These repeat the monthly totals already calculated, but also classify the year's spending by broad category – around two dozen spending categories are identified. The totals match the sum of the monthly figures. This summary is discontinued after 1801, probably because of the immense labour involved in compiling the category breakdown. This would have meant going through all the year's entries – around 750 in 1799, for example – assigning them to the summary heads, and reconciling the total with the monthly summaries.
There is no information in this document about the size of the household which was being provided for, and without that it is hard to draw inferences about consumption. However, the source is revealing about costs of goods, and about things such as the impact of Christmas on monthly spending.
MS Box IV. 10
Letters and locks of hair relating to the Sharpe and Dawson families, 1820s to 1840s. The items are stuffed into a small cardboard case with lid. Of the attributable letters, four are to a Miss Dawson, who was living on the continent, from writers whose names are illegible or missing. There is a letter from F Chavernac to an unknown recipient, and scraps of two other entirely unattributable letters. Many are written in French, and in two an English translation has been provided. There are three little paper parcels containing locks of hair, one identified as from Francis Sharpe, aged 22.
MS Box IV. 11
Diary of Nathaniel Sharpe, December 1823 - January 1825, contained in a small leather bound notebook, and written in a minute but legible hand. Nathaniel Sharpe was a land surveyor, and the diary begins after he moved from Leeds to Woodside, which appears to have been a settlement or dwelling situated north west of Skipton. The diary is a record of his travels and professional activity, which was especially concerned with planning new and diverted roads, but also involved drawing plans and sections, making measurements and undertaking valuations. Sharpe travelled widely in the local area, to places such as Colne, Clapham, Steeton, Keighley, Blubberhouses, Skipton etc., often on foot or on horseback. His daily record never exceeds about four or five lines and is often less. After June 1824, he rules off separate sections for each day, and introduces a synopsis of the day's weather. The entries become rather less orderly as they progress. At the back of the book are copied a few poems that the writer evidently liked or admired.
MS Box IV. 12
Further diaries of Nathaniel Sharpe, 1827-29. Like the previous volume, these are in a small soft leather bound notebook, subdivided by Sharpe into seven sections per page.
The 1827 section is headed Nathaniel Sharpe at Mr Swire's, Woodside near Skipton and alongside this, at Mrs Sharpe's, Nile Street, Leeds, although in fact Sharpe is at Woodside all the year bar a week or two. The entries consist typically of brief notes of professional activities, church attendance and the occasional social engagement. Also, he helps get the hay in during the summer, and harvest the fruit in the autumn. The calligraphy varies between an everyday hand and his more ornate surveyor's script.
He returned to Leeds at the end of January 1828, and many of the entries in the first part of this year were to visits to named people, rather than to particular surveying projects. Whether these visits were social or business is not clear, although some were clearly the former. He had dealings with people such as Leather, Darby and the Luptons, with the latter of whom he holidayed in the Wharfe valley. He records attendance at a post mortem examination in the Infirmary of a man who had fallen to his death.
In 1829, he was largely in Leeds again, although he went to the Goole area for a couple of weeks on surveying business and then spent much of the rest of the year developing his fieldwork. Early in the year there are a few entries in some foreign script or code. He holidayed in Scarborough and Boroughbridge.
MS Box IV. 13
Sharpe Family Diaries, eleven volumes 1817-1847. With the exception of the first two, these are surviving business diaries of Nathaniel Sharpe, a land surveyor and agent in Leeds. They take the form of proprietory pocket books/memorandum books complete with facts and figures judged by the publishers to be of interest and value to businessmen, and diary pages with space for notes and the recording of financial transactions. Apart from the volume for 1837, the diaries are sparsely kept, and much of their interest may lie in the printed material, although this is similar to information available in other publications such as directories. The two volumes not in this category are the diaries of Mrs Sharpe for 1817, and Mary Dawson for 1823, the latter of whom became connected to Nathaniel, possibly by marriage.
13 (a) The Gem or Juvenile Companion for 1817. A small pocket book with useful facts, puzzles, song lyrics, and list of major events, with sections for engagements and cash accounts. Inscribed “Mrs Sharpe” in the front cover, the diary is virtually blank, except for a list of purchases in January 1917.
13 (b) Ladies' Memorandum Book for 1823, with similar printed content as above. Inscribed “Mary Dawson of Scarborough” inside the front cover, which also names Nathaniel Sharp in a pencilled note. The memoranda recorded are to mark religious dates and festivals, the receipt and despatch of letters, vital events, social engagements, books read and the like. In June there is a more detailed account of a trip to Paris from Scarborough (the first leg by steam packet), with some itemisation of travel expenses etc.
13 (c)Commercial Ledger or Annual Memorandum Book for 1837. Incorporates an extensive compendium of factual material, including matters such as the size of the national debt and interest repayments, details of quarter sessions, list of provincial banks and their London partners, mailing data, interest rate tables, rates of tax and duty, biographical details of members of the House of Lords and less fully of the House of Commons, principal civil and military postholders, addresses of important public offices, societies and places of entertainment. The diary section notes with reasonable continuity the business activities of Nathaniel Sharpe, which consisted mostly of land measurement and boundary definition, but also included some rent collection, canvassing of some kind for Sir J Beckett and agent activity on behalf of the Pious Uses Trustees. He had dealings with prominent Leeds figures such as the engineers Leather and Fowler, and the Bischoff family. Cash transactions are also recorded, although it is not clear how comprehensive these are.
13 (d) Peacock's Pocket Journal for 1840. Printed content similar to above. Inscribed “Nathaniel Sharpe, Land Surveyor, 1 Mark's Lane, Woodhouse. The first 31 weeks of the diary section have been removed, while the surviving sections are largely blank.
13 (e) Yorkshire Kalendar for 1841. Similar printed content, but with more of a regional emphasis, giving names and details of the main public figures and institutions in Yorkshire towns, dates and location of fairs and cattle markets in the north of England, and some information about newspapers and train fares. The diary content is sparse and fizzles out altogether after September.
13 (f) Slocombe and Simms' Leeds & Yorkshire Pocket Book for 1842. Printed content as before, but much briefer. Diary entries sparse.
13 (g) Yorkshire Kalendar for 1843. There are no more than a score of diary entries.
13 (h) The Daily Journal etc for 1844. Printed content as before. Diary itself blank until week 7, when there is a run of relatively detailed entries for a few weeks relating mainly to work on the Leeds & Bradford railway, which involved an appearance in London before a House of Commons Committee. Intermittent entries thereafter.
13 (i) Yorkshire Kalendar for 1845. Sparse and intermittent entries.
13 (j) The Daily Journal etc for 1847. Diary sparse except for June, when Nathaniel gave evidence to a House of Lords Committee regarding the Free Grammar School railway Bill (sic). Account entries are scattered throughout the year and collected in summary pages at the rear, implying perhaps some degree of comprehensiveness in accounting for business transactions?
13 (k) The Daily Journal etc for 1848. Largely blank except for a week or two in July referring to a funeral in Pickering. A summary of monthly cash transactions is included at the end.
MS Box IV. 14
Minute book of the Leeds Squadron of the Yorkshire Hussars 1843-54, a bound notebook with manuscript text. There is also a loose photograph, presumably of a hussar and his lady. With one exception, the minutes are concerned with the organisation of the squadron's annual January Ball. The exception is a reference to the parade held in honour of the Duke of Wellington's funeral in 1852.
Planning for the ball followed a fairly standard pattern, with a meeting usually in December to consider venue, guest band, programme of music, publicity, provision for refreshments, price of tickets, etc. The minutes usually include copies of the publicity leaflets or newspaper advertisements. Accounts are given for each ball, covering income from ticket sales and other sources and the main costs.
In 1843 and 1844, the ball took place in the Music Hall, but then moved to the Assembly Rooms. It was open both to squadron members and the general public. Members had to wear military dress. It seems to have been a non-alcoholic affair, generally starting at 9 o'clock, with an interval for tea and coffee at 11.30. In 1848 it was decided that it would be a good idea if the squadron were to have its own band and one was formed with the aid of public subscriptions. But other bands continued to be hired.
In some years, lists of members of the squadron who attended the ball were kept – for the dates recorded, it seems to have been about half of those eligible. Takings were generally around £80 in the first few years, but after 1847 they dropped to £50-60, and in 1852 to just under £41. In most years, profits of £10-20 seem to have been made, which were either given to charity or put in the reserve. The poor result in 1852 seems to have given rise to concern about the viability of the event, and members were circulated before the 1853 ball to see whether they intended to come. The response was sufficiently positive for the event to go ahead, and in 1854, takings had recovered to former levels. At this point, the Minute book ends, so it is not known whether the event continued.
MS Box IV. 15
Book of reference to a plan of the township of Headingley cum Burley … particularly distinguishing the estates of Christopher Beckett Esq, made in 1837 by George Hayward, Land Surveyor of Headingley. This is a notebook itemising the ownership and tenancy of land parcels in the township and also on the Weetwood Hall estate. It cross-relates to a plan that appears to have been lost.
The first few pages in fact refer to Weetwood Hall. The ownership is split into land in hand and in tenancies and for each group parcels are listed with a reference number to the missing plan and the area of the parcel in acres, rods and perches. Parcels are labelled, but rarely with locational precision. This format is then repeated for land in the township, before a section on areas of highways, which might be useful for establishing an outline of the highway network. In each section, summaries by tenancy are given. These show that of the 3129 acres of land identified in the township, almost exactly half was owned by the Earl of Cardigan, with William Beckett having about 447 acres, and Christopher about 249.
MS Box IV. 16
East Parade Chapel, Leeds – copy of the Trust Deed 1841. Bound notebook inscribed “John Wade Leeds” in the front, with 56 pages of unbroken manuscript text. East Parade chapel was built in 1839-40 at a cost of £14000 by the Independent or Congregational Church that had formerly worshipped at Salem Church on Hunslet Lane. A “larger and more commodious” chapel was required by the presumably growing congregation. Half the cost of the new church was funded from contributions, but a mortgage of £6000 was taken out to cover most of the remaining expense.
The deed or indenture was between the trustees of the church – initially 18 prominent citizens of Leeds – and the founding pastor, the Reverend John Ely. Broadly speaking, the deed set out the duties and responsibilities of the trustees, the doctrinal principles that the church was to follow, and the basis on which it should be managed. Rules were set out governing inter alia the letting of pews, the limited right to burial in the chapel grounds, the role of the caretaker, the need for fire insurance, the order of priority for the application of pew rent income, procedure for authorising the expenditure of large sums of money, publicity and voting at meetings, procedure for replacing trustees and pastors.
MS Box IV. 17
Diary of P. C. Naylor, 31 December 1837 – 27 July 1843 and brief entries 1868-75. Leather bound notebook with 70 pages written up and 8 loose sheets covering the later period. Naylor appears to have been a gentleman of leisure, resident at Laurel Cottage, West Garforth until March 1842, when he moved to 6 St George's Terrace in Leeds. He was married and had adult relatives living in the area.
His diary is a brief account of daily activities – usually a few lines long – and was not written every day. Its chief subject matter is a record of the writer's social engagements – typical entries say where meetings took place and who attended. Most of these meetings were lubricated by cups of tea or glasses of something stronger. There are records of church attendance, hunting or fishing trips and occasional allusions to events or incidents, such as the inflation of a balloon, or an encounter with a drunken man. Church attendance is recorded, and methods of travel, and occasional overnight stays. Naylor's contacts were in Chapeltown, Meanwood, Hunslet, Bradford and the Garforth area. Little or no context is given to the events alluded to and there is hardly any commentary on or evaluation of the activities recorded. The diary gives a sense of the surface rhythms of the writer's life, but not of the deeper under currents.
The continuation sheets relating to events 25-30 years later are in a similar style to the main diary, but would need to be examined more closely to determine whether their author was the same.
Ms Box IV. 18a and b
Poor Law Assessment books for Mill Hill ward for 1828 and 1829: two bound volumes inscribed “Mill Hill” on the covers, and with the following printed script on the first page. “Borough of Leeds in the County of York. An Assessment made for the necessary relief of the Poor, the Constable rate, and the County Estreat money for the township of Leeds, in the said borough, and for other purposes in the several Acts of Parliament, relating to the Poor mentioned, made by a Taxation on every Occupier of Lands, Houses, Tythes, impropriate, proportions of Tythes, Coals, Mines and valuable Underwoods within the said township and who are rateable by virtue of the said Acts, laid 29 May 1828, after the rate of one shilling and twopence in the pound on buildings and one shilling and ninepence in the pound on land”. The date and rates are entered by hand; in the second volume, the rates have increased to 1/4d and 2/0d respectively.
In each volume, there then follows for each street a list of names owners and occupiers of property (sometimes with allusion to an occupation), the valuation applied and the rate payable. This latter column is annotated with ticks or crosses, or marked “empty” or “poor”, or occasionally with more specific notes. These are probably the marks of the collectors of the rate. In the 1828 volume, there is also some kind of numerical key for each occupier, which is used in a table at the end to calculate subtotals. This key is absent in the 1829 volume., which just has subtotals by page.
In 1828, liable property was valued at £47500, which yielded a rate of £2782. In 1829, these figures had risen to £49000 and £3279 respectively.
MS Box IV. 19
The substance of several funeral sermons preached in Leeds by the Reverend John Killingbeck, vicar thereof, in the 1690s. Also Henry Heale (Vicar of Bradford) is noted. A bound volume with the title “Funeral Sermons Killingbeck” and the date 1690 printed on the spine, presented by John Killingbeck – presumably a descendant – in 1897. The volume contains 218 pages of manuscript text, being summaries of sermons delivered after the death of various named individuals in the 1690s. The sermons appear to consist of abstract meditations on spiritual or moral matters, with no reference to the secular lives of those whose deaths occasioned them.
MS Box IV. 20
Letter Book of the Leeds Steam Carriage Company 1830. This is a manuscript copy of the commercial correspondence of G Schofield, who appears to have been engineer to the Carriage Company, and runs from January to July 1830.
Much of it is correspondence with Boyd Rider & Co, Patent Rotatory Engine Manufacturer of Belfast. It begins on 18 Jan 1830 with a request from Schofield for information about the dimensions, performance, cost and availability of the Company's rotatory engines, which Schofield proposes to use to power passenger carriages. Next, he enquires of the Stamp Office about licensing costs for carriage services – there is an annual fee and a duty per mile.
In April, he informs Belfast that a Company has been set up in Leeds, and they wish to purchase a 10 horsepower engine to try out – if it is satisfactory, five more will be ordered. There is a strangely speculative – or perhaps anxious – air about the project, since Schofield asks at this rather advanced stage whether the company's engines have “ever been applied to locomotive purposes”.
The reply comes back in the negative, but the engines have afforded “the highest satisfaction” in other applications. Boyd Rider recommend the purchase of one 10 horsepower engine rather than two 5 horsepower ones on the grounds of cheapness, lightness and durability, but Schofield ignores this advice and goes for the 5 horsepower versions. Meanwhile he cracks on with obtaining quotes for the construction of the carriage bodies. He urgently requests sketches and dimensions of the 5 horsepower model.
This request bemuses Boyd Rider. “With respect to the drawing you ask for, we feel quite at a loss to furnish you with anything likely to prove satisfactory, as we are totally ignorant of the mode of application of power to the wheels of the carriage”. Perhaps Schofield would like to come to Belfast to look at the engine?
These doubts seem understandable, since the engines seem to be being purchased virtually blind, without detailed consideration of design issues at all. But Schofield is unmoved – all he needs is a sketch of “the outward appearance of the engine”, to show him how it would need to be fixed to the foundation plate. Boyd Rider need not worry about the power transmission. There is no time to waste, because all the other parts are already “in a state of great forwarding”.
Boyd & Rider then send three perspectives of the engine and another sketch by post “for the purpose of avoiding disappointment”. They explain that “the engine may be fixed to a platform by a pedestal to fit under the cylinder and be screwed to it by two side branches”.
Schofield now approaches the Patent Office to register his improvement. There follow anxious letters about delivery, and the engines are finally despatched on 22 June. Boyd & Rider offer to send Mr Rider to Leeds to help with installation, but this will have to be at Schofield's cost, as the purchase price of the engines (£26 apiece) is below production cost. The Patent Office notify Schofield of other people seeking to register similar inventions.
Whether Mr Rider came to Leeds, whether the engines worked and what was the fate of the Steam Carriage Company is not evident from the letter book, which ends abruptly here.
MS Box IV. 20a
19C Membership Register of the Fox Lodge, Leeds Friendly Society, apparently affiliated to the Manchester Unity Friendly Society. The register runs from 1827-94, and the bulk of the surviving volume consists of a chronological list of candidates proposed to join the Society. The list gives the names of the candidate and his proposer and seconder, the date of proposition (sic) and initiation, the age and occupation of the candidate, his address (often blank in the first few pages) and information about the payment of joining fees.
The register is interrupted near the end by a draft or actual set of rules of the Society. These cover subscriptions (9d a fortnight); the appointment of the treasurer and the maximum amount of cash he could hold; the requirement for sickness claims to be verified by the Society's surgeon or other qualified practitioner; penalties in the event of a member claiming sickness benefit being found outdoors after 8pm in the winter or 9pm in summer; reporting and visiting duties of the Society's own official; penalties for late or non payment of benefit awarded; ineligibility for benefit of venereal disease sufferers; requirement for new applicants to be examined by surgeon; members' duty to attend funerals of deceased members; and some other administrative matters.
There are also a couple of pages of notes about decisions made 1851-2, and on the last page, a note about a sickness visit.
Inserted in the volume is a formal Valuation of the Assets and Liabilities of Fox Lodge at the end of 1885, required under section 14 0f the Friendly Societies Act 1875, and submitted to the Manchester Unity Friendly Society. This contains much statistical information of great interest:
(a) for each of the last 5 years, funds at the year's end, income via subscriptions and interest, and payments for sickness, death and the District General Fund,
(b) membership data also for 5 years – numbers at start of year, new members, numbers died or left and end of year total; numbers receiving benefit,
(c) management funds and expenses (there was a sub or part thereof earmarked for running costs),
(d) Statement of the estimated liabilities of the fund, in the shape of future claims for sickness, death or widow's benefit, and how these would be met from expected revenues and current capital. Respondents had to summarise the actuarial assumptions on which these estimates were based,
(e) rate of return on investments over the last 5 years,
(f) table showing variations in subscription rates by age of applicant necessary to cover the promised benefit liability
(g) general comments of the auditor on the typicality of the Society's sickness and death claim rates, the general health of the Society. The whole audit was signed in 1888, three years after the end of the review period.
MS Box IV. 21-40
MS Box IV. 21
Small order and memorandum notebook, late 18C. The author appears to be someone engaged in the textile or cloth trade – possibly a detailed perusal of the text would uncover more information.
At one end is an order book covering the period 1767-91. It begins with a list of names, dates and sums or quantities of an unspecified commodity ordered. Names soon degenerate into initials.
The other end of the volume contains memoranda of two broad kinds – either facts considered interesting by the author or notes relating to business affairs. The facts recorded are often of a statistical nature and frequently to do with the textile business. Some examples are: numbers of christenings, funerals and marriages in Leeds 1777-8; the revenues of the Post Office; information about the reservoir supplying the Languedoc canal; the quantity of cloth milled in the West Riding 1726-74 according to official figures compiled in Pontefract, distinguishing between broad and narrow cloth; comments on the mild winter of 1778-9; the number of houses subject to window tax in Yorkshire towns in 1781; notes about the sale of Mr Denison's property on Woodhouse Lane in 1785.
The business notes seem particularly concerned with continental cloth markets, especially in Germany, but also France, Denmark etc and there appear to be a number of memoranda concerning specific business contracts in which the author was engaged.
MS Box IV. 22
“Private Pieces” by Maria Arthington, a bound volume with decorative embossing presented to her friend Lucy Cross. This is an indexed manuscript volume of poems by the author, undated, but covering the period c 1810s-1840s. A poem to her mother is accompanied by a brief character sketch. The subjects of the poems have no local significance – indeed there appears to be no reference to place in the entire volume.
MS Box IV. 23
Duchy of Lancaster, Calendar of Pleadings, depositions re Philip and Mary – continued. These are MS notes by G D Lumb, a past Thoresby Society notable, of items relevant to the Leeds area, particularly east of Leeds. He gives exact citations and summaries of content. The items extend into Elizabeth's reign. At the other end of the book are transcripts of some mainly 17C wills, including those of Turton, Barraclough and Dymond, families from the Morley area.
MS Box IV. 24
Richard Kemplay's Commercial School – specimens of calligraphy by William Hall, and pupils' order of merit for half year ending midsummer 1831.
MS Box IV. 25
Specimens of penmanship by Frances Varley of the Miss Fryers' Ladies Boarding School in 1818.
MS Box IV. 26
Richard Kemplay's Commercial School – specimens of calligraphy by John Thompson, Xmas 1827.
MS Box IV. 26a
A numerical statement of the errors committed in writing 20 Dictates in the half year to midsummer 1807, at R Kemplay's Literary & Commercial Academy in Leeds. Printed handbill.
MS Box IV. 27
Two trades of share number 369 in Leeds Central Market, 1829 and 1843. This is one of 405 shares in the company, bought by Thomas Chappell from William Walker in 1829 for £30, and then sold by him to Joseph Dunning in 1843 for £40. Also a cutting from “The Mirror”, October 1827, describing the Central Market which was built in 1824 on the site of the old Post Office at the NE corner of Duncan Street. The article gives the dimensions, the accommodation and architectural details of the building designed by Francis Goodwin.
MS Box IV. 28
Ms text of a sermon preached in Trinity Church Leeds – on 22 Oct 1843 according to the cover, but 18 Jun 1837 inside. Perhaps it was preached twice. The text is St Luke Chapter 6, verse 36 “Be ye therefore merciful as your father also is merciful”.
MS Box IV. 29
Original manuscripts of the covenants entered into by mixed cloth manufacturers in the Leeds area to raise money for the erection of a Mixed Cloth Hall in Leeds, dated 19 Oct 1756. The covenant takes the same form in each case, consisting of a statement of the need for a Hall and a list of promised subscriptions. The statement says that the present open air accommodation is subject to many inconveniences and expense, due to growing impositions. It is therefore resolved to buy some land and erect a covered Hall. Fifteen named manufacturers are to act as trustees for the project, to hold the monies to be subscribed and to commission the work. Users of the Hall will pay an annual sum not exceeding 6d for “reparations” or maintenance of the premises.
The trustees are John Rogerson, Ben Holdsworth and Nathan Ryder of Leeds, John Ward of Pudsey, John Hollingworth of Holbeck, John Wade of Armley, Joseph Walker of Wortley, Samual Mirfield of Churwell, John Stalls of Horsforth, Nathaniel Webster of Morley, William Horsfall of Gildersome, James Lawson of Rawdon, William Greenwood of Dewsbury, Jeremiah Walley of Idle and William Starrs of Hunslet. Each trustee seems to have been expected to collect subscriptions in his neighbourhood.
Seventeen copies of the covenant exist, for Armley, Bradford, Bramley, Calverley, Baildon, Adwalton/Drighlington, Gildersome, Holbeck, Horbury, Horsforth, Hunslet, Idle, Leeds, Stanningley, Wortley, Yeadon and Rawdon. About 580 subscribers were signed up, the largest number being about 67 in Holbeck, and the smallest 6 in Adwalton/Drighlington, although the document for this area appears to be incomplete. Subscribers most commonly pledged £2/10s, but contributions ranged from a few shillings to £5.
MS Box IV. 30
“Some Men of Mark in Old Time Leeds” –MS text of a lantern slide lecture given to the Thoresby Society in 1944 by Alf Mattison. The notables are the figures depicted in the friezes running round the Reception Hall and Council Chamber in the Civic Hall and are major characters such as John Harrison and Joseph Priestley. The accompanying slides – taken by Mr Mattison – were also given to the Society.
MS Box IV. 31
Short specimens of writing by Mary, John and William Howson, 17 December 1801.
MS Box IV. 32
“Minutes of the opinion delivered by Lord Chancellor Henley in the matter of Dixon against Metcalfe”, concerning Armley Chapel. This is a transcription of the opinion given in 1766, concerning the right to nominate curates to the chapel. The chapel had been set up by “enthusiasts” in 1653, but after the Restoration its care had reverted to the vicar of the parish, who assumed nomination rights in accordance with custom. However, the vicar's archbishop, for reasons unknown, decreed that nomination rights should remain with the people. This ruling had already been overturned by the church courts and the King's Bench, and Chancellor Henley added his support to this view.
MS Box IV. 33
Envelope containing 'Papers relating to Thoresby's House in Kirkgate, Leeds'. 4 foolscap pages of notes on Thoresby and the house, headed 'Memorandums respecting Ralph Thoresby and description of his House'. On p.3 is a note: 'These papers rec'd from Stephens Feb 23/91'. probably H. Morse Stephens secretary of the Thoresby Society and Librarian of the Leeds Library. The papers referred to probably include not only the 4 handwritten pages of notes but also the traced plan (IV, 33(a)) and the notes on it (IV, 33(b)). [Folded foolscap sheets in envelope dated 2 Dec 1941 from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA]
IV. 33(a)
Plan of Ralph Thoresby's house 'about the date of R.Thoresbys will', according to a pencil note. Tracing 'Taken 18th Nov 1889 / from Mr Wilson's Sketch' - again from pencil note. [Large folio sheet of tracing paper]
IV. 33(b)
Key to the plan above. On reverse: 'Sketch plan of / Thoresby's House'. [quarto size sheet]
MS Box IV. 34 [in large MS box34] Now located in Box 2A Oversized on Shelf 2C at top
Militia Papers, 1678 – 1716 (chiefly Bramley) [in plastic envelope; all individual pieces walleted]
1. 11 Dec 1678; valuation of lands ‘of the Out Lordes & Inne Lords’ in Bramley for provision of militia, ‘foot and horse’; list of names and assessed amounts.
2. Sep 1682 – Dec 1715. Payments mainly for ‘showing’ at various places, for powder and match, and for a ‘muster master’, to Thomas Watterworth, 1682-5, 1688-9, and Isaac Watterworth, 1692, 1695-6; but also a note that John Wood is owed 10/- for 1689, and some later expenses.
3. Nov 1679 – Sep 1685; payments mainly for ‘showing’, powder and match and a muster master, to TW, 1680, 1681-5, and John Haw, 1683-5.
4. n.d. but ’16..’; printed pro-forma addressed to John Wood re providing a musketeer for the militia; signed: Jno. ?Hayes, Wm. Lowther, Tho. Horton; associated names: Wid. Aske, John Aske, Leo. Dixon, James Snawdon, Vid. Middlebrooke , mr John Pollard, Sam. Musgrave, James Cawthery. [small sheet of paper; 3 papered seals.]
5. 27 Oct, 14 Nov & 14 Dec 1714; account of expenditure on military equipment, etc.; paper headed ‘Bramley 1703’.
6. 1715; list of contributors to the militia horse.
7. 19 Apr 1716; assessment for Bramley for providing 4 footsoldiers; principals: John Wood, Abraham Musgrave, John Snewden, Gervas Browne. ‘Mr Christofer Lowther’ has been deleted from top of list. [Seal at top left, and notes at foot. On reverse: ‘Go to Abraham Musgrave of Bramley near Leeds’.]
8. 19 Apr 1716; assessment for Bramley for providing 4 footsoldiers; principals: John Wood, Abraham Musgrave, John Snowden, Gervas Browne; witnessed by: Jos. Meddlebrooke, John Greene, Edward Smith, Timothy Peart. [Sums involved are quite different from the previous assessment of the same date.]
14 Jun 1716; assessment for Bramley for providing 4 footsoldiers; principals: John Wood, Abraham Musgrave, John Snowden, Gerves Brown; no witnesses, no amounts.
9. 4 Jul 1716; printed summons addressed to 10 individuals to attend on the deputy Lieutenants to explain why they have not paid assessment to Jervas Brown, John Wood, Abraham Musgrave and John Snowden, principals in militia provision. Signed Geo. Cooke and Will. Lowther. .Addressed to: Mr. Chr. Lowther, Miles Walker, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Keighley, Mrs. Elson, Jno. Musgrove, Mr. Jno. Moore, & Thomas Clarke & Mr.Jno. Scholey. [3 papered seals; on reverse: Militia Accts. / upwards of 100 Years.]
10. 10 Aug 1716; assessment for Bramley for providing 4 footsoldiers; principals as above; witnessed by: John Greene, Joseph Middlebrooke, Edward Smith. On reverse: 18 Oct 1716; note of collection and distribution of money; witnessed by John Greene, William Wigfall, Richard Smith, Thomas Pert.
Surveyors of highways
11 . 28 Dec 1716; notice to constables of Wortley, Farnley and Bramley, calling a meeting on 7 Jan 1717 at the Moothall in Leeds to appoint new surveyors and receive accounts of previous ones; notice to be sent ‘from one to an other’; Edw: Iveson, mayor.
MS Box IV. 35
Specimens of calligraphy from Richard Kemplay's Academy at St John's Place Leeds. Pupils in the half year ending midsummer 1820 are listed in order of merit.
MS Box IV. 36
Specimens of orthography and grammar 1833-4 of a student at Mr Richard Kemplay's Academy for Young Gentlemen, St John's Place, Leeds. The specimens are by Joseph Broady, presumably a star pupil, and were intended to advertise the high standards to which the Academy taught. The texts include lists of pupils ranked according to the number of errors in their orthographic work. Pages falling apart (conservation?)
MS Box IV. 37
Five or six letters concerning the printing costs for a book in 1836. The letters are between the printing firm J. Stanfield of Wakefield and a Mr Dawson of Bicester. 37 A-C in PEL pockets in box, only count 4 letters maybe 5
MS Box IV. 38
Leeds School Series – Petty's Standard Drawing Book, number 3, 7th edition, no date. These are specimens of shapes – ornamental, natural etc – for practice in freehand copying. The intention was that the shapes be accurately enlarged or reduced in the copying.
MS Box IV. 39
Proofs and specimens relating to numbers 1-3 of the “Grand National Directory or Literary and Commercial Iconography” published in 1800 by J Bisset, Museum proprietor of Birmingham. The purpose of this publication was to list the names of principal nobility, gentry, bankers, merchants, tradesmen, manufacturers and professional men in the main cities of GB and Ireland. The names would be displayed in “superbly engraved … elegant and emblematic plates from original designs by Mr Bisset” and interspersed with other engravings of local scenes. People would pay to have their names featured – half a guinea or a guinea for a brief entry, more for larger displays. Mr Bisset's idea was that the publication “would supersede the necessity of gentlemen, tradesmen etc issuing their own cards; and being concentrated in one grand or general focus, they will not be thrown aside like the generality of cards, but become at once an object of curiosity and consequence”.
The documents surviving appear to be sample pages or proofs of sections of the publication. Number 1 contains single page lists of Leeds tradesmen and wool staplers, and Number 3 also has a list of local staplers, with an enquiry from the publisher about content and format.
MS Box IV. 40
Five pencil sketches of Thoresby's house by W.A. Hobson, dated February 1878, and one copy. The words underlined in the following descriptions are written in ink. Also listed in online image catalogue 1 LIE 142-145 (4 items) Missing item 5 in the list
(1) 'Thoresby House / Front View in Kirkgate / W A Hobson/Feby 1878'. On reverse, top left: 'In folder / "Leeds houses" / Part 2'; centre: 'Left side'.
(2) 'Thoresbys Drawing Room // W A Hobson / Feby 1878'; 'Old Chimney Stack / erected in 1678 / the first in Leeds'. On reverse, top left: 'In folder / "Leeds houses" / Part 2'; centre: '1 Top'.
(3) A. 'Back View in Yard / W A Hobson / Feby 1878'. B. 'Thoresby's House / Kirkgate Leeds // floor line of study [on sketch] / Scale 2/8th to a foot / Old Chimney mentioned in / Thoresby's Diary erected in 1678.'. On reverse, top left: 'In folder / "Leeds houses" [deleted] / Part 2'; centre: '4 Right'.
(4) A. 'Stairs to Observatory'; B. 'Thoresby Study'; C. 'post & pan / wall by / Drawing Room'; D. 'old Dormer Window / of Study', 'Thoresby House / Kirkgate / Leeds', 'Sketched by / W A Hobson / Feby 1878'. On reverse, top left: 'In Folder / "Leeds houses" / Part 2'; centre (upside down): '2 Top / Right' (behind it a copy of the ceiling of the drawing room).
(5) 'Thoresby's Drawing Room / Kirkgate // from a sketch by W.A. Hobson July 1878'. On reverse: 'Part 2'.
(6) Photocopy of the plan of Thoresby’s house (1)
MS Box IV. 41 Single sheet headed Chrisr. Kemplay’s (late R. Kemplay’s) Literary and Commercial School, St John’s Place, Leeds, dated 8 August 1831. Handwritten: ‘Master M. Fothergill’s School Account to Midsummer 1831.’
MS Box V
MS Box V. 1(a-c)
Methley Hall Manuscripts. Three handsomely bound scrapbooks of material collected by a member or members of the Mexborough family of Methley Park, probably during the 19C.
(a) Varied scrapbook of Mexborough memorabilia. The content is as follows (numbers refer to pencilled page numbers in the book):
1. Letter dated Chester 9 May 1791 from J Briggs, rector of Methley and prebend of Chester to a Mr Simmons, concerning the appointment of a parish clerk.
2. Declaration by Timothy Bright, rector of Methley, 10 Jul 1591.
3. Provincial cavalry, financial account, Methley, 1798.
4. Resolution of a meeting of the inhabitants of Methley in 1796, about the removal of a tree plantation.
5. “Neuester Grundriss von London, Westminster and Southwark”. A rather fine street map of London, giving many street names, squares colour washed green, boundary of the City of London, and the great offices of state and public buildings keyed to precise locations on the map (though the keys are printed very small). Undated but 18C?
6. Proclamation of King James II, 1684.
7. An account of what his majesty James II said at his first coming to Council, 1684.
8. Authority granted to Lawrence Thompson and John Cranfield to levy and collect taxes etc in the township of Methley, 1810.
9. Page from The Times, Thursday 7 Nov 1805 with a description of the death of Nelson.
10. Financial accounts of the Methley Supplementary Militia, 31 Jan 1797.
11. Bond between John, Earl of Mexborough and Edward Jowett of Pontefract concerning a loan of £1500 made by the latter to the former.
12. Letter headed “Ch.Ch” (probably Christchurch College Oxford) from Milnes Gaskell to “My dear Savile”, mainly about University matters – debates etc.
13. Letter from Sir John Hanmer to Lord Pollington, concerning arrangements for a meeting. Undated but apparently early 19C.
14. Circular addressed to the Hon John Savile, c/o the Earl of Mexborough, London, about Oxford University prizes 1830. Prize essay subjects are given.
15. Circular letter from Lord Palmerston to the Earl of Harewood in his capacity as Lord Lieutenant of the County dated 31 Mar 1853. The circular urges the advantages of voluntary recruitment to the County Militias rather than recruitment by ballot and instructs the Earl to take the necessary steps.
16. Title of Act for Inclosure of Commons in Methley, 1796. The content of the Act is missing.
17. Engraved plate showing the tomb of Baron Savile and Sir Henry Savile his son at Methley, as in Whitaker's “Loidis and Elmete”.
18. Engraved plate by S Rawle of tomb of Lionel, Lord Welles at Methley, published in Leeds in 1876.
19. Letter from Sir John Hanmer at Ch.Ch Oxford to the Hon John Savile, 19 Jul 1830. The letter is about travel arrangements.
20. Signed letter from the Duke of Wellington to Lord Mexborough, 9 Feb 1831, about the selection of election candidates.
21. Envelope of letter to Earl of Mexborough. The letter itself, formerly present, has been torn out.
22. Rough sketches of five unknown individuals headed “Recollections of Spa”.
23. The general Gaol Delivery, Yorkshire 6 March, 15th Victoria. It is a list of offenders, offences and sentences meted out at recent sessions.
24. Unidentifiable receipt and account.
25. Further Circular about the enrolment of Militia volunteers, 1853.
26. Sepia wash of male head on a plinth.
27 – 29 Not present.
30. Reprint (in Leeds in 1853) of a Civil War pamphlet “A Miraculous Victory in Yorkshire”, being an account of Lord Fairfax's victory over the Earl of Newcastle at Wakefield in May 1643.
31. Copy Circular from Whitehall, 28 Mar 1854, about the establishment and organisation of Militia depots.
32. Information about the Provincial Grand Lodge, West Yorkshire, sent to Lord Mexborough in 1852 to advise him of matters related to “the duties of your province”.
33. Poem, “The Downfall of the Cross” or “Cromwell's Ghost”, by A.L (1868).
34. Coulomb et Mathurin – Traiteurs – Restauranteurs – Carte du Jour. Undated and without prices.
35. The Crown calendar for the Yorkshire Spring Assizes, 6 Mar 1852. A schedule of cases, offences and defendants, with judges assigned to hear them.
36. Letter from Lord Mexborough replying to a correspondent who had sent him a newspaper cutting re the sale of the contents of Methley Park in 1846. Lord Mexborough had expressed an interest in replacing the articles sold then, but had now changed his mind. The 1846 sale took place over 13 days.
37. Notice of M Jullien's Grand Annual Ball in the Great Assembly Rooms, York 4 Jan 1853, and his last concert in the Festival Concert Room in York on 5 Jan 1853.
38. Letter from Sir John Hanmer to Lord Pollington 24 Apr 1830.
39. Promise of the Earl of Mexborough to pay half yearly interest on a loan of £1200 to Jonathan Craven, 1 Oct 1860.
40. Letter dated 10 Dec 1830 from Lord Mexborough to the Duke of Wellington seeking his views on which candidate for the vacancy in the Irish peerage he (Mexborough) should vote for, and Wellington's reply the next day.
The last three pages are blank, but on the fly there is a list of Methley inhabitants who have not entered riding horses (5 Apr 1797). Loose in the volume is a folder “Articles to be inquired of in the visitation of … Robert Markham, Archbishop of York to Methley”, 4 Jun 1801.
(b) Inscribed “Miscellanea Antiqua Savilliana 1731-1848” on the spine, this is exactly what it says, a scrap book of various documents concerning the Saville family. Some pages may have been cut out. The remainder are numbered in pencil, with the following contents:
1. Blank.
2. Blank.
3. Blank
4. Copy of or extract from “St James' Evening Post”, 17 Aug 1731. The item of family interest is not immediately obvious. On the reverse, a receipt from Alethia Savile, February 1759.
5. A passport issued by the Governor of Malta to Lord Pollington on 18 Dec 1830, for travel to Naples. On the back, it is stamped by various customs offices. On the back of this page is an undated note of Rates, Taxes etc payable on 33 Dover Street.
6. A short MS note about Methley church in 1791. Despite a stipend of £1000 (sic), it is very much negelected and troublesome to the present incumbent, so books, surplices, ornaments and the Prayer Bell are to be auctioned. Also, an invitation to apply to the curate should you be in need of gamekeepes, whippers-in or cock-feeders. On the reverse, a receipted bill to Viscountess Pollington for jewellery etc from Kitching & Abud, Jewellers of London, 1847.
7. A formal quitclaim document dated 1808 and signed by William Tyler and John Cartwright, stating that in consideration of the receipt of £500 from Viscount Pollington, they surrender any claim over his lordship. Envelope attached.
8. Notice from Lord Palmerston at the War office dated 18 Oct 1813, to Lord Pollington, advising that his accounts as Commander of the Pontefract Voluntary Infantry for 1809 had been directed to be closed in the books of the Agent General. Envelope attached.
9. A similar notice, dated Office for Military Accompts 15 Jul 1813. The account was for £261/9s.
10. Formal notice of appointment of Viscount Pollington as Deputy Lieutenant of the county by the Lord Lieutenant, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 20 Mar 1807. On the reverse, a bill for food and drink from the Mexborough Arms, Potternewton, Leeds, 13 Apr 1813.
11. Envelope relating to following item.
12. Commands of King William IV and Queen Victoria to John, Earl of Mexborough to attend the royal coronations in 1831 and 1838. On the reverse is a notice from Lord Pollington to the electors of Pontefract after his defeat in the 1851 General Election. He appears to have been nominated against his will.
13. Blank.
14. Earl Marshal's orders concerning Dress to be worn at Victoria's coronation; also a request to know if invitees will be attending.
15. Small engagement book for January to August 1865, signed R K Pollington. The book has columns headed “Morning, Dinner, Evening, Memoranda”. Most days have two or more engagements.
(c) Inscribed “Pontefract 1874 (Election Squibbs)” on the spine, this is a collection of material relating to the 1874 election which was contested by Viscount Pollington of the Mexborough family. Also brief references to the 1880 election for which he was not selected as a candidate. The items are as follows (in the order in which they appear):
1. cutting from the Tory “Pontefract Advertiser” 31 Jan 1874 announcing the calling of the election and naming the local candidates – Mr Childers (Liberal) and Major Waterhouse (Tory), the sitting members, and Lord Pollington, a second Tory candidate.
2. Leader from the Liberal “Pontefract Telegraph” 31 Jan 1874 advising its readers to vote Childers and Waterhouse.
3. Various newspaper reports of election meetings.
4. Newspaper reports of the election result, which was to re-elect Childers and Waterhouse, who got 934 and 871 votes respectively, with Pollington bringing up the rear on 714. Electors were able to vote for one or two candidates, and were divided into “plumpers” (those plumping for one candidate only) and those exercising both voting rights. Analysis made much of each candidate's share of each type of vote. Turnout appears to have been 80%
5. Formal statement of candidates' election expenses as published in the press. Mr Childers spent nearly as much as his two Tory opponents combined.
6. A lengthy analysis of Mr Childers' statement in the “Advertiser”, purporting to show that it contained many inaccuracies. However, as the net error was only £1/2s/2d in a total of £770, the offence, if any, was hardly major.
7. Congratulatory messages to Mr Childers from the Pontefract Working Mens' Liberal Association and employees of the glassworks at Knottingley and the pottery at Ferrybridge.
8. A letter to “The Times” from Mr Childers rebutting a statement made by Benjamin Disraeli about Childers' alleged involvement in the dismissal of dockyard workers, and correspondence arising therefrom. This allegation had been used against Childers in the Pontefract election campaign.
9. Letter from Pollington to one of the Tory candidates in the 1880 Pontefract election, wishing him well, and hinting at disappointment that he himself had not been selected to stand again.
10. Detailed MS breakdown of Pollington's 1874 election expenses, the sum of which tallies with the published official version. Held loosely within it is part of a newspaper article about Benjamin Oliveira, sometime MP for Pontefract (unless the interest was in the horse racing matter on the back), and four small photographs, one of Pollington himself, two of Miss Savile, the daughter of the rector of Webley(?) and one of her brother.
11. Letter from Pollington's agent in Ferrybridge about people who have promised to vote for him if transport could be provided (31 Mar 1873).
12. Commiseration on Pollington's election defeat from a Mr Metcalfe (4 Feb 1874).
13. Letter from Richard Holmes (1 Feb 1874) undertaking to obtain the old ballot box as a souvenir and discussing the election result. Holmes was the “Advertiser's” correspondent.
14. Visiting cards and letter of condolence.
15. Letters essentially concerning the role that Pollington should play in the 1880 election. A correspondent from Pontefract Conservative Club sought to dissuade him from involvement.
16. Printed copy of the 1874 Borough of Pontefract Electoral Roll. It is organised by polling district and township, with electors listed alphabetically, by address and by qualification to vote. There were 2038 on the roll. A few names are marked in pencil and a note at the back reads “the names ticked off are those who promise”.
17. Two printed copies of a pro-Tory election song, to the tune of “Bonnie Dundee”.
18. An election poster of Pollington, dated 26 Jan 1874. Among the things he stands for are : opposition to tampering with clause 25 of the 1870 Education Act, changing which would have limited parental choice of school; opposition to the “permissive Bill” which would be a “new feature of domestic coercion”; support for sanitary reform and for changes to the Intoxicating Liquors Act to standardise opening hours, etc. He casts doubt on Gladstone's claim that there was £5 million available to spend, suggesting that the true costs of the ‘Ashantee war’ had not been allowed for.
19. A poster with the text in very large black type “Help put down spy legislation by voting for the two Conservative candidates”.
20. A mock undertaker's poster with the text “In memory of the people's William and the great Liberal majority which after a long and melancholy struggle expired from a complication of internal disorders. The corpse will be decently interred by Disraeli and Co Undertakers. Conservative friends will please attend the funeral. The service will commence at 8 am”.
21. Pontefract Election – fellow Workmen. A poster claiming to be a copy of a letter from a working man of Devonport, whose father was sent to an early grave as a result of Mr Childers' labour policies. The writer accuses Mr Childers of sacking skilled workers from many dockyards and imperilling the defence of the realm.
22. A poster from the London Working Men's Council for Church Defence to the Working Men of England, warning of the dangers of disestablishment and disendowment of the Church of England. Espousal of these cause means removing God and as a nation robbing Him. Neither the parties nor candidates likely to support or oppose these policies are named, but readers can have been in no doubt who they were.
MS Box V. 2
Papers relating to the Survey of the Manor of Leeds 1612. This survey – the purpose of which is not clear - gives a topographical sketch of the manor, followed by a list of manorial freeholders and tenants, by type of tenure, broad location, extent of holding and estimated annual value.
To understand the contents of this package, it is helpful to know something of the publishing history of the survey. A first transcript of the survey, in the original Latin, was published by the Thoresby Society in PThS Volume XI (1904) pp369-437. This was based on a copy made by T Wilson in 1740, thought to be the only version available at the time. In publishing this text, the editors acknowledged the difficulties of transcription consequent on the many “false concords” and “almost unintelligible abbreviations” in their source document. It was claimed that most of the mistakes had been corrected, and the abbreviations written out in full.
Shortly afterwards, the original 1612 document came to light, and based on this, an addendum of additions and corrections to the already published text was included in PThS Volume XXIV (1919) pp336-344. This was still in Latin and took the form of corrigenda referenced to the 1904 text, but was not comprehensive, covering just “some of the principal omissions and corrections”. Some further addenda were included in a learned note by W Paley Baildon that formed part of the article.
A full translation of the survey had to await the publication of “The Manor and Borough of Leeds, 1425-1662 – An Edition of Documents” edited by J L Kirby for the Society and published as PThS Volume LVII (1983) pp72-154. This pointed out that the corrigenda of 1919 had covered only “the more blatant errors”.
The original MS, which had disappeared from sight, has since re-appeared (Mullocks auction in Ludlow in 2010) and was bought by Mr Nigel Crinson (Hendys Estate Agents, Chapel Allerton), who is having it restored.
With this context, the actual contents of the package can be summarised.
A bound volume inscribed “Survey of the Manor of Leeds”, containing a MS translation of the incomplete Wilson copy. So far as is known, this has never been published. In addition, there are a number of loose-leaf insertions. Directly related to the survey are pages on difficult words and phrases in the original 1612 text (see item 2 below). Tangentially related is a printed copy of pages 1617-1624 of “Reports from Commissioners on Municipal Corporations of England & Wales”, referring to the Borough of Leeds. This was published in about 1833 and outlines the history of the borough, its powers, procedures, offices, pay scales, legal machinery, sources of revenue, etc., including some statistics. Apparently completely unrelated are some notes on the Douglas family of Austhorpe – their pedigree, epitome of title to their estate, some birth, marriage and death details.
A MS translation of the original survey prepared at the behest of Edmund Wilson in 1910. The intention had been to publish a revised version of the Latin text to supersede the 1740 copy, with a simultaneous translation. This was not in fact done, and so far as is known, the translation has never been published. The text is split into three parts, each still referenced to the pages of the 1904 published text. Untranslated passages – presumably of some difficulty – are in red in the original Latin, and there are also some explanatory glosses. There is a separate section on difficult words and phrases, apparently a fairer copy of the text in item 1 above. This translation is not identical with Kirby's published in 1983.
Envelope containing glossary slips for particular words in the survey.
An exercise book containing at pages 27-62 an alphabetical list of tenants mentioned in the survey, with their landholdings and rental value. There are also extracts from similar historical sources, evidently designed for comparison of names, landholdings etc in the 1612 document. These include the 1627 Subsidy Roll, the 1545 and 1596-7 Lay Subsidies, local wills, and the Manor Roll 1650-66. There is also correspondence arising from the survey translation, and an annotated copy of an offprint of the 1904 published text marked in red ink with the amendments identified when the full original document was discovered.
A MS copy of what appears to be the Leeds Borough Charter from 13th year Charles II.
A booklet containing a manuscript (probably nineteenth century) English translation of the Letters Patent for the Leeds Charter of 16 July 1661 granted by King Charles II. The wording differs somewhat from the translation in item 5 above.
MS Box V. 3
Manor of Leeds 1612 Survey of Leeds etc. See Box V, 2 for the publishing history of this. This item consists of two MS texts. The second of these - running to 40 pages - is an English translation of parts of the original Survey document discovered after the publication of the Wilson version. It lists the tenants mentioned in the survey with their property holdings and rental liability, but re-ordered alphabetically, and seems to be part of the English translation of the full text that Edmund Wilson envisaged publishing, but never did. Red asterisks against names identify tenants about whom additional biographical details are given in the first 16pp text. These details concern wills, lay subsidy liabilities and notes on property and lives. They are unsourced. The whole document is attributed to Edmund Wilson, but appears to have been transcribed by James Singleton.
MS Box V. 3a
1612 Survey of Leeds. This package contains an offprint of the incomplete Wilson manuscript printed in PThS, Volume XI with voluminous corrections in red ink – perhaps the complete revision made after the original manuscript came to light, but never published in full, except as addenda to the original article; also, the MS text of Paley Baildon's learned contribution to the Volume XXIV addenda.
MS Box V. 3b
Three letters about the location and appearance in pictures of Leeds Manor House. They are recollections of Josiah Jowett, and two letters from G D Lumb to Miss Hargrave.
MS Box V. 4
List of Members of the Corporation of Leeds abstracted from Corporation records, 1662-1835. The abstract was made by W Wheater and transcribed by Cllr Charles H Wilson, on dates unspecified. It is not clear what Wheater's source was, or if his abstract was a verbatim transcript from the original document or an interpretation of it. The MS document is in semi-columnar format, but the columns have no headings and are not invariably present. It appears to list Members
by the date of their election or nomination, and to also give dates of re-election, resignation or death. Mayoral appointments are also noted, and there are occasional biographical notes. The period covered is from the 1661 Borough Charter to the Municipal Corporation Act. 1835.
MS Box V. 5
Correspondence to and from Edmund Wilson in 1909, concerning deeds or list of deeds which he had lent to various people to help their historical researches. His correspondents include W. P. Baildon, C. C. Falkingham, Col. P. S. Wilkinson, J. G. Wilson, James Braithwaite and William Brown. The material includes some discussion of historical issues, but its main interest is in offering some insight into Edmund Wilson's role in fostering historical research.
MS Box V. 5a
More Wilsoniana – working notes, copies or translations of historical documents, lists of deeds lent out, Pudsey, Horsforth and Idle deeds and Batt documents.
MS Box V. 5b
Separate envelope containing the catalogue of the Wilson Mss prepared by J M Collinson in 1994. When he died in 1914, Edmund Wilson bequeathed his collection of MSS to the Thoresby Society. They are traditionally known as the Batt manuscripts, because they mostly come from the Batt family of Oakwell Hall, Birstall, but they include other material including an extensive collection of mss covering the Pudsey area. In 2002, the Society deposited the actual deeds with the West Yorkshire Archive Service at Sheepscar, Leeds, but Mr Collinson's catalogue is a convenient abstract of the collection.
MS Box V. 6 [see also MS Box I. 4]
Copies of documents relating to the history of the Leeds corn and fulling mills. In the 1890s, there was a court case - Appleton v. Leeds Corporation - which seems to have involved establishing title etc to land occupied by the former manorial and associated mills in the centre of Leeds. This collection of copy documents appears to have been assembled by Norris, Allen & Chapman, lawyers acting for one or other party. They consist of indentures, leases, titles, letters patent etc copied and where necessary, generally translated, from the original documents by the record agents Hardy & Page or provided as certified copies by the PRO. The manuscript copies were made in 1891 and are of good legibility. They have been numbered and are as follows:
1. 21 year lease on a moiety of Flaycrow or New Mill granted by the surviving trustee of Harrison's Hospital to Edward Hudson on 28 Sep 1815.
2. Indenture concerning lease of the moiety of three fulling mills and the adjacent Redwood mill by Thomas Foster of Leeds to Gervas Nevile of Holbeck on 18 Mar 1680.
3. 21 year lease on a moiety of Flaycrow or New Mill granted by the trustees of Harrison's Hospital to Edward Hudson on 5 Apr1836 – evidently a renewal of the earlier lease.
4. No document.
5. Decrees and Orders in the Duchy of Lancaster June-November 1624 concerning a dispute between Sir Arthur Ingram, the fee farmer of the Leeds corn mills and Richard Sykes, Thomas Wightman, John Weston and others. The defendants were alleged to have diverted water from the corn mills to serve three fulling mills on which they paid little or no rent, to the detriment of the operation of the corn mills. Their counter claim was that in fact their mills were long established, and their operation had been adversely affected by the construction of an additional corn mill.
6. Letters patent issued by the Crown on 2 Sep 1631 confirming the terms of the lease of fulling and corn mills to Edward and William Ferrars.
7. Letter from record agents Hardy & Page to Norris, Allen & Chapman, dated 22 Jun 1891. Much of the letter is a summary and discussion of the 1631 letters patent (6 above), but seems to refer to a fuller version of that document. There are suggestions for further research.
8. Recovery Roll (Common Pleas) 34 Charles II Trinity. This is a ruling which authorizes Henry Atkinson to recover from Thomas Jackson messuages, mills, land and a ninth part of the manor of Leeds unlawfully seized by the latter.
9. Letter from Hardy & Page, 30 Nov 1891, reporting further findings, particularly relating to the history of fee farm rents on the fulling mill. Extracts from original documents are appended. These cover the lease of mills by the Crown to Thomas Metcalfe in 1643, the lease by the Parliamentary trustees for the sale of fee farm rents to Richard Sykes in 1650, the rents received in 16 Charles II, and a Duchy of Lancaster document from 1341 dealing inter alia with the Leeds mills existing at that time.
10. Depositions Surveys, etc (Duchy of Lancaster) Bundle 146. This gives details of enquiries made on behalf of Thomas Jackson into the history of Flaycrow mills, including dates of construction, ownership, water management works etc. Thomas Jackson was in dispute with Robert Hitch, dean of St Peter's in York, John Preston and Thomas Foster. The enquiry appears to date from 26 Charles II.
11. The responses of Thomas Robinson, John Greaves, Nicholas Northerwood and William Easby to such of the questions raised in 10 above on which they had information.
12. Extract from a decree of the Duchy of Lancaster dated 9 May 1676 relating to a dispute between the owners of Pitfall and Flay Crow Mills about claims to control the flow of water.
13. Decree of Charles II authorising the enquiry (10 above) into the ownership and operation of the Leeds mills, 5 Dec 26 Charles II.
14. Indenture between Samuel Sagar and Francis Fawkes 30 Nov 1764, concerning Pitfall mills etc.
15. Full PRO copy of the 1676 Duchy of Lancaster decree (above, 12).
16. Patent Roll (Chancery) 7 Charles I Part 1 No 7. Certified PRO copy of a charter in Latin.
17. Recovery Roll (Common Pleas) 34 Charles II Trinity. Latin text of item 8 above.
18. Abstract of Duchy of Lancaster Survey & Depositions 28 Elizabeth I. Sir Thomas Gargrave and others were commissioned to enquire whether the licence already granted to Richard Cowper to build a fulling mill on the river Aire could be allowed to proceed without harm to other mill operators already there. Conditional approval seems to have been given.
MS Box V. 7
Schedule of documents in the possession of Edmund Wilson relating to various properties in Yorkshire. Undated, but apparently drawn up just before WW1. The documents listed are largely legal in nature – indentures, grants, title deeds, wills and the like, mostly medieval or early modern. The schedule is divided into sections, each identified by the storage location of the actual documents (e.g. “a box mark pickaning pine”) or the property or place to which that section of the schedule refers. Within each section, the documents are listed chronologically. As well as the pickaning pine box (much of which relates to the Birstall/Gildersome area), there is a tea chest and lists of title deeds for East & South Parade, Leeds, Hillhouse Bank, Horsforth, Pudsey, Idle, Miscellaneous and Wortley, and a section on Barkers of Leeds and Otley. There is no indication of the whereabouts then or now of the actual documents – but some of them are probably part of the Batt collection now held at West Yorkshire Archives in Sheepscar, Leeds (see items 5a &b above).
MS Box V. 7a
Exchequer depositions E134, 40-41 Eliz. Mich. No 24. These are official National Archives photocopies of depositions made in 1598 concerning a dispute in Leeds over mills and milling rights. Some explanation of this dispute is published in “The Manor & Borough of Leeds 1425-1662”, PThS LVII (1983), pp lxii-lxiii and 243-249. The photocopies relate to just one stage in this long-running dispute between local residents and the farmers and occupiers of the Leeds Corn Mill.
MS Box V. 8
Formal legal and parliamentary documents concerning the closure and sale of the Leeds Coloured Cloth Hall, 1872-1890. In date order, these are:
1. 1872 petition to the House of Commons on behalf of the owners and occupiers of stalls in the Leeds Coloured Cloth Hall (LCCH) against the compulsory acquisition of the premises by Leeds Corporation for the purpose of street and other improvements. The main grievance appeared to be that the Corporation had submitted a Bill to parliament to acquire the property without making any provision for compensation or alternative accommodation. The petitioners urged that the bill should not proceed until this omission had been rectified. The petition came in the names of 183 stallholders from west Leeds, listed by name and the number of stalls each held.
2. A typed notice dated 1 December 1883 from Leeds Corporation to Richard Harland of Yeadon, a trustee of LCCH, informing him that the Corporation's proposal to acquire the LCCH was to be heard in the 1884 parliamentary session. The notice is the thirteenth of a number presumably sent to all the trustees, and required the recipient to say whether he supported or opposed the plan, or was neutral.
3. Agreement between the trustees of LCCH and representatives of those with a reversionary interest in the property, dated 16 December 1884. The reversioners were William Becket Denison, Charles Edward Stephen Cooke, Ernest William Denison and William Bethell. The parties agree to promote the passage of the bill to allow the sale of the LCCH. The agreement covers matters such as the apportionment of the costs of promotion and the indemnity offered by the reversioners in the event of the bill's failure. (Note: the fact that the second party were the reversioners is apparent from item 4).
4. “1885 Act to enable the trustees of LCCH to sell the same and to regulate the application of purchase money....” Much of the Act is a recital of the legal interests in the estate going back to the foundation of the LCCH in 1758. The proceeds of the sale are to be split 70:30 between the stallholders and the reversioners, with the stallholders' share to be proportionate to the number of stalls each held. 2526 stalls existed, shared between 680 stallholders, of whom 561 supported the sale. The text appears to be a draft version, because there are annotations deleting, correcting and adding text; some of the additions are substantial.
5. Eleven copies of a circular from the LCCH trustees to the stallholders, dated 1 January 1885, enclosing a copy of the above Act and explaining the necessity of the agreement with the reversioners, to avoid expensive legal costs that would arise if their claims were disputed. Views on the Act are solicited.
6. Sale agreement dated 26 February 1889 between the LCCH trustees and Leeds Corporation. A sale price of £66,000 has been agreed. A large scale plan of the sale site (subsequently the site of the Post Office in City Square) is included.
7. Indenture dated 12 February 1890, in which the stallholders confirm to the LCCH trustees the receipt of their shares of the sale proceeds and relinquish all further claims to the estate. The document confirms the £66,000 sale price and the payment of £15,000 of this to the reversioners. Stallholders received £4/15s in respect of each stall. Appended are the signatures of 617 stallholders confirming the receipt of monies due.
MS Box V. 9
Typescript of “The Shilletos of West Riding”, by R J Shilleto, published in PThS Vol XXVI (1921). This family had branches mainly to the east and south of Leeds. Also, ms. extracts from Featherstone parish register concerning the Shilletos; copies of the wills of Richard Shilleto (1723) and George Shilleto (1746), both of Sharlston, and of George Shilleto of Pontefract (1683); and notes on the division of Shilleto property in 1852. In addition, correspondence between R J Shilleto and G D Lumb of the Thoresby Society, regarding preparation of the article for publication.
MS Box V. 10
Notebooks of Mr Job Hanson, compiled perhaps in the early 1920s or before and donated by him in 1927. Twenty in number, these books contain notes and extracts on historical subjects taken from various unattributed sources. Some is the transcription of material from directories. There are six books on the Beckett family and their bank, three on Leeds companies, five on various topics concerning Armley, five which contain and sort entries from directories, and one listing the Leeds Corps of Volunteers in 1798.
MS Box V. 11
Correspondence etc relating to the essays on Kirkstall Abbey by W H St John Hope and J Bilson printed as Vol XVI of the Thoresy Society's publications. The correspondence concerns editorial issues – rights to illustrations, consistency between the two articles, printing conventions etc. - arising from the preparation of the articles for publication. Much of it is addressed to G D Lumb.
MS Box V. 12
Diaries of Joseph Rogerson, scribbling miller and farmer, 1808-9 and 1811-14. These are the original manuscripts of Rogerson's diaries, which consist of two soft covered exercise books for 1808 and 1809 and a hard bound volume for 1811-14. They were evidently rediscovered by Rogerson in 1844, when he inscribed in the 1808 volume “take as much pains to keep these books as I have to write them”, in the 1809 volume “something after a few more years may perhaps be found instructing or amusing” and more bluntly in the last, “take care of these books”. His injunctions were obeyed, and an edited version of the text was published by W B Crump and Emily Hargrave in PThS vol. XXXII, with extensive introductions to the woollen industry in general and the diaries in particular. The existence of this transcription and commentary makes it unnecessary to say much more here, but in brief, the special interest of the diaries is as a record of business practices at the time and also, perhaps, as a meteorological record (although the diarist's daily readings are not all reproduced in the published edition).
MS Box V. 13
Family notes of Fletcher of Leeds, held within the binding of a 1752 bible from which the text has been removed. The main item is the will of Thomas Fletcher of Methley, 1792. In the front and back covers are notes, mainly referring to births in the family. A brief ms. note of a much later date refers to various Fletcher family documents, none of which are present.
MS Box V. 14
A cardboard folder, 12x9¾in marked “Frank Gott”, containing two sets of material relating to foreign travel and 4 letters re Bischoff House: (1) Letters written from New York in 1842-3 by Leonard Lee describing travels and aspects of American life; (2) Travel notes for an itinerary in Switzerland, Italy and Sicily, written by John Bischoff in 1816; (3) letters from Frances Bischoff to the Thoresby Librarian about the Bischoff family and Bischoff House. All sets of material are in manuscript. Items (1) and (2) were presented, in the folder, by Mrs Frank Gott.
New York letters:
28 Feb, no year (but must be 1842, as it covers some of the same material as in the next letter) from Lee to George Walker of Killingbeck Lodge. Describes voyage from Liverpool during which there was a severe storm, Halifax and its fogs, an encounter with Dickens, bird sightings and Boston, the price of meat, hunting prospects on Long Island, the appearance of New Yorkers, and a meeting with Dr Trudeau, the naturalist.
13 May 1842 from Lee to Captain Bentham, describing snipe shooting mishaps, subsequent ague, a trip from Halifax, Newfoundland to Boston Mass. on which Charles Dickens was present, the New York to Albany steamships on the Hudson river, climate, the rapid spread of settlements and the retreat of both timber and Indians, a meeting with an amateur naturalist named Dr Trudeau, who knew Audubon, the painter of wild life. It is illustrated with pen and ink drawings of the hunting incident, a river Hudson steamship and a Hudson mountainscape (Lee was himself an accomplished artist).
16 Jun 1842 to Geo Walker. Various comments on American character, unsympathetic buildings in the countryside (white painted with red roofs), Lee's palpitations and the dietary regime he was prescribed, meeting Audubon, himself illustrating Trudeau's work on birds' eggs.
14 Jul 1843 to Walker. Describes 3000 mile tour of America, taking in Philadelphia and its museum and artworks, the Allighauny Mountains, Pittsburgh (the “American Birmingham”), Virginia, Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, Niagara, Lake Ontario, the St Lawrence river and Montreal.
The letters are accompanied by a few brief notes on the Lee family passed on in 1916 by a member of the Gott family from his sister-in-law, whose own family were friends of the Lees; another undated letter with further information; and a rough Lee family tree, pencilled on the back of an envelope. It remains unclear which member of the Lee family (there are several Leonards) wrote the 1842-3 letters.
Bischoff notes:
This is a guide to an itinerary through Switzerland, Italy and Sicily, written for an unidentified traveller. It advises on what to see, where to stay, travel and other possible pitfalls, and describes sights. Recommended reading is given at the end.
Personal correspondence re visit of Frances Bischoff in 1974 to the Thoresby Library bringing with her a MS history of the family containing a watercolour of the house. Photo of watercolour now in image box 2 LIE.
[The letters were added in Feb 2012 to the other items which had been presented by Mrs Frank Gott.]
MS Box V. 15
Two unrelated items: a charter confirming the borough status of Doncaster; and a collection of MS documents relating to the landholdings and affairs of the Haxworth family and others mainly in the Darfield area from about 1720 to 1809.
The Charter is a 27 page foolscap document issued by Charles II, apparently confirming the borough status of Doncaster. The document is in a fine formal hand, whether an original or copy is not clear.
The Haxworth collection consists of 21 documents relating to the affairs of the family, relations and other associates. These include the wills of Thomas Kenyon of Darfield (1741) and Christoper Kenyon of Clayton (1720), and memoranda in which three beneficiaries of Thomas Haxworth in 1761 undertake to make payments to Elizabeth Haxworth; the indenture by which Christopher Haxworth apprenticed himself to Samuel Bins of Ardsley as a wheelwright in 1733; the Appraiser's Licence issued to John Kenyon of Darfield in 1809; the terms of a loan by John Sanderson to John Kenyon of Darfield in 7th year of George III; two documents issued in 1811 by a Committee based at the King's Head in Barnsley to assist the valuers who were assessing property for the purpose of new poor relief rates; the terms of an intended Inclosure of the remaining common land in Darfield in 1805, and objections made to it by John Kenyon and others; and several documents relating to the yield and valuation of agricultural land or woodland in the Darfield and wider area, including land occupied by Thomas Haywood at Sheepcoat in Ardsley.
MS Box V. 16
Four items relating to H Denny the earliest from 1830 and the last from 1888 – and thus possibly referring to different people with the same name.
22 Jan 1830. Letter from H Denny – described as curator of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society on a covering paper – to an unidentified correspondent concerning non-payment for books supplied by a Mr Murray. A parcel is to be sent to Mr Baines, which Mr Denny will have to pay for himself unless he hears from his correspondent.
21 Apr 1888. Letter from Henry Denny of The Hall, Leeds to Mr Hogg apparently concerning a list of birds.
19 Jun no year. Letter as above but concerning a complaint about purchase of some specimens.
No date 1843. Printed extract from an unknown publication containing notes by Mr Denny on six new species of parasites.
MS Box V. 17
A clutch of correspondence dating from June-August 1901 arising from requests for information about the old road over Blackstone Edge made by Edmund Wilson of Red Hall and Denison Hall. These enquiries arose from a visit by members of the Thoresby Society to the site, and centred on whether the road was likely to have been of Roman origin. Requests for information were sent to various sources, including local authorities, libraries, canal companies, turnpike managers, antiquarian societies and individuals. The papers, largely manuscript, are held together by a shoelace.
MS Box V. 18
Two unrelated items – formal notice issued 1909 for the governance of Leeds Grammar School; and an article on Grammar Schools by F Stone or Stow of the same year.
The Notice of a scheme for the administration of Leeds Grammar School was published by the Board of Education in London on 27 Jan 1909. Its purpose was to advertise and give the opportunity for objection to proposed amendments to the existing administration scheme dating from 1898. The new scheme would come into force after one calendar month. The amendments cover a wide range of administrative matters, including the recruitment and duties of governors, the recruitment, remuneration and responsibilities of the headmaster and assistant masters, fees, scholarships, maintenance allowances for the indigent and the availability of university exhibitions for pupils. Separate arrangements for the Girls’ school are specified, broadly similar to those for the Boys’, but with some differences - of nomenclature, for example, the Governors of the Girls' School being known as a Committee. The change of name of the Girls' school from “Grammar School for Girls” to Girls' High School is provided for, as is the imminent move from premises on Woodhouse Lane. At the end of the document, a schedule of the school's investments and income is printed, showing quite extensive holdings of shops, workhouses and dwellings in Marsh Lane, The Calls, Call Lane and Concord Street as well as stocks and consols.
The article on “Grammar Schools” is in manuscript on blue paper, and was submitted to the “Journal of Education”. It is not known whether it was published. The article is quite general, looking at the origin of grammar schools, and showing a concern with the extent to which of grammar school education was suitable for all candidates. There is a brief reference to Leeds Grammar School admission books for the 19C, which the author regards as evidence that many boys would have better spent their time at a higher grade Board school.
MS Box V. 19
MS transcript of a lecture on aspects of Leeds history delivered by William Settle to an unknown audience on an unknown date, and possibly not complete.
MS Box V. 20
Ms text and notes of a lecture on Kirkstall Abbey apparently prepared or delivered by Reverend Charles Hargrove in October/November 1895, to an unknown audience. The MS text is on 83 small pages, many already used on the rear for sermons etc.
MS Box V. 21
An original vellum document concerning the rental of the bailiwick of Whitkirk in 1523 and 1654.
The document was gifted by Edward Jones of Scarborough in 1924, and has been printed in PThS Vol XXXIII.
MS Box V. 22
Diaries of Reverend Joseph Swain, incumbent of Beeston, 15 Apr – 31 Dec 1811 and 1 Aug – 3 Dec 1814 and 1804-1831.
This consists of the original diary together with a manuscript transcription of it made by G. E. Kirk and presented to the Society by Canon R.J.Wood in 1974. A 5 page typescript, presumably also by Kirk, provides commentary on the diary and the life of its author.
The original document was bound in 1948, and takes the form of pre-printed diary stationery into which the Reverend's manuscript text is entered, combined with printed text from a London handbook-cum-almanac for the period of the diary. If differences in the quality of the papers are anything to go by, the handbook and the diary were not originally part of the same publication.
The handbook begins by listing all the Public Offices, Inns of Court, places of public diversion, public charities and “other interesting institutions” in and about the City of London and Westminster. It then gives information about yields on consols, the window tax, legal terms, the Lord Mayors and Aldermen of London, a summary of “events remarkable and interesting” and “domestic occurrences” in the last year, notable births, marriages and deaths, and significant recent legislation.
The diary itself has a page for daily appointments and memoranda arising therefrom, and another page for weekly income and expenditure. These have been entered in a rather dense yet faint hand which leaves the reader thankful for Mr Kirk's painstaking transcription.
MS Box V. 23
Transcriptions from tombstones at the baptist Burial Ground in Rawdon.
The typed text was presented by Mr A M Briggs on 26 Feb 1903. The transcription was made because the Baptist chapel on the site had already been demolished, and the tombstones themselves were in decay. The tombs are 18th century.
MS Box V. 24
Four letters relating to the affairs of the Northern Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in 1807-9.
The letters were offered to S. M. Milne of Calverley House, Leeds, by Thomas Toon of Brighton in 1899. Mr Toon's asking price was 12/6d. The letters were written by T. S. Billam – evidently a leading light in the establishment of the Society – to a Mr Casey (name uncertain) of Manchester. The letters are as follows:
17 Mar 1807. A letter about a bounced cheque.
31 Aug 1808. A letter enclosing a printed handbill announcing the formation of the Society and indicating the intention to further its aims by holding an annual exhibition of art. The first exhibition was to be held in April 1809 in Leeds, the venue chosen because of the city's “opulence and the accommodation it affords”. Membership was limited to 60 people at half a guinea a year, with an admission charge of 1 shilling for the general public.
21 May 1809. A letter about pictures.
27 May 1809. A letter confirming receipt of books and an invoice.
MS Box V. 25
Genealogical data about the children and grandchildren of the Reverend Nicholson of Adel (married 1777), the Shapley family of West Riding (16-17C) and the Carter family of Flockton – baptisms, marriages and burials and a family tree (17-18C)
MS Box V. 26
Pedigree of Wheatley of Wakefield/Woolley.
Ms notes on the early descent of this family, mainly summarised from Hunter's ‘Deanery of Doncaster’ Volume II.
MS Box V. 27
Family tree of Thorpe of Hopton from the late 16th century.
MS Box V. 28
Family tree of Robert Leeke of Horbury.
MS Box V. 29
Pedigree of the Thoresby family prepared by the Reverend Edward Cookson of Ipswich on 9 Apr 1894. It is a single large sheet showing the family tree from early medieval times to the late 18C.
MS Box V. 30
Manuscript list of officers on the Leeds Rifles who resigned their commissions between the 1860s and 1880s, with names and dates of resignation, where known. Also a draft list specifying information to be obtained.
MS Box V. 31
A collection of responses made in 1910 to enquiries by Edmund Wilson of Denison Hall mainly about water supply matters, and in particular four wells which had come to light in the East Parade area.
There are no copies of Mr Wilson's own letters, just of replies he had received. He writes to the Town Clerk, and the Waterworks Committee and Engineer, to the developer of a site in the East Parade area, to Pearl Assurance, to a Mr R Humble, who appears to have had some earlier professional connection with water works and a Mr Filliter in London.
Robert Neill, a Manchester developer, sends him a plan indicating the position, size and depth of four wells they have located. Two are perhaps 3-400 years old, the other two more modern. Pearl Assurance tell him that these must have been for private use and probably pre-date any public water supply.
There is an extract from an article about the derivation of the term “pitfall”, which is the location, inter alia, of a water engine, taken to be Sorocold's of 1694. The article refers to another Sorocold project at London Bridge, and this seems to encourage Wilson to write to Mr Filliter asking him to find out what he can about this machine. Mr Filliter seems to say that the London machine was not by Sorocold at all.
Wilson sends information about the wells to E Kitson Clark at the Thoresby Society, but then moves on to ask whether any Society member might be persuaded to research the history of the park that existed between South Parade and the river in 1806. Wilson points out that one of the reasons he encouraged the formation of the Society was so that members could pursue research projects of this kind.
MS Box V. 32
A small collection of invoices and receipts for various local charges from the period 1847 – 1851.
The documents relate variously to Leeds residents Thomas Scholefield, John Beacock, John Walker and John Metcalfe, and are for water rents, property taxes levied under the Property and Income Tax Acts, and a range of municipal imposts including Lamp, Improvement, Special Improvement, Main Sewer, Watch, Highway and Poor rates. These were mostly charged at a rate per pound (usually specified in the invoice) against property value, which was the subject of a separate assessment. The documents include a circular from the water company urging immediate payment on account of the high administrative cost of collection – 8000 properties four times a year – and the “painful position” (presumably financial) in which the company found itself. Customers are enjoined to switch to half-yearly or yearly payment (in advance) to reduce costs. They are also advised to ensure that they get a receipt from the collector and to check that he records the payment in his log book – as a defence against fraud. There is also notice of appeal by one resident against his property tax.
MS Box V. 33
A sermon preached at Haberdasher's Hall on 13 July 1712 on the occasion of the death of the Reverend Richard Stretton who died aged 80 on 3 Jul 1712, by Matthew Henry, with a short account of his life.
This is a typescript copy of the short life, with only a couple of sides of extracts from the sermon. Stretton was a dissenting minister who spent 7 years in Leeds as the first minister of Mill Hill Chapel, and was acquainted with Thoresby, father and son. The typescript was sent by Chas Hargrove to E Kitson Clark under the description of an “instalment towards the story of Mill Hill Chapel”, and with the suggestion that the Thoresby Society might like to publish it. A pencilled note shows that the matter was referred to Thoresby Council, but the outcome is not recorded.
MS Box V. 34
Two unrelated items: (1) The manuscript text of an address (to the Thoresby Society?) by the Reverend C B Northcliffe on the Correction Books of the Archdeanary of York, late 17-18C; (2) A diary of the year 1837 by an unidentified individual.
The diary is in a small notebook without binding or header page, with brief but comprehensive daily entries for the whole year. These almost invariably comment on the weather, and apart from that refer to leisure activities – visits to friends, church attendance, drinks in public houses, holidays. There seems on fairly cursory examination to be no reference to economic activity. At the back of the notebook are listed some marriages and deaths, and there are brief personal accounts, but these seem to peter out after a couple of months. The author appears to live outside Leeds – more careful perusal of the text might suggest where.
MS Box V. 35
Public documents and letters relating to the setting up of the Leeds Waterworks, and the controversy associated with it, 1834-38.
This is a collection of printed documents and letters relating to the debate about how best to improve the Leeds water supply. The documents deal mainly with alternative methods of financing the improvement, but also include material about the relative technical merits of alternative schemes. The political background and general context of this debate were dealt with by Derek Frazer in his article “The Politics of Leeds Water” (PThS Vol LIII Miscellany, 1971-3), which should certainly be read in conjunction with any perusal of the documents in the Society's collection. The Society does not hold all the documents referred to by Frazer, but in the list that follows in date order, documents are referenced to the footnote in his article if the document is one cited there. Note that the Library references given by Frazer are now superseded (documents are no longer at shelf 22B, but in the present manuscript box).
(1) 30 Dec 1834. “A brief review of the plans of the several engineers for better supplying the town of Leeds with water”, by J Chiesman of Leeds. [Frazer footnote 8]. A small pamphlet bound roughly in a soft grey cover. The Improvement Commissioners had invited tenders for the project and a number of proposals had been submitted, from which that of Mr Abraham had already been selected for further development. Mr Chiesman seems himself to have been one of the Commissioners, and the object of his pamphlet was to provide a synopsis of the main counter proposals in plain language for the benefit of the public, but specifically to discredit the rejected plans of Mr Fowler. These plans were ostensibly cheaper than Mr Abraham's, but Mr Chiesman was convinced that their true costs had been significantly under estimated. The pamphlet includes plans and sections of both Mr Abraham's and Mr Fowler's suggested schemes.
(2) 23 Sep 1835 [Frazer, 12]. “Leeds Water Works”, a formal statement published by the Improvement Commissioners (IC) setting out the proposals of Mr Abraham and Mr Mylne for providing a water supply from Eccup and Alwoodley; their recommendations on an auxiliary scheme to provide additional supply from White (now Wyke) beck in Killingbeck; and the IC's view that both schemes should be proceeded with. The cost of Mr Abraham's scheme for Eccup had now risen to £37000 (from £30500), while the additional White Beck works would cost £16000. Neither estimate included any sum for pipework from the service reservoirs to dwellings, or professional fees, contingencies etc . The ICs put a provisional figure of £19000 on these extra costs, bringing the total estimated cost of the schemes to £72000. The Commissioners recommended the combined scheme for public approval.
(3) 19 Sep 1835 [Frazer, 13]. “Leeds Water Works”, article from Leeds Intelligencer in favour of the rejected proposal of Mr Fowler. Fowler's supporters had commissioned a Wakefield engineer, Mr Brown, to appraise the alternative schemes, and his report came down firmly in favour of the Fowler plan. He claimed that Abraham's reservoir at Eccup was not big enough and could not be expanded on the site chosen – whereas this could be done at Fowler's site. Fowler was also said to achieve a better rate of fall than Abraham, and his scheme was still said to be cheaper, although no actual revised costings were given (the scheme's appraised were slight variations on those considered in Chiesman's pamphlet).
(4) 24 Sep 1835 [Frazer, 9]. “Leeds Water Works”, address by Abraham to the inhabitants of Leeds in response to Brown's review. Abraham lists sections of Brown's text with rebuttal alongside. He disputes the claims about reservoir capacity and fall, and complains of the absence of any costing.
(5) 2 November 1835 [probably Frazer, 20]. “Leeds Water Works”, a prospectus for a Joint Stock Company to fund the works issued by Nicholson & Barr of 1 Park Row on behalf of supporters. In this document, the focus switches from technical to financial controversy. The Vestry had proposed to raise a loan to finance the works, which would be managed by a combination of public representatives and private investors – but this strategy was rejected in favour of a Joint Stock Company. The prospectus proposed to set up a JSC with capital not exceeding £75000, shares of £50 each with a maximum holding of five, and a return of no more than 6%. The JSC could accumulate up to one-fifth of the share capital as a contingency fund for maintenance etc. It was proposed to set up a committee of leading share-holders to agree the scheme design and obtain parliamentary approval. A list of early subscribers was appended.
(6) Undated, but apparently late 1836 (see item 11 below). “Leeds Water Works”, meeting chaired by Richard Bramley. A further attack on the proposal to finance the works by a charge on the rate-payers, on the grounds that it gave the managers potentially unlimited power to raise money under the guise of a water rate, without binding them to use the funds for that purpose. The rate-payers would have no control over the managers, and the charge would be unfair to those who did not need a water supply or already had one. A Joint Stock Company with limits on profits would be more equitable, since it would be financed purely by the users of the water. A revised prospectus was proposed, this time with capital limited to £50000, with shares of £25 each and 6% yield, but powers to increase the share capital if needed. The JSC would operate for 20 years, but then the Council would be able to buy out the company and eventually take over the management of the works. A list of subscribers is appended.
(7) Undated, but probably Frazer, 32, so November 1836. Leeds Joint Stock Water Works Company, an updated list of subscribers on customised stationery. Names, occupations, shares and values are listed.
(8) 29 Aug 1836 [Frazer, 21]. Proposed New Water Works, report of a Council Committee set up to consider the propriety of the Council taking up the question of water supply. A preamble indicates that only the Improvement Commissioners have the legal power to initiate action, so the Council can only offer an opinion – which follows. Basically, three methods of funding the works had been considered – via a loan raised by the Improvement Commissioners and secured by a water rate, the whole project to be managed by the Commissioners; a variant of this, with joint management by Commissioners and representatives of those putting up the capital; or a Joint Stock Company. None of these schemes had progressed, in the Committee's opinion because of lack of confidence in those in whom the work was to be vested; a fundamental disagreement between those who objected to securing the capital against a water rate, and those who felt that a JSC should not be given a monopoly over “a necessity of life”; and uncertainty about the security of the capital to be raised, since it would be some time before the scheme generated revenue. The Committee's view was that objections to the JSC were too widespread for this to be acceptable. The loan approach was favoured on the grounds that since the purpose of the scheme was to provide extensive public benefits, it was right that it should be secured against public funds. It followed that the scheme should also be publicly managed.
(9) 24 Oct 1836 [Frazer, 24]. Projected Leeds Water Works, a notice arguing the merits of the united committee's financial plan, which is alleged to save £20000 – 30000 compared to the Joint Stock Company alternative. It asserts that there are substantial grounds for thinking that the contingent water rate would not be needed at all. The text is annotated in pencil by an unidentified supporter of the “real voluntary principle man”, who puts the counter arguments even more pungently. Frazer reproduces the annotations on page 37 of his article.
(10) 29 Oct 1836 [Frazer, 25]. Intended Leeds Water Works, letter to the editor of the Leeds Intelligencer from “A real voluntary principle man”. The writer objects to the idea of securing the capital raised to finance the works against the rates – a tax on the few for the benefit of the many, without any certain limit on its duration, control over its disbursement or any certainty of repayment.
(11) 16 Nov 1836 [Frazer, 28] “Leeds Water Works - Proposal to establish a Joint Stock Company...” A restatement of the recommendation of the United Committee of Justices, Town Council and Improvement Commissioners on 17 Oct that the new water supply would be best secured by means of a Joint Stock Company, rather than being financed and managed by the Town Council. The JSC would raise the capital finance and operate the works for 20 years, at a return of 6%, funded by a water rate levied only on customers of the water company. After 20 years, the Council would have the option of buying out the company at the original cost price. The Company would be accountable to its shareholders and would publish annual accounts. The alternative – for the Council to borrow capital at 5% and then run the works itself – would be less efficient because of managerial discontinuity likely to result from changes in political control. It would also be inequitable because of the proposed right to impose a general rate on all property in the town whether or not served by the works, in order to supplement the water rates or contribute to a general fund for use in other municipal projects. A prospectus is attached, which is stated to be largely a repetition of item 6, which must therefore date to late 1836.
(12) 17 Nov 1836 [Frazer, 27]. Manuscript copy of a circular letter from Atkinson, Dibbs, Bolland and J Blackburn solicitors inviting the recipient to a meeting on 19 November to consider how best to oppose the proposal for a Council funded and run scheme. This particular copy went to Mr Hargreaves of Woodhouse Lane.
(13) 19 Nov 1836 [Frazer, 27]. Printed copy of a second circular letter from the same source advising of a further meeting to be held on 21 November.
(14) 29 Nov 1836. Manuscript circular from the same source enclosing a list of shareholders (not apparently present) and exhorting the recipient to try to recruit more.
(15) 29 May 1837. “Leeds new Water-works Company”. A printed invoice letter from the company to a shareholder, requesting payment for shares allocated.
(16) 15 Oct1837. Manuscript letter from Nicholas Brown, son of the engineer of the same name, responding to a request from an unidentified correspondent for information about the professional cv of Brown senior. The writer refers to his father's leading role in the design of waterworks for Manchester, Huddersfield, Bolton, Ashton and Dukinfield, and of the Huddersfield canal, especially the Stanedge tunnel. Since this experience is quoted in the anonymous letter to shareholders dated 14 February 1838 (item 18 below), it seems clear that this individual was the correspondent to whom Brown junior was replying.
(17) 31 Jan 1838 [Frazer, 45]. “Leeds new Water-works”. Printed handbill from a shareholder to his fellow shareholders arguing for the reinstatement of Mr Fowler as Assistant Engineer to the scheme. As explained by Frazer, the Company had decided in August 1837 to appoint George Leather as engineer to the project, dispensing with the services of Fowler, who had certainly been instrumental in earlier stages of the scheme's design and promotion. A substantial body of opinion evidently felt Fowler's abandonment to be unjust, and the anonymous shareholder claimed the support of 199 of his colleagues for Mr Fowler's cause. The arguments advanced were of a general nature, touching on Fowler's heavy investment of time and money in developing the proposal, its endorsement by peer engineers, including Brown and Leather himself, and Leather's exorbitant charges, especially considering his inexperience in waterworks.
(18) 14 Feb 1838 [Frazer, 45]. “Leeds new waterworks – letter to shareholders” A second anonymous letter, probably from a different shareholder, also arguing for the reinstatement of Fowler. This lists 9 points contrasting the pros and cons of re-introducing Fowler or sticking with Leather. Unlike those of the previous shareholder, many of these points are of a technical/economic nature. They include points about the precise siting of the Eccup reservoir, the specification of tunnelling, the dimensions of the mains pipe from Weetwood to Woodhouse, and the need to replace the town's existing service reservoir and mains pipes. The writer claims a substantial saving of nearly £32000 on the capital cost if Mr Fowler's proposals were to be followed, which translates into an annual saving of £1890 p.a. on interest charges.
(19) 19 Mar 1838 [Frazer, 47] “Statement of facts in reply to two anonymous letters addressed to the shareholders of the new Leeds waterworks”, by John W Leather. This is a 24 page pamphlet, a strongly worded defence of Leather by his son against the “false and calumnious” claims of the two anonymous shareholders. It prints the principal claims of the critics and follows each with a detailed rebuttal.
(20) 22 Mar 1838 [Frazer, 46] “To the shareholders in the Leeds Water-works”. This is a further communication from the author of the 14th February letter urging shareholders to support Fowler's reinstatement at the special meeting of the company the following Monday. It repeats the alleged financial benefits of Fowler's scheme and aims a side-swipe at the “Mercury” for describing the 199 supporters of the Fowler motion as a cabal. The Company directors are also criticised for being insufficiently open.
(21) 23 Mar 1838 [Frazer, 46] “Leeds new waterworks”. Another letter from the same writer, claimed to be drafted at the eleventh hour in the absence of any reply from Leather to the original letter (the writer had evidently not seen Leather's detailed rebuttal dated 19 March). The letter refers to statements made by Leather at a meeting of the Director's on the preceding Monday, dealing mainly with technical differences – the site and design of the reservoir, the tunnel, the conduit and pipe dimensions.
(22) 23 Mar 1838 [Frazer, 48] “Reply to a few plain but important statements on the subject of a scheme for supplying Leeds with pure water by Henry R. Abraham of London”, by John W. Leather. Another pamphlet responding to a recent paper by Abraham (who had briefly been engineering front runner in 1834) casting doubt on the capacity of the present scheme. Much of Leather's reply was devoted to showing that the capacity of the present scheme was in fact no less than the one promoted by Abraham himself four years ago, and to rather brutally exposing elementary errors in Abraham's calculations. The pamphlet ranges over matters such as the size and average per capita consumption of the catchment population, the water yield of the Eccup springs and rainfall (including the contribution of dew), and the off-setting effects on yield of evaporation, filtration and irrigation.
(23) Undated, but presumably 1840s or later. “Leeds Water Works – Private Dwelling houses – Scale of charges and other regulations” Tariff of water rates related to the rental value of property, with the rate split between Company and Parliamentary charges. There are additional charges for WCs, stabling, washing of carriages and on site cattle. Conditions of supply specify, inter alia, that the householder is responsible for providing pipework from the mains into his property, to standards specified by the company. The supply is to run to a cistern fitted with a ball-cock. It is recommended that the company's installation service be used, but if a householder wished to use his own plumber, the contractor must be approved and his work inspected by the company.
MS Box VI. 1
A wooden box containing a collection of materials pertaining to the history of the Arthington family. Neither the identity of the collector, nor the period over which the collection was gathered, is readily apparent.
The collection consists of six bound volumes and a large quantity of loose sheets etc., the great bulk of it manuscript. Dealing with the bound volumes first, there are:
1. Two foolscap volumes in French navy which consist largely of citations from medieval and early modern records of references to the Arthington family name, mostly pasted into the volumes. Frequently these citations simply give the gist of the instances, but some are transcriptions or translations of the full text. References are given, but whether these are sufficient to track down the originals is not clear. There are a few certified copies of documents from a York archive, and some pedigrees. Towards the rear of one volume appears a list of wills and administrations relating to Arthingtons 1389-1795; full references to the source indexes are given.
2. Two smaller volumes bound in reddish brown containing similar material. There are some newspaper cuttings also, and correspondence arising from the quest for references.
3. Two very small child's books in marbled covers, one consisting of woodcuts illustrative of scriptural history (the property of Robert Arthington in 1797), the other entitled “The Teaching Parrot for Little Children”, which appears to be a reading instruction and story book. It is dated 1798.
The loose material is very miscellaneous, but can perhaps be summarised as follows:
1. Various certificates of vital events, the relevance of which to the Arthington family is not often apparent.
2. An original indenture referring to a mortgage between John Lees and Edward Bellamy, both of Worksop, in 1718.
3. Two pedigrees of Arthington of Leeds, Quakers, one very faded, the other more legible.
4. An envelope containing three very fragile and moth-eaten letters, two virtually illegible, the other dated 1614, addressed to “Friend” and possibly signed John Arthington.
5. A record of questions asked by Mrs Arthington of Doctor Jephson in 1845, concerning diet, exercise and medical problems, and his answers.
6. Copies of various documents, of which the most substantial are extracts from the Dodsworth Mss in the Bodleian “In Cartis Henrici Arthington de Arthington, Armigeri”.
7. Several certified copies of mss from the Public Record Office concerning the wapentake of Staneclyfe or Staneclyfe and Yewcross. Staneclyfe is very roughly equivalent to the modern District of Craven. The copies are:
8. Lay Subsidies Exchequer King's Remembrancer York West Riding No 206/116 14 & 15 Henry VIII
9. Subsidy Rolls Lay Miscellanea Exchequer Queen's Remembrancer York West Riding nos 206/116 and 207/188
10. Lay Subsidies Exchequer Queen's Remembrancer Ancient Miscellanea York West Riding James I 209/308 (two copies)
11. Subsidy Rolls Lay Miscellanea Exchequer Queen's Remembrancer York West Riding No 208/275
12. Subsidy Roll Lay Miscellanea Exchequer Queen's Remembrancer York West Riding No 207/183
MS Box VI. 2(a) and (b)
Two letters patent granted to Leeds inventors in 6 George IV. The documents are large certificates bearing a representation of His Majesty and other decoration, with a large seal – diameter perhaps 15cm - stitched on. The seals are contained in metal boxes and the whole is housed in two stiff card boxes.
(a) The first patent is dated 5 Mar, and in it the king grants “our royal letters patent under the great seal of the United Kingdom” to William Hirst and John Wood of Leeds to allow them the “sole use, benefit and advantage” of the improvements in cleaning, milling or fulling cloth that they have recently made, for the next 14 years.
(b) The second patent dated 16 Jul of the same year is to the same William Hirst with this time Joseph Carter, and gives them the same exclusive rights to “the apparatus for giving new motion to mules and bellies” that they have invented.
Neither document gives any details of the inventions thereby protected. It appears that patent holders had 6 months in which to submit specifications of their inventions to the Court of Chancery – if they failed to do so, the patent lapsed. They also seem to have had limited rights to sell or otherwise dispose of the secrets of their invention to up to five other persons without infringing the patent.
Ms Box VI. 3
Expression of thanks and appreciation to Walter Farquhar Hook in recognition of his work and achievements in Leeds, presented on behalf of the city on his departure from the parish in 1859. This is a presentation volume, hand-written and decorated, but in fact a copy of the original that had been presented to Peter Fairbairn, mayor of Leeds, who had organised the farewell proceedings. Hook was also given a cheque for £2000.
Ms Box VI. 4
15C rentals of Barwick translated from the “Coppie of the Coucher” in the Parlington MS by W T Lancaster. This is Lancaster's MS text which was printed in PThS Vol 28.
Ms Box VI. 5
Collection of early 19C itemised invoices from Inns in Yorkshire pasted into a bound volume. Some of the bills are illustrated.
MS Box VI. 6
Miscellaneous papers mainly 1832-56 formerly belonging to the Nussey family of Leeds, presented by F L Nussey in 1951. This is a large parcel of family and household documents of a very heterogeneous character, presumably handed down by generations of Nusseys. The collection seems still to be in the bundles into which it was divided in the family archive. The contents are outlined roughly below.
Clutch of papers tied together with a label “vouchers checked by ? commissioners(?) Dec 4/40”. There are three separate bundles, each folded several times. One appears to be correspondence mainly concerning a tradesman dispute in 1838-9, which appears to have been quite heated. A second set dates from 1840 and is mainly to do with solicitor's and other bills arising from the bankruptcy proceedings of Mr William Smith, for which George Nussey junior was an assignee, along with Mr & Mrs Lister. Included are two letters franked 30 Oct and 6 Nov 1840 with Penny Black stamps. These are early specimens of the world's first postage stamp, which was introduced on 1 May 1840. Unfortunately, one of the letters has been folded vertically across the stamp.
The third set consists of two groups of documents. The first is a collection of invoices for work done in 1843-4 on property at Sandford Street owned by George Nussey & Son. The work seems to have involved re-roofing, re-flagging and the erection of a storage shed and the raising of a wall. There are bills for laying foundation stones, for the re-roofing (three estimates also), paving, timber, labour, glazing, the shed erection, as well as legal and solicitor's accounts. The other documents are three drafts of an agreement to reorganise the ownership of various family businesses, made between George, Joseph and Benjamin Nussey in 1855. George and Joseph agree to sell to Benjamin some partly mortgaged premises at Kirkstall Road (including a mill or dyehouse under construction), and what appears to be a domestic property at Preston Place. The values seem to be £3003 and £630 respectively. In addition, Benjamin and Joseph sell to George industrial buildings and land in Lincolnshire, valued at £3000. Also, Benjamin sells to George and Joseph his one-third share in dyeing mills at Little Neville Street, the whole enterprise worth £5913. Although retiring from the family business (whether Little Neville Street is meant is not clear), Benjamin agrees to leave certain capital in it for seven years, in return for 4% interest and an immediate payment of £500.
Another batch of folded papers from the mid-late 1830s, consisting mainly of property rental agreements, in some of which George Nussey is acting as agent:
1. Three versions of a tenancy agreement between George Nussey and William Firth, gentleman, under which the latter takes out a 5 year lease on a house and coach house in York Place, Leeds for £57 p.a. The documents are dated August and September 1836. In one version, Nussey is described as an agent, for an un-named third party.
2. Short notes dated 7 and 10 Oct 1836 of an agreement by which Samuel Leathley agrees to rent to John Jackson a house and coach house at York Place for £60 for two years from 1 Nov 1836. This may have been No 11 York Place, referred to in the next item.
3. Agreement under which George Nussey, dyer and drysalter, agrees to lease to Richard Harrison, timber merchant, No 11 York Place, which is currently occupied by the corn merchant, John Jackson, dated 30 Jan 1838. Unless extended, the lease was to last until 1 Nov 1841. A letter from Mr Harrison giving notice of intention to quit on 1 Nov 1843 indicates that an extension had been agreed.
4. Note dated 14 Feb 1838 by Samuel Leathley confirming that 6 dozen bottles of 1830 port wine in Mr Leathley's cellar are the property of George Nussey.
5. Printed catalogue of the “valuable stock-in-trade” of Mr Phineas Abrahams, a bankrupt jeweller and silversmith, to be auctioned at the Music Hall in Leeds on six successive days 22-27 Jun 1835. About 130 lots were to be sold on each day, and the catalogue is partly annotated presumably with the successful bids and with doodles apparently by George Nussey. A separate note lists items to the value of £14/3s/11d which were probably purchased by Mr Nussey.
6. Agreement between Messrs Leathley's trustees – represented by George Nussey the younger – and William Watmough, a shopkeeper of Churwell, under which Mr Watmough rents a barn and four fields totalling 10 acres for £33 p.a. The properties were formerly occupied by James Scarth. One field is arable and three are pasture, and they are to remain in this use except if agreed otherwise. Coal mining rights which affect some of the land are to be honoured. Dated 24 Mar 1835.
7. Valuation of dilapidations owing by Mr Scarth, the former occupant of this property, of the same date. Inside, a note of payments made by Mr Scarth in 1832 and of payments for ploughing and manuring made by Mr Watmough on taking up the lease.
8. Agreement between the trustees of Mrs Hannah Dixon of Cardigan Place, Armley cum Headingley (sic) and George Nussey, under which the latter rents premises at 10 Wellington Street for £37 p.a., less deductions for chimney repairs, which are noted in the agreement. Dated 26 September 1836, the 5-year lease to begin on 1 Dec. Inside, about 20 receipts for rents paid.
A large bundle of envelopes and notebooks, all tied together. The contents are as follows:
Blue envelope marked “Smoke Papers”. The Leeds Improvement Act Amendments Bill of 1856 contained clauses intended to regulate the construction of fireplaces and chimneys and the production of smoke. The dyeing community of Leeds regarded this as a threat to their businesses and a campaign was mounted to oppose the clauses. This envelope contains materials related to this campaign.
The main item is a note of what appears to have been the inaugural meeting of the campaign held in the Bull and Mouth Commercial & Family Hotel, Briggate on 15 Apr 1856. Referring to the Improvement Bill, the assembled dyers resolved that “the powers to be confirmed by the proposed clauses appear to this meeting to be very arbitrary and particularly objectionable as regards those engaged in the dyeing business inasmuch as the exemption on their behalf already sanctioned by the legislation is by the proposed Act sought to be rejected”. They resolved to do all in their power to “procure the omission or some modification” of the objectionable clauses, and for this purpose a committee composed of Henry Holdroyd, James Rettiff, William Chadwick, John Croydale, George Nussey and Henry Dixon was formed. In addition, money was raised to finance the opposition; 27 persons listed in the note pledged £660 to the fighting fund.
The rest of the material consists largely of administrative by-products of the campaign, such as letters referring to additional donations (many passed on by Mr Chadwick); bills from establishments where meetings were held to further the aims of the opposition; reckonings of the campaign's funds; lists of promised subscriptions to be chased up; invoices of Nelson & Bulmer, the solicitors employed to prosecute the objectors' case (including appearances in parliament).
There is nothing on the substance of the dyers' case, but presumably this is to be found in records of the representations made to parliament.
1856-7 – more letters about donations, hospitality bills, and a bill from the printer G. Cullingworth for campaign literature, stationery etc.
A green-bound cash book labelled “William Smith's Estate 1840”, for which George Nussey and Mr & Mrs Lister were assignees. An index identifies three items in the book. On page 1 there is a cash account, apparently of the costs of administering the estate. Page 28 was to have held details of “proceeds of sales”, but in fact the page is blank, and a note alongside the index entry says “see Lumbs sale acct”, where the details are presumably to be found. Page 32 is a bank account record which looks as if it might refer to creditor payments.
A small black leather-bound cashbook with a fabric tie, labelled George Nussey junior inside. This is a double entry record of income and expenditure 1839-1841, but it does not appear to be a continuous one. There seem to be stocktakings, made in October 1839 and May 1840, and then records of transactions by George Nussey senior on going to Harrogate in August 1840, Scarborough in September 1840 and Askern in May 1841. The sums involved are quite large – for instance, the Askern trip generated transactions totalling over £2700. The transaction entries relate to named individuals or simple “bills” and do not generally describe their purpose.
A small black notebook held in a case. The notebook only has four leaves of stiff card, on which are pencilled memoranda, some crossed through and all faint, concerning mainly financial transactions in 1829-31.
A small paper-wrapped package marked “Cost of York Place Estate and a plan of an estate at Far Bank”. Inside is a hand-stitched paper booklet marked “Cost of York Place Estate 1835”. This contains information about land acquisition and development costs of land at York Place that was later let out to Messrs Jackson and Firth (see above). The land in question seems to have been 1126 square yards “including the whole of the front street, half of Charlotte Street and the Back Lane”, on which it would appear that George Nussey had erected two dwelling houses. The book is indexed at the front to the accounts of tradesmen employed in the task, and on page 5 there is a summary of the aggregate cost of the whole project, broken down by tradesman and activity (land and conveyance, architect, joiner, bricklayer etc.). The total cost was £3189 odd. The summary also includes an assignment of the value of the development to the tenants (Jackson and Firth). In this, £900 is identified separately as one third of Mrs Leathley's house, which is then assigned in three equal shares to the two tenants and to Mr Samuel Leathley.
There is also the text of an estimate for the cost of digging and walling. Of the plan of the estate at Far Bank, there is no sign.
Multi-coloured marbled notebook, loosely tied with some letters. The letters make it clear that this material is to do with the election of Charles Chadwick to a vacant post at the Leeds General Infirmary. Chadwick had been an unsuccessful candidate in 1839, but in 1843 another vacancy arose, and he set about canvassing to obtain the post. An undated typescript circular from him to the trustees of the LGI announces his candidature, and an undated letter to George Nussey solicits his support. A letter dated 24 Jun 1843 asks Nussey to attend a meeting of Chadwick's (election?) committee. Chadwick was successful this time, and on 22 Jul 1843 he writes to ask Nussey to witness his election.
With this context, it is apparent that the notebook is some sort of canvassing record. It is labelled “Bishopgate Street, Wellington Street and King Street” and in pencil below, “Doctor Chadwick – Leeds General Infirmary July 1842” (sic). Inside, are listed names under each street – fellow dyers as well as notables like Peter Fairbairn, Edward Baines, J.W. Leather. Presumably these are people eligible to vote. The right hand side of each page is rules into three columns as if for £ s d though not so labelled, and the figure “1” sometimes appears in the “£” column. This may be a donation to an election fund, or simply an indication of support for Chadwick's candidacy. The latter is the more likely, a conclusion supported by the appearance on the opposite page of occasional notes reporting the likely voting inclinations of the individual. There is also a letter from James Reffitt to Nussey reporting that he has enlisted the support of Mr Denison.
Small grey-bound notebook labelled “Leeds Smoke Committee Folio 63-70”. This is a record of the Committee's funds with Brown & Co, presumably their bankers.
Brown paper packet marked “House of Lords Smoke Cause 1856” and under this, “1859 9 April Balance received per Robt Addyman for Mr Chadwick, Treasurer”. Inside is a dark blue cashbook which contains Mr Chadwick's own record of the Committee's funds, from May 1856. The campaign took in and spent around £1300, save for a surplus of £28 which was passed to Mr Chadwick by Mr Addyman on the date already mentioned.
Black embossed notebook with a brass clasp. Within are pencilled memoranda from the late 1820s to the 1850s, many crossed through with multiple lines. Quite a few of these seem to refer to prices paid for shipments of indigo, but there is also an expense account for a trip to London to oppose clause 260 in the 1842 Improvement Bill (which optimistically called on industrialists to “consume” the smoke generated by their processes), and some travel notes in 1847.
A brown envelope with a George VI stamp addressed to Miss Nussey. This mainly holds a collection of formal documents arising from 19C local government procedures – especially demands and receipts for various local taxes and charges. In addition, there are a couple of expense accounts and an invoice for property repairs.
Dealing with the local government material first, this consists of the following documents:
1. Local militia enquiry form for the Mill Hill division of Leeds dated 9 Dec 1819. This required the householder to list any men aged 18-45 resident in their property, with a view to identifying those bound to serve in the local militia. Exemption criteria are specified, and a specimen return is included. There are fines for non-response, and provision for appeal.
2. Notice from the Leeds Workhouse to George Nussey, 23 Jan 1832, informing him that John Whitfield, a boy aged 9 years and 4 months, had been appointed to serve as an apprentice in Nussey's works.
3. A receipt for £10 dated 25 Jan 1832, the penalty paid by Nussey for refusing to take the assigned parish apprentice.
4. A property and income tax receipt for Richard Harrison of York Place, 1 Mar 1843.
5. Several demands for Soke Rate (raised to buy out the monopoly rights of the manorial corn mill owners), addresses to Nussey and Harrison 1840-3
6. Highway rate demands to Nussey, 1832-43
7. Demands variously for Lamp Rate, Middle Row Rate, Improvement Rate, for a similar period
8. Demands and receipts for Poor, Watch and Courthouse Rates
9. Notice of arrears on assessed window tax, to George Nussey 20 Jul 1841.
10. Various receipts for commuted tithes, income tax and inhabited house tax from 1870s and 1880s.
11. Two formal notices for 1842 and 1843 appointing George Nussey as a Special Constable.
12. A formal printed notice now torn in half, headed “Instructions etc...” for the organisation of special constables. It provides for companies of 12 men under a sergeant to be ready to assemble at the appointed place on an agreed signal. “The wards will be enabled thus to protect any mill, steam engine and other persons in their District”. The notice is undated, but perhaps relates to the Luddite era.
The invoice for property repairs is from the contractor James Andrews, who had investigated whether damage recently caused to buildings in Churwell (which he had also repaired) could be related to recent mining activity. Mr Andrews concluded that it was impossible to separate the effects of recent activity from those of long-term mining. The bill, dated 21 Jan 1841, was to the executors of Mr Leathley.
The final two documents are accounts from Nussey's solicitors, Nelson, Bulmer & Nelson, for legal work done in the early 1860s. Both accounts are dated 26 May 1865, and cover the periods January 1860 – June 1862 and June 1863 – October 1864, so were paid well in arrears. They cover, inter alia, a dispute about lighting with Hirst & Co, that appears to have affected Nussey's property at School Close; a lease on the dyehouse at Little Neville Street to Henry Fawcett; Messrs Upton & Clapham's lease on property at York Place; a York Place mortgage; purchases – actual or potential – of property on Wellington Street and at an unspecified location from Mr Greenwood; the will of Thomas Kirkby; and the liability of his son related to shares held by Mrs Nussey in the Leeds Banking Co.
The final package in this Box is a collection of Fire Insurance policy documents and receipts for insurances taken out by the Nusseys in the period 1828 to the 1870s. Most of these policies relate to insurance on the Little Neville Street mill complex, but there are also policies for domestic property at York Place, warehouses at Bishopgate Street and one each for commercial premises at Sandford Street and West Bar. The policies were taken out with the Leeds & Yorkshire Assurance Co, Royal Exchange Insurance, the Liverpool & London & Globe Fire Insurance Co (which appears to have taken over the Leeds & Yorkshire in the late 1860s) and the Sun Fire Office. All the policies are to cover loss or damage by fire.
In the case of commercial buildings, the policies do not usually cover the site as a whole, but are broken up into separate insured sums for specified buildings within the site. Plans of the site were necessary to render the policies comprehensible, and these were generally held in the insurance company offices. Exceptionally, a copy of the plan for the Sandford Road site is included with the policy documents. Statements of coverage were subject to endorsement to reflect changes in the structure or use of buildings, and additional insurance had to be taken out if new accommodation was provided. It is conceivable that different parts of a site could have been insured by different companies.
Insurance was normally renewed annually, but insurance at York Place was for some time provided in seven-year periods. The documents specify the sum for which each component building was insured and the overall premium. There are quite detailed descriptions of the buildings being insured and in the case of contents, of the range of goods likely to be on the premises. Detailed explanation of coverage and definitions of terms etc are given as part of the document. Some of the documents also contain tables of life insurance rates per £100, at single ages, for individuals and couples, and over terms of 1 year, 7 years or life.
The policies in the collection are listed below by site, company and date of the initial policy document.
Little Neville Street or School Close
Leeds & Yorkshire – 30 Jan 1828, 29 Sep 1830, 11 Jan 1832, 17 Dec 1834, 9 Jun 1847, 23 Feb 1848, 19 Jul 1848 (2).
Sun Fire – 14 Oct 1856 (2),
Liverpool & London – 15 Jan 1867
York Place
Leeds & Yorkshire – 7 Dec 1836, 6 Oct 1857
Royal Exchange – 21 Feb 1860
Liverpool & London – 15 Oct 1864
Bishopgate Street
Leeds & Yorkshire – 7 Sep 1842, 23 Feb 1848
Sandford Road
Royal Exchange – 8 Apr 1842
West Bar
Royal Exchange – 3 Jul 1840
Unidentified site
Leeds & Yorkshire – 10 Mar 1837
Ms Box VI. 7
Cobbler's cashbook from 1811. The cashbook was found in the under-drawing of a ceiling in the Brunswick Hotel, Camp Road, Leeds in 1933, and is believed to have belonged to a member of the Kitson family. At the front is an alphabetical listing of customers which cross references to the numbered page in the book where their accounts are to be found. On the left hand side of each accounts page are itemised the orders executed or goods supplied, while on the right there is a record of payments received.
Ms Box VI. 8
Crown Point Dye Works, East Street Leeds – ‘The Story of a Family Business’, by Herbert Waddington, 1952. This is a short pamphlet by the last owner/manager of the works, outlining its history from the early 19C to its closure in 1947. The original owners were the Brayshaw family from whom the Waddingtons purchased it in 1869. Includes maps of the works pre and post 1881 and references to various company records which are now held by Leeds University.
Ms Box VI. 9
Crown Point Dye Works, East Street Leeds – an expanded and revised history, printed in 1953. This is a substantial expansion of item 8, which gives much fuller treatment not only to the history of the works but also to the wider historical context. Missing from box
Ms Box VI. 10
Collection of 19C bill headings etc for companies mainly in Leeds and Yorkshire, pasted into a bound volume. There are about 24 pages of bills with engravings of premises, a smaller number of headings without engravings, a large number of company cards and some memorandum stationery. Missing from Box, could looks to be with MS Box VI 13
Ms Box VI. 11
Typed schedule of Lords of the Manor of Leeds 1629-1938, prepared by Mr Dell for a lecture given in 1958. Nine lords held office at any one time.
Ms Box VI. 12
Typed information sheet on the New Folk Gallery and Street at the Abbey House Museum opened in 1956 by HRH the Princess Royal. It describes the content of the new galleries and the source of the display items.
Ms Box VI. 13
A collection of 19C company bills and bill headings, largely from Leeds. Many of the headings are engraved with fine lithographs of the company premises or their products. A list of these – too lengthy to be reproduced here – is given. There are also some receipts from Fire Insurance companies, the Leeds Waterworks and Leeds Gas & Light Companies, and one from the Leeds Infirmary.
MS Box VII. 1
Records of church plate in churches of Leeds and neighbourhood. These are inventories of the church plate in churches visited by J Sprittles between 1941 and 1956. There are 18 typed documents, one for each church, itemising the artefacts, and giving notes on appearance, decoration, size, date, maker, hallmarks etc. The churches surveyed are: Holy Trinity, St John's, All Souls and the parish church in Leeds; St Mary, Whitkirk; St Michael, Headingley; St Matthew, Holbeck; St Mary, Hunslet; St Mary, Beeston; St Peter, Bramley; St Matthew, Chapel Allerton; St John, Adel; St Michael, Farnley; St James, Manston; St Oswald, Guiseley; Methley church; and the Church of Ascension, Seacroft. Some photographs of the St John's, Leeds plate are included.
MS Box VII. 2
Memento of the Golden Wedding of Hugh Myddleton and Annette Butler, 19 Apr 1931. With his two brothers, Mr Butler was owner and manager of Kirkstall Forge from 1879. The item consists of golden wedding celebration and other material in a presentation folder. It begins with a loyal address from a Forge employee and Mr Butler's formal response, which includes a few remarks about the recent fortunes of the Forge. Then there are records of Mr Butler's presentation of a baptistery (sic) to St Stephen's Church, Kirkstall to mark the occasion, followed by obituary notices for Mrs Butler who died the following year. There is then material on the construction and consecration of the Arts and Crafts church of St Mary at Hawksworth Wood, which received generous funding from Mr Butler. The chancel within and the use of flint on the exterior, were both forms of memorial to Mrs Butler, the latter reflecting her origins in Norfolk.
MS Box VII. 3
Parish of Our Lady at Askham Richard – a 1939 pamphlet of historical notes about the church and parish by the Reverend G E Hibbs.
MS Box VII. 4
Music in War Time (Leeds section) 1915-21
Music in War Time was an initiative of the Professional Classes War Relief Council, a body established in London to provide assistance to people in the professional classes who had fallen into financial difficulties as a result of the war. The Council distributed clothing, ran a nursing/maternity home, helped with school fees, offered employment re-training, mounted exhibitions for distressed artists – and operated Music in Wartime, a project to provide opportunities for paid employment to qualified musicians suffering from a lack of paid commissions. It appears that the Council arranged a concert party in Leeds in the latter half of 1915 to publicise their activities and encourage the formation of a local branch.
In response, a Music in War Time sub-committee was established in Leeds on 28 Oct 1915. Its founding and largely continuing members were Herbert Thompson, Edith Baines, Willoughby Williams, Mr Fricker, Mr H P Richardson and Mr H B Smith – a mixture of musicians and benefactors. Formally, this was a sub-committee of the Lady Mayoress' committee, which had already collected some initial donations. At its meeting on 1 Nov 1915, the sub-committee resolved that “this committee is strongly of the opinion that there is a need in Leeds and district for organised help for professional musicians whose work has been seriously curtailed by the war, and also for the provision of good music for soldiers in hospitals and camps; they therefore propose that a Leeds section of the Music in War Time committee be formed and that a public appeal be made in the press to further this purpose”. Thus did MWT in Leeds begin.
Its modus operandi was as follows. Funds were raised by celebrity recitals, by collections in other concerts and performances, and by individual donations. These funds were applied to the staging of chamber concerts and recitals in military camps and hospitals in Leeds and the wider Yorkshire area. These performances were given by musicians – presumably on MWT's approved list – who were paid the standard professional fee.
The first performance was given on 8 Dec 1915. Over the following 5-6 years, over 2000 concerts were given, and over 4600 fees were paid to performers. Venues included numerous local hospitals, including sites requisitioned for the purpose, such as Ledston Hall, army camps such as Ripon and Catterick, and other premises involved in war work like the munitions factory in Huddersfield.
Very rapidly, in Leeds at least, it seems that the original impetus of the initiative – to assist indigent performers – was superseded by the secondary objective of bringing solace to serving and wounded soldiers. The tenor of the documents leaves little doubt that this became the driving force and over-riding purpose of MTW, although performers continued to be paid.
The Society has quite a good collection of documents covering the sub-committee's existence. These consist of four quarto-size bound minute books (two of which appear intentionally to have been stuck together) and a file with various loose papers. In more detail, these are:
1. A slim minute book containing, on the right hand pages, manuscript minutes of the sub-committee's meetings from Oct 1915 to Oct 1917. These identify the constitution of the committee and attendance as well as principal actions. On the left-hand pages are recorded the date, time and location of each concert performance, and the names of the performers and the instruments played. The first 84 concerts appear in this volume. Inside the front cover are given the proceeds of donations and fund-raising activities 1915-18, although this is probably not complete (it could be cross-checked against the monthly reports, see below). Inside the back cover are summary totals of concerts given and fees paid by month from Dec 1915 until the end of 1919.
2. Held within this book are also four printed leaflets about the activities of MTW. Two from 1915 describe respectively the purposes and activities of the Professional Classes War Relief Council in London, and in more detail the doings of the Music in War Time sub-group. The other two leaflets were issued by the Leeds MTW sub-committee. One is an annual report for the period ending Aug 1918, the other a similar document dated Dec 1919. They offer overviews of the committee's work.
3. The two books stuck together are records of the concerts given by MTW, in the same format as described above. They cover performances 85 to 1341.
4. A fourth book lists performances 1342 to 1660. In the back cover, the statistical summary started in the first book is continued, although this only takes the total number of performances to 1638, slightly less than in the detailed list. The final performance was late in 1921. At the rear of the book, minutes are given for two committee meetings on 6 Oct 1919 and 20 Jun 1921.
5. A buff file containing monthly reports of MTW activity from the beginning of the scheme to March 1919, virtually without break (the minutes are in descending order, the most recent at the front). There is some overlap with committee minutes initially, but the notes generally offer a fuller record of activity, including for example, details of fund-raising events and their proceeds.
MS Box VII. 5
Purchasers of pews in Leeds parish church in 1841. This is a schedule of pews which were up for sale in 1841, with the “guide” price, names of purchasers, and the actual price paid, which invariably exceeded the suggested price. 54 pews were sold. In addition, there are two plans of the church, one showing the occupants of pews already sold on previous occasions as well as the new purchasers, and the other the names and prices paid by the new owners. The documents were passed to the Society by Crave, Clegg & Theaker, Solicitors, in 1948.
MS Box VII. 6
Course certificates obtained by J J Littlewood at the Leeds School of Medicine in 1837-40 and the Diploma of Societas Epidemiologica earned by T W Foster in 1852. Littlewood received certificates for courses in midwifery and the diseases of women and children, principles and practices of surgery, anatomy, physiology and pathology, anatomical demonstrations and physician's practice at the LGI. The certificates are signed by some famous practitioners, such as William Hey.
MS Box VII. 7
“Our Mutual Friend”, volumes 10 & 12, June and August 1887. These are two soft bound, apparently home-made pamphlets, composed by an author identified only as WJF, in a very fair black ink hand, with hand-drawn and sometimes coloured illustrations. They appear to be documents sent to a friend of WJF probably in exchange for something similar. The pages are numbered continuously, volume 10 covering pp 562-634, and volume 12 pp 714-780. Each volume begins and ends with a poem or two written by the author, and includes essays and nature notes. Essay topics include quaintness, jottings on books and authors (Carlyle, Elizabeth Barrett-Browning, Ossian), Linnaeus and Montaigne. The nature notes, or “De Natura” as they are described, are the heart of the text. They consist of notes on trees and plants encountered on excursions – to Adel, Middleton, Ingleton, the Washburn valley, south Leeds and Micklefield/Ledsham in volume 10 – and farther afield to the Dukeries, Derbyshire and Hawes in volume 12. These notes tend to take the form of detailed text-book style descriptions of the plants, rather than accounts of the circumstances in which they were found or how common they were in particular locations.
MS Box VII. 8
History of the West Riding Home Guard 1940-45, by Lieutenant Colonel H K Boyle. This is a hardbacked typed text dated 24 Sep 1945, compiled largely from memory and oral evidence collected by the author, since most of the original papers had been lost. Its focus is on the organisational structure of the Guard, although there is some reference to the names of company officers etc. Anecdotes of Home Guard experiences, humorous or otherwise, are few and far between.
MS Box VII. 9
Manuscript text and notes of a lecture on Guiseley that seems to have been delivered to an unknown audience by Canon J F Howson in about 1918.
MS Box VII. 10
Genealogical records of the Sagar family of Allerton, Bradford
MS Box VII. 11
Manuscript of a lecture on Almes Cliffe or Cragg, delivered to an unknown audience by Edwin Hick possibly in 1910.
MS Box VII. 12
Manuscript and notes on another lecture by Edwin Hick on Royal Oak Day. This day is 29th May, and is said to be a celebration of Charles Stuart's escape from protectorate forces by hiding in an oak tree, but in fact, according to the author, refers to his entry into London as Charles II at the restoration. Notwithstanding this, the lecture deals mainly with the historical circumstances of the oak tree incident, but has little or nothing to say about the observance of this festival in subsequent times.
MS Box VII. 13
A brown paper parcel containing four documents related to John Harrison's charity and an entirely unrelated document concerning Leeds Grammar School.
1. Indenture dated 27 Feb in the fourteenth year of the reign Charles I (1638 according to the document) establishing the charity. The document is a transcription of the original by an unknown but fair hand; there are some gaps where script was missing in the original, the whereabouts of which are not stated. The indenture is between John Harrison, one of the nine principal burgesses of Leeds, and his four nephews, Henry Robinson Clarke (vicar of Leeds), his brother Thomas Robinson, and the brothers John and Richard Gleidhill. JH has neither children of his own nor brothers, but “is nevertheless desirous for the only end and purpose to make some provision of continuance from and after his death for the perpetual relief and maintenance” of such of his sisters' children and descendants who may now or at some future date be in need. To that end, he gives in perpetuity to his four nephews – his feoffees or trustees – the messuages and tenements in the Headrow and Vicar Lane now in the tenure or occupation of a number of named individuals. The trustees are to use the income from the property to administer relief, in the form of help in finding an “honest and helpful place, office service or marriage”, or obtaining an apprenticeship or capital to help establish a business at the end of an apprenticeship. No beneficiary may have more than one or two years of benefits if there are other candidates also in need. If a trustee dies, he is to be replaced within one month so that there are always four trustees. Soon after JH dies, the trustees are to make a list of the names and addresses of eligible beneficiaries and to keep this up to date, by recording the date and place of death or the birth of new potential beneficiaries, so that they know who is eligible and can decide who is in need. Even if there are eligible candidates but none judged to be in need, those eligible shall have the income. But if there are no eligible issue at all, the income shall go to JH's recently founded “Hospital House consisting of twenty several habitations”, but only if the annual income of the hospital drops below £200. If this condition is not met, the income is to go to the maintenance of the ministers of St John's church, recently built by JH.
2. Certified PRO copy from Reports & Certificates (Chancery) 1828 Michaelmas Vol 1401, 13 Dec 1828, relating to Harrison's Charity. The copy was made on 26 November 1893, in a fair hand, and is certified with Public Record Office stamps and signatories. The document is an adjudication by Master Eden (presumably of the Chancery Court) on a petition by potential beneficiaries of the charity. The petition had already been the subject of an order dated 22 July 1824, which had been confirmed on 1 August 1825 but referred back for determination of a number of issues, and subsequently transferred to the present master on 23 March 1826. The issues to be determined were: the identity of those with an interest in the charity; the rents and profits of the charity; a scheme for its future management; and the identity of any eligible beneficiaries who were actually in need. The present master had made enquiries and collected data in order to determine these issues. First, he largely reproduces the text of the original indenture (drawing on a complete copy, so filling in the gaps in the above transcription). Next, he finds that the charity had indeed been administered since JH's death. JH had had two sisters, but the line of one had soon died out, leaving the descendants of Grace Harrison as the only eligible candidates. Adverts had been placed in the London Gazette and provincial journals in order to identify descendants. As a result of claims made in response to these, lists of eligible candidates, divided into those claiming relief and those not, are appended at Schedule 1. This schedule turns out to list no less than 34 pages of eligible candidates, of which 32 are accepted by the master as having a valid claim on the charity. The master then refers to a scheme for the future management of the charity proposed by the trustees – and accepts this and reproduces it at schedule 2 (see below). Finally, he looks at the rents and profits of the charity, and the records of disbursement, and finds that the trustees owe a sum of over £1700 to the charity. The trustees have paid this sum into a trust account. Certain other sums owing are also investigated, and some seem to be written off as bad debts. The revised management scheme repeats many features of the original, but elaborates in some areas. It says that trustees should be drawn from eligible descendants of Grace Harrison found not to be in need, but if that is not possible, then from gentlemen living within 20 miles of Leeds; no trustee must benefit from the charity. The charity's estate is to be managed so as to maximise income, but leases longer than 14 years should not be given. A paid clerk/receiver may be appointed to collect revenue. The trustees are to provide a large book to record details of assets, trustees and eligible descendants – as before, this is to be kept up to date. Any claims for addition to the list of eligible descendants are to be entertained only if supported by a Barrister's opinion. A Minute book is to be kept, and a Treasurer to be appointed from among the trustees. The trustees are to meet formally twice a year and to publish accounts in the Minute book. Decisions about eligibility for relief and amounts of aid remain entirely at the discretion of the trustees, but no one is to receive relief in two successive years if there are other deserving candidates in the second year. Up to two thirds of accumulated income determined by the present action may be distributed to needy persons born before 1805; the remainder is to be paid into a contingency fund.
3. Certified PRO copy from the Entry Book of Decrees and Orders (Chancery) 1828 @ folio 233, 19 Dec 1828, in the matter of John Harrison's Charity. This copy was made on 14 Nov 1893, and concerns the referral of the above petition (item 2) to the Lord High Chancellor. The purpose of the referral appears to have been to get Master Eden's report of 13 Dec 1828 “absolutely confirmed” (page 16) and to finalise the administrative and financial procedures consequent on that ruling, so that the accumulated funds of the charity could be distributed to the petitioners and other interested parties. Much of the document is a rehearsal of Master Eden's findings, but it concludes with a quantification of the legal costs and taxes arising from the action, which had to be deducted from the charity's funds before money could be paid out.
4. Harrison's Charity – Report of August 1894. This is a printed 32-page foolscap report produced by the Trustees concerning the state of the charity at that date. It can be inferred that the copies of the legal documents outlined above had been commissioned by the Trustees in order to inform their report. The report says that the charity was endowed with property originally worth £30 a year, but that this had risen to over £700 by 1894, mainly from rental income but also from capital investment. The charity's estate had been mis-managed in the early 19C. One of the trustees at that time had appropriated £580, and rents had fallen into arrears to the extent of £474 – both these sums were irrecoverable. In addition, the legal challenges launched in the 1820s to investigate this situation had cost a further £789 in legal and other fees, and one of the charity's properties had fallen into the hands of squatters due to failure to collect rent. The new management scheme of 1828 was very similar to the original, but owing to a great increase in the numbers claiming benefit from the charity, it had become a “big dole or pauperisation scheme”. There were now 5000 potential beneficiaries, of whom 2500 actually claimed relief, and hundreds of children of the current claimants would soon join them. Many claimants were “young and able bodied” and “by their appearance are in comfortable positions in life” - yet they “shamelessly” attend the half yearly meetings of the charity to claim their dole. This has been going on for many years and is now becoming “a perfect scandal”. The trustees do not have time to properly investigate claimants but fear that the scope for personation and deception is rife. About half of the claimants are now residents of Dewsbury and Huddersfield, and having collected their dues at the half yearly meetings, many are observed to spend them in local public houses. At the time of reporting, half yearly distributions generally amounted to £300 + or - £50, to 300 or so claimants who mostly got sums ranging from a few shillings to £2. The founder's intention “appears to have been to give substantial help to a few persons so as to provide them with a fair start in the world”, rather than to distribute “driblets” of cash to large numbers of people “in the way of doles so as to pauperise them”. The trustees consider that it is time to revise the distribution method so that it will “assist and elevate the recipient”. They suggest that the money be concentrated on old age and ill-health pensions, convalescence for invalids, and provision of scholarships and bursaries to schools in the Dewsbury/Huddersfield area. The charity's property is in need of substantial investment, and they suggest that consideration should be given to selling it and reinvesting the proceeds in more easily managed securities. The report concludes with two appendices. The first of these gives a breakdown of claimants by place of residence. The second reproduces brief notes on the personal circumstances of the over 300 claimants who applied for relief in May 1894. This extends to 27 pages and would repay more detailed study. It is not clear how the re-focussing of the charity would be effected, or if this was ever done.
5. Charity Commission management scheme for the Leeds Free Grammar School and Scholarship and Exhibition Foundations. Printed foolscap copy of the scheme, undated but probably Feb 1898, and apparently presented by Edmund Wilson. The scheme defines the structure of the governing body – its numbers, method of appointment, terms of office, meetings schedule, and administrative arrangements. Eleven individuals co-opted onto the original body are named. Key features of the operation of the school are defined – the appointment and powers of the headmaster, eligibility to attend, age range, fees, entry examinations, curriculum, annual exams, prizes, and the availability of scholarships and exhibitions to be awarded after examination. It concludes with more detailed administrative matters, such as conditions under which pupils might be excused from religious worship, and pension arrangements for the headmaster.
MS Box VII. 14a
A bound foolscap book containing transcriptions of the Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registers of Bardsey church 1538-1812, with marriages continued to 1837. Also, extracts from the Minute and Account books of the church from 1652 until the end of the 19C. These were made in 1893 by F W Shepherd, who was schoolmaster and parish clerk for many years prior to his retirement in that year. There is an excellent and comprehensive summary of the contents of the volume at the end, with references to page numbers.
It is not clear how comprehensive the extracts from the Minute books are, but they include a fairly wide range of material – for example, extracts from the churchwardens' accounts, the result of a survey of the length of roads in the parish in 1827, a summary of Census data 1811-1891 and a table of the annual disbursements of the parish officers (churchwarden, overseer and surveyor), intermittent from 1711-1744, but then continuous until 1894. This section concludes with a plaintive note from Mr Shepherd regretting that the series had been discontinued after he had left.
MS Box VII. 14b
A quarto bound book of transcriptions of monumental inscriptions in Bardsey church and churchyard, again made by Mr Shepherd in 1893, but with some extensions to the end of the 19C. The transcriptions retain the layout and in places the orthography of the originals, and include some line drawings.
MS Box VII. 15
Brown paper parcel containing the Tempest family of Broughton, Tong and elsewhere, containing genealogical matters, pedigrees and portraits presented to the society by G L Walker in 1950.
Tempest family members mentioned are Michael Tempest, Richard Tempest and Sarah Tempest. Letters dated 1675 and 1657 from Michael Tempest. Family portrait depicting what looks to be the wedding of Sarah Tempest and Joseph Walker in 1819 at the Parish Church in Leeds. Other pictures are of Tong Hall Bradford, built 1702 and a sketch of Bracewell published in 1804.
Various other documentation also present.
MS Box VII. 16
Transcription of the findings on the parish of Leeds of the Commission appointed by parliament in 1650 to inquire into the state of church livings. The copy was made by the Reverend R A Talbot from originals in Lambeth Palace Library, and was presented to the Society in 1951. The copy is in clear ink hand-writing.
The main purposes of the Commission seem to have been to enquire into church endowments and to recommend the division or amalgamation of existing parishes or chapelries, or the upgrading of chapels to parish status, but there are also remarks on the qualities of existing incumbents. In Leeds parish at the time, there were two churches and eight chapels at Hunslet, Holbeck, Beeston, Farnley, Armley, Bramley, Headingley and Allerton.
The Commission recommended that the area served by the old and new churches (the latter, Harrison's church on Briggate) be split into two, and the new church be given parish status. Boundaries for the division were proposed. Elsewhere, it was proposed that the chapels at Hunslet, Holbeck, Beeston be converted to parish churches, on the grounds largely of distance from Leeds and population size. Farnley, Armley and Bramley chapels, along with the Wortley area were proposed to be amalgamated into a new parish with a new church centrally located.. Headingley and Allerton were also proposed for amalgamation into a new parish with the parish church in the existing chapel at Headingley.
MS Box VII. 17
A green soft paper folder containing the text of two papers on the architecture and history of Bolton Priory and Kildwick church delivered by Mrs Ella Armitage to the Steeton and Silsden reading circles in the summer of 1901. Mrs Armitage was a published author on antiquity subjects. The documents appear to be some kind of reproduction of an italicised manuscript text. Photographs are included as well as copies of one or two poems, including Kipling's “Recessional”.
MS Box VII. 18
Parcel containing documents relating to the Leeds Clergy School which was founded in 1876. The documents relate to the period 1893-1950, although the School itself closed in 1925. The purpose of the Clergy School was to train graduates for ordination as Church of England Ministers and for about 30 years its premises were in Woodsley House (now Fairbairn House) on Clarendon Road. The documents were passed to the Society by the Reverend Canon R J Wood in 1952. There are 12 documents in total.
1. Leeds Clergy School prospectus card; two copies of a 4-page printed card, undated, but from the early 1920s. Explains that the school was founded in 1876 with the object of preparing graduates for ordination to town curacies throughout the country. Courses of study take place over four terms of eight weeks, and cover devotional aspects, theological study and practical guidance on working in a large urban parish (although this latter aspect is subordinate to the first two, intended to involve no more than four hours per week). Fees are £27/10s per term, with apparently a final payment of £22/10s. They covered tuition and board but not clothing or laundry.
2. Leeds Clergy School prospectus card; two copies of an illustrated 8-page prospectus also undated but later than the first, issued when J K Mozley was Principal. Fees are now £35 a term. Explains that school was originally intended to train exclusively Oxbridge graduates for ordination, but that this rule has now been relaxed. Courses geared to the general Ordination Examination. Additional elocution and voice training available from Leeds College of Music if required. More emphasis on practical work, e.g. with Sunday Schools, mens' and boys' classes, scouts, etc. Benefits of experience in the north to those unfamiliar with this part of the country are extolled.
3. 1865 Sale Plan of the Woodsley Hall Estate prepared by agents Martin & Fenwick of 1 Park Place on behalf of the owner Mr Andrew Fairbairn. The estate is bounded roughly by Clarendon Road, Victoria Street, Belle Vue Road and Woodsley Road, its core being the area now occupied by the Kelso's. The estate is divided into 45 sale plots.
4. Memorandum of Agreement for sale of Woodsley House to the Leeds Clergy School, dated 17 May 1893. The boundaries of the sale site are described and can be broadly followed on the ground using the 1865 sale plan. The purchase price was £4150.
5. Leeds Clergy School List of Members, 1878-1914. Manuscript notebook, listing the names of students chronologically by date of joining school. Two or three early candidates are identified as not being ordained, but there is no other annotation.
6. Leeds Clergy School Record of Ordinations, 1876-1895. Bound quarto manuscript volume containing a numbered list of students by name, previous university and sometimes academic achievement, and date and place of ordination as deacon and priest. There are 366 names in this volume. Initially there are clear sub-headings by date of joining the school, but after about 1891 these become less apparent. Information about the prior courses and grades of students starts to appear in about 1889 and is then fairly consistent. What seem to be the students' home addresses appear intermittently from about 1892. There are occasional notes on students failing to ordain, dying etc. In later pages are inserted a few scraps of paper with notes for entries or other information.
7. Leeds Clergy School Volume II. This is a continuation of the Record of Ordinations, in much the same format as before to begin with. But after around 1898, information about dates and place of ordination stops, and a little later the sub-headings by date of course disappear. This leaves University graduation data as the only dated information, but even these stop in about 1914, leaving the last entries – which apparently run into the early 1920s – altogether undated. Volume II takes the number of students passing through the school to 861.
8. Foolscap envelope containing two documents preserved by a former graduate. These are firstly, Leeds Clergy School Fellowship Leaflet No 1, a 4-page printed leaflet from about 1923 listing members of the fellowship (apparently an alumni body) and current members of the school, followed by some notes dealing with the financial difficulties of the school. The school had re-opened in 1920 (presumably after the war), but rising costs had meant that its operation was dependent on gifts and subscriptions. There is a hint that student numbers had not returned to pre-war levels. The second document is the programme of the school's Commemorative Festival in June 1922, listing expected attendees and the day's events.
9. Leaflets and photos 1909 and 1911. The leaflets list candidates for ordination as deacons or priests in September 1909 and 1911. There are 3 faded photographs of the exterior of the school building, two slightly better photos of the school library and chapel altar, and one of some school cricketers in 1909.
10. Leeds Clergy School Festival 1911. Programmes etc. related to the festival bound in a paper-covered pamphlet, with pencilled notes on procedure, presumably by someone responsible for the arrangements. The 1913 and 1922 festival programmes are also present.
11. Leeds Clergy School Minute Book, 1921-1950. A large bound book containing the minutes of the Governors and their sub-committees. The first entry is for 19 Jan 1921, and the final one for 12 Jan 1950. Inside the front cover are pasted three notes. The first of these is headed “Books and papers handed to Mr Bell”, who acted as paid secretary for some years. These included miscellaneous accounts and financial stationery, papers relating to the sale of Clarendon House (the school's first premises?) and Woodsley House, mortgage and other property documents, a receipt for money borrowed from Miss Perkins, and the first Minute Book, begun in 1887. An added note says that this was unfortunately destroyed. The second note is a statement of the financial position of the school in 1921 – cash outstanding or owed, rental income from properties owned, information about reconveyance of the bank mortgage, and Miss Perkin's loan. The final note is a letter from the Rev Heywood querying the use to which the school's endowment fund could be put, with the treasurer's advice that it could not be used for general purposes. Further information about the content of the actual Minute Book is given below.
12. Counsel Opinion, supplied in Dec 1924, about whether it was lawful under the school's memorandum of association to transfer its assets to the diocese of Ripon for use in training for the ministry, in the event of the school being closed. The opinion is supplied in a 5 page roneo'd version, and a shorter two page summary.
Further notes on the Minute Book
The first 4-5 years of the Minutes (1921-25) are mainly concerned with the financial plight of the school, and whether or not it could continue in existence. The school had re-opened in 1920, probably after having been requisitioned by the City Council for war work of some kind, but had been in serious financial trouble ever since. The difficulties were the result of various factors. Woodsley House itself was expensive to run, notably because of the large size of the rooms which were costly to heat. Refurbishment works costing nearly £1500 were necessary to bring the premises up to standard. For these reasons, Woodsley House itself appears not to have been in use at the time, the school having de-camped to 44-46 Hyde Terrace, properties also in the school's ownership – but these premises were not considered satisfactory either.
A second problem was that the number of students had not returned to pre-war levels, and was in further decline. This was attributed to the greater availability of post-graduate ministry training at Universities, and a growing reluctance amongst potential candidates to submit themselves to the rigours of training in a northern industrial city. Furthermore, the practical elements of the course (which must have grown in importance in the last 20 years, because at first these were negligible, as an early prospectus shows) - previously a strength, were now regarded as a disadvantage.
As a consequence of high costs and falling demand, there was a yawning gap between income and expenditure, of over £1000 a year since re-opening. This had been filled by fund-raising activities – notably appeals for additional support and a phenomenally successful bazaar, which raised £700. These activities had more or less bridged the funding gap and enabled the school to struggle on. However, the plain fact was that the school had become economically unviable, and was dependent on subsidy from external sources for its survival.
There was much agonising over this state of affairs, which culminated in the governors' meeting in November 1924. Papers were submitted on student numbers and finances. Once the latest batch of ordinands had left, there would be 8 students at the school, and there were as yet no new applicants for 1925. On these sorts of numbers, the school would need subsidies of £1000 a year or more indefinitely, if it were to keep going. The Governors decided that this was an unsustainable position and that the school would have to close.
Before taking the final step, however, they decided to circulate a note of the predicament to alumni of the school and other sympathisers, in case they had any ideas about how to prevent closure. A succinct summary was prepared and circulated as Leeds Clergy School Fellowship, Leaflet No 8. Meanwhile, the Governors decided to look at sale prospects for the school's properties, and to consider alternative uses for Woodsley House.
The meeting in Dec 1924 was advised that there would be no difficulty in selling 44-46 Hyde Terrace, but that it would be very hard to get anything like a reasonable price for Woodsley House – if sold, it would probably be bought for development. It had already been established that the University had no interest in renting the property for use as student accommodation, and it was uneconomic for the school itself to consider acting as landlord – the maximum rent that could be charged was £2 a week (the University's standard charge for its own accommodation), against double that figure needed to cover the running costs. The same economics effectively ruled out possible use as a diocesan retreat/conference centre.
Having apparently accepted the inevitable, the Governors decided to make one last stand and keep the school going until the end of 1925. Nothing had changed, however, and when in May 1925 it was reported that there were only 7 students in place, it was finally resolved to close the school at the end of the Michaelmas term - and that was the end of the Leeds Clergy School.
But it was not the end of the Leeds Clergy School as an organisational entity. The governing body continued in existence for another 25 years, nurtured by the hope that it would become possible to re-open the school at some future date. The character of the body changed. Relieved of the obligation to operate the school, the body effectively became a property management company for most of its remaining existence – and a relatively profitable one at that. From time to time, the routine of property administration was interrupted by surges of optimism that re-opening might soon be possible.
Dealing first with the property side of things, it quickly became apparent that the school had some quite valuable properties at its disposal – principally Woodsley House and 44-46 Hyde Terrace, but also some smaller properties and plots of land associated with the main holdings. Woodsley House was let to the YMCA in 1926, and with the income from this and other tenancies, coupled with the loss of the liabilities contingent upon running the school, the property portfolio was almost immediately in profit. As early as 1927, it was possible to repay a large chunk of Miss Perkin's loan.
In 1929, 44-46 Hyde Terrace was sold for £2100, and the proceeds re-invested. By this time, Woodsley House was valued at £7200, but the YMCA did not wish to purchase, and they continued as tenants until 1946. The property and investment portfolio generated a few hundred pounds profit a year, with the result that the school's capital grew steadily. By 1937, there was £4360 in the bank, and when the school was finally wound up, over £17000 was made over to the Ripon diocese.
The Minutes suggest that there were two occasions on which talk of re-opening the school became insistent. The first of these was around 1929-31. Some interest was generated in the idea of extending the school's accommodation so that up to 50 students could be housed. A sketch scheme was prepared, costed initially at £11000-12000, but soon afterwards at around £15000. The idea seems to have been to set up a combined undergraduate hostel and postgraduate theological college. In 1931, it was said to be a good time to launch the venture, because other clergy colleges were full, but the scheme then disappeared from the Minutes.
The prospect of re-opening re-emerged in 1945, with the involvement of the Central Advisory Committee for Training for the Ministry (CACTM), which was a Church of England committee with influence over funding. The Chair of this Committee, the Bishop of Maidstone, came to the Governors' meeting and appeared keen to get something done. He supported the idea of a postgraduate theological college for at least 40 students with close links to the University. He thought that the existing site was ideal on account of its physical proximity to the University, but that the present buildings would not do. The solution was “to reconstruct the existing house”.
The bishop invited the governors to submit a feasibility report to the CACTM, which they did early in 1946. The initial response was favourable – the CACTM wanted two schools in the Northern Province, of which Leeds should be one. It would take three years to set a school up, but in the meantime, the committee suggested establishing a Selection Centre at the site (the role of which is unclear).
This was all very encouraging, but within a matter of months, the CACTM seems to have undergone a complete change of mind. By July 1946 they were reported as saying that the supply of candidates for the ministry was certainly insufficient to justify two schools in the north, and that funding for the Leeds proposal would not be forthcoming.
This proved to be the final nail in the coffin. It left the Governors with the only option of drawing on diocesan finance if the school was ever to re-open. Efforts were made in 1947 to mobilise support from the bishoprics in the Yorkshire diocese, but to no avail. Many of the difficulties that had led to the school's closure in the first place were re-aired. Perhaps the clinching point was that the school had now been closed for so long that the world had become accustomed to managing without it. So in November 1947, the decision was at last made to wind up the school. Woodsley House was sold to the University (who had been renting it since the departure of the YMCA) for £10000, a good price according to the District Valuer, and the assets of the school transferred to Ripon diocese for use in training ministers. Any of the School's papers that might be of historical interest were to be offered to the Thoresby Society or Ripon cathedral Library, and this is how this archive – unfortunately minus the first Minutes Book – came to be in the Society's possession.
MS Box VII. 19
History of passenger transport in Leeds – typescript of a lecture to the Society delivered by J R Blakeborough in 1951-2. It concentrates on evolving technology and organisation.
MS Box VII. 20
Small autograph book from the first half of the 19C, complete with maxims, homilies and instructive poetry contributed by the signatories, who are non-conformist and Wesleyan Ministers according to an apparent listing of the autographs inserted on a separate sheet.
MS Box VII. 21
A typescript pamphlet entitled “Darley Street School memories 1847-1893”, by Herbert Waddington. This was a Wesleyan school founded in the North Street area of Leeds, rebuilt in 1892 and then sold to the Leeds School Board. It has to be said that the account is very thin gruel.
MS Box VII. 22
Manuscript notes on Middleton Colliery by W G Rimmer, which formed the basis of an exhibition accompanying his lecture to the Society in 1954. The document consists of 7pp of extracts from the Leeds Intelligencer and Leeds Mercury 1751-81 illustrative of the early history of the colliery, some biographical notes on Charles Brandling, and historical notes on Middleton.
MS Box VII. 22a
Notes relating to the view of Leeds from Rope Hill, painted by Alphonse Dousseau in about 1840, and reproduced as a print in 1943 and again in 2005. The original painting is in Abbey House Museum and one of the 1943 copies, renewed in 2005, was in the Thoresby Library. The notes consist of the original French text of Dousseau and an English translation, recording the affection for Leeds that led Dousseau to undertake the work, and identifying some of the features in the painting.
MS Box VII. 23
Typescript of the 1628 Survey of the Manor of Leeds carried out for the Corporation of London, supplied by W G Rimmer in 1954. This is a seminal text for Leeds at this early date.
MS Box VII. 24
Typed notes on 27 Blundell Street (University campus) by M B H Whyte for the University of Leeds Jubilee celebrations in 1954. These premises were taken over by the Department of Psychiatry in 1946, and the text is about that Department's origins and activities rather than the property of the title.
MS Box VII. 25
Typescript copy of “A Description of Leeds” published by Robert & James Dodsley in London in 1764. It is a single quarto sheet, dealing mainly with public buildings and the market. It was copied in 1955 by E A Pemberton from an earlier transcript made by Sir John Parnell.
MS Box VII. 26
Typed transcript of the 1666 Hearth Tax Returns for those parts of the Wapentake of Morley lying in Leeds township south of the river Aire. The return covers Holbeck, Hunslet, Farnley, Wortley, Armley, Bramley and Beeston, and gives the number of hearths and dwellings in each settlement, with the names of some liable individuals. Presented in 1955 by W G Rimmer from an original in the National Archive. Rimmer provides an introductory note referring to equivalent returns for the area north of the river.
MS Box VII. 27
Coach services to and from Leeds 1734-1780 – a collection of newspaper reports and advertisements etc from the Leeds Intelligencer and Leeds Mercury, apparently copied from “Thorseby Society publications” by G A Kirk in 1955. This is a substantial source-book of material, running to 12 pages, in very clear manuscript and carefully referenced.
MS Box VII. 28
Typed transcript of a valuation of Middleton Colliery in 1808, made by W G Rimmer from an original in the North of England Institute of Mining Engineers in Newcastle. This is an informative and detailed document, giving information about current production, estimates of future reserves, operating costs, value of capital equipment, supply contracts, seam quality, labour costs and perks, and profitability.
MS Box VII. 29
“The Coaching Era in Leeds” - typescript of a lecture to the Society in 1955 by John D Beckwith. It is substantial and workmanlike.
MS Box VII. 30
Miscellaneous biographical notes on early Yorkshire topographers compiled by G E Kirk to accompany a Thoresby Society lecture given by Miss A G Foster in 1956. The topographers are James Torre, John Hopkinson, Roger Gale, John Leland, Nathaniel Johnston, Ralph Thoresby, Francis Drake, Thomas Whitaker, Joseph Hunter, Roger Dodsworth, Thomas Widdington, John Burton, Abraham de la Pyne and Thomas Gent. Brief details of career and publications are given.
MS Box VII. 31
A manuscript account book recording levies imposed on landholders in the township of Chapel Allerton in 1853-4 for the repair and maintenance of roads. Text on the front cover seems to indicate that those liable were those who had acquired property as a result of the enclosure authorised in the 48th year of George III.
The first 10 pages detail charges imposed in 1853 to repair “private carriage and public bridle roads on the moors, commons and waste grounds within the manor and township of Chapel Allerton”. For each parcel of land, the list gives the owner's name, the area of the plot in acres, rods and perches, their financial liability, and a record of payment. The schedule is cross-referenced to a plan, which is not present. Levies amounting to nearly £62 were imposed, of which nearly £56 had been collected.
The next 6 pages list “cash paid at sundry times for the repair of the occupation roads”. This list runs from Aug 1853 to Nov 1854 and tabulates sums received by name and date, in accordance with a variable scale of fees related to a number of days' liability. Those liable seem to be mainly different people from the previous schedule.
A final page at the end sums total payments received from each landholder.
MS Box VII. 32
Typed notes on Hunslet churches donated by E A Pemberton in 1956. One set deals with St Chad's Mission Church, New Pepper Lane. This was opened in 1898, due to the efforts over some years of the Thwaite Gate Mission. There is a resume of this work, but the bulk of the text consists of a description of the church and its plate. There is a summary of the will of William Pitts, who left money to increase the pay of the Mission's curate, a copy of the Dedication Service leaflet for memorials to George Bosomworth and Ann Newton in 1937, and a photo of the altar pre-1937. A second set of notes concern the rents paid by various individuals to support the Vicar of Hunslet 1631-1954. Neither the source, nor the degree of completeness is stated.
MS Box VII. 33
Typed transcript of an article on “Ralph Thoresby FRS, Topographer and first Historian of Leeds 1658-1725” by K J Bonser published in the University of Leeds Review V No2 December 1956.
MS Box VII. 34
Catalogue to accompany the “Jews
in the British Isles” exhibition mounted at Leeds City Art
Gallery, 27 Nov – 9 Dec 1956 as part of the Tercentenary
Celebrations. The catalogue has brief notes on each of the exhibition
themes and references to the exhibits on display. Except for a
section on “Leeds Jewish Community”, the material is not
specific to Leeds.
MS Box VII. 35
This is a very random collection of 19C letters collected and presented to the Society by H Pemberton in 1956. It has been split into five groups as follows:
1. Two letters from E Baines dated 1837 and 1856, the earlier to an unidentified correspondent whose house Baines was interested in taking over. Other letters from W T Baines, G S Beecroft and the Bishop of Ripon, dated 1857-61. These are basically acknowledgement letters, without intrinsic interest.
2. Three letters alluding to industrial subjects. One dated 1844 is from the Institute of Civil Engineering, acknowledging the receipt of an account of patents and other methods of “preventing or consuming smoke” from W West. Another is from W R Clancy to West in 1823, concerning the loan of detonating tubes and other equipment. Clancy claimed to precede Davy as the inventor of the safety lamp. The third is from J & T Clark to Mr Howden, complaining about the operation of a stove in the writers' warehouse (1813).
3. 1857 letters to T A Lister declining the opportunity to become patrons of the proposed Hunslet Building Society, from F Crossley, G S Beecroft, Goderich of Newby Hall, W T Baines and Edward Akeroyd.
4. Two letters linked to the anti-slavery agitation of the 1830s: one from Sir J Johnstone of Scarborough to Anthony Fetter of Leeds undertaking to organise a petition locally; and one from Lord Morpeth acknowledging receipt of a petition from Leeds.
5. The signatures and seals of the Earl of Harewood and Wentworth Fitzwilliam, detached from the bottom of documents confirming the appointments respectively of a Deputy Lieutenant and a Captain of the Yeomanry in 1825 and 1819.
MS Box VII. 36
Booklet produced for the official opening of the Saxton Gardens housing estate in 1957. The site was a part of the Marsh Lane Unhealthy Area, which had been substantially cleared in 1936-8. The booklet details the number of dwellings, floor areas and floor plans, the amenities on offer, including heating, cooking, washing, refuse disposal, communications, garaging, stores and open space; construction costs; and proposed rents and rates. There are aerial photographs of the site before and after clearance (which includes views of Quarry Hill), a high quality shot of Tab Street (a street in the Marsh Lane UA) and of construction in progress.
MS Box VII. 37
4-page typed note on the history of the Yorkshire Ladies Council of Education 1866-1947.
MS Box VII. 38
“Rough draft” catalogue of the pre-1889 records held by West Riding County Council and the Court of Quarter sessions, made by the CC in 1957.
MS Box VII. 39
Typescript of the address of the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor John Whetton, to the annual meeting of the University Convocation in 1957. It refers to finance, trends in student numbers, building plans, honours, etc.
MS Box VII. 40
Manuscript notes on the history of Harewood, written in about 1903 by B F Brooke, former headmaster of the village school. They were acquired by J Sprittles and presented to the Society in 1969. There are two distinct documents:
1. A letter supposed to have been written to her grandchildren by a 90-year-old in 1863, shortly after the restoration of the church. It consists mainly of reminiscences about the church and to a lesser extent the village.
2. “Traditions and recollections of the village of Harewood during 120 years”. This drew particularly on the memories and careers of four successive generations of Brookes who served in the village school. It ranges over biographical information, the links between village life and Harewood House, the Lascelles and their garden plan, local vicars, the Harewood Music Society, village characters and material changes over the last century.
MS Box VII. 41
A collection of papers relating to Richard Bissington (1801-1876), a hatter with a shop in Briggate from 1832. He was twice a Town Councillor and active in the West Riding Trades Protection Association. Some items relate to his son, Edward (1844-1910), who ran the shop after him and was also a Town Councillor. The shop passed to his grandson Henry (Harry) Bissington (b 1854), and closed in 1934.
Advertisements and circulars to patrons, handwritten and printed, for the firm C. & J. Gillham or competitors. Many undated, latest date 1832.
MS [draft?] advertisement for Gillham’s Hat Mart, Lord Street, Liverpool [single sheet, nd].
MS [draft?] circular letter to patrons of Gillham’s, Liverpool addressed to ‘Our Worthy Patrons!’ [folded double sheet, nd].
MS [draft?] circular letter to patrons [folded double sheet, nd]
MS [draft?] headed ‘Reynard Unkennelled or the Cock St Trap’ [single sheet, nd].
MS [draft?] advertisement headed ‘Newly Established Hat Mart on the Improved System of Ready Money & Small Profits’ [single sheet, nd].
MS [draft?] advertisement for C & J Gillham’s hats, in verse [single sheet, nd].
MS [draft?] circular letter to patrons [single sheet, nd].
Three MS versions of a [draft?] circular letter headed ‘A few Hints to the thinking part of the Community’ [R. Bissington] [single sheets, one in different hand, nd].
Advertisement [2 copies] for C & J Gillham’s hats, in verse. Address, 34 Dudley Street, Wolverhampton [small printed sheet, nd].
Advertisement by C & J Gillham, of Russell House, Corner of Lord Street [Liverpool] [small printed sheet, MS notes on back, nd].
Advertisement for sale of stock by C & J Gillham, moving premises [Liverpool], dated 6 Mar 1832 [2 copies, one mounted on card, small printed sheet].
Advertisement for J. Gillham & Co.’s New Hat Mart, Manchester [small printed sheet, nd].
Advertisement for Russell House, new premises, Paradise Street [Liverpool] [small printed sheet, nd].
Advertisement for the Hat Mart, Market Street, Manchester [J.Gillham & Co] 26 Jul 1832. [small printed sheet].
Advertisement [3 copies, 1 mounted on card] for C. & J. Gillham, Russell House, [Liverpool] headed ‘Plain Facts’ [small printed sheet, nd].
Advertisement for C & J Gillham, Russell House, Lord Street [Liverpool] [small printed sheet, nd]
Advertisement for Gillham’s Hats, 74 High Street [small printed sheet, nd]
Advertisement for Gillham’ Hats, 34 Dudley Street, Wolverhampton [small printed sheet, mounted on card, nd]
Advertisement for Gale & Co’s hats, Bull Street, Birmingham [3 copies, one mounted on card, small printed sheet, nd].
Advertisement for ‘The Noted Hat Mart’, Thredder & Kiberd, Brougham House, Lord Street [Liverpool] [small printed sheet, nd].
Advertisement for Thredder & Kiberd, Brougham House, Lord Street [Liverpool] headed ‘Creation of Peers’ [small printed sheet, mounted on card].
Advertisement for Thredder & Kiberd, Brougham House, Lord Street [Liverpool] headed ‘Facts are Stubborn Things’ [small printed sheet, mounted on card, nd].
Advertisement for J. Hudson’s 19 Boar Lane, Leeds, in verse [small printed sheet mounted on card, nd].
Advertisement for J & J Hodson’s, 11 Smithy Door, Manchester [small printed sheet, mounted on card, nd].
Advertisement for Higgitt’s Hat Warehouse, Market Place, Wolverhampton [small printed sheet, nd].
Advertisement for C.Simpson, Deansgate, Manchester [small printed sheet, torn, nd].
Notice headed ‘An Appeal to Englishmen’ from the Red House,75 Holborn Hill [London?] regarding a rival hat shop [small printed orange sheet, nd]
Poster ‘To Hat Finishers – Wanted 50 Hat Finishers’ Messrs John Jackson & Sons, Oldham, dated 11 Mar 1841 [pale pink printed sheet].
Copy of letter sent to Murdock & Venables re unsatisfactory goods, dated 16 Jan 1836 but with end-note dated 18 Jan 1836 (small folded sheet)
Letter signed ‘Maria’, headed Leeds, 20 Jan 1841, beginning ‘My Dearly beloved’, addressed on reverse to Mr Bissington/ Mr Gillham, Russell House, Market Street, Manchester, [double folded sheet, with Leeds postmark].
Folded paper ‘envelope’ addressed to Mr Richard Bissington, Leeds, postmarked Birmingham 1841 [no content].
Letter [sender unclear] addressed to Mr Bissington, Messrs Gillham, 34 Briggate, Leeds, re financial matters [double sheet, folded and addressed with seal and postmark [illegible]]
Letter signed ‘CC’ addressed to Mr R.Bissington, Hatter, Leeds, nd but refers to May 1837. Concerns financial matters, valuation of stock etc. [double folded sheet, with address, postmark [incomplete] and seal on reverse]
Letter [signature unclear – B.Russell?] addressed to ‘Mr B’, mentions possible marriage [small double sheet, nd].
(c) Election/political documents
Notice and voting ticket dated 5 Jan 1835 on behalf of the Beckett & Tempest coalition (Tory).
Notice headed ‘Reasons for supporting Mr Alderman Richardson as a candidate for the Mayoralty’, dated 2 Nov 1849 [small printed sheet, blue]
Voting Paper for Mill Hill Ward, naming George Goodman and Richard Bissington as candidates, dated 1 Nov 1850 [small printed slip].
Election notice for Mill Hill Ward, addressed to Fellow Burgesses, urging a vote for Bissington, signed Anthony Titley, Chairman, nd.
Extract from the Leeds Mercury of 12 Feb 1852 headed ‘Illegal Return of Guardians for the North Ward, Leeds’ [single printed sheet].
Notice of the Toasts to be proposed at the Dinner given by the Council of the Borough of Leeds to the Mayor, John Hope Shaw, on 9 Dec 1852 [single printed sheet]
Notice of the Toasts to be proposed at the Luncheon on 17 Aug 1853 on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the new Town Hall by John Hope Shaw, Mayor [single printed sheet, cream]
MS list of proprietors undertaking to supply horse carriages for the election on behalf of the committee for Sir John Ramsden and Mr Isaac Holden, signed John Wales Smith, 6 Feb 1874 (double foolscap sheet, folded).
Two printed pages [from magazine?] headed (1)‘Borough of Leeds – Records of Parliamentary Elections – 1832-1885, (2) ‘The Redistribution Act of 1918 created Six Divisions of the City’ [Information on Thrift Department and Records of Bazaar on reverse]..
Printed verse ‘The Old Parishioner and the Modern Parson’ by Margaret Tupper [single sheet]
Circular headed ‘The Parable of the Methodist Alderman’, includes reference to Park Square and Mill Hill Chapel [small printed sheet].
Leeds Political Theatre poster [housed in Large Ephemera]
(d) Financial and property
MS note of cash taken in the years 1832-1834 [single sheet].
MS note of a meeting of ‘the Shopkeepers and Occupiers of property in Briggate’ with the Scavengers’ Committee re the watering of streets, dated 13 Apr 1834 [single sheet].
Account from Raynar & Bradley to Richard Bissington re lease of Briggate premises, dated Dec 1835 (single fscp sheet), marked ‘Mr R. Bissington, Briggate, Leeds’ on reverse.
Account from T.E.Upton to Richard Bissington re lease of Briggate premises, dated 3 Feb 1836, marked ‘Mr Bissington’ on reverse, with seal.
Copy Lease of a dwelling house and shop at 34 Briggate from John and Henry Wormald to Richard Bissington, dated 19 Mar 1836, for a period of 7 years. [6 pages].
Table of Assessments to the Poor and Highway Rates in the Borough of Leeds, dated 10 Mar 1851 [single printed sheet].
Printed circular re sale of stock prior to improvement of property in Briggate/Boar Lane [nd].
Two accounts for payments to Misses M.A. and T.P. Plint in respect of Miss Bissington (schooling?) stamped as paid by cash, 7 Aug 1854 and 13 Feb 1855. Two additional notes re music lessons dated Midsummer 1854 and Xmas 1854, and another for instruction in drawing, Christmas 1854.
Account for payment to Miss Robinson addressed to Mrs Bissington regarding instruction, dated 24 Jan 1855 on reverse [small MS slip, with 1 penny stamp]
Four blank printed payment slips for Messrs Beckett & Co. Bankers, Leeds [blue, with Leeds crest].
Two newscuttings re the bankruptcy of Joshua Beevors, engraver and lithographer of Leeds. Includes notice of meeting scheduled for 12 Jan 1858 [mounted on card].
Two copies of Income Tax returns, dated 1868 and 18 Oct 1871 [small MS slips].
Nine small MS sheets with calculations relating to the Briggate property [1863-1876]: purchase price, improvements, rent, wages etc., including Income Tax Return for 1876. [small notes, some on the back of printed circulars, one dated 19 Nov 1872 from F. Nettleton, Chairman, re a meeting regarding the Liberal Committee of the West Ward.]
Petition to Parliament from ‘the Inhabitants of the Borough of Leeds in public meeting assembled’ for the reduction of the current rate of Income Tax or its abolition, signed by John Botterill, Mayor [nd] [MS, large cream sheet]
Notice headed ‘The Leeds (Adel, Headingley and Meanwood) Planning Scheme, No 4a’, dated 30 Nov 1934, addressed to Mr H. Bissington, 6 Grove Rd. [large single printed sheet, cream.
(e) West Riding Trade Protection Society
Notice of the Toasts at the Septennial Anniversary of the West Riding Trade Protection Society held at the Bull & Mouth Hotel, Leeds, 7 Nov 1855 [single sheet, printed, pink].
West Riding Trade Protection Society: Proposed Presentation of Plate to Mr Richard Bissington, dated 5 Mar 1856 [single sheet, printed, cream].
Circular letter [4 copies] headed ‘Testimonial to Mr Bissington’, from Wm. Waite and Robt Smallpage, Hon. Secs., dated 21 Oct 1856, inviting attendance at the presentation [small single sheet, printed, pink].
(f) Travel Documents (in separate wallets)
Passport issued by the French Charge d’Affaires in London to Richard Bissington on 26 Aug 1837 [large cream sheet, partly pre-printed, headed ‘Au Nom du Roi,’ with stamps and signatures]. [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1]
Passport issued by the French Charge d’Affaires in London to John Nichols Dickinson on 29 May 1837 [large cream sheet, partly pre-printed, headed ‘Au Nom du Roi’, with stamps and signatures]. [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1]
Passport issued by the British Envoy in the Netherlands at the Hague to John Nichols Dickinson dated 2 Oct 1838 [cream crested sheet, partly pre-printed, with stamps and signatures].
Photocopies of the above three passports, with an analysis of Richard Bissington’s journey from the entries on his passport.
Ticket headed Eilwagen Reise-Schein issued to Rutzwild [?Richard] [date unclear].
Ticket headed Reise-Schein issued to J. Richard for a journey from Strasburg to Basel on 12 Oct. 1838.
Leaflet on Richard Bissington’s passport dated Mar 2010, together with notes on Richard Bissington from the Leeds Mercury, including an advertisement of 6 Jun 1835 and his obituary dated 15 Mar 1876, with an extract from the 1881 census entry for Edward Bissington.
(g) Edward Bissington (1844-1910)
Apprenticeship indenture for Edward Bissington [aged 16] with David and John Little, John James Cousins and George Leach, cloth merchants, dated 2 Apr 1860.
A printer’s wooden/copper block, with portrait on one side, label on back ‘Mr E. Bissington, J.P., Treasurer’
Trinity Congregational Magazine (vol. 2, No. 7), dated Jul 1910, with a tribute to Edward Bissington. Four newscuttings inside on the death of Edward Bissington on 11 Jun 1910, and a further newscutting on the Church.
(h) Miscellaneous
A one guinea note issued by the Huddersfield Bank dated 7 Jun 1801.
A one pound note issued by the Macclesfield and Cheshire Bank, dated 6 Nov 1822.
Notice headed North Midland Railway – Alteration of Trains, regarding change of timetable for trains between Hull, York, Leeds, Sheffield, Derby, Birmingham and London, from 1 Mar 1841 [small printed sheet].
Small folder enclosing a signed etching by Hubert Herkomer, with a note from C. Brooke, Meadow Studios, Bushey, Herts, to Mr Bissington dated 27 Jan 1893, and a note dated 24 Apr 1893 from Charles A. Berry addressed to Mr Dickinson.
Note dated 12 Nov 1894 from J.K.Jerome, the Station Hotel, Newcastle, regarding arrangements for a forthcoming lecture. Addressee unknown. [Jerome K. Jerome came to Leeds on 14 Nov 1894 to give a lecture at the Albert Hall to the Leeds Mechanics’ Institute and Literary Society, on ‘Humour, New and Old’ – report in the Leeds Mercury 15 Nov 1894].
A card printed ‘Mrs Ross Church and Miss Ross Church [struck through] Tuesdays / 21 Colville Road, Bayswater, W’. The words ‘Florence Margaret’ have been added in handwriting.
Poster for Ducrow’s Amphitheatre, printed in Liverpool [nd].
MS Box VII. 42
A black bound notebook used as the Leeds Clergy School Games Book, 1906-15. The book contains reports of games of hockey, soccer, rugby and cricket played in the period, sometimes with lists of participants and scorecards. The pressure of declining numbers – very evident in other Clergy School material in the Society's collection (see MS Box VII. 18) – is apparent.
MS Box VII. 43
Two unrelated items. First, a 1908 letter from J Cullingworth to J Braithwaite mainly about the writer's connection with the family firm of printers and publishers and a photographer in the Braithwaite family. Secondly, some notes on the ownership of St James' Lodge, a house now demolished on the site of Harewood Barracks, from the late 18C to 1876, when it was sold to Leeds Girls' High School. Until 1826, the house was known as Milton House. The notes are by a daughter of the owner in the 1860s, C Hargraves.
MS Box VII. 44
A Share Certificate in Reeth Consolidated Mining Co (a Leeds company). Certificate number 132 certifies that Joseph Bray of Leeds Pattern Card Manufacturers holds 20 shares, numbers 5267-5286.
MS Box VII. 45
Typed transcript of the Consecration Deed of the Chapel of Hunslet in 1636, delivered by the Bishop of Sodor acting on letters from the Archbishop of York.
MS Box VII. 46
Leeds Church Extension Society: ‘Register of Persons consenting in Writing to become Members of the Society’. First entry: 26 Jan 1910; last entry: 8 Jul 2008; only the first 30 pages used. Half-calf book, marbled end-papers with book-plate of ‘Fred. R. Spark & Son, Printers, Stationers, Bookbinders &c. Cookridge Street, Leeds’ with order number and date. [Gift of Rev Dr Roy Yates]
MS Box VII. 47
Plan and description of Leeds property of the Yorkshire College, dated 29 Jul 1884, signed by C.Cecil Trevor, ‘An Assistant Secretary / Board of Trade’.
MS Box VIII. 1
John Killingbeck's archive of material relating to Hunslet and area, presented to the Society in 1901.
This is a substantial collection of material assembled by Mr Killingbeck in the 1890s with a view to the composition of a history of Hunslet. It is not clear whether this was ever written.
1. Four black leather-bound notebooks labelled “Notes on Hunslet”, the last three of which are marked numbers 2,3 and 4. Each volume is divided into alphabetical sections, but with the pages numbered continuously. They are filled to varying degrees with notes in Mr Killingbeck's reasonably legible hand on topics presumably considered relevant to his projected history. Many of these notes relate to matters specific to the Hunslet area, but there is also a considerable amount of material on the historical context, especially Roman, Anglo-Saxon and medieval, focussing particularly on the definition or elucidation of certain historical terms and institutions. Volume 4 seems to be more in the form of an index to relevant material, consisting of relatively brief references to other source documents. Generally, the material seems to have been culled from secondary sources – the Annals of Yorkshire, for example, are a principal source. Sources are in most cases referenced. The alphabetic structure breaks down in parts, with entries spilling over into other sections of the notebooks. Volume 2 has near the start a chapter plan for the projected work, with a list of other topics to be covered, and there are also some loose notes inserted in this volume. In all four volumes, some sections of text are lightly crossed through in crayon or pencil, suggesting perhaps that these had been processed in some way. [4 items]
2. A black leather bound volume of a similar size labelled “Where is it?”, but in fact consisting of notes arranged in much the same way and with similar content to those described above.
3. Six smaller black leather bound notebooks, numbered 1, 5-7,9 and 10. These contain further notes on Hunslet related matters in no particular order. [6 items]
4. Photographic prints copied or made by Mr Killingbeck of churches in the Hunslet area. (Previously listed as MS Box VIII 10 and still labelled as such in box) These consist of:
(a) Postcard of St Peter's, Hunslet Moor, consecrated 1868, (4 postcards, developed by Joseph Wormold)
(b) Postcard of St Jude's, Hunslet, consecrated 1853, (Negatives included in PEL wallet, developed by Owen Brooks)
(c) Photo of ground-floor plan of Hunslet church 1629,
(d) Photo of gallery plan of Hunslet church 1629,
(e) Photo of plan of Hunslet church and its surroundings,
(f) Postcard of St Matthew's, Holbeck, 1898
(g) Postcard of St Mary's, Middleton, 1898
(h) Postcard of St Mary's, Hunslet. 1864
5. A set of 8 foolscap envelopes containing translations and transcriptions of documents relating to the Hunslet area. The manuscript text is generally held on foolscap pages folded vertically, usually with a summary of the content on the outside. The material is said to have been copied on Mr Killingbeck's behalf from the original sources, which are precisely identified. The script is fairly easy to read. The contents of each envelope are roughly identified on the outside and are briefly as follows:
(a) Harleian Mss and Duchy of Lancaster great Coucher. Copies of 29 documents, consisting of 12-14C charters etc relating to land and property in Hunslet, especially Hunslet Mills.
(b) Holbeck Manor. 6 documents of 1590-1611 copied from the Patent Rolls and concerning parcels of land in Holbeck Manor.
(c) Cary transactions 1570-1655. 13 documents copied from the Patent Rolls, Close Rolls and State Papers concerning the grant of Hunslet Manor to the Cary family (various spellings) and to subsequent transactions.
(d) Miscellaneous – Rothwell Chantry & Hunslet Church. Documents ranging from the 12-18C covering land dealings, will abstracts, memorial tablets etc, some involving the chantry and church.
(e) Evidence of trial involving Leeds and Hunslet Mills 1599-1619. This is a substantial collection relating to the dispute between Sir Arthur Ingram and Mr Boynton about rights to grind corn at Kirkgate and Hunslet Mills. There are depositions and submissions and records of the enquiries of the Exchequer Special Commission into the case, which go into considerable detail.
(f) Lay Subsidies. Documents from the Hunslet, Beeston and Holbeck areas of the Wapentake of Askrigg and Morley concerning liability to pay lay subsidies from Henry VIII's reign through to that of Charles I. Also hearth tax liabilities in 1665, 1666 and 1673, with names of those liable and numbers of hearths assessed.
(g) Miscellaneous. 2 documents concerning the Farnley Wood Plot against Charles II in 1663, which involved men from Hunslet and Holbeck. One is a letter from Edward Copley giving information about local involvement, the other a royal proclamation calling for the apprehension of named plotters, including Edward Wilkinson, a Hunslet man. Also the 1685 will of John Cary and a document about Beeston Mill.
(h) Neville Survey. Reports of two surveys of the manor of Hunslet, one dating from 1570 when the manor was held by John Nevyll and listing tenants by name, rent paid, extent of holding and length of lease – and hence the aggregate yield of the manor – and the other from 1608. By this time, John Nevyll had sub-let all or part of the manor to the Cary family for a single block payment, but the Cary's had sub-let in their turn and lists of these tenants and rentals are given.
6. Two prints of a 1901 photograph of John Killingbeck, the donor of this material.
7. Undated photographs of the old water wheel at Hunslet Mills, Old Mill Lane and of the rear of Carr Hall, Hunslet Moorside, a property in the possession of the Middleton Colliery Company.
8. Photograph of an invoice of Robert Arthington, Common Brewer of Hunslet Lane, dated 26 Aug 1775 [belonged to Alf Mattison] - Not in Box
MS Box VIII. 2,4,5
A further box containing material for John Killingbeck's projected history of Hunslet. This box consists wholly of secondary material, the manuscript text of the projected history in two versions partially completed, as well as “articles” on particular aspects of Hunslet history. Use is made of some of the original documents transcribed in item 1 above. The manuscripts appear to have come into the Society's possession in the 1940s, but must have been written much earlier.
Although identified on the box label as items 2, 4 and 5, there are in fact five packages in the box, only one of which bears a number (five). The four un-numbered packages are as follows:
1. A green paper-wrapped parcel containing the MS of a history of Hunslet from the earliest times to about 1600. The ms. has 281 pages, set out in book page style. Although given sub or chapter headings, the divisions are not terribly clear. Quotations from other sources are acknowledged but not formally referenced. Places are marked in the text for the insertion of illustrations, primarily maps. Among the matters covered are etymology, Anglo-Saxon and later administrative machinery, land divisions and measures, classes of population, ecclesiastical history, manorial matters, significant families, the 1570 survey, and the Soke mill. From a fairly cursory inspection, much of this discussion seems to relate to the wider context, rather than specific Hunslet matters, about which presumably the available evidence is limited.
2. A similarly wrapped parcel this time containing 322 pages of quarto manuscript which looks as if it might have been an earlier draft of the intended history. Certainly the first two hundred pages cover quite similar ground to the previous item. However, from page 197, the material is substantially new, taking the story on from around 1600 until the latter part of the 19C when Killingbeck was no doubt writing. Broadly speaking, the new material is in the form of “time lines” of significant events in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Although probably less polished than the first item, there seems to be a lot of detailed, albeit unsourced, information here that a student of Hunslet history might profitably examine.
3. Another large parcel containing a collection of papers on particular aspects of Hunslet history, which were probably mined for the uncompleted history. Among the topics dealt with are 19C population and vital statistics, local industries (including pottery, mining, cloth, flax, engine-making, and Alf Cooke's factory), cholera, waterways, mining accidents, murders and manslaughters, religion, punishments, 17C hearth tax returns, sports, bridges, spot heights of local points, and families with Hunslet connexions. Again, there appears to be a wealth of information here.
4. A buff envelope with miscellaneous working notes, most crossed through and no doubt written out in the material already described. Mounted on a green card is a facsimile (photograph?) of the Domesday entry for Hunslet. There are also four copies of Mr Killingbeck's address to the electors of St Mary's ward in Kidderminster in support of his candidature in the 1896 election. Citing his experience of public office on the School Board and the Medical Aid Association, and his 30 years' working life in the town, he promises to support the policy of retrenchment and economy.
Item 5, the only package actually numbered, contains three plans, intended to illustrate his history:
1. A sketch map at 1 inch to 5 miles of boundaries and places in the wapentakes of Hagebrige (Askrigg) and Moreleia (Morley), drawn by Killingbeck from an unspecified 18C plan.
2. A sketch of Thwaite Gate Forge at 1 inch to 70 yards, showing waterways and the dam on the Aire, source and date unstated.
3. An original or copy of an 1824 plan of the township of Hunslet.
MS Box VIII. 3
Yet another box of John Killingbeck's working notes for his projected history of Hunslet. The material is tied into bundles, stuffed into envelopes or occasionally loose. The main groups are as follows:
1. An envelope containing letters mainly from Mr Killingbeck's researcher, W Boyd of Highgate, London. Killingbeck employed Mr Boyd in 1897-8 to trace and translate or copy documents, and advise generally on lines of research. Most of this research was done in the Public Record Office, the British Museum or Somerset House. Mr Boyd was responsible for copying documents on the Cary estate, Hunslet mills, the survey of Hunslet and lay subsidies – documents which were then incorporated in Mr Killingbeck's various drafts of his history - and his letters sometimes clarify where the originals were to be found. Mr Boyd was paid by his time, and an invoice for June and July 1897 indicates that he received £6/17/4d for 11 days work in this period. He was a sympathetic and conscientious agent, quick to warn Killingbeck of the risk of paying for fruitless research. There are also a few letters from A Gibbons, who did work in York and Wakefield archives, and one from G D Lumb of the Thoresby Society.
2. A roll of letters from the late 1890s replying to Killingbeck's requests for information. Killingbeck wrote to the Thorseby Society, owners of industrial premises in Hunslet, Township officials, churches, and a local photographer, and was even in contact with someone willing to contribute a chapter on Hunslet geology. Some of his correspondents are sceptical of the credentials of his proposed history, while others ask him to frame his questions more precisely, being suspicious that they are being asked to supply information that others may already have given.
3. Three bundles of closely written notes on aspects of Hunslet history, assembled by Killingbeck in the course of his researches. Most of the notes are crossed through, very probably indicating that they have been transferred to one or more later drafts of the history summarised elsewhere in this catalogue. Although just about legible, these notes are for practical purposes unusable.
4. Reply by Mr Killingbeck to a letter from G D Lumb in which the latter requests copies of Killingbeck's documents on the Old Soke Mill. It appears that the Society was interested at this time in the possibility of publishing transcriptions of this nature. Killingbeck indicates that Lumb can have the copies as soon as he has finished working on them, and tells him that he has about 70 copy documents that he is willing to pass to the Society once his magnum opus is complete.
5. Amongst oddments, transcriptions or translations of the wills of Henry Thomson (1662) and Leonard Thompson (1674), both burghers of York.
MS Box VIII. 4
Joan Kirby Archive
a. Documents photocopied and bound with treasury tags.
Plumpton vs Babthorpe “The Babthorpe Matter” cf App1 YAS H/M 3599
Testimony of Sir Robert Fuenes 12July 1505
40 photocopied pages of court rolls relating to possession of the manor of Babthorpe, copies made in the British Library and annotated by J.K.
b. William Popple: will 1656 (proved 1656)
From the Public Record Office 5 photocopied pages
12 page handwritten transcription (probably J.K.’s handwriting) plus 3 pages of comment
1 sheet of notes on re-used reverse of Yorkshire Dales Green Lanes Alliance sheet with a dark photocopy and 2 scraps of notes. All in brown envelope.
c. Lined exercise book with buff cover containing lists of names, page references and enactments under sede vacante.
d. Green folder labelled “THE CHURCH, SEDE VACANTE, PHOTOCOPIED ARTICLES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, ETC” photocopied articles about archivists and the practice of archivists, techniques and glossaries from mediaeval ecclesiastical documents, household accounts and bibliographies, chronologies. (16 articles to be listed).
e. Cardboard reinforced envelope ( J.K. & address) containing 2 sheets of photographs of documents relating to William Plumpton. Lines numbered,underlining and marginal notes in red marked P.M. 10-II-95.
f. Brown envelope with card stiffening containing photocopied wills from the Public Record Office 15-9-1992 Wills including : William Sykes, John Hardy, John Bund, Elisabeth ?unreadable?, Michael Broadbent, Joseph Preston, Richard Prees ap Jenkin and others.
g. Green plastic folder split down one side: Pedigrees, Genealogical Tables, Family Trees
Handwritten and alphabetically arranged Arthington to Zouche, including some photocopied printed pedigrees. The family names have been listed table enclosed in the folder
h. Pink press-stud envelope folder, contains:
- Notes on reading early-modern manuscripts plus photocopies and transcriptions. Possibly a course on reading mediaeval and early modern manuscripts.
- Original Mss 1476 1480, completed calendars correspondence
- Vacancy 1476 photocopies from Borthwick with notes
- Vacancy 1480 photocopies from Borthwick
- (author’s copies of the) Sede Vacante register
- Photocopies from The Victoria County History East Riding VI the Borough and Liberties of Beverley
i. Blue clip binding of York Sede Vacante 1464-1465. In the front handwritten notes relating.
j. Brown manilla folder labelled SERVANTS tied with red tape.
- Club exercise book contains lists of names of servants with place mentioned and date. * sides written on, plus 2 sides loose, +2 notes loose
- Loose sheet list of Bailiffs of manors
- Loose sheet of some vocabulary, mediaeval and Latin
- Handwritten sheets corner stapled notes on The household books of William Howard of Naworth Castle Surtees Society
- Excerpts from the Household Roll of Ralph of Shrewsbury: Somerset Records Society.
- Table of payments made to servants by William Howard & notes on John Pildrum 4 sheets corner stapled landscape
- 6 sheets landscape, corner stapled & paperclipped, further notes on “The Household Books of Lord William Howard
- Sheet of notes on C.D.Ross “The Household Accounts of Elizabeth Berkeley Countess of Warwick 1420-1 Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society.
- 6 Sheets - paperclipped portrait “Accounts of Henry de Lacy of Lincoln for dates 24 May 1299 to 30 May 1299
k. Large alphabetized folder containing pedigrees, genealogies and notes on named people alphabetically sorted, Also included some photocopies of Early Modern English and Latin documents [needs names listing]
MS Box IX. 1
Not actually a box, but a large green bound volume entitled on the spine “Kippax memoranda collected by E Hick”. A rather blotted foreword explains that the volume contains information about his birthplace collected by the compiler over his lifetime and bequeathed to the Thoresby Society in 1946. The author hopes that it will be useful material for a future historian of Kippax, and apologises for the inclusion of material (principally about the great families of the village, as it turns out) only peripherally related to this matter. The collection is in the form of a scrapbook.
A table of contents indicates the scope of the compilation. About half of it is made up of information about the leading families of Kippax – Bland, Baildon, Slingsby, Hastings, and Medhurst. There are then notes on Hemsworth, Goodrick, Grays and Ellerton, notes on the churches of the area, summaries from the town crier Mr Bywater's 19C notebook, some local wills and memoires, notes on field names and dialect words, and some 19C OS maps.
A large part of the compilation consists of Mr Hicks's notes or summaries from other sources, but there are also some original documents. These include a copy of an 18C Act for the division of Sir Hungerford Bland's estate, a copy of the 1885 sale plan for the Kippax Hall estate, some early postcards or photographs of Kippax, Ledsham, Ledston and Swillington, an undated print of Swillington House, the seat of William Lowther, miscellaneous newspaper cuttings, and copies of the 6 inch OS maps of 1850 and 1893.
MS Box IX. 2
Kippax History Notes and Memoranda Vol 2 – a large scrapbook which is a continuation of Edwin Hick's volume described above. There are photographs of Mr Hicks in the 1920s and 1940s when he announced his intention of compiling a history. Among the miscellaneous contents are:
1. various exact copies of articles and documents pertaining to Kippax, with sources cited,
2. newspaper cuttings largely from the Yorkshire Post in the 1920s and 1930s concerning local matters, especially the large houses, pits, local families etc,
3. correspondence about matters local and historical,
4. some original letters dated 1808-10 sent by the Reverend Miles Atkinson, vicar of Kippax,
5. notes and photos about local families such as the Boggetts, the Gargraves, Dalbys and Cullingworths, as well as Mr Hick's own family,
6. descriptions of Kippax church plate,
7. pedigrees and arms of various Yorkshire families,
8. notes on Ledston, Ledsham and Aberford
MS Box IX. 3
MS notes on the history of Kippax by Edwin Hick in a memorandum book. It consists of two draft historical papers, one written in the book itself, the other on exercise book paper held within the volume. Front cover reads Thoresby High School, Leeds
MS Box IX. 4
Kippax Parish Church Registers 1539-1812, edited by G D Lumb and published by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society in 1901. Bound printed volume, 410pp, including indexes of places, names and other matters. Entries are in Latin until 1701. Various pencil and ink annotations mark the text.
MS Box IX. 5
Catalogue of Furnishings and Effects at Kippax Park, which were auctioned by the Leeds firm of Hollis and Webb beginning on 14 Oct 1929. The total of 1524 items are listed by the room in which they were originally located. The highlight of the sale according to the auctioneer was a set of Chippendale chairs.
MS Box IX. 6
Wesleyan Methodist Society Class Book, a small, black, printed volume from the 1880s containing directions for Class leaders, ruled forms for Leaders' weekly accounts, and the rules of the Methodist Society. Over half the book consists of the account forms, which are filled out with records of Kippax Methodist church for the period April 1888 – June 1891. Subscribing members are listed by name and short address, and their payments of quarterly ticket money, weekly donations and annual contributions to the “worn-out minister” fund are recorded. There were about 20-25 members at this time.
In a pocket at the back of the booklet is an envelope with Christopher Hick's membership ticket for December 1897, and three small dockets from the early 19C with biblical texts and individual's names marked in ink. Also an obituary notice for Joseph Cullingworth who died in 1902.
Filed loose is a separate printed booklet listing the Methodist ministers in the Leeds circuits 1753-1882. It records the successive sub-divisions of the circuit, into two in 1826, four in 1840 and five in 1867 when the Headingley circuit was created.
MS Box IX. 7
“Copies of the tombstones, memorials, tablets etc in Kippax church and churchyard taken by me, William Bywater, town crier. Also entries of matters copied by me and other things taken by me”. Inscribed thus is a small black notebook belonging to Mr Bywater which contains as well as the monumental inscriptions, records of his career as town crier of Kippax from about 1850-67, and other miscellaneous notes.
Perhaps of most interest – certainly the most novel – is the town crier material. This consists of numbered and dated entries which summarise the matters cried by Mr Bywater, together with a note of the fee received per item. There are over 400 entries over the period 1850-67, a few of which are missing. For each matter cried, a fee of typically a shilling or two was paid, and the job cannot be described as money-spinning – the most Mr Bywater made was £2/14/9d in 1866 (he kept totals of his annual proceeds).
Many of the matters cried were the sort of things that might perhaps have been expected: advertisement of auction and other sales; announcement of meetings, events, entertainments – particularly meetings of the Temperance Dead Brief (sic); the availability of rewards leading to the apprehension of thieves, particularly of those stealing vegetables from fields and gardens; offers of employment.
But there were also some more quirky announcements. For example, on one occasion Mr Bywater announced that the person who drove the bus to Leeds could not then be found again to drive it back to Kippax. Another time, he imparted the news that a lady at the Tap end of town “was tired of her name and would have another”. In May 1867 he informed his audience that “a married woman tried to persuade a single young man to go to Leeds with her, she would find the money”. Two days later, he contradicted this announcement - “the married woman did not try to persuade a single young man to accompany her to Leeds”. Shortly afterwards a deputation called on Mr Bywater to “advise him to discontinue crying about women or family concerns, but if they bring or send the money to take it”. It looks as if the town crier was being hired to voice a prank of some kind.
Turning to the monumental inscriptions, these are held in a slip of paper and inserted in the book. They are presumably fairly comprehensive as at the late 1860s and appear to be roughly divided at least into those within the church and outside. They may be a source of information about inscriptions now illegible.
The miscellaneous notes cover “remarkable events” such as murders, dates of the opening of significant transport facilities, useful information which Mr Bywater felt he ought to know about, such as the growth of the national debt, and pointless facts about the number of words etc in the Bible and like matters. All this presumably copied from newspapers and other sources.
MS Box IX. 8
Prayer book of Francis Medhurst of Kippax, dated 30 Aug 1830, according to the inscription inside the front cover. This is a small black ms. notebook headed, after a preparatory prayer, “Private devotions for several occasions collected out of several books, Vol second”. The prayers begin with texts for specific times of day before moving on to prayers for other particular occasions.
MS Box IX. 9
Minute Book of the Horsforth Fire Guard Organisation, 1942-45. This bound foolscap volume holds the records of the Horsforth Group Leaders' Association set up in August 1942 (later the Horsforth Fire Guard Executive Committee). The Fire Guard already existed at this time, but it was felt that a Leaders' group would be able to exert pressure on those responsible (apparently the hapless Urban District Council) for delay in equipping and training the Guard .
Fire Guard organisations appeared throughout the country, but had a relatively short life, being suspended in October 1944, when the danger of widespread incendiary action was deemed to have passed. To judge from the minutes, the Horsforth body saw little or no active service, and spent its time organising, training and practising for possible action. Their activity occasionally had a comic aspect, as for instance when it was agreed that group leaders could paint “GL” on their helmets if they so wished, and a simple pleasure in the mechanics of administration and lobbying is also discernible in the minutes. But it is also clear that much useful preparatory work was done, involving preparation of a Fire Guard Plan, liaison with the Fire Service, fire practices, viewing training films and other briefing material, and absorbing the contents of Government circulars on the operation of equipment, and methods of dealing with different types of bombs etc.
After the requirement to operate a Fire Guard plan was suspended in October 1944, the organisation continued in existence for a few more months largely as a social club, just in case its function needed to be resurrected, before finally being wound up in May 1945.
Apart from the minutes, the book contains other documents connected with the organisation, including copies of formal winding-up letters, requests for the return of equipment that had been issued, a list of major fire risk premises in Horsforth, an example of a practical fire guard exercise, a list of sector captains, and a summary of key dates and events in the life of the Horsforth body. In addition there is material about social events, including the results of pub game matches held with sister services.
MS Box X
MS Box X. 1
A packet of original wills and probates made in Leeds and surrounding area over the period 1819-1885. These were donated by Mr Paul Pulleyne, a Leeds solicitor, at an unspecified date. According to a handwritten list accompanying the documents, the wills are for the following individuals:
30Jul 1819 John Thompson of Ferrybridge
8 Jun 1854 Samuel Barnard of Keighley
8 Nov 1855 Martha Aveyard of Burley, Leeds
7 Oct 1856 Isaac Selby of Derby & Leeds
25 Nov 1859 William Walsh of Farnley
15 Apr 1861 John Hutchinson of Cookridge
22 Feb 1864 Mrs Jane Smith of Selby & Leeds
1 Sep 1864 Robert Muff of Leeds
21 Oct 1865 David Clayton of Rothwell
8 Jun 1865 Thomas Musgrave of Headingley & Bramley
6 Nov 1865 George Rhodes of Penistone
29 Oct 1867 George Mitchell of Barmby upon the Marsh
23 Sep 1870 Joseph Dunbler(?) of Church Fenton
2 Sep 1870 Joseph Musgrave Smith of Weetwood
9 Sep 1870 Mrs Sarah Hannah Smith of Lofthouse
3 May 1870 Edward Ashburn of Leeds
29 Nov 1870 William Harrison of Leeds
30 Sep 1870 William Harrison of Temple Hirst
21 Jun 1871 William West of New Wortley
16 Sep 1871 Harriet Miers of Leeds
6 Jan 1871 Maria Ditch of Bretton
18 Jan 1872 William Holmes of Killinghall late Woodhouse Green
10 Aug 1872 Margaret Frankland of Kirkby Malzeard
16 Mar 1874 William Sharp of Woodhouse Leeds
18 Mar 1874 Edwin Mallinson of Leeds
8 Apr 1874 Seth Sykes of Castleford
3 Sep 1875 Mary Robinson of Leeds
10 Mar 1877 Ellen Johnson of Leeds
4 Jul 1879 Charles Duckett of Leeds
10 Oct 1880 Henry Ablishaw of Rothwell Haigh
26 Apr 1881 Ann Bosomworth of Easingwold
9 Dec 1884 Jeremiah Bannister of Leeds
22 Dec 1885 William Pickard of Leeds
23 Apr 1885 John William Heaton of Leeds
26 Nov 1885 John Ogden Holdsworth of Leeds
MS Box X. 2 – not present
MS Box X. 3, (a) to (g)
Not a box but a large brown paper parcel, made up largely of materials collected by G E Kirk, Librarian of the Thoresby Society in the mid 20C.
In a small envelope are items (a) and (b):
(a) “Materials for the history of an old church” - the perfectly legible MS text of a Thoresby Society lecture by Mr Kirk on 17 Nov 1945. Basically, this is a review of the documentary sources available for a parish church history, with special reference to Yorkshire.
(b) “Scargill chantry at Whitkirk Church” - MS of a paper on the history of the chantry intended to be read in the church on 5 Jun 1948, the 500th anniversary of its foundation licence. Loose within the packet is a 1925 photograph of the interior of Whitkirk church.
(c) This sub-section consists of several separate envelopes – nine in total according to a label.
1. Transcripts of Whitkirk and district wills in York Probate Registry, volumes 16-53, covering the period 1559-1680. The transcripts are in a neat legible hand and are referenced to volume and folio numbers.
2. Further transcripts of Whitkirk and district wills, apparently not in the main volumes cited previously. The wills are mainly 17C and are referenced as before. Included is the 1640 will of Sir Arthur Ingram.
3. Envelope labelled “Lofthouse family”, who were from the Whitkirk area. This is in the form of rough notes of miscellaneous documents such as marriage licenses, tombstones, birth and death records and wills.
4. Envelope labelled “Crayke”, and consisting mainly of notes on the church and ministers of this parish not far from Easingwold.
5. Envelope labelled “Extracts from the York Visitation Books & other records”. Visitation was the process by which the diocesan bishop sought to enforce ecclesiastical discipline, and extracts relating to visitations to Leeds parishes mainly in the 17C form the core of this material. Presumably verbatim scripts are provided for selected dates. These give the place, date and gist of the transgressions discovered. There are some curious summary tables which appear to identify incumbent clergymen at successive visitation dates in selected parishes. Amongst other material, there are also notes on references to Leeds parish clergymen in various 15C and 16C wills, some notes on curates' licences issued in the diocese of Ripon 1836-48, and in a similar vein, licences for priests and deacons in Leeds churches 1839-51.
6. Transcripts and abstracts of east Leeds wills from the Archiepiscopal Register at York, made by Kirk. The wills are Henry Dynsley, vicar of Rothwell, 1511; Henry Dynsley, rector of Swillington, 1535; William Harrison, rector of Catwick and vicar of Whitkirk, 1572; Marmaduke Draper, clerk, 1570; and Daniel Hopkins, clerk, 1743.
7. More will transcripts and abstracts from the same source, this time 17C and 18C: James Blackburn of Seacroft, 1633; George Lofthouse of Osmondthorpe, 1683; Joseph Lofthouse of Leeds, 1717; Alvarie Lofthouse of Colecoats, Leeds, 1710; Peter Simon, vicar of Whitkirk, 1779; Robert Leigh of Seacroft, 1658; and Alverah Lofthouse of Manston, 1727-8.
8. Whitkirk and district wills copied from Somerset House: Francis Bellasse, Newsame, 1655; Emmott Jackson, Newsame, 1658; William Lowsdall, Halton, 1648; Thomas Wells, temple Newsam, 1655; and Matthew Tipling, Whitkirk, 1655
9. Inventories of estates of the deceased, transcribed from documents of the Manorial Court of Temple Newsam in the York District Probate Registry: Edmond Bland, Colron, 1666; Hellen rookesbanke, Halton, 1674; Thomas Corker, Colton, 1636; Bridgit Cowper, Halton, 1663; Jennet Cowper, Halton, 1684; Edmond Cunnell, Newsam, 1668; Barbar Dawson, Halton, 1681; Henry Hancocke, Templenewsam, 1680; William Hardwicke, Colton, 1662; William Hareson, Halton, 1659; George Hayre, Newsam, 1638; Edward Hilland, Halton, 1672; John Morkel, 1689; Richard Prince, Halton, 1684; John Roads, Halton, 1680; John Swinden, Halton, 1668; Christopher Thomson, Newsam, 1662; Richard Wilkes, Newsam, 1690.
(d) An old survey of the manors of Fryston and Hillom … 1320... translated from the antique Latin by W M (identity and date of translation unspecified) and copied by Walter J Kaye of Middle Temple, March 1934. This is a very comprehensive inventory (running to 55pp in the translation) of the division of land in these manors, its ownership, rental value, the obligations of it tenants, the dates when rents are due etc. Fryston and Hillom are dealt with separately.
(e) Large marble covered binder secured by cotton tabs and with paper labels “genealogy” and “clergy lists” clipped to the cover, and containing all sorts of rough notes and scribbles on paper of all shapes and sizes on the subjects of Mr Kirk's research. These are unlikely to be of value to any third party.
(f) An identical binder with the label “Genealogy inc Pawson of Leeds & other matters (to be examined)” clipped to the cover. Like its fellow, this binder contains a lot of rough working notes, but there are also some copies of original documents, and even two or three originals. The copies include two printed transcriptions of the inventory of John Pawsone of Kirkgate, Leeds (1576) as well as a modern English version in ms; two printed copies of a tripartite indenture made in 1787 between Ann Wilton of York and Thomas Northcliffe Dalton of York, Henry Duncombe of Copgrove, and Samuel Blagbrough, merchant, Thomas Glover, whitesmith, and William Smith, bricklayer – these last three all of Leeds; and a copy of the will of Charles Hotham, minister of the Somer Islands, 1671 – he had Holderness connexions. The original documents are what looks like a 1671 indenture witnessed by a John Pawson and others, concerning Richard(?) John Sykes and signed by Lancelott (illegible); a document with an attached seal, of date, provenance and purpose unknown; and what may be a draft or copy of the will of George Browne Doniforth (no date).
(g) A battered maroon-covered foolscap notebook holding the incomplete text of a planned bibliography of sources of local history. It starts with a section on sources for Yorkshire as a whole, and then there is an alphabetical list of places, with references for the history of each. Mr Kirk got as far as Middleham, and then seems to have given up.
MS Box X. 4
A bound quarto volume of Kippax memoranda. Pasted in the front is a letter addressed to G W Tomlinson Esq, FSA, of The Elms, Huddersfield, from a correspondent in Redcar, referring to the recipient's researches in Kippax parish church. However, bearing in mind the subject matter, as well as other letters in the volume, the actual compiler of the document may have been E Hicks, the student of Kippax history whose documents appear elsewhere in the manuscript collection. Either way, the actual content consists of transcriptions of memorial inscriptions on tablets etc inside Kippax church and gravestones in the churchyard, rubbings of brasses etc, coats of arms, copies of issues of the parish magazine from 1893 (pasted into the volume), and letters from Mr Hick to Mr Stansfeld concerning brasses etc in the church. A small notebook with further inscriptions is pasted into the front of the document.
MS Box X. 5
Three envelopes, the contents of which do not always match the external legend, but all of which concern Templar crosses and markings on Leeds buildings identified by William Henry Broadhead in the 1890s. These marks were mainly of 19C date and supposedly identify properties formerly owned by the Templars or Hospitallers which were exempt from corn grinding duties. Mr Broadhead, a local industrialist, became interested in these and went around photographing them in the 1890s.
The collection includes typescripts of two notes on the subject prepared by Mr Broadhead, prints of some of the photographs taken (including Thorne's Cocoa Works, Lady Lane, 18 Bridge Street, The Unicorn Inn, Lower Headrow and commercial premises at Brick Street/Off Street) and a plan of central Leeds with the numbers of marked properties shown in brackets against relevant street names and sketches of the cross designs.
There are also photographs of the Post Office, Red Hall, the top of Briggate and Old Rotation(?) Office Yard – all 1890s. A photo of Mr Broadhead said to be held is not present, but there are some biographical notes. Negatives of Mr Broadhead's photographs are held elsewhere in the Society's collection.
A battered foolscap notebook, secured with sellotape, inscribed inside the front cover “Wm Hodgson's Book. Memoranda of various events, commencing with gleanings of my dear father and mother's ancestors and relatives etc”. The memoranda are the notes of William Hodgson, coachsmith, and were written between 1868 and 1875. Hodgson's ancestors were farmers and maltsters from the East Keswick area, but William's father, Benjamin was a coachman who served families mainly in the Woodhouse area of Leeds. The text runs to 100 pages and is a mixture of genealogical material on the family's origins, reminiscences and memories of Benjamin's time in service in the first half of the 19C, and a diary cum calendar of events in William's lifetime, 1813-75. A resume of the contents (not a transcript) is given in PThS, Vol XLVI, pp 379-80. A brief summary follows here.
Pages 2-14. Notes on the Hodgson family of East Keswick, farmers and maltsters. Great grandfather, John Hodgson; great grandmother's family the Bickerdykes; grandmother's name, Elizabeth Chambers.
Pages 15-17. Particulars of his mother's family on her father's side – the Crawshays of Horbury or Osset.
Page 17. Account of his mother's relations on her mother's side. Her grandfather John Dickenson of Flockton, who married twice.
Page 18. William's father Benjamin born 11 Sep 1783, married 1812, his children 1813-31.
Page 19. Crawshay relations.
Pages 20-38. Benjamin's oral reminiscences, given to William in his 81st year. Benjamin was footman to Colonel Dixon of Gledhow Hall, then to Colonel Hardy in Bradford, who came to live in Denison Hall in Leeds in 1817. From 1823-40, Benjamin was coachman to Mr Hebblethwaite of Woodhouse Bar, then to Thomas Blayden of Woodhouse Lane 1840-3, then to E J Teale. For all these periods, the text offers information about the families in which Benjamin served, the servants of those families, about Benjamin's own abodes and employment conditions, and about wider local matters, especially concerning the Methodist Church at the time. In addition there is more personal material about, for example, Benjamin's re-marriage to Martha Wilson after his first wife's death in 1848, an almshouse place secured for Mary Walton who looked after Benjamin just after his wife's death, property built by Benjamin in Bradford, William's apprenticeship and marriages to Elizabeth Fearby (died 1852) and Mary Hart, and Benjamin's death in 1864.
Pages 38-100. At this point the text switches to a chronicle or diary of significant personal and public events during William's lifetime 1813-75. A lot of this is a record of the deaths of famous or local figures known to William, some of whom are accorded brief biographical notes. But there is also a fair amount of material about matters such as Methodist Sunday Schools, preachers etc, elections, the opening of transport facilities or inauguration of public transport services. There are occasional set-pieces, including an account of the visit of Queen Victoria to open the Town Hall in 1858 – whether derived from personal observation or newspaper accounts, is not clear.
In addition, the volume also contains some loose papers:
6a(1) Letter from Benjamin Hodgson's wife to Mr & Mrs John Hodgson in East Keswick, informing them of the birth of a daughter. Dated Bradford, 30 Jul 1815.
6a(2) A small torn sheet with pencilled sums on the back and on the front a copy of an entry of marriage 29th inst at parish church of Almondbury by the vicar, Seth Crawshay, Kirkburton to Hannah Cardwell, daughter of Thomas Mellor of Oaks Farm, Huddersfield and “please put second daughter of Thos Mellor I forgot in haste”.
6a(3) Small piece of paper talking about christ, satan, prophets and the mission
6a(4) Newspaper cutting and discussion of assets (Houses, mainly) of various values, such as £1,400 with dates Nov 8 1867 for newspaper cutting and 1975 on the other sheet
6b(1) Printed receipt form for a legacy
(Register AB No 4 Folio 1139) estate of Samuel Abbott of Bardsey,
died 26 Feb 1820, legatee William Hodgson of East Keswick, farmer and
Martha his wife in her right. Legacy of £100.
6b(2) Letter from Ben Blaydes Thonpson, dated Tadcaster 30 Dec 1835, to Mr Benjamin Hodgson at I Hebblethwaite Esq, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, asking him to attend at Thompson's office in Tadcaster to collect a legacy due under the will of Mr Chambers of Tibshelf.
6b(3) Discharge of Benjamin Hodgson from 1st Leeds Regiment of Local Militia , dated May 1813, at end of 4 years' service.
6b(4) Undated list of property left by Benjamin Hodgson to his sons. There were 16 properties in Reuben Street, Spenceley Street, Marsh Street and Carr Street in Woodhouse, three of which were left to each of his five sons and one to his widow.
MS Box X. 7
Schedule of Listed Buildings in Leeds, sent to the Society in the form of letters from the City Engineer dated 13 Apr and 24 May 1964, the latter being corrigenda and addenda to the earlier list. The schedule specifies the list in which the buildings were designated (1951, 1960 or 1963, including the supplementary 1963 list). Buildings are referenced to maps which at that time were available for inspection in the Civic Hall.
MS Box X. 8
A typed schedule of documents in the Leeds White Cloth Hall Collection in the Brotherton Library at Leeds University. The schedule was drawn up in 1967, and covers records dating from the period 1750-1896.
MS Box X. 9a
Oxford University C of E Missionary Campaign to Leeds 28 September – 7 October 1907: a black folder which acts as a diary of events. The object of the campaign was to encourage overseas missionary activity, and it was delivered by under- and post-graduates of the University. A number of similar campaigns had been held in other provincial cities. The students were allowed to preach by invitation in local churches and also attend special interest sub-groups to put their case.
The folder identifies 63 churches in Leeds and names their incumbents. Down the left-hand side are shown church meetings and activities taking place during the period of the campaign, and in ruled columns alongside, one for each day, are given times and locations of events and usually in red the name of the campaigner attending the chosen events. A separate sheet holds the telephone numbers of ministers.
MS Box X. 9b
Oxford University C of E Missionary Campaign to Leeds 28 September – 7 October 1907: a second bound volume, constituting an administrative record of the campaign, which shows it to have been very expertly and thoroughly organised. The contents are:
Page 1. Checklist of incumbents with what appears to be a record of their response to the request to participate in the campaign, and a log of the despatch of circulars etc.
Pages 2-5. List of the Oxford campaigners, recording their college, where and with whom they were to be billeted in Leeds, and expenses paid.
Pages 6-38. List of participating Leeds ministers and the meetings/events which the campaigners were to attend.
Page 39. MS note of the order of communal meetings of the mission campaign.
Page 40. Copy letter to parishes April 1907, seeking their cooperation, with a printed response postcard.
Page 41. Letter asking clergy to indicate meetings which the missionaries could address (checklist provided). Letter requesting lodgings with form for reply.
Page 42. Copy of the campaign in Bristol, to help Leeds churches see what was wanted.
Pages 43-44. MS drafts of various further communications – identity of missionaries, request for prayers for success of mission, text for inclusion in parish magazines, etc.
Page 45. Invitation to pre-campaign service and letter advising of despatch of publicity posters and leaflets.
Page 46. Copy of poster, programme of preaching on 6 October, list of missionaries.
Page 47. MS letter advising of the communal service and letter to missionaries giving them addresses of their lodgings and their preaching assignments.
Page 48. Hymns for services; letter of thanks to participating churches, urging them to set up permanent mission classes.
Pages 49-54. printed programme details for various churches in Leeds.
Page 55. Newspaper cuttings reporting the campaign, including summaries of addresses at the closing ceremony.
Page 56. MS letters requesting contributions to campaign costs (£200) and asking participants to submit expense claims.
Page 57. Letter to missionaries requesting their attendance at an inaugural meeting.
Page 58. Leaflet “Places of interest in and around Leeds” and extract from an article on the Leeds mission in the Oxford University Church Mission Gazette.
Page 59. Tally of numbers of leaflets sent to parishes.
MS Box X. 10
“A Short History of the Sewerage Engineer's Department 1905-53” by H.A. Judd. Mr Judd, who became Assistant Engineer in this Department of Leeds City Council wrote this typescript account in 1966, based on recollections of his working life and additional documentary research. Although its focus is on the dates indicated, the account also deals with the earlier history of sewage disposal and indeed water supply in Leeds and includes discussion of technical processes.
It begins with an overview of the biology of life and the part played by waste in this process, before moving on to the early history of sewage disposal in Leeds. The first public sewer in Leeds came into operation in the 1850s. It was designed to intercept the outflow from existing mostly private drains and convey it downstream to Knostrop, where the untreated effluent was discharged into the River Aire. The initial result was to intensify pollution of the watercourse as a result of the more efficient carriage of effluent. Experiments in treating the sewage did not begin until the 1870s, when alum, blood and charcoal were applied. This was not very effective, and local and national agitation by riparian landowners led to the passage of the River Pollution Act of 1874 and the Public Health Act of the following year. In response, the town council constructed 10 settling-tanks at Knostrop. These succeeded in filtering out the larger physical deposits, but did not solve the problem of finer bacteria held in liquid solution. There was also a problem of what to do with the separated waste. The aim was to dry it out in lagoons and then recycle it as manure, but drying was a lengthy process and transportation of the bulky final product was difficult in the age of horse power.
Meanwhile, volumes of waste were continually rising as population increased and more properties were connected to the drainage system. In the late 1890s, 7 more tanks were constructed at Knostrop, but further expansion was not possible at the time because the Temple Newsam estate, owners of the adjacent land, would not sell additional land. In 1900, the Council purchased a large tract of land at Gateforth near Selby, with a view to constructing further works there, but Parliamentary approval was withheld.
At the turn of the 20C, experiments in bacterial filtration were conducted in Leeds with the encouragement of Colonel Harding, Chairman of the Leeds Sewerage committee at the time. These used biological processes to screen out the bacteria not collected by physical filtration, and pointed the way to the future. In 1905 the Sewerage Department was set up, charged with re-constructing the treatment works to modern standards and building a new Intercepting Sewer – the Knostrop High Level sewer – to collect effluent from the rapidly expanding suburbs of north Leeds. This purpose was facilitated by a new owner at Temple Newsam who agreed to sell the Council a further 600 acres in 1908. The improvement works were completed progressively in the 1920s and 1930s (Mr Judd's chronology becomes a little imprecise at this point). Knostrop became a sort of twin treatment works, processing waste from the High and Low Level Interceptor Sewers, the latter being essentially the first sewer built in the 1850s.
The account ends with some personal reminiscences of figures from the Sewerage world, followed by a bibliography, some titles of which were included with Mr Judd's bequest and are held elsewhere in the Library.
MS Box X. 11
Envelope containing the working notes of W N Yates assembled for his article on “Leeds and the Oxford Movement” published in PThS Vol LV. The notes are a mixture of typescript and manuscript, and include correspondence, notes taken from various sources, bibliographical material and what appear to be sections or drafts of the text of the article. Sets of papers are stapled together and many are given numbers which appear to relate to pages in the published article or in the author's submitted text.
Also included is the draft of a related article which was submitted to York University and was eventually published in 1975 as Borthwick Paper 48 entitled “The Oxford Movement and parish life – St Saviour's Leeds 1839-1929”. There are letters from Professor G E Aylmer and others commenting on the text.
The material is legible and coherent, but whether it adds anything significant to the published articles is difficult to say.
MS Box XI. 1
Three substantial black bound volumes of “The Recollections” of Benjamin Barker, covering the period from the mid to late 19C. They were presented by his son Professor A F Barker in 1956. The recollections are in manuscript on fine quality art paper ruled and bordered in pencil to hand measurements. Benjamin Barker was a clothing manufacturer of Butterbowl Mill, Farnley, but latterly Sheepshanks Mill on Kirkstall Road. He had been born on 5 June 1837 and lived in Bramley until 1873, when he removed to Ilkley.
An introduction to Volume 1 explains that Benjamin was inspired to embark upon his recollections when he came across chance reference to a medieval chronicle, which led him to wonder whether a similar contemporary account written by an ordinary person such as himself might not come to have a similar value to future generations. While aware that the times were exhaustively documented in press, periodicals and books, he thought that these media were printed on such poor quality paper that they would not survive long – hence his own use of the finest quality art paper.
He envisaged his account being a chronicle of major national and international events combined with a similar record of events of local importance in Leeds and its neighbourhood. It would cover historical matters, notes of major physical changes in the area (new buildings, transport improvements etc), population changes, and major events and visits by eminent people. In addition, there would be short essays or reflections on political and social questions, antiquities, art, music, literature, manners and customs and a few statistics.
The recollections are in fact a semi-public version of his diaries (see item 2 in this box), a rather polite and emasculated version for possible public consumption. Selected chunks of text are transferred verbatim from the diary, or else re-worded, expanded or compressed – there would be some interest in examining the transliteration in detail. Much of the personality and immediacy of the diaries is however lost in the interests of formality and decorousness of tone.
The recollections are very easy to read (no doubt in Benjamin's fairest hand), but it should be noted that a typescript of the complete text is also available as item 2.
Benjamin began Volume 1 in 1874. It covers the period from about 1850 to 1878, in varying degrees of detail. Pages 6-45 deal with the period from the late 1840s to 1859. Pages 46-77 are largely blank, awaiting the insertion of material for the period 1860-73, which he never got round to, although pages 62-4 have some notes on Bramley. The most detailed section covers the year 1874, which gets 34 pages (78-111). This was when he began his project, but thereafter his enthusiasm appears to have weakened, so the volume of material declined: 1875 gets 16 pages (112-125), 1876 eight (126-133), 1877 also eight (134-141) but 1878, the final year in this volume, only seven (144-150). All these post 1874 sections are roughly in diary format, with dated entries.
In content, the volume follows Benjamin's manifesto quite closely. In terms of the information presented, the text is largely impersonal – that is to say it rarely seems to rely on Benjamin's own personal experience of events or circumstances. In fact he could not possibly have had direct experience of many of the events recorded, and must have been relying on newspaper or other reports. On the other hand, he does give his opinions on some of the issues of the day that he deems of importance, so that the reader does get an impression of the attitudes of a presumably prosperous manufacturing man of the period.
The range of matter is wide. At international level, for example, he has notes on the Russo-Turkish conflict and the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, the Ashantee War, and on the non-simultaneous deaths of Siamese twins in America in 1874. National reports include the death of the Duke of Wellington, education and voting reform, comparative birth rates and household size, railway ticket pricing policy, church building projects and their costs and the growth of sporting recreation. Local matter ranges from a detailed account of Queen Victoria's visit to Leeds in 1858, to a summary of Leeds election results 1832-1874, accounts of music festivals, Dr Hook's farewell service and at a progressively more micro level, to the opening of the covered market in Vicar Lane, the foundation meeting of the Leeds Volunteer Rifle Corps, the opening of the Hunslet tramway, Cocoa Houses (rivals to pubs) and the addition of a porch to a bank on Park Row. At a more personal level, he has a reminiscence of the family trip to the Great Exhibition, and some notes on Bramley – some focussing on churches – but also a vivid recollection of Bramley Feasts in the 1878 section.
He seems to have had a particular interest in churches and religion, and in music. Some of his opinion pieces are about religious issues, but he also holds forth about education and voting reform and has some remarks about the condition of the working classes.
Volume 2 is a smaller black bound volume, but with the same high quality plain pages, hand-ruled in pencil, and this time un-numbered. After many blank pages, it begins with an account of a walk from Ilkley to Denton on 20 March 1875, and there are then entries running through until the end of 1877. Most of these are in dated diary format, but some are more gazetteer-like, with sections on places visited on a particular expedition.
In this volume, Barker departs increasingly from his original manifesto. The bulk of his text is made up of more or less topographical descriptions of things he observed on walks, visits, day trips and holidays. He describes numerous walks in the Leeds area, not only in the vicinity of his home in Ilkley, but also in east Leeds (when staying with friends in Woodlesford) and other parts of the city region. Further afield, he takes trips to the Thirsk area, where he also has friends, and to Scarborough and Bridlington. He goes to Edinburgh and in 1875 spends a week in London.
His descriptions of these travels depend mainly on the evidence of his eyes. He is alert to changes in the built environment, quick to notice the appearance of good new villas and commercial premises. He remarks on the construction of the new Leeds crematorium at Lawnswood, on the reservoir works in the Washburn valley, navvies at work on a new railway line. In London, he troops round the standard tourist sites, but also notices his first traffic jam. He gives rather a lengthy description of Scarborough, which he confesses to be largely culled from Theakston's guide.
However, his abiding interest is in churches, and the reader should be warned that descriptions of their physical features form a substantial proportion of his text.
He continues to give a certain amount of information that is not apparent from physical appearances. For example, he comments on the disparity in rents between properties of a similar size in London and Ilkley. He tells us about renting out his own house while he was on holiday. In Ilkley, for every incomer from Leeds, there are three from Bradford. He gives prices of rail tickets, journey times, even conditions of travel. He commends the economies to be made by walking small distances. Twice he remarks how stately home owners have stopped opening their houses due to vandalism by visitors. He describes a typical non-conformist church service and gives figures for the costs of church building and restoration.
Some of these remarks shade into opinion pieces. He holds forth about the issue of disestablishment and disendowment of the Church of England. He laments the state of trade, maintaining that the masters have made no money for years, but that the workers have been largely insulated from the effects of this, both employment and wages having been largely kept up.
Factual reporting of national or international events of note is much reduced. He has an abiding interest in the Russo-Turkish situation and makes a reference to Afghanistan, but few other world issues get a look-in. Some account is given of Leeds exhibitions and festivals.
There remains little of a personal nature in the recollections. We are aware of his wife, Ellen, who sometimes accompanies him on his travels, but know little about her. It comes as a surprise to discover later in the volume that he has children, apparently two daughters. He practices a piano piece with one of them, and on some evenings there is reading aloud from novels. He lets slip that he himself read a paper on the English Reformation to the Congregational Mutual Improvement Society. He tells us that his working day has lengthened because of the pressures of business. But we know nothing much else about household routine or activities.
There are some loose papers inserted in the volume – newspaper cuttings and scribbles for the most part. Perhaps of most interest is a shirt price list for Benjamin Barker's Steam Mills, Armley, dated 1 June 1883.
Volume 3 of the recollections is in a third black-bound volume of intermediate size, prepared in the same way as the others, but using thinner paper. It covers the period January 1878 to May 1880 and fills probably less than a quarter of the available space. The tone of this volume could reasonably be described as pastoral topographic. The emphasis is is very much on accounts of Benjamin's country walks, which he came increasingly to depend on for his well-being, and rather detailed descriptions of church architecture. These tours covered a wide range of areas – Thirsk, Eaglescliffe, Leyburn, Ashby-de-la Zouche, Uttoxeter, Selby, Doncaster, Grimsby, Pateley Bridge, Malham to name but some – as well as the usual places nearer Leeds. They were usually leisure excursions, but it was increasingly common to see them combined with business trips. Although his interest in changes in the built environment is still apparent, it is the countryside per se that now seems more important.
One or two details of personal life slip in. He records the reading of an occasional paper to bodies such as the Ilkley Mutual Improvement Society. It eventually emerges that he has four children, and that his wife's parents live with them. He reads the Mercury and sometimes the Yorkshire Post. He notes his father's move from the family home (Ebenezer House in Bramley) to Burley, because of his father's difficulties (at age 71) in travelling in to the family's mill. His own move, back from Ilkley to Belle Vue Road in May 1878 is noted in one cryptic sentence.
It later emerges that this was intended as an economy measure, the result of adverse trading which affected the family firm for many years after 1873. There are a number of cris de coeur about the straitened circumstances in which the family found itself, contrasted with the extravagance and fecklessness of the working classes. He complains of having to educate his daughters at home because he cannot afford the school fees. He is having to dismiss one of his two servants, because they are so expensive to feed – they insist on meat at supper every day, whereas his family only so indulges on special occasions, while at breakfast they leave enough “bacon drip” to easily feed another person. “The careful and economical lower middle classes must pinch themselves and exercise the greatest care and frugality and be preyed upon by these extravagant paupers who do not know what they would have” (20 Sep 1879). But for him it is “work and work and work to keep the business going at all and no reward for it, working year after year for nothing and less than nothing – ceaseless care and anxiety and worse off at year end than at the beginning” (24 Oct 1879).
Amidst the pastoral rhapsodies and occasional bursts of woe there are still one or two social observations of interest. He notes (and deplores) the practice of “tossing” - a betting game – in the public highway, and describes letting of fireworks at home and then going to a bonfire on the moor on 5 Nov 1879. After Christmas that year, he attends a football match between Oulton and Barnsley (augmented by men from Bradford and Sheffield), which Oulton won 4-1, and this leads to remarks on the growth of interest in sports and gardening. Doncaster is famous for three things – horseracing (and attendant evils), butterscotch, and needless to say, its parish church.
MS Box XI. 2
Typescripts of the Recollections and the diaries. These are on loose foolscap paper and probably made in the 1950s, just before the material was donated to the Society.
The Recollections preserve the arrangement of the original manuscripts and run to 331 pages, numbered from page 700. Volume 1, described as from 1846-1878 runs to 117 pages, Volume 2, 1875-77 to 125 pages and Volume 3, 1878-May 1880, to 89 pages.
The Diaries are 677 pages long and run from 18 Aug 1855 (when Benjamin was 18) to 3 Jun 1890, two days before his 54th birthday. They are continuous except for breaks between Nov 1862 and May 1863, between Oct 1885 and Jun 1887 and finally between Jan 1888 and Apr 1890. On average, there were about 22 pages of entries a year, never less than 15, and a peak of 30/31 in 1862, 1880 and 1884. Volumes were occasionally inflated by the insertion of summary data, such as books read or war statistics (an abiding interest of Benjamin's). The typescript was transcribed from several small books in which the diary was written, and the divisions between these originals are observed in the typescript.
The diaries are a major document on the social and economic history of Leeds in the second half of the 19C. As well as being a rich source of information about middle class life in general, they also impart a strong sense of the personality of the author and his personal evolution. It is impossible to summarise them here in full, but to give a flavour of their contents, some notes are given below on the entries for 1858, 1872 and 1884, samples of the early, middle and late diaries.
Benjamin's 21st birthday fell during 1858, and at this time he was essentially a man of leisure. He may well have become a partner in the family business on attaining his majority, but his work duties at this time were light, apparently running to little more than paying the men's wages, or performing routine clerical tasks, such as getting a receipt corrected. He seems to have spent most of his time on a relentless round of social activity, education and self-improvement. There was much purchase and reading of books – in the year he set himself the task of working his way though Walter Scott's novels (which he perhaps found hard going at times – he was at least a month ploughing through “The Antiquary”). He seems to have made a translation of Caesar's history of the invasion of Britain. He also bought music scores and played in public and private on organ (in chapel) and piano, as well as writing his own compositions. He attended meetings of the Mutual Improvement Society, sometimes apparently in the guise of teacher. He went to lectures and concerts, and was a regular chapel attender, in Bramley, at Oxford Place, or elsewhere – he was a particular fan of the sermons of Mr Puncheon, and went to Headingley when he was preaching there. For exercise, there were frequent walks with friends, mostly in the Bramley area (a three and a half hour walk up to Adel and back was exceptional), rides on his horse, Fan, and games of cricket – not in a team but with two or three friends. And there was a lot of social visiting, with games of cards and chess or draughts sometimes. There were few major events to disrupt this steady ripple of social activity. Perhaps the nearest to such were his coming of age celebration at the Barley Mow Inn in Bramley, attended by about 60 workmen, and the family holiday in Blackpool, about which he gives interesting information on train fares and the cost of lodgings. Likewise, there are few references to external events, exceptions being some sympathetic remarks on the marriage of the Princess Royal, and of the entertainments for Queen Victoria on the occasion of her visit to Leeds.
Fourteen years later in 1872, when Benjamin was 35, the tone is rather different. In the meantime, Benjamin has married and has children, and family concerns become apparent. There are vaccinations, and a great alarm when his daughter Mabel is badly scalded. Samples of childish speech are given. Oblique references to family disputes and disagreements appear. The frivolity of his life fourteen years ago seems to have gone – card-playing, cricket and horse-riding are no more. But at the same time, there is rather less interest in chapel services and sermons, although these are still attended. Walks continue, and social visits are even more frequent. He becomes interested in art, making several visits to the Bramley Fine Art Exhibition & Sale of Work, and taking up sketching himself. This new interest was indulged on a three-week holiday to Llandudno, which involved many trips around the area. He spends some time drafting an essay on Church and State for a competition with a first prize of £400, but it is not clear whether he finishes it.
A darker note is struck by concerns about money, the prosperity of the business and his role in it. The costs of doctor's services to deal with Mabel's scalding (around £8) cause him to resolve to cancel this year's trip to London and for good measure next year's as well – although he consoles himself with the thought that he can add the money “saved” to his book buying budget. He admits guiltily to having spent £440 in the year ending October, and aims to cut this to £150 in the next six months. This is a prelude to a vivid account of a dressing-down he receives from the head of the firm. Up to this point, references to business have not been great, although to judge from entries reading “at mill”, it looks as if he spent much more time there than previously. But not enough for the head of the firm (it is not clear who this is), who accuses him of neglecting his work, failing to complete accounts, over-spending (his services weren't worth £50 a year), “maudling” and being a “lacky boy” to Ellen (his wife). These accusations set Benjamin off on a soul-searching exercise. He decides that although guilty of taking too much money out of the firm, he is no more guilty of this than other family members, while if you analysed what the partners actually did, you would find that he, Benjamin, probably did as much as his three close relatives put together. They just had no conception of his role, because he went about it so quietly and efficiently.
This assault on his record must have shaken him, however, and probably contributed to his decision to move to Ilkley, made at the end of the year. There they would have better health and more enjoyable lives; there would be better schools for the children and beautiful walks all around. It would cost more, but there would be savings on doctors' bills, and they could have shorter holidays as they would need them less.
The 1882 diary seems dominated by worries about the state of business, although these in fact do not take up a large part of the text. But it is clear that business is bad , the annual stocktaking revealing that they were £2000 down on the previous year. Trade is in the doldrums, but Benjamin thinks that the move from Butterbowl Mill to Sheepshanks Mill on Kirkstall Road is the root of the trouble. They must either scale down operations, sub-let a large part of the mill and cut costs by reducing staff and travellers, or consider letting off the entire mill and closing the business, waiting to sell the freehold when trade improves. Some version of the former solution seems to have been adopted, and Benjamin himself seems to have taken on a lot of the travelling salesman work. Joseph Henry, one of the family members privately berated by Benjamin ten years before, took over the mill management, and promised to work the machines harder.
At this time, Benjamin was taking out of the firm £4 a week, and with his wife's £100 a year income from inheritance, he counts himself reasonably well off, if only he can rely on his company income continuing. He cannot understand how Joseph, who draws the same as him from the firm, professes to find life such a struggle on this income, even though he lives more plainly. For a fleeting moment Benjamin toys with the idea of getting out altogether - going to live in his aunt's old house in Barwick, and taking in guests, with supplementary income from travelling or serving in a shop. At another time, he reports selling some old clothes so he could buy some books, and he also contemplates taking out a loan, but is put off by the onerous terms attached. At the end of the day though, he has no choice but to stick it out, because he needs the money for his little luxuries. Despite everything, he is still able to buy himself a new 25 volume moroccan leather-bound edition of the works of Walter Scott (still in favour after 24 years). And his household numbers nine people, including two servants.
This year, there is more reporting of external events – he has comments on the Salvation Army, the Irish Question, twice on the Government's interventions in Egypt, and nearer home, on the memorial service for Dean Hook. For leisure, walks now predominate, and they are described in rather more detail than before, and with a stronger impression of the solace that they give him. He is able to combine business travelling with explorations of new countryside. He still attends art exhibitions, buys watercolours, and actually wins second prize in an essay competition – alas, not one with a large cash prize but a devotional book with which he was not altogether delighted.
The year ends with family troubles again and illness. Ellen causes family dissension by remarking on the propriety of family members' behaviour, which remarks are then circulated efficiently round the entire family. And in December, Benjamin falls ill – he is run down, his system is out of order, there is constant irritation to his nervous system. His doctor says he needs a long holiday, must give up salt for a month and then use it only in moderation, keep inside for a time and wrap up well when he is fit to go out. He is laid up for the whole month, and rumours are rife that the firm is about to fail.
MS Box XI. 3
This consists of second typescript copies of Benjamin Barker's Recollections (see MS Box XI, 1) and pages 401-677 (1875-1890) of his diaries (above XI, 2).
MS Box XI. 3a
These are the working materials for K J Bonser's article on “Spas, wells and springs of Leeds”, published in ThPS Vol LIV. It is made up of a number of separate items:
1. A cloth mounted Geographia street map of Leeds with numbered key to the location of spas etc. This map appears to relate to the numbered list given at the end of Bonser's article.
2. Another reproduction OS base (1847?) also with numbered locations, which do not this time match the article enumeration.
3. A batch of newspaper cuttings, memos, letters and photos concerning the spas. There are notes and a photograph of Well Head fountain, Swinnow (the original structure now in the Abbey House Museum) and of the Revolution well on Stonegate Road and the nearby Stone Pillar.
4. Photos of the Well House at Potternewton Lane and of Gipton bath-house on Gipton Valley Road.
5. A typescript of the article as well as source notes and earlier draft text. 1875-1890
6. Miscellaneous, often very rough, notes and indexes to the material.
7. Typescript of Benjamin Barkers recollections, books 1-3, 1846-1880
MS Box XI. 4-26
This box contains Benjamin Barker's original diaries of which a typescript is found at MS Box XI. 2, as well as his sketch and note books. There are twenty-three books in total, of varying types and sizes, but of pocket-book size or smaller. The diaries are generally in ink, in a legible hand which does not change significantly over the 30 years or more of their composition, whereas the sketchbooks, which include as many notes on churches and places visited as sketches, are mainly in pencil, with a handful of watercolours. Inscriptions in the front usefully identify Benjamin's addresses at various times. Each booklet is numbered individually as follows:
1. 18 Aug 1855-23Oct 1857. The first diary, inscribed “Oakwell Terrace Bramley & 7 Cookridge Street Leeds. Benjamin Barker junior, Bramley near Leeds August 21 1855”. It is written in a blank copy of “The Railway Speculator's memorandum book, ledger and general guide to share dealing” by “unus post secum”, and was printed in 1845, just before the Railway Mania. It has a few pages of general share dealing advice, and is then laid out as a record of sales and purchases, costs and profit/loss etc.
2. 24 Oct 1857-31 Dec 1858. A small notebook with some pencilled memoranda at the rear.
3. 1 Jan 1859-4 Sep 1861. Another copy of Railway Speculator's memo book. Internal pocket includes a drawing of a comet seen in Blackpool, Sept 30th 1858, 8:45pm. List of people's names and other writings in a small envelope.
4. 5 Sep 1861-2 Nov 1862. Another copy of Railway Speculator's memo book. Internal pocket includes a stay at Craigslands Hydropathic establishment and boarding house in Ilkley, 30th Oct 1861 plus other notes.
5. 11 May 1863-3 Oct 1864. Another copy of Railway Speculator's memo book. The six-month gap may be explained by a setback in his courtship of Ellen, his eventual wife.
6. 5 Oct 1864-21 May 1868. Notebook.
7. 21 May 1868-17 Oct 1871. Notebook.
8. 18 Oct 1871-18 Mar 1880. Notebook.
9. 19 Mar 1880-22 Jul 1884. Notebook. Benjamin is now at 5 Marlborough Terrace, Belle Vue Road, Leeds.
10. 23 Jul 1884-25 Oct 1885 & 1 Jan 1887-3 Jul 1887. Notebook. At the front is a list of his grandfather, Jonathan Barker's children, with note about emigration, dates of death and married names of girls. His uncle, Joseph Barker, is “celebrated (see his Life)”. Only the first 40/50 pages of the book are filled [+ enclosures].
11. April-June 1890. Notebook. Only 13 pages are completed, and dating is only partial.
12. Sketchbook mainly of continental scenes, some coloured. In the front it is inscribed Benjamin Barker, York October 1890, but the date 1827 (before Benjamin's birth) also appears and the donor or librarian has dated the content to 1827 or later. The sketches seem to display rather greater expertise than specimens of Benjamin's work in other books, giving rise to the possibility that they may not be by him.
13. Sketches 1873-1880. The book is inscribed The Grove, Ilkley 1873, then 5 Marlborough Terrace 1879-80.
14. Mainly notes with a few sketches 1883-87 of various towns in the north of England, done when Benjamin was at Marlborough Terrace. Memos up to 1900
15. Sketches and notes of things seen on peregrinations 1880. A pencilled note asks the finder to return to the address given if the book is lost, and promises a reward.
16. Sketches and notes 1896-97 when Benjamin was at 63 Ash Grove, Bradford.
17. Sketch book dated February 1897, also from 63 Ash Grove. The subjects are landscapes, houses, churches and some human figures.
18. Notes with a few sketches 1900-1906, based on excursions in North Yorkshire and Scotland. Successive changes of address are recorded at the front: Rose Cottage, Aldboro near York, 25 Jul 1900; Holmes Leigh, Woodlesford, 31 Jan 1901; Beech House, Carlton Husthwaite near Thirsk, May 1905.
19. Notes and sketches of churches etc visited in mid 1870s, mainly in Yorkshire, with a few later memos.
20. A small, largely blank account book inscribed Benjamin Barker junior 23 Feb 1875 and containing a few debits and credits for the years 1875-9. The first two pages are headed “Reserve Fund”. The transactions are for small sums and are for cash, loans, travel tickets, books and the like.
21. “Daily Memorandum and Note Book 19 March 1872” and covering the period to 1880. The first two pages are headed “Special Dates” and have family and company names, sometimes appearing more than once, and not always precisely dated. Thereafter, the book becomes a series of pencilled reminders to the author to do various things, many crossed through presumably when accomplished. One or two lists appear of stocktaking tasks at the mill. From 1877, the entries are in ink, and relate mainly to Benjamin's duties as Trustee for the estate of Mrs Frances Waite of Hunslet, who had died in 1855. Benjamin assumed the role of trustee after the decease of one of the original named trustees, and evidently found it a somewhat harassing and time-consuming business. At the back of the book are names and addresses of business contacts and lists of books.
22. A booklet labelled “Executors of the late Mrs Frances Waite of Hunslet near Leeds”, consisting of a financial record of the administration of her estate in 1856-8. There is a list of the personalty of Mrs Waite (died 18 May 1855); a cash account of her executors, James Farrer and Robert Waite of Oulton and George Broadbent of Armley, itemising funeral expenses, death duties, share transfer costs, cash in hand and in current accounts etc; separate accounts for Robert Waite and James and Mary Ann Farrer; and an account for Mary Waite, presumably one of the beneficiaries of the will. Mrs Waite evidently left much of her estate in trust, which accounts for the need for a replacement trustee 20 years later, when Robert Waite died.
23. Exercise book labelled on cover: ‘B.Barker Junr. Diary Containing (?)lists of letters &c &c Relating to (?)business matters re R. Waite . . . Ellen’s marriage settlement &c &c’, but containing more than that [+ enclosures]. Business memos + other memos 1883-1910.
MS Box XI. 27
This is the newspaper cuttings book of the Barker family, mill owners in the Bramley area. A quarto bound notebook with marbled cover, it was presented to the Society in 1956 by A F Barker. It appears to have been compiled largely by Benjamin Barker junior, and covers the period 1865-1917 (not 1907 as stated elsewhere). It consists of weighty letters to the press principally on political economy and religious subjects, some signed by the authors, others initialled or marked with noms de plume, together with more personal memorabilia and contributions of an artistic nature. Much of the material is contributed by Benjamin Barker himself, but there are poems (many in dialect) by his nephew John T Barker, and matter concerning the career of Benjamin's son, A F Barker, who became Professor of Textiles at Leeds University in 1914. Benjamin was a founder member of the Thoresby Society, and there is a receipt for his 1891 subscription (half a guinea, paid over two years late) signed by Edmund Wilson. Perhaps the main interest of the collection is in exemplifying the range and depth of correspondence in the provincial press at the end of the 19C: many of the letters are of essay length.
Some of the main subjects on which the Barkers wrote are as follows:
1. Political economy
2. Disestablishment and disendowment of the Church of England
3. The Burials Bill
4. Yorkshire dialect
5. Reminiscences of mid 19C Leeds
6. Role of the Leeds Art Gallery
7. Nonconformists and National education
8. Bramley Old Hall and its tragedy
9. Bramley National schools
10. The Living wage
11. Ritualism and the Church of England
13. Church of England and Catholicism
MS Box XI. 28
This is a folder containing the text of various lectures etc composed by Benjamin Barker, presumably also bequeathed by A F Barker:
1. The English Reformation – the manuscript original and two typed foolscap copies running to 41 pages of the text, dated 2 May 1871
2. Monks and Monasteries – manuscript and two typed copies as before, 18 pages, dated 21 Nov 1878
3. The Burials Bill - manuscript and two typed copies as before, 17 pages, dated 17 Jan 1876
4. The Burials Question - manuscript and two typed copies as before, 70 pages, dated 1880
5. Lord Macauley – manuscript version only, 48 pages, Sep 1892
6. Sherburn-in-Elmet and Cawood – an undated manuscript, that “appears to be taken from Wm Wheaton's History of Sherburn nd Cawood, 1882”, according to a note on the front. Whether or not culled from existing material, the ms. reads like an original composition rather than notes or extracts. It deals mainly with medieval and church history
It is apparent from item 27 above that some of these lectures were delivered more than once, typically to audiences like the Mechanics Institute in Castleford.
MS Box XI. 29
Exchange of letters betweenCanon Wood and G. B. Wilson, re American Ministry of Christopher Wilkinson.
Other notable articles relating to both Christopher Wilkinson and Canon Wood are located in MS Box XVII. Canon Wood is also mentioned in MS Box I 2.
MS Box XII. 1-14
This is another collection of the notes and transcripts accumulated by Mr Sprittles over a lifetime of antiquarian activity. The material in this box is all related to St John's Church, Leeds, but as usual is wide-ranging and eclectic in scope. Much of it is in manuscript, but is generally legible.
MS Box XII. 1
Two copies of typed transcripts of material from “Miss Bolland's book in the church safe” together with copies of items from the parish magazine. One of the copies is bound using a 19C binding that Mr Sprittles had found in a Manchester bookshop. The contents are:
1. Transcript of John Harrison's deed of settlement of St John's from 6 Sep 1638
2. Transcript of a judgement given in Chancery in the 1850s on the scheme for administering the charity that funded the church. It covers working arrangements for the trustees, the vicar's stipend, use of the income and responsibilities for maintenance.
3. Newspaper articles relating to late 19C restoration work etc.
MS Box XII. 2
Manuscript transcriptions of the St John's Pew Rents Book 1644-57 (not continuous), made by Mr Sprittles in 1962 from the original in the Society's library. It is primarily a list of names, and variably, rents paid and seats occupied. There is also an itemised and costed list of repairs carried out in 1655, and undertakings from John Harrison concerning pew rent levels and the subsidy that he was prepared to give.
MS Box XII. 3
Manuscript transcription of the accounts and notebook 1783-1810 of the Reverend W Sheepshanks (incumbent in that period) made by Sprittles in 1942 from the copy in the church safe. The book begins with a timeline of major events in the church history 1634-1783. There then follow itemised accounts of yearly income 1783-1810, a list of hospital rents in 1807, and accounts of repairs and improvements to the church and domestic fabric. Mr Sprittles provides a rough plan showing location of main buildings etc.
MS Box XII. 4
Typed document listing items relating to John Harrison collected by Thomas Wilson and now in the Leeds Public Library, together with transcripts of certain of the documents listed.
MS Box XII. 5
Manuscript text of a talk on consecration services in the early 17C given by Sprittles in St John's on 21 Sep 1941.
MS Box XII. 6
Typed transcripts in duplicate of newspaper articles and correspondence relating to St John's from the 1860s to the 1890s. There is detailed coverage of the dispute concerning the stipend of the Rev Monro (appointed 1861), with verbatim reports of the legal proceedings. Also, many extracts from the parish magazine, focussing particularly on gifts, and the 1903 improvements.
MS Box XII. 7
Miscellaneous material. Typed text of a lecture on Harrison and the church delivered by Sprittles to the Thoresby Society in the church on 21 Sep 1940. An assortment of notes and transcripts from 19C newspapers concerning the church. Typed text of a Prize Essay by Sybil Bennett of Thoresby High School on the history of St John's parish (no date).
MS Box XII. 8
An assortment of newspaper cuttings, notes, parish magazine extracts, correspondence about St John's, covering the 19C up to the 1950s. Postcards of St Johns Evangelist Church, Leeds (5 total). On dated on the back 11th Nov 1940
MS Box XII. 9
Notes from the parish magazine c1884-1906, including typed transcripts relating to the 1903 improvements (these are also in item 6 above).
MS Box XII. 10
List of gifts to the church c1884-1908.
MS Box XII. 11 Text of inscriptions added to the church fabric 1935-41.
MS Box XII. 12
A transcript of a catalogue of documents copied in 1942 from an original in the church safe. The list covers registers, minute, account and service books and the like, as well as charity school papers, special service papers, photographs, prints and maps. There is a transcript of a schedule of “deeds, writings and sundry papers relating to the Trust Estates of St John's church”, drawn up in 1839 and referring to 17 and 18C documents. The whereabouts of the catalogued documents themselves is not clear.
MS Box XII. 13
Miscellaneous jottings on church plate and other aspects of the church.
MS Box XII. 14
Manuscript notes – or rather finished text in many cases – about particular items in the church, such as the reredos, the pulpit, communion table, Harrison's tomb and chapel, the screen, pew rents, church accounts. This may have formed the basis for Mr Sprittle's essay on Harrison's church in his publication “Bygone Leeds” (PThS Vol LII, 1969).
MS Box XII. 15-30
This box contains a miscellaneous collection of material donated by Joseph Sprittles, and reflecting his interests, particularly in church history.
MS Box XII. 15
A page of handwritten notes on Croscombe church, made by J Sprittles from a Wells Archaeological Society paper. Croscombe is a village in Somerset, west of Shepton Mallet, with a church screen similar to that in St John's Leeds.
MS Box XII. 16
A series of articles prepared by J Sprittles between the 1940s and 1960s, most in type, some in manuscript, on the church plate of the following churches: St Mary, Beeston; St Michael, Farnley; St Mary, Hunslet; St Matthew, Holbeck; St Matthew, Chapel Allerton; Aberford; St Oswald, Guiseley; Leeds Parish church; Christ Church, Leeds; St Chad, Headingley; Methley; St Helen, Sandal; Ascension, Seacroft; and Skipton parish church. In addition there sre some photographs of the plate of St Matthew, Holbeck, Holy Trinity, Leeds and St Michael, Headingley.
MS Box XII. 17
This is a collection of documents concerning the choir of Leeds Parish church. The items fall into 6 broad groups:
1. A foolscap printed document of 1869 setting out the rules of the choir. It lists such things as the title and duties of choir officers, the conditions of service of choristers, the rules of attendance, dress etc, and the cash penalties for unauthorised absence. Chorister salaries are not however specified.
2. A printed quarto sheet setting out the duties of the organist, and evidently prepared for recruitment purposes. A salary of £200 p.a. is offered. The sheet is undated.
3. A printed quarto advertisement of William Holt the organ builder, produced at the time of his move from Bradford to premises on Woodhouse Lane in Leeds. The company offered installation and repair services. Two pages of testimonials are included.
4. A reporter's notebook containing manuscript notes extracted from the Minute Books etc of the church choir by Joseph Sprittles. The notes begin in 1833 and relate mostly to the next 20 years or so. The material noted in this period covers financial and administrative matters, rules of the choir, members' responsibilities, appointments etc. Some is quite detailed – for instance, names of musicians and choristers and their salaries in 1834. The later notes – which extend to the 1940s – are briefer, mainly recording performances of sacred musical works and their costs or proceeds and some other significant financial information.
5. Further notes by Mr Sprittles, consisting of a transcript of a report in the Leeds Mercury for 25 Nov 1826 about a meeting to discuss the funding of the church choir, and notes from the choir minute books for 1833-45 which seem largely to duplicate item 4 above.
6. Notice of a scheme for the administration of exhibitions for the benefit of male choristers, specified by the Leeds Board of Education and adopted on 30 Sep 1909. The scheme enables financial support to be offered to boys attending Secondary schools in Leeds who are also choristers. Support may be give for either or both tuition and maintenance fees (the latter to a maximum of £10 p.a.). The scheme was underpinned by an endowment of just under £3000, established by the Board of Education from the sale of property.
MS Box XII. 18
A very miscellaneous collection of letters and other items concerning Leeds parish church and other matters:
1. Letter dated 2 Oct 1861 from R D Chantrell to W M Maude concerning ancient crosses.
2. Letter dated 15 Nov 1861 from E Fletcher, solicitor, to W Snowden advising of the enclosure of “Parish Church Rhodes sketches” and an autograph book left to him in the will of Miss Maude.
3. Letter dated 20 Jul 1841 from A Aylis, an art restorer, to R D Chantrell concerning the condition and restoration of a picture intended for the Communion Table in the parish church.
4. Brief manuscript extracts from articles in the Leeds Mercury in the 1820s, of which the principal is one about the employment and payment of choristers in the parish church. Mr Baines is reported as saying that this would be the resumption of a practice not seen since the age of “Popish superstition”.
5. A card with the text of a Bidding Prayer for use in Leeds parish church. A covering note says the prayer is believed to have been introduced by Dr Hook, but the version reproduced dates from c 1900.
6. A letter dated 15 Jun 1929 from the Bishop of Wakefield to “Bertie” (identified as H W Thompson), enclosing a letter from the Bishop of Chichester apparently reminiscing briefly about the “early days”.
7. A page from the Yorkshire Weekly Post for 22 Oct 1910 featuring an article by E Hargrave of Moor Allerton headed “How Leeds elected an Organist in 1821 – Amusing Proceedings”. This is a detailed account, covering two and a half columns of the tabloid paper.
8. Further notes from the Leeds Mercury, covering inter alia the funeral of the Rev Fawcett in 1837 and an appeal for funds to repair the church.
MS Box XII. 19
Typed copy of an essay by J Sprittles on “Batley and its Parish church”, dated June 1942, and including his preparatory notes and a separate text on the church plate. Also a leaflet appealing for funds for church restoration in about 1930, and a cutting from The Reporter for 7 Jan 1928 on the Batley Enclosure Act.
MS Box XII. 20
Typed copy of a history of Birstall church by J Sprittles, including cuttings from the Batley News for 8 Sep 1928 and a Leeds Mercury supplement dated 29 Sep 1898.
MS Box XII. 21
This is a substantial collection of material assembled by J Sprittles for his “History and Description of Oakwell Hall” (Birstall). It includes material passed to Mr Sprittles by G E W Maggs, a former resident of the Hall, for his own projected history which never saw the light of day. The contents were described and assessed by G Woledge in 1978 – his handwritten note is in a Thorseby Society envelope contained in the package. The note refers to rather indistinctly numbered or labelled envelopes or folders within the package and is paraphrased below. Items asterisked were considered by Woledge to contain significant unpublished information.
Envelope 1 - “Correspondence...” No correspondence. The draft petition mentioned on the envelope is in Envelope 2. Draft conveyance to Messrs. Sharman & Rae (purchasers of the Hall in the late 1920s). Draft appeal (for funds to save the Hall). Notes on Oakwell up to the ownership of the Batts (early 17C). “Licenses on Mortmain: instructions to petitioners”.
Envelope 2. Draft conveyance of the property to Birstall Urban District Council, after its rescue by benefactors. Draft petition – mortmain. Miscellaneous papers on the acquisition of the Hall. *Letters to Maggs from John Charlesworth, 1928-31 and 1936. He was an FSA interested in the preservation of the Hall, and acted as solicitor for Sharman & Rae. Their subjects include the acquisition of Oakwell, the terms of the Trust, the possibility of getting it declared an Ancient Monument, and Birstall UDC's neglect of it. Letters to Maggs from Robinson, vicar of Birstall, on Birstall tithes (1927) and *E H Taylor on her family connection with Oakwell through the Cockills (1934).
Envelope 3 Oakwell Hall – Jeremiah Mattison's notes. *Typescript copies of documents (not all by Mattison) probably in the Temple Newsam papers in the Leeds Archives Dept, including what is apparently the full text of the accounts from which Sprittles printed extracts.
Envelope 4 Oakwell Hall photographs etc. *Copy & original of a letter from Maggs giving information about the garden before alteration. 1926 “Rae from Fitzroy” - legal notes on acquisition. 1927 abstract of title. *Typed transcription of letter from Batt to Constable of Bramley, 6 Jul 1666. *Note on the Batt family in Newton Tony parish register. *Horns and notice, letter to press by Maggs (carbon copy of typescript, ms. draft). Appeal for funds booklet (2 copies) and related papers. 6 photographs and 3 prints of the Hall. Miscellaneous notes.
Envelope 5 Pictures of Oakwell.
*Collection of newspaper cuttings, amounting to a detailed account of the acquisition of the Hall and its subsequent donation to Birstall.
MS Box XII. 22
A booklet of information on the role of the mayor, civic regalia and coats of arms prepared in 1959 by C Davenport, the Mayor's secretary in Stoke-on-Trent, and with special reference to that city. The first section covers in general the origin of the mayoral office, selection/election methods, terms of office, remuneration, powers, duties and etiquette. A second section discusses the civic regalia of Stoke, with further remarks on the mayoral duties. The final part deals with the coats of arms of Stoke and its constituent towns.
MS Box XII. 23
Two sides of manuscript notes on Pollard Hall, Gomersal made in 1949, possibly for a guided tour.
MS Box XII. 24
Printed extracts from the Holbeck Parish magazine for May-August 1924 dealing with local opposition to the appointment by the vicar of Leeds of Richard Fawcett as the vicar of Holbeck in 1754. The notes draw on contemporary reports in the Leeds Intelligencer.
MS Box XII. 25
Five pages of typescript notes on Ledston Hall, undated and unsigned, but by J Sprittles according to the envelope. Includes a copy of a plan of the development of the house made by S D Kitson for articles in the Yorkshire Archaeological Society Journal and the issue of Country Life for 3 and 10 Dec 1938.
MS Box XII. 26
Notes on ‘Old Leeds’ and brief chronological history. St James’s Lodge (Harewood Barracks), Woodhouse Lane (notes), Chapel Allerton. Order of Service for Commemoration of George VI in Leeds Parish Church, 15 Feb 1952. Letter also talking about the diamond jubilee of the founding of the Thoresby society by Joseph Sprittles.
MS Box XII. 27
Letter from J B Pickles of White Lodge, Upland Road to J Sprittles, dated 3 Apr 1949. It is a letter of reminiscence sparked by a recent lecture of Mr Sprittles, dealing with the origins of the writer's family in Woodhouse and later Burmantofts, where he was a pupil at Primrose Hill school, one of the first three Board schools in the city. The letter then goes off at a tangent to refer to the writer's wife's father Shadrach Stephenson, apparently the first student to enrol at the Yorkshire College. A photograph is attached of the happy recruit, clutching writing materials in readiness for his studies.
MS Box XII. 28
A bound booklet listing the residents by name, address, trade and number of household members of District 3, or the Harrison Street District of Leeds in June 1861. The booklet is inscribed with the name Miss M Price, of 32 East Parade, Visitor and was evidently compiled for religious purposes, since there is a section intended to list members of the Confirmation class, although this is in fact blank. Folded into the back of the book is a large scale map of District 3, which covers an area centred on St John's church, bounded by Wade Lane, Merrion Street, North Street, Harrison Street, Mark Lane and St John's Street, before New Briggate was driven through. The buildings on the plan are not numbered, so it may not be easy to match the table of residents to the map. There were about 60 properties, excluding almshouses, with a population of 254. A memorandum or key to the map and tables is given at the end.
MS Box XII. 29
Manuscript notes on Leeds Civic Regalia by J Sprittles. There is 17C history of civic maces and corporation church pews, 19C matter on the Mayoral chain and evening jewel, and also data on the Jersey mace. Text at the back appears to be a formal essay on the Leeds mace.
MS Box XII. 30
These are typed manuscripts – whether final or not is unclear – of J Sprittles' essays collected in his volume Links with bygone Leeds. The essays cover Matthew Murray, Richard Oastler, Joseph Priestley, John Smeaton, Charles Thackrah, the Old Infirmary, Kirkstall Abbey, the Leeds Library, Templenewsam, and Trinity Church, Boar Lane.
Various images located in box could be useful for the image archive
MS Box XII. 31
A transcript of the Court Books of the Leeds Corporation 1662-1705, transcribed by J. G. Clark and published in PThS Vol XXXIV, 1936.
MS Box XII. 32
Black leather-bound book with handwritten pages and sketches, entitled ‘Reflections or Audaces fortuna juvat’, by Wilfred Moss (1905-1971), 10 Greenmount Place, Beeston Hill, Leeds 11, illustrated by the author. Dated 1933 and dedicated to his fiancée Elsie Collinson, on the occasion of their engagement on 25 Dec 1932. Contains information on Kippax, the church, and places of interest around; also sections on Leeds history, architecture and other features, and Leeds suburbs. 182 pp, with map, photos, drawings and cuttings pasted in. Gift of Wilfred Moss, 1971.
MS Box XII. 33 A collection of personal papers belonging to George Holbrook Jackson, Journalist, writer and publisher (1874-1948), relating principally to the period when he lived in Leeds, from 1900-1906. These papers were selected, sorted into envelopes, and donated to the Society in 2022 by Holbrook Jackson’s two great-nieces, Yvette Elliott and Thelma Anderson.
In his time in Leeds Holbrook Jackson was noted, with his friend Alfred Orage (1873-1934), for the foundation in 1903 of the Leeds Arts Club which became one of the most exciting and vibrant centres of radical thought and experimental art outside London. It had premises in town with a library, arranged exhibitions of avant-garde painting, architecture and sculpture, and held regular discussions on literature, music, philosophy and drama. It attracted many eminent visitors to Leeds.
1. Booklets and Notes pertaining to Lectures;
The Leeds Arts Club: four small folded printed cards with Syllabus of Lectures: Sep – Dec 1906; Jan - April 1907; Oct – Dec 1907; Oct – Dec 1908. These leaflets contain the programme of weekly lectures, describe the object of the Club, name its Committee of Management, and list the members’ study groups.
Fabian Arts Group (London): small folded leaflet with Syllabus of Lectures, February 7 to April 4 1907: includes the Group’s objects and lists the Committee of Management; Holbrook Jackson, Hon. Secretary.
Leaflet for Lecture by Holbrook Jackson on 17 Oct 1935 in Sheffield on the subject ‘The Reader as Artist’, part of Sheffield City Libraries ‘Celebrity Lectures’ series. The leaflet contains a summary of Holbrook Jackson’s life and his works.
Menu card for the 21st Anniversary of the Double Crown Club, 25 Sep 1946. The Double Crown Club was/is a dining club and society of printers, publishers, book designers and illustrators founded in 1924 in London by Holbrook Jackson who was its first President; he responded to the toast. His handwritten notes are inserted, apparently announcing his retirement.
Two pages (mismatched) of handwritten notes, one apparently on names for committee members of the Leeds Arts Club (dated 1905), with notes on the reverse for a lecture? on ‘the Drama of Ideas’. The other contains personal notes on his ‘revolt’ and thoughts on his life, together with a series of aphorisms (for which he became well-known).
A collection of five newspaper cuttings from the Yorkshire Post, Yorkshire Observer and Yorkshire Weekly Post, reporting on the lecture given in Leeds on 14 March 1906 by the poet W. B. Yeats, with the singer Florence Farr, entitled ‘Poetry and the Living Voice’, held under the auspices of the Leeds Arts Club.
A cutting from the Yorkshire Weekly Post 7 March 1906 reporting a lecture to the Leeds Arts Club by A. R. Orage on ‘Practical Imagination’.
[NB A collection of A. R. Orage’s papers are held in Special Collections in the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds]
2. Miscellaneous notes written by Holbrook Jackson
Two pages of handwritten notes (for diary?) dated 9 Sep 1906 recounting a meeting at Ostende with John Burns (John Elliot Burns (1858 – 1943) then President of the Local Government Board, trade unionist and politician, a socialist and a Liberal MP and Minister before resignation at the start of WW1).
Three pages of handwritten notes headed ‘The Books of the 1890s’.
3. A copy of the literary journal ‘The Windmill’ (Vol. 3, no. 11), 1948, which includes (p 41) an article by Holbrook Jackson ‘A. R. Orage: Personal Recollections’. This includes an account of their first meeting, friendship, and activities in Leeds.
4. Photographs of Holbrook Jackson: two mounted and two unmounted photographs of Holbrook Jackson with estimated dates.
5. Newspaper articles written by Holbrook Jackson (nb some in poor condition)
Collection of 19 cuttings from T.P.’s Weekly of articles written by Holbrook Jackson between 4 August 1911 and 26 July 1912, on a range of topics.
One cutting with an article by HJ on ‘The Personality of Leeds’ from the Yorkshire Weekly Post, 19 March 1910. Includes account of his first impressions of Leeds.
Four cuttings: two from the Sheffield Telegraph of 21 Feb 1910 and 17 Mar 1910 on theatre and literature; one from the Daily Dispatch of 12 Jun 1910 on ‘Poster Politics’; one from the Daily News of 31 Dec 1909 on Robert Brough.
One cutting (newspaper not identified) with article by HJ called ‘Poverty’s Grim Advertisement – an impression of Liverpool’s striking object lesson’ (no date but references suggest 1909).
6. Newspaper and other articles kept by Holbrook Jackson
Two cuttings from the Daily Mail 14 and 15 Dec 1909 on ‘Germany and England’;
Four cuttings from T.P.’s Weekly 1 Sept 1911, 15 March, 12 April and 5 July 1912 on miscellaneous topics;
Cutting from The Freewoman 28 Dec 1911;
Cutting (no date or paper named) on the Great Seal of England;
Cutting from The New Age 4 April 1912 on Theosophy and Social Reconstruction.
Cutting from The Bookseller of 30 Jan 1914 with a report on the Annual Dinner of Antiquarian Booksellers when HJ gave an address.
Article (3 pages) from The Listener of 14 Oct 1936 on ‘Modern Poetry’ by W. B. Yeats.
Pages (599-614) from The Gentleman’s Magazine (noted as Dec 1889) containing an article ‘Concerning Cycling’.
Picture of silhouette figures – no date or paper identified.
7. Letters, articles and appreciation speeches after Holbrook Jackson’s Death (16 June 1948)
Printed appreciation of Holbrook Jackson by (Sir) Francis Meynell, read at his funeral; together with typed draft, and a copy of the speech printed in The British Weekly, 16 Sept 1948.
Typescript of talk/appreciation of Holbrook Jackson broadcast on BBC Third Programme, London, on 27 July 1948, by Daniel George (Bunting, 1890-1967);
Cutting with obituary of HJ from The Times, 18 June 1948; other related notices from The Times stuck on card;
Two pages with tributes to Holbrook Jackson from a drapers’ trade journal, July 1948;
Copy of journal ‘Desiderata’ 2 Feb 1951 with Editorial on Holbrook Jackson’s Library.
MS Box XII. 34
1-8 Miscellaneous items relating to the Leeds Savage Club. The Leeds Savage Club was founded in 1898 by writer and art dealer Edmund Bogg, along with painters Owen Bowen and Mark Senior, architect Percy Robinson, sculptor Edward Caldwell Spruce, and artist and cartoonist J. H. Dodgson. For more details on Edmund Bogg and the Savages see the article on him in the ‘Leeds People’ series at and for more information on the Club and other members see the longer, more detailed article at The Leeds Museum has a collection of artefacts which belonged to the Club.
1. Savage Club cards:
(a) Greeting card [n.d.]
(b) Invitation from Mackay & Freeman to ‘smoke the calumet of peace’ Friday 19 ‘inst.’[n.d.]
(c) Invitation from ‘The Scribe & Savages E & S Watson’ to a ‘pow-wow’, March 7 [n.y.]
(d) Invitation to a ‘Grand Pow-Wow’, March 10 1911.
(e) Invitation to a ‘Pow-Wow’, Friday Jan 3 [n.y.]
(f) Summons to a ‘Council’, Thursday 31 Mar 1898
(g) Summons to ‘First Pow-Wow since 1914’, Friday Feb 18 1921
(h) Summons to ‘First Pow-Wow’, Thursday Oct 22 [n.y.]
2. Offprint of TS article (Vol. LIV, p 298) by George Black on the Savage Club.
3. Tramping with the Savages [illustrated booklet by ‘The Chief’, Edmund Blogg]
4. The Leeds Savage Club, booklet of Rules [1907/8]
5. The Leeds Savage Club Evening in aid of the Gateforth Hall for Consumptives, 11 Dec 1903.
6. Menu of Savage Club Dinner, Sat. Jan 4 1908 [illustrated and annotated]
7. Newspaper cuttings re Savage Club, 1938; obituary of Edmund Blogg.
8. Resurrection of The Leeds Savage Club – report on a meeting held at the Temple Works, Feb 28 2010.
MS Box XIII. 1
Two notebooks, the larger one measuring 20.5 x 16.5 x 2 cm, the smaller 18.5 x 11.5 x 2 cm, leather bound, belonging to Robert Pounder (1811-1857) a self-educated Leeds artisan. They contain his MS record of his part in events of the time, notably his support for Richard Oastler and the Ten Hour campaign, alongside personal information on his life and family and a number of poems. These notebooks have been transcribed in full and edited by Ann Alexander, and were published with additional Appendices in the Thoresby Society publication PThS Second Series, Vol.25 (2015).
Click here for the detailed index to the volume.
MS Box XIII. 2
MS Box XIII. 3
This consists largely of the working notes of R J Owen principally on the Baptist churches of Leeds. They were assembled with a view to the composition of a comprehensive history which never saw the light of day, although Mr Owen did contribute two articles to the Society's publications, on “Wintour Street Baptist Church 1870-95” (PThS Vol LIII ) and “The Baptist Church of Bramley” (Vol LIV pt 3)
The notes are in three bundles:
The first page of these notes is headed “J Ernest Town's unpublished history of South Parade (1923)”, but they appear to be Mr Owen's notes compiled largely from the records of Baptist churches in Leeds, particularly minute books, member/attendance lists, subscription lists and the like. The notes are in manuscript, sometimes heavily amended, but generally quite legible, dated and attributed as far as one can tell. However, they are not transcripts (although there is some verbatim quotation), but Mr Owen's selections of what he considered to be of interest, which may limit the reliance that can be placed on them. Pages are numbered, although some sequences appear to be missing. The establishments covered are as follows:
Pages 1-2 Church of Christ, Hunslet (Hunslet Baptist Tabernacle)
Pages 3-10 Farsley Baptist Church
Page 13 Bagley Baptist Church
Pages 28-180 South Parade Leeds
Pages 181-217 Carr Crofts Baptist Church, Armley
Pages 218-239 South Parade Leeds
Pages 240-264 Hunslet Baptist Tabernacle
Pages 270-312 Blenheim Baptist Chapel
Pages 313-332 York Road Baptist Chapel
Pages 333-363 Bramley Zion Baptist Church
Pages 400-402 Bramley Salem Baptist Church
Pages 403-419 Bramley Second Baptist Church
Pages 500-505 Gildersome Baptist Church
Pages 506-511, 614-616 Leeds Sunday Schools Teachers' Meetings
Pages 618-627 North Street Chapel
Pages 628-639 Wintour Stree Chapel
This is a collection of church histories (photocopied typescripts) and other documents associated with Baptist churches:
History of Newton Park Union church, 1837-1922, as well as a leaflet about the new freewill offering scheme (1929) and accounts for 1930
Harehills Lane Baptist church – leaflet referring to the stone-laying in 1928
Model Trust Deed of the Yorkshire Association of Baptist Churches adopted in 1889.
Charity Commission – approved scheme for the operation of the North Street Baptist church 1928
Centenary leaflet of Idle Baptist church 1977
Memorials, acts of faith, rules of practice of Bramley Baptist church 1864
History of Carr Crofts Baptist church by W Summer, 1898
Jubilee of South Parade Baptist church by John Ashworth, 1877
The final Owen item is a typescript of an unpublished article or talk entitled “Yorkshire 100 years ago” (1971). It is a rather slight piece on some of the things in the news in July 1871.
Also classed as item 3 in this Box are two apparently unrelated items. One is a MS transcript of the first Baptism Book of St James, Seacroft, 1845-1905. It lists the names of the newborn and their parents, with an occasional generalised address.
The final item is a typed catalogue of the holdings of the archive of the Friends' Meeting House Carlton Hill, Leeds, kept at the time of compilation (1971) in the church safe. The catalogue is a reprint of the 1910 catalogue with the addition of fresh items deposited up to 1971. It appears from the catalogue that the archive is a rich collection, covering a wide area of West and North Yorkshire, and dating from the late 17C.
MS Box XIII. 4
This consists of three collections of information in springback binders assembled by C H Tyne. The first of these consists of notes on “The History and Architecture of the area known as the Bank” in Cross Green or Richmond Hill, Leeds, assembled in 1980. This is essentially a scrapbook of largely secondary material. It includes a map on an OS base of the area deemed to be the Bank; relevant text and copies of photographs from “Leeds Slumdom”, the 1897 pamphlet; typescript notes for a walk in the Bank covering industries, housing, religious rivalries, churches, schools, public houses both existing and demolished, and other buildings; a cutting of an interview with Stanley Cohen MP and Cllr Tom Mathers about the Bank; notes on St Mary's College, and All Saints' , St Saviour's and St Hilda's churches and Bourne Chapel; notes on Cardinal Wiseman's visit in 1857, and on Luigi Tomasso's barrel organ factory; and the typescript of an industrial history trail produced by Leeds Polytechnic. There are also some unidentified photographs of scenes in the Bank, presumably circa 1980, miscellaneous cuttings culled from the community publication “Richmond Hill News” of about the same date, and at a bit of a tangent, lists of locomotives in use at Waterloo Main colliery and “Sir Lindsay Parkinson's site at Temple Newsam”.
The other two binders hold an alphabetical catalogue of Leeds churches, compiled by Mr Tyne out of concern about the numbers being demolished, to judge from newspaper cuttings of two of his letters to the press inserted at the front. The catalogue gives brief summary information (if available) about each church under the headings of architect, foundation stone laid, consecration, other information, closed , demolished and other churches on site. There then follow illustrations of each church, both interior and exterior if available, either from original colour or black and white photographs, or copies of illustrations from other sources. The colour photographs are often fading badly.
These items, occupying three whole boxes, are devoted to the working notes and materials collected by Alice M Croft, in the 1950s and possibly before, towards a projected history of Little Woodhouse. Miss Croft had been a school mistress at Lawnswood High School, and was a member of the Society. The daughter of a doctor born in Clarendon Road, she conceived of the idea of writing a history of the neighbourhood where she was born. In an undated newspaper cutting from the 1950s or 1960s, she is reported as intending to lodge copies of the history in the Thoresby Society and Central Reference Libraries. However, no such history is to be found in the Thoresby Society Library card index, and it appears that Miss Croft only got as far as the draft manuscript held as item 1.
A large part of the materials left by Miss Croft is in the form of very rough notes, grouped thematically, but in their raw state - a series of MS jottings on slips of paper that have not been tidied up or formalised in any way. Even the most determined researcher would be hard-pressed to glean much of value from these notes. Items 2,3 and 5 are in this category.
The remaining material is potentially more useful, consisting for the most part of copies or summaries of information taken from primary sources and pertaining to the Little Woodhouse area. But none of it is original and all is obtainable elsewhere. Probably the most valuable are summaries of mainly 19C newspaper and other information about particular streets and buildings in Little Woodhouse.
Given the nature of the material, only a general summary of its nature is given here. A rather more detailed listing of it is lodged in the MS box with items 1 and 2.
MS Box XIV. 1
The first item is the original manuscript text of the history, together with a photocopy of the same. The original text is labelled “final” and runs to 42 pages. Although so described, it does not appear to be complete. It seems to stop at a fairly arbitrary point, and there are some discontinuities in the text and references are incomplete. It does not appear ever to have been typed, and cannot reasonably be described as ready for publication. The text is mostly concerned with tracks and paths in Little Woodhouse, land ownerships and occupations, and significant local families. It is accompanied by a list of the streets which the author considered to constitute her study area.
MS Box XIV. 2
Miss Croft arranged her voluminous research materials into eight “bundles” of which this is the first. This bundle consists of 20 separate envelopes and folders containing very rough notes of the type described above mainly on particular houses, streets and other buildings.
MS Box XIV. 3
More rough notes grouped into three separate envelopes. One labelled with the names Bannister, Dixon, Horsman, Marston, Iles and Grenefeld has bits of information about these people jotted on scraps of paper, bits of card and old envelopes, the whole pinned together. A second envelope has similar material, including a list of Little Woodhouse residents and public offices they held in the period 1826-64. The third envelope is more property based, but also contains the first of a series of extracts from Directories covering Woodhouse Lane (see below).
MS Box XIV. 4
An alphabetical schedule of streets in Little Woodhouse with information about occupants copied mainly from 19C Directories. The information given is house number (if present), name, occupation and date of source Directory. It seems likely that the Directories consulted were those in the Thoresby Library. The number of dates reported depends on the age of the street; Blenheim Terrace, for example, has entries from about 18 Directories covering the period 1834-75, whereas Abyssinia Street has three entries for 1870-5, presumably because the street was only constructed in the former year. Details tend to be given in full only if they are different from the last Directory consulted. Someone with an interest in a particular street in Little Woodhouse might find this a convenient bringing together of information – provided they were prepared to accept the accuracy of the transcription.
MS Box XIV. 5
This is a booklet of scrappy information of no real interest, but it does contain the cutting about Miss Croft, together with a picture of her.
MS Box XIV. 6
These are extracts copied from original documents with some bearing on Little Woodhouse, such as the 1612 survey of the manor of Leeds, parish register information, records about John Harrison, manor rolls, tithes, deeds etc.
MS Box XIV. 7
This is a collection of notes from newspaper articles about the sale of land and property in Little Woodhouse, organised by street. The notes are summaries rather than verbatim copies, but sources are given in full so that the original can be followed up. The period of review is generally from the late 18C to the 1840s. Some of the streets have numerous entries – there are about 35 articles for Bedford Place, for example, in the period 1825-46. The streets covered are Bedford Place, Beech Grove, Bentinck Street, Blenheim Terrace, Blundell Place, Boynton Street, Cankerwall Lane, Carnaby Street, Clarendon road, Cookridge Street, Cromer Road, Fenton Street, Great George Street, Hanover Place, Square & Street, Hillary Place, Kingston Terrace, Leighton Lane, Lyddon Terrace, Mount Preston, Oxford Row & Street, Park Lane, Street & Terrace, Portland Crescent & Street, Preston Place, St James' Square & Street, St Marks Bldgs & Terrace, Springfield Mount & Place, Sunny Bank, Tolson Street, Warwick Place, Street & Terrace, West Place, Woodbine Place, Woodhouse Square.
MS Box XIV. 8
Similar material for named buildings – mostly houses, churches and schools. It makes more use of other sources and some of the notes are in the form of summaries of existing secondary sources. The buildings are (houses first): Belmont, Denison Hall, Little Woodhouse House, Hillary House, Woodhouse Lodge or Grove, Springfield House, North Hall, Willow Grove, Springfield Villa, Preston, House, Woodhouse Old Hall, Portland House, Springfield Lodge, Claremont, Belle Vue, Carlton House, Preston Cottage, Ivy Cottage, St James Lodge, Virginia Cottage, Vauxhall House. Other buildings: Leeds C of E Commercial School, Catholic Apostolic Church, Willow Terrace Church, Clarendon House school for Cripples etc, St Anne's Cathedral, Leeds Middle Class School, Vernon Road, Woodhouse Reservoir, Leeds College of Music, Baptist Church Great George Street, Leeds Eye & Ear Infirmary, Leeds Model Infant School, Trinity Congregational Church, Hostel of the Resurrection, Leeds Clergy School, Woodhouse Cemetery.
MS Box XV. 1
Title deeds relating to 527 square yards of land at Lane Side Close, Farsley (later known as the Melbourne estate) dated between 1835 and 1897, but actually covering the period back to 1799 in some detail and to 1688 in outline. There are twelve deeds in total but no plan of the site. They are described briefly below in chronological order.
26 Jun 1835 Indenture granting the substantive purchaser Charles Fewston a single year's lease at peppercorn rent on the day before his purchase of the land was due to be completed. This appears to have been a standard practice, designed to ensure that the buyer was in “full and actual possession” of the property before he bought it and thereby “enabled to accept and take a grant, release or other conveyance of the reversion of the freehold...”
27 Jun 1835 Indenture whereby the land was conveyed to Charles Fewston, a Farsley stonemason and innkeeper, for the sum of £48. The seller was John Vickers.
9 Dec 1835 Indenture granting a one year's lease to Richard Parkinson, the subsequent purchaser.
10 Dec 1835 Indenture recording the sale of the land to Richard Parkinson, a clothmaker, dealer and chapman of Farsley. The sale price was £295, probably reflecting the fact that there were now building or built two dwelling houses on the land, possibly the work of Charles Fewston the stonemason.
11 Dec 1835 Indenture whereby Richard Parkinson, being in need of a short term loan of £400, mortgages the land to Richard Denison, gentleman of Farsley, for this sum. Mr Denison is granted a 1000 year lease but there is a clause allowing Richard Parkinson to redeem the mortgage and re-possess the estate on 11 Jun 1836 at 5% interest for the term of the loan.
4 May 1836 Indenture recording Parkinson's redemption of the mortgage on this date. A sum of £300 was involved, but it is not clear whether this was a final payment of the debt which had already been reduced or whether a smaller mortgage was retained. By this date two houses had been built on the land and one was under construction.
21 May 1836 An Abstract to Richard Parkinson's title to the land. This is a substantial 18 page document which traces the ownership of the land back to 1799 in considerable detail and has briefer references to ownership back to 1688. These transactions are not summarised here. It concludes with Parkinson's re-possession of the land.
6 Jul 1836 Supplementary abstract of title, recording the fact that Parkinson had lodged the deeds to the property with the Leeds Commercial Banking Co as security for other outstanding borrowings. The security was to be limited to £600. A later entry for 24 Sep 1836 indicates that Parkinson had on this date become bankrupt, and on 21 Oct assignees were appointed for his estate. These were three woolstaplers, Thomas Sowden of Leeds, Joseph Sutcliffe of Shipley and Samuel Denton of Bradford.
3 Apr 1837 Indenture granting a one year's lease to David Marshall, the subsequent purchaser.
4 Apr 1837 Indenture recording the sale of the land by Richard Parkinson's creditors to David Marshall for the sum of £510.
2 Mar 1847 Indenture recording the sale of the land to William Turner, a Bramley farmer, for £495.
1897 Abstract of the title of the trustees of Martha Turner deceased to hereditaments at Land Side Close. Martha Turner was presumably the widow or daughter of William Turner. The abstract records that in her will dated 12 Mar 1872, Martha appears to have left the property – now described as the Melbourne estate – to her brother William Hainsworth for life and then to trustees who were to pay the income from the estate to her two sisters and their heirs in equal shares until both sisters were dead, at which point the trustees were to sell the estate. The abstract does not appear to say what they were to do with the proceeds. The deaths of the two sisters are recorded in 1874 and 1896, and of the three trustees in 1883, 1885 and 1896, the last surviving of whom willed the trust to his widow and two sons (Ann, Benjamin and Thomas Cockshott), who thus controlled the property in 1897.
MS Box XV. 2
“The Accounts of Messrs David Smith, Emmanuel Wade and Timothy Foster, trustees for sale of the real estate of Mr John William Hainsworth acting under trust deeds dated 14 May and 16 May 1867” - bound account book with marbled cover. The trustees were instructed to sell certain properties of Mr Hainsworth, apparently to pay off debts.
Pages 1-3 of the book show on the left-hand pages the proceeds of the sale, and opposite their appropriation to the payment of creditors. 36 lots of property in Stanningley were sold and buyers and prices are given. The sale realised £4736. Of this, about £298 went in professional fees, £1727 to mortgagors, and £2193 to other creditors, leaving about £516 as cash in hand. These transactions took place between July 1867 and June 1869.
Page 4 lists six properties unsold at December 1868.
Page 7 is an account of the costs of making up Croft Street as provided for by the conditions of sale.
Pages 8-9 record the use of the net sale proceeds. £321 was spent in 1869-70 on converting the stables and coach-house (one of the unsold properties mentioned on page 4) to two cottages. Most of the remainder was spent in 1871-4 on “alterations to Bannister's house for David Smith” (the latter, one of the trustees).
All other pages in the book are blank.
This consists of two boxes, each containing a collection of items relating to the Headingley area, presented by W S Theaker, a local solicitor. The items are generally grouped into bundles of approximately like material, but there is no consistent formal numbering system. Each box contains a numbered schedule of the contents, but this cannot readily be related to the corresponding bundles.
MS Box XVI. 1
“A particular survey and valuation of all the houses, woods, lands, tythes, mills, forges, etc within the township of Headingley taken spring 1784”. This is a survey completed on 12 July 1784 by Richard Brooke, Nathaniel Jowell and John Gott, acting on orders of the Quarter Sessions of Leeds dated 6 Oct 1783 and 12 Jan 1784. The purpose of the survey was to determine the Poor Law relief assessments of local land-holders. The document exists in the original fragile document, which users are asked not to handle, and a photocopy of it.
The document begins with an alphabetical index of the names subsequently entered. There then follow 47 pages of detailed entries for the 70 persons identified as liable for the assessment. The entries identify every land parcel or building for which each person was liable, together with the area in acres, rods and perches, the estimated value of each parcel per acre, and the aggregate value for each parcel obtained by multiplying the area by the rate per acre. Parcels are identified by name (e.g. house or field name), by function (e.g.scribbling mill) or very generally – paddock, house, orchard, garden etc. There seems to be some distinction between land subject and not subject to the tithe. For each individual, total land areas and values are given.
After the detailed entries, there is a summary table showing for each land holder the total area held, the total value, the rounded value for assessment purposes, and Poor Law relief liability assuming a rate of 2d. in the £. Totals of around 2972 acres of land, valued at £2082 and yielding £17/7s and 1 farthing at the assumed rate are identified. This assessment is then certified as correct by the three surveyors.
The document concludes with a note on the outcome of an appeal against the assessment dated 25 Apr 1785 at Kirkstall Bridge. Several owners of woodland had complained that the assessment over-rated the value of their woods. Their complaint was upheld by the Court of Quarter Sessions, who ruled that for the purposes of the Poor Law and all other parochial assessments, the values found by the surveyors should be halved. For Land Tax purposes, however, the original assessments were to stand. There were four beneficiaries of this ruling – the Duke of Montague, Sir Henry Englesfield, Mrs Strother and Mr Armitage – and their revised assessments are set down in the document.
As noted by Mr Theaker in one of his histories, the utility of this document is much reduced by the absence of any kind of map, which makes identification of the land parcels problematic to say the least.
An envelope containing typescripts and manuscripts of various lectures or articles presumably delivered by Mr Theaker. There are essentially four texts:
1. History of Headingley from the Norman Conquest to the end of the 16C, a 13pp typescript.
2. A follow-up script taking the story down to modern times, in both manuscript (11pp) and typescript (19pp).
3. A typescript entitled “The Story of Headingley” (15 pp) which draws on and re-works both the previous documents.
4. A shorter resumé (5 pp typescript) of this material.
The first two texts are relatively detailed, referring to population changes, settlement patterns, communications, and individual buildings, especially churches. The other two are rather more generalised..
Typescript and manuscript versions of a rather more comprehensive “History of Headingley”, apparently written in the 1970s. The typed version is in a green binder and runs to 83 pp plus illustrations. The history consists of 6 chapters, beginning with the original village and then one chapter for each of the 16-20Cs. Material included in the previous typescripts re-appears, but the text is also substantially expanded. The illustrations are photographic copies of paintings or prints, and some reproductions of good original photographs of Headingley scenes. Sources are identified in the text when particular documents are discussed, but there are no comprehensive notes on sources. The manuscript version of all or parts of the typescript is in about the first 90 pages of a very large maroon notebook, which looks as if it was originally intended to be some kind of data source book, but in the event was used to draft the text.
A newspaper cuttings book, with an index at the front and a collection of cuttings mainly from the 1920s. The cuttings cover all parts of Leeds, and appear mainly to consist of antiquarian features and letters arising from them published in the local press, rather than records of contemporary events.
A black notebook with manuscript transcriptions from various sources relating to Headingley or Leeds history. Sources include Parson's History of Leeds, Smith's Old Yorkshire, the 16C wills of Richard Midgeley of Moor Grange and Wm Rodley of Headingley, the Leeds Directory for 1830, Subsidy rolls, and Ducatus Leodiensis.
Two letters from 1910 concerning a request for information about an early member of the Theaker family who had been organist in Leeds Parish Church.
MS Box XVI. 2
Alphabetically tabbed notebook inscribed “Donors and list of gifts during 1960”, and intended to be transcribed into the Society's Gift Book and reported in the Annual Report. Pencilled names are entered, and in ink, other names and the titles of items gifted.
A selection of sale brochures for houses and estates in the wider Headingley area advertised for sale in the late 19C and early 20C. The brochures generally describe the properties in much the same way as a modern estate agent, with room types and dimensions, external amenities and planting, site areas and usually floor plans and/or block plans. There are seven brochures as follows:
Cookridge Tower estate, a mansion with pleasure grounds etc over 12 acres in extent, being auctioned by the wool merchant A W Sykes at Hollis & Webb on 7 Jun 1899. The site appears to be on the south-western side of Otley Old Road just below the modern junction with Tinshill Road. [S1899]
Moor House, Moor Road, Headingley, an estate of over 5 acres belonging to the late Miss Ellen Tetley, up for auction with Oliver & Appleton on 15 Jun 1899. This is a block of land running north from Moor Road to the west of the current Moor Drive. [S1899k]
Iveson House/Ireland Wood estate, a very large estate of 111 acres being auctioned by the trustees of Joseph Gill of Headingley Bleach Works. The site is to the south west of Otley Old Road, south of the Cookridge Tower estate. [S189l]
Manor House estate, an estate being auctioned in 23 lots ranging in size from 947 – 5024 sq yards (most in the order of 1500-2000) by Oliver & Appleton on 26 June 1900. The sale plan specifies a street layout, with names and garden depths. This is the site between Richmond Road and Richmond Avenue, off Headingley Lane. [S1900a]
Dunearn and Old Farm, the main house that of George Corson, built in 1872 and now auctioned by Hepper & Sons on 18 Jul 1901. The site(s) of nearly an acre stretch between Shire Oak Road and Wood Lane Headingley. [S1901c]
Meanwood Towers, a mansion and site of over 46 acres being auctioned by Hepper for the executors of W D Cliffe. The brochure includes three photos of the interior of the house. [S1920d]
Maryland House, Grosvenor Road being auctioned by Hepper & Son on behalf of Francis Lane on 5 Apr 1921. There is no plan, but the house was immediately south of “Elmfield”. [S1921]
A manuscript copy of the Theaker family pedigree.
A collection of photographs of local scenes, mostly unidentified or dated, mainly packed in transparent sleeves. Subjects include the Shire Oak, a horse drawn omnibus parked outside a timber yard, a line drawing of Headingley Chapel 1627-1837, a butcher and his boy posing by the butcher's window display, a street scene probably on Headingley Lane, a postcard of Devonshire House, shops on North Lane – W Butler, grocer, Black Cat, confectionery, F Hufton, grocer and off licence, S Dawson, hairdresser and tobacconist – Otley Road houses and shops, Adel church interior, Headingley War memorial, the junction of Cardigan Road and North Lane with pedestrians crossing, St Michael's church and school, Wood Lane, a cleared site possibly awaiting development, photo of 18C? print of the Skyrack and Shire Oak, junction of Otley Road/North Lane, St Michael's Lane from Cardigan Road, new houses at West Park.
Reminiscences of Headingley by Muriel Hodsman, typed in April 1971. Her memories are rather generalised, although she remarks on the ease of access to Roundhay Park formerly by direct tram, and comments favourably on the view from the newly built Arndale Centre, rather than unfavourably on the building itself.
Typed sheet with the alleged derivation of street names in Headingley.
A miscellaneous collection of surveyors' plans and tracings of original plans. The surveyors' plans are of the Castle Grove estate, Moor Road, and of fields at the bottom of Hollin Lane, but without date or context. The tracings are threefold: what looks like a road line on land between the Leeds-Otley turnpike and the New Grange estate, with field names and boundaries, ownerships etc marked; a hand coloured plan of early Headingley field boundaries and names; a plan of the Manor House estate (see above) and adjacent land.
Review of ward boundaries recommended by a Committee appointed by the Council and adopted by them as their proposed change on 23 Jul 1880. This is a printed pamphlet, describing the proposal to increase the number of wards from the 12 established in 1835 to 16. Tables give the number of burgesses in each ward in the 1835 scheme at that date and in 1879-80, and the numbers in the new wards now proposed. A description and list of streets in each of the new wards is supplied (the latter interestingly listing the streets by township boundaries, begging the question of what practical significance these had by then), and there is a map of the proposed wards on a base orientated with summary geographical features. An undated (but probably late 1880) and unattributed newspaper cutting reports on an Inquiry into the proposed scheme and an alternative proposed by objectors.
A packet containing offcuts of photos of local buildings from PThS vol XV, other photos of Barwick-in-Elmete church, and a newspaper cutting showing the Oak Bowling Club team, winners of the Plymouth Cup awarded at the Tercentenary celebrations of Drake's famous bowls match in 1588. The players are in Elizabethan dress, brandishing their woods.
A folder containing transcribed manuscript extracts from various indentures and legal documents relating to land transactions in the Headingley area. The sources of the documents are not given, and it is not clear how much of them has been copied. The extracts relate to sites at Low Pond Hill and Pig Hill near Victoria Road (1838); the Royal Park estate (1874); land at Richmond Avenue (1898); fields in the Hyde Park area (1810); the Earl of Cardigan's estate (1791); various land parcels in Cookridge, Breary and Adel-cum-Eccup (1871); the Lawns Hall estate (1912); and Spring House, St Michael's Lane (1864). In addition, there is an apparently complete transcript of “A particular survey and valuation of all the houses, woods, lands, tythes, mills, forges etc within the township of Headingley taken spring 1784” of which the original and a photocopy of it are in Box 1.
An envelope containing some professional and personal papers of John Upton, a Leeds solicitor in the mid 19C. The contents fall into three distinct groups:
1. Documents relating to the will of Upton's father, Thomas Everard Upton, and John Upton's own will. Thomas Upton died in Jan 1838 leaving a heavily mortgaged and indebted estate which was still being administered 18 years later in 1854. Three documents were drawn up in that year. In one, Counsel's opinion was sought by the executors on the appropriate procedure for distribution of an asset of the deceased recently realised, in the light of a claim for precedence from one of the remaining creditors of the deceased. The document explains that although Thomas Upton left real and personal estate to the value of £50000, all of this had been mortgaged and there were also still outstanding in 1854 loans and bills of exchange etc to a value of around £14000. Interest on the debts in the many years since the death of the testator had added to the burden. The recent sale of property in Castleford had generated some cash to which one of the creditors claimed preferential access. Counsel's opinion was that no creditor had a prior claim and that all proceeds should be shared equally between them. A separate document gives a statement of the assets and liabilities of Thomas Upton at the time of his death. He appears to have had personal assets of around £7600, largely in insurance policies, but owed nearly £33000 in bonds, mortgages and bills. His mortgaged landed estate included property at Pool, Bramhope, Steander, Commercial Court, Woodhouse Lane, Cavalier Hill, St James and Little Templar Street, Willow Garth, Park Lane and Wyton(?). A third document sets out the liabilities still outstanding in 1854 – these seem to have totalled nearly £25000. John Upton's own will is dated 10 Aug 1854.
2. Six letters to John Upton in 1868, and a copy letter from him dated 1840. The 1868 letters are from W B Craven, concerning various accounts, payments etc; from Thomas Story, reminding Upton of a salary increase that was due; from Geo Grant requesting leave of absence for his son to attend an interview; a job application from M Fothergill; an application for a reference from A Forrester; and from Henrietta Gay, enclosing the other half of a £5 note. In the 1840 copy letter, Upton asks a Mr Clapham to prevail upon his brother to make some return to Somerset House arising from their father's residuary account.
3. Two entirely unrelated typed items on copy paper dated 5 Jan 1957, written byTheaker himself, and concerning young male ex-offenders of some kind to whom Theaker was offering home leave or care.
A bundle of 10 Abstracts of Title or similar relating to land holdings in Headingley-cum-Burley and Little Woodhouse. Abstracts of title are condensed histories of a holder's title to a particular parcel or parcels of real estate, consisting of a summary of the original grant and all subsequent conveyances or encumbrances affecting the property. They thus make it possible to trace the ownership history of the land in question, although the general absence of plans (holdings are usually referred to by name or by verbal description of their location) can make it difficult to work out exactly where property was located. Some of the abstracts are extremely long and convoluted, but cover some of the major land holdings in the Headingley area. Title holders, approximate dates and document length are as follows:
1. Right Honourable James Thomas Earl of Cardigan, 48pp, printed by R Inchbold, late 1830s?
2. Samuel Holmes, linen merchant, 6pp ms, referring to numbered plots off Moor Road, unusually identified by a sketch map, 1865.
3. Trustees of John Harrison's Charity, typed, 10pp, referring to land in Little Woodhouse, after 1859?
4. Henry Teal, typed, 31 pp, referring to two closes of land named “Middle Twenty Acres” and “North Twenty Acres” in Hyde Park, 1853.
5. Disney Lander Thorp MD, typed, 21pp, referring to land at top of Richmond Road, 1830s.
6. George Bischoff, 30pp ms, estates in Headingley-cum-Burley, 1840.
7. John Henry Fawcett 52pp ms, land in Headingley-cum-Burley, 1838.
8. John Henry Fawcett, 22pp typed Act of Parliament for investing estates in Headingley-cum-Burley in trustees for sale and re-investment, 1837.
9. John Sykes, 8pp ms, land in Headingley-cum-Burley, 1832.
10. Mary Bainbrigge, 82pp ms, land in Headingley-cum-Burley, 1833.
Photocopy of an article on “Headingley in the 19C” from the Leeds University Review, date and author unknown as title page is missing, together with undated OS Headingley map extracts and extracts from an article on dating houses from external evidence.
This is a large collection of notes, transcripts, typescripts and other documents on the ecclesiastical history of Leeds, bequeathed by Canon R J Wood, who was President of the Society for ten years to the mid 1960s. The collection is stored in clearly labelled envelopes and files and has been subject to some process of quality control: there are few of the dog-eared scribbles that often characterise such accumulations, items are generally arranged in an orderly fashion and the content is for the most part substantial. Although much of the material is in manuscript, it is neatly laid out and legible. In the great majority of cases, the sources of transcribed material are clearly identified. The sub-headings below are as inscribed on the files and envelopes which hold the collection.
Leeds Parish church and Leeds Schools
1. Canon Wood's 1959 Presidential address Vicaria Leodiensis which extends Ralph Thoresby's volume on the vicars of Leeds by adding notes on later vicars down to 1886. (7pp typescript).
2. MS text of an address on the consecration of Leeds parish church in 1837. (13pp, no date).
3. Typescript of a letter from Tho Paigham of Barnsley to the Rev John Killingbeck in 1715, offering the services of a man supposedly able to cure mouth cancers, from one of which Killingbeck was suffering.
4. MS copies of letters from A J Brameld in June 1856 to Dr Hook and the Reverend Power or Tower. They concern two disagreements arising from Brameld's signing of a letter of protest against bands playing on Woodhouse Moor on Sundays (which Dr Hook had supported or accepted) and Hook's discomfort that an agreement to preach at Tower's church looked as if it had been given because Tower had paid a subscription of some kind to Brameld to get the latter to secure Hook's services.
5. Typed extracts from the Leeds parish church Vestry Book 1764-1870s, and a copy of the church accounts for 1765-6. The extracts concern the election of chapel wardens to out chapelries, and church rates.
6. MS copies from the Minute Book for September 1833 concerning the funding of the church choir, and some related extracts from the Leeds Mercury.
7. Typescript showing the trustees for electing the vicar of Leeds in 1776; the votes for the Headmastership of the Free School in 1778; and the ballot results in the 1786 vicarial election.
8. MS transcript of a printed paper “To the Parishioners of Leeds”, concerning the impact of the New Parishes Act of 1856 on Leeds parishes – responsibilities, powers and funding. Dated 19 Jul 1859.
9. Typescript account of Leeds church in the days of Dr Talbot in 1889-95, written by James Simpson in about 1945.
10. Notes from PThS Vol XXII about the Committee of Charitable Uses.
11. Miscellaneous single page notes etc on various subjects, including a pew dispute 1763, Leeds clergy incomes in 1740s, a cri de coeur from a churchwarden elected in 1753, letters from Ralph Thoresby to the Archbishop of York 1701, from Henry Robinson to his mother c1665, and from John Killingbeck to Lady Elizabeth Hastings 1709.
12. Notes on the Leeds vicarial election of 1746.
13. MS text of an undated address on Dr Hook and the Oxford Movement.
14. Letter from G E Kirk to Canon Wood speculating on the possible date of Ralph Thoresby's first communion.
15. Booklet produced in 1941 for the commemorative services to celebrate the centenary of the rebuilding of Leeds parish church.
16. Booklet on the history of the Market District Club of Leeds church, 1889-1963, including photographs. The club was originally for boys and young men but admitted girls from the 1920s. It had premises in a large tenement block on Marsh Lane.
17. Illustrated booklet produced to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the rebuilding of the parish church. Includes brief historical notes and information about church activities.
18. Photograph by Norah Roberts of an un-named bust in the parish church.
Headingley Notes
1. Order of service leaflet for the blessing and laying of commemoration stone of St Michael's Middle school, 7 Oct 1972.
2. Small green booklet, the Manual of the Guild of St Michael's. Undated rule book and church offices.
3. Envelope with newspaper cuttings about R J Wood's appointment as vicar of Headingley in 1933.
4. Undated photograph of ladies at the M U Festival in Ripon.
5. Notes on a complaint by local clergyman against the Burial Board of Headingley-cum-Burley, heard before the Queen's Bench in 1891. The clergy were claiming the right to perform burial services at Lawnswood Cemetery for residents of Headingley parish, and to collect the associated fees. The ruling was in their favour.
6. Typed list of Headingley churchwardens 1633-1860.
7. MS notes on the assistant clergy of Headingley, 1825-1954, giving education and career details where known.
8. Service booklet for the licensing and installing of the Reverend Wood as vicar 25 September 1933.
9. Programme of a recital to mark the opening of the new organ at Headingley church 29 Sep 1887.
10. Headingley parish magazine No 347, December 1950.
11. Biographical and obituary notes on Dr H A Finter, one time organist at Headingley, on his death in 1943. They are from the Yorkshire Post and an unidentified source.
12. Some miscellaneous material on Headingley matters, including an advert for the sale of a vicarage in 1721, a letter about the nomination of a curate in 1746, instances of non-payment of church rates by Quakers in 1842, a description of the interior of Headingley chapel in 1827, and the possible after-use of Headingley zoo.
Chapel Allerton
This contains a MS paper headed “curates of Chapel Allerton” and gives biographical notes on incumbents from 1365 to 18C, including informative letters from the Borthwick Institute and Lincolnshire Archives.
Harewood Clergy
Biographical notes on vicars, assistant curates and parish clerks, with letters from the Borthwick Institute and the Estate record Office at Harewood.
Headingley Pictures
1. Photographic copies of three of the well-known watercolours(?) of Headingley chapel, one dated 1825, one signed Geo(?) Rhodes, showing the interior and exterior of the new church at unspecified dates. There are two or more copies of some of these views.
2. Photograph of Sunday School (?) pupils in the 1890s, with Messrs Wood, Musson and Swann in the line-up.
3. A copy of R J Wood's 1957 History of St Michael's church – a substantial 88pp booklet.
4. A booklet entitled “Subjection: No, not for an hour”, in the form of a public letter from Samuel C Hatch of Oak Lodge, Headingley to John Gott the vicar of Leeds, protesting at the proposed appointment of F J Wood as the new Headingley vicar in 1881. Wood was “one of the last men in England likely to be acceptable to the people”, on account of his Ritualistic sympathies. The protest was to no avail, as Wood became vicar for over 30 years.
1. List of incumbents of the church with biographical details as before
2. Information concerning the 16C foundation of the chapel in the form of a letter from H B McCall, drawing on the Yorkshire Charity surveys.
3. Typescript of an essay “Farnley in the Olden Time”, no date or author. Has 12 pages on the Farnley Wood Plot of 1663.
1. MS transcription of deed of consecration of Hunslet chapel in 1636.
2. Letter from G E Kirk discussing origins of the name Hunslet Hall Road.
3. MS schedule of the parochial documents of St Mary's, Hunslet, by G E Kirk.
4. MS transcription of a letter of 1765 from Henry Crooke, vicar of Hunslet, to the Archbishop of York, following the recent unfavourable visitation.
5. MS article by Wood on Henry Crooke, vicar of Hunslet 1748-70.
6. Typed transcript of a 1767 letter from A Bland of Kippax Park to the archbishop complaining about the appointment of Crooke as vicar of Kippax. He regards Crooke as wholly unsuitable, on account, inter alia, of Methodist tendencies.
7. Typed extracts from the Leeds Intelligencer 1754/5, concerning the behaviour of Crooke.
8. MS essay on church patronage in Hunslet, focussing on Robert Baynes, the pluralist incumbent in the 1740s, and the candidates to replace him, Henry Crooke and William Pashley.
9. Typed transcript of the response of Robert Baynes to the visitation of 1743.
10. Typed transcript of the response of Henry Crooke to the visitation of 1764.
11. MS transcript of a 1763 letter from S Kirshaw to the archbishop about a mass house (place of RC worship) in Hunslet.
12. MS notes on the incumbents of Hunslet church.
Burley in Wharfedale
In fact, material on Burley, Pool and Otley:
Photocopies of a series of newspaper articles by David Nealy on the history of Burley church, no date.
Some biographical information about the Wilson family of Pool, who were involved with church patronage.
1959 guide book to Burley Church, with annotations and further notes by Canon Wood.
Typed schedule of the headmasters of the Free Grammar school of Prince Henry in Otley.
Typed schedule of the curates of Burley.
Miscellaneous correspondence concerning local ecclesiastical people and matters, much of it from David Nealy
Holy Trinity Leeds
Ms transcript of a draft bill for making the chapel of ease a perpetual cure, 2 Geo II.
Copy of petition to the archbishop to approve the foundation of Holy Trinity.
Extract from the licence to build the church, 1722.
Notes on the running costs of the church.
Ms extracts from correspondence regarding an appointment at St John's church, 1768.
Ms transcription of response of the curate of Holy Trinity to the 1764 visitation.
An assortment of photographs. The subjects are the Reverend Gibson, vicar of Leeds 1895-1905, a group portrait of St Matthew's Holbeck Girls' Club, c.1932, Tommy and Kitty Burns of Mackenzie Street, Reverend O Cookson, vicar of Holbeck, Lady Dorothy Wood, alias Lady Irwin (sic) with a vicar, possibly of Whitkirk, Matthew Murray, Reverend H J Glennie, St Matthew's church interior, and the church orchestra c.1920 (two poses).
Newspaper cuttings from the 1920s referring to Matthew Murray's grave and the unveiling of a memorial tablet.
Copy of an engraving of a Middleton colliery train from 1812.
Newspaper cuttings about St Matthew's.
Two St Matthew's churchwardens' balance sheets for 1887 and 1890.
Leaflet from 1894 seeking donations towards the enlargement of Holbeck church schools.
Miscellaneous correspondence on matters ecclesiatical.
1. MS copy of an 1885 article from the Leeds Mercury “Notes and Queries” feature on Beeston and its church.
2. Extracts from the Endowed Charities Return (city of Leeds )1898, concerning Swain's charity of 1831 for the distribution of alms in Beeston and Farnley.
3. Typed notes on Beeston chapelry.
4. Brief notes from Swain's diary.
5. Notes on incumbents and curates of Bramley.
6. Bills for visitation dinners in Bramley, 1829-31.
7. Transcript of a letter from the curate the Reverend Nash about the Alms Dish.
Sundry Papers (transcribed by G E Kirk)
1. MS copy of a transcription of a document about tithes in Whitkirk parish.
2. Article on “Royal Arms in our churches”, copied from Transactions of Halifax Antiquarian Society 1955.
3. Copy of an 1890 article in the Yorkshire Weekly Post by W Barwell Turner on “Ye Fourteen Articles”, which were questions constables were asked to answer in 1824, concerning mainly moral turpitudes and other transgressions.
4. Schedule of parochial documents in St Mary's church Whitkirk.
5. MS transcription of an edict of Elizabeth I concerning church attendance.
6. MS schedule of “references to services, service books, vestments etc” in Yorkshire wills.
1. Card leaflet produced for the centenary of the foundation of St Bartholomew's in 1972 (2 copies).
2. 80th anniversary booklet with historical notes (1957).
3. 50th anniversary booklet 1927, with notes on the history of the parish church in Armley, the architecture of the present church, a list of incumbents, trust deeds, and notes on St Dunstan's district church in Parliament Terrace.
4. Notes on the estate of Reverend Jackson, 1727.
5. Replies of John Wilson, curate, to the visitation of 1762.
6. Notes on the rights of presentation, mainly in 1761-2.
7. Photograph of a wash drawing of the chapel as it was from mid 18C to mid 19C.
8. Notes on patronage in Armley and on the 1674 consecration service.
9. Schedule of parochial documents of St Bartholomew's.
10. Various materials on John Wilkinson, Armley born, who became Chief Master of King Edward VI Grammar School in Birmingham in 1746 – and his descendants.
11. Draft of an article on Christopher Wilkinson, incumbent of Armley in 1690, and later a vicar in Maryland. The finished article appeared as PThS Vol LIV.
These are documents concerning the succession to the Armley chapelry in the late 17C and early 18C. There is a typed summary of the documents available and brief resumés of their content, together with photocopies of original documents from the Borthwick Institute, and transcripts of some of them.
Armley(3) – Fulham Papers
1. Copy of Christopher Wilkinson's will, made 2 Apr 1729 in Maryland, USA. Microfilm copy, white on black.
2. Copy of obligation by which Elizabeth Wilkinson undertakes to administer the estate of the intestate Richard Wilkinson, dated 2 May 1728 in Maryland. She will make an inventory of his goods, pay his debts, and distribute his estate as directed by the law – unless a will turns up.
3. Copies of correspondence between the Bishop of London, Christopher Wilkinson and other clergy in Maryland from period 1716-28. The letters concern the state of the church in Maryland. Wilkinson was appointed a commissioner to enquire into the matter. His response in 1724 to an ecclesiastical interrogatory is included. These are substantial letters, providing much of the raw material for Wood's article.
4. Copy of an assessment of the character of the Maryland clergy c1722, given in the form of a letter to a third party that had been copied to Wood.
Diocese of Ripon
These are cuttings from the Ripon Diocesan Gazette 1946 of notes on the history of the diocese written by Canon Cunningham. The notes focus on Bishop Longley's visitation returns of 1836-56, but also deal with church life in Leeds and the Oxford Movement and St Saviour's in the same period.
1645 – Committee for Plundered Ministers
These are typescript extracts from this Committee's proceedings in Leeds 1645-52, mainly concerning the reassignment of tithes to sequestered chapelries. Also, some other brief extracts from State Papers referring to Leeds 1651-68.
Leeds Ref
This is a collection of miscellaneous printed matter concerning Leeds ecclesiastical events etc.
1. Rules of the Leeds Clerical Club, no date but 1920s. It existed to hold monthly meetings “for the purpose of conversation”. Also printed cards giving the hosts and dates of meetings for 1924, 1934 and 1939; a specimen invitation card, which specifies dinner at 7, carriages at 10.
2. Printed literature for the Oxford University Missionary Campaign to Leeds in 1907. Canon Wood was the Oxford organising secretary. Includes preaching programme, members of the local committee, the programme for the final session on 7 Oct 1907, and a report on the mission from an unnamed source.
3. Leeds Clergy School list of subjects at the Sunday School at St Matthew's, Holbeck.
4. Rural Deanery of Leeds report of the committee appointed to consider questions relating to the administration of Holy Baptism, 1899.
5. Letter from the Boy Scouts Association, 22 May 1914, enclosing a requested message from Robert Baden Powell to support a fund-raising campaign, and signed by him. Part of the text is crossed through in pencil.
6. Newsletter of St Peter's Leeds, No. 15, Mar 1943, and a copy of “The Sign”, a national circular of a religious character, of the same date.
7. Pamphlet, Leeds Deanery Recollections 1923 published by the Ripon Diocesan Lay Readers Association.The recollections by Edward Dalton relate to the period from the Association's foundation in 1867 to the 1880s. They are supplemented by some later thoughts by GEK.
8. Consecration service leaflet for St Philip's, Osmondthorpe, 22 Jul 1933.
9. 31pp pamphlet on “Church extension in Leeds”, written by Wood in 1964 for the centenary of the Leeds Church Extension Society. It deals with church building.
10. Centenary handbook produced for St Matthew's, Holbeck 1832-1932. It was written by Wood and has a short history of the chapelry, lists of incumbents etc and notes on parish institutions.
11. Short history of Holy Trinity, Leeds and its ministers written by R.J. Wood in 1966.
12. Catalogue of the Centenary exhibition of the Leeds Church Extension Society in October 1964.
13. The Church in Leeds – report of the Bishop of Ripon's 1929 commission. It looked at the spiritual requirements of the city in the light of urban expansion, the problem of impoverished parishes, the need for parish boundary revision, and ways of increasing the income and supply of clergy.
14. The Church in Leeds – a similar enquiry in 1956.
15. Centenary booklet for Leeds Parish church, 1841-1941.
16. Short history of the Victoria Home in Headingley 1855-1971, by Eleanor Robinson.
17. Copy of the Leeds Churches Act 1901, the purpose of which was to authorise the sale of certain churches, vicarages and schools and apply the proceeds elsewhere, and to alter certain parish boundaries.
Robert Aitken of St James Leeds and John Slatter
1. Correspondence with John Pearce, the author of a projected biograhy of Aitken, on which Wood was assisting. Aitken was minister of St James 1843-7.
2. MS of Wood's own paper on Aitken, read to the Leeds Clerical Club in the 1950s, and further ms. source notes and materials, including extracts from original letters. About 40 pp in total.
3. Correspondence about John Slatter, assistant curate at St James in 1844, and briefly associated with St Saviour's.
York Ordinations 1676-1766 & Miscellaneous notes on Yorkshire clergy and churches
1. Six small notebooks containing a MS list of ordinations at York, drawn from the Cathedral Registers. The left hand side of each page lists the names of those ordained at each date, distinguishing between deacons and priests. Ordinands' colleges and qualifications are given in shorthand form. The subsequent ordination of deacons as priests is given against the deacon entry. On the right- hand page are notes of the livings to which ordinands were assigned, initially sparse but virtually complete in later years. The information may be limited to Cambridge graduates (see below).
2. Correspondence with Dr J Venn of Cambridge University regarding the transcription of information about Cambridge men ordained at York. Canon Wood undertook this task.
3. List of the archbishops of York copied from Bell's Cathedral Series (A Clutton Brock).
4. Notes on archiepiscopal visitations in the dioceses of Chester & York, copied from information in the Northern Genealogist for 1896. Gives dates and areas covered.
5. Miscellaneous correspondence.
Engravings of Yorkshire churches and mansions
They are of the following buildings:
1. Skipton Castle c1770 with accompanying text.
2. New Hall (location uncertain), no date.
3. Middleham Castle by Thornton sculpt., no date.
4. Hawksworth Hall by J P Neale 1830.
5. Eskdale Chapel, no date.
6. Wenslaw or Wensley church & bridge c1774 with accompanying text.
7. Agatha's St Monastery (sic) 1785.
8. Leeds parish church as rebuilt 1841.
Also an undated map of the West Riding by G. Kemp, land surveyor of Leeds, c20 miles to the inch.
Among the more substantial items are:
1. List of the names and dates of men licensed as schoolmasters in Leeds by the archbishop. 17 and 18C. Also letters from Borthwick Institute with biographical information about some of them.
2. Typed transcript of the Protestation of 1641, signed by Henry Robinson (vicar of Leeds) and others, in which the signatories undertake to maintain the protestant religion.
3. Notes from the Richmond Hill Wesley Court Bazaar Handbook 1912 on early Methodism in Leeds.
4. A list of references to church going in Ralph Thoresby's diary 1702-23.
5. Various notes from the York Visitation books about Leeds chapelries in the 17 & 18C.
6. Typed transcript of the Leeds section from the 1650 Parliamentary Survey, original in Lambeth Palace.
Yates typescript – the Church in Leeds 1964
This is a substantial three-part document on the state of the church in Leeds. It was compiled with the assistance of the church authorities, but its purpose is not clear from the text itself. It looks like input to a parish review, but there had been one as recently as 1956. It is not known if it was ever published. The author, Nigel Yates, was a local historian who wrote a monograph on “Leeds and the Oxford Movement” for the Society (PThS Vol LV, 1975).
Part 1 deals with ecclesiology. It gives a “concise introduction to the history and architecture of the churches in Leeds, complete with short notes on each church”, describing their architecture and interior features.
Part 2 on churchmanship is a “guide to the varieties of liturgical expression” in Leeds. It lists the form and timing of services in churches throughout the city.
Part 3 on the parochial system “analyses the state of the parishes in Leeds, notices general trends and problems and suggests possible steps towards reformation” - especially possible amalgamations.
Appendices include comparative information on the structure of church services in Leeds in 1877, 1899, 1927 and 1934.
This envelope also has the typescript of an essay on “Leeds ritualism and the ministry of Nicholas Greenwell at St Barnabas Holbeck 1855-83” also by Mr Yates.
Canon R J Wood – Printed articles and addresses
Contains typescripts of his articles in Thoresby Society publications - “Leeds church patronage in 18C” (PThS vol XLI), “Further notes on Leeds church patronage in 18C” (PThS vol L, part 3), and “Christopher Wilkinson of Leeds and Maryland” (vol LIV, part 1).
Also manuscripts of addresses to the Society on “Holbeck Chapelry” (1947), “Religion and Ralph Thoresby” (1954), “Church Music in Leeds” (1957), “George Edward Kirk” (1961), “Some Leeds Parsons” (1963) and “The Thoresby Society Past and Present” (1964).
Addresses to other bodies in Leeds on “Ralph Thoresby” (delivered 7 times between 1950-60), “The church in Leeds in earlier days” (8 times given 1954-60), “The building of St Michael's, Headingley” and “An Archdeacon visits” (1957).
There is also a newspaper cutting of an article on Ralph Thoresby.
Visitation Notes
1. Text of entries in the York Visitation books concerning Leeds parishes for various dates between 1590 and 1727. Year of visitation, parish, names of those investigated, cause of complaint. Not clear whether this is a selection of entries or a comprehensive transcription.
2. Typical entries from 18C Correction Books, specifying penalties applied.
3. List of clergy summoned 1684-1748.
4. Typed transcript of the parochial visitations of July 1723. Each minister had to produce an inventory of property and a list of benefactions. After inspection of the documents and the premises, necessary replacements or repairs were ordered.
5. Typed transcript of responses to Archbishop Herring's visitation in 1743. The answers relate to the nature of church services, dissenter numbers and organisation, the incumbent's accommodation and schools, almshouses and hospitals in the parish.
6. Replies to Archbishop Drummond's 1764 visitation. Similar scope as before.
7. List of names of curates of Leeds chapelries according to York Visitation Call Books 1699-1730
Adel, Guiseley, Rothwell
1. Advert for sale of Adel advowson in 1755.
2. Curates in Guiseley; 18C patronage disputes there and in Rawdon.
3. Rather miscellaneous notes on Rothwell and adjacent parishes and correspondence arising.
A Leeds “Crockford”
An index of persons and of places associated with the church in Leeds, c1550-1836, compiled by R J Wood, but no references to where information might be found. On microfiches.
MS Box XVIII (1)
1. (a-o)
A collection of pamphlets about Roundhay Park. The outstanding item is an 1887 document outlining proposals for an elevated railway access to the park.
(a) Newspaper cuttings about the 40th and 50th anniversaries of Roundhay Park in 1912 and 1922. There is a substantial feature from the Yorkshire Weekly Post 9 Sep 1922; also a 1913 feature on the Roundhay Turnpike Road.
(b) Manuscript notes on Roundhay Park, focussing on the opening in 1872. They are unsigned but attributed to Alf Mattison. (i) Unattributed extracts from a poem and a speech presumably delivered at the opening. (ii) Notes from articles in the Illustrated London News 28 Sep 1872, the Yorkshire Post for 17 and 19 Sep 1872 and the Official Report of 20 Sep. It is unclear if the report was in the YP. The notes are not comprehensive or clearly verbatim. (iii) Further anonymous notes on the opening. (iv) A 10-page essay headed “Roundhay Park. How We got it. The Opening Ceremony”. Covers the purchase, history, description of the park, opening ceremony. (v) Shorter text, similar to (iv). (vi) An incomplete version in ink of a similar essay.
(c) Leeds Boys Brigade – their involvement in Youth Week at Roundhay Park in 1942 and other local displays put on at the same time. There are programmes of the displays and correspondence and notes on the movements and drills.
(d) Roundhay Park Centenary brochure 1872-1972 (16pp), published by the City Council. It includes a short review of events held in the park, a description and the centenary day programme.
(e) “Roundhay Park”, an illustrated history by Steven Burt (2000).
(f) Goodall's Illustrated Royal Handbook to Roundhay Park (1872, for sale at 4d). Contains historical notes, directions for getting there, illustrated description and notes on other local sights of interest. Points out that only means of access were by cab, wagonette or on foot, and the cheapest cab fare from central Leeds was 3 shillings.
(g) Kirby's Descriptive Handy Guide to Roundhay Park, no date, but has directions for getting to the park, description with a few line drawings, a couple of rhapsodic poems and many adverts.
(h) “A description of the proposed elevated single rail railway to Roundhay Park” and a comparison of its advantages over other proposals for rail and tramway communications. Pamphlet by J Clark Jefferson & J T Pillon of East Parade, presumably engineers to the scheme promoters (1887, priced at 3d). This is one of various schemes for accessing the park being floated at this time. The proposal was for an elevated monorail, modelled on the New York system, consisting of two single tracks supported by girders resting on steel or iron columns at intervals of about 45 feet, and of variable height. Carriages holding about 30 people would be locomotive hauled, with journey times and frequencies of 10-15 minutes. The route went from the top of New Briggate alongside Hope Street and Regent Street before striking across open country along the line of Gipton Beck. The costs and performance of the scheme are compared favourably with rail and tram alternatives, but an addendum at the front notes that the Highways committee have recently recommended one of the alternative tram schemes to the Town Council. There are illustrations of the trains and the structures and an excellent route map.
(i) City of Leeds Roundhay Park 4th Annual Sports and Gala programme, 7-8 Aug 1950. Lists events, competitors, prize money.
(j) Kirby's Descriptive Guide to Roundhay Park, 1872 edition. Similar to item (g) above.
(k) Waddington's Guide to Roundhay Park, by Arthur Allsop, Parks Superintendant, no date. The usual historical notes and descriptions, but notes on boating, and a separate article on birdlife, Many black and white photos.
(l) Leeds Schools Athletics Association Children's Day at Roundhay Park 2 July 1949. Programme of events – dancing, sports, fancy dress etc.
(m) Ditto for 5 July 1947.
(n) City of Leeds Royal Jubilee Celebrations in Roundhay Park, 6 May 1935 – programme.
(o) An unrelated letter from N Sheard, Secretary of the Rothwell N & S wards Aged People's Welfare Committee asking if boys from the unnamed recipient's church could do a PT display for the old folks (27 Apr 1968).
(p) A collection of documents relating to the manor and lordship of Roundhay donated to the Society in 2017 by Dr Jonathan Brown of Roundhay, via Steve Burt:
1. 1629 - 99 year lease to Stephen Tempest
2. 1631 - Sublease Tempest to Edmondson
3. 1639 - Lister and Novell to Tempest
4. 1653 - Seizure by Parliament of land from Tempest for treason and sale to Lowther
5. 1653 - Sale to William Lowther
6. 1654 - Sale by Tempest to Lowther
7. 1663 - Sale Lowther to nephew Lowther
8. 1688 - Lease Lowther to Saville
9. 1688 - Sale Lowther to Saville
These documents await full cataloguing.
MS Box XVIII (1)
2 (a-g)
A miscellany of material by or about the Kitson family:
(a) A Kitson family pedigree (19C and after), similar to (b) below, but with fewer dates.
(b) Pedigree of the Leeds branch of the Kitsons sent to a Mr Platt by A. Hilda Kitson in 1939.
(c) Letter from Hilda Kitson to Mr Platt correcting “errors in the account of Elmet Hall”. Refers to Gledhow Hall and Grove. Undated.
(d) Letter from Hilda Kitson to the Yorkshire Post librarian, correcting errors in the pedigree sent him. Undated.
(e) Typescript of Sir James Kitson's speech when he was made freeman of the city of Leeds on 23 May 1906. Includes reminiscence of his life.
(f) Newspaper cuttings of letters from Hilda Kitson to the Yorkshire Evening Post about the purchase of Elmet Hall in the 1860s and Gladstone's visit to Leeds on 1 May 1880.
(g) “Harfleur – Some notes on its District, History, Town and Church” by E Kitson Clark, 84pp pamphlet published in 1916. He had been stationed there the previous year.
MS Box XVIII (1)
3. Ripon Millenary Festival:
(a) Tickets, etc. contained in single white envelope, labeled ‘Ripon Millenary
Festival, 1886’:
Invitation to State Reception, 31 Aug 1886 [x 3, for Mrs and 2 Miss
Programme of State Reception, 31 Aug 1886 [x 2]
Old English State Reception: Regulations, 31 Aug 1886
Notifications of Ladies Committee meetings on 12 and 21 Jul.1886
[2 items, both addressed to Mrs Hargraves]
Tickets for Pageant & Robin Hood Play, 1 with counterfoil, 27 Aug 1886
[2 items]
[10 items in all]
(b) Booklet: ‘Lecture on Old English Sports & Pageants, by Mr. D’Arcy Ferris’,
1886, published by the Ripon Gazette & Times 1 Jul 1886 (booklet).
(c) “Ye Curtall Fryer” – photo. of Mark Landon by T. & J. Holroyd, Harrogate,
(d) Invitation from the Mayoress to join Working Committee of Ladies ‘to prepare
flags, banners and other decorations...’ 7 Jun 1886. Mr Ferris was to attend
to explain requirements.
(e) ‘Programme of Pageant at Fountains Abbey, August 27th and 28th 1886’ [x 2]
Periods from that of the Druids to Charles I were represented, with a particularly
full section on the Saxons. Floral dance and song formed the finale.
(f) Booklet: Ancient Ripon: an Historical Sketch, Rev. W.C. Lukis, MA, FSA,
1886 [x 2]
(g) Abstract of Treasurer’s Accounts and Balance Sheet, 1886. The Festival raised
£1776, of which all but £178 was spent, this residue being donated to Jepson's
Hospital and Ripon Dispensary. Mr Ferris was paid £31. 10s for his services, but
the organisers voted him a gratuity of £15.
(h) Ripon Cathedral, Millenary Festival, 25 Aug 1886 [order of service] [x 2]
(i) Robin Hood & ye Curtall Fryer, A Legend of Fountaindale, 1886. The
programme and full text of the play, written by Augustus Dawtrey, who helpfully
identifies cuts that can be made if time is short. [booklet]
(j) Notification of meeting on 12 Apr 1886, dated 26 Mar 1886, to
consider the Report of the Committee on The Millenary Festival from the Mayor
and Resolutions referred to in ‘Notification of meeting’, from the Mayor, same
date. [2 items]
(k) “Ye Bille of Fare”, 1886 [menu, etc. for lunch, 2/6d and tea 1/6d]
(l) Millenary Festival programme, 25, 27 and 28 Aug 1886. It names the patrons,
lists all the events and gives admission charges. As well as the pageant, there was
a church service, a public luncheon and address, a torchlight procession and a
historical play about Robin Hood [x 5]
(m) ‘Press notices of Old English Revivals and Pageants managed by Mr D'Arcy
Ferris’. The testimonials relate to events staged at Wantage, Grimstone Park,
Yorkshire, Billesley Hall, Warwicks, and Southam-de-la-Bere, Cheltenham.
(n) Music and lyrics of the Ripon Millenary March, D’Arcy Ferris, [n.d.] [x 2, but
with slight differences]
(o) Specimen pages of the ‘Record of the Festival’ expected to be 350 pages long.
(p) Advertisements for ‘Ripon Millenary Festival: a Full and Complete Record of
The Millenary Festival held at Ripon . . .’, [n.d.] – now 450 pages long [x 2]
(q) Marshall, John, ‘Riding with Robin Hood: English Pageantry and the Making
of a Legend’ from The Making of the Middle Ages: Liverpool Essays, ed. by
M.Costambeys, A.Hamer & M.Heale (Liverpool UP, 2007) pp.93-117, [includes
a photograph of Mr Ferris in costume as Master of the Revels]
(r) Newspaper report of Festival from Leeds Mercury [photocopy taken from
R.V.Taylor’s ‘Newspaper cuttings books’, vol.48, pp.10-12]
(s) Complete copies of The Ripon Gazette, containing reports of the Festival:
(i) Thursday, 26 Aug Supplement only, (ii) Thursday, 2 Sep (+
Supplement), and (iii) Thursday 9 Sep 1886, and (iv) The Ripon Observer, for
Saturday, 4 Sep 1886. [4 items]
(t) ‘Fountains Abbay: Ye order of ye Marvellous Pageant . . .’, 1886 [poster] [x 3]
[housed in Outsize Documents folder 1]
(u) Open-Air Plays and Old English Sports & Pageants, 1886 [poster for 2
lectures] [housed in Outsize Documents folder 1]
(v) Order of Processions for Wednesday, 25 Aug 1886 [poster] [housed in
Outsize Documents folder 1]
MS Box XVIII (1) 4
Miscellaneous receipts from the 1920s and 1930s belonging to Mr and Mrs Briggs of 175 Swinnow Road. There is a Poor Rate Demand and receipt from 1925, utility bills for 1933-5 (with indications of the current tariff), property valuations for 1936 and 1939, and retail receipts. These latter are from the 1930s and are from J Gillinson, Gibbon & Demaine Ltd, Manufacturers and Wholesale Warehousemen, of 1 New York Street, Crowe & Co of Wellington Street & Queen Street and Isaac J Dewhirst of 32 Kirkgate. The receipts are mainly for items of clothing. Also a letter from Hirst & Walker, Automobile Engineers of the Station Garage, Bramley, setting out the terms under which they are to employ Mrs Briggs' son as an apprentice.
MS Box XVIII (1) 5
Letter from John Stansfeld to G.D. Lumb, from Woodville, Clarendon Road, dated 2 Jul 1890, re Baker coat of arms.
A lavish “pictorial greeting” on fine art paper to the relatives and friends of Mr & Mrs John Stansfeld, Christmas 1887. It was intended to have “deeper meaning” than a conventional card. It consists of a reprint of a poem “Parallel to Gray's Elegy” reprinted from an old edition of “Notes & Queries”, illustrated by nine specially commissioned etchings. These are of fine quality and not generally from life, but there are representations of Redmire Church and Heptonstall Old Church.
A second card for 1888 is on the theme of the Life of Man and the Months of the Year. A caption for each month is illustrated by scenes ranging from babyhood to old age.In addition, “A short description of a Christmas card”, consisting of an explanation of the meaning of the illustration on Mr & Mrs Stansfeld's 1886 card, which had been produced to mark the completion of Mrs Stansfeld's history of her family. On fine art paper again, the illustration is an engraving of an old man, with glimpses of his earlier self and much symbolic/allegorical import.The explication is a fine specimen of late Victorian middle class sentiment.
Various printed information on sale/purchase of various items such as vellums mostly from Ebay.
Roundhay Sale Tempest to Lowther to Lowther to Saville information sheet along with information on Sir Ralph Hansby.
Excursion led by Steve Burt to Roundhay Park by the Thoresby Society Saturday 15/06/2002.
MS Box XVIII (2)
1. (a) Joseph Priestley's Family Bible. “The Holy Bible newly translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's special command”, printed by Thomas Baskett, printer to the University of Oxford in 1761. At the front are inscribed dates of the birth and death of members of the Priestley family 1685-1767. At the rear – part of the formal text – is an index or chronology of Biblical events, with the creation of heaven and earth dated at 4004BC, and various factual matters, including a table of weights and measures, and a list of relations forbidden to marry. The Bible was presented to the Society by Ellen Nussey in 1904. Also, two 1931 letters about the Bible and the Priestley's from Ronald Dixon of Thearne Hall near Beverley, and a truncated family tree.
(b) Newspaper cuttings from March 1933 about the bicentenary of Priestley's birth.
(c) More of the same, as well as a card announcing a service and public meeting at Mill Hill Chapel, where Priestley had been vicar.
2. Sarah Blakelock’s journal/scrapbook (1853-1860)
Dark green leather-bound book with gold tooling, untitled: this is a scrap-book containing découpage pictures, handwritten poems, and drawings/sketches, some pasted in and some loose.
The MS poems are mostly dated, ranging between March 1853 and May 1859, and signed ‘Sara’. They are poems of sentiment, on themes of love, death and religious feeling.
The sketches, mainly pen and ink but some watercolour or pastel, are only occasionally dated, between 1858 and 1860, and are mostly of unidentified places, apparently not in Leeds. Subjects which are identified include Stroud Green (London) Donnington Castle, the Strid at Bolton, Bolton Church, and several Welsh subjects: two of these are on the backs of pages of letters addressed to ‘Mrs Blakelock’ and apparently relate to a visit to Wales by Sarah Blakelock with a group of ladies.
Sarah Blakelock (1819-1888) was born Sarah Farrar in Kirkburton, Yorkshire, and baptised in April 1819, the daughter of Jane and William Farrar, described as a steward and general merchant. The family apparently moved to Leeds in the early 1820s. On 20 September 1840 Sarah married Samuel Blakelock in Leeds Parish Church. Her address was given as Briggate, and her father William was described as Innkeeper [directories indicate he ran The Rose and Crown Inn, and before that The White Swan]. Samuel Blakelock (born 1806) was described as ‘Gentleman’, of Guildford Street [the address of Red Hall], his father being Ralph Blakelock of Leeds, Gentleman.
Samuel Blakelock worked first as a sharebroker (Sowden & Blakelock, 44 Albion Street) but by 1851 was Secretary to the Leeds Infirmary. The family lived in Red Hall Court (Red Hall being apparently divided into two or three separate residences). The family was still there in the 1861 census, by now with six children, the oldest Ralph aged 19 and away as ‘bible clerk’ at College. They had a cook and general servant. Samuel Blakelock died in 1862.
Joseph Sprittles refers to the Blakelocks in his article on Red Hall in Links with Bygone Leeds, PThS LII. He comments that after Samuel Blakelock’s death Sarah continued to live at Red Hall until her death in 1888. She was a most devout woman, being a regular communicant at St John’s Church, New Briggate. She died in her seventieth year at the residence of her daughter and son-in-law, the Rev. Dr Salts, Littleborough Vicarage, and was buried in Littleborough Churchyard. During the early years of this century her son lived at Red Hall; he was the Rev Father Blakelock and was very friendly with Mr David Augustus Cruse, Librarian of the Leeds Library
This box contains a selection of 19C sketchbooks by amateur artists.
A. Five sketchbooks are by John Dixon, who was a largely anonymous contributor of articles and poems to the Leeds Intelligencer in the latter half of the century. The five sketch-books were presented to the Society in 1940 by the Rev F.C. Stott, husband of Dixon’s daughter, Jane. They are labelled 39C 15-19 and later SKB 1-5. [For a full list of subjects see ‘Contents of John Dixon’s Sketch-books’ in Catalogues]
1. This is a substantial display volume of sketches ranging from careful line drawings to rougher pencil or ink sketches, sometimes coloured. The earliest few are drawn directly into the book, but the rest have been stuck in. The subjects include churches, pubs, houses, monuments, landscapes and architectural details to be found generally in places within about 20 miles of Leeds. Some are dated as well as titled, and some are of buildings subsequently demolished. There is an index at the front.
2. A small brown leather book, evidently a field sketch book. Rough pencil drawings, index added by G E Kirk in 1943.
3. A similar black booklet.
4. A cloth bound volume, mainly pencilled historical notes and lists, of birds, trees and plants etc., presumably seen by the author. A handful of pencil sketches.
5. Small booklet with a clasp, containing illustrations and rough notes on historical matters, transcriptions of church memorials etc.
In a brown envelope is a 1906 letter from Mrs Stott about an antique chessman owned by her father, with a photocopy of a photograph of the object.
There is also a red book labelled “Photos” containing photographs of some of Mr Dixon's best artistic efforts.
B. Next is an exercise book with a marbled cover, marked 1805 on the front and “Elizabeth Porter's book Leeds July 29th 1805” inside. The book has sketches of scenes mainly in Little Woodhouse but also other mainly unidentified locations. There is a view of Leeds from Little Woodhouse showing St Paul's church and Park Square. The views, which tend to be romanticised, are generally washed in colour or monochrome.
C. A small pink book inscribed inside Joshua West, Hillidge Lodge, Hunslet, but later endorsed “Pencil sketches by C F Cope 1826” holds very amateurish sketches largely of vegetation.
D. A small buff coloured book presented by Mrs M F Lancaster in 1955 has anonymous rural scenes and figures dating from c1897-8.
E. A blue and red book, presented by J Sprittles in 1968. This is “The true account of the strange adventures of those interesting twins CORNELIUS AND HUMPHREY during a day's devotion to art in that wild and desolate country sacred to the water supply of that great and magnificent city of Leeds”. The twins set out from Otley in search of recreation and art and have encounters with the elements and the natives. Short captions of incidents are illustrated by very lively ink drawings of the protagonists. The anonymous author is the most proficient artist of those collected here.
MS Box XX. 1
Manuscripts of (1) title deed dated 13th November 1828 concerning two parcels of land in Armley and (2) an indenture of 1826 admitting an additional person to ownership of the parcels. The parcels are at Lamb Hill and land formerly part of Armley Moor that was enclosed in 1799. There are no maps of the parcels, but their boundaries are described in terms of footpaths, public roads and adjacent land ownerships, most conveniently in the indenture. The deed entries for 1799 and 1826 (see below) include extensive crossings-out and revisions which make them hard to read. The indenture is much more clearly written and is a comprehensive summary of the later history of the land.
The title deed traces the ownership of the Lamb Hill land back to 1730. At that date, the land was owned by Robert Pickering, maltster, and his wife Ann, and appears to have been sold to their son George for £15. 8s. There were 2 dwellings on the site, one occupied by the seller and one by Benjamin Lee.
In 1766, George Pickering, now a clothier of Kirkstall, sold the property to Edward Speight of Woodhouse for £20. There appear now to be three dwellings, one lately rebuilt and vacant, the others occupied by Richard Parker and Mary Pickersgill, and Thomas Hangrave.
In 1770, the property is bequeathed in Edward Speight's will to William Sadler (probate 1771).
In 1774, William Sadler, clothier of Woodhouse, and his wife Hannah sell the property for £30 to James Anderson, a victualler. The property is now described as two dwellings and a dye house, occupied by Thomas Hangrave, William Pickersgill and Mary Murgatroyd.
In 1781, James Anderson dies and bequeaths the property to his wife Ann until her death or until their daughter Elizabeth reaches the age of 21, whichever is the earlier. The income from the property is to be used for the upkeep and education of Elizabeth until she succeeds to it in her own right. At this time, the property consists of 4 dwellings occupied by Thomas Hangrave, Mary Murgatroyd, Jonathan Rookes and Mary Turner.
In 1799, the deed records the grant of 33 perches of land to John Musgrave from the enclosure of Armley Moor.
Elizabeth had inherited Lamb Hill by 1806 at the latest, when her mother died. At some point, she marries John Musgrave, thereby uniting the Lamb Hill land with the Enclosure land.
In 1826, the deed records the admission to the ownership of John and Elizabeth Musgrave's combined landholding of Thomas Musgrave, a clothier whose relationship to the existing owners does not seem to be specified. By this time, the buildings on the Lamb Hill property have been demolished.
The indenture of 14th June 1826 summarises the history of the two land parcels from the marriage of John and Elizabeth Musgrave, and also brings together information about the location and dimensions of the land. The area of the Lamb Hill property is put at 6 perches or 470 square yards, and the enclosure land 33 perches or 1133 square yards (the apparent inconsistency in the relationship between perches and square yards may be due to uncertainty about whether the term “perch” is being used as a unit of length or area).
MS Box XX. 2
8 items relating to the Opening of the Civic Hall by HRH George V on 23 August 1933.
(a) 8 specimens of the 13 or more varieties of ticket printed for the ceremony. The classes of ticket available are described in the next item.
(b) Police Regulations and Instructions issued by the Chief Constable, a 52 page booklet in a blue card cover, dealing with arrangements for the royal party's stay in Leeds, which began and ended at the city boundary at Alwoodley Gates. The royal party travelled to the Civic Hall from Harewood House and returned there afterwards. The booklet is a detailed plan of the event, covering such matters as the route to be followed, the order and occupancy of conveyances at various points, the timing of the progress, the location of special viewing galleries and ambulance stations, the police deployment (which involved manpower from forces throughout Yorkshire), advice on style of policing (“every endeavour should be made, without undue familiarity or gossiping, to keep the crowd in good humour”) and dress (best outfits were to be worn), street closures, and what to do about lost children. A 6” OS plan of the routes is included. The intended audience for the booklet is not clear.
(c) A copy of the Lord Mayor's luncheon menu.
(d) Amended instructions re. “Movement of Cars, Etc” (pages 6-10 of the Police Regulations and Instructions). At first glance the changes are not extensive.
(e) Closing of the Streets – the formal order describing the location and timing of closures, but also containing information about traffic management and the availability and location of car parking.
(f) The Official Programme of the day, illustrated by photographs of the King and Queen and of the Lady Mayoress. It summarises material mostly already covered in the Police Instructions, but includes some new information such as the text of the Mayor's welcome address, the musical and firework arrangements, and the identity of persons in the royal entourage or of those fortunate enough to be introduced to their Majesties, including two representative construction workers.
(g) Yorkshire Post Pictorial souvenir of the event, sold for 2d. It is noticeable that the crowds, which look very dense in close-ups, seem more sparse in the one aerial photo included. Dated August 23rd 1933 (2 copies) for the Royal visit to Leeds
(h) Three 1:500 police plans showing the location of barriers in the Roseville Road and Civic Hall/Calverley Street sections of the route, and barriers and position of special galleries in a larger map of the Central Area. (Two further police plans can be found in Maps & Plans W1933b and W1930).
Documents belonging to Mr H Holmes, headmaster of Kirkby Malzeard school, relating to the evacuation of children from Bentley Lane Primary School, Leeds in September 1939. Mr Holmes died in 1974. The documents appear to have been supplied by Mrs M Smithson, who gives a contact telephone number of 01937 572314 if “elucidation” is required. There are over 50 separate items.
1. Three memoranda from the Board of Education concerning “schools in wartime”. Number 13, dated March 1940, advises on poultry and rabbit keeping; number 17, April 1940, suggests how schools can help collect waste materials for re-use; and number 18, also April 1940, aims to promote Anglo-French understanding [3 items].
2. Circular 40/95 from the West Riding Board of Education 1 July 1940 offering advice on the preservation of garden produce by drying, pickling, brining and salting [1 item].
3. A newspaper cutting picturing the Kirkby Malzeard Institute Hall, which was used for teaching Dated 1940, in plastic wallet [1 item].
4. 3 stapled foolscap manuscript sheets consisting of a pencilled, numbered list of the Bentley Lane evacuees, giving their names and the local address or host where they were housed. 102 children's names are listed together with 10 staff, presumably also from Leeds [1 item].
5. A quarto stapled manuscript list, apparently in the same order as item 4, but including a further eight children who arrived later. Gives dates of birth and weight in pounds and ounces of each child on arrival on 8/9/39 and at five subsequent dates (11 Oct 1939, 10 Nov 1939, 9 Feb 1940, 23 Apr 1940 and 22 Aug 1940). Many of the children had left well before the end of this period, so the series of weights is incomplete in most cases. There is evidence of weight gain, although whether this is greater than to be expected is not clear [1 item].
6. 6 quarto manuscript sheets paperclipped together showing class lists for the start of the September term. Eight class groups are identified – Infants A & B, Junior 1-4 and Senior Girls and Boys. Each class is divided into local Kirkby names and evacuees, and in each class the children are listed by year of birth. Summary totals for local and Leeds children are given, some of which are amended. These totals add up to 128 children, of whom 32 were local [1 item].
7. A letter from S Taylor, apparently a former teacher at Bentley Lane who has remained in Leeds, responding to letters from her former pupils [1 item].
8. A manuscript list on plain foolscap or larger paper, 3 pages stapled together. This identifies evacuees by surname/forename, date of birth, address in Leeds, and dates of admission and return to Leeds or transfer to Ripon Modern School. It appears that 3 children came from Potternewton School. Most came from streets such as the Farmhills, Stainbecks, Stonegates, Bentleys and Sugarwells. The list is in an indeterminate order, but one that differs from that of items 4 and 5 [1 item].
9. A single unlined quarto sheet in red ink with names, dates of birth and Leeds addresses of children who returned to Leeds between April and August 1940, or were admitted in April 1940 [1 item].
10. A blue school exercise book with manuscript entries. First at the front are class lists split into Kirkby and Leeds groups and in surname order within each. Dates of birth are given, and dates of return to Leeds. There then follow roll and attendance records for each week in the 1939-40 school year, beginning on 16th September and ending on NN July 1940. Initially this is done by 6 class groups (with Infants A&B and Juniors 1&2 combined), but from 13 October, this is reduced to 5 groups organised differently – Junior and Senior Boys and Girls separately and Infants of both genders. For each group, weekly roll totals and attendances are given, a half day counting as one attendance (so in a 5 day week, each pupil would clock up 10 attendances if an ever present). The roll summaries differ both from the totals in item 6 and those in the front of the book, mainly because except for one week they exclude Junior 4, and have fewer Junior 3 and Infants; on the other hand there are more Seniors. The roll peaks at 101 on 16 September, then declines to 75 by the end of 1939 and 49 by the end of April 1940. By the end of May 1940, it has reverted to 32, the figure for Kirkby children according to item 6. The attendance data enable absence rates to be calculated. At the back of the book, there is another numbered list of 109 Leeds children in a different order again, showing names, dates of birth and dates of return to Leeds or transfer elsewhere. There follow weight lists for Senior Boys and Girls for 8 Sep 1939, 11 Oct 1939 and 16 Nov 1939. In the middle of the book is an unused list of names. The rest of the book – in fact the bulk – is blank [1 item].
11. A manuscript quarto list of 27 out of 108 Leeds children who returned to Leeds between 6 Sep 1939 and 3 Dec 1939, together with a rough draft of the list [1 item].
12. Typed foolscap copies of the Kirkby Malzeard – Leeds Bulletin, described as compendia of “uncensored” letters from the Kirkby children. The letters are from individual children – mainly evacuees – addressed variously to “friends”, individuals (perhaps teachers) or with no salutation, obviously intended for general consumption in Leeds. Country life and school routine are described, with original uncorrected spelling. There are 3 bulletins compiled over about a month beginning in early October 1939, having respectively 5,8 and 8 pages. There are two copies of Bulletin 2 [4 items].
A separate brown envelope contains a stiff brown card folder labelled Meanwood Parents Association Letters & Bulletin. It appears to be Mr Holmes' file rather than the Association's, and its content is wider than suggested by the title. The content falls into one of 5 broad groups:
A. Letters from the Liaison Committee concerning general evacuation matters, or from others but appertaining to these,
B. Letters from individual parents to Mr Holmes, concerning particular children,
C. Communications to and from the West Riding or Leeds Education Departments,
D. Documents from the Government or its agents,
E. Miscellaneous material
A. The Liaison committee group consists of 8 items:
1 Handwritten letter from Mr Beadsworth, the committee secretary, to Mr Holmes, dated 26 Sep 1939. It reports on the previous night's meeting in Meanwood which resolved to form a liaison committee which would aim to meet weekly, starting next Friday, supplemented by a general monthly meeting open to all. Expresses gratitude for KM's hospitality and offers assurances of every support. The committee consists of the Mrs Sewell, West and Pearson and Messrs Barrett, Hebden, Askew, Smith, Schofield, Holloway, Stott, Ward and Beadsworth, collectively described as formed “of largely the better element”. A Miss Cockram (possibly headmistress of Bentley Lane school?) has given her blessing and promise of help. The letter expresses concern that a weekly coach service, set up and subsidised by Mr Harriman, may be too frequent for Mr Holmes' taste.
2. Handwritten letter from Mr Beadsworth to Mr Holmes dated 4 Oct 1939, referring to a copy of a circular which is to be sent to parents. Asks Mr Holmes to identify any needs which the committee might help meet and enquires about eating/accommodation arrangements for parental visitors.
3. Typed letter dated 6 Oct 1939 from the Bentley Lane – Kirkby Malzeard Liaison Committee addressed “Dear Friends”, and signed by the chair and secretary of the committee, Messrs Schofield and Beadsworth. Presumably the circular letter referred to above, the letter urges parents to ensure that their children are equipped with adequate warm clothing, bedding, books and toys. Announces intention of holding whist drives to establish a contingency fund to deal with emergencies.
4. Letter to Mr Beadsworth from N R Cockram, dated 16 Oct 1939, responding to queries about particular evacuee families likely to be in distress and in need of assistance. The families are named, on condition of confidentiality.
5. Handwritten letter from Mr Beadsworth to Mr Holmes dated 19 Oct 1939, responding to a letter from the latter re. supplies. Indicates that Mr Askew has deliveries in hand; Mrs Sewell is buying wool but needs advice on type required; books have been collected. Asks for info about returnees, as the committee is always being asked about this; advises that second general meeting will be next Thursday; expresses appreciation for first bulletin etc. Pencilled annotations probably by Mr Holmes regarding frequency of visits, and specifying 4 ply wool.
6. Handwritten letter from Mr Beadsworth to Mr Holmes dated 30 Oct 1939, the main purpose of which is to raise the “unsavoury matter” of a named parent's concerns about the treatment of his son and daughter, the latter of whom the parent believes may have been molested by the son of the host farmer. Mr B thinks there is nothing in it, but is concerned at the potential scandal, and urges Mr Holmes to write a strong letter scotching the allegations.
7. Handwritten letter from Mr Beadsworth to Mr Holmes dated 3 May 1940, asking for a revised list of children for next Thursday's committee meeting. Also advises of committee's desire to organise a replacement coach service following Mr Harriman's seizure, which has forced him to terminate his service.
8. An undated list of points to mention regarding children's behaviour in KM, covering “country code” matters, conduct in host households, 8 o'clock curfew, practical matters re gas masks, first aid etc. Possibly Mr Holmes initial briefing speech?
B. 15 letters from parents:
1. From W Marshall, dated 15 Oct 1939 about withdrawal of son,
2. Undated (but Jan 1940) letter of complaint from a named parent concerning administration of cod liver oil to her son against Doctor's orders, and of exclusion from visits to cinema. Pencilled notes for reply by Mr Holmes, beginning with statement that this was the first complaint in 4.5 months, and generally adopting a very aggrieved tone.
3. Draft or copy of Mr Holmes' reply, dated 18 Jan 1940, on Education Dept headed notepaper, largely repeating the pencilled notes, but if anything worded even more strongly (e.g. refers to the “unpleasantly toned letter”).
4. Undated letter from F W Thompson, asking for medical attention to daughter's knees, scratched after blackberrying and now septic.
5. From Hilda Sewell, dated 8 Jul 1940, saying that her daughter will be at home for a few weeks but will return to KM where she has been happy and has progressed well.
6. Undated letter from D Chilvers(?) reimbursing Mrs Holmes for cost of taking son to Ripon for medical purposes.
7. Undated letter from Mrs Atkinson regarding Raymond, the son of another parent.
8. Thank you letter from Mr & Mrs Waters dated 14 Dec 1939 re their son Raymond.
9. Letter dated 26 Oct 1939 thanking Mr Holmes for gift of clothes.
10. Letter dated 13 Dec 1939 from Mr Schofield advising of withdrawal of son after Xmas.
11. Letter dated 6 Nov 1939 from J S Sewell asking to withdraw daughter for a few days to have spots treated.
12. Letter dated 2 Nov 1939 from Mrs Waters asking if her son could come home for a week as he is unhappy.
13. Pencilled letter from a child to grandparents with thoughts on life in KM. Dated 25th October 1939
14. Undated letter from Mrs Pearson saying her son would be going to school elsewhere. Dated 11th December 1939
15. Pencilled note from Mr Holmes to vicar, re. signing a form and family information.
C. 6 Education Department or related documents :
1. Typed letter dated 17 Oct 1939 from City of Leeds Dept of Education to Miss K Thackray at the Vicarage KM advising that Leeds teachers are encouraged to take a weekend off about once a month at their own expense.
2. Letter from West Riding education Dept approving proposal for a War Emergency Garden at KM. Mr Holmes is asked to return form specifying seeds & fertilisers required; arrangements have already been made to deliver tools. The school is asked later to report how much time has been spent on cultivation and what crops have been raised. Attached are Mr Holmes' preferred seed lists, drawn from the catalogue offered by the Department.
3. Urgent letter dated 10 May 1940 from WRDE advising that the transfer of children aged 11+ to Ripon Modern School is to take place on 20th, and asking for a list of names.
4. A handwritten list in red ink of the names of 13 children transferred to Ripon MS apparently on 26 Aug 1940.
5. Letter from WRDE dated 4 Dec 1939 advising of Xmas holiday plans.
6. Letter from WRDE asking for Leeds address of Joan Ward, as forms for repayment of billeting charges have been returned address unknown.
D. 3 Governmental documents:
Central Council for school Broadcasting programme for schools from 25 Sep 1939, with calendar of times and notes on content and contributors (3 typed sheets).
Card identifying Mr Holmes as Billeting Officer under the Defence Regulations. The card empowers the holder to require householders to give true information about accommodation and occupants if requested, and to accept billettees.
Typed instructions to Air Raid Wardens from the chief warden in Harrogate. Mr Holmes' name appears in pencil at the top.
E. 9 miscellaneous documents:
1. Foolscap sheet with list of Leeds teachers and their KM residences.
2. 2 page quarto list of 50 evacuees by name and Leeds address.
3. A child's text describing a concert.
4. Short child's essay headed “The Tree”.
5. 3 page foolscap list of 103 evacuees with KM addresses.
6. Greetings telegram in gold envelope from Meanwood parents with good party wishes.
7. Small ochre card with best wishes from Meanwood parents.
8. Newspaper cutting from Yorkshire Evening Post dated 15 Mar 1940 (In print March 18 1940) and signed BP (Mrs Pearson?). Refers to second invitation of government to evacuate children and recommends formation of parent associations to facilitate the process. Claims the KM model is the most successful in northern England, and that Kirkby Malzeard still has a higher percentage of evacuee children than any other evacuee area.
9. Piece of sheet music (unknown song) could be linked to E. 9 miscellaneous documents: (3) regarding the concert
MS Box XX. 4
4 items relating to the designation of the Grand Theatre as a Listed Building in December 1959.
(a) A copy letter dated 3 Dec 1959 from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government to the Theatre & Opera House (owners of the Grand) informing them that the theatre was now listed, with brief references to the reasons for the listing and its implications for any future physical changes.
(b) Letter from North & Sons, solicitors to the Grand, dated 4 Dec 1959 to K J Bonser explaining that the owners had opposed the listing as they felt the building was not of historical interest, and wished to make representations. They had commissioned an architect, Mr Victor Bain, to undertake an independent assessment of architectural aspects and wanted to know if Mr Bonser would deal with historical matters.
(c) A letter to Mr Bonsor from the Chief Investigator of Historic Buildings at MHLG dated 14 Dec 1959, indicating that the Grand were trying to construct a case to oppose the listing and that while Mr Bonser was perfectly at liberty to assist this cause, the Chief Investigator would prefer him not to become involved. It would appear that Mr Bonser had referred North & Sons’ letter to MHLG in an earlier communication.
(d) Hand written unsigned jottings, possibly Mr Bonser's note for that earlier communication.
MS Box XX. 5
3 items relating to early 19C annuity societies in Leeds.
(a) Small booklet containing Laws of the Leeds Annuitant Society, 1823. Describes the purpose of the Society – to provide annuities to the widows of deceased subscribers and for aged members. Membership limited to 500. Prescribes premiums payable by members aged 25-40, apparently additional to a standard annual subscription which is not specified. Applications from people over 40 not accepted. Sets out procedures for electing management from among the members, penalties for subscription arrears, investment policy. Benefits are £20 p.a. for qualifying widows, £10 for members at 60, increasing to £20 at 70. Reference to a supplementary payment designed to increase the capital of the Society to £15000. Members are named and place of residence given – most in West Yorkshire, but a few farther afield, including two in New York.
(b) Leeds Annuitant Society, alterations to rules1824, printed sheet with manuscript annotations, referring mainly to Committee matters.
(c) Leeds Equitable Annuity Society for Widows. A single sheet headed 18th Annual report for 1837, with details of changes in membership and liabilities and balance sheet for the year ending July 1837. A list of the 173 current members is given, with place of domicile. At the foot of the document is a printed and countersigned pro forma acknowledging the receipt of a second annual subscription of 1 guinea from Robert Hey Whitehead.
MS Box XX. 6
Marble-covered exercise book which is the autograph book of J Bilbrough from the 1860s and 1870s.
The book is recycled – the autograph material is pasted over the manuscript text of a short life of Napoleon Bonaparte set down by Mr Bilbrough on 17 Dec 1858, but now largely obliterated. The autographs consist of many signatures cut out of documents, together with a number of autographed letters pasted in in their entirety. An index on the first page lists 53 autographed letters, but 9 of these are absent (see below). The signatories appear to be a mixture of friends and acqaintances as well as some more public figures. The text of the letters seems generally to be of no great significance.
The excluded autographs tend to be those of better-known figures, and with two exceptions, these are held in a separate paper folder. They include George Grossmith, 4 MPs (Messrs Grafton Guiness, T. Baines, E Baines, and Wheelhouse) and Mr Spurgeon, a Baptist pastor. Autographs of Gladstone and the Earl of Clarendon, mentioned in the exercise book index but absent from that volume, are also missing from the folder. However, the autograph of another MP, James Stanfield – not indexed in the exercise book – is in the folder.
MS Box XX. 7
A letter from a Lucy Sykes to the Leeds Mercury, dated 18 Dec 1912, referring to a copy of (presumably) her Life of Canon Jackson that is being sent to the Mercury in return for permission to quote extracts from the paper. The author petitions for favourable mention of the Life in the paper.
MS Box XX. 8
A letter from Joseph Lucas to Talbot Baines of the Leeds Mercury, dated 4 Aug 1894. Joseph Lucas is a hydrologist by profession, late of H.M. Geological Survey, but his letter is about genealogical research that he has been undertaking for Mr Baines concerning his family history. The letter refers to further wills which Mr Lucas proposes to examine, indicates that the Baines family was settled in Marston on the Moor at least a century and a half before the date given in Edward Baines' Life, and states that research on the family Coat of Arms tells a different story about the origins of the family name from that given out when the baronetcy was created in 1881.
MS Box XX.9
(a) Canvassing return for the Township of Wortley, Leeds Polling District, West Riding Election 1848. Pro-forma with names, addresses and voting (Denison, Eardley, ‘Neutral’ and ‘Doubtful’) entered by hand. Signed by Wm. Sykes, Agent. [4 large foolscap sheets]
(b) List of Persons claiming to be Entitled to Vote, Wortley, 1849 [single printed sheet]
(c) ‘An Assessment for the relief of the Poor of the township of Wortley… 1819’. Overseers: William Milner and Geroge Stead. [red leather-bound book containing numerous lists of people and payments]
(d) Lists of county voters, Wortley, 1835 & 1838. [small booklet]
(e) Booklet labelled ‘No 5 / Armley Road / Wellington Road’. Probably a canvasser’s notebook. No date. [marbled cover, slim notebook]
(f) ‘1842 / Burgess List / of Objections / Township of Wortley’, and ‘1842 / Burgess List / of Claimants / in the / Township of Wortley’. [1 horizontal foolscap printed books with white labels]
(g) 5 blank printed pro-formas for claiming right to vote [n.d.], and 2 differently formatted pro-formas (maninly blank) for 1843 [7 items]
(h) ‘Instructions for Taking the Poll on the Election of Councillors on 1st, November 1844’, enclosed in letter from the Town Clerk. [2 items: 1 folded sheet, 1 single sheet; printed with handwritten sections (italic) ]
(i) Printed list of voters for Wortley with handwritten annotations. [foolscap booklet]
(j) Conservative Society for the West Riding: abstracts of qualifications for voters; printed. [large folded sheet]
MS Box XX. 10
This packet consists of material supplied by Mr T S Whitaker relating primarily to the history of the Leeds Leamington Cricket Club at the turn of the 19th century, but including a few personal items as well. The Leamington club was an amateur team based at Mill Green apparently in the Armley/Wortley area. Mr Whitaker was a member of the club.
There are 21 items:
1. A black leather bound notebook containing details of Mr Whitaker's bike rides in 1891-3; manuscript scorecards and averages for the three Emley Challenge Cup competitions 1880-82 which were won by the Leamington club; and details of the club's playing record mainly in the Leeds Cricket league between 1894 and 2001 [1 item].
2. A maroon covered notebook with results for 1902 [1 item].
3. @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } p { color: #000000; line-height: 115%; text-align: left; orphans: 2; widows: 2; margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; background: transparent } p.western { font-family: "Liberation Serif", serif; font-size: 12pt; so-language: en-GB } p.cjk { font-family: "NSimSun"; font-size: 12pt; so-language: zh-CN } p.ctl { font-family: "Lucida Sans"; font-size: 12pt; so-language: hi-IN }
The Lemington Leeds Cricket League annual pocket guides for 1898, 1899, 1902 and 1903, with fixtures, results, lists of players registered with each club, and certified umpires [4 items].
4. Subscribers' (members') cards (about 3 inches by 2) for the Leamington club for the 10 years 1894-2003, with fixtures, club rules and, from 1897, annual accounts [10 items].
5. An article from the “Yorkshire Owl” marked 1897, with a photograph of the team and historical notes on the club [1 item].
6. An undated (but at least 1901) article of reminiscences about the club, from an unidentified newspaper [1 item].
7. A second maroon covered notebook with minor household information (e.g. a Christmas card list) [1 item].
8. Letters of April 1897 from the Kirkstall Forge Company inviting Mr Whitaker to interview and confirming his appointment to a post in the firm [2 items].
9. Book of recitations 18th December 1839
MS Box XX. 11
A collection of miscellaneous items listed in detail below.
Leases, etc.
1. 15 Aug 1739. Indenture between John Milner of Leeds and John Dixon of Beeston relating to release of land called Pigeon Cote Hill (previously Bywater Garth). [+ seal]
2. 3 May 1736. Indenture between Stephen Vevers of Morwick, son of William Vevers of Morwick in Elmet, and Thomas Varley of York, baker relating to a lease of land in Barwick in Elmet called Miln Close. [+ seal]
3. 8 Oct 1767. Indenture between John Smith of Holbeck, Leeds, and Joseph Walker of Wortley, clothier, relating to a lease of land in Wortley. [+ seal]
4. 19 Apr 1822. Indenture between Thomas Wood Davison of Haddlesey, Birkin, and Dorothy Snell, spinster, and Mary Bainbridge, widow, of Aberford relating to a lease of land in Barwick in Elmet called Miln Close. [+ 2 wafers]
Apprenticeship indentures
8 Dec 1797. Indenture between John Brearley of Hunslet and Edward Brearley, cloth dresser, of Hunslet, with the consent of JB’s father; signed by JB and EB; witnessed by: Thomas Fernie, John Walton & Stephen Mitchell. [large printed pro-forma; seals largely missing; on reverse: ‘John Brearleys Indenture’.]
18 Aug 1823. Indenture between Abraham Akeroyd, cloth dresser, of Woodhouse Carr & AA, his son, and William & Matthew Speight, joiners & cabinet-makers making AA junr. apprentice to the Speights; signed by AA, AA junr., WS & MS; witnessed by Edward Speight. [large printed pro-forma; 4 papered seals; on reverse: ‘Abrahm. Akeroyd Jr. / to / Wm. & Mattw. Speight // Indenture of / Apprenticeship’.]
Inheritance claim
1881. Claimant: John Jackson; relating to land in Gildersome. 2 documents detailing the case (1 of 4 leaves, 1 of 5 leaves) and a family tree. On outside: ‘1881/ Re John Jackson / Gildersome / [indecipherable blue pencil notes] / Case given / up’.
Insurance certificates
6 Jul 1825. Leeds and Yorkshire Assurance Company. William Anderson of Quarry Hill, Leeds, joiner, mortgagor, & John Ward of Bradford, gent., mortgagee; signed by: Thomas Tennant, Thomas S.B.Reade, & George Bischoff. Property at Quarry Hill. [large printed pro-forma, wrapped in purpose-made copy of Proposals.]
17 Oct 1835. Leeds and Yorkshire Assurance Company. Richard Randles of Little Holbeck, plasterer, mortgagor, & Joseph Groves of Lotherton cum Aberford, corn miller, mortgagee; signed by: Christopher Beckett, Anthony Titley & J.G.Marshall. Property at Lttle Holbeck. [large printed pro-forma, wrapped in purpose-made account of Society.]
16 Jan 1828. Sun Fire Office. Charles Wray of Leeds, bricklayer, mortgagor, & William Thompson of Rawdon. Property at Little Holbeck. [large [printed pro-forma; for wrapper, see 8 May 1824.]]
8 May 1824. Newcastle upon Tyne Fire Office. William Anderson of Leeds, mortgagor, & John Ward of Bradford, mortgagee. Property at Quarry Mill, Leeds.
[?same as 6 Jul 1825 above; large printed pro-forma, wrapped with 16 Jan 1828 in purpose-made wrapper of the Sun Fire Office inscribed ‘Mr Chas. Wray . . .’]
Deed of covenant
15 Oct 1849. Agreement between Charles Ackroyd, confectioner, of Wade Lane, Leeds, & Thomas Smith, farmer, of Beckfield, to produce title deeds relating to land in Garforth. Related names: Christopher Graveley of Hutton in the parish of Whitkirk, William Horsfield, corn miller, of Swillington Bridge, and a list of eighteen names, Gill, Poppleton, Richardson, Turpin, Walker, Warner, Watson.
Hill – Family & Business records
24 Oct 1846. Birth certificate of Frederick Hill, son of Ann & Edward Hill, born 15 Oct 1846 at Mulberry Place, Hunslet
7 Sept 1871. Marriage certificate of Frederick Hill and Emma Lee, married in Independent Chapel, Marshall Street, Holbeck.
18 Jul 1873. Baptism certificate of Edward Hill, son of Charlotte & Samuel Hill, at St Mary’s, Burley on 13 Oct 1822.
30 Jul 1885. Birth certificate of Mabel Ann Hill, daughter of Emma & Frederick Hill of 239 Dewsbury Road, on 15 Jul 1885.
6 Nov 1885. Baptism certificates of John Edward, Charles William and Mabel Ann Hill, all baptised at Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Beeston Hill, Leeds on 17 Aug 1885.
1 Jan 1890. Indenture (copy) between Edward Hill, Arthur Ripley Hill and Frederick Hill re inheriting shares and terms of new partnership in business of Hill Brothers, ironfounders and engineers, Nevins Foundry, Goodman Street, Hunslet.
3 Feb 1891. Deed of Covenants altering terms of new partnership.
8 Jun 1886. Will and codicil (5 Dec 1889) of Edward Hill + probate grant (10 Feb 1894). He died 28 Nov 1893.
20 Sep 1893. Death certificate of Ann Hill, wife of Edward Hill, who died 10 Jul 1893 at 16 Ladbroke Place,.
9 May 1898. Death certificate of Frederick Hill, who died 7 May 1898 at 67 Beeston Road.
26 Aug 1911. Death certificate of Emma Hill, wife of Frederick Hill, who died 25 Aug 1911, at 75 Beeston Road.
30 May 1924. Indenture (rough copy of conveyance) between James Edward Bedford & Charles Samuel Bedford, and John Edward Hill & Mabel Ann Hill re property on Woodhouse Cliff.
21 Jun 1939. Death certificate of John Edward Hill of 4 Woodhouse Cliff, Leeds, who died at Peckfield Cross Roads, Ledston on 19 Jun 1939. [2 copies]
MS Box XX. 12
Diary of William Constable for 1836.
A small red, leather-bound volume.
William Constable had connections with Otley (which is mentioned in the diary) through his brother Thomas Constable, who appears to have been under-steward of manor courts in Otley (see White, West Riding Directory, 1837, I, p.675). He was training to be a barrister in London with a Mr Roe but was with his brother in Otley when he was taken ill and died on 31 July 1836.
The diary is largely a noting of engagements of one kind and another with very occasional observations and comments – one on the differing pronunciation of ‘a’ between Catholics and Protestants.
References to: his aunt, Mrs Weston; Mr Jemmett(?); Mr Roe; Lord Traquair; Miss Marsden (Otley); Myddelton Lodge; Lady Louisa Stewart(?); ‘Railway Mania’ (March); ‘Forensic Society’; ‘Vernon Club’.
MS Box XX. 13
Indenture dated 31 Jan 1805 relating to ownership and sale of a property in York Street, Leeds. Registered at Wakefield on 11 Apr 1805.
Four large parchment sheets with seals. Small plan of property in margin of first leaf. Donated by Michael Meadowcroft, 19 Aug 2011 (letter enclosed).
The property in question belonged to Richard Paley who had been declared bankrupt, and was being transferred to George Roper.
Names involved: Thomas Clapham, merchant; George Smith, banker; Richard Sisson, merchant (1st. part); Richard Paley, soap boiler, dealer and chapman (2nd. part); Alexander Turner, merchant (3rd. part); Edmund Maude, raff merchant (4th. part); George Roper, cloth merchant and John Reyner, merchant (5th. part). Previous indentures of lease and release (18/19 Feb 1803) involve: Thomas Bolland, gent.; William Cookson, merchant; Alexander Turner; Benjamin Gott, merchant; William Thompson & John Lee, merchants; John Brook & Edward Brook, merchants of Hunslet; Christopher Smith, merchant; William Hey, surgeon; Abraham Rhodes, merchant; John Hebblethwait, merchant; Matthew Rhodes, merchant (decd.); Thomas Dade, raff merchant; Watson Scatcherd of Morley and Francis Maude of Wakefield; Thomas Everard Upton & Thomas William Tottie; John Wilson, spirit merchant.
Property consisted of: 3 separate brick buildings used as stables, a brick building used as a cloth press house or shop, 2 smaller buildings used as privies, and a midden.
Signed by: Thomas Clapham, George Smith, Ric. Sisson, Rich. Paley, Alexr. Turner, Edmd. Maude and George Roper. Endorsed with further signatures.
MS Box XXI. [2 boxes] The Gillespie Collection.
Material donated by Rollo Gillespie relating to the families of Thursby/Thoresby, Whitaker, Guthrie, Gillespie and Starkie, and to Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire, and the Burnley district of Lancashire.
Box 1
1 – 23, including 3a and 20a, letters written by Thomas Dunham Whitaker, in
Cambridge or at The Holme, Cliviger, Lancashire, to Lucy Thursby, usually at
Meadow Lane, Leeds, 1779-90, and mostly before their marriage in 1783.
[25 items] [See The Thursby Manuscripts, PThS ns 21, 2011, pp.102-46]
23 (a) Transcriptions of the Whitaker letters.
24 Seals from letters
25 (a) Will (11 Apr 1840) and probate (12 Jun 1840) of John Thursby, son of Thomas
Thursby, brother of Lucy Whitaker (née Thursby). [See Thursby Manuscripts, pp. 184-85.]
(b) Last Will and Testament of John Thursby, 11 Apr 1840; probate certificate dated 20 Jul 1840 [cf MS Box XXI. 25 above] [John Thursby died 28 Apr 1840]
26 Letter from Thomas Thursby to his son John from Burnley, 19 Oct 1784. [See Thursby Manuscripts, pp. 147-49.]
27 (a) ‘[Ped]igree of Thoresby or Thursby’ (100.5 x 49cm) – family tree of
Thoresby/Thursby, beginning with George Thoresby of West Cottingwith and
his two marriages, and ending with (i) the children of Ralph Thoresby, and
(ii) the children of Thomas Thursby’s daughter, Lucy.
27 (b) Marbled-paper-covered exercise book with (a) survey of numbers of births,
marriages and deaths in Leeds, taken from the Parish Registers, 1572-1775, and (b)
genealogical information on the Thursby/Thoresby and related families; started
from different ends of the book. Mid-late 18th century. Some entries by Thomas
Thursby Junior, some perhaps by his father, Thomas Thursby.
27 (c) Possible location of Thursby house in Meadow Lane: (i) notice of sale from Leeds Intelligencer 29 Dec 1800; (ii) extract from Giles map 1815.
28 Journal of Thomas Thursby’s visit to Portugal in 1755-6 (bound volume). [See Thursby Manuscripts, pp.12-50.]
28 (a) Rollo Gillespie’s transcription of 28, the Journal.
29 Letter from John Wood, Minister of Mill Hill Chapel, to John and Anne Thursby,
18 Dec 1797, re their move to the Church of England. [See Thursby Manuscripts, pp. 172-73]
30 Ordination Certificate for Robert Nowell Whitaker, son of Lucy (née Thursby) and
TDW, becoming deacon, 24 Dec 1826.
31 Receipt for payment of £6 12s by TDW to Mr Hemingway, printer of History of
Whalley Parish, dated 23 Sep 1802.
32 Transcription of memorials to Thomas Thoresby Whitaker, who died after a fall
from his horse, 28 Aug 1817, and Mary Charlotte Whitaker, died 17 Apr 1816.
With a note by M[argaret] L[ucy] G[illespie] (née Guthrie), great-granddaughter of
TDW and Lucy.
33 Photo of a list of signatures, including Thomas Thursby’s, agreeing to a series of
‘Laws’, relating to the running of The Leeds Library. Also a photo of Joseph
Priestley’s birthplace in Birstall. His signature has been crossed out in the list and
replaced by the monogram of John Wood.
34 Detailed instructions for Lucy Whitaker’s (née Thursby) funeral arrangements [See Thursby Manuscripts, pp. 151-53.]
35 Printed ‘Pedigree of Whitaker, of the Holme, and of Healey.’ 1431-1872.
36 Newspaper cutting from a Burnley paper of the ‘Marriage of Miss Whitaker, of the Holme’, 21 Aug 1887.
37 ‘Draught Map of the Parish of Whalley in the County of Lancaster, 1841’ [coloured, on tracing paper]
38 Photograph of The Holme, sepia probably late nineteenth century. L Dwyer photo
39 Likeness of the young T.D. Whitaker from the frontispiece of History of Craven [laminated photograph].
40 Stamp Office printed pro-forma detailing estate and payments made from it of T.D. Whitaker, 22 Apr 1822.
41 Note from TDW to his son, Thomas, giving the inscription on a Roman altar. [n.d.]
42 Letter from TDW to Miss Kirshaw, 7 May 1804. [See Thursby Manuscripts, pp. 150-51.] [+ photographs of the letter]
43 Letter from S.J. Allen (TDW’s old secretarial assistant) to ‘Whitaker’ (probably RNW) dated 22 Sep 1854.
44 Letter from William Whitaker to his uncle, perhaps John Thursby, dated 29 Aug 1820, from Chunat Ghur in Bengal, about his life as a soldier. Many local Leeds references including the
Volunteers. [See Thursby Manuscripts, pp.179-83.]
45 Letter from TDW to John Thursby reporting the death of his daughter, Mary Charlotte, dated 19 Apr 1816. Also a copy of the memorial inscription. [See Thursby Manuscripts, p. 177.]
46 Eight cut-outs of the Muses, given to TDW by Charles Towneley, + a Whitaker seal cut from a letter.
47 Letter from I/J. Tempest to his father from Salonica, dated 4 Mar 1731, detailing his travels.
48 Letter from Bishop Atterbury to the Vice-dean ‘ to be communicated to the Rest of the Prebendarys of Carlisle’, dated 20 Sep 1707, re Visitations [+ seal].
49 Notes on the births of Starkie children, 1749-1806 [part of page torn away].
50(a) and (b) Dispute between Francis Place, Vicar of Blackburn, and Bartholomew Walmsley regarding the chapel of Lango [1688 – dated from the dates of the sworn affidavits; a quire of 8 folio sheets preceded by 2 large folio sheets, folded and sewn on (1 now detached and walletted separately, 50(a))]
51 Part of a Starkie family tree, from 1580 to marriage of TDW/LT’s granddaughter Lucy Anne to Alfred Power – relating to ownership of the manor of Twiston. [single quarto sheet]
52 Part of Starkie family tree, from 1200 to marriage of Lucy Anne and Alfred Power relating to ownership of the township of Stretton, Cheshire. [long folio sheet]
Box 2
53 Rent roll of Thomas Braddyll, 1657. [parchment roll]
54 Various notes re income and expenses for ‘Mr Starkie’ for 1813. [small foolscap sheet folded] Item missing
55 Statement of costs by M & F Davidson for providing marriage settlement between Captain Gillespie and Margaret Lucy Guthrie, 1870 + receipt.
56 A collection of 13 documents from curacies in Lancashire (Parish of Whalley) in the main responses to the questionnaire sent out by the Bishop of Chester in 1808 to ascertain the values of curacies which might become beneficiaries of Queen Anne’s Bounty:
(a) Answers to queries relating to the chapel at Lango in a letter from A. Cottam dated 10 Aug 1815 (cf. 50 above and 61 below). [folded foolscap sheet]
(b) ‘Schedule of the Value of the Living of Altham, Lancast. In answer to the Queries of the Commission appointed by the Lord Bishop of Chester’, dated 29 Nov 1808. [folded foolscap sheet]
(c) Answers to queries relating to the value of the benefice of Samlesbury, from James Barnes, Curate.[n.d.] [folded folio sheet]
(d) Answers to queries relating to the curacy of Accrington [n.d.] [small foolscap sheet, folded]
(e) ‘A Statement of the present yearly Value of Goodshaw in the County of Lancaster’, certified on 5 Nov 1808 by Rev John Dawes before G. Croft. [small foolscap sheet, folded]
(f) Another series of answers to queries relating to Lango (cf. 50 & 56 above). [small foolscap sheet, folded]
(g) Statement of the value of the chapel of Bacup, signed by Wlliam Porter, Minister of Bacup, dated 23 Nov 1808 [folded foolscap sheet]
(h) Answers to queries relating to the curacy of Church Kirk, written on the back of the original printed letter from the Bishop of Chester, dated 7 Oct 1808 addressed to ‘Rev Mr. Armitstead’. [1 folded folio sheet + 1 folded foolscap]
(i) Answers to queries relating to the curacy of Balderston, dated 29 Nov 1808. [large folded foolscap sheet]
(j) Answers to queries relating to the curacy of Colne [n.d.] [3 foolscap sheets, sewn & folded]
(k) Answers to queries relating to the curacy of Trekholes [n.d.] [folded folio sheet]
(l) Letter re value of Chapel of Newchurch, 28 Nov 1808, to Rev Mr Starkie from I/J. Holme.
(m) Answers to queries relating to the curacy of Downham, [n.d.]. On back: list of rents due to‘Mr Starkie’, 1813
57 Promissory note from James Starkie for £20 received from William Frankland, 28 Sep 1760.
58 Documents relating to the Starkie property at Twiston. The last three (b-d) were originally pinned together:
(a) Receipt of property tax of Twiston for Rev Mr Starkie: £20 received from James Bulcock, 1810.
(b) Invoice for work done at Twiston for the heirs of the late James Starkie, 24 Jul 1762.
(c) Rev T. Starkie’s account with James Bulcock, Twiston 19 May 1809.
(d) Terms for letting Twiston property to Messrs James Bulcock, sen. and jun., 24 May 1810.
(e) Note re Twiston Estate dictated to Kate Guthrie by her father ten days before he died. He was Downing Professor of Law at Cambridge. K.G’s note is dated 15 Apr 1849
(f) Letter from R.N.Whitaker to his niece, Kate, dated 8 Jan 1857, re planting at Twiston.
59 Doctor’s receipted bill: Captain Starkie debtor to Thomas Walton, Mar to Jun 1761.
60 Copy of a letter re new church at ?Blackburn, addressed to the Bishop of Chester but sent by covering note to Rev T. Starkie, 25 Oct 1817 [folded foolscap sheet + seal]
61 Copy of resolutions made at a meeting held on 1 Jul 1800 of landowners and their agents with tithe lands now owned by Lord Ribblesdale. A large number of names including Thomas Starkie. [large folio folded]
62 Admittance of Thomas Starkie to the Vicarage of Blackburn, 27 Nov 1780. [parchment + papered seal]
63 Letter from G.J. Guthrie to Rev Lowry Guthrie, 13 Nov [1847] re unnamed property. [letter folded within smaller sheet which serves as last page of letter]
64 Ordination certificate of Rev Lowry Guthrie authorised by Bishop of Rochester, 21 Apr 1839. [parchment + papered seal]
65 (a) Letter from George F. Smith to Mrs L. Guthrie re property in Lincolnshire, 18 Jul 1856.
(b) Letter from George J. Smith to Mrs Guthrie, 12 Nov 1856. [blue paper]
(c) Letter from Frederick I. Nicholl (probably solicitor) to Henry Falkner (probably agent) re property of Mts Lowry Guthrie, 10 May 1862.. [blue paper]
(d) Report on the state of Gillwoods Farm, Burgh (Mrs Andrews), Spence’s Farm, and Marfleets Farm, properties of Mrs Guthrie’s managed by Mr Falkner, [n.d.]
66 Report on various properties in Lancashire and agreement re dilapidations at Downham Chapel in favour of Mr Starkie, witnessed by Christopher Hargreaves, dated 7 July 1813. [single folded foolscap sheet]
67 Epitome of two deeds re marriage of Rev Lowry Guthrie and Katherine Blanche Starkie both dated 23 Feb 1846. [2 large folio sheets, folded and sewn]
68 Memoir re a dispute between ‘Mrs Margaret Gordon Wife of Alexander Bannerman Esq: Merchant in Aberdeen, and Thomas Usher Esq:.’, 1838. [14 sewn foolscap sheets]
69 Material related to Lydia Jefferson:
(a) Last Will and Testament of LJ, 27 Jun1808; probate certificate dated 1 Feb 1809 [LJ died 4
Oct 1808] [parchment sheet with attached parchment certificate + papered seal]
(b) Last Will and Testament of LJ, 27 Jun 1808; probate certificate dated 15 Feb 1809. [parchment sheet with attached parchment certificate + papered seal]
(c) Note by LJ of her wishes regarding her property. [quarto sheet]
(d) Account from Beckitt Blayds & Co to the executors of LJ’s will, Feb – Jul 1809 (vertically lined quarto sheet]
(e) Note of £700 worth of Navy 5per cents (see 69(d)). [slip of paper]
70 Indenture recording the pre-marital settlement between Richard Cardwell and Ann Thursby, dated 11 Dec 1823 (see Thursby Manuscripts, p. 189). [large parchment sheet + seals]
71 Last Will and Testament of Thomas Dunham Whitaker, 10 Mar 1818, + codicil, 27 Jul 1820, + probate certificate dated 22 Apr 1822. [large parchment sheet + parchment probate certificate; enclosed in the folded will is a seal with the Thoresby/Whitaker arms cut from a letter]
[All the above, except 33, were donated by Rollo Gillespie.]
This is a collection of material on the history of Leeds, Middleton, and Leeds City Transport Tramways assembled by Ernest Robinson between the 1930s and 1970s. Mr Robinson was a Tram Inspector with a particular interest in the transport history of Leeds. Despite the title, the collection is very largely about the bus and tram operations of Leeds City Transport. It consists of numerous separate items grouped into files or folders, but not numbered in any way.
Examination list of tram drivers, with personal details about some of the drivers. Following an accident on Churwell Hill, in which a tram ran out of control with loss of life, the Board of Trade advised Leeds Council to institute annual checks of their drivers' familiarity with the (emergency?) braking system. The document lists drivers by their works' number, name and the dates of checks carried out in 1927, 1928 and 1938, with conductor-drivers listed separately at the end together with some corrections and additions. Mr Robinson notes that the checks were not performed annually. The data appear to have been typed from an original source document. In addition, Mr Robinson provides thumbnail sketches of the drivers known to him, including physical characteristics, temperament, interests, routes worked, length of service, career progression, and occasionally, anecdotal embellishments.
A. A folder labelled “Inspector E Robinson's LCT papers 1930s, 1940s”. Numerous items, as follows:
1. LCT notice of withdrawal of night bus services, 5 Sep 1939.
2. 5 copies of a Ministry of Home Security leaflet entitled “Working after the Siren”, 10 Sep 1940. It exhorts workers to avoid productivity losses by being prepared to carry on working after a siren is sounded until “it is clear that enemy attack is imminent”, and to resume work when the immediate danger has passes, without waiting for the “raiders passed” signal. It advises on how to do this safely.
3. E Robinson's superannuation fund statement, 31 Mar 1931, at which time he was a conductor.
4. “Important Notice to all Employees”, being LCT leaflet about special service arrangements for the Military Tattoo in Roundhay Park 1-10 Jul 1937. Times of specials, routes, fares etc.
5. Drivers and conductors duty roster for Middleton tram c.1938 (orange sheet). Numbered rosters are designated for each day of the week, the numbers referring to a separate schedule of the routes and timings covered by each roster. There must also have been a list assigning drivers to each roster.
6. 3 copies of the duty rosters for 4 May 1938, 8 Feb 1939 and 1 Nov 1939, showing route numbers and start and finish times.
7. Notice to staff re air raid warnings, 28 Aug 1940. In the event of a precautionary warning, drivers are to extinguish all but the “obligatory” front and rear lights, but to maintain the service. After a full warning, they must extinguish lights and park their vehicles.
8. Bulletin No 62, Mar 1945, of “The Guildman”, the Leeds Municipal Officers' Guild Union newsletter.
9. Regulations identifying those entitled to use night tram services, which replaced night buses during 1939-45. Those qualified are various key workers, together with train passengers arriving at Leeds city station after the daytime service had finished (they had to obtain a special permit).
10. E Robinson's certificate of pay and income tax deducted 1944-5. No tax was payable on his gross income of £290/10s.
11. Letter from the Chief Traffic Officer, 3 Oct 1950, advising Robinson of the action he can take to report youths travelling on the fenders of tramcars in the Belle Isle area.
12. TGWU notice of conditions for preserving membership in the event of military call-up. No date.
13. Terms and conditions of the Leeds City Council sickness benefit scheme approved 2 May 1945.
14. Notice regarding eligibility for Priority Travel permits for use on services outside normal hours.
15. Notice of reduced winter tram services beginning 22 Nov 1942. Headways on each route given at various times of the day.
16. LCT notice about “air-raid warnings and lighting restrictions”, December 1940. Lighting restrictions less stringent than in August notice.
17. 2 copies of a notice to Inspectors about policing of timetable punctuality, 30 Jan 1948. departure times from termini to be strictly enforced, but discretion to be used at intermediate points.
18. Robinson's report to the General manager about the timings of special service departures from Temple Newsam on 2 Jun 1941. Records car numbers and times, and adjustments allowed later in the day.
19. “Suggestions regarding the continuance of services after the Alert” - undated thoughts of Robinson submitted to union for onward submission to management. Majors on safety and employee and public welfare.
20. 3 notices of Robinson's fire guard duties, June/July 1944.
21. Notice about night bus services 27 Oct 1946 – routes and operation details.
22. Notice to Inspectors about new inspection arrangements, 24 Dec 1946. Inspectors will now deal with both trams and buses in sub-areas of the city.
23. Tram and bus services Christmas 1946. On Christmas Day there are services from late morning until tea-time.
24. Special traffic arrangements – extra bus services for football, rugby and greyhound events over the Christmas period.
25. Notice of fare increases 22 Feb 1947.
26. Schedule of Easter 1947 service changes.
27. Inspectors' checking roster, starting 5 January 1948, specifying the duty numbers operative in each area at different times.
28. Night service journeys from Torre Road, Hunslet and Headingley garages fares list. Nov 1948.
B. In a perspex folder, notes to inspectors on the changeover from the “Bell punch ticket” system to the “Ultimate Ticket” system, dated 10 Dec 1948. There are specimens and explanations of the new tickets, with instructions on what to do in the event of machine malfunction.
On the back are summary instructions handed to conductors after their training course. Includes reference to waybills, which had to be handed in, together with takings, when a conductor switched to another route. Waybills recorded the serial numbers of the first and last tickets of each denomination issued by the conductor on that route, so that the value of tickets sold could be checked against takings.
C. A small transparent packet containing many leaflets, guides and advice notes about public transport services.
1. Leeds Corporation Tramways bye-laws. This is a compendium of bye-laws issued between 1902 and 1930. There are bye-laws adopted by Leeds Council in 1902 and 1904, and then successive Statutory Rules and Orders issued by the Ministry of Transport or the Board of Trade. Statutory rules for rail-less traction were issued by the Board of Trade in 1912, 1914 and 1916. Rules for tramways were issued by the MoT to Leeds Corporation and Morley Corporation Light Railways in 1923, and were followed by further rules in 1923, 1924 (2 sets), 1926,1928 and 1930.
2. Cutting from Yorkshire Post about new bye-laws in July 1942.
3. Leeds City Transport timetable and fares booklets for November-December 1957 and February-April 1963.
4. TGWU Members' Handbook, 7th edition 1963.
5. Official Guide to Leeds Tramways and Transport system 1926. Has a route map, brief history of the undertaking, topographical description of each route, first and last departures, full route fares, and further notes on major attractions such as Roundhay Park.
6. City of Leeds Local Government & Other Officers' Superannuation Act 1922. Booklets for 1923 and 1936, with text of the Act and details of the local scheme of pensions and sickness pay.
7. Booklets setting out the duty rosters for the Middleton-Corn Exchange run (February 1934 and August 1936 – 2 copies) and Dewsbury Road-Beckett Street, September 1925. At this time drivers worked around 47 hours a week, with one day off.
8. LCT night bus services – routes, timetables, fares on introduction of service December 1936.
9. Leeds City Tramways – Instructions to Motormen, January 1921 and October 1927 editions. Covers matters such as braking, speed limits – fixed on specific lengths of track – the use of sand pedals for adhesion on slopes, passing place etiquette etc.
10. LCT instructions to conductors January 1921, covering how to check waybills, dealing with the public, bell signals, etc.
11. National Joint Council for the Road Passenger Transport Industry, October 1937. This is a service condition agreement.
12. LCT bus service changes leaflets, January and April 1965.
13. Leeds city bus tour – official notes on the route, no date but probably 1960s.
14. Route maps – large fold-out maps, first edition but undated, and 6th edition, probably 1966.
15. Programme of excursions laid on to accompany the Leeds Centenary Musical Festival, October 1958.
16. Card issued to drivers and conductors advising of introduction of 5 front entrance buses on the Bradford route, 27 May, but no year.
17. LCT fares and stages booklet, September 1963.
18. In an envelope, four specimens of Priority Travel cards issued to rail travellers arriving after the regular bus/tram services had finished, and entitling them to use the special night services.
19. Details of bus services Easter 1959 and Christmas 1962. At the latter date, there were still Christmas day services from late morning till tea-time.
20. Undated Membership card for the LCT Employees' Recreation Club, of which Ernest Robinson was secretary.
21. Undated card advising staff of the introduction of a Control Room, which was to be the contact point in the event of problems.
22. Ernest Robinson's complimentary season ticket for Hunslet CF & AC Ltd, 1962-3. Robinson lived at 51 Thorpe Road.
23. Slips handed to passengers unable to pay their fares, and three receipts for payments later received, 1963.
D. Buff folder labelled “1950s”, being another collection of tram and bus material relating to this decade.
1. Robinson's P60 returns of pay and income tax for 1956/7 and 1958/9. He was paid just over £603 in the latter year, with only £4/1s income tax.
2. Counts of the numbers of passengers and dismounters on early morning buses in a week at the end of June/early July 1955, apparently on a circular route from the Middleton Arms. (10 sheets)
3. In a transparent wallet, the following items. MS notes on the fares applying on certain problem routes; a typed schedule of the sections of bus route within each Inspector area that the inspectors were to cover (May 1950); Technical notes to motormen on the particular operating characteristics of “London” cars which had been introduced, March 1951; travel arrangements for Remembrance Sunday, November 1951, August Bank Holiday in the same year and the YSO Concert for Schools in July 1952; Inspector duty rosters April 1951 and July 1952; changes to destination blind labelling on services 12 and 26, December 1952; instructions to bus conductors and inspectors regarding the new “Ultimate” ticket system, June 1952; schedule of new 1d fares from April 1953; changes to 48 bus service October 1953.
4. On pink sheets, Swinegate depot, motormen/conductor pairings, week numbers on the rota sheet (October 1954).
5. Tram and bus service changes March 1954.
6. August Bank Holiday 1954 service changes.
7. Letter from the Chief Traffic Officer to Robinson, December 1954, regarding complaints that he has been stopping children from Cockburn HS boarding the 4.15 pm bus at Middleton Park Grove. Although there are good reasons for doing this, he has no authority to do so and should desist.
8. Definition of Inspectors' checking areas 1955.
9. Report to Head Office on the last return tram journey from Briggate to Dewsbury Road, on which Robinson rode with two policemen. There was no trouble. Report date 28th September 1957
10. Itinerary of Royal Visit to Leeds, October 1958.
11. Bus diversions/cancellations due to the Visit.
12. Special instructions to Inspectors re. their Royal Visit duties. Services crossing the royal route were truncated or diverted.
13. Report from Robinson proposing recasting of fare stages on Middleton/Moortown/ Dewsbury Road routes to overcome confusion.
14. LCT exhibition in the Art Gallery to mark the end of tramways in November 1959. Among the artworks, crafts, models, photographs etc were pastels and watercolours by Robinson.
15. Letter about the final tram run over the last surviving bits of the system for the benefit of the Leeds and District Transport League, 1 November 1959. (5 in total)
16. Miscellaneous leaflets and letters about service alterations 1959.
E. Buff folder “1960s” - a smaller collection for this decade.
1. Robinson's P60s for 1959/60 and 1960/1.
2. Miscellaneous notices about very minor service changes 1962.
3. Invitation to join the “Leeds City Transport Inspectors' Association” December 1961.
4. Letter about setting up the Control Room, July 1961 (2 copies) and January 1962 when it was fully operational.
5. Notice about inspector duties in foggy or snowy weather.
6. Notice about night service fares to York Road, March 1962.
7. Revised inspector checking areas, and assignment of inspectors to these, February 1962.
8. Arrangements for the FA Cup Third Round tie between Leeds and Stoke, February 1963.
F. Blue folder labelled “Visits and Suggestions 1960s”. This is mainly concerned with suggestions for service improvements submitted to management via the Inspectors' Suggestions Committee, a body set up in 1950 for that purpose. Robinson was secretary of the Committee from November 1952 to November 1961, continuing as a member until his retirement in March 1963.
1. Stapled together, copies of various suggestions made in the early 1960s.
2. Buff envelope labelled “Newspaper cuttings re my suggestion”. It contains a cutting from the Yorkshire Evening Post 23 Dec 1963 about the use of radio telephones, evidently one of Robinson's proposals. Also, a note about a plan to construct a subway to the WCs at the Boar Lane/Briggate junction in January 1963 – an idea advanced by Robinson in 1936.
3. Bundle of papers fronted by a numbered list of the suggestions put to the Committee by Robinson over the ten years 1951-61, one sheet briefly summarising the suggestion, the other recording the outcome. There follow more detailed descriptions of each suggestion, which range from matters of precision and detail such as the typeface for ticket lettering to considerations of wider issues such as the causes of fare evasion etc. For 1962, there are some Committee agendas and submissions from other inspectors.
4. Bundle of agenda papers and minutes of the Inspectors' Suggestions Committee, July 1960 to March 1963, 19 meetings in total, with extra copies of a few of the papers. Discussion of the proposals and record of the decisions reached. Also a copy of Robinson's letter resigning as Secretary, 1 Nov 1961, a duty roster for July 1960 and his response to a management proposal to cut services, September 1961.
5. Sketch of a design by Robinson for a conductors' recess on rear loading buses, July 1961 – endorsed as “practically ignored”.
6. Summary and comments on a report of an LCT visit to Edinburgh in 1962. The author, presumably Robinson, criticises the report for the inclusion of “much extraneous” tourist matter and stylistic shortcomings.
7. Another report on the same by Senior Inspector Smith.
8. Report by Robinson on the Inspectors' Suggestion Committee's visit to Sheffield Transport Dept, June 1962. They travelled by private car rather than public transport.
G. Folder headed “Inspectors' Bulletins 1-47, 1956-63”. The bulletins were produced at the request of the Inspectors' Committee “to provide the inspectorial staff with official information which may be of assistance to them in their work and to enable them to obtain a clear picture of the working of the Department”. The content was fairly wide-ranging, covering immediate operational matters such as service changes, fuel rationing, complaints from the public and school bus services, as well as more synoptic material like trends in passenger numbers, revenues, employee numbers, the problem of loss-making services and the tram abandonment programme. Taken together, the bulletins offer a vivid insight into the service in a period of fairly relentless passenger decline.
Included with the bulletins is “The First 10 Years” - an account of the Inspectors' Suggestions Committee 1950-60, inevitably written by Robinson. According to his figures, 210 suggestions were received by the Committee, of which 103 were rejected and 98 submitted to management. Of these last, 75 were wholly or partly accepted.
H. “Leeds City Transport Sample Forms Stationery”. These are specimens of some of the report forms used by inspectors and conductors. There are a number of separate packages:
1. An envelope containing forms for the use of Point and Route Inspectors, circa 1963. These include over-ride and uncollected fare forms, both in the same detailed form, allowing for recording of information about the conductor, the route and depot, the origin and destination of the journey and the point at which over-riding began, the passenger's name and address, his and the conductor's explanation for the omission, names of witnesses, an attribution of blame and even the apparent irrelevance of the number of passengers upstairs and down. Also some largely unstructured pro formas for general reports.
2. A small envelope with revised fare diagrams which conductors could stick into their existing documents, and various slips for recording unpaid fare credits, ticket cancellations, lost property and conductors' relief.
3. Forms for reporting delays to particular services and other general reports.
4. Inspectors' checking sheets, recording their working itineraries – buses boarded etc.
5. Detailed accident report forms, with space to record location of the incident, the direction of travel, the gradient, the stopping distance, injuries, damage, the cause of the accident.
6. Some conductors' waybills, the document that had to be filled in at the start and end of a shift. For each ticket value, the serial number of the first and last ticket issued had to be noted, so that the expected receipts could be reconciled with the cash handed in by the conductor. Conductors had to add up their cash and complete an analysis of the types of ticket sold.
I. A folder entitled “Undated items” consists mainly of rosters and bus schedules for Middleton-based services. There is also an undated “Census of Transport Requirements”, a brief questionnaire handed to passengers asking about the nature and timing of their journeys to work. Finally, there are a couple of inspector's reports to Head Office and to the Inspectors' Suggestions Committee.
J. A polythene envelope labelled “Middleton”. This is the general historical material referred to in Mr Robinson's description, although much of this, too, is transport related.
1. Circular letter from “The 602 Preservation Society” appealing for funds and support to preserve this 1953 prototype tramcar.
2. Lourdes Centenary 1858-1958, Leeds diocesan souvenir pamphlet.
3. Leeds Tramcar Historical Society leaflet about a slide show on preservation.
4. Typed and MS notes on Richard Humble, who was agent for Charles Brandling's Middleton colliery in the mid to late 18C. They consist mainly of extracts from account books and summaries of other key facts, collected by Mr Robinson for a talk he was to give to the Middleton Methodists' over60s club.
5. On orange paper, typescript of the actual talk, delivered in 1969. The talk was on the history of Middleton, and seems to have been delivered in the form of a dialogue. There are 14 pages with a further 4 pages of insertions.
6. Advertising flyer and card for an exhibition organised by the Middleton Men's Fireside – a local history group – in 1946. Also, typescript of an item about the exhibition that went out on BBC's Northern Newsreel.
7. Historical notes by D Garnett of the Railway & Canal Historical Society to accompany an exhibition about the Middleton Colliery Railway at Leeds Art Gallery in 1958. Two pages of corrigenda and addenda accompany the 8 page typescript. Also MS notes by Robinson identifying exhibits on display.
8. York railway Museum – a short guide (no date).
9. Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings, mostly on transport matters.
10. An unattributed extract cut from an original account book and stuck onto card.
The Wilby Papers
1. Personal
(a) Ring binder:
photos, newspaper report, invitation, cake cards, receipts for ring, clothing,
flowers, etc., relating to the wedding of Gladys May Waddington and John
Frederick Wilby on 26 Aug 1931. Draft of bridegroom’s speech.
Congratulatory letters.
List of wedding presents (x2).
Receipts for furnishing their home at 10 Brentwood Terrace, Armley, Leeds .
Receipts for household goods.
Notebook detailing cost of house purchase, house furnishings (room by room),
wedding day costs, etc. Receipts for honeymoon accommodation.
Marriage certificate: John Wilby and Margaret Cooper, 15 Aug 1898.
2 photographs – maybe of J. F. Wilby as a boy.
Handwritten will of Mrs L. Christian (aunt of J. F. Wilby).
Letters of condolence on death of J. R. Wilby, May 1949.
Leeds United Association Football Club Ltd –
Reports & accounts for the year ending 31 Jul 1963
Reports & accounts for the year ending 31 Jul 1964
(b) Envelopes:
3 large wedding photographs of Gladys & John (Jack) Wilby taken by
Lonnergan, Woodsley Road, Leeds
Envelope 1:
Various insurance policies on building, contents, car & life.
Newspaper cuttings re ‘reserved occupations’; together with correspondence
Mortgage details.
Prices of houses: Tong Road Estate; houses off Ingram Road, Holbeck.
Envelope 2:
Various documents relating to house purchase, income tax, etc.
Envelope 1935:
Rate bills, utility bills, house repairs, decorating, etc. + holiday hotel bills
Envelope 1937:
Household bills as above for 1935, excluding holiday bills
Envelope 1938:
Household bills as above for 1938
Envelope A.R.P.:
Correspondence between John F. Wilby and Leeds City Engineer regarding Fire
Prevention (Business Premises) Order, 1941 [enclosures]
Correspondence between John F. Wilby and Leeds City Engineer regarding Air
Raid Precautions – Rescue and Demolition Parties, dating from April 1939 to
March 1941.
Various suggestions re hours of working, etc.
Air Raid Precautions Handbook No.1 – Personal Protection against Gas.
Foolscap sheet detailing the symptoms and effects of various gases.
Blue-backed notebook with (?)training notes – John F. Wilby No. 26
Envelope containing letter from City Engineer, 22 April 1939, together with
‘Conditions of Service for volunteers accepted for the Air Raid Precautions
Service for whole-time or part-time service in war’.
Envelope containing letter from City Engineer, 9 Feb 1942 acceptiong resignation
of J. F. Wilby from A.R.P. Rescue Service together with copy list of returned
(c) Large buff folder/yellow wallet:
Household bills
Masonic correspondence
Correspondence & bills relating to Boys Brigade & Girls Brigade
Insurance policies on houses, cars, etc.
Correspondence & bills relating to properties in various parts of Leeds
Typewritten notes on Mr ?J.R.Wilby’s visit to America, 1903
(d) Plastic bag marked ‘Ephemera’:
Train services & fares: London – Hull, Leeds, Bradford, Harrogate 20 Sept
1954 (British Railways)
Excursions from Leeds, times and fares Nov ?1959 (British Railways)
Travel identity card for travel between Great Britain and Northern Ireland or
Eire (Gladys May Wilby)
2 driving licences, John F. Wilby (covering 1950-71)
Leeds St Christophers Cycling Club – Clubrun list 1986/7
ticket for Dinner Dance, The Mansion, Roundhay Park, 19 Nov 1983
The Rotary Club at Leeds: ticket for Annual Dinner, Queen’s Hotel, Leeds,
15 Nov 1956
Barwick in Elmet Historical Society – recruiting card
Ellerby Foundry Ltd – advertising booklet of Pocket Soap
Henry Hall (Coal & Coke) Ltd, Tong Road, Leeds 12 – small pocket calendar
Minty Ltd, Oxford, chairs and bookcases – visiting card
John Sutcliffe, property repairs, Hollyshaw Lane, Leeds 15 – visiting card
Vincent Roberts and Co. Ltd., Heating Engineers – re Mount Pisgah Methodist
Church boiler
The ‘Yorkshire Series’ of Humorous Dialogues for Sunday School & Band of
Yorkshire Penny Bank book – Mr Herbert Abbott & Miss Mary Abbott
Photographic wallets – Leeds Industrial Co-Operative Society (Rhodes), Pearson
& Denham (Wilby), Geo. W. & John Hayes (contains photos)
Boys Brigade Leeds Battalion, Directory and Calendar, 1976/7
Boys Brigade annual Membership cards – 1927/8, 1963/4 (x2)
Boys Brigade – 2 tickets for ‘The Boys Brigade in Action’, Oct 1962
Syllabus, Halton Methodist Youth Club (Jan – Apr 1949), Thoresby Society
Mount Pisgah Methodist Church – Men’s Round Table 1948 & 1949
Leeds Methodist Luncheon Club, 1969-70
Concert tickets various – Mount Pisgah Methodist Church
Methodist Sunday School Whitsuntide & Coronation Celebrations, 25 May 1953
- Mount Pisgah Methodist Church (x 6) [with children’s talk on reverse]
Bazaar saving tickets – Mount Pisgah Methodist Church
Gummed labels for hymnbooks (x 7) – Mount Pisgah Methodist Church
3 tickets – NCH Festival of Queens, 1970, 1974, 1975
Ticket for Women’s Fellowship ‘At home’, Oxford Place Chapel, Leeds
2 tickets – film ‘The Amsterdam Conference’, Methodist Central Hall,
Skilbeck Street
Leaflet – Leeds City Council, Festival of Education, 1987
Advertising leaflet and manufacturer’s warranty – ‘Corby’ New Stretcher-Press,
National Health Insurance – Man, Class A contributor’s card for 26 weeks
ending 29 June 1919
Miscellaneous tickets – Masonic Service 1956, Wilks Car Park fee, Leeds
Schools F.A.
Business cards for John Wilby & Son – some with picture of premises
(e) Buff folder (labelled ‘Methodism’):
Whingate Methodist Church – Programme for a Grand Pantomime “Mother
Goose”, 19, 22, 24 & 26 January [no year]
Highfield Methodist Church – Programme for the opening and dedication of the
new church, Saturday, 18 May 1963 [+ invitation ticket for above ceremony
addressed to Mrs Wilby, senior.]
Mount Pisgah Methodist Church – Programme for Gift Day and anniversary
services, Saturday, 9 October and Sunday, 10 Oct 1954.
Leeds Methodist Luncheon Club – Annual Report 1968-69.
Armley, Wortley and Farnley Sunday School Rally, Sunday, 26 Jun 1949, at the
T.V.Harrison Sports Ground. [x 3]
Methodism in Armley – Calendar & blotter, 1937 [includes brief histories of
The Methodist Church Armley Circuit, Year Book 1951-52.
Armley Methodist Churches, Branch Road and Wesley Road Anniversary
Magazine, 1956/57.
The Methodist Church Armley Circuit, Plan and Directory, 6 Oct to 29
Dec 1963.
Correspondence re Tong Road (Mount Pisgah) Methodist Church, 70th
Anniversary Banquet, 9 Oct 1937
United Methodist Church School Hymnal – John Robert Wilby, January 1911
(f) Envelopes:
Envelope A:
Methodist Youth Department (M.Y.D.) to Miss M. Armitage – contains
information and results for Scholars’ Scripture Examinations, March 1946.
Envelope B:
Methodist Association of Youth Clubs (M.A.Y.C.) – correspondence &
preliminary notices for Northern Congress in Leeds, 1 Jun 1946. Theme:
Christian Leadership in the Community. List of questions to be discussed.
Envelope C:
Correspondence (circulars) from M.A.Y.C., London
Leaflet: M.A.Y.C., Constitution of the Association.
Booklet: Constitution and Duties of Youth Councils and Committees – M.Y.D.
Tong Road Methodist Church Youth Club – typewritten programme for March;
correspondence; script for “Town & Country Magazine”.
Highfield Methodist Church: letter re Young People’s Week-end, 4/5/6 Oct 1947.
Farnley Hill Methodist Church – information re 150th Anniversary and proposed
Youth Rally on 15 May 1947.
Envelope D:
The National Sunday School Union – Teachers’ Training College enrolment
form. [x 2]
The Methodist Church Youth Department – Young People’s Day, Sunday, 19
Oct 1947.
The MCYD - Temperance Social Welfare Department – Temperance Essays –
The MCYD – Temperance SWD – Christian Citizenship Essays.
The Methodist Youth Department – order form for Sunday School requisites.
Carr Bridge Farm, Cookridge, a collection of documents concerning land dealings of Mr C F Randles in the Tinshill Lane area. Mr Randles, a gas engineer by profession, purchased land on the Cookridge Estate in the early 1920s. Most of the collection relates to land at the junction of Tinshill Lane and Tinshill Road, near Horsforth station, which had already been sold on once by its original purchaser when Mr Randles acquired it. Over the next 20 or 30 years he secured its development for housing. He himself lived on site at Carr Bridge Farm (sometimes simply Carr Farm) which still survives at the junction. The collection of documents, accumulated during the process of land purchase and development, consists both of material relating to the wider Cookridge Estate sale and the land title of the Wormald family and their successors who owned it, and the relative minutiae of his own particular portion of the estate There are attractive maps and plans of the area, as well as various legal documents and correspondence.
The maps and plans are as follows:
1. Copy of the sale booklet for the auction of the Cookridge Estate at the Grand Central Hotel, Leeds on 29 Apr 1919 inscribed on the front “C F Randles, Carr Bridge Farm, Tinshill Lane, Cookridge...” The agents were Foster & Cranfield, who described the estate as “14 dairy and mixed farms, 9 small holdings with accommodation lands, woods and plantations”, amounting in total to 2110 acres and surrounded by a ring fence. The agents expected that most of the estate would be sold as ongoing farm units, but thought there was scope for development in the southern section, especially near Horsforth Station. A plan in a pocket inside the back cover (scale c10 inches to mile) shows that the estate extended from the station and Low Farm in the south to West Breary in Bramhope in the north. Cookridge Hall itself was centrally located. The body of the booklet consists of detailed descriptions of each of the 33 lots into which the estate was divided. The descriptions include a coloured plan of each lot, complete with field numbers etc, together with text about the area and use of the land, the names of existing tenants, the duration and nature of their tenancies, buildings on the site, the estimated annual income, tithe liability, and obligations, if any, associated with the lot. Sale conditions are set out at the rear. Figures pencilled against most if not all lots – probably by Mr Randles himself – appear to indicate sale prices.
2. Separate copy of the Cookridge Estate sale plan as above.
3. Copy of OS sheet CC11 NE, 1919, 6 inches to mile. This sheet covers the southern part of the Cookridge Estate. The line of Moseley Beck is highlighted in red, and another line of indeterminate significance in blue to the south of Cookridge Hall.
4. Copy of OS sheet CC11.7, 1921, 25 inches to the mile, showing northern part of Horsforth Urban District.
5. Proposed development layout of the “Carr Bridge” estate , by Cecil H Crowther, architect & surveyor of Cookridge Street, for C F Randles Esq. The plan seems to be at a scale of about 1¼ inches to 50 feet. It is undated. The land in question extends from the junction of Tinshill Lane and Road – on the corner of which is situated Carr Farm – towards Hillcrest Rise and shows 158 largely semi-detached houses, of which 27 were already built or sold.
6. Building plans by Wm Irwin & Co, June 1975, for alterations at Carr Bridge for C F Randles. There are two plans, one of which details changes to external doorways, and one concerns internal alterations.
A lawyer's folder belonging to Craven & Clegg, solicitors of Leeds, and marked “Deeds relating to land and hereditaments situated at Horsforth … Carr Bridge Farm Estate … Mr Charles Frederick Randles” contains various batches of papers.
Tied together with a pink ribbon are deeds labelled “1921 Randles from Whitaker … Randles to Shillito”, consisting of the following:
1. Particulars of a search made at the Wakefield Registry of Deeds by Craven & Clegg on 31 May 1921 on behalf of Thomas & George Whitaker, in relation presumably to the sale lands. References are given to relevant documents.
2. Draft typescript indenture, heavily amended in ms., concerning the conveyance of land from the Whitakers to Mr Randles. The land was in three parcels, about 41 acres in total, and the sale price was £3250. The indenture was signed on 1 Jun 1921, Mr Randles is described as a gas engineer of Pool Bank.
3. Another copy of this indenture, also amended manually, possibly a later or earlier version.
4. Abstract of title of Mr Randles to land at Tinshill Lane, dated 1924. This is intended to follow on from an earlier abstract, and traces the title from 1 Jun 1921, the date of Mr Randles' purchase. It shows that two of the parcels belonged to the Wormald family, and that Mr Randles borrowed £1200 from Mr Shillito of Sholebroke Avenue to help finance the purchase. The loan, taken out on 1 Jun 1922, was intended to be redeemed by September of 1923 and cost Mr Randles 6.5%. Some or all of the purchase land acted as security for the loan, although insurance was also taken out.
5. Apparently draft mortgage indenture between Mr Randles and Mr Shillito, setting out the above terms. Loose within it is a letter from Craven & Clegg to Mr Shillito dated 27 Aug 1923 announcing Mr Randles' intention of redeeming the mortgage on that day, and in fact receipted by Mr Shillito's agent. Also a receipt from the Registry of Deeds, dated 21 Jan 1924, for re-registering the land in Mr Randles' name
6. Draft reconveyance dated 18 Jan 1924 to Mr Randles of the land formerly mortgaged to Mr Shillito. Mr Shillito had in fact died in September 1923.
7. Abstract of title of Mr Charles Frederick Randles to a plot of land situated in Tinshill Road, Horsforth..... prepared by Craven and Clegg in 1924. This covers some of the same ground as the abstract above, but delves back into the earlier 19C history of the Wormalds' title to the whole Cookridge estate. Ten pages of the abstract consist of a detailed listing of the plots of land making up the estate in 1871, referenced to a numbered plan (absent) and giving the area of each plot and its occupier.
8. Abstract of the title of Frederick William Wateredge Esq to lands at Adel-cum-Eccup, Bramhope and Arthington …. dated 1919. Wateredge bought 1319 acres of the Cookridge estate for £69,500. The abstract includes descriptions of the land parcels constituting the purchase. Wateredge seems to have begun almost immediately to sell on some of this land, and a parcel of nearly twelve acres near Horsforth station was sold to the Whitaker family, who sold it in turn to Mr Randles for £1050.
9. Solicitor's correspondence 1921-24 about details of Randles' purchase and associated mortgage.
In the same file are loose papers, some single sheets, others paper clipped together, and in no particular order. They include various routine letters about conveyance charges and other minor legal matters which are not listed individually here, but more substantial items are:
1. A letter to Randles from his solicitors 26 Sep 1932 listing plots on his housing development that had been sold, the purchaser, date of completion and plot area. There are also similar MS lists and a rough plan of the plots.
2. Attested copy of a declaration about the Cookridge estate made by Edward Mangin, estate agent, before a Commissioner for Oaths on 6 Aug 1919. It concerns the sale of land by the Wormalds to Wateredge and then the Whitakers. Two parcels are identified, one consisting of plots 25 and 26 at Horsforth station (numbers from the auction sale plan), the other of fields at Adel Moor West (the Cookridge Gardens estate). Plans of both parcels are included. Mangin attests that the Wormalds had been in undisturbed possession of this land since at least 1887 and had been collecting the rents and profits.
3. Copy of an Order of the High Court of Justice Chancery Division, 25 Feb 1919, concerning the Wormalds' powers over their land under the Settled Land Acts of 1882 and 1890.
4. Copy of an Order of the High Court of Justice Chancery Division, 20 Dec 1918, concerning the disentailing of the Cookridge estate lands.
5. Deed of release, 20 May 1935, by Mr Kitchingman and other residents of Tinshill Lane, granting Mr Randles right of way over a strip of land at the boundary between his and their holdings in the vicinity of Carr Bridge Drive.
6. Duplicate copies of a plan of Cecil H Crowther dated 13 Jun 1935 showing land affected by a proposed widening or re-alignment of the bottom of Tinshill Lane.
7. Draft petition of Randles to Leeds Corporation requesting the sewering and kerbing of part of Carr Bridge Drive, accompanied by a plan of the works dated 16 Aug 1935. Randles, as developer, was liable to pay half the cost of sewering and all that of kerbing. Also, a draft deed for the same in a letter from Crowther dated 12 Aug 1935.
8. Copies of documents/correspondence regarding the dedication of land at Tinshill Lane/Road to the Corporation for road widening, May 1935 et seq. Includes the dedication document and a plan.
9. A typed draft affidavit or similar by Randles stating that he borrowed £500 from George Caup on 18 Jan 1924 at 6%, had repaid this, and spent about £1000 on improvements to Carr Bridge Farm. Also that he had paid just over £189 for road widening there.
10. Notices to Randles under the Public Health Acts, 14 May 1947, requiring him to make up part of Carr Bridge Drive within three months. In fact, the work was done by the Corporation, who billed Randles the £189 mentioned above.
11. Receipts for this work, 30 Jun 1949. The cost was rebated by £29 odd because of the re-use of existing materials.
Folder marked “C F Randles Personal”, followed by partly accurate references to the content. In fact the folder contains two distinct items:
1. An undated “Key Plan of the Estate”, showing approach roads and highlighting the proximity of Horsforth station. The estate marked, however, is not Carr Bridge Farm, but a large segment of land running from half way up Tinshill Road to Cookridge Lane.
2. A clutch of correspondence, value calculations, receipts and legal documents relating to Mr Randles' disposal in 1955 of the remaining undeveloped plots of the Carr Bridge estate. 81 plots (128-9, 23-75 and 102-107) were sold to Joyce Mary Wainwright for £4600, less £200 legal fees. £55 per plot seems to have been Mr Randles' guide price, although he got slightly more. Four plots (98-101) were sold separately to C F Schofield. Copies are included of the conveyance to Mrs Wainwright, and of a deed relating to Mr Schofield's purchase.
Wallet containing Area Study report on Leeds and Teaching Practice report (1970s) by a student from Trinity and All Saints Training College re St Thomas Aquinas High School and St John Bosco Secondary School, Leeds.
Miscellaneous circular letters from various Leeds schools addressed to parents (1970s).
Commemorative brochure for St Joseph’s Church, Hunslet, Centenary 1860-1960.
Architect’s plan for extension to St Joseph’s RC Infants’ School, Hunslet.
Folder of material re William Airey & Son (Leeds) Ltd, Building Contractors, Eldon House, Leeds 2.
This material was originally rescued by Alan Blackburn, surveyor for the firm, when the firm closed in the 1960s. Mr Blackburn donated the material to the Society in November 2018.
The firm was responsible for major building works in Leeds (Lewis’s store, the Queen’s Hotel, the Brotherton Library, Headingley Stadium etc) and developed new systems of pre-fabricated concrete housing to meet the housing crisis after WW1 and on a massive scale after WW2, in Leeds and elsewhere, including the Netherlands.
[For more information on Edwin Airey see entry under Leeds People – main menu]
The material is contained in a dark blue paper folder (torn and in poor condition) entitled ‘Airey Construction’ in gold lettering.
Contents of Folder:
1. Three printed patent specifications, date of acceptance 1935 (no. 434138), 1940 (519218) and 1947 (592702) relating to improvements in reinforced concrete floors, walls and structures, and improvements in cavity wall structures.
2. Pamphlet (blue and white) of 12 stapled pages (printed one side) entitled ‘The Airey System of Construction’, not dated but probably c 1954, re the adaptation of the Airey system of prefabricated construction to single storey buildings for educational and other purposes. Includes plans and potential layouts, with photographs of: Lidgett Lane Primary School, Leeds; a sports pavilion in a Leeds park; a works canteen at Leeds; and a tube shop for The Yorkshire Copper Works Ltd, Leeds; and photographs of the Airey manufacturing and delivery system.
3. Buff linen-covered printed pamphlet entitled ‘Aerodome patent Floors and other Structures’(8 pages) describing the Aerodome system, with technical plans. Includes reference to use of the system at Leeds University, Lewis’s store, and Headingley Football and Cricket Ground. Not dated but probably mid-1930s.
4. Five b/w printed large sized information sheets headed ‘The Airey System of Construction’ describing different types of houses and flats built on the Airey system, each with photograph, information on fittings and options, and a plan. Houses shown are: Type A (3 bed); Type D (smaller 3 bed); Type G (2 bed); and Type F (smaller 2 bed). Flats are Type FD (blocks of four). Not dated but probably mid 1950s.
5. Two b/w printed information sheets, matching 4 above, headed ‘The Airey System of Construction’, one entitled ‘General Description Houses and Flats’, with background information on post-war building using this system; the other ‘Brief Standard Specification Houses and Flats’. Not dated but probably mid 1950s.
6. Four large blueprints with detailed construction information apparently for issue to contractors undertaking the building work: one labelled for ‘Universal ASP.SD 2 bedrooms, 4 persons, Type 1G’ headed ‘Sections & Details’; two for ‘Universal Terrace, 3 bedrooms 4 persons, Type 1 D’ one headed ‘Foundation Plan’ the other headed ‘Roof Plans & Details’; and one for ‘Universal End Ho. 3 bedrooms, 4 persons, Type 1D’ headed ‘Ref. Posts, Slabs, & Lintols [sic].’ Not dated.
7. Single sheet of blueprint material with artist’s impression, headed Airey Flats, South Aspect. Not dated.
8. Single printed page from Who’s Who 1954 with entry for Sir Edwin Airey.
9. Nine large grey card sheets each with two photographs pasted on, all headed ‘The Airey System of House Construction’. Two pages have photos of furnished house interiors; one has photos of a works canteen; one has photos of a light industrial unit, one has photos of features of the construction; the remaining four show elevations and floor plans for different types of ‘urban’ houses/flats.
Separate photographs:
10. Set of 19 b/w photographs with numbered labels stuck on the back (incomplete sequence from 3 to 30, with gaps), illustrating the process of construction from laying foundations to completed house.
11. 13 b/w photographs (includes 3 duplicates) of manufacturing processes within the factory, stock yard, and distribution centre.
12. 6 b/w photographs of completed commercial buildings: Hepworth & Grandage, Bradford; Appleyards Jaguar Showroom, Leeds; Cameron Iron Works, Stourton; Sanderson’s Wallpapers, Whitehall Road, Leeds; Moortown Motors, Regent Street (1961).
13. 12 b/w photographs of houses either completed or in construction. A few have identification pencilled on back: Oulton, Roundhay. Others may be Sheffield. Three are in the Netherlands.
14. 10 b/w photographs of miscellaneous aspects of building work.
MS Box XXV. Lloyd Archive
The following material relates to the Hill Top and Greystone Estates in Headingley-cum-Burley belonging to Thomas William Lloyd of Cowesby Hall, near Thirsk, eldest son of George Lloyd of Kingthorpe and grandson of Colonel Thomas Lloyd. Both properties were held as copyhold from the Manor of Leeds until Greystone was ‘enfranchised’ in 1853. Background to TWL’s ownership of the estates is a Settlement made by Thomas Lloyd in 1825, on the occasion of the marriage of his son George Lloyd to Elizabeth Henrietta Serjeantson, to which George Lloyd, William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson, Elizabeth Henrietta Serjeantson, George Lloyd of Acomb, George Wray, Sir Edward Dodsworth and George John Serjeantson were parties. In this Settlement Thomas Lloyd granted property in Rochdale to his cousins George Lloyd of Acomb and George Wray on the understanding that if his son George Lloyd died first, his widow Elizabeth Henrietta would be paid an annual income of £600 from this property. When George Lloyd died on 25 July 1844 he bequeathed to his wife Elizabeth Henrietta an additional annuity of £200 payable from his property in Yorkshire, including Hill Top in Leeds (see C. 4 below). Subject to these payments, all his estate was left to his eldest son, Thomas William Lloyd, who inherited it in 1847 on his 21st birthday. TWL sold some parts of the Hill Top estate between 1851 and 1864, and on 29 May 1865, at his request, Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd released the Yorkshire property from the payment of the two annuities as these could be paid entirely from the Lancashire estates.
A new road was planned to facilitate development of the estate: named in the conveyances as Henrietta Street, it was to become Hyde Park Road. Other new roads were built during the period of the sales: Edwin Road; Alexandra Road; Queen’s Road; King’s Road; Princess Road.
A. Packet labelled: 4. Hill Top Farm Agreements (Leeds), 1858-1865 [actually:
1. Formal admittance by the steward of the Manor of Leeds, John Atkinson, of the trustees of George Lloyd, deceased, to possession of the Greystone estate. On reverse: ‘Dated 21 Oct 1846 / Copy / Admittance of the Trustees of the Will of the late George Lloyd Esq to a close of land called Greystone within the Manor of Leeds in the County of York. / Rudd & Kenny, Halifax’.
Names: Henry Judson, William Frankland; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd [née Serjeantson], George Lloyd (Jr), George Wray; Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram, Christopher Beckett, John Hill, Griffith Wright, Samuel Powell; John Atkinson.
Condition: Wrapper dirty in parts and generally grubby, the rest good. 1846, 21 Oct
2. Hand-written pro-forma memorandum of agreement for sale of a plot in Hill Top Estate (4 copies) + a different version (x 2) on Official paper with single amendments (on one ‘Pink’ altered to ‘yellow’; on the other ‘Pink’ altered to ‘Brown’) + filled-out pro-forma of a memorandum, dated 10 May 1851, differing again from the others, to Joseph Horn with annotations (not signed). On reverse of wrapper: ‘Re Lloyd / Agreement for / purchase of land at Burley Lawn’. [7 items]
Condition: Outer copy, serving as wrapper, dirty. Others, good. 1851, 10 May
3. Hand-drawn coloured plan of Roberts estate, with emendations. On reverse: ‘1851 / Lloyd to Roberts.’
Names: J.Roberts Esq., Thomas ^Wm^ Lloyd; Leeds and Burley Road, Roberts Road.
Condition: In 3 parts and small tear, otherwise good. 1851
4. ‘Sale of Building Lots the property of Thomas William Lloyd Esquire situate in the Township of Headingley cum Burley from the 1 May 1851 to the 1 May 1852.’.
Hand-written lists of names and deposits paid on p. 1, later settlements on pp. 2-3. Folded within the outer sheet are two hand-written folded pages, one containing 4 items only of an ink draft of ‘Conditions for sale by private contract’, the other one, the same but complete. [3 items]
Condition: Outer sheet splitting down fold. 1851, 1 May – 1852, 1 May
5. Hand-written accounts of William Wordsworth taking the purchases of land at Headingley-cum-Burley up to 1 October 1852.
Condition: Good. 1852, 1 Oct
6. ‘Sale of Building Lots the property of’’ TWL in H-c-B ‘from the 1st May 1851 to the 1st October 1852’. On reverse: ‘Lloyd & Wordsworth / Statement of a/c’.
As no.4. above, but only one folded sheet. [See also no.21 below.]
Condition: Dirty strip, otherwise good. 1851, 1 May – 1852, 1 Oct
7. Hand-written a/c of W.W. from 1 May 1851 to 22 Oct 1852. On reverse: ‘Leeds Sales / 1st May 1851 to 22nd Oct 1852 / Thos Wm Lloyd Es / Account of Sales’.
Condition: Slightly grubby and stained in one corner. 1851, 1 May – 1852, 22 Oct
8. Three separate less formal hand-written lists of purchases of land at Headingley-cum-Burley. On reverse of outer sheet: ‘November 24th 1852 / An Account & Building Land Sales at Headingley c Burley Thos. William Lloyd Esqu & William Wordsworth’. Two are from William Wordsworth (one in the form of a letter to E.J.Rudd) and one unnamed taking the purchases up to 24 Nov 1852. [3 items]
Condition: Good. 1852, 24 Nov
9. Hand-written a/c of W.W. from 24 Nov 1852 to 18 Jun 1853. On reverse: ‘June 18th 1853 // Account etc. Thos/ William Lloyd Esqr. / and / Wm Wordsworth // Building Land Sales, Headingley cum Burley, County of York, from Nov. 1852. // (Copy of a/c given to Mr Lloyd at Leeds June 18th 1853.)’
Condition: Grubby edges, otherwise good. 1852, 24 Nov – 1853, 18 Jun
10. Hand-written a/c of W.W., 18 Jun 1853 to 5 Jun 1854. On reverse: (a) ‘Re Lloyd / Leeds Sales / Wordsworths a/c’ (b) sums.
Condition: Good. 1853, 18 Jun – 1854, 5 Jun
11. ‘re Lloyd / Blank notices to pave & sewer road near Burley Lawn’; in ink on reverse of wrapper.
21 printed pro-forma notices wrapped in another 1. The wrapper has the notice repeated on the second page, the other copies contain only one, on the first page.
Dated 17 July 1854. From Attornies-at-Law, Horton Street, Halifax, Yorkshire.
Notice to purchasers of land ‘near Burley Lawn’ from Thomas William Lloyd requiring them to pave ‘Footway and Carriageway’ and put in sewers. [22 items]
Condition: good but many grubby. 1854, 17 Jul
12. Printed pro-forma notice to purchasers of land to make footway and road, and sewer, addressed to Mr Joseph Roberts (cf no.11 above). On reverse: ‘Dated 17th July 1854 / Lloyd to Roberts / Notice’.
Condition: Good. 1854, 17 Jul
13. The same addressed to Mr Thomas Drewery, Chemist, dated 17 Jul 1854.
Condition: Good but grubby edges. 1854, 17 Jul
14. The same addressed to Mr George Grayson, Overlooker, dated 17 Jul 1954.
Condition: Good. 1854, 17 Jul
15. The same addressed to James Walker, Currier, dated 17 Jul 1854.
Condition: Good. 1854, 17 Jul
16. The same addressed to Mr John Mountain, Joiner, dated 17 Jul 1854.
Condition: Good.but grubby edges. 1854, 17 Jul
17. The same addressed to Mr John Atack, dated 17 Jul 1854.
Condition: Good. 1854, 17 Jul
18. The same addressed to Thomas Grayson, Mechanic. On reverse: ‘Dated 17th July 1854 / Lloyd to Grayson / Notice.’
Condition: Grubby round edges, otherwise good. 1854, 17 Jul
19. Copy of printed ‘Conditions for Sale by Private Contract of an Estate in Leeds, the property of Thomas William Lloyd Esquire, in Lots for Building Purposes’ made with Mr James Mitchell.of Walter Clough Mill near Halifax. 8 August 1854. On reverse: ‘Dated August 8 1854 / Thomas William Lloyd, Esq., / to / Mr James Mitchell / Purchase Contract / of / a Plot of Land / in Leeds // Rudd & Kenny, Halifax, The Vendor’s Solicitors // Halifax: Printed by Whitley and Booth, Crown Street. 1854’. Extensive ink alterations to printed form.
Condition: Good. 1854, 8 Aug
20. Hand-written a/c of W.W., 5 Jun 1854 to 5 Dec 1854. On reverse: ‘Leeds Sales / Account from 5th June to 5th Decr 1854’.
Condition: Dirty edges and small tear. 1854, 5 Jun – 1854, 5 Dec
21. Tucked within the outer sheet of no.6 above was a copy of a letter from T. Greenwood Teale to Mr James Gray on behalf of Thomas Grayson requiring Gray to stop building 6 cottages and starting 2 more on land belonging to Mr Grayson, dated 13 Jun 1855. On reverse: ‘Lloyd to Gray / Notice to Mr Gray by Thos Grayson’
Condition: Good.. 1855, 13 Jun
22. Hand-drawn sketch plan of area near Mrs Mitchell’s plot. On reverse: ‘1855 / re Lloyd / Plan of land adjoining plot at Leeds sold to Mrs Mitchell’.
Names: Lord Cardigan; on roads: ‘To Woodhouse Moor’, ‘To Leeds’
Condition: Good. 1855
23. Hand-written list of purchasers of land at Hill Top Headingley. On reverse: ‘1855 / T.W.Lloyd / Hill Top Sales / Copy list sent to Messrs Bruce & Butler.’
Condition: Good. 1855
24. Hand-written account of W. Wordsworth, 10 Aug 1855 to 18 Feb 1856. Relates to sale of last lot in Burley to James Gray ( above).
Condition: Good. 1855, 10 Aug – 1856, 18 Feb
25. Hand-written sale agreement on official paper between TWL and Thomas Clapham, dated 1858 (no month or day), re two closes or fields called ‘Woodhouse field and Elcliffe Close and also part of two adjoining fields of land on the South side’ containing 14 acres, 1 rood and 25 perches in all. Refers to accompanying plan, but no plan present. TC to build a wall not less than 6ft high across south end of property within 18 months. Some pencil annotation.
Condition: Grubby but good. 1858
26. Insurance policy from Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance Company (Thirsk office), dated 29 Sep 1849, for ‘Farm House called Hill Top occupied by Dobson’ taken out by Thomas William Lloyd of Cowesby Hall, for sum of £150. On reverse: ‘Yorkshire Fire & Life Insurance Company / Policy No 45813 / Payable at / Michaelmas / Annually / ... / Hill Top’.
Condition: Good. 1859, 29 Sep
27. Agreement for Thomas Wadsworth to rent the property called Burley Hill Top from Thomas William Lloyd for £150 pa. + £20 for every extra acre. On reverse: ‘Dated 1859 / Thomas William Lloyd Esq / and / Mr Thomas Wadsworth / Agreement for Tenancy of Hill Top Farm / Yearly Rent £150’. Notes in ink re re-letting for steadily reducing sums up to 1866, and extensive pencil notes.
Signed by Thomas Wadsworth.
Condition: Good but grubby 1859
28. Blank pro-formas: ‘Hill Top Estate / Purchase Contract of a Plot of Land in H-cum-B’. One has pencil alterations and ‘Rudd & Kenny’ has been altered to ‘Adam & Emmet’; date ‘186.‘.
2 copies. [2 items]
Condition: Grubby (one very grubby), but otherwise fair. 186-
29. ’Plan of an Estate adjoining Woodhouse Moor near Leeds, the property of Mr John Eastwood March 1860. Divided into lots for sale by Mr S.D.Martin. 3 Albion Place, Leeds. Agent for Sale.’. On reverse: ‘Book Post Messrs Rudd & Kenny Solicitors Halifax Yorkshire’. 1d red stamp with franking: ‘G2 / LEEDS / JY 2 / 60’ and ‘447’ on stamp itself.
Uncoloured plan with names of owners of adjoining properties: Thomas Lloyd Esquire, Earl of Cardigan, Estate of the Trustees of St John’s Church, Sir Peter Fairbairn, Trustees of the Leeds Grammar School, Woodhouse Moor.
Named streets & buildings: Ventnor Street, Burley Road, Hollis Street, St John’s Hill, Woodsley Terrace, Lyddon Terrace, Grammar School.
Condition: Good but some wear on folds. 1860, Mar
30. Two annotated printed drafts of Conditions of Sale by auction. Both relate to the sale of the Hill Top Estate, 16 July 1860. [2 items]
Condition: Good. 1860
31. Hand-written draft of no.32 below, advertisement for sale of land at Hill Top. Mock-up prepared for printer?
Condition: Slightly grubby but otherwise good. [n.d.]
32. Printed particulars of sale of Hill Top Estate, 16 Jul 1860 – large folded sheet. On reverse: printed announcement of sale + Second, Third & Fourth Copies. [4 items]
Condition: 1. Dirty edges, and grubby outside. Small piece of black paper stuck over outside announcement, but otherwise good; 2. slightly grubby, 3. & 4. excellent.
1860, 16 Jul
33. Printed pro-forma notice to quit to be served on Thomas Wadsworth on 16 Jul 1860, not completely filled in (cf. no.28 above).
Condition: Good. 1860, 16 Jul
34. Note of land sold from Hill Top Estate. Dated Oct 1860. [See no.39 below.]
Condition: Good. 1860, Oct
35. ‘Plan of Hill Top Estate Burley near Leeds 1860 W. Wordsworth, Black Gates’ On reverse in ink: ‘Private. / Hill Top Estate / Sale Plan’
Coloured plan with names of owners of adjoining properties: Mr Thomas Clapham Leeds Royal Park, Earl Cardigan, Incumbent of Beeston, Trustees of St John’s Church, Mr John Eastwood. Proposed streets have been drawn in and one named, Henrietta Street. Field names are: Roberts Well Close, Newland Sheep Close, Apron Close, Pasture Close, Stack Garth.
Condition: Torn, creased and somewhat grubby. 1860
36. Note re proceedings for debt, Lloyd v Clapham. ‘22 February 1861’ mentioned as date from which interest on the debt was to be calculated
Condition: Excellent. 1861, 22 Feb
37. Hand-written undertaking by TWL to Thomas Grayson to make the New Road through the estate and remove gate-posts. 17 Aug 1861. Rudd & Kenny, solicitors, Halifax. On reverse: ‘Aug 1861 / Lloyd & Grayson / Undertaking as to Street’.
Condition: Good. 1861, 17 Aug
38. Account of E.J.Rudd for Hill Top – rough. On reverse: ‘1862. 1st March / Hill Top Estate / Rental & Cash Account // Copy sent Mr Lloyd 1st March 1862’.
Condition: Good. 1862, 1 Mar
39. Note of land sold from Hill Top Estate from Oct 1860. On reverse: ‘ May 6th 1862 / Hill Top Estate’. [Update of no.34 above.]
Condition: Slightly grubby. 1862, 6 May
40. Account of E.J.Rudd for Hill Top – rough. On reverse: ‘1863. / January / Hill Top rental & Cash account’. Annotations refer to: Rowland Ramsden deceased, Mr Stansfeld.
Condition: Good. 1863, Jan
41. Account of E.J.Rudd for Hill Top – neat. On reverse: ‘January 1863. /
Hill Top Rental and Cash Account.’ Deductions include 7/6d for ‘Tenants Dinner Bill and expenses’.
Condition: Excellent. 1863, Jan
42, Account of E.J.Rudd for Hill Top – fairly neat. On reverse: ‘July 1863. / Hill Top Estate / Rental & Cash Account’.
Condition: Good. 1863, Jul
43. ‘Conditions for Sale by Private Contract’. Rudd & Kenny, printed, dated 1852.
Condition: Slightly grubby. 1863, 28 Jul
44. Envelope ‘Sales Hill Top Estate Leeds’, containing 2 letters from J.Wordsworth re Hill Top Estate, dated 21 Mar (to C.S.Adam) and 7 Dec (to Messrs Adam & Emmett) 1864. One letter refers to death of Mr Rudd. [3 items]
Condition: Envelope rust-stained and very torn, letters good. 1864, 21 Mar & 7 Dec
45. Memorandum of an agreement by TWL to sell the ‘Hill Top Estate’ to Thomas Clapham, dated 1865. By ‘Hill Top Estate’ is meant Hill Top Farm and its outbuildings and surrounding land (see plan in no.35 above). On reverse: ‘1865 / Thomas William Lloyd Esq. to Mr Thomas Clapham / Agreement for sale of The Hill Top Estate // 31/8/65 Signed SBB // Adam & Emmet, Halifax’. Annotations.
Condition: Somewhat grubby round the edges but otherwise good. 1865
46, Official copy of same agreement incorporating the annotations entered on no.32 above, signed by Thomas Clapham. On reverse: ‘1865 / Thomas William Lloyd Esq to Mr Thomas Clapham / Agreement for Sale of the Hill Top Estate / Markland & Davy, Leeds’. + Attached is a coloured plan on tracing paper of the Hill Top Estate showing not only the area that Clapham is buying but also all the plots already sold by TWL, with their letter codes. + Note of the acreages involved – in Thomas Clapham’s hand? [3 items]
Condition: Overall good apart from a little edge dirt on main document. 1865
47. Hand-written pro-forma Memorandum of Agreement for sale of land at Headingley. On reverse: ‘Thomas Wm Lloyd Esq. / To / Agreement for sale of land at Headingley’.
Condition: Good. [n.d.]
48. Plan of plot of land at Hill Top. On reverse: ‘Gibbs v Haigh / Plan’.
Names on plan: Mr John Mountain, Mr George Burton; Mr Peter Gibbs, Mr George Haigh; J. Crookes; Wordsworth Street, Lloyd Street; West Riding Freeholders Benefit Building Society. On legal tracing paper.
Condition: Good. [n.d.]
49. ‘Lloyd to Mitchell (Leeds 45)’ – Hand-drawn coloured plan on tracing paper of arrangements made for the widening of what was to be Boundary Street involving TWL and Mr Mitchell; held by seal to outer wrapper of blue paper. Streets named: Boundary Street, Leeds and Kirkstall Road.
Condition: Outer paper sheet, very dirty in parts. Inner tracing paper, good, but small tear at centre. [n.d.]
50. Two hand-drawn sketch plans perhaps relating to the dispute between Gray and Grayson (cf. no.21 above). On reverse: ‘Lloyd & Gray / Sketch of plots’. [n.d.]
Condition: Dirty edges, some creasing and small tear. [n.d.]
51. Hand-drawn coloured plan of Mr John Yeadon’s Estate. Drawn by G.Smith, architect etc., 171 Park Lane, Leeds. On reverse: ‘Lloyd & Yeadon / Plan’. [n.d.]
Names: James Gray, Joseph Perkin; Greystone Street
Condition: Good. [n.d.]
B. Packet labelled: Agreement 1851 / Hill Top – Draft Advert 1863 / Headingley –
Transfer Mortgage 1862
1. (a) Hand-written.draft agreement between TWL and A.N.Other re purchase of plot of land in Burley. On reverse: ‘re Lloyd’. Paper.
Condition: Folded double sheet somewhat grubby on exposed faces; otherwise good. Pin removed attaching tracing-paper plan. 1851
(b) Hand-drawn plan on tracing paper of land to south of road from Bradford to Leeds (1 plot coloured purple). A number of proposed streets laid out, and gardens, privies and brewhouse labelled..
Names: TWL. Burley Lawn, Burley Terrace.
Condition: Grubby on folds, slight tear where pinned in top left corner, otherwise good. [n.d.]
2. Printed plan of Hill Top Estate, 1860, with some hand-written annotations, mainly acreages and plot letters. Paper.
Names: Mr Thomas Clapham, Earl Cardigan, Incumbent of Beeston, Trustees of St John’s Church, Mr John Eastwood, W Wordsworth. Henrietta Street, Woodhouse Moor; Roberts Well Close, Newland Sheep Close, Apron Close, Pasture Close, Hill Top House; Leeds Royal Park.
Condition: Folded and some folds worn and exposed areas grubby; edges somewhat tattered; otherwise clean. 1860
3. Printed conditions of sale for the property of John Eastwood on the south side of Woodhouse Moor. Sent through post to ‘Messrs Rudd & Kenny / Solicitors / Halifax / Yorkshire’ – 1d red stamp attached. Two Leeds postmarks dated ‘JU 26’ and ‘27 60’. Senders are ‘Messrs. Dibb, Atkinson, solicitors, Leeds’. Handling the sale is ‘Mr. S.D.Martin, 3 Albion Place, Leeds.’ Paper.
Condition: Folded double sheet slightly grubby on exposed faces, otherwise good.
4. Handwritten draft of a transfer of the debt to TWL re the land to the south of the Royal Park from Thomas Clapham to Edmund Stead, dated 12 August 1862. Six sheets held together by a pin (now removed). Many alterations, additions and deletions. Approved by Rudd & Kenny on 12 Oct 1862, settled by George Williamson on 4 Nov 1862. Paper. Names: TWL, Thomas Clapham, Edmund Stead, Robert Cadman, Trustees of Leeds Pious Uses, Earl of Cardigan; Woodhouse Field, Elcliffe Close.
Condition: Folded, slightly grubby on exposed faces, but generally good. 1862
5. Hand-written draft advertisement for sale of Hill Top Estate. Many alterations, deletions and additions. On reverse: ‘1863 / Hill Top Estate / Draft Advertisement of sale / Rudd & Kenny / Halifax’. 2 sheets pinned together (pin removed). Paper.
Names: Rudd & Kenny, Halifax; Mr John Carr [auctioneer]; Mr Thomas Wadsworth; Mr William Wordsworth of Black Gates, Morley, Land Agent; Golden Lion Inn, Briggate, Leeds; Hill Top near to Woodhouse Moor.
Condition: Folded and exposed area grubby, but otherwise good. 1863
C: Packet labelled: Deeds relating to Hill Top Farm, Parish of Leeds / Catalogued
by J.C.S. Nos 1049-1053 [actually ‘1048-1053’] B2.6
1. Indenture: ‘Lease for a year’ between Mr Moses Wilson and Thomas Lloyd, 5 Sep 1785, of lands etc. in Headingley with Burley. Peppercorn rent – a ‘lease & release’ arrangement (see next). Single sheet of parchment, folded, with seal and signed by Moses Wilson. Endorsed by Lucas Nicholson and John Skelton jun., and with memorial from Wakefield Registry of Deeds (Book CR, page 326, no. 489.)
Names: Moses Wilson of Burley, Thomas Lloyd, John Backhouse, Richard Backhouse, Lucas Nicholson, John Skelton jun., ? Topham Deputy Registrar.
Condition: Good. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1048/1973 1785, 5 Sep
2. Indenture: ‘Release of a farm at Burley in the parish of Leeds called Hill Top’, 6 Sep 1785 between Mr Moses Wilson ‘et Uxor’ and Thomas Lloyd Esq.. ‘Lease & release’ (see previous entry). Two sheets of parchment, joined at foot. Two seals; signed by Moses Wilson and Sarah Wilson. Endorsed by Lucas Nicholson and John Skelton jun., memorial from Wakefield R. of D. (Bk. CR, p.326, no.489.), and receipt for £3,400 0s 0d from Thomas Lloyd, signed by Moses Wilson and witnessed by Nicholson and Skelton.
Names: Moses Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Lucas Nicholson, John Skelton jun., Thomas Lloyd, ? Topham Deputy Registrar.
Condition: Good. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1049/1973 1785, 6 Sep
3. Two copies of the ‘final agreement’ (or final concord) between Thomas Lloyd and Moses Wilson made in the Court (?of Common Pleas – see previous entry) at Westminster on 3 Nov 1785 (‘the Morrow of All Souls in the twenty sixth year’ of George III). The two are indentures, the tops fitting together. Parchment.
Names: MW and TL + Alexander Lord Loughborough, Henry Gould, George Nares, John Heath, Justices.
Condition: Good; one slightly grubby on exposed face. Lloyd catalogue nos.: 1050 & 1051/1973 1785, 3 Nov
4. Indenture releasing lands in Yorkshire (including Hill Top) bequeathed by the late George Lloyd to TWL from paying towards the jointure (£600) and annuity (£200) of Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd, TWL’s mother. Signed and sealed by EHL and TWL. Stamped memorial from Wakefield R.of D. (Book YQ, p.596, no.648). Parchment.
Names: EHL (neé Sergeantson), GL, TWL, Thomas Lloyd, Rev George Wray, William Rookes Leedes Sergeantson, George John Sergeantson, Eleanor Lloyd, Charles Emmet sol. Halifax; Hazlecroft/Hazelcroft near Ripley, Kingthorpe, Cowesby Hall, Hill Top in the parish of Leeds.
Condition: Excellent. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1052/1073 1865, 29 May
5. Bond for £900 handing over from TWL to Thomas Clapham the responsibility for claims re laying out drains, roads etc in the property (‘a certain freehold estate situate near to Henrietta Street in the Township of Headingley cum Burley’) bought by Clapham. Signed by TC and witnessed by CE. Paper.
Names: TWL, Thomas Clapham, Charles Emmet, solicitor, Halifax.
Condition: Excellent. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1053/1973 1866, 25 Sep
D. Packet labelled: Deeds relating to Manor of Leeds, Greystone & Hill Top 1833-
1853 / Nos. 1025-1035, cat. by J.C.S.
1. Admittance of Henry Judson as tenant of the Manor of Leeds for ‘a certain place called the Greystone’. Lords of the Manor: Thomas Wilson, John Cookson, Robert Ord, James Green; Understeward, John Shepley.
Condition: Parchment, good (conserved by Stephen and Pamela Allen, Dec 2010).
Lloyd catalogue no.: 1030/1973 1736, 9 Sep
2. Copy of the Admittance of George Lloyd by the Manor Court of Leeds to the property ‘at a place called the Greystone’ north of, and adjacent to, the Leeds-Burley road bequeathed him by his father, Thomas Lloyd. Parchment.
Names: GL, TL, Henry Judson, William Frankland; Lords and Ladies of the Manor: Arabella Ann, Dowager Marchioness of Hertford, Christopher Wilson, Christopher Beckett, Rev Francis Thomas Cookson, Rachel Milnes, John Hill, John Hirst, Griffith Wright, Samuel Powell, and John Atkinson, Steward. Greystone, Kingthorpe House near Pickering.
Condition: Excellent. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1029/1973 1833, 13 Nov
3. Agreement between George Lloyd and Robert Cadman adjusting the line of the boundary between their respective properties and exchanging two pieces of land of equal size. With plan. Paper, folded sheet.
Names: GL, RC, Fearne Bolland, Henry Nelson, Thomas Hobson of Burley, wheelwright. Barley Field or Woodhouse Field, the Near Toad hole, Woodhouse Moor.
Condition: Excellent. Lloyd Catalogue no.: 1032/1973 1836, 20 Dec
4. Coloured plan of land exchange between GL and RC (see previous entry) drawn up by Charles Fowler. Single sheet of paper.
Names: Mr Cadman, Mr Lloyd, Chas. Fowler.
Condition: Excellent. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1031/1973
5. (a) Two coloured plans of the boundary between GL’s land and S.& J. Whitham’s buildings, the one for GL drawn up by S.D.Martin. Two sheets of tracing paper. Note on one states ‘when dispute settled’.
(b) Apparently unrelated sketch plan of a piece of land. Single small sheet of paper. Name on reverse could be ‘Meanwood’. n.d.
[All three enclosed within a sheet of paper labelled ‘Plans of Hedge adjoining Mr Whittam building . . .’ and marked: 1033-1035/1973]
Names: GL, S. & J. Whitham, S.D.Martin, Atkinson, Dibb & Bolland
Condition: Excellent. Lloyd catalogue nos.: (a) 1033 & 1034/1973 (b) 1035/1973
1840, 19 Sep
6. Copy of the Admittance of the Devisees in Trust of George Lloyd (deceased) – his cousins George Lloyd and George Wray - by the Manor Court of Leeds to the property ‘at a place called the Greystone’ north of and adjacent to the Leeds-Burley Road. Parchment.
Names: GL, George Lloyd, George Wray, Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd, Henry Judson, William Frankland; Lords of the Manor: Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram, Christopher Beckett, John Hill, Griffith Wright, Samuel Powell, and John Atkinson, Steward. Greystone, Cowesby Hall near Thirsk.
Condition: Plans heavily creased, otherwise excellent. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1026/1973 1846, 21 Oct & 25 Nov
7. Copy of the Admittance of Thomas William Lloyd by the Manor Court of Leeds to the property ‘at a place called the Greystone’ north of, and adjacent to, the Leeds-Burley road bequeathed him by his father, George Lloyd. Parchment, single sheet.
Names: Thomas William Lloyd, GL, Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram, Sir Thomas Beckett, John Hill, Samuel Powell, John Atkinson (Manor of Leeds); John ? Dibb.
Condition: Somewhat grubby on exposed surfaces and ? damp. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1028/1973 1853, 3 Sep
8. ‘Deed of Enfranchisement’ between Lords and Lady of the Manor of Leeds and Thomas William Lloyd freeing the Greystone property from copyhold status. Two large sheets of parchment. with seals. Stamped memorial from Wakefield R.of D. (Book TH, page 416, No. 511) signed John Edward Dibb.
Names: Sir Thomas Beckett, Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram, John Hill, Samuel Powell, Eliza Bolland (Manor of Leeds); William Pearson, Charles Powell, Jemima Florence Hill, Thomas Bolland, George Leather (witnesses); TWL, Edward John Rudd, Benjamin Atting; Christopher Bolland, John Hirst, Griffith Wright (all deceased); Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Henry Judson, William Frankland.
Condition: Excellent. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1027/1973. 1853, 31 Dec
9. Abstract of Title to the Manor of Leeds. Twenty-six large paper sheets running through the titles of each of the Lords/Ladies of the Manor of Leeds. The copy made by Atkinson, Dibb and Atkinson of Leeds for Rudd and Kenny of Halifax and dated by them 1853.
Names: Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram, Dowager Lady Hertford, Christopher Beckett, Thomas Beckett, John Hirst, Christopher Bolland, et al.
Condition: Exposed leaf somewhat grubby, otherwise good. Lloyd catalogue no.: 1025/1973 1853
E. Packet labelled: 3. Headingley Conveyances 1862-66 (Leeds)
(i) Conveyances
1. Draft Conveyance: Thomas William Lloyd to James Laurence of Leeds, Draughtsman, of part of Newland Sheep Close, Headingley, abutting new streets Henrietta Street and Spees Street (or Newland Street [later Edwin Road]), measuring 976 square yards, for the sum of £122.
Marked: prepared by Middleton & Son, Leeds. Annotated in red ink, and noted as approved subject to amendments on 27 Oct, 1862, by Rudd & Kenny, Halifax. (9 pages + cover page.)
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Rev. George Wray; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Blackhouse [sic]; Richard Blackhouse [sic]; Thomas Clapham; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good. 1862
2. Draft Conveyance: Thomas William Lloyd to James Dalby of Leeds, Mechanic, of part of Newland Sheep Close, Headingley, near Woodhouse Moor, measuring 285 square yards, for the sum of £38.15.0.
Marked: Prepared by Middleton & Son, Leeds. Annotated in black ink and noted as perused and approved on 12 Aug 1862 by Rudd & Kenny (10 pages + cover page).
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; John Whitaker; Joseph Dobson; Alice Dobson; John Dufton; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Rev. George Wray; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Backhouse; Richard Backhouse; James Dovenor; John Eastwood; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good 1862
3. Draft Conveyance: Thomas William Lloyd to Thomas Grayson of Leeds, Gentleman, of land, part of the Hill Top Estate, Headingley, on the northerly side of the Leeds-Burley Road, abutting Henrietta Street on the west, measuring 1506 square yards, for the sum of £160.2.6.
Prepared by Markland, Leeds. Annotated in red ink and marked as approved on 24 Mar 1863 on behalf of TW Lloyd and Mrs EH Lloyd by Rudd & Kenny, Halifax (9 pages + cover page).
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; George Wray; William Fowler; the Trustees of Pious Uses; Thomas Clapham; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; Moses and Sarah Wilson; Mr Wadsworth.
Condition: Good 1863
4. Draft Conveyance dated 1864: Thomas William Lloyd to John Stubbins of Leeds, Bookkeeper, of land, part of a close in Burley abutting on Henrietta Street and Newland Street formerly occupied by William Frankland, measuring 348 square yards, for the sum of £43.7s.6d.
Blue paper. Marked: Maud, Leeds / Rudd, Halifax. Heavily amended in black and red ink. 8 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson; Mr Daglish..
Condition: Good 1864
5. Draft Conveyance dated 1864: Thomas William Lloyd to John Thomas Wilson of Leeds, Grocer, of land, part of Newland Sheep Close, abutting on Henrietta Street, measuring 288 square yards, for the sum of £36.
Marked: Ppd by Middleton & Son, Leeds; Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 9 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; George Wray; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Backhouse and Richard Backhouse; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good 1864
6. Draft Conveyance dated 16 Feb 1865: Thomas William Lloyd to William Marshall Daglish of Leeds, Merchant, of land, part of Newland Sheep Close, Headingley, abutting on Henrietta Street and Newland Street, measuring 684 square yards, for the sum of £85.10.0. Marked Adam & Emmet, Halifax.
Includes three letters, folded: (1) dated 26 Jan 1865 from W. Wordsworth, Black Gates, Leeds [surveyor to TW Lloyd] to Adam & Emmett, Solicitors, Halifax, re draft conveyance to Daglish; (2) dated 7 May 1868 from Middleton & Son, 32 Park Row, Leeds to Adam & Emmett, Solicitors, Halifax, enclosing a copy of their letter of 30 Apr 1868 addressed to W.F.Kenny, Solicitor, Halifax, re dispute over width of land required for Newland Street; (3) dated 14 May 1868 from W.Wordsworth, Black Gates, Leeds, to Adam & Emmett, Solicitors, re this dispute.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; George Wray; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Backhouse; Richard Backhouse; Thomas Wadsworth; Thomas Clapham; Moses and Sarah Wilson. Letters: Mr Sewell; Mr Stubbins.
Condition: Good. 1865
7/8 Draft Conveyance (2 copies) dated 1864: Thomas William Lloyd to James Jackson of Leeds, Iron Broker, of land, part of Newland Sheep Close, Headingley, near to Woodhouse Moor, abutting on Henrietta Street, measuring 252 square yards, for the sum of £31 10s.
Marked: Ppd by Middleton & Son, Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. Second copy on blue paper, with the name Rudd Halifax in place of Adam & Emmet Halifax. Copy 1 8 pages + cover page; copy 2 (blue – different handwriting) 10 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; George Wray; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Backhouse; Richard Backhouse; Joseph Jeffreys; Thomas Clapham; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Copy 1: Good. Copy 2: stained with red ink 1864.
9. Draft Conveyance dated 1864: Thomas William Lloyd to Joseph Jeffreys of Leeds, Merchant, of land near to Burley Lawn, Headingley, abutting on Henrietta Street, measuring 612 square yards, for the sum of £76 10s.
Blue paper. Marked : prepared by C. Bulmer, Leeds / Rudd, Halifax. Red ink amendments made and signed by Edward Jno. Rudd, on behalf of the Vendor. 8 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; George Wray; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Backhouse; Richard Backhouse; John Stubbins; Thomas Clapham; Moses and Sarah Wilson. Mr Wordsworth (annotation).
Condition: Good 1864
10/11. Two copies of a draft Conveyance dated 1864: Thomas William Lloyd to Thomas Hill of Headingley, Gentleman, and George Atkinson Emsley of Leeds, Solicitor, of land, part of the Hill Top estate, abutting on Henrietta Street and an intended new street, measuring 1216 square yards, for the sum of £152.
Copy 1: blue paper. Marked: Prepared by GA & GW Emsley, Leeds / Rudd, Halifax. 6 pages + cover page.
Copy 2: white paper. Marked: Ppd. by G.A. and W. Emsley, Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 7 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; Earl of Cardigan; George Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good 1864
12. Draft Conveyance dated April (in pencil) 1865: Thomas William Lloyd to Benjamin Walker of Leeds, Timekeeper, of a plot of land in Headingley of 540 square yards, abutting on Henrietta Street, for the sum of £67.10s.
Marked: ppd. by G.A. and W. Emsley. Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 7 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd, George Lloyd, Thomas Lloyd, Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good. 1865
13. Draft Agreement dated 1866: Thomas Clapham and Thomas William Lloyd with John Kershaw of Leeds and John Mortimer Fawcett of Leeds, regarding a plot of land on the east of Henrietta Street, Headingley, which Thomas Clapham had agreed to purchase from TW Lloyd for the sum of £1200 but which was now to be sold to Kershaw and Fawcett (measurement and price left blank).
Marked: Ppd. By Markland & Davy, Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. Amended in red ink and signed by Adam & Emmet on behalf of TW Lloyd, on 6 March 1866.
Additional names: Trustees of John Harrison; John Beevers; William Wordsworth, Black Gates, Surveyor.
Condition: Good 1866
14. Draft Conveyance dated 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to William Hawksworth of Leeds, Bookkeeper, with the agreement of Benjamin Land of Armley, Overlooker, of land, part of Newland Sheep Close, Headingley, abutting on Henrietta Street, measuring 792 square yards, for the sum of £108. 18s, the amount originally agreed for a sale to Benjamin Land. William Hawksworth would pay a further sum of £31.2s to Benjamin Land to make a full purchase price of £140.
Marked: Rider, Leeds; Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 9 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; George Wray; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Backhouse; Richard Backhouse; Thomas Wadsworth; Caleb Moxon; Thomas Clapham; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good 1866
15. Draft Conveyance dated 4 May 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to John Shackleton Mathers of Leeds, Gentleman, with the agreement of Thomas Clapham, of a plot of land in Headingley of 13,750 square yards, on the east side of Henrietta Street, formerly agreed to be sold to Thomas Clapham (and then to John Kershaw and John Mortimer Fawcett – see 13 above) for the sum of £1200, with an additional sum of £175 to be paid to Thomas Clapham.
Marked Adam & Emmet , Halifax. Amended and annotated in red ink, and noted as approved on behalf of Thomas Clapham by Markham & Davy, 12 April 1866. Amended and annotated in blue ink by Adam & Emmet, Halifax, on behalf of Thomas Lloyd, 23 April 1866. 7 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Trustees of John Harrison’s Charity; John Beevers; Thomas Grayson; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good 1866
16. Draft Conveyance dated 8 Sep 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to Caleb Moxon of Lloyd Street, Burley Road, Leeds, Rent Collector, of a plot of land, formerly part of Newland Sheep Close, including half of Henrietta Street, measuring 432 square yards, for the sum of £54. Marked: Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 10 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; George Lloyd; George Wray; William Rookes Leedes Serjeantson; Sir Edward Dodsworth; George John Serjeantson; John Backhouse; Richard Backhouse; Thomas Wadsworth; William Hawksworth; Clapham Clayton; Thomas Clapham; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good 1866
17. Draft conveyance dated 31 May 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to Thomas Clapham of Leeds, Gentleman, of land on the west side of Henrietta Street containing 5 acres, for the sum of £2400. Includes various rights of way.
Marked: Prepared by Markland & Davy, Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 5 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Mr Briggs; Earl of Cardigan; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Thomas Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson.
Condition: Good 1866
18. Draft conveyance dated 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to Thomas Clapham of Leeds, Gentleman, of the messuage or farmhouse known as Hill Top together with the adjoining land totalling 14 acres 1r. 1p., for the sum of £4400.
Marked: Prepared by Markland & Davy, Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. Annotated in black and red ink. Noted in red ink as approved on 29 Aug 1866 on behalf of Mr Lloyd, Adam & Emmet. . 7 pages + cover page. ‘Not completed’ written across front cover – property subsequently divided into three parts – see 18,19, 20 below).
Additional names: Thomas Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Mr Wordsworth.
Condition: Good 1866
19. Draft conveyance dated 24 Sep 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to Thomas Clapham of Leeds, Gentleman, of the messuage or farmhouse known as Hill Top with adjoining land totalling 4a.1r.27p., for the sum of £2000. New roads mentioned: Edwin Road (formerly called Newland Street); Princess Road; and King’s Road.
Marked: Prepared by Markland & Davy, Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 7 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Thomas Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd.
Condition: Good. 1866
20. Draft conveyance dated 24 Sep 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to Thomas Clapham of Leeds, Gentleman, of land next to Hill Top Headingley containing 3a.3r.33p., for the sum of £900. Reference to new roads: Kings Road; Queens Road; Princess Road; Alexandra Road; Edwin Road.
Marked: Prepared by Markland & Davy, Leeds / Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 6 pages including cover page.
Additional names: Earl of Cardigan; Thomas Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd.
Condition: Good 1866
21. Draft conveyance dated 24 Sep 1866: Thomas William Lloyd to Thomas Clapham of Leeds, Gentleman, of land near to Hill Top, Headingley, containing 4 acres, for the sum of £1500. Reference to new roads: Kings Road; Queens Road; Princess Road; Alexandra Road; Edwin Road.
Marked: Adam & Emmet, Halifax. 6 pages + cover page.
Additional names: Earl of Cardigan; Thomas Lloyd; Moses and Sarah Wilson; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd.
Condition: Good 1866
(ii) Letters and Accounts
1. Two statements of account: William Wordsworth [surveyor], Black Gates, Leeds, in account with Thomas William Lloyd
(1) Account for the period 24 Aug 1864 to 6 Mar 1865 (buff double A4 paper, folded), headed on cover sheet ‘6 March 1865 ... Hill Top Estate’. Includes an additional sheet headed ‘Hill Top Estate - Henrietta Street, Burley Road - Sales...1864’.
(2) Account for the period 6 Mar 1865 to 20 Jun 1866 (two copies – blue paper, folded – no outside heading)
2. Five letters from William Wordsworth, Black Gates, Leeds, on blue paper headed with the printed address, all addressed to Messrs. Adam & Emmet, Solicitors, Halifax, dated as follows:
(1) 28 Feb 1865 (double sheet, folded);
(2) 18 May 1865, headed ‘Hill Top Estate’ (single sheet);
(3) 9 Jun 1865 (double sheet, folded);
(4) 6 May 1866 (double sheet, folded);
(5) 20 Jun 1866 (+ second copy in a different hand, both on single sheets).
3. Two letters from Payne Eddison & Ford, 70 Albion Street, Leeds, to Messrs Adam & Emmet, Solicitors, Halifax, headed Lloyd to Moxon (cream folded paper, with printed address):
(1) 8 Aug 1866
(2) 4 Sep 1866.
4. A letter from James Rider, 15 Park Row, Leeds, to Messrs Adam & Emmet, Solicitors, Halifax, headed ‘Lloyd to Land – Land to Hawksworth’, dated 17 May 1866 (cream paper, folded, with printed address).
5. A letter from Thomas Clapham, Royal Park, Leeds, to Messrs Adam & Emmet, Halifax, dated 10 May 1866, re completion of the sale to Mr Mathers (cream notepaper, with address printed in red).
6. Seven letters from Thomas Clapham, Royal Park, Leeds, to Messrs Adam & Emmet, Halifax, dated between 4 and 20 September 1866, regarding his purchase of the Hill Top estate:
(1) 4 Sep 1866 (cream double-sided notepaper, with address printed in red).
(2) 8 Sep 1866 (cream single sheet notepaper, address printed in blue).
(3) 11 Sep 1866 (cream single sheet notepaper, address printed in blue), enclosing cut-out extract of printed plan of Hill Top, with names of new roads written in (Alexandra Road, Princess Road, Queen’s Road, and King’s Road).
(4) 15 Sep 1866 (cream single sheet notepaper, address printed in purple).
(5) 17 Sep 1866 (cream single sheet notepaper, address printed in purple).
(6) 19 Sep 1866 (cream double folded notepaper, address printed in red).
(7) 20 Sep 1866 (cream single sheet notepaper, address printed in purple).
7. Sixteen letters from Markland & Davy, 67 Albion Street, Leeds [Solicitors to Thomas Clapham] to Adam & Emmet, Solicitors, Halifax, [acting for TW Clapham], dated from 5 Mar to 24 Sep 1866:
(1) 5 Mar 1866, headed Henrietta Street Estate, re proposed sale to Kershaw and Fawcett (blue folded notepaper with embossed address);
(2) 1 May 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (blue folded notepaper, printed address);
(3) 11 May 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (white folded notepaper, handwritten address);
(4) 29 May 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (blue folded notepaper, printed address);
(5) 9 Jul 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (blue folded notepaper, printed address). Includes reference to the Corporation of Leeds obtaining an Act which would enable them to purchase the whole of Thomas Clapham’s estate;
(6) 16 Jul 1866, no heading, requesting Mr Lloyd’s consent to the conveyance of the estate in lots, and again referring to Thomas Clapham’s offer of his estates to the Corporation for a People’s Park (blue folded notepaper, printed address);
(7) 17 Jul 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (blue folded notepaper, printed address);
(8) 2 Aug 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (white folded notepaper, printed address);
(9) 3 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (blue single sheet, handwritten address);
(10) 4 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (white folded notepaper, printed address). Encloses tracing with sketch plan of Hill Top and adjoining land, with new roads (unnamed) drawn in;
(11) 11 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham, requesting that estate should be conveyed in 3 lots because of mortgage problems (white folded notepaper, printed address);
(12) 14 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (white folded notepaper, printed address);
(13) 18 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (white folded notepaper, printed address);
(14) 19 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (white folded notepaper, printed address);
(15) 22 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (blue folded notepaper, printed address);
(16) 24 Sep 1866, headed Lloyd to Clapham (blue folded notepaper, printed address).
F. Packet labelled: Abstract of the Title, Greystone, Leeds, 1854 / Lloyd v Clegg 1859.
1. Document headed ‘Abstract of the Title of Thomas William Lloyd Esquire to a close of land called Greystone in the parish of Leeds in the County of York’. Marked Rudd & Kenny, Halifax (bottom right of cover) and dated 185[ ] (top right). Blue paper; nine pages + cover page. Not signed or dated, and with incomplete reference at the beginning of the document to a contract to sell part of the land.
Recites that this land was bequeathed by the will of Thomas Lloyd (1824) to his son George Lloyd and by his will (1844) to Trustees (cousins), George Lloyd and George Wray, in trust for his son Thomas William Lloyd when he attained the age of 21 (1847). The land is described as a close of land situated at a place called The Greystone within the Manor of Leeds, on the North side adjoining the Leeds and Burley Road, containing 3 roods and 34 perches, formerly in the occupation of Henry Judson and then William Frankland. This was copyhold land held by the Lloyds as customary tenants from the Lords of the Manor of Leeds: this deed witnesses that in return for the payment of £232.10s, Thomas William Lloyd was granted the freehold.
Additional names: Ann Lloyd; Elizabeth Henrietta Lloyd; Sir Thomas Beckett; Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram; John Hill; Samuel Powell; Eliza Bolland; C. Bolland; John Hirst; Griffith Wright.
Two copies.
2. Document headed 'Abstract of Title to the Manor of Leeds in the County of York'. Marked Rudd & Kenny, Halifax (bottom right of cover) with incomplete date of 185[ ] (top right). Blue paper, 29 pages + cover page.
Recites the title of the remaining Lords of the Manor of Leeds to their share (in ninths) of the manorial land: (1) as to one ninth, Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram of Templenewsam; additional names involved in the title are John Parkinson of Lincoln's Inn Fields, London; Charles Lord Viscount Irwin; Lord Sandys; Charles Stewart of Town Malling; Isabella Ann Lady Beauchamp, afterwards Marchioness of Hertford; Lady Frances Ingram Gordon; Elizabeth Meynell; John Illidge of Brixton, Surrey; William Beckett of Leeds; Georgiana Meynell/Ingram; Robert Richard Pigne; Robert Lambert; Sir Thomas Salisbury; Henry Meynell. (2) as to seven ninths, Sir Thomas Beckett of Leeds; additional names involved in the title are Robert Capper of Cheltenham and Regents Park, Middlesex; James Richardson of London and Leeds, Solicitor; Edward Solly of Mayfair, Middlesex; William Domville of Lincoln's Inn; Thomas Cadell of the Strand, bookseller; Andrew Spottiswood of London, printer; John Dickinson of the Old Bailey, London, stationer; Thomas Hurst, John Hurst and Josh. Ogle Robinson, booksellers; Christopher Beckett; William Beckett; Thomas William Tottie of Leeds, Solicitor; Henry Hall; Thomas Meggison; Nathaniel Ellison; William Wingfield; Joseph Blower, Solicitor; (another share) Robert Pemberton Milnes of Fryston; Richard Slater Milnes and Rachael his wife, formerly Rachel Busk; Louisa Milnes, Caroline Milnes and Amelia Jane Milnes; Hans Busk; Martha Busk; Pemberton Milnes; Henry Ibbotson, woolstapler; Martha Milnes; Mary Ann Busk who married James Milnes, later Rich; Richard Rhodes Milnes; Sir John Beckett of Stratford Place, Middlesex; Christopher Wilson of Bulby Grange; John Pearse; Christopher Bishop of Bristol; Richard Fountayne Wilson; Jane Shepley; Valentine Shepley; Rev Francis Thomas Cookson of Leeds; Edward Cookson; Jno. Bacon Sawrey Morritt; Robert Morritt and Alicia his wife; Christopher Cookson; James Torkington; Edward Gibbon and Mary Elizabeth his wife; William Scott; Edmund Denison (previously Beckett) of Doncaster; Sir John Beckett; Mary Beckett; Elizabeth Beckett; Ann Marriott; Henry Beckett; Lady Ann Beckett. (3) as to one ninth, Christopher Bolland; Edward Ditchfield; John Highland; Humphrey Clark; Francis Mosse; Josiah Fearn; Jno. Atkinson; Edward Smith; Stephen Bailey Hall; John Hill; John Hirst, Corn Merchant; Griffith Wright; Samuel Powell.
One complete copy; another incomplete, up to and including part of page 22 of the complete copy (pages unnumbered, with no title on cover).
G. The Leeds Volunteers / Enrolled in May, 1794. Leather-bound and gold-embossed manuscript book recording the enrolment of volunteers, divided into Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates. Given by G. Tancred to Thomas William Lloyd in December 1889. The list of Officers (1 page only) is copied from ‘an official List of Volunteers 1797’, but the NCO’s (2 pages) and Privates (12 pages) are apparently a fair-written copy of the original entries. Apart from these entries (and it is a large book) the pages are blank.
H. Memoir and Commercial Journal of Col. Lloyd, formerly of Leeds, Merchant, Edited by a Lancashire Vicar, 1878
I. Commission of Thomas Lloyd as Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of the Leeds Volunteers. Issued, signed and sealed by Wentworth Fitzwilliam Lord Lieutenant of the West Riding. Dated 7 Sep 1803; printed by Leach of Leeds. Measures 41 by 29.5cm.
Condition: Upper corner torn away, affecting text. Frayed edges have been reinforced with white paper, some folds are worn. Seal intact.
J. MS eulogy [large sheet] addressed to Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Lloyd (1751-1828) from the corps of the Leeds Volunteers, dated 1807, on the occasion of his retirement; together with his letter of appreciation. [In outsize folder, Archive Room]
MS Box XXVI (1)
This is a collection of miscellaneous original manuscript documents referring to Leeds and district purchased at an auction in Ludlow in 2011. The documents are mostly of a legal nature, and mainly of the 18C and 19C. The biggest single group is made up of wills, but there are also several indentures concerning land transactions, some abstracts of title, and one or two individual documents, such as a record of depositions in criminal legal proceedings and an administration under the Lunacy Regulations Act of 1853. They are summarised below.
Deed recording sale of property at Woodlesford in December 1658 – MS parchment signed or marked , sealed and witnessed by four individuals. The property was a barn or baystead (part of the barn?) in Woodlesford sold by William Sharlston of Great Preston and William Knapton of Clifford to Thomas Parris of Rothwell for £4.
A declaration by Richard Vevors, late of Tewkesbury but now of Ross, concerning the title to tenements at Potterton, Barwick-in-Elmet, signed by him on 23 Dec 1732 and witnessed as a true copy. There are two small holes in the middle of the text. The precise significance of the document is difficult to ascertain without more careful study, but it refers to an indenture made in the 6th year of George I between Richard's father William Vevors and his heir at law of the same name, Joshua Dunn of Furnival's Inn in Middlesex (an Inn of Chancery) and James Oates of Worlby Forge in Yorkshire, and leases granted to Oates and to William Milner of Leeds. These leases were for 500 and 200 years respectively and were entered into at a cost of £380 and £200.
“In the matter of the Reverend Thomas Alfred Ashworth, clerk, a person of unsound mind” - office copy certificate of allowance of conveyance of hereditaments called Crow Riding (part of Sunny Bank farm) at Hipperholme cum Brighouse to William Gray and John Rawson, 14 July 1868. This is a report to the Lord High Chancellor by Samuel Warren, an unidentified lawyer, relating to the estate of the Reverend which was being sold under s124 of the Lunacy Regulation Act 1853. The proceeds were to be gathered into a Bank of England trust account and then invested in 3% Bank annuities for the benefit of Rev Ashworth. Samuel Warren had been approached by the reverend's heir at law, wife and next of kin regarding the sale of assets, which had raised £7997 to date. However, it appears that Messrs Gray and Rawson had failed to pay for the part of the Crow Riding estate that they had purchased. Mr Warren's report confirmed that payment had now been received, enabling this share of the estate to be conveyed.
Dixon to Hives: copy of an opinion of Mr Harrison of Lincoln's Inn as to John Dixon's abstract of title, 30 Dec 1834 (3 foolscap pages). The abstract itself is not present, so the meaning of the opinion is obscure. It concerns John Dixon's title to the estate left by his father, Jeremiah Dixon. It refers, inter alia, to John's right to be considered the eldest son; to the claim of his deceased sister, Ann; a 1784 settlement; the death of “Tippings” and the consequent surrender of a 200 year lease; a recovery deed of 1825; Mrs Dixon's £600 jointure and an 1834 deed; and the involvement of Mr Beckett in the Cheshire and Yorkshire estates.
Additional abstract of title to the estates of Henry Dixon Esq in the parishes of Leeds and Thorner, prepared for Messrs Hemingway & Nelson on behalf of Mrs Jane Hull, undated, but the content relates to 1834-6 (3 large pages, one blank). The initial citation is dated 29/30 Jul 1836, and is an indenture of lease and release between William Beckett and Henry Dixon. It recites that in a previously cited indenture of April 1834, Henry Dixon had borrowed £70,000 from William Beckett for the purchase of property. Dixon had only repaid £59292 of the loan by the designated date, but the indenture certified that the balance of the sum due had since been paid in full. William Beckett had consequently conveyed to Henry Dixon “all that said manor or lordship … of Chapel Allerton … and all that capital messuage and mansion house called Gledhow Hall … and the residue of the said mortgaged premises which had not been sold and conveyed as aforesaid”. The last clause appears to refer to a croft and public house occupied by Todd Thomas.
Abstract of title of Mr Charles Bywater to an estate at Meanwood within the parish of Leeds, 1843, Atkinson, Dibb, Bolland. In his will dated 19 Oct 1785, John Bywater, a farmer, left a life interest in about 54 acres of land and buildings in Meanwood successively to his nephew, great nephew and great great nephew, all of whom were alive at the time of his bequest. Thomas Wade and Wade Brown appear to have acted as trustees for the bequest. The estate was then to descend unconditionally to the eldest surviving son of the great great nephew, or if there were no sons, to any surviving daughters as tenants in common. John Bywater died in 1790, and his will was proved by his niece Alice Bywater and great niece Elizabeth Bywater. His nephew Charles Bywater had the life interest until his death in 1802. It then passed to his son John who retained it until he died in 1824. John's son, also John (the great great nephew of the testator) then had the estate until his death in 1839. The abstract records the allocation to John Bywater II in 1813 of about 12 acres of land in three plots “near a place called Scotland” by the Enclosure Commissioner Jonathan Taylor. It also records John II's grant in the same year of a 21 year lease on 54 acres of land to Christopher Beckett “to dig for and get stone and sand within any part of the said demised premises and to carry away the same”. Land parcels are named, and the annual rent was £80. A family tree is then given of the Bywater family, and this elucidates that John Bywater III died unmarried and childless in London in 1839, and that the successor to the estate was his half-brother Charles Bywater, the eldest son of John Bywater II's second marriage. Charles, a stonemason by trade, had two brothers, Richard, a victualler of Woodhouse, and Matthew , a Leeds coal dealer. The final part of the abstract records Charles' conveyance of the entire estate to his brothers, registered at Wakefield on 4 September 1843. A schedule of the names and areas of all the land parcels is attached. There is no mention of money changing hands for the land (this may have been a separate transaction), but a fee of £5/10s was paid under the terms of the 1833 Fines and Recoveries Act, the purpose of which seems to have been to allow the entailed estate to be disposed of in the manner proposed.
Indenture dated 29 Apr 1709 recording the grant, for one calendar year, of land and property in Leeds belonging to John Atkinson of Leeds, son and heir of Edward Atkinson, to Joshua Dunn of Furnival's Inn in the county of Middlesex. In consideration of the payment of one shilling, “all that undivided ninth part to be divided into nine parts of the manor of Leeds” is to be made over to Joshua Dunn to have and hold for the year. The grant includes one ninth part of the rights, royalties appurtenances etc attached to the property, as well as one ninth of the demesne lands and associated rents, and one ninth of all the other manorial lands, messuages, pastures etc. A number of other property parcels are also included in the grant. These include four messuages and other property in Seacroft in the parish of Whitchurch occupied or leased to several named persons, and amounting to about 200 acres; property at Quarrell Sill (transcription uncertain) known by the name of Applegarths, consisting of three dwellings now divided into several tenements; a messuage or dwelling in Briggate over against Boar Lane now occupied by four gentlemen – Richard Nottingham, Edward Key, Edward Brogden and Samuel Brooksbank; a 3 acre close of agricultural land at Town End near the Butts occupied by Richard Wakefield; two closes of 6 acres at Little Woodhouse occupied by William Russell; and the messuage with the butchers' stalls in the Shambles in Leeds occupied by William Hague, Elizabeth Parker, William Hough, (forename uncertain) Walding and John Butter. The indenture is signed by John Atkinson, and below the signature it is recorded that “a memorial of the within written deed was entered in the Register Office at Wakefield on 2 December 1709” at 4 o'clock in the afternoon (folio ref LibA, page 592, Numb. 960). A separate note appears at the bottom left. In it, Ric. Wilson records on 25 Aug 1721 that “the original is in my hand and I promise to produce the same on request at the house(?) of Mr Melthorp at any time during the continuance of my trust for Mr Atkinson's children (losses by accident, by fire and such like casualty excepted)”.
An indenture between William Thornton of Shipley, gentleman, and his wife Martha on the one part and Joseph Rhodes of Horton, yeoman recording the conveyance of land from Rhodes to the Thorntons. The indenture recites that in the Hilary term 1764 William and Martha did lay in due form of law before the Justices of Common Pleas at Westminster one “fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo que il ad de son done” made and provided to Joseph Rhodes. This form of fine gave absolute documentary and legal force to the conveyance. The land transferred is at at Upper Place, Lower Place, Dumb(?) Mill and Southolme in Southowram in the parish of Halifax, and includes four messuages, two cottages, four barns, four gardens, two orchards and forty acres each of land, meadow and pasture, then and now occupied by Jonathan Rushton and Caleb Crowther. The property transferred is for the benefit of the Thorntons or of anyone else to whom they may transfer it, during their joint lives and the life of the survivor of them, and after the death of the survivor, for the benefit of persons named in Martha's will, whether she be covert or sole at that time.
Legal opinion on the will of James Melthorpe of Seacroft (three sides of manuscript on two pages of foolscap taped together at a later date, and with tape reinforcement to some of the folds).The will was drawn up on 3 Mar 1758, and the testator died on 30 Sep 1767. In his will he left real and personal property in Seacroft to his brother George for life, and then in tail to George's sons; and failing that to his niece Mary Wren also for life and then to her issue. The remainder of his personal estate was to be sold to pay his debts, funeral expenses and pecuniary legacies amounting to £650, any surplus to be used to buy land to be settled in the same way as the Seacroft property. He also had land in Sussex or Essex, a third share of land in North Yorkshire and chambers at the Temple – this also was to be sold and the proceeds used to pay debts, with any surplus applied as before. When he made his will, James' assets were worth considerably more than his debts, but since then he had sold many of them and contracted new debts in the form of mortgages and bonds. He also seems to have acquired new land on mortgage. His lead executor, one George Lumley, had begun to wind up the estate, but formed the view that the assets were insufficient to pay the debts, and that it would be necessary to get an Act of Parliament to enable the entailed Seacroft property to be used to defray the debts. Mr Lumley had himself then died, but despite the survival of his co-executor, Mr Farrer(?) Wren, Lumley's executors continued to act to wind up James Melthorpe's estate. Faced with the threat to his Seacroft inheritance, George Melthorpe, the principal beneficiary, undertook his own examination of the estate accounts, and concluded that in fact the assets amounted to about £5100 and were sufficient, by a margin of around £360, to cover the liabilities. The available assets included household effects worth about £1000, some farmland in Castleford, and coal mining assets, including stocks of coal both mined and in the ground at Halton colliery, mining equipment, the outstanding term of the colliery lease, and also another colliery at Shurston (all listed with estimates of value). Faced with these various pressures, Mr Wren, the surviving executor, seems to have been in a bit of a quandary, and sought legal advice from P Johnson of York about how to proceed. He lacked an account of the proceedings so far of Lumley's executorship. He was unsure about the pecking order of both claimants to and beneficiaries of the estate, but thought that if the creditors would be patient, they could be paid out of the remaining assets, without the need to gain permission to raid the entailed estate. If external arbitration was needed, would it not be best to seek the guidance of the Court of Chancery, rather than resorting to an Act of Parliament? In his reply, Mr Johnson first outlined legal precedents bearing on the issues. On the actual case, he thought that an Act of Parliament was certainly unnecessary. If Chancery was to be appealed to, that would resolve the issues, since the court would require an account of the estate assets and liabilities to be drawn up. In any Bill, George Melthorpe and Mary Wren should be the plaintiffs, and Farrer Wren and Mr Lumley's executors the defendants. The plaintiffs should make clear their desire to settle the debts as soon as maybe without trespassing on the entailed property, and seek full financial disclosure from Lumley's executors. But if the assets were indeed sufficient to pay the creditors, an alternative would be for Mr Wren to advance monies to them on the security of the estate, thereby avoiding the cost and delay of Chancery proceedings.
Manuscript copy of will of William Marton of Selbw (Selby?), dated 2 March(?) 1665 (eight pages of parchment, double sided, stitched together and with tears and damage at the edges). The testator left land and property in Rothwell and also monetary bequests.
Manuscript copy of will of John Atkinson of Leeds, dated 30 Apr 1717 (four large MS sheets). Will proved 19 May 1718 and registered at Wakefield 16 Sep 1719. John left all his real estate except for his share in the manor of Leeds to his wife Dorothy, for life, together with the property settled on her by way of marriage jointure and his personal estate. She was to sell or mortgage such of this property as was necessary to pay his funeral expenses, debts and legacies, after taking account of his personal estate. He left £1100 each to his son John and daughter Mary, to be paid on their 21st birthdays, or on Mary's marriage if earlier. These children were also to have money spent on their education and upbringing, but not apparently more than 4% of their legacies per annum. A further £150 could be spent on securing an apprenticeship for John. If either were to die before they became eligible to receive their legacies, it seems that their share was to go to the testator's heir at law, but the survivor of the two was to have an extra £200 and there was to be a £60 payment to the Charity School of Leeds. There seems to have been a third son, in fact the eldest named Thomas, who was to receive his share of the manor of Leeds, which would be held in trust for him until his 21st birthday. His wife was to be his sole executor and guardian of his children, unless she were to re-marry, in which case trustees would take over. If all his children died, his wife's marriage jointure was to go to his brother-in-law. His father died allegedly in possession of £50 belonging to the poor of Leeds; although this was untrue, his son left £60 to the Standing Committee of Charities to guard against any future claims. In a codicil dated 17 May 1717, John remembers that he has not bequeathed his household effects – these are to go to his wife, and if she re-marries, his son Thomas. Also, if all his children were to die, his real estate in Seacroft was to go to his wife for life.
Will of Mary Watson of Market Weighton, 5 Oct 1741. A small estate, involving legacies of £20 to her nephew William Watson at age 21, or if he dies before, to be shared between four parties - the children of John Watson, her sister Esther Richards' children, her cousin Mrs Hofter(?), and the children of William Watkinson of Millington. Also £5 to Esther Richards, a guinea to another sister, Elizabeth Willy of Shipton, £1 to Peter Story of Walkington, 10 shillings to John Bollorall(?) and 5 shillings to Mrs Hofter of Pocklington. Any residue to Jane Walton, her sister-in-law and executrix.
Will of John Kay or Kaye of Bridge End(?) in Marsden(?), 24 Jan 1656. A series of small legacies to his brother William, nephew Joseph, youngest daughter Mary (£40) and one or two others. Residue to be shared by his wife, Isobel, his sons John and Edward and Mary Kay. A list of outstanding debts is appended, which totals about £47.
Will of William Linsley of Leeds, 15 Jun 1726. He leaves all his real property in Chapel Allerton – currently in the possession of Willaim Pawson - to his wife Dorothy for life. This appears to amount to at least 32 acres. There is also property in Easingwold. After his wife's death, all the property is divided between his three daughters, Jane, Dorothy and Sarah, or the survivor of them. His son William is left 1 guinea, he having already been provided for. Will registered at Wakefield 20 Apr 1732.
Will of Martha Tottie of Seacroft, widow, 19 Oct 1727. She has already given annuities of £10 a year to each of the three daughters of her sister Sowden and these are to be increased to £20. The rest of the estate (save for later provisions) is to go to her niece Elizabeth Lowther for life, and one half of it absolutely to her heirs after her death. The other half is to go to Samuel Maud, youngest son of her nephew John Maud of Alverthorpe, unless he dies without issue before the age of 21 – in that case, it goes to John's third son, Daniel. She has already lent John Maud several hundred pounds which he still owes her, but she is ready to forgive this debt, and as a token of the respect in which she still holds him, to give him another 100 guineas. She wants John to spend £500 of the sum owing (or it may be another debt) on the upbringing of his son Samuel, as her own gift. One of sister Sowden's daughters, Ruth, is to have in addition £170, and Anna is to have £60, even though “she has already had a great deal of money from me and may also remember that she has been very disobedient”; but there is nothing extra for the third daughter, Sarah. All three girls are to have £20 “for them to bestow on mourning if they please”. There follow some small legacies to other relatives and friends, and some charitable gifts. John Jordan of Seacroft and his wife are to keep the house they rent from her for at least 3 or 4 years after her death at the same rent as now, and they are also to have property now occupied by William Field. Mary Butler is to retain her little close rent-free for life. A servant gets £20, the local vicar £10 and there is £10 “in way of dole” for the poor of Seacroft.
Will of Abraham Kershaw of Halifax, 4 Jul 1801. His entire estate goes to trustees, William Kershaw and Robert Swaine, both merchants of Halifax. They are to sell up and invest his estate in Government or other good securities, and from this they are to pay his sister Mary Kershaw an annuity of £500 for life. The remaining income is to be spent on bringing up his children Abraham and Elizabeth, until they reach the age of 21, when the assets are to be made over to them absolutely, in equal shares. The capital used to fund his sister's annuity is to be shared in like manner when she dies. The will was proved in Canterbury on 20 June 1803, and the estate valued at under £10,000.
Copy of will of Francis Cox of Gillingham, Dorset, 8 Jan 1789. There are no Yorkshire connections.
Will of Matthew Prince of Meanwood, mason, 2 Jul 1770. Leaves all his assets, including a house and croft in Meanwood, to his wife, Mary.
Will of Elizabeth Scott, wife of Henry Scott of Wakefield, yeoman, 12 Mar 1750. Small legacies of a few pounds to Susannah Pitt, wife of Thomas Pitt, cloth draper of Wakefield, Mary Hill, spinster of Wakefield, and Grace Dranfield, now of Thorne, her sister-in-law. Everything else goes to her husband, save for her silver plate, which is to go to her brother, John Norfolk, subject to funding of the earlier legacies.
Will of George Hargrave of Chapel Allerton, yeoman, 5 Dec 1702. Leaves to his wife Sarah, and son, George – who are his executors – his property in Chapel Allerton, and to his son, William and daughter, Jane, his Great Woodhouse property.
Copy of will of Thomas Marshall of Seacroft, butcher, 9 Dec 1741. He leaves to his wife for life all the land in Seacroft he recently bought from Samuel Wright, and also land he has in Meanwood. After her death, this is to be shared between his three sons, Thomas, James and John. His daughters, Mary, Ann and Frances are each to get £20 at his death or on becoming 20, and a further £20 when his wife dies. Registered at Wakefield 30 Nov 1753, with a memorial affecting the devise of James registered on 7 Jun 1762.
Will of John Kay or Kaye, 31 May 1671 (small parchment document). His abode is not stated, but might be approximately located by reference to those of his debtors, could but these be deciphered. The estate is very small, and includes bequests to his eldest daughter, Agnes Broadbent, to Edward Kay, and to Mary Haigh, wife of John Haigh. The residue of his estate goes to his children John, Edward and Mary Kay, and Isobel Haigh, the latter of whom seems to receive an annual rent of 4 shillings from her siblings for the use of her share. The will appears to end with a list of “debts owing to me”. Over a dozen debtors are named, owing sums ranging from a few shillings to a few pounds.
Copy of will of Jeremiah Rosendall of Shawhill, Skircoate (Halifax), 13 Apr 1696. Watermark evidence dates the copy to the Georgian period. He leaves all his property at Shawhill, where he now lives, to his daughter, Grace, and her heirs for ever. His other freeholds in Skircoate, Halifax, Southowam, Shelfe, Thornton in Bradforddale, and Ovenden are to be shared equally between his two daughters, Grace and Mary, and their heirs, or the survivor of them. Copyhold property in Northowram and Hipperholme appears to go the same way. As to his personal estate, certain household items go to Grace, and there are three token money bequests to others, but otherwise it is to be shared equally between his daughters and his wife.
Indenture recording the lease of land by Thomas Moore Esq to Thomas Denison for one year at at a rent of one peppercorn, 21 Jan 1767, deed registered at Wakefield 31 Jan 1767. Both parties are residents of Leeds, and the lease is of an undivided fourth part of a farm (name illegible) in Chapel Allerton and attached land amounting to just over 20 acres and occupied by Thomas Darnton(?), as well as a fourth part of manorial property and rights also held by Moore in Chapel Allerton. The lease is for the term of one year at peppercorn rent. The document is probably the lease part of a “lease and release” pair.
Copy of will of James Emmet of Halifax, 16 Dec 1830, seven large MS pages in pencil. In a codicil, Emmet is described as a “grocer but now wholly retired from business”, but he has extensive industrial and property interests. His mansion called Spring Field in Shibden Dale in Northowram, a farm called Blake Hill, a mill at Dam Head and coal mines associated with these properties, together with certain church pews and sittings, are left in trust to his son Edward for use in his lifetime, and after to his children as tenants in common, or failing that to the children of his daughters Mary and Susannah. To this property is to be added coal seams at Upper Lands Head farm in Northowram which James is in the process of buying; if the purchase is not concluded by the time of his death, his executors are to complete it. A farm called Sour Milk Hall in Northowram, and property in Halifax in a block between Woolshops, Jail Lane, Emmet's Court and Chapel Fold, and church sittings go to his daughter Mary Walsh for ever. Quarry House in Northowram, together with land lately bought from Michael Stocks, John Fletcher's coalmine and property in Halifax immediately west of Emmet's Court go to Susannah, along with church sittings. The executors are to hold property at Cross Fields in Halifax and to share the income equally between Mary and Susannah for life; when one dies, her share of income is to be used for the maintenance and education of her children. Once both sisters are dead, the trustees are to sell the property and share the proceeds between the surviving children. The sisters also have the income from investments of £100 in Halifax gas works, and £50 each in the Wakefield Turnpike and Halifax Water Company, the assets to go to the children on death. £30 goes as a charitable bequest to the General Dispensary. The residue of the estate is to be split into three parts, of which one goes to Edward without strings, and the others are invested in Government or real securities to yield income for the daughters; when they die, the assets are sold for the childrens' benefit. James is uncertain whether he controls an estate of his late wife's called Springs in Spotland, Rochdale, but if he does, its income is to be shared by his daughters. His executors are asked to acquire by agreement if possible a cottage on the Sour Milk estate occupied by Richard Brown.
Copy of codicil to will of James Emmet, 24 Feb 1832. James has raised £2000 by a mortgage on the Quarry House estate (of which £500 has yet to be forwarded), and wants £1000 of this to be repaid out of Edward's share of his personal estate. In return for this, Edward would not be called to account for other money advanced by James. If Quarry House is charged with the remaining £1000 of the mortgage debt, John Wilson (James' son in law and one of the executors) will also be forgiven money advanced by James “on account of the colliery now in progress on the said estate”. Mary Walsh is now to have just a life interest in the income of the property formerly given to her absolutely (Sour Milk Hall and the Halifax property), and £1000 is to be borrowed on the security of this property in order to set up her son Robert Walsh in business when he becomes 21. Mary must pay the interest on this loan from the income from the estate. There are legacies of £10 to two tenants, and finally James remembers that he has two closes at Jesse Wells and Shrogg Wood in Northowram and a sixth share in coal beds in the town that he forgot to mention in his will. These are to be sold and added to his personal estate.
Mortgage by appointment and demise of premises in Northowram: Thomas Moore to Daniel Scott, 30 Sep 1822. Thomas Moore, a cardsman, had acquired an estate from William and Elizabeth Moore by indentures of lease and release dated 27 and 28 Sep 1822, and now wishes to raise £250 by mortgaging the estate to Daniel Scott, a “banksman”. The property is only about 250 square yards in Northowram on the Halifax road, but occupying it are a carding shop, a stable, haylofts and other buildings. The loan appears to be short term, to be repaid on 30 March next (1823) at 5% interest. The deed is registered at Wakefield on 29 Nov 1822, and the receipt of the £250 is recorded. A much later note stapled to the document reads “to be kept by Karen Black for Jennifer Black, to be given to her when aunt Karen retires from work”.
“Probate copy” of will of Joseph Bilton of Fulford near York, 28 Jan 1802, the copy from 1818 according to a bracketed emendation (12 large pages, although 11 in the original). A complicated will with directions for covering a lengthy sequence of contingencies. Mr Bilton appears to have had extensive real estate in Hunslet, High Town and little Town (in Liversedge?), Pump(?), Southowram, Leeds, Birstall and Halifax. To his wife he left his household effects, the tenure of his house and £200. To his daughter Ann (the only one at the time), he left £5000 on her 21st birthday or marriage, to be reduced to £3000 if he had another child; if Ann should die and there be another child, that would get £5000 instead. But if this child was a son, and his first son (William – to be mentioned later) had died, then Ann's provision would revert to £5000, since the second son would inherit in place of the deceased eldest son. All remaining personal estate is to be converted into money by his executors, Thomas Wilson, gentleman, Thomas Oldfield, banker and William Mills, proctor – all of York. The real estate is to be held in trust (with Joshua Oldfield also involved), ready to pass to Mr Bilton's son William when he reaches 21. If William dies before then, the property is held for the second son, if there is one and if not, it goes to his daughter Ann for life and then her children as tenants in common. If none of his children survive him, the income from the property is to be used to fund a jointure of £400 a year for his wife – in addition to her entitlement under her marriage settlement, which is confirmed – and one of £200 a year to his sister Dorothy, wife of Thomas Wilson one of the executors, to be increased to £400 if his widow dies first or re-marries. This provision is just for life – the property remains in trust, and subject to these charges, goes to his nephew Joseph Bilton Siddall Sinclair Wilson, son of Dorothy and Thomas Wilson for his life, before finally passing undivided to the first male heir of this nephew. Further reserves are then identified in case Joseph should die – these being successively the other sons of Dorothy, Thomas Wood Wilson, George Sottell Wilson, any further sons who might be born to her, her daughters, and if all this fails to “my own right heirs forever”. The testator's outstanding debts and funeral expenses etc are to be paid by Joshua Oldfield out of the income of the real estate, and he is to use these to make good any deficiency in the funds available to finance the money bequests. He is also to mortgage some of the property to provide funds for the children's upbringing, and to place William in employment. Various minor administrative arrangements conclude the will.
Will of William Rayner of Churwell, 14 Apr 1792 (single sheet taped together or reinforced with masking tape on the rear). He leaves a lifetime annuity of £50 to his wife Sarah (reducing to £20 if she re-marries) and his house in Morley now occupied by William Almond and household effects. 5 guineas go to John Rayner of Churwell, and the residue of his estate to his son John who is also the executor.
Will of Mary Craven, wife of Thomas Craven of Leeds, and widow of William Massie, gentleman, 1707 (large folded sheet of yellow parchment). Mary had been left property by her deceased husband as her absolute property to be willed as she thought fit. She leaves her real property to her nephew Abraham Horton, son of her deceased brother Thomas Horton. This appears to consist of messuages, crofts and closes in Hunslet in the occupation, inter alia, of the testator, Thomas Whiteakers and John Clapham, but on condition that he pays £150 to Gabriel Massie and £50 to William Massie – these apparently legacies promised by her late husband, and for which bonds were given by her late brother Thomas Horton. Smaller legacies of sums ranging from £5-50 are left to her sister Ann Norfolk and her son John, her sister Hannah Oakes, sister Sarah Simmonds, another nephew also named Abraham Horton, her niece Susannah Horton and nephew Robert Horton. Annuities again to be funded by Abraham Horton from the real estate are left to her husband (£20), sister Dixon (£5) and Elizabeth John's son (£3). If Abraham does not pay, the beneficiaries have the right to enter the property and distrain for the sums owing. Another tranche of property also goes to Abraham, but again on condition that he pays £100 to a local Minister cum schoolmaster, and £200 to her husband. In the event of default, they can again seize the property. Her husband can stay on in her house for three months after her death. There follow various minor legacies for prayers, mourning rings etc, two shillings a year to Luke Midgeley to look after the copper plate in Leeds parish church engraved with the names of her late husband and children, and 50 shillings each for the poor of Leeds and Hunslet. A memorandum (codicil) dated 3 November 1709 is attached, which scales back or cancels some of the smaller legacies (sister Dixon, for example, is now to get £4 a year instead of £5) but appears to make her gift of £200 to her husband independent of any particular property. It is to be paid in four equal instalments at six monthly intervals. A further memorandum in Latin is also attached, dated 1724.
Vital records of the Barber family of Hunslet and Rothwell, early19C. These are MS copies of certificates or register entries made and certified by various churchmen in 1829-30, probably in connection with some lawsuit. There is the baptism record of Hannah Barber, 18 January 1807; a copy of the marriage certificate of Benjamin Ward and Jane Barber, 18 June 1829; burial records of James and Hannah Barber in Rothwell in 1821 and of their daughter Elizabeth Anne in 1804; Elizabeth Anne's marriage to James Barber on 21 July 1802; James Barber's second marriage to Anne Smithwaite on 10 December 1805; the baptism of his daughter, Elizabeth Anne, presumably by his first wife of the same name, in September 1804; the baptism of Jane, daughter of James and Anne Barber, in Royds Green on 10 May 1812; and the marriage of the second Elizabeth Anne to Solomon Ward(?).
Duplicate copy of deed conveying land at St Chad's church Headingley from Baron Grimthorpe to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, for the purpose of a graveyard extension, 29 Sep 1910. The land was in the north west corner of the existing churchyard, adjacent to Drummond Avenue and Church Wood and amounted to 3976 sq yards. It was free of land tax or tithe rent charge and of other charges on the Grimthorpe estate, but the vicar was to construct a stone boundary wall and plant trees and shrubs.
Burial certificate of Jane Rowley, buried 15 Dec 1836 at Chapel Allerton.
A MS note headed “An account of buildings erected and money laid out for Dixons .. the yard for Lowerhead Boys(?) - John Armistead”. Three items are listed: Mustard Mill and warehouse, Joseph Walker's house, warehouse and brewing kitchen and John Armistead junior's house – all works undertaken between 1785 and 1789 at a cost of £1012/12/10d. £80 is marked as received from the trustees, leaving £932/12/10d “which I agree to pay £4 per annum additional rent for”.
Certificate dated 15 Jan 1867 issued by the Devon Commissioners appointed for “taking the acknowledgements of deeds by married women”. The certificate acknowledges that Emma Turner with her husband George Croucher Turner, was party to an indenture of unspecified import involving four other parties.
Extract of pp 5837-5860 of Victoriae Reginae Cap cviii “An Act to authorize the division of the parish and vicarage of Leeds .. into several parishes and vicarages”, 9 Aug 1844. The Act gives a detailed account of the administrative underpinnings of this change, providing information on advowsons, the extent and population of the parish, its income and the disposal of vicarial rights etc.
Lease of land for a waggon way between Middleton and Leeds – signed and sealed copy of a deed of 27 Mar 1758 between Joseph Bilton of St Bartholomew, London, devisee of the late Joseph Bilton of Hunslet, and Charles Brandling of Middleton. The late Joseph Bilton was the owner of five eighths of the rights of the manor of Hunslet and had agreed to allow Charles Brandling access over the wastes and common grounds of the manor to construct a “Waggon way or Newcastle Road” to transport coal from the latter's pits in Middleton to a coal yard in central Leeds. The rent was to be £8 per annum for every acre “made or used as part of the said waggon way”, and was to be payable pro rata to the owners of the land over which it passed. The deed was signed on 13 June 1760. It has been folded into four, has split along these folds and has been repaired imperfectly with tape and masking tape.
Indenture whereby Thomas Wriglesworth, a yeoman of Rothwell, leased land to Paul Moore, also a yeoman of that place, dated 9 Jan 1715. For a consideration of 20 shillings, Wriglesworth granted a 999 year lease at peppercorn rent on what appears to be a small area of land “at the low end of Church Fields” in Rothwell.
Lease and release of land at Meanwood, by John and William Prince, stonemasons, to James Mallorie of Roundhay, 1789. The lease was signed on 13 May 1789 and concerned a cottage or tenement and associated stable, garden or orchard at Rotten Row now occupied by John Midgley and the widow Auckland. The extent of the property was not specified. The lease was for the usual nominal term of one year at peppercorn rent. The release, dated 20 May 1789, was for the consideration of £52/10s. Both lease and release were registered at Wakefield on 21 May 1789.
One half of an indenture made in the 6th year of George III between James Milthorpe and William Edmunson(?), his wife and others concerning property consisting of two cottages, two dovehouses, garden, orchard and folds, the whereabouts of which does not seem to be mentioned.
“John Gill against James Tomlinson for misdemeanour” - MS copy of depositions made before the West Riding Justices on 1 and 3 Dec 1842. Tomlinson was charged with unlawfully entering enclosed land for the purpose of poaching and then with offering violence to the gamekeeper Gill who attempted to apprehend him. Gill was gamekeeper to James Braithwaite Garforth on the latter's estate at Conistone Cold (northwest of Skipton). He deposed that just before 6 am on 23 November 1842 he was alerted by Frederick Riley, the fish watcher, that a gun had been heard in Gill [sic] plantation. Gill accosted the intruder who threatened to shoot him, and when Gill pursued the man he was indeed shot at. Gill then seized the intruder and there was a prolonged struggle in which Gill bit the intruder's finger but was then beaten off. The intruder then made his escape, only to be arrested a week later in Colne. Gill identified Tomlinson as the intruder, and stated that his bandaged finger was the one that he had bitten. He asserted that the intruder made off with Gill's cap, leaving his own at the scene of the struggle. Frederick Riley confirmed that he found this cap at the scene of the struggle. John Morton, a pawnbroker of Colne, said that he sold a cap similar to the one now produced to the prisoner's wife three months ago – he believed it to be the same one. A gardener, Thomas Henderson, said that he went to the scene of the struggle at Gill's request and found a ramrod now produced. The constable, Thomas Lowcock, arrested the prisoner on 30 November in Colne. He took away two guns, one of which the ramrod found by Henderson fitted; the gun had a new ramrod. Tomlinson had a new cap and the fourth finger of his left hand was bandaged. Tomlinson himself merely claimed “I was never at Conistone and I do not make a practice of using a gun. I was at home weaving on the day they mention”. The verdict of the Justices is not recorded.
MS Box XXVI (2)
MS Box XXVI. 2
This is a second box of abstracts of title, indentures of lease and release, and various other legal or contractual documents relating, with one exception, to property in the Leeds area, bought at Ludlow in 2011. The abstracts of title are often extremely lengthy and description here is confined to identifying subject land (where possible) and titular ownerships.
The documents relate to a wide assortment of properties, but there are two substantial groups of related material. Documents 1-6 refer to Earl Cowper's projected New Town of Leeds in Potternewton (1830s), and include his abstract of title, his design conditions for the development, and dealings concerning the few lots he had been able to sell. Documents 7-15 concern a dispute over the sale and ownership of a plot of land enclosed from Armley Moor, formerly the property of an insolvent sent to the Debtor's prison in York (also 1830s).
Indenture dated 1 Jan 1829 between Earl Cowper, the promoter of the “New Town of Leeds” in Potternewton, and the purchasers of building lots therein, listed in the second Schedule. The indenture sets out the obligations of seller and purchasers in respect of the proposed development, and in form and content is very similar to the lists of conditions attached to modern planning permissions. There are fifteen conditions covering the following matters: requirement of purchasers to fence their plots in certain circumstances; requirement to contribute to the Earl's costs in laying out streets, pavements and pallisades to prescribed standards; requirement to contribute to maintenance of same, and common sewers where these exist; contributions to cost of “ornamenting, planting and beautifying”, including lawns, of a communal area; limitations on access for bulk loads and the extent of scaffolding during building operations; prohibition of on site brick making, quarrying or other noxious industrial processes; restrictions on provision of basement windows; specification of building materials, fenestration, balconies, building line, buildings per lot – no alterations to be permitted which would “destroy uniformity”; access to the common space; the Earl's elevation designs to be used on certain plots; right of Earl to recover monies owed in Courts of Law and to charge interest at 5% on debts; Act of Parliament to be applied for to enshrine these conditions in law and to authorize payment of rates by occupiers; Earl's right to vary conditions at will within limits and to have access to land; disputes to be referred to an architect to be appointed by the Town Clerk, whose decision would be binding; the Earl to provide evidence of title on request, and a list of relevant deeds provided. In fact, as is well known, this attempt to launch the New Town was still born – the schedule of buyers includes only two names, those of John Walker, timber merchant (lot 45) and Joseph Woodhead, builder (Lot 43 and part of 42). As planned, the New Town had 307 lots.
Abstract of title of Earl Cowper to so much of Squire Pasture Farm in the parish of Leeds as is plotted out for building land and denominated the New Town of Leeds, dated 1833 on the cover. This is a substantial 39 page document tracing Earl Cowper's ownership back to 1744. The early parts of the text are accompanied by marginal notes identifying individuals etc named in the main text. There are many details of the land included in the title and the names of tenants (but no plan), and of prices paid at various times.
Additional abstract of title of Earl Cowper to “as much of Squire Pastures farm .. as is plotted out for building land and denominated the New Town of Leeds”. The abstract was prepared some time after the death of the conceiver of the New Town in June 1837. It records that in his will, proved on 29 Jul 1838, the Earl left all his real estate to trustees to hold for the benefit of his eldest son, Viscount Fordwick, except for the 54 acres of land in Potternewton designated for the New Town. This was to pass to his son unconditionally.
Draft indenture dated 13 Feb 1839, but this copy not signed, between Earl Cowper (the son of the Leeds New Town promoter) and the purchasers of lots on the site, viz. John Walker, Joseph Woodhead, Benjamin Saville and William Neale. Walker had taken lot 45 (1830 sq yds) in July 1834, Woodhead lot 43 and part of 42 (3478 sq yds) in December 1837, Saville part of lots 26 and 27 (382 sq yds) and Neale lot 26 (sic – 382 sq yds) also in December 1837. The first two had agreed to keep open the parts of their lots designated as streets in the master plan, but Saville and Neale's contracts did not have this clause. The parties to the indenture agree that some of the conditions originally imposed on the sale “are inexpedient and may occasion difficulties in the future disposal and disputes between the respective owners ...” It appears to be proposed that the original conditions be suspended or revoked, except insofar as they relate to preservation of street lines, and be replaced by new conditions to be specified in a new deed of arrangement.
Abstract of the title of Joseph Woodhead to a piece of land bordered by Spencer Street, Frankland Place and Francis Street with the messuage erected thereon, in the New Town of Leeds in Potternewton. The abstract was prepared in 1842. It refers to an indenture dated 20 December 1837, which indicates that Woodhead bought the lot (lot 43 and part of 42 of the New Town) for £434/15s, subject to the conditions set down in the indenture of 1 January 1829 between Lord Cowper and the purchasers. The site area was 3478 sq yards. A further indenture of 23 May 1840 between Woodhead and Elizabeth Triffitt, a widow of York, shows that he borrowed £700 from her to finance the purchase, but expected to discharge the loan a year hence subject to interest at 4.5%.
A second abstract of the title of Joseph Woodhead to lot 43 and part of lot 42 at the New Town of Leeds in Potternewton, dated May 1852. After planning to mortgage the property to Elizabeth Triffitt of York for £700 in 1840, a second indenture dated 10 Jun 1842 reveals that in fact Woodhead only borrowed £500 from her. He had repaid neither capital nor interest due on this lesser sum by the appointed date, but instead had borrowed £500 from Joseph Dunning, this time at 5%, and had used this to pay off Elizabeth Triffitt. A further indenture dated 28 Feb 1843 showed that Woodhead had paid one half year's interest to Dunning, but had also arranged to borrow a further £400 secured by a bond and by the property. However, by the time this indenture was registered on 27 Mar 1843, Woodhead had paid back £200 of the enlarged loan from Dunning.
Indenture dated 20 Jun 1821 between John Anderson and William and George Mason (all clothiers of Armley), George being described later as William's executor but his role unclear. John Anderson was trustee of a local society for the building of houses and had been involved in managing the development of a parcel of land measuring 1340 square yards that had been enclosed from Armley Moor in 1812. The land was bounded by Winker Green to the east and tenter grounds to the west. The land had been split into eight lots, houses had been built on these lots and then a ballot had been held to determine which members of the building society should have the houses. William Mason had been awarded lot seven. He had then paid John Anderson £11/16/3d to have the lot conveyed to him. The indenture confirms the conveyance of this lot and the dwelling lately erected on it – an area of 160 square yards. It also specifies Mason's obligations, which include the duty to keep the streets open for the benefit of all society members, to flag the pavement running past his frontage, to erect and help maintain a carriage gate at the west end of the street, to cleanse and keep open the common sewer in the centre of the street, and to keep clear land designated for erecting “necessary houses, middensteads and other conveniences”.
An indenture dated 2 May 1833 between William Mason, clothier of Armley, Joshua Hargreaves, clothier of Holbeck and John Gouldthorpe, gentleman of Leeds. It relates to the sale, by Mason to Hargreaves, of a plot of land comprising about 160 square yards, formerly part of Armley Moor, on which were various buildings including two cottages recently erected by Mason and occupied by him. The property had been sold to George Mason (William's father?) in 1821. In 1826, William had mortgaged the property to the Armley Commercial Building Society, based at the house of Thomas Slade under the sign of the Union Cross in Armley, for the sum of £120 at 5% interest for a term of 1000 years. Signatories for the Society were Wilson Lister, joiner, John Hustler, stonemason, and John Carr, cloth dresser. Under the present agreement, Mason agreed to sell the property to Hargreaves for £90 plus the outstanding value of the mortgage (not stated); and acknowledged the payment by Hargreaves of £8 of the sale price to the Building Society. Hargreaves was to receive the rents and profits of the property “without any interruption, disturbance, claim or demand whatsoever of from or by the said William Mason or any person or persons whatsoever” other than the Building Society. (However, a remainder clause appears to assign use of the property to John Gouldthorpe during the life of Hargreaves). Registered at Wakefield 8 Aug 1833.
Letter from Mr Taylor of the Register Office in Wakefield to Mr John Stables, solicitor, of Central Market Buildings Leeds, dated 20 Aug 1833. It summarises the salient details of the indenture between William Mason and Joshua Hargreaves, signed on 2 May 1833 and registered on 8 Aug.
Indenture dated 11 Nov 1833 between Samuel Sturgis of Lincoln's Inn Fields, provisional assignee of the estate of insolvent debtors, and James Hutchinson Esq. of Leeds. By an indenture of 24 Aug 1833, William Mason, slubber of Leeds then in prison in York, assigned all his real and personal estate excluding wearing apparel and other necessities to Samuel Sturgis. He in turn made over this property to James Hutchinson for the benefit of Mason's creditors.
Memorandum of an agreement made on 4 Mar 1835 between Joshua Hargrave (sic – elsewhere, Hargreave), slubber of Holbeck and James Hutchinson Esq. of Leeds. Hargrave agrees to assign to Hutchinson by a deed to be executed by the latter his interest in two club houses in Armley, formerly the property of William Mason an insolvent, and now occupied by John Wainman and Benjamin Crates, together with all the rents and arrears of rent. He will also surrender all deeds to the property, especially that of 8 May 1833 in which Mason transferred the properties to Hargrave. Hutchinson will also have the benefit arising or accruing from all monies paid into the Money Club at the Moorman Inn either by Mason or Hargrave. In return, Hutchinson will pay Hargrave £15 on 25 March, and will pay his legal costs, and any sums due to the (building) Society. He will further pay the Society's ownership transfer costs, and indemnify Hargraves against claims by the Society or against further prosecution of the two actions brought against Hargrave and his co-defendant Edward Mirfield by the tenants of the cottages. The memorandum is signed and witnessed to show that the £15 has been paid.
A legal opinion supplied by G Wailes of Leeds on 18 Mar 1835 in the case of Hutchinson v. Mason. The original case was decided at the summer assizes on 27 Jul 1833 in favour of the plaintiff, Hutchinson, who was awarded £20 damages. Mason failed to pay these, and under the terms of his special bail was imprisoned in York Castle, his guarantor, one Joshua Hargreaves, claiming possession of the property (two cottages in Armley) which appears to have been represented as Mason's surety. In October 1833, Mason appeared before the Commissioners at Wakefield to obtain a discharge under the Insolvent Debtor's Act, but his plea was rejected in face of Hutchinson's claim that the surety property had been fraudulently conveyed to Hargreaves. Mason was jailed for a year, and Hutchinson was appointed sole assignee of the Armley property and instructed the tenants (John Wainman and Benjamin Coates) to pay the rent to him. Mason was released in September 1834, at which point Hargreaves distrained (seized) the goods and chattels of the tenants of the properties to recover the rent arrears he claimed to be owed him. Hutchinson, on their behalf, served a writ of replevin on Hargreaves to recover the tenants' property (and probably to resume his entitlement to their rents). The legal arguments for and against his claim are somewhat opaque, hinging partly on when Hargreaves' alleged ownership began, but more importantly on whether he had valid title to the properties at all. Mr Wailes' legal opinion does not appear to rate Hutchinson's chances of success overly high. A separate sheet attached to the front of the case summary and signed by C. Hogg appears to confirm Hargreave's seizure of goods from one of the tenants.
Attornment documents signed before the solicitor John Stables on 27 Mar 1835, in which Benjamin Coates and John Wainman, the tenants in possession of the two cottages in Armley formerly the property of Willaim Mason, acknowledge James Hutchinson as their landlord from 1 Nov 1834. The annual rent on Coates' property is £5, while Wainman pays £6/6s. They agree to pay to Hutchinson arrears and rent due up to 1 May 1835, sums of £7/10s and £9/9s respectively – indicating that they had paid no rent to Hutchinson since 1 Nov 1833, the date on which, as the insolvent Mason's creditor, Hutchinson had been awarded the proceeds of Mason's outstanding assets.
A lease and release of mortgaged land on Armley Moor from Joshua Hargreaves of Holbeck, clothier, to James Hutchinson Esquire of Leeds, 27/28 Mar 1835. James Hargreaves had acquired the land in a lease/release dated 1/2 May 1833, the parties to which were in addition to himself William Mason of Armley, clothier, and John Gouldthorpe of Leeds, gentleman. The property came with a £120 mortgage from the Armley Commercial Building Society, provided to William Mason by the officers of the Society in 1826. The officers were William Lister, a joiner and President of the Society, John Hustler, stonemason and John Carr, cloth dresser and both stewards of the Society. The property was plot 7 of an allotment forming part of Armley Moor originally acquired by John Copley. It was 160 square yards and had two cottages on it, occupied by John Wainman and Benjamin Coates. The purchase price was £90, exclusive of the outstanding mortgage which the purchaser undertook to service. Included is a note from Hargreaves asking the Building Society to transfer the property into the name of Hutchinson. Both documents were registered at Wakefield on 23 Apr 1835.
The solicitor John Stables' itemised invoice for the legal work entailed in the conveyance of the Armley cottages from Mr Hargrave to Mr Hutchinson. The bill came to £7/6/4d, but the receipt dated 20 April 1835(?) indicates that Mr Stables accepted £6.
Lease and release of land at March [sic] Lane Leeds from Frederick William Oates, gentleman of Leeds to Joseph Haddock, Leeds chimney sweep, 6/7 September 1820. The terms of the arrangement are complicated. The lease is from Oates to Joseph Sugden, from whom the land then goes to Haddock. From the release, it appears that Oates' interest in the land stemmed from a 99 year lease started in 1784, but he seems to have acquired the freehold three months before the present transaction by a lease/release dated 29 June 1820. Whether this interest was undivided is unclear, since there were six parties to the disposal to Haddock, namely, Oates and Haddock themselves, George Vincent, gentleman of Leyburn and his sons, George Oates , merchant of Leeds, Jospeh Sugden, sizing boiler of Leeds and Charles Foulstone, bricklayer of Leeds. The land consisted of 415 square yards known as Skinners or Nesses Close on the east side of March Lane, Leeds. The purchase price was £41/10s and it looks as if the land was for building, since Haddock undertakes to contribute to the cost of a sewer to drain the streets of which this ground is intended to form part. A receipt for the purchase price is attached. The deeds were registered at Wakefield on 15 Mar 1821.
A year's peppercorn lease granted by Arthur Feetham, shopkeeper of Castleford, and others to Christopher Peacock, joiner of Leeds, 7 November 1827. The other parties were “assignees of the estates and effects of the said Joseph Eveleigh under a commission of bankrupt”, and in addition to Eveleigh included John Feetham and his wife, buckram manufacturer of Leeds, James Tattersall and wife book-keeper of Manchester, Joseph Whatman and wife, woolsorter of Bradford, Mary Isabella Thorpe, widow of Hull, William Bindloss, silkman of Manchester and James Wood a silk dyer of Manchester. The property was a number of cottages and tenements, occupied by eleven named individuals, comprising 800 square yards in an unspecified location. No release is present. The deed was registered in Wakefield on 6 Jul 1833.
Abstract of the title of Mr Benjamin Hevering to a plot of land at the junction of Mount Preston and Clarendon Place, 1885. Mr Hevering was a builder of 35 Ebberston Terrace, who bought the land for £300 cash with a mortgage for £576 obtained from the Leeds Permanent Benefit Building Society. His purchase comprised about 700 square yards in two plots which formed part of the garden of Mr Constantine Ingham, the previous owner. Two houses were in course of construction on one plot, and one on the other. The land was part of a larger holding, the title to which was traced back to 1865, at which time parties to the land were Joseph Thackray, Christopher Heaps, William Weston, Elizabeth Weston and William Ingham, as well as Constantine Ingham.
An insurance policy of Samuel Dixon of Beeston, stuff worker, with the Sun Fire Office, dated 17 Oct 1770. An annual premium of 2 guineas, commencing on 29 Sep 1771, bought cover up to maxima of £300 on his house, £100 on his household goods, £50 on his wearing apparel, £300 on his warehouse, £950 on his stock, £50 on a barn, £100 on other workshops etc, £200 on the stock and £50 on an adjacent house in the tenure of James Scott and William Brown, his servant. The Sun agreed to pay up to £2100 in the event of fire “according to the exact tenor of their printed proposals”. Endorsed on the back with a note by Samuel Dixon acknowledging the right of his mortgage providers Wiliam Mitchel and Luke Crossley of Halifax to share in the benefits of the policy, dated 19 May 1774.
Abstract of title of Robert Kay Esq and Ann his wife, and the trustees of the marriage settlement of Mrs Oliver to a farm house and divers closes of land in Chapel Allerton and Gledhow, prepared 1840. The substantive property appears to have consisted of land awarded by the Enclosure Commissioner in 1813, amounting to just over 17 acres in the main award, plus an additional 2.5 acres of stinted pasture in lieu of grazing rights. This seems to have been part of an estate traced back to Theophilus Calverley in 1716. A note at the end of the abstract records the deaths of Robert Oliver in January 1834, and of Robert Kay in December 1837.
An indenture dated 1 Apr 1876 between the vendors of dwellings at St George's Terrace and Grove Terrace, William and John William Middleton, solicitors, and the buyers whereby various “provisions and stipulations” relating to the pleasure grounds, gardens, streets, common sewers etc are set forth – essentially a restrictive covenant. The conditions refer to a coloured map of the site, which is copied at the back of the indenture. Dwellings can only be built on the pink land, although buyers may install bay windows at the front and out-offices at the rear. Land at the front is to be used for carriage ways (brown on the plan), grass & planting (green) or footpaths (yellow). Drains with proper grates to take away surface water are to be constructed down the centre of the road, footpaths are to be appropriately surfaced, back roads are also to be properly laid out. The pleasure ground is to have a wall built round it, with coping stones and iron pallisades. Houses are to be built in brick and stone similar to materials used on existing houses, and there are to be no cellars to the front or cottages to the rear. Children must not be suffered to play noisy or unruly games on the pleasure ground, and no clothes must be dried there or livestock reared. Vendor and buyers are to carry out the works at their joint expense, but the vendor retains the right to specify what is required, and can legally enforce payment of due contributions. Disputes are to be referred to an architect appointed by the Mayor. No schedule of buyers is in fact attached, but the map shows that 28 houses are envisaged, most in a single terrace on St George's Terrace. The pleasure grounds appear to extend 70 or 80 feet from the house frontages, in a long linear strip.
Abstract of an indenture dated 5 May 1866 whereby Hugo Charles Meynell Ingram, lord of the manor of Templenewsam, enfranchises the copyhold tenancies of Joseph Grove, at a premium of £120. The location of the properties is not specified. The title was being examined in 1899, and is a typed version with pencilled alterations.
Particulars and conditions of the sale by auction by Messrs Hepper & Sons on 4 Aug 1869 of various properties in Leeds, the property of Thomas Giles, deceased. The sale had been ordered by the High Court of Chancery under the Settled Estates Act. Reserve prices had been set by the Chancery Court judge, and buyers faced certain obligations re paving, maintenance of streets etc. The properties were divided into 14 lots as follows, pencilled values being marked against the first seven (shown in brackets below). Current occupants – not given here – are also identified.
Lot 1 Nos 5 & 6 Prospect Terrace “capital dwelling houses” with gardens and conveniences (£36)
Lot 2 No 1 Prospect Row, a similar property (£14)
Lot 3 A plot of building land in Prospect Terrace in garden use, 986 sq yards (2/6d)
Lot 4 Six cottages, 1-3 Lily Street and 1-3 Crocus Street Long Close Lane (£5)
Lot 5 Eight cottages with attached limehouse, 4-7 Lily Street & 4-7 Crocus Street (£5)
Lot 6 A plot of building land between Crocus & Carnation Streets in garden use, 1023 sq yards (2/6d)
Lot 7 Twelve cottages, one dwelling house, a shop and two cellar dwellings, 1-8 Carnation Street and 1-8 Dahlia Street (£60)
Lot 8 A plot of building land adjacent to Dahlia Street in garden use, 913 sq yards
Lot 9 Four cottages with gardens 1-4 near Long Close Lane
Lot 10 Dwelling house with stable at 24 Spring Street
Lot 11 Eight cottages & two cellar dwellings 25-30 Spring Street & 5-8 Giles' Square
Lot 12 Eight cottages and three cellar dwellings 31-37 Spring Street & 1-4 Giles' Square, with adjoining coalhouse & wash-house
Lot 13 Sixteen cottages 10-25 Giles' Square
Lot 14 Two cottages 9-10 Lower Cross Street.
Abstract of the settlement made on the marriage of Richard Iles of Tadcaster and Mary Heron, a widow of York, drawn up in 1848 or thereabouts. The actual settlement is dated 17 Sep 1800. In it, Iles undertakes to provide Mary with an annual income of £60 should he pre-decease her, and appoints trustees to sell such of his assets as are sufficient to yield £1200, which is to be invested in Government or other good securities. After the death of his widow, the assets are to be returned to Iles' executors. Iles lodged a penal bond of £2400 with his executors as some sort of guarantee of his intentions. The document then records the death of one of the two trustees in 1844, and summarises the will of the other, proved in 1848, which makes no direct reference to the marriage settlement. This leaves the purpose of the document somewhat obscure. There is no confirmation that the marriage even took place, or whether Mary was still alive in 1848.
Printed abstract of title of Mr Charles Boynton and Mr James Boynton Allison to hereditaments at Quarry Hill, dated 2 Jun 1808; and another abstract of the title of James Boynton Allison to the same land, this title from Rachel Dade, widow and heiress at law of Charles Boynton, and dated 18 Apr 1809. The property consisted of two pieces of land, over two acres in extent in and near a close called Wall Flatts between Quarry Hill and Marsh Lane, Leeds.
Indenture dated 19 Dec 1765 between Richard Wilson Esq. of Leeds and Thomas Wilson, merchant of London on the one part, and Thomas Feetham, yeoman of Leeds. The Wilsons were trustees under an Act of Parliament of 1764 for selling the vested estate of Ann Wilson, widow, and her infant daughter also called Ann, for the purpose of discharging debts on the same. Ann was the widow of William Wilson of Allerton Gledhow. The trustees had at their disposal the manor of North Hall or Northall, and Thomas Feetham had agreed to buy part of this for the sum of £126. His purchase was of messuages, cottages, dwelling houses and tenements in March Lane, Leeds, in the occupation of Joseph Bains, John Hargrave, William Hawnshaw, John Simpson and Hannah Barker, together with a garden lately occupied by George Hops(?), two laithes, a privy house, adjoining foldsteads and a ruinous building adjacent to Hannah Barker's cottage.
Abstract of title of Mr Ernest Gambart Baines to dwellings and premises in St George's Terrace, Camp Road, Leeds. The abstract is not formally dated, but the last entry is for 1895, the year in which Mr Baines acquired the property from Robert Middleton, an engineer of Sheepscar foundry, for £1050. The property was part of two closes of land named Wade Lane Close and Pawson's Close, on the west side of Camp Road, just south of Grove Terrace, and included two dwelling houses, numbers 8 and 9 St George's Terrace, one occupied by Miss Brown, the other vacant. The title is traced back to the 1830s.
Abstract of title of Mr James Sigston for premises in Leeds, being part of an estate known by the name of the Sunny-Bank estate, late the property of Mr Thomas Kirby. The printed document is not formally dated, but the last entry is for 1829.The actual property consists of about three acres of land and buildings adjoining Woodhouse Lane, probably in Woodhouse. The 42 page abstract traces its descent back to 1726, via the Shan family of Methley, and later the Earl of Mexborough.
Indenture dated 16 Jul 1708 between Joseph Casson of East Ardsley and Thomas Westerman of Lofthouse and Thomas Westerman the younger of Thorp upon the Hill. The purpose was to provide a jointure for Joseph's new wife Elizabeth, for which the Westernmans were the trustees. Property owned by Joseph is identified for this purpose.
Correspondence etc related to the sale of a house in Morecambe in 1919, only here because the buyer used a Leeds solicitor. Not relevant to Leeds area, so not further described.
Schedule of several deeds and writings delivered by Mr Jarvis Horsfield to Messrs James Wood Horsfield, John Manclark Hollis and John Cooper Spence upon the execution of a mortgage of premises known as the Bank Foundry in Saxton Lane Leeds, for securing the repayment of the sum of £4500 and interest at 5% per annum. Receipt acknowledged 6 Apr 1876. About 35 documents are listed, most of them indentures, with dates and names of the parties involved, but no indication of the whereabouts of the properties. One insurance policy for £3000 is cited. The documents presumably established Jarvis Horsfield's security for the mortgage.
Abstract of title of the trustees of Edward Maud Esq. to premises at Cross Gates in Barwick in Elmete purchased of Mr George Booth, 1866. The property in question appears to have been land within the manor of Barwick & Scholes formerly held on copyhold or customary tenure, but enfranchised (converted to freehold) in the 1850s at a premium of £50. It was located at Whin Moor or Low Moor north of Austhorpe Road and contained the School House; it measured 2 acres, 3 rods and 37 perches. Most of the abstract traces the title of the Lord of the Manor to the subject land.
Abstract of the title of the trustees of Robert, Henry and Frederic Ingham, all deceased, to certain shares in lands, tenements and hereditaments situate at Leeds, Wortley, Beeston, Morley, Churwell and Gildersome and elsewhere in the county of York. Prepared in 1898, this is a hugely complicated 90 page typescript, incorporating a further abstract of the will of Matthew Bateson, the elucidation of which would require prolonged and careful study.
Indenture of lease and release dated 18 May 1832 between William Thackray, yeoman of Weeton in the parish of Harewood, Robert Thackray miller of Burnt Bridge in Rigton township and John Taylor, yeoman of Weeton. The subject of the indenture is nearly 40 acres of farmland in several fields and closes which are named or identified by their previous occupants. Additional parties to the release of the freehold are Elizabeth Procktor, widow of Weeton, Thomas Thackray, yeoman of the same and John Smith, gentleman of Otley.
An indenture of lease for possession between William Beverley, wool stapler of Leeds, and John Ramsden, Chief Constable residing in Scarborough, on the one hand and Thomas Scholefield, gentleman of Potternewton, dated 17 February 1837. Beverley and Ramsden give a one-year lease at peppercorn rent to enable the freehold reversion to be transferred to Mr Scholefield. The property in question is part of a field called Mill Green Close near Wortley Lane in the township of Wortley, comprising about 350 square yards. It is bordered on the south by the goit of Holbeck Mills and on all other sides by premises belonging to the devisees of James Ramsden deceased. It includes George Potterson's former factory for making colours, subsequently used as weaving shops and warehouses by John Ramsden and James Chadwick, as well as six messuages or dwellinghouses occupied by George Charnock and others. It also comes with rights to use the water of the goit.
An indenture dated 11 Aug 1847 between Joshua Muff, music seller of Leeds and Robert Cadman Esq., also of Leeds, by which Muff agrees to sell to Cadman for £75 two shares in the Leeds South Market, located south of the river Aire between Meadow Lane and Hunslet Lane. Ownership of the market was divided into 400 shares.
Abstract of title of Mr Richard Pickup to dwellinghouses and heres [sic] situate at Hopewell Terrace and Glasshouse Street in Hunslet, Leeds, marked 1864, but not formally dated within the document. The abstract is peculiar in that it makes no further mention of Mr Pickup or of the above named streets, although there do not appear to be pages missing. The property in question appears to have descended from the Arthington family at the end of the 18C via the Jowitt family to John and Joseph Wilkinson in the 1850s. The abstract is from the office of Yewdalls of Leeds.
An indenture dated 13 Sep 1827 (not 1837 as stated on the cover) concerning the lease of a parcel of land named Millfield, two acres and three perches in extent, in Garforth. The land is described as being bounded by the allotment of Thomas Hudson to the east, Dog Croft Road to the west, the allotment of the devisees of Thomas Vince to the north and Leeds & Selby road to the south. The lease is granted for a year by Thomas Sampson of Aberford, yeoman, Robert Carr of Wakefield, gentleman, and John Vince of Garforth to John Dobson of Austhorpe, huckster in return for nominal payments of 5 shillings each and at peppercorn rent. The purpose of the lease is to put John Dobson in possession of the land so that he can receive the freehold reversion, which is itself provided for by another indenture between the parties to the lease, together with two further parties who evidently have an interest of some kind in the property. The further parties are firstly Harriott Bottomley of Thurstonland, Joseph Bentley of Coulvesley near Milnes Bridge and William Bottomley of Shepley, and secondly Christopher Graveley of Halton.
Abstract of title of Robert Wood to several parcels of land situate in Kirkstall in the city of Leeds, 1899. The land in question consisted of just over 14 acres in six plots lying immediately south of the Harrogate railway line to the west of St Michael's Lane and adjacent to Stanmore Hill. A plan of the land is included. The land had been in the ownership of the Graham family since the early 19C and was currently held by two surviving daughters of the family, one a minor. It was rented out and yielded £42 a year. Robert Wood was a builder who paid £5926 for the land. Abstract from offices of Ford & Warren, Leeds.
Plan of a land parcel in Hanover Square Leeds, 1280 square yards in extent, evidently prepared in connection with the conveyance from Rawson's Trustees to Davy. The plan was copied in April 1877. Adjacent ownerships are identified, including a house of J.W. Leather.
NB The following four deeds were not part of the Ludlow purchase but were donated to the Society in 2017 by Richard Davies, 23 Smithy Lane, LS16 7LX, via Don Cole and Stephen Burt.]
Conveyance dated 30 Sep 1856 of an estate at Meanwood from the Mortgagees and Devisees in Trust under the will of James Martin deceased to Samuel Smith Junior. Parties of the 1st Part: John Deakin Heaton, Esq., and John Wade, Wool Merchant; 2nd Part: Samuel Dickinson Martin, Land Surveyor, Leeds, and Matthew Thomas James Bishop of London, Stationer; 3rd Part: Samuel Smith the Younger, Tanner. £5000 paid. The conveyance includes a detailed plan showing Wood Mills and Wood Mills House, on the Meanwood Beck, Monk Bridge, Bentley, and the Dusty Miller pub, with references to the water wheel, steam engine etc. This is the property subsequently known as the Meanwood Tannery.
Valuation dated 21 Aug 1867 of a portion of the site of the Toll Bar at Headingley and adjoining waste land (123 sq. yds. in total) to be sold by the Leeds Town Council to John Lupton, the owner of the adjoining estate; John Lupton to be responsible for demolishing the buildings and clearing the site. Reference to plan, but this is not present. Valuation depends on whether part of land will be needed if the road (Otley Road) is to be widened: £57 for whole, or £43.9s 0d if part taken for road.
Release dated 27 May 1823 of a piece of ground at Shelfe in the Parish of Halifax. Parties of 1st part: Lewis Fenton of Spring Grove, Huddersfield, and Ann his wife; 2nd part: Thomas Brigg and George Brigg of Shelfe, miners; 3rd part: Joshua Craven of Shelfe, farmer.
Indenture (feoffment) dated 16 Apr 1821 of premises, including cottages and dwelling houses at Wike, Birstall: James Hodgson, yeoman, and Joshua Hodgson, yeoman, of Wike, Birstall.
Box 1
Papers originally in the possession of Henry Martyn Hastie Denison, including materials on the Denison family history, wills and deeds, photographs, notebooks, passports, and a variety of other material, listed in brief (list in box). This material awaits detailed cataloguing.
Box 2
Papers relating to John Hunt and Henry Hunt of Leeds, of the firm J. Hunt & Sons, Canal Wharf, Water Lane, Leeds, variously called Lime and Stone merchants, Canal Carriers, Hay, Straw and Corn Dealers. The papers mainly concern their activities as local representatives giving evidence to Parliamentary Committees. The papers are listed (copy in box) but the list has still to be entered on the MS catalogue.
The following item was originally listed as in MS Box XXVII but has not yet been found:
Apprenticeship indenture dated 17 Jun 1812 between John Wilson, labourer, and his son James, and Robert Gamble, Joseph Buckton and James Burton [?Buckton], binding James Wilson as apprentice in the firm of Gamble, Buckton and Co.; signed by all named [name partly torn away seems to be ‘James Buckton’], witnessed by James Scarr. [Damaged]
Note: the boxes coded SA, SC and SD contain the Society’s most valued items, previously kept in the safe. While Box SA has been catalogued (see below), work is still in progress on SC and SD: entries may not be complete.
SA 1 Printed book with MS
annotations; leather-bound. Title on spine: 'Thoresby's / History /
of Leeds // 1715'. Ralph Thoresby's copy of the Ducatus
Leodiensis, 1715.
To view a different copy on Internet Archive
Detailed description
1. Extract from Leeds Mercury, 12 Aug 1882 re sale of book (stuck in); 2. Page from 'The Athenaeum, No.2860, Aug. 19, '82' containing brief note of sale.
Annotations on flyleaves.
Flyleaf 2: 'The Authors own Copy // I accidentally met with this most valuable / Book at Mr Robsons in New Bond Street, A.D. 1780 / T. Collins'
Flyleaf 3: 'With Ms.Notes by the Author -- / The Authors own Copy // On account of these Ms. Notes, which are both numerous and interesting, I should imagine this Book / of as much Value to a Yorkshire Library as any Provincial / Book can be in Europe. -- I gave another fine copy / and some Cash in exchange for it. -- / Esteeming it the most valuable Article / I am possessed of, I beg leave to tender it, with the profoun/dest Gratitude to my dearest Friend Thomas Lister / London 1780. T.C.'
Later History
Bought by Mr Joseph Turner, Spencer Place, Leeds, from Mr Joseph Dodgson, bookseller, Leeds [Leeds Mercury, 12 Aug 1882] and by the Thoresby Society from the sale of his books in 1893.
p.iv Directions for placing the Cuts
'The Prospect of Leedes' and 'The second plate of Funeral Monuments' are missing. and 'Of Antiquities pag.368' should be '568'.
SA 2 Printed book, leather-bound; on spine: 'Thoresby / Hist : of / Leedes'. An extremely clean copy, only some of the later sheets are deteriorating owing to the quality of the paper. There are no annotations. It has been beautifully re-bound using as much of the earlier binding as possible. All plates are present, though as usual '[Plate] Of Antiquities' is marked as 'pag. 380' in the 'Directions for placing of the Cuts'. The final plate has been bound in upside down.
SA 3 A copy of 'The Costume of Yorkshire, illustrated by a Series of Forty Engravings being Facsimiles of Original Drawings, with descriptions in English and French', by George Walker, published in London, 1814. With MS note in frontispiece, 'This book was given to the Thoresby Society by Mr and Mrs Horace S. Wilkinson of New York City in memory of his ancestor John Wilkinson a native of Leeds born at Timble Bridge 1673 married at Leeds Parish Church 1702 to Hannah daughter of John Jackson. He emigrated to Preston, Conn., USA in 1707 and died there about 1750. 1927.'
SA 4 Book, cloth-bound with leather spine/corners, entitled 'The Dukedom of Leeds' , containing a reprint of the article of the same title by G.D.Lumb, reprinted from PThS Vol.XV, pp 1-9, together with correspondence, pasted in on later pages, between G.D.Lumb and Alfred Watts of Whitaker's Peerage between 1902 and 1909, the editor of Burke's peerage in 1906, and other individuals in 1906 and 1907, regarding the dispute over the derivation of the title Duke of Leeds, whether from Leeds Castle in Kent or Leeds in Yorkshire. There are also ten loose newscuttings regarding the death of the then Duke of Leeds in 1927 and the sale of Hornby Castle, Bedale, his Yorkshire home, in 1930, and two loose pictures of the first Duke of Leeds.
SA 5 Printed book, leather-bound; on spine: 'Antiquities / of York / Torr // 1719'. Title-page: The / Antiquities / of / York City, / and the / Civil Government thereof: / with / A List of all the Mayors and Bayliffs, / Lord Mayors and Sheriffs, from the / Time of King Edward the First, / to this present Year, 1719. / Collected from the Papers of / Christopher Hildyard, Esq. / With Notes and Observations, and the Addition of / Ancient Inscriptions and Coates of Arms, from Gravestones and Church-windows, // By James Torr, Gent., // And since / Continued to this present Year, 1719. With an Appendix / of the Dimensions of York Minster, the Names of the / Founders, Repairers, and Benefactors. A Catalogue of all / the Religious Houses, Chappels, and Churches, that have / been, and at present are, in the said City. As also the Gifts / and Legacies to the Charity-Schools, with the Names of the / first Promoters and Founders thereof.' London, 1719.
At the top, in ink, on title-page: '[Th]e Ingenious Mr Warburtons gift to R. Thoresby 1718'. Annotated on reverse of front cover: 'C.Legh / G - 9 - 2.9' and in pencil: 'Ralph Thoresby's copy'. On the final page, below 'FINIS' is a date and monogram: '17 RT March / 1718/19'.
There are a few annotations by RT on interleaved blank pages.
A newspaper cutting (nd) is fixed by a corner on the first fly-leaf headed 'York Siege Recalled'.
SA 6 Printed book; leather spine, marbled paper covers, entitled on spine: Ralph Thoresby's Coins 1765. Title-page reads: 'Musaeum Thoresbyanum A Catalogue of the genuine and valuable Collection of that well known Antiquarian the late Ralph Thoresby, Gent., FRS, Author of Ducatus Leodiensis. Consisting of Roman, British, Runic, Saxon and English Coins and Medals in Gold, Silver, etc. Manuscripts, Curiosities, Autographs, antient Deeds, original Letters and Signs Manual of British and foreign Kings and Queens, Cromwell the Protector and his Son Richard, Principal Nobility and eminent Persons, for Two Centuries past. All which will be Sold by Auction byWhiston Bristow, Sworn Broker, at the Exhibition Room, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, on Monday March 5th and the Two following Days, beginning punctually at 12 o'clock. To be viewed on Thursday March 1st and the following days, Sunday excepted. Catalogues to be had gratis at the Place of Sale and of W. Bristow [Publisher of the Public Ledger] St Paul’s Churchyard, who sells by Commission Estates, Medals, Books, Pictures, Curiosities, Stocks in Trade, and Household Furntiure.'
The catalogue is annotated in red ink with amounts fetched for each item, and at the end with a calculation of the amounts realised on each day of the sale, totalling £427.13s.3d. (actually '£427.14s.3d.').
On a front blank page there is a MS note in ink: 'Ralph Thoresby born 1658 died 1725. Many coins from Thoresby's cabinet were communicated by him for insertion in King Alfred's Life when printed in Oxford, with no acknowledgement of him as the proprietor. See his Diary, published by the Rev. J. Hunter, vol. I, p.152. In another page, 258, he says 'June 6 1694. Received a visit from Mr Bright Dixon (the Duke of Leeds his chaplain) who brought my coins from the Editors of Camden's Britannia, the examining of which, and concern for the loss and exchange of several, took up the forenoon’.
SA 7 Another copy of the printed Sale Catalogue (SA 6), leather-bound. On the spine: 'Musaeum Thoresbyanum - Sale Catalogue, 1764.'
Bookplate of Henry J. Barber on inside cover, and sticker of 'J. Millican / Book-Seller / 13 Blenheim Place / Leeds'. On first fly-leaf: 'The notes on the front page giving the date of the sale as 1764 & the amount realized as about £450 were written in the catalogue when I bought it. Henry J. Barber / Brighouse August 1889.' Below is: 'Robert Collyer / Presented / To the / The Thoresby Society [stamp] / August 27th 1907'. On title-page is a pencil note: '1764 // realized about £450'. The catalogue is preceded by a number of blank leaves, and then is interleaved with them. Like SA 6 the sums realised are written in red ink after each item, but there is no total at the end.
On the blank leaves at the end are pasted a number of newspaper cuttings from the Leeds Mercury, 1893, 1894, 1895; the blanks are then themselves interleaved with some correspondence about the acquisition of the book.
SA 8 Black slip-case containing a leather-bound book with a small skull and crossbones embossed in gold on front cover, The Comforts of Divine Love [by the Reverend Dr. Richd. Gilpin] Preach'd upon the Occasion of the much Lamented Death of the Reverend Mr Timothy Manlove. On the reverse of the first flyleaf are: (i) '1064 £ 18'; (ii) 'Clq. Sh Oo. B18'; (iii) '9-62' [(ii) and (iii) have been crossed through]; (iv)
' This book formerly in Dr. Williams's Library London was presented to the Thoresby Society at Leeds by order of Dr. Williams's Trustees made at their Meeting 24th January 1907 / Francis Hy Jones / Secretary'. On facing flyleaf is: '?jRT'; and on reverse 'The very Reverend Authors' gift to / Ralph Thoresby'.
Some additions to title-page and corrections in 'To the Reader'.
SA 9 Small leather-bound volume with broken spine and loose front cover, entitled 'Kearsley's Gentleman and Tradesman's Pocket Ledger for the year 1783...London, printed for G. Kearsley, at No. 46 in Fleet-street; and sold by all the Booksellers in Town and Country'. Contains printed tables and a wide range of information for business and personal use, including 'General Hints for Strangers who travel in France', how to write a form of shorthand, postal arrangements in different countries, points of law, etc.
The main section has space for entries for each day of the year, organised in columns (1) for Appointments, Bills due and Memorandums and (2) amounts Brought forward, Received, and Paid. There are MS entries in black ink on each page, apparently relating to household expenditure: for purchases at the market; for foodstuffs, rum and straw etc; for the payment of tradesmen's bills, and other costs, eg sons' (William and Bannerman) schooling, travel expenses, and dealings with the Bank.
There is a pencilled note at the front of the book: 'Thos. Barslow Jnr ?Town York1765-1792 / Married 3rd Aug in 1781 Grace d. and coh. of James Rowe alderman of York and Lord Mayor in 1749 and 1768. Will 1st Aug. 1792 then a widow. Left her property in Petergate to her stepdaughter Frances B. D. at Leeds 7 October 1792 bur. at York Minster. See Yorks. Arch. Journal I p312. Children: Wm, Thos., Edwd. And Bannerman. / Bannerman see Wilton pedigree, Taylor ?Rectory Manor of Wakefield p.229. / See Mayhall's Annals vol.1 p.145-6.'
A further pencilled note at front: '187 years old in 1870.'
SA10 and 11 [in separate hardwood box]
SA 10 (a) Ralph Thoresby's 'Ducatus Leodiensis [or the Topography of the Ancient and Populous Town and Parish of Leedes and Parts Adjacent in the West Riding of the County of York with the Pedegrees of many of the Nobility and Gentry, and other Matters relating to those Parts; Extracted from Records, Original Evidences, and Manuscripts, By Ralph Thoresby FRS, to which is added at the Request of several Learned Persons, a Catalogue of his Musaeum, with the Curiosities Natural and Artificial, and the Antiquities; particularly the Roman, British, Saxon, Danish, Norman, and Scotch coins, with Modern Medals. Also A Catalogue of Manuscripts; the various Editions of the Bible, and of Books Published in the Infancy of the Art of Printing. With an Account of some Unusual Accidents that have attended some persons, attempted after the Method of Dr. Plot.'] Printed London, for Maurice Atkins, and Sold by Edward Nutt at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleet-Street. 1725.
Bound in dark brown leather. Label at front: 'The Thoresby Society is indebted to Mr George Black for the repair and rebinding of this volume to mark his presidency of the Society, 1972-76.' Some waterstaining of pages; no annotations.
SA 10(b) Ralph Thoresby, Vicaria Leodiensis: or, the History of the Church of Leedes in Yorkshire, London 1724.
Ownership - 1st flyleaf: 'G.Denison Lumb / Sol Leeds Dec 20 1889' 'LC/='
'K.J. Bonser'
Binding: Leather spine; 'Vicaria / Leodiensis / Thoresby' on spine; marbled paper pastedowns.
Illustrations: frontispiece, 'A Mapp of 20 Miles round Leedes' given by John Boulter in 1724, but attributed to Sutton Nicholls 1712 - so the map provided for the Ducatus, with new dedicatory cartouche.
opp.p.1: 'The Navigable Course of the River Are from Leedes to the Humber & German Ocean' Sutton Nicholls, not dated but also Ducatus material.
between pp.16 & 17: Holy Trinity Church, 'B. Cole sculp'; no identification simply a dedication to Lady Elizabeth Hastings.
betw.pp.42 & 43: 'The South Prospect of St Peters Church at Leedes / Fr. Place delin.' [another plate from the Ducatus].
opp.p.184: engraving of the effigy of Archbishop John Thoresby.
SA 10(c) Ralph Thoresby, Vicaria Leodiensis etc., 1724.
Ownership - pastedown 'G.E.Kirk', 'Bequest of G.E. Kirk , 1960'.
Binding: Half-calf; 'Vicaria / Leodiensis / Thoresby' on spine; marbled paper pastedowns.
Illustrations: opp. p.1: 'A Mapp' etc. (linen-backed).
betw. pp.4 & 5: 'The South Prospect' etc.
opp.p.184: 'engraving' etc.
before p.245: 'Holy Trinity Church' etc.
Lacks pp.247-48 which have been supplied in ink by Kirk.
Annotations: At the end of the Postscript, Kirk adds the note about Beeston and Farnley Chapels which Thoresby intended to be added (see PThS II, p.178)
SA 10(d) Ralph Thoresby, Vicaria Leodiensis etc
Ownership - Inside cover: 'Very best wishes / J Digby Firth // January 13th 1968' on
bookplate of 'James Digby / Firth F.S.A.// Ex Libris'.
'Robert Markland 96' on 2nd flyleaf.
Binding: Half-calf; 'Thoresby's / Church / Of Leeds' on spine; one tone marbled paper
Illustrations: frontispiece 1: 'The Navigable Course' etc.
2: 'Parish Church Leeds, S.W. / Engraved by R.Baynes' /
'Published by John Heaton No.7 Briggate Leeds 1831'
3. 'St Peter's Parish Church, Leeds / Renshaw & Kirkman, Bridge Row'
before p.1: 1. 'A Mapp' etc.
2. 'St Peter's Parish Church , Leeds / London J & F Harwood, Sept .1841'
between pp.42 & 43: 'The South Prospect' etc.
opp. p.184: 'engraving' etc.
betw. pp.244 & 245 'Holy Trinity Church' etc.
Annotations: Inside first pastedown: '3 additional plates & MS matter' written twice in
on back of Title-page: engraving of Leeds coat of arms (stuck)
2 leaves inserted: 1. contains a short biography of Ralph Thoresby and a list of his works; 2. is a transcription of the inscription on his monument, with a newspaper cutting from the Intelligencer for 12 Dec 1835 with a poem on seeing a bird in the Parish Church..
SA 11 Two volumes: 'The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, FRS, Author of the Topography of Leeds (1677-1724) – Now first published from the original manuscript, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, FSA', two volumes, London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, 1830. Bound in green leather. Label at front of both volumes: 'The Thoresby Society is indebted to Mr George Black for the repair and rebinding of this volume to mark his presidency of the Society, 1972-76.'
SA 12 Copy letter (typed) dated 13 Oct 1947 to Lady Harewood signed by Kenneth J. Bonser, Hon. Secretary [Thoresby Society] expressing the Society's Council's sympathy at the death of Lord Harewood, patron of the Society and life member since 1930.
Reply from Lady Harewood (pre-printed but addressed and signed in autograph) dated 16 Oct 1947 (black-edged paper and envelope), thanking the Council.
MS Box SD 1-17
MS Box SD 1-17
SD 1 1636-78 (various dates) Estreats from the Court Rolls of the Manor of Leeds, being Surrenders and Admittances to certain copyhold lands in Leeds Woodhouse belonging to the Jefferson family.
SD 2 Parochial documents: Green parcel, 13½x9¼in, containing in folder and envelopes Surveys of Parochial Documents of Leeds and District Churches – 1942 – 1945 & later.
St John’s, Briggate; St Michael’s, Headingley; St Peter’s, Bramley; Ch. Ch. Upper Armley; St Chad’s, Far Headingley; All Soul’s, Blackman Lane; St John Bapt., Adel; St Matthew, Chapel Allerton; St Mary’s, Hunslet; Leeds Parish Church; St Mary’s, Whitkirk; St Bartholomew, Armley; Beeston (St Mary) Farnley, St George’s (incomplete); Holy Trinity, Boar Lane; St James’s, Manston; St Matthew, Holbeck.
SD 3 Four letters from Ralph Thoresby Jun.:
(a) Dated 29 Apr 1742, at Stoke Newington, folded foolscap sheet; addressed 'To / Mrs Thoresby / in Kirkgate in / Leedes / Yorkshire', date stamp '29/AP' and triangular stamp; letter addressed 'Hond. & dear Mother'. Mainly religious reflections as a result of his mother's illness, which had been reported by a Mr Lucas (see letter (b)) but mentions 'Cousens Rayner & Stead and Mrs Walmsley'.and 'Mr Lucas'. Is this the John Lucas who witnessed RT's will and was schoolmaster at Leeds?
(b) Dated 10 Jul 1750, at Stoke Newington, folded foolscap sheet; a letter of condolence on the death of his father addressed on reverse to 'Mr Lucas / near St John's Church / in Leedes / Yorkshire'; date stamp '10/JV' and triangular stamp. Mentions 'my Cous. Dobsons' but whether she is Mr Lucas's wife or not is not clear.
(c) Dated 29 Jun 1751, at Stoke Newington; folded foolscap sheet, no envelope so no addressee but seems to be a Leeds person. References to 'Dugdale's Monasticon', which RT asks to be sent to him 'across one of Cous. Rayner's Packs'; very affecting description of RT's wife's death; thoughts on the life in heaven; sends respects to addressee's wife, brothers and sisters and 'all friends'.
(d) Dated 21 Jan 1762, at Stoke Newington; first sheet only, half a foolscap, and no addressee's name; on the subject of the addressee's daughter's marriage and the importance of husband and wife being of the same religious persuasion.
(e) Also a brief note on Ralph Thoresby Sen. and Mr Lucas who was the writer's (?Mr Beech) 'Great, Great, Grandfather'.
SD 4 Hawksworth (parish of Otley) :papers: returned to owner, Mr Gaunt. Receipt.
SD 5 Farnley, Leeds: foolscap sheets between cardboard sheets, ‘Farnley Smithies’;in pencil ‘To be returned to Mr Robert Armitage, Farnley Hall, Leeds’ Accounts 1567-85. Copy retained by the Society.
SD 6 Parcel 11 x 8.5 in., ‘Calendars of Hawksworth Deeds’.
SD 7 Quarto envelope ‘Transcripts of Rentals (Hawksworth collection), 1543 (2), 1602, 1620, 1657.
SD 8 Vertical oblong folder: 1692, Otley Rental (original Hawksworth MS)
SD 9 'Letters and Papers relating to the Thoresby Family'
A collection of letters and papers, originally in a half-calf binding but now [May 2013] separated and walleted individually.
(a) Last Will and Testament of George Thoresby, of Newcastle upon Tyne, dated by him 15 Jan 1675; date above witnesses: 19 Jan 1676/7. He was the brother of John Thoresby, Ralph Thoresby's father. JT is made executor. [Folded quarto sheet; seal and original signatures]
(b) Last Will and Testament of John Thoresby, of Leeds, dated 9 Jun 1677. Fair copy with seal but no witness signatures. Executor, Ralph Thoresby. [Single, folded folio sheet; '?Jer Idle / Ric. Idle / Michael Idle' on reverse.]
(c)1 ' The prophecy of Mr Sadler of warmwell in ye County of Dorset / in ye yeare after ye returne of King Charles ye 2d. as followeth'. Copy of a letter signed by Thomas Gray and Cuth: Bound. Annotation at foot: 'The Reverend Mr Jolland Rector of Denton in Lincolnshire (from / whom I had this Paper) did affirm that it was written by the / abovesaid Mr Bound's own hand / Ita testor / Wm. Gardiner'.
Account of an invisible visitant that prophesied various events, including the Plague and Great Fire of London .[Single quarto sheet previously folded in four]
(c)2 Letter containing the account of a haunting of a house of a Mr Overton in Easington, Holderness,Yorkshire, and some other supernatural occurences. Addressed 'Revd. Sir' and signed by 'Edm. Spencer', and dated from Leicester, 26 Jul 1693.
A note (in Ralph Thoresby's hand): 'This noted letter was / writ to Mr Rich. Baxter'. [Single quarto sheet previously folded in four]
(d) Latin account of a dream experienced by Mr John Maulyverer of Magdalen College, Cambridge dated 23 Aug 1694 of an event that happened the following March. Copied from JM's pocket-book by his brother ('Nicholas Maulyverer Esq (now of Leedes)') for Ralph Thoresby, as RT's note says. [Single slip of paper, once folded]
(e) Letter dated 26 Nov 1706 from Wm. Edmondson addressed to: 'The Reverend Mr Benson / att his house / In / Leeds / Yorkshire'. Amongst other things, the account of a prophetic dream. [Single, previously folded, quarto sheet]
(f) and (g) Memorandum dated at Leeds on 11 Mar 1706/7 recording a supernatural knocking and mourning in Scakleton near Hovingham in the house of John Fawcet. Attestation by Rev William Wood, Rector of Dalby. Relates to fulfilling the requirements of the will of a 'Madam Savage'. Involves members of the Thoresby family amongst others. [2 quarto sheets each made up of two separate parts stuck together, the account on one side of each sheet and attestations on the other]
(h) Last Will and Testament of Ralph Thoresby, dated 23 Dec 1708, and made void by a later note dated 12 May 1712. Witnessed by: Christopher Dale, Jacob Moore, and Sarah Waterworth (mark) Interesting note re his Collection. The whole document could be in RT's own hand. [Single folio sheet, folded; one seal]
(i) Memorandum of a death foreseen; Chattoka, North Carolina, 5 Apr 1709, signed Gale. And some other notes: Armley man died of fright, 1708; gentlewoman died of joy; river Aire runs underground for 2 miles; Willliam Glover, born Farnley, educated at St Paul's, ?London. [half of a quarto sheet; possibly in RT's hand]
(j) Account of another supernatural event by Lady Dorothy Wentworth, written down by RT's cousin Aldburgh, and given to Ralph Thoresby on 12 Apr, according to a note in his own hand. [Quarto sheet]
(k) Memorandum of a post-death appearance of a coachman to Lady Jane Pierse, wife of Sir Henry Piers of Tristernaugh near Dublin, dated 29 May 1711. [Quarto sheet]
(l) Last Will and Testament of Ralph Thoresby, dated 12 May 1712 – will mentioned in (h) above. Witnesses: Jacob Moore, Joseph Atkinson and Rechel Gale. Additional note also witnessed, by Atkinson and Moore. [Single folio sheet, folded, one seal]
(m) A note by Ralph Thoresby relating first to the bequest of linen and plate added to his will and then at his wife's request a note altering the bequest. Not dated. [Slip of paper in RT's hand]
(n) Two receipts in RT's hand relating to payments of money to John Wood, husband of RT's daughter Grace, 'promised me upon marriage'. Both signed by John Wood, and the first witnessed by William Lockwood and Thomas Servant (mark) – is 'Servant' his name or position? The first dated 2 Aug 1720 and the second 9 Sep 1720. [Two slips stuck to a paper guard]
(o) Further receipts recording several payments to John Wood 'being part of his wifes portion', dated 19 Nov 1720, 12 Jan 1720, 28 Feb 1720/21, 4 Jul 1721 – top of a further note which has been cut off. All signed by John Wood. [Two slips stuck to a guard; on reverse of second, a note by RT dated 12 Jan. All receipts seem to be in RT's hand.]
(p) Last Will and Testament of Ralph Thoresby, dated 16 Aug 1721. It appears to be in his own hand. Signed and sealed by him, and witnessed by John Lucas and Christopher Hebblethwaite. [Single folio sheet, folded, one seal]
(q) A draft of Ralph Thoresby's will dated July 1721 (day never filled in). Written on the blank space of a letter (or more probably the folder/envelope of a letter) addressed to 'Ralph Thoresby Esq. / of Leeds by Mr Parkinson / Carryer from The Wild Man at / Castle Gate ― York / These / Cash pd.' Contents of the will are slightly different from the formal copy (p). [Small quarto sheet]
(r) Letter from RT addressed to: 'The Honorable Dr Fairfax / at / Towton', dated at Leeds, 8 Oct 1712. Commenting on the progress of 'The Topography', presumably the Ducatus, and other matters. [Single octavo sheet attached to backing paper with inscriptions; in pencil at top: Bought at an auction in London by Pickering 1851 for my Father. / John ?; and at foot: Given to the Thoresby Society by Mrs Frank Gott Sept 1916. ]
(s), (t) & (u) Three leaves of a draft of RT's will dated 16 Aug 1721. The Library section is on sheet (u). There are calculations of the various bequests on the reverse of (t). (t) is a re-used 'envelope' (see (q) above) addressed: 'To / Mr Thoresby / att Leeds / Yorkshire / ?' . [Small quarto sheets; seal on 'envelope']
(v) Slip of paper with various receipts noted on back and front; numerous names. [Slip attached to quarto sheet]
(w) 'A True Copy of my Fathers last Will'; on reverse: 'Fathers Will'. Differs widely from all the previous wills, especially in leaving the Library and collections to Ralph Thoresby junior.. There is no date to the main will but the codicil dates it as 10 Oct 1724. The codicil is dated 25 Sep 1725.
(x) Bequest of individual items to RT Junior, Richard Thoresby and the children of his daughter Grace. [Small quarto sheet]
(y) 'Directions for the Printer' - a list of corrections for the printing of Vicaria Leodiensis in RT's hand. Page references are not to the printed Vicaria but, presumably, to the MS from which the printer was working. One of the directions has not been followed ('Foster' for 'Forster' in the footnote on the eighth page of the Preface), the others appear to have been.
On the reverse is the lay-out intended for the title-page - a first draft, apparently, though generally followed in the printed volume. [Small quarto sheet]
(z) A reeeipt for 8d for one year's rent (place unspecified) for RT from Lord Ingram, signed by Roger Heald. [Small slip attached to quarto sheet]
(aa) Letter dated 9 Jan 1733, Leeds, from Richard Wilson to 'Good Cousen' (cover address: 'To the Reverend / Mr Thoresby / at Newington Stoke / near London' (ie Ralph Thoresby junior) re question of the sale of a property. Mentions 'Cousen Jos. Rayner' [Foolscap sheet + seal]
(bb) Letter dated 29 Aug 1737, Leeds, from Richard Wilson to 'Dear Sir' (cover address: ' To / The Revd Mr Thoresby / at Stoke Newington / in Middlesex'; 'Leeds' stamp and circular stamp '2/SE') re sale of houses to Mr Nipe and arrangments for Mrs Thoresby. It is evidently the house in which she lives. [Foolscap sheet, seal missing]
(cc) Account headed 'May 31 [no year] Received for / Cos: Wilson for Cos: Cookson' and sums listed. In the hand of Ralph Thoresby.
On reverse: 'To / Ralph Thoresby Esq. / In Leeds / Yorkshire'. [Small sheet]
(dd) Two sums, one totalling £63.12s.6d, and the other £100.0s.0d.
On reverse: 'For / Mr Ralph Thoresby / in Kurgate / Leedes // by buxton [or 'Cuxton'] bag // Yorkshire'. [Small sheet]
(ee) Description of the impression of a 'Cornelian lately found near the Roman Wall'. It looks as though the impression in sealing wax was once at the top of the page but has been broken away. The original is said to be 'in the custody of Mr Thoresby's Humble Servant / W Gilpin'. Copy of 3 ?Greek letters below.
On reverse: 'Impression of an / Antique ?taille'. [Octavo sheet]
(ff) 'a peice of Lazarus's tomb given / me by Mrs Vandeput who rec'd it from / a Gent. of probity who brought it thence', - in RT's hand. It looks like a casual museum label. Thoresby lists 'Also a Bit of Stone that himself [James Winter of Berwick, Surgeon to a Man of War for Turkey] broke of Lazarus's Tomb.' in his Catalogue (p.491) but it comes in the section that begins 'In the Musaeum Tradescant are mentioned Pieces of Stone from Apollo's Oracle, Diana's Tomb, &c. which may keep me in Countenance for reciting what follows.' - in other words, take it with a pinch of salt. [Slip of paper attached to quarto sheet]
(gg) A poem 'The old man's melancholy Muse Jan: 1721/2'. It is a detailed description in verse of a man's death and laying out. In RT's hand.
On reverse is p.9 from a deed relating to property in the Manor of Beeston, occupied by Sir John Wood and to be left to William and Thomas Wood on Sir John's death. [Folio sheet]
(hh) 'Querys to the Ingenious & charitable / Lawyer Thornton who would take no / fees because relating to the Poor etc.' in RT's hand.
On reverse, a number of questions and answers, the first group of 3 dated Sep '96 and the second group of 3 dated Oct '96, relating to property in Woodhouse. [Octavo sheet]
(ii) A list of books in RT's hand.
On reverse: 'For / Ralph Thoresby Esq. / of Leeds / By Mr Parkinson lawyer / from York to yt. place from ye. Wild Man in Castlegate // Car.pd. // York.
SD 10 (i) The first Register of St John's Church, Leeds; a small oblong leather-bound volume; no flyleaves, the pastedown covered with numbers, including the date 1667; Thoresby Society label: SD 10.
Lay-out of entries is vertical, and the first reads: 'Mr John / Harrison died 1656 the 29th nouember'. The year '1656' seems to have been the original heading and the rest added later. The second leaf changes to a horizontal lay-out. On the recto is the inscription: 'I bought this Register of old Robert Taylor / (clark of the New Church from its consecration) / after it was transcribed into the new Register) / Ralph Thoresby'. The volume is paginated in pencil in the bottom outer corner.
One part of the Register runs from f.3 to f.36 (pp.5-72) - Baptisms August 1645 to May 1690 - and is written horizontally on the recto only (except for the final entries); the other part starts at the back and runs, written vertically, from f.92 to f.37 (pp.184-73) - 'Burialls at St John's new church since November 1656' to 'Ocktober1692' - written on the recto only from f.92 till f.52 (pp.184-103) when thereafter both sides are used. There is overlap between the entries of burials on f.1r (a single page of burials) and f.88r. Two leaves have been stuck together (ff.44 and 45; pp.88 and 89).
The blank versos of ff.92-52 have been used for extensive shorthand entries.
(ii) Correspondence between Mr Fred Brown (5 letters and a card) and Mr Charles Rowed (3 letters and an offprint) on the one hand, and G.D. Lumb for the TS (no letters) on the other, dating between 11 Dec 1924 and 9 Jan 1925 regarding the acquisition of the Register.
(iii) A partial transcript of the Register.
SD 11 Quarto brown cloth volume: Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of Leeds, since 1896, the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Leeds, since 1935; and the Church of Holy Trinity, Leeds. Transc. for the Thoresby Society by M. Kitson Clark, Amy G. Foster, J. Sprittles and G. E. Kirk, 1941 (typescript) – with some photocopies.
SD 12 Dirty-white leather-bound folio volume. On front cover, neatly in large red lettering: 'Alphabet'. Some other marks are now illegible except for '338'.
On recto of first leaf: 'No. 338 // Alphabet to No. 331 / & probably for the / engrossed Copys of / wch No 332 & 3 are / the rough Draughts. // Ralph Thoresby'.
Collation: a8 (lacking a1), b8, c8, d8, e8, f?8 (3 leaves and a large number of stubs); 42 leaves in all.
There are 2 columns to the page and each column is numbered, starting from p.2/coll.1 & 2 and ending with p.84 /coll.165 & 166. Leaves are very neatly cut and alphabeticised on the right, omitting J and U.
SD 13 Plain, dirty-white leather-bound quarto volume. On front cover: 'No. / 120 P.531' (the numbers were apparently written first in line with 'No.' and then written again (?more clearly) underneath}. Written below: 'Forest Laws &'.
On a modern label: 'Collections on the Forest Laws / (This was No. 248 ('120' written above) in Thoresby's Catalogue of MSS.)'
There were silk tie-strings attached to the front and back covers; tufts remain on the front cover and one longer detached piece survives.
Inside front cover: Bookplate of John Topham Esq. FRS & AS with coat of arms. In top left corner 'No.5' in ink; in top left '41' in pencil. In top left of inside cover: '11/8' and '50'. Below bookplate: '24135'.
Flyleaf: 'Collections on the Forest Laws / this book was formerly Ralph Thoresby's'; '248 in Catal. of . . .'; 'Phillipps MS / 24135'.
On p.1: 'The Reverend Mr. Hodgsons gift to Ralph Thoresby'.
Thoresby Society bookplate on inside cover pastedown.
Collation: Pair of conjoined flyleaves; loose leaf tipped in but originally first leaf of quire a8 (paginated 1-16); b8 (17-32); c8 (33-48); d8 (49-64); e8 (65-80); f8 (81-96); g8 (97-112); h8 (113-28); i8 (129-44); j8 (j1 missing, and the final leaf is numbered 158 and 159 on the verso.) (145-58/9); k8 (160-75); l8 (176-91); m8 (192-207); n8 (208-23); o8 (224-39 – mis-numbered '439'); p8 (240-55 – mis-numbering continues); q8 (256-69 - 1 leaf missing); pair of conjoined blank flyleaves.
The volume is entered in the Ducatus (p.531) as: '120. A learned Treatise of the Forest Laws; what Things make a Forest; the Difference between a Forest, Chase, Warren and Park; Extracts from the Records of the Pleas of the Forest. Expositio antiquorum vocabulorum. To which are added in a later hand, Customes in London in cur. vic. (Rainesford.) Don. Rev. T. Hodgson.'
A Pronunciation guide for Latin; p.1 [Hand A]
. B. Table of contents of Forest text, followed by the text itself (in English), followed by a vocabulary: Expositio antiquorum vocabulorum giving explanations in Latin; pp.3-91 [Hand A]
C. Legal text with marginal headings in French; pp.97-129. [Hand A]
D. ?Lecture notes on acts of 34 & 35 Henry VIII in French; pp.131-38. [Hand A]
E. ?Fictional legal case ('G Gry' and 'B Bry') in French; pp.141-46. [Hand B]
F. 'liber penyman'; ?legal precedents in French; pp.149-59. [Hand C]
G. 'hilarij 35 Eliz: / Coppiehold' in French; judgement indicated by marginal 'Judicium' at end; pp.160-61. [Hand D]
H. 'michaelmas 33. 34 Eliz. / Surrender inter Tompson & Trafford' in French; pp.162-67. [Hand D]
I. Untitled legal text in French; p.168; [?Hand E]
J. 'hill 35' ? more legal judgements, in French; pp.170-74. [?Hand F]
K. 'Trin xxxvito Eliz' ?more legal judgements, in Latin; pp.176-83. [Hand G]
L. 'Mich xxxvjto Eliz Rne' ?ditto, in Latin; pp.184-86. [Hand G]
M Untitled scribbled comments on a legal case, in English; p.187. [Hand H]
N. 'Rainefford Customes in London in Cur vicer' in French and Latin; pp. 190-254. [Hand I]
O. Miscellaneous short texts in French, and a further pronunciation guide in English; all possibly Hand A but could be a number of different ones, often scribbles; pp.255-69.
SD 14 Leather-bound book 8 x 5 in. with flap. On flyleaf ‘W. Hawksworth’ – an indexed book of payments relating to property in Hawksworth, par. Otley, early 18th century.
SD 16
(a) Letter from H.Elwin Hyde of East Dereham, dated 16 Nov 1891, to Rawlinson Ford 'a small 4to MSS. purporting to be written by the antiquarian Ralph Thoresby', to be offered to 'any local society or individual antiquarian'. Found when clearing out 'the strong room at the old Leeds Bank some 40 years since'. According to a note on the brown paper cover, Mr Hyde presented the book to the Society in 1891. [Folded, blue-grey, octavo sheet, enclosing another sheet with transcription of the opening page of the book. Small blue-grey envelope addressed 'Rawlinson Ford Esq. / Leeds'; 1d. lilac stamp]
(b) Book in poor condition with no cover:
(i) pp.2-30, listing the money collected from the townships and the money paid out to 'poor maimed soldiers' by RT's father, John Thoresby (Note in RT's hand). First date is 29 Sep 1676; last entry (not by JT) 14 Jan 1680. [14 leaves]
[The entries on pp.5, 7 and 9 (1677) have 'Samuell Ellison' as the collector for Bramley.]
(ii) 'Excerpta from the Register of the old church : St Peters at Leedes' [20 leaves]
(iii) .4 blank leaves
(iv) 25 leaves of inscriptions from St Peter's and St John's
[Thomas Hardwick's tomb:
hic jacet mors reuelat mors omnia over ye Tablet betwixt ym (upon
w ch
Thomas hard necat qd carne creat are 2 books open) is writ
wicke de pot est comune mori christ is oure lyfe
ter newton mors parcit nulli honori & deth is or
(by ye picture of death with
armiger qui an arrow in one hand & spade
obijt secundo in the other
die februarij
anno dom: 1577
under their Effigies in gowns, ruffes &c. is writ Re pice finem.
Thomas hardwicke esquier Two sonns they had than The said ann his wife and
& ann hys wyfe and fier francis hardwicke & bryan was marryed an esquier
are here inclosed fyre of forme and face before that season
ix yeres in maryage good tokens they yeyld v chyldren begat hee
they spent in good usage as maybe for a chylde two sons doughters three
as it ys supposed to runne ye father race as here is relation.
Here lyeth hardwick lately layde Although yt death hath done us wrong
whose comly corpes are gone in shortyng of his dayes.
Here lyeth the man that alwayes hade yet shall hys name rest us among
the love of every one unto hys chyldrynge prayse
a most meete for ryche and poore The harte yt master hardwicke had
a fryend to eech degree. to keep good hospitality
(the 6 lines above are now covered wth. The of force may make hys chyldren glad
new ceeling Altarpeice set up An: 1698.) To shone the way to penery
Read & lament the death therfore For as they see before thyre eyes
of such a man as hee. how men exalt hys name.
[next page]
[So wyll] they do by them likewyse The frest hart this world wythin
if they deserve the same hys corps dyd sure possese
Thus hym to god I do commend who bare ye name of worshipfull
QUI NUTU REGIT OMNIA and welcome more or lesse.
Trustyng yt he wyll us defend
The gentlese wyght thys world wythyn / A noble hart as I suppose
exceptions few I take in hardwick dyd remayne
as well to poore as to the ryche all Cyvill wayes he studied out
no dyfference he dyd make hys friends to entertayne
The rest of the inscriptions on the Hardwick tomb follow.]
. (v) blank loose leaf.
(vi) Various brief entries:
On a small leaf, a repeat of the information about the despoiled brass; inscriptions on the bells, list of benefactions; and more inscriptions. Leaf sewn to the following leaves.
On another small leaf, 'The Spoils of Mortality in our Family in les than one / Century to the year 1700'.
A slightly larger leaf has a list of burials in January 1705. As a note at the end says: 'This was the only attempt made by Mr Lupton / the parish Clark at Leedes towards keeping a / Register aftr Mr Kirks method of wch see a Speci/men in Ducatus Leodiensis p:'
4 leaves of further memorial transcriptions from St Peter's.
2 leaves of transcriptions or just lists of people and dates, but the tops of the leaves are rotted away and hence it is impossible to say where they are from.
1 blank leaf, top rotted.
SD 17 Vellum-bound book 8x6¼in: An Account Book that has reference to Hawksworth – miscellaneous domestic and apparel items – 1728-9.
[SD18 not found]
MS Box SD 19-33
SD 19 Parcel, 14x7½in. Manor of Methley: Court Rolls (including view of frank pledge etc.) of Henry Farrar & William Savile, April – Dec 1590. 4 skins pinned at head recto & dorse (folded).
SD 20 Envelope, 9x6in. 21 May I Hen. VIII (1509): Exemplification of a Common Recovery suffered at Westminster, when Rd. Broke, John Rygge, Wm. Dyneley & Thomas Burton recover against John Chaloner & George Dyneley 1/3 of the Manor of Methley – with seal attached. Another recovery – 29 Nov. 23 Hen. VII (1507) on Manor of Methley.
SD 21 Envelope, 13½x4⅝in. Account Roll of John Elton, Receiver of Robt. Waterton esq. Lord of Methley, from Michaelmas in the year of King Henry son of Henry VII, [sic] (folded parchment sheet).
SD 22 Newland, nr. Normanton (WR Yorks) Envelope, 13½x4⅝in. County of York: Parcels of the late Preceptory of Newland in the county aforesaid, part of the possession of St John of Jerusalem in England – gives value of lands in Bailey of Doncaster, Whitkirke and Wolley and in Campsall and Austerfield. 28 Feb 1567 (?) Folded parchment sheets.
SD 23 Envelope, 10x7in. 5 Henry V: Rental of John Waterton, of Methley, taken at Polyngton on Saturday before the feast of St. Peter & St. Paul, 5 Hen V.
SD 24 Envelope – Methley & Methley Hall: Rough notes by W. B. Crump (ob. 1950) Correspondence 1919-1933-5 & photo prints (photos by J. H. Gough). See also Saville Family
SD 25 Printed foolscap book ‘Poll for the County of York, 1741’ listing those eligible to vote in the poll for George Fox and Cholmley Turner, with an appendix listing those who offered to poll but were rejected. Purchased from the Lancaster Bequest, 1950.
SD 26 Farnley, Leeds: fcp case with flap. Typescript and MS. Sheets.
Copy of two MS Books, containing the reckonings at Farnley Smithies and accounts of how much iron was made there, 1562 and 1582-3. (By Lilian F. Redstone, from original MS books at Farnley Hall, 1928).
Description headed “Farnley and Shipley Smithies” – “Farnley and Shipley Smithy Accounts: Extracts (incomplete) with LJR’s report and correspondence, 1928.
Farnley Oldest Deeds, Nos 1-31 Transcribed by Miss Redstone – the original deeds are at Farnley Hall. (typescript).
Envelope: “Farnley Smithies: Notes and correspondence, including letters from Miss Redstone a bout the transcripts, 1941- one from J. R. Schubert 1949. (presented by Miss B. Crumps, 1950).
SD 27 History of Bramley Chapel in the 17th century – by Rev R. A. Talbot presented by him, 1950 (typescript)
SD 28 White oblong box 17”x4¼ “ Letters Patent Hen VIII 6 Nov 1532 reciting inq. p.m. 24.6.1507 on death of Wm Calverley re lands & manors of Calverley and Burley. (see typed description in box) - Seal of Court of the Exchequer – brown wax. (Pres by W. H. Cartwright, for Mrs M Toothill, 1951).
SD 29 Envelope. Correspondence of reflex prints re. H.R. Marsden Monument, 1952.
SD 30 Fcp. Envelope. List of Local Extracts from the Diary (1712-1750) of John Lucas, Master of Leeds Grammar School (typescript) Pres. by H. A. Taylor, Leeds City Archivist, 1952.
SD 31 Leeds Parish Church & its Chapelries, copies of Visitation Returns, 1764 (Abp. Drummond) – Pres. by G. E. Kirk, 1952. (in blue cardboard folder.)
SD 32
Photographs and photocopies of 4 letters from Ralph Thoresby to Cornelis van Alkemade, though no addressee is named, with translations into Dutch. Given by the YAS (see letter from Robert Frost, Archivist of the YAS, dated 25 Aug 2006).
(i) Letter dated 30 Sep 1713 from RT to [Cornelis van Alkemade]; clearly the first letter, subjects are medals and curiosities - autographs, especially; RT on the hunt. The contact was 'Mr Hey' and RT sends van Alkemade an advertisement sheet from the Ducatus. [+ photocopy of Dutch translation]
(ii) Letter dated 27 Nov 1714 from RT; to [Cornelis van Alkemude]; is not able to meet his requests in some matters (too rare) but sends him two duplicate autographs (Queen Elizabeth and Charles II); sets out his desiderata as a PS. [+ photocopy of Dutch translation]
(iii) Letter dated 30 Jun 1715 from RT to [Cornelis van Alkemade]; thanks van A. for his 'treatise of the Moneys of the Earls of Holland'; asks him to get a coin of Philip (Rex Angliae); apologises for not being able to send him a copy of his Muaeum Catalogue which was not yet published. [+ photocopy of Dutch translation, this time in two parts]
(iv) Letter dated 20 Sep 1715 from RT to [Cornelis van Alkemade]; sent with the Catalogue, thanks him again for his treatise, asks for Philip coin (specific reference given, obviously to the treatise), has not heard from him so hopes van A had received his earlier letter. [+ photocopy of Dutch translation]
SD 33
9 photocopies of letters to and from Ralph Thoresby given to the Library by H.W.Jones.
(i) Copy of a letter dated 27 Dec 1708, from a letter book of Thomas Hearne (Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson D 1188, ff.61v-64); addressed 'To Mr Ralph Thoresby at Leeds in Yorkshire'. After complaining that he has not had a reply to his letter, he talks of coins, the proposed new edition of Camden, and antiquarian studies more generally. (3 pages)
(ii) Probably a copy of a letter, but not obviously from a letter-book, dated 4 Mar 1711, from Thomas Hearne (Bodl. Lib. MS Rawl. D 1170). Mainly concerning copies of Leland which he had sent but Thoresby had not received. (1 page)
. (iii) Letter dated 19 Apr 1707, from Hans Sloane (a hand-written note says 'Univ of the West Indies library? (Kingston, Jamaica)'). After gently complaining of not hearing from him, he says he's left a copy of the first volume of his Natural History of Jamaica for him. (2 pages)
(iv) Letter dated 8 Nov 1701, from RT to ?Thomas Hearne (Bodl. Lib. MS Rawl. D 377); thanking him for some information on the meaning of an AS word and asking for help with the Thoresby pedigree.and for autographs. (1 page)
(v) Letter dated 7 Jun 1707, from RT to Thomas Hearne 'at Edmund Hall or the Bodleian Library, Oxford' (Bodl. Lib. MS Rawl. C 146). Apologises for delay, says there is no chance of gold from ?Keighley (a new archaeological discovery?), little success with getting subscribers to Hearne's Livy, death of Dr Johnston (of the unreadable handwriting), finding the Ducatus hard going, thanks Hearne for offer of help (2 pages)
(vi) Letter from H. W. Jones to the Secretary of the Thoresby Society offering the copies of the letters (4 Jun 1985)
Leather-bound quarto paper volume, in regular quires of four leaves. Front cover is detached; spine is largely missing, and the quires are very loose. Front cover outside: (i) in ink, very indistinctly, at top 'No. 86 [?p.25?]' - expected, would be 'P.526' but there seems to be too little space, and where one would expect a '6' there seems to be a '5'; (ii) lozenge-shaped label 'Lot / 36 / 3'; (iii) later rectangular label: 'A Catalogue / of the Pedigrees and Descents of Several of the Gentry of the West Riding of York (This was No. 86 in Thoresby's Catalogue of MSS.'; 'SDI' and ' p.21' in pencil. Front cover inside: four pieces of a printed fifteenth/sixteenth century Latin religious text: running titles: 'Officio'; 'Ad Impressorum Epistol...'; ..V.. Liber I ; ' S...'. Back cover inside: lower sections of two pages from the ?same printed fifteenth/sixteenth century Latin religious text.
The first gathering is blank except for a Thoresby Society bookplate and stamp on fol.1r, uppercase C on fol.2r (print-off on 1v), and 'Arte ac/et Ingenio ' on fol.4r. Second gathering has uppercase P on fol.5r, and text begins on fol.8r without heading. Fols.4r-5r and 6r have partly or wholly ruled margins in red.
The first text is an untitled and fabulous history of Albion; in the (?youthful) hand of Ralph Thoresby (4 pages)
Page numbering of the volume begins with the next text – p.1 is fol.10r: 'Names varied according to the dwelling of ye Partys and changed upon entry into Religion' (one paragraph, p.1); 'The means of our Ancestors attaining to the ranke & order of Gentlemen' (pp.1-5); 'The first using of Seals to Charters & Deedes here in England.'; 'The Punishment inflicted for counterfeiting anothers Seale' (pp. 10-11); 'Arms when first Hereditary.(pp.11-12); 'Armes why & by whom set up in Church windowes' (pp.12-13); 'The punishment inflicted on a Son in his coat armour for abusing his mother' (pp.13-16); 'Of Burying ye dead, Epitaphs, Tombstones, embalming dead bodys etc.' (pp.16-20); all in the hand of Ralph Thoresby. This is a prelude to the Catalogue/Collection.
The main text, on pp.21-363, is in the hand of Ralph Thoresby and is headed 'A Collection of the Pedegrees and Descents of Severall of the Gentry of the West rideing of the County of Yorke' ; the last entry, pp.361-3, is in a different hand. '363' is the last page numbered.
Reading from the back: 11 blank pages, except for a pencilled ?short-hand scribble on one, and red margin-ruling on another. The pages are not numbered.
Reading backwards pp.12-25 (the text pages are sporadically numbered [1] - 13), a text on 'Monuments', with elaborate and unfinished pen drawing stuck onto p.12; formal hand throughout (Ralph Thoresby's?). The text seems to have been extracted from Weever's Funeral Monuments and the illustration could be an adaptation of Weever's frontispiece.
Total pages: 430.
The volume is entered in the Ducatus (p.526), under 'Manuscripts, Folio', as: '86. A Collection of the Pedigrees and Descents of several of the Gentry of the West-Riding of the County of Yorke 1666, by Mr. John Hopkinson of Lofthouse near Leedes: With the Continuation of some, and Addition of others, by the learned and ingenious Richard Thornton Esq. and Ralph Thoresby. Note, this is placed amongst those in Folio, because the Original whence I transcribed it, is so, (though this Transcript be in 4to.) to do the worthy Author justice.'
Bookmark: part of an envelope addressed to: 'The Revd. Dr. Dodds / Gainsborough / Lincolnshire'. Stamped with a Victoria penny red. On reverse: 'This Book is No. 86 in Thoresby's / Mss. in his Museum / Vide Ducatus Leod. p. 80'. Between pp.22 & 23.
Folio paper volume, half-calf, boards covered with marbled paper only surviving on front. Throughout in the hand of Thomas Wilson. Sewn throughout in fours (ie 2 folio sheets folded and sewn together). The cover is almost completely detached from the leaves, and many of the gatherings towards the end are loose. It is paginated up to p.523, but there are 4 previous leaves (and one flyleaf), and 6 concluding leaves, outside the pagination (containing an index and an addition) making 272 leaves (544 pages) in all.
Opposite the title-page is an engraving of tomb effigies with Greek inscription. A parchment half-folio sheet is enclosed between pp.514 and 515, containing a sixteenth-century pedigree (dated 1579), with coloured coat of arms.
The most damaged leaves, at beginning and end, were repaired by Stephen and Pamela Allen, and the whole volume enclosed in a specially-made grey box.
Title page: 'Pedigrees / of the / Nobility and Gentry, / in the Counties of / Cumberland, Durham, / Lancashire, Lincolnshire, / and / Westmoreland./ By / Sr. William Dugdale Norroy / King at Arms &c. / In a Visitation in the years 1664, 1665. / With Additions by Thos. Wilson / Nulla Dies Sine Linea. T.W. Leod. S.S.A.'.
Leather-bound, some worm damage, no boards. Front cover outside: (i) in ink 'No. 36 [p.519?]; (ii) rectangular label with 'The Visitation of Yorkshire 1584, and other Collections in Heraldry, added by Ralph Thoresby F.R.S. This Book is No 36 in the Catalogue of Thoresby's MSS'. f.1, half leaf (vertically); p.3, 'e libris Rad: Thoresby Leodie[nsis]' (corner of page missing and repaired); pp.5-6 name index to volume; pp 7-9 blank; pp.10 onwards, 'Visitation'.
Enclosed within front cover is a leaf (labelled '12' at foot), apparently related to a legal case. References to: a purchase, service as 'his Majesties' Major General in Scotland, employment of Henry Delahay by the defendant. Paper seriously deteriorating.
The early numbering is by folio (called 'f.' hereafter). Most of the early numbers are lost with the wear on the top right corners of the leaves and the first I can identify is '21', which would suggest that no leaves are missing or added (assuming that the half page was not counted in). There are numerous additions by RT in the body of the text, and some blank pages (eg ff.33-5). Some seriously deteriorated pages towards the end were repaired by Stephen and Pamela Allen.
Collation: a16, b16, c14 (lacking 1 and 9), d16, e16, f18, g18, h16, j12 (lacking 1 - but a restored quire). A total of 139 leaves or 278 pages.
The volume is entered in the Ducatus (p.519), 'Manuscripts, Folio', as: '36. The Visitation of Yorkeshire 1584. This was when the noted R. Glover Somerset Herald, and Marshal to Norroy King at Arms, visited 26 Eliz. To this are since added other Collections in Heraldry, by R. Thoresby.'
Now contained in individual grey box.
Leather-bound, folio paper volume. No boards. Damage to lower right-hand corner (gnawed?). Front cover outside: (i) No. 63 P.523; (ii) Ebor; (iii) Lett nott this Booke bee / Torne nor any Copy S? . . . ?] (In addition, a word or two written above 'Booke'). Slip of paper: 'SD IV 1629-30. Proceedings of the Council in the North, being Compositions for [Recusants] lands at a fixed rent to be paid ½ yearly. Held before Thos. Wentworth Lord President, Sir Arthur Ingram & others.' Card: 'Thoresby Society / LENT by G. Alderson Smith. / Inventory of Lands / 1629'.
Collation: a24, b14, c10, d14, e11 (1 disjunct leaf), f23 (side-sewn, but ?earlier stitching appears between 87 and the stub before 92; according to foliation 4 leaves are lacking, 1 a stub), g4 (disjunct leaves), h2, j2, k2. The foliation runs to 110 of which 4 are missing and there are two additional leaves; 108 leaves in all. A third of f.1 has been torn away diagonally. An extra half leaf has been sewn to f.28 and another to f.37.
The volume, once, it seems, one of a pair (Nos. 63/64), is entered in the Ducatus (p..523), 'Manuscripts, Folio', as: '63. The proceedings of the Lord President, Thomas Viscount Wentworth (afterwards Earl of Strafford) and Council in the North, from 7 Sept. 1629 to the 15 Jan. 1632, in two Volumes, being the Books of Compositions for the Mannors, Lands and Goods of Recusants, the Originals subscribed by the Parties compounding.'
Volume 65 in Thoresby's list is connected with 63/64, as by 'the former' Thoresby must mean 63/64. The entry in the Ducatus reads: '65. The Book of Compositions for the Lands, Goods and Arrearages of Recusants convicted within the Counties of Yorks, Lancaster, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. This is a fair transcript for the Use of the Court, as it seems, and was presented to me with the former, by Mr Tho. Craven late Mayor of Rippon.'
Now contained in an individual grey box.
Leather-bound, folio paper volume. Spine damaged and peeling back. On front cover: (i) in ink at top: No.84 P.525; (ii) on lozenge-shaped paper label: Lot 35/5; (iii) in ink: The Thoresby Society [Leeds]; (iv) on paper label, (partly covering the previous inscription): The Commissions of K. James I and K. Charles I / to enquire into all the gifts to charitable uses / in the W.Riding, and other matters relating to / Leeds. Mostly in Handwriting of R. Thoresby. / This book is No.84 in Thoresby's Catalogue. On the inside of the front cover: ex Libris Radulphi Thoresby / ex dono amasmi amici Mr Br. Dixon.
Collation: a8, b8, c8, d8, e8, f8, g8, h8 (lacking 3), j8, k8, l8, m8, n8, o8, p8, q8, r8, s6. NB flyleaves and pastedowns are parts of quires. Forward pagination runs from 1 to 192 (omitting pastedown), but there is also a pagination from the end which runs from 1 to 85 (omitting pastedown and first leaf), and p.192 is also numbered 85.
140 leaves (including pastedowns), 278 pages in all (excluding unavailable sides of pastedowns).
It appears that the book was given to Thoresby by Bryan Dixon when half-filled with material by many hands (pp.5-117). The rest was then filled by Thoresby with his own notes (pp.118-89 and, reversed, pp.1-85 from end). Thoresby used the inside front cover to insert an index to the first part of the book, and pp.1-3 to enter some of his own notes. The pastedown on the inside back cover has a list of Aldermen of Leeds from 1626-1722, and the flyleaf a list of High Sheriffs of Yorkshire, 1624-1721 (recto), a list of the bye-laws confirmed 1685 and a note on the town's arms (verso) - both leaves are actually part of the last gathering.
The volume is described at length in the Ducatus (p.525), 'Manuscripts, Folio.': '84. The Commissions of K. James I and K. Charles II. (in the Years 1619 to 1660) to enquire into all the Gifts to Charitable Uses, within the West-Riding of the County of Yorke, together with the Returns so far as relates to the Town and Parish of Leedes, and Extracts from the Book of pious Uses, by Mr. Bryan Dixon, who gave it to me: To which I have added, the Decree out of Chancery, concerning the Advowson of the Vicarage at Leedes; with Transcripts of other Deeds, from 32 H. 6. transcribed from or collated with the Originals in the Archives of St. Peter's Church there; Bequests to the Lecturer of the Parish Church. To the Free-School, High-ways, Poor &c. The Charter of Charles II. to incorporate the Town and Parish of Leedes under a Mayor, (Thomas Danby Esq.) 12 Aldermen and 24 Assistants. The List, of the Aldermen by the first, and Mayors by the second Charter, &c. The Sheriffs of the County from I Jac. I. Extracts from Domesday-Book, from Mr. Smale's MSS. purchased by Rich. Thornton Esq. The Wills of several Benefactors John Harrison Esq Mr. Hillary, &c. Sir John Nelthrop's, Sir John Goodrick's Benefactions (from the Original Writings curteously lent me by by Sir Hen. Goodrick Bart.) Sam. Sunderland Esq and too many others to recite here. The Decree out of the Dutchy for the Toll of Corn of Leedes Market. K. Hen. the VIIIth's Letters Patent to discharge the Inhabitants of this Town and Parish from paying Tolls for Goods: From the Original. The Case of the Vicar of Leedes, as to the Claims of Tythes of Wood and Rape, with Archbishop Hutton's Award. A Survey and Rentall of the Lands belonging to the New-Church at Leedes, 1684. Hamelin's and Earl Warren's Charters to Wakefield, with other Matters relating to that Mannor. The Survey of the River Are when made navigable 1699, from Alderman Milner's near the Bridge at Leedes to Weeland, 31 Miles, 2 Furlongs, 83 Yards, and 60 Parts. Notes concerning the Charity-School Founded at Leedes 1705.'
Leather-bound, folio, paper volume. Cover is a re-used piece of parchment. It has two horizontal bands running across back and front, signs of earlier writing and red decoration. The only clear inscriptions are a sum on the back cover and '3' followed by another letter or number on the front. White label with 'The Thoresby Society / S D VI.' stuck on. The book was originally secured by two leather thongs which are now missing. The spine is damaged partly because it had been sewn through vertically with the quire threads. On inside of spine can be seen some text – presumably the text on the parchment used for the cover. The inside front cover has been attacked by worm. It has four sums and three names written on it. What looks like the flyleaf but is actually f.1, has sums and some pen trials. It is stuck to another sheet of paper which has been partly lifted to reveal a list of 'necessary disbursements' on the verso of the flyleaf. Another sum on the stuck page – which turns out to be fol.2.
Collation: pastedown (lacking flyleaf) a?6(lacking 3, 5 & 6), b12, c4 (lacking 1 & 2), d16 (lacking 10-16 stubs only; 9 is a half leaf), e14 (lacking 9), f10 (lacking 3 & 5), g12 (lacking 6-12 stubs only; 1 is a 3/4 leaf), h6 (stubs only), j12 (lacking 1, 4-6, 8-10, stubs only), no flyleaf.
NB on f.24 (numbered '21') is a note by RT: 'Memorandum from this place to page 29 was wanting when Mr. Matthew Boyse gave me this book only I afterwards found part of 2 leaves wherewith he had ^covered^ an old Sermon of Mr. Baxters, this I mention to testify that it rec'd no damage after it came into the possession of Ralph Thoresby note also that the names blotted out in some pews & the others inserted were all done in those times as persons paid or refused their contributions.' The 'part of 2 leaves' that RT refers to here had been pinned to f.24 but later the pin was removed and the leaves tipped in.
57 leaves in all survive - one a 1/2 and one a 3/4 leaf. Foliation runs from '1' (f.4) to '22' (f.27). Then 71/2 leaves have been removed and numbering starts again at '29' (f.28) and runs to '38' (f.37)
f.2 A single sheet with ?Churchwardens' accounts for 'the new Church 1655' – payments made by Allexander Smyth and Ralph Askwith.
The rest of the MS is the pew list for St John's ('the New Church'); the original pew-owners' names amended a number of times.
The end of the volume contains: (i) copy of a note by John Harrison about raising pew rents; (ii) a list of signatories agreeing to the increase in rents; (iii) 'A table of the names written in this booke' – alphabetically by first name; (iv) a further list of pew-holders with rents dated 28 Sep 1657, and signatories to the list. Starting from the back: a list dated 31 Jul 1653 of pew-holders and rents.
Sums and a list of names on final page.
It has become apparent in the course of this investigation that, though there is no indication of the fact, this volume is No. 71 in RT's Catalogue. [In the Manuscripts Catalogue (old) it appears as:'Qu. No. 71 in Thoresby's Catalogue.' which may well have been copied from the note in the little Black Book (SD XXVIII) which is identical.] In the Ducatus it appears under 'Manuscripts, Folio' on p.524, as: '71. The Number of Pews in the New Church at Leedes, and the Names of the Possessors, with the Sums they paid each half Year, both to the Incumbent and Lecturer, during the Life of the noble Founder of that stately Fabrick. This is the Original subscribed by the Aldermen (Dawson, Atkinson, Thoresby and Isles) who were empowered by Mr. Harrison to assess upon the Seats Eighty Pounds for Mr. Todd, and 60l. per An. to Mr. Saile; with the Original Subscriptions of the Magistrates, Sir Will. Lowther Sen. and other principal Inhabitants.'
Leather-bound, folio paper volume; remains of leather ties. Very indistinctly in ink on what is now the back cover is the Thoresby Library mark: 'No. 76'. On fol.2r: 'Alderman Milners gift to / Ralph Thoresby', and 'Robt Nesse / Serjeant at Mace / Booke 1682 '. On the upper part of the spine is a combination of number and letter: '9L' with the book in what is, at present, the upright position. When reversed, in a similar position is the number '76'.
Collation: flyleaf, a14 (lacking 11, 14), b22 (lacking 21), c14 (lacking 10), d18 (lacking 5-6,11-13), e14, f20 (lacking 17, ?19).
Half-page, f.2A. pinned to f.2r; pin also holds ff.2 & 3 together; f.4 detached.
f.1v (stuck to flyleaf) Record of meeting held in Leeds on 15 Jul 1688 with Sir Walter Vavasour and Justice Middleton before the Mayor, Mr Stanhope, about religious tolerance.
f.2r. Elaborate ownership inscriptions of Robert Nesse, dated 1682 and 1701.
f.2a. 'Moneys recd. to renew the Charter 28th of October 1684'; list of names with amounts: 'except Mr Shaw and Mr Hill who refused to be in this Charter'.
ff.3v-5r. List of Aldermen and Assistants under First Patent 1626; list of mayor, aldermen and assistants under Second Patent 1661; and finally 15 Jul 1688 list of members elected since. A note at the end reads: 'Turne 13 leafes over to the 3d Patent', which is still true.
ff.6-7. 'A memorandum of some remarkable Observations in Leeds …' 1626-1682 ('this present year').
f.8v. 'Leeds Town Gifts 1680'.
ff.9r-10r. 'Leeds Parish Gifts 1680'
ff.10v-11v. 'A Lay or Assessment' dated 25 Jan 1686; list of constables and amounts collected, and instructions to constables.
f.12. Blank
ff.13-15. Indenture dated 3/5 Mar 1682 (elaborately presented).
f.16. Sample of court hand.
ff.17v-19v The third patent dated 22 Dec 1684; lists of aldermen and assistants, with updating.
f.20r. Brief Latin sentences with English translations for schoolchildren.
ff.20v-24r Copy of the 1661 charter of Charles II for the town of Leeds – unfinished.
f.24v 'The heads of the Patent'
f.25r. Note on 'the Garrison' dated 'July 27th 1680', place not stated.
ff.25v-28r. Notes on the order of events for a new election.
f.29. Blank.
f.30-31v. List, mainly but not entirely of deaths, copied from 'a book of Memorandums' of Mr John Matthew, leant to RT by Joseph Shepherd, 'Febr. 1713/14' – in Ralph Thoresby's hand.
ff.32-47. Blank.
Book reversed and starting from what is now the back.
f.91r Brief notes on Death, Judgement, Hell and Heaven.
f.90v 6 ages of the world.
f.90r Notes on hours of the day
ff.86v-89v 'Sacred history'.
ff.73v-85v (& f.81r) Epitomes of the books of the Old Testament.
. ff.66v-72v Epitomes of the books of the New Testament.
f.65v 3 theological virtues, 4 cardinal virtues, corporal works of mercy, spiritual works of mercy, 7 capital sins.
f.65r Entries dated 2 Aug 1688. 'The Christians doctrine is in the Lords Prayer, Apostles Creed, Ten Commandments, Two Sacrements'; 7 gifts of the Holy Ghost, 12 fruits of the Holy Ghost. 2 precepts of Christ, 'Nine wayes of being accessary to another persons sins'.
f.64v 8 beatitudes, 4 cardinal sins, 3 cardinal good works, 4 last things, 'The parts of repentance'.
f.63v Prophecies of the 10 sybils.
f.62v 3 kings of Cologne, 7 wonders of the world, 9 muses.
f.60v & 61v 3 destinies, 'The Parts of Politicke or Civill dayes', 7 liberal sciences, 3 graces, riddles.
f.59v 7 ages of man, 'The Four wayes which God hath brought forth man', 'The three faculties by which the world is governed', 4 doctors of the church, 4 continents.
f.58v 4 elements, 4 seasons, 4 qualities, 4 parts of the heavens, 'Three wonderfull Conjunctions'.
f.57v Lists of fasts, wise men of Greece, properties of an innkeeper.
f.56v Tables of weights.
f.55v Lists of measures, etc.
ff.55v-90 A collection of encyclopedic knowledge reduced to lists or brief comments (written on one side of the leaf only).
f.54v Two short verses - 'Here lies a woman' and 'Wee men in meiny faults doe abound' - and '8 Certain Tokens of Death'. The page is headed 'An Epitaph'.
f.54r Minutes of the meeting of the quarter sessions where Nesse was sworn in as coroner for Leeds, 12 Jan 1687.
f.53r Notes of Robert Nesse's family.
f.52 List of Overseers of the Poor for Leeds, 1655-61 and 1675-83, '85, '87, 1689-91.
ff.49-51 Blank; 49 and 50 pinned together ('turk's head' pin).
f.48A Loose sheet. List of contributors to an unnamed collection dated 23 Oct 1660 – promised total: £515, actual total £110. 10s.
Also a note apparently recording an action at Dublin Bridge in August 1649, with names of regiments and numbers killed or taken prisoner.
f.48v. Note re Act for making the river Aire navigable; list of 'undertakers' from Leeds and Wakefield; treatment of owners of land through which the new line of the river would pass; costs of certain freight items; dated 1 Jun 1699.
This is no.76 in Ducatus Catalogue: 'Notes and Observations of Mr. Robert Nesse of Leedes, late Sergeant at Mace, concerning the late Wars, given me by himself; His Notes relating to the Corporation, Charters, Election of Aldermen, Mayors, &c. The Gift of Alderman Milner.' There is no indication in the Manuscripts Catalogue (old) that this is No. 76 in Thoresby's Catalogue but the little Black Book (SD XXVIII) correctly states 'Thoresby's No. 76'.
Leather-bound paper volume. No recognisable marks relating to ownership on cover, apart from the Thoresby Society inscription and label. Note stuck to inside cover: 'Book containing Documents relating to Leeds & / District supposed to have belonged to Wm Cookson Esq. / Mayor of Leeds 1712'. A later more positive Society note says: 'William Cookson's Collections concerning Pious Uses. This is the volume which has most to say about Cookson's municipal responsibilities as Mayor and member of the Pious Uses Committee. The table of contents gives an idea of its range of interest.' Attached to the first leaf is an alphabetical list of contents, and the same is true of the final leaf. In the middle of the book is a note: 'Verte librum' ('turn the book')
The volume has been paginated but the pagination starts from the second leaf, presumably treating the first leaf as a flyleaf even though it is part of the quire. The leaf containing pp.87/88 is missing, probably blank. At p.135 the forward numbering stops, the book is turned over ('Verte librum'), and the numbering starts again from the end. The first page is omitted from the numbering and the second page is numbered '136'. It ends in the middle of the book at '268' which is also, and properly, numbered (upside down) '135'.
Collation: a6. b10 (lacking 10), c8 (lacking 5), d8, e8, f8 (lacking 7), g6, h6 (lacking 3-4), j8, k8, l8, m8, n8, o8, p8, q8, r8, s8 (missing 8). 133 leaves in total. The numbering does not show the missing leaves, except for f7/pp.87-8 which was probably blank. A number of the other missing leaves, however, affect the text. It is just possible that quire g was 8 and therefore lacks 4 and 5, but the text is not obviously affected, and the remains of the leaves are not sufficient to confirm that there was once an additional centre pair.
White cloth-bound folio volume with modern paper folder serving as fly-leaves, 17th-century book sewn in containing army accounts from the Civil War period. Leaves are unnumbered. Fol.1r has 'Copum?' and 'A' before 'Examined & passed', above '75. 1', in top left corner; 'No. 75. Page 524.', top right; '33' on a stuck-in paper lozenge, with something partly obliterated and indecipherable above and below, and another '75' written in ink just above the lozenge, upper left, next to a hole in the upper middle of the leaf. At the top of fol.2r: 'e libris Radulphi Thoresby Leodiensis'.
Normally the Catalogue number would be written on the cover, but clearly in this case the paper was the cover, even in Thoresby's Museum; it has not been subsequently lost.
The contents