Local Election Parties
AGS | Alliance for Green Socialism |
All | Alliance* |
AVR | A Voice for the Region |
Brexit | |
BD | British Democrat |
BNP | British National Party |
BPP | BPP - Putting Britain First |
Comm | Communist Party |
Con | Conservative Party |
CPA | Christian Peoples' Alliance |
DCon | DisCon |
ECOL | Ecology Party (later the Green Party) |
EDem | English Democrat Party |
GLib | Green and Liberal |
Grn | Green Party |
Ind | Independent |
ILab | Independent Labour |
ILib | Independent Liberal |
ICom | International Communist |
Lab | Labour Party |
Left | Left Alliance |
LD | Liberal Democrat Party* |
Lib | Liberal Party |
LU | Left Unity |
Mili | Militant |
MBI | Morley Borough Independent |
NF | National Front |
OMRL | Official Raving Monster Loony Party |
RCP | Revolutionary Communist Party |
Resi | Resistance |
Resp | Respect |
SDP | Social Democrat Party* |
SLD | Social and Liberal Democrats* |
Soc | Socialist |
SAll | Socialist Alliance |
SAlt | Socialist Alternative |
TUSA | Trade Unionist and Socialist Against Cuts |
TUSC | Trade Union and Socialist Coaltion |
UKIP | United Kingdom Independence Party |
Yorkshire | |
YF | Yorkshire First |
* The Liberal Party and the Social Democrat Party formed an alliance for the period 1981-1988. Candidates stood under various labels, such as "Liberal Alliance" and "SDP/Liberal" during this period. "All" is used in all these cases. The parties merged in 1988 as the Social and Liberal Democrats in 1988, which was renamed as the Liberal Democrat Party in 1989. Some candidates who opposed the merger stood as SDP candidates in 1988.